Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

Sakura flinched back slightly and frowned, slowly nodding her head. "F-Fine" she said, not liking how he was changing. "Fine, just relax" She muttered as she pulled away from him and sighed. "Follow me" She muttered, beginning to walk back the way she'd come.
Naruto calmed down as Sakura began heading to where she had been taken and he gradually began to look rather sad as he said "Thank you... Sakura". His face showed what he was feeling very clearly as he felt regret for getting so mad, but he felt almost betrayed by Sakura, that she would let herself be so cold to Saiyuri, her own sister, and someone Naruto had come to have unique feelings for. It was sad for him in so many ways, but he knew he would never forgive himself if Saiyuri were to be hurt, so he did his best to shake off the myriad of tumultuous emotions that flooded his mind so that he could focus on saving Saiyuri.
Sakura sighed as they walked, and soon, they came to a strange looking cave. "Inside, there's a trap door that leads under ground, there's a huge fortress down there." She explained, glancing back to Naruto and raising an eyebrow.
Naruto looked at the cave Sakura brought him to and he nodded his head confidently and he slowly walked up to the cave entrance, looked all around the entrance and sat down and entered a meditative stance and he began to enter sage mode. Once in sage mode Naruto's eyes flashed open and he got up casually and began to walk inside the cave, once past Sakura he stopped and turned his head slightly to face her and said "Well aren't you coming Sakura?"
Sakura took a deep breath and sighed, nodding her head. Slowly, she made her way down and gazed around curiously. "Okay, follow me." She muttered, hating this idea as she began to lead him through the hallways. Soon, she peeked around a corner and held a hand out to stop him.

Inside of the room was a large circle drawn on the floor with a stone table in the center, covered with candles. The kidnapped girls were all tied up and laying on the ground around that circle. On the table, Saiyuri lay with her ankles and wrists chained to it. All the girls were wearing practically nothing but a cloth top and short skirt.

On one wall was a large stone archway, a strange purple haze floating about inside. Sakura bit her lip and looked to Naruto "They were planning on making sacrifices, some kind of ceremony to summon a demon, I don't know what the ritual is all about though" She muttered.
Naruto looked on for a moment as he saw a man dressed in what looked almost like a pitch black priest cloak, with a hood covering much of the face, and with a dark blue lining the edges of the robe, walk out up to the side of the round table Saiyuri's feet were at and he held open an old tome and once he stopped, thirteen men walked of the shadows, with slightly less exquisite robes and each held a knife in their hands and approached each of the girls who were on the ground and Saiyuri on the table. The men took the wrists of each woman and stopped. What appeared to be the one directing the ritual with the tome then spoke saying "Now... The Great has been given the past sacrifices to let him take them as his own so he may gain strength through their spirits, this will be a purely physical sacrifice to bring him into our world after so long. Now take you blades! And let the blood of the women's hands flow into the seals!" As the man commanded, the men cut the palms of the women and turned their palms to the ground and placed them back down, their blood now flowing over the seals which were written under their hands.

As naruto saw this he began to grit his teeth and as soon as he began to leap forward to stop whatever was happening, he suddenly felt a powerful grip on his right shoulder and he turned to see Bato gripping his shoulder with a sick, twisted smile and Naruto's face became flooded with shock for an instant and then with rage and as he took his left hand to grip Bato's wrist he shouted "Batooo! You bastard!" He then threw Bato over his shoulder into the other side of the cave and suddenly he popped into a piece of wood and Naruto quickly turned around to receive a powerful blow to the face from Bato's lacky with a scar over where his right eye used to be and naruto looked at him, stunned he could hit him in sage mode and quickly discarded that thought and launched into his stomach with a punch and the man smiled and revealed a set of teeth more fierce than Naruto's when using the fox's chakra and grabbed naruto by thr head and threw him into the same spot. Suddenly Bato appeared directly in front of Sakura and said with a sinister sneet "Well well well, did you start to feel left out? Heh if you like the Great can always use another bride"
Saiyuri could hear the commotion and could only assume what was happening. Naruto had come for her, but she was terrified of him getting hurt. She struggled to break free from the chains, her heart racing in fear as she looked around frantically.

Sakura narrowed her eyes and backed away "I'd rather not" She snarled, pulling out a kunai and holding it tightly, waiting for him to attack so she could retaliate.
Bato chuckled sinisterly and he took a step back and said "Are you sure? Oh well, once we've broken your arms and legs we'll just let him have his way with you regardless." As this was happening naruto leaped up and roared at the scarred man in absolute rage at the fact that he was just being tossed around and summoned four shadow clones and sent two after Scar and quickly built up two large rasengan and as Scar smashed the two clones naruto ran through the smoke and right before he could destroy Scar, the small bald man appeared in front of him, slamming his hands into the ground "Earth style! Earth pillar jutsu!" Suddenly a massive pillar smashed into Naruto's gut and smashed him into the ceiling and the two rasengan detonated on Naruto. Naruto fell to the ground and he rose up and saw the small man begin forming more seals at a rapid pace as the blad man roared "Fire style! Phoenix flower jutsu!" Naruto smirked in confidence over the simple jutsu until more blasts came out than he could understand and at a terrifying rate and blasted naruto into the wall behind him with a sudden pop.

Naruto had switched out with a clone again! He quickly fell from the ceiling with a rasengan and smashed it onto the bald man. Scar suddenly saw naruto crush the bald man and his face was consumed with shock, only to be filled with animosity as he ran at naruto and threw a powerful right punch, only to have naruto slam his fist into Scar's. naruto flinched in shock at how hard his fist was and suddenly heard the priest say "It is done! The thirteen Seals of Dark have been filled!" The man began to raise his right hand as he held the tome close to him and chanted language unknown to naruto. Naruto turned and shouted "Saiyuriiii!!!" Scar quickly smashed his other fist into naruto, knocking him into the ground.

Meanwhile, Bato smiled at Sakura and quickly lunged at her and suddenly vanished to the right as the man with a scarf on his head appeared behind him with two samurai blades and swung his right hand's blade down towards Sakura at a blinding speed, aiming for her abdomen, hoping to cripple her in one strike.
Sakura just barely managed to deflect the blade, though the speed and force made her hit the ground rather hard. She let out a yelp as she landed on her arm and quickly rolled to the side as a second blade came towards her. She could hear the chanting and felt herself beginning to panic, if they didn't get out of here soon they were doomed.

Saiyuri grit her teeth and looked around frantically, pulling hard on the chains but to no gain. She heard Naruto and bit her lip hard, wanting to badly to be able to help somehow. Her eyes moved to the man who was chanting, a blade in his hand which he slowly rose, the end pointing to her. Her heart skipped a beat and she growled in frustration, unable to conjure any kind of jutsu without the use of her hands.
As the priest continued to chant he slowly started to look up more and more, and a strange, sick wind began to flow about the room and fly about him, his robe flapping violently. He then slammed the the blade into a small slit between Saiyuri's legs, and suddenly all the seals began to glow a sinister purple and the wind began to pick up rapidly. As all this happened naruto turned his head to his left to see all that was happening and fell into a rage as he realized he had to save Saiyuri quickly. Naruto quickly rolled to the side and leaped to his feet and he quickly dashed behind scar and planted both hands on Scar's back and flooded him with immense amounts of nature chakra. Scar suddenly began pulsing and shifting and bulging and shouting in confusion as Naruto turned him into a stone toad, and smashed him with a swift kick and turned to the man with two swords and sent a blast on nature chakra like a huge fist into him and sent h flying into the cave wall. Naruto then began to run to Saiyuri until Bato appeared before him and tripped him as he ran, well aware he couldn't beat Naruto in honest hand to hand. Bato quickly formed the tiger seal and slammed a hand on Naruto's shoulder and roared "Seal of Souls!! Hahahaha let's see you run after your little girlfriend now boy!" Bato slowly walked around him then and looked at his mangled accomplice and went "Tsk tsk tsk. You kids really go overboard you know?" He then grabbed one of the blades and slowly pointed it to Sakura when the ground suddenly shook like never before, however he still held the blade perfectly still.

The ritual was complete, and with naruto completely unable to help he became more and more angry at himself and Bato. Slowly the arch with the haze seemed to glow a dark purple as a sick shadowy figure could be seen approaching from the depths of some terrible netherworld. Naruto looked on at the sight and began to cry at his own patheticness. As naruto lay there helplessly Bato laughed at Sakura as he said "It's over for you three now. I'm looking forward to seeing the kid ripped limb from limb personally." Bato then grew a sick perverted look across his face and said "Heh, the Great might even give me you or your little sister as a gift for my loyalty! Hahahaha!" As all turned to chaos the priest uttered the final words of the ritual in English, saying "NOW! ARISE AND RUN FREE!!"
Sakura frowned and slowly backed away, her eyes darting around for something that could help. The shaking caught her off balance and she nearly fell, her eyes going to the archway, where a huge creature began to come from. It looked similar to the nine tales, but it wasn't a fox, but a huge wolf. Her eyes widened and she nearly felt her will and body simply give up.

Saiyuri stared at the demon in shock, unable to scream or move, unable to do anything. Suddenly the priest behind her fell to the ground and one of the kidnapped girls stood there,holding on to a bit of stone she'd found on the ground with which she'd hit his head. She scrambled for the keys and quickly unlocked Saiyuri's chains.

Jumping to her feet, Saiyuri ran behind Bato, her eyes changing into a misty white as she slammed her hand against his back. She instantly began to duplicate what he'd done on Naruto, the jutsu taking affect just the same way.
Bato suddenly screamed out as he felt his body give out completely as he suddenly could no longer breath, meld chakra, or even move. Bato's voice quickly faded and as his lungs all but collapsed on him, finally feeling the terrible, crippling feeling of his own insidious jutsu. While this all happened naruto was suddenly released as soon as Bato was sealed, realizing that Bato had to actually maintain his seals when in use. Naruto quickly rose up as he was released and ran to Saiyuri, the ground still shaking viciously, and wrapped his arms around in joy as he shouted above the roaring from the arch "Saiyuri! I'm so glad you're alright! We have to get you out of here! Sakura! Help her out!" Naruto quickly turned around to see the terrifying image of the bipedal wolf demon and suddenly he felt a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach, not sure what it was he ignored it as he summoned up 6 shadow clones, launching the first four straight at the demon, each holding a quickly formed rasengan and plowed them all into the demon. However it was to no avail. The beast immediately flashed through all four in a straight line and the rasengans detonated mid-air and the clones each slashed in half.

Naruto dug his feet in as the beast ran at him through the clones and the moment his rasenshuriken was completed, he slammed it into the chest of the beast and he heard a terrible whining sound, as if the natural hum were being mixed with an unholy wind. Slowly the humming grew and the rasenshuriken lit up, growing ever brighter, and it sent the beast straight back about thirty feet, but he flew back perfectly straight into the opposite end of the cavern into the wall, barely conscious, and smashed into the wall, almost as if he were in a throne strapped to it. The wolf slowly turned to the girls as it stood itself up, simply pushing itself up with it's arms. It then let out a strange growl and a demonic smile grew over its face as it slowly started walking over to the girls when suddenly a new rumbling erupted. It was on a very different level than before, it was far mor blood thirsty and aggressive than the first demonic rumbling, and slowly a red glow began to consume the room and a growling was heard from the hole made from Naruto's impact with the wall, and an enraged naruto growled with whiskers flared, fangs bared, and claws digging into the rock "STAAAAY AWAY FROM THEEEM!!!" Naruto's body then became enveloped by the fox's cloak and three tails were seen as naruto flashed straight into the wolf and knocked it off its feet, only sending it a few feet though. Strangely as naruto came into contact with the wolf his whole body ignited in unimaginable pain.

Naruto's very bones felt on fire as he gripped at his stomach and howled in agony at the ceiling, and the wolf slowly rose up again and it's eyes could be seen glowing a vivid purple along with a mild aura surrounding it with what appeared to be chakra. As it rise up, it's hand flashed into Naruto's face and drove him into the ground. It then walked up and stood over naruto and drove it's foot onto Naruto's chest and cracked nearly all of his ribs in one blow and suddenly a vacuum seemed to draw all the wind in the room into the wolf's mouth and it let out a roar that cracked the cave's very foundation directly at Naruto's face. As soon as naruto felt the blistering wind blow over his body he realized what had been hurting all along. It was the fox actually becoming agitated, he was sure that the current cloak about him was due to the stress on his body from the blast and his rage but he realized it was like the closer the wolf came, the more powerful and enraged the Kyuubi became as he felt more tails then ever before in the first stage, and suddenly his eyes widened and his skin peeled away rapidly and his body went into the second jinchuriki stage as a black ball of chakra blast the wolf demon away and it slowly faded away, revealing a six tailed naruto, ready to demolish anything in his path.
Saiyuri was a bit stunned as he hugged her, and she smiled weakly, nodding her head "o-Of course I'm okay" She said, though her head spun a bit. She felt Sakura grab on to her wrist and start to pull her away, but Saiyuri frowned and pulled against her. "We aren't leaving" she snapped as she heard the fight rage on behind her.

Spinning around, she watched for a bit, a bit surprised when she saw Naruto looking different from before. The Kyuubi, she'd only heard of it's story, but she'd never known that it had been sealed inside of him. She blinked in surprise, but quickly shook it off. Sakura glanced to her and gasped as she saw Saiyuri's eyes going white again. "Don't! This won't be like the others, you'll drain yourself!" She snapped, trying to snap Saiyuri out of it.

"I'll be fine" Saiyuri muttered as she began to transform as well. She knew this would tire her out, whenever she used her powers it drained her energy, but she wasn't about to simply leave. "Back up sis, you'll get hurt" She said as she dashed forwards, still changing as she did. Eventually, she looked rather similar to Naruto and Sakura knew staying nearby would be the end of her. She turned on her heel and bolted for the exit, hoping the two of them could handle it on their own.

Saiyuri ran up next to Naruto and growled at the demon before them, able to feel the Kyuubi's anger in her own veins. "Let's end this" She snapped, her eyes fixed on their enemy.
Unlike Saiyuri's recreation of the fox mode naruto seemed his usual terrifying self when in the fox state and simply ignored her, growling simply to emit as much rage as possible and naruto stood up on his hind legs and howled what could have been called a battle cry and suddenly the ground beneath him splintered as if he had just smashed a block of wood and at a speed even an uchiha would have feared, he smashed his head straight into the wolf's guy and smashed it horizontally across the cave and slowly shaking his head left to right and right to left he let out a massive roar at the wolf.
Saiyuri snarled and ran at the creature, lunging towards it and sending a powerful punch straight into it's shoulder. She heard a loud crack and the wolf howled in pain, having likely chipped a bone. She landed back on her feet only to run in again, sending punch after punch into the creatures body.
As Naruto stood back an instant while Saiyuri pounded her fists into the wolf demon he smashed the ground again as he leaped forward and slashed at the demon's whole torso with a left hand that quickly expanded and sent the demon flying into the side of the cave and flashed at it again, the demon however smashed a fist into Naruto's face and sent naruto reeling back, only actually sending him back rather unharmed before he quickly got up and leaped onto the cavern wall and ran along it at an incredible speed until behind the demon and wrapped his tails around the wolf and dug his fangs into the wolf's right shoulder just under it's neck as he gripped it in his arms as well, his feet firmly planted as he slowly started trying to crush the wolf with his terrifying strength while the wolf struggled against Naruto surprisingly well as it tried to free itself all the while growling and roaring out in anger.
Saiyuri tried to help as best she could, but she could feel her energy draining really quickly. She only managed to get a few more attacks in before she felt her head spinning. Soon, she felt herself get light headed and fell over onto her side, knocked out unconscious.
As naruto continued to attempt to crush the life out of his enemy, running purely on the fox's instincts he slowly started to gain the upper hand in crushing the wolf, the fox chakra still running wild from such close contact with such a dark and violent chakra, to the point the fox itself had been thrown into a rage inside of Naruto. However as Naruto looked past the wolf as he dug his fangs deeper into the demon he noticed a strange sight in front of him. An unconscious girl. Her skin looked almost like it had started to burn from the fox chakra and suddenly naruto felt himself wake up in his inner mind. Suddenly aware of what was happening but in searing pain over the amount if fox chakra that was pouring out of the seal into his very being and slowly he struggled to stand as he began to regain control of his conciousness and attempt to push the red chakra back, but being so close to the demon's terrible aura he could do no such thing. And so with all his might he took control of his body for an instant and dug his hands into the wolf's chest, causing it to roar in pain, and he threw it far away from him, towards the strange glowing arch and he slowly began to regain bits and pieces of himself and began to try and gather nature chakra to counter the fox's chakra, and slowly it started to calm down, until the wolf ran at naruto, grabbed his head and slammed it down harder and harder each second. The nine tails chakra suddenly went rampant and his tails stabbed through the wolf all over. One through the arm that held him, one through the wolf's leg, one flailed and stabbed through the back of the demon's left shoulder, one through the demon's stomach, one pierced the side of the wolf's chest, and the final one pierced straight through the demon's chest. The nine tails chakra rampaging out of control then ripped off the arm that gel him down and the rest of Naruto's tails through the demon into the strange purple haze and sent a secession of rapid fire chakra bullets into the wolf's chest. Naruto then built a small bijuu bomb and launched it into the portal as the wolf began to try and crawl back out, and the strange portal was demolished by the powerful attack and suddenly naruto froze and began to twitch and twitch more and more until he started roaring as the chakra slowly began to recede from his face at which point the roar became screams of pain and agony. Naruto was doing all he could not to destroy everything, but he could just barely push the chakra back enough to stop his movements and free his face from it. Naruto had no idea what to do, he knew Saiyuri would either be crushed by rocks if he continued to rampage or that he himself might kill her on accident. Naruto was trying to hold the chakra back in sheer will power.
Sakura had been waiting nervously, conflicted about what to do. She couldn't leave them, but if she went in there was a chance they'd all die. By this point, all the girls had made it out, the one who'd freed Saiyuri having helped them all. Now it was just her, and as she heard a roar that turned into screams, she grit her teeth and ran back in. Seeing Saiyuri on the ground and Naruto nearby, she rushed over to him and rose her hands. "Naruto, Naruto you need to stay calm, calm down." She said, trying to sound soft and soothing. "Think of everything good in your life, everything that makes you happy, focus on them."
As naruto saw Sakura approach him through squinted eyes, barely able to keep them open naruto heard Sakura's words and tried as hard as he could to focus on the things in life he truly cared for, as naruto did so he tried harder and harder to fight back the enraged fox so that he wouldn't kill two of the most important people in his life. While naruto struggled more and more his face became consumed in agony, he could barely push the chakra back, it was just barely receeding past his face, the ears of the fox still remained, but they were slowly shrinking, naruto fought harder and harder against the fox's rage and he closed his eyes hard in pain as he focused harder and harder, terrified he wouldn't be able to push fox all the way back on his own.
"Relax, calm... You can do it. You're doing so well" She said softly, keeping her voice calm and gentle. "Keep thinking, think about your dream, to be the hokage. Think about your friends, everything that will keep you happy" She said softly, smiling gently.
Naruto focused all his strength on fighting back the burning chakra as he thought on Sakura's words, and slowly began to push back the fox chakra. The chakra slowly recessed from his face and head all together, it then slowly passed down his neck, and his hands began to be freed from the red chakra, passing his fingers, then his wrists, slowly pulling up along his arm. Naruto's feet began to be freed as well, revealing his feet, slightly burnt by the chakra as his hands were, and his legs soon became visible, his arms then became free of the red chakra, and the last of the chakra passed from his back as well, gathering together right over his heart, the chakra constantly receeding until it vanished right over his heart, the weapon he used to fight back the darkness of the anger the red chakra bred in it's host. As the last of the chakra faded away, Naruto's eyes, still closed, seemed to be at peace, a look of relief came over his face and he passed out for an instant, limp, and fell to the to the ground, just barely catching himself, breathing incredibly hard and he was gasping in exhaustion and his eyes slowly opened and he said "Sakura-chan... Saiyuri-chan... Thanks... For the strength I needed. The-the fox has calmed down now." As naruto was on his knees, hands on the ground so he wouldn't fall looked over to Saiyuri and said "Saiyuri... Is... Is she alright? Did I... Did I do that to her? Did I hurt her Sakura?"
Sakura glanced over to Saiyuri and nodded her head, sighing a bit "I hope so" She muttered, getting to her feet. "Doing what she just did, it takes a lot of energy out of her. If she overdo's herself, she can die. That was a stupid move" She said, crossing her arms. "All we can do is wait and hope she wakes up" She said, walking over and picking her up, getting her sister on her back. "Let's go"
As naruto listened to Sakura he felt a rush of relief that he hasn't hurt anyone. But just what Sakura was talking about was a mystery to Naruto. He had passed out until an instant before he tried to escape the wolf and lost himself again. Naruto was just glad they were all right and he slowly stood up, shaking a little bit from the leftover burns by the second jinchuriki state, and followed Sakura out of the cave, gripping his cracked ribs with his right arm stretched over his chest as he did so.
Sakura carried Saiyuri towards the town again. Soon, they were back at the inn and she set Saiyuri in one of the beds, sighing as she sat down. "Now we can just wait. You should rest too, you need to recover. I'll work on both of you when you're resting, it'll be easier" She said, looking up at him and smiling .
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