Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

As Naruto watched Saiyuri show him the three pairs of chopsticks he thought carefully for a moment, until he thought he had decided and he tilted his head slightly as he looked at the chopsticks in Saiyuri's hand and he smiled slightly as he said "I think those black ones would look pretty good on you Saiyuri. Heheh, although I think you'd look good with any of them really, but I think the black and silver ones really do look nice." As Naruto said this Reika had come back from getting Saiyuri's money for her and she realized Naruto had gone to look at something with Saiyuri and a strange look came over her face, almost like anger, but with a mix of jealousy and curiosity, and simply looked over at the two. A moment after she closed her eyes and a light smile came over her face as she let out a quiet, almost arrogant chuckle, and walked over to the summer clothes in the store and began looking through swimsuits. As this happened Naruto continued to gaze at Saiyuri's gentle face and his light blush returned as he smiled gently.
"Well, then I'll get these ones" she said cheerfully, carefully slipping them into her hair and smiling up at him. "Thanks for helping me decide" She said, giggling softly before glancing around. "Aren't you going to get anything?" She asked curiously, wondering why he hadn't picked anything out yet. Maybe it was just a guy thing, shopping was too weird for them, they didn't want to be seen doing anything 'girly'
Naruto's blush grew as he listened to Saiyuri and he began to rub the back of his head as he responded nervously to Saiyuri's question "W-w-well I-I just figure I'm not exactly the best at knowing what looks good on me s-so I just don't know where I should start, b-but I guess I could try and find something if you'd help me out saiyuri-chan. S-so you think you could help me find something?"
Saiyuri smiled softly and slowly nodded her head, giggling a bit. "Sure, what're you thinking of getting? Clothes?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit curiously. "Maybe some kind of badass cloak?" She asked, smirking a bit and crossing her arms.
Naruto couldn't help but laugh at Saiyuri's little cloak comment. Naruto then put his hands on his hip and puffed out his chest as he jokingly said "I was actually thinking more along the lines of nice suit of armor." Naruto took his hands off his hip and his stopped puffing out his chest and said "Hahaha, yeah I guess just some new clothes maybe, and if we happen to find a badass cloak? Well a cloak IS cloathing. So where do you think we should start Saiyuri-chan?"
Saiyuri chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno, let's just browse around and see if we can find something" She said, starting to pick through racks in search of something cool for him. Now and then she'd hold things up to see what he thought, made him try some things on, but in the end it was all up to him.
After a bit of searching with Saiyuri,Saiyuri he noticed something in specific which caught his eye as he tried it on, looking it over a moment before he decided that it was most definitely something he wanted out of all that he had tried on. Walking up to Saiyuri Naruto put his arms out and did a small spin, to show all parts of his chosen outift, and said "Huuuh?" As he did so, Reika walked up to Naruto and with her hands behind her waist as before she smiled and let out a girlish giggle with slightly closed eyes said "hehehe my my, naruto-kun! That really suits you doesnt it?" Naruto blushed slightly as he heard Reika's simple compliment "eheh th-thanks Reika. W-what do you think Saiyuri-chan?"

Saiyuri frowned slightly when Reika showed up, but tried to hide it for now. "Well yeah, I like it. I did pick it out after all" she said, a small hint of annoyance in her voice as she glanced over to the girl. "But it's really up to you Naruto-kun" She said, glancing over to him and smiling softly.
Naturo maintained his blush as he smiled and said "Haha, well I like it Saiyuri-chan, thanks for helping me" Naruto then smiled at Reika as well and said "And thanks for the kind words Reika. Haha, I'm not as confident with much more than fighting" Reika closed her eyes sweetly and smiled with her hands still behind her waist as she cheerfully said with an innocent giggle "Hehe, oh Naruto-kun, you should be more confident. After all, you're one of the best looking guys I've seen in a long time, with a great attitude, you look fine in anything." Naruto's blush deepened at Reika's comment and tried to hide how much it affected him as he nervously said "Th-thanks Reika. I-I guess I should try. Heh, so Saiyuri-chan, you ready to check out some other stores?"
"Yeah, let's" She said, staring at Reika. This girl got on her nerves the most and Saiyuri couldn't help but wishing she could just knock her out. Sakura showed up with a few new things and smiled softly. "This place has some pretty neat stuff" She said with a big smile. Saiyuri glanced at her and then sighed softly before turning away and starting to head out of the store.
Naruto smiled as he began to follow Saiyuri out of the store and as they exited the clothing store Naruto started to look around the shops, there were so many too choose from, some were simply stands with shelves out in the open, some were carts serving snacks and little treats, there was no limit to the types of shops and what they sold, Naruto began to feel a little unsure of where they should go until Reika walked up from behind him and Saiyuri and placed her left hand on Naruto's shoulder and smiled as she stood next to him, causing Naruto to flinch and quickly look at his shoulder and his face blushed very slightly as he saw Reika so close to him, and Reika proceeded pointed over to a small shop and said "Hey Naruto-kun, why don't we check out that little shop over there? It's a great book store with a lot of different options." Reika let out an innocent giggle as she continued and said "Haha, it's even got a pretty extensive manga section with some really good choices. I'm sure even Saiyuri-chan could find something there" Naruto turned to Saiyuri and with a hint of nervousness in his voice said "H-hey Saiyuri-chan, what do you think? Does that sound good to you? Sounds pretty good to me"
Saiyuri shrugged passively "I... I'm not much of a reader" She said, glancing away nervously. "B-But we can do, since you're interested" She said, slowly starting to follow Reika towards the bookstore, biting her lip slightly and glancing to the ground. Sakura glanced over and quickly followed, having been distracted by a stall with jewelry.
As they entered the store, Haruna and Hime-chan walked up to Naruto with their hands behind their waists as they held something where Naruto couldn't see it and smiled big as Hime-chan said "Hey Naruto-samaaaa! We have a surprise for you!" Naruto was taken aback by the sudden approach of the two beautiful girls as he blushed a little and said "U-uh w-what is it?" Reika then walked up and put her left hand on his left shoulder and her right hand on his right shoulder and brought her head over Naruto's right shoulder and reassuringly, but almost in the tone of a lover with an ulterior motive said "it's not much of a surprise if we just tell you now is it? Just close you eyes Naruto-kun and trust us. Now close your eyes Naruto-kun" Naruto blushed slightly as he gulped and closed his eyes, not sure what to expect as Reika added "Now put out your hands, we're going to give you something Naruto-kun". Naruto obeyed and put out his hands ready to accept the gift and felt a fairly decent amount of books being placed on his hands and waited a moment and felt Reika's hands move off his shoulders and heard her say from in front of him "Open your eyes now Naruto-kun" Naruto did as Reika said and as he did he saw in his hands the whole Make Out Paradise collection in his hands and in shock at seeing his Master's books his eyes widened and in a soft, voice Naruto said "W-wow Reika... H-... How did you know to get me these?" Reika smiled endearingly as she said "After saving the Leaf there are a lot of people who have heard of you, and Jaraiya was known world wide, so the fact that you were his student got around, and after asking around for what you liked so I could give you a personal thank you present, I heard about you and Jariaya." Naruto smiled softly at Reika as he said "Thank you Reika. This really means a lot to me. I haven't actually read many of them but having them is gonna be a great reminder of percy sage for sure." Reika smiled warmly as she said sweetly "But Naruto-kun... look at the inside of them. There's something extra special about these books" Reika then opened the book cover to reveal Jaraiya's signature. As Naruto saw the signature, his eyes became watery as he said "A-... I-I...I can't believe it Reika. You found his whole collection signed by him. Th-this is one of the best gifts anyone's, EVER gotten me" Reika smiled sweetly and gave Naruto a peck on the cheek as she replied "You gave me the gift of getting to live the rest of my life Naruto-kun. This is just a small way to thank my hero." Naruto's smile deepened as he looked at Reika and said "Thank you, thank you so much Reika-chan" Reika simply smiled and gave Naruto a quick hug and smiled at him a moment before walking to Sakura and Saiyuri and said "That was really the only reason I recommended we come here we can go somewhere else now if you two want" Naruto then walked up to Sakura and Saiyuri as well and said excitedly "Sakura, Saiyuri, do you see these? This is just incredible isn't it? Oh by the way, I think this is all I need now, so we can go somewhere you two want now. Reika mentioned we could go to the hot springs once we feel like taking a break from the day to freshen up after we start getting a little tired so we can do that whenever you two feel like it also."
Saiyuri watched Reika and felt her blood starting to boil again. She glanced down to the books and Naruto's reaction made her flinch back slightly. She'd never been able to make him smile that much, and it was hardly fair that they knew all of that. Saiyuri never heard much of anything during her training. When Naruto came over, she shrugged and glanced down "I'm sure they're... fine. I don't have any interest in books" She muttered softly, staring at the ground. Sakura frowned slightly and glanced over to Naruto "Yeah... Let's go to the hot springs now" She said, glancing to Saiyuri and then back over to him, leading him off to the side a bit. "Try not to bring up books a lot. Saiyuri.... Doesn't know how to read. Her training sessions took up her life, there's a lot of things she doesn't know about, and reading is one" She sighed softly and shook her head, glancing back to Saiyuri who was slowly following them.
When Naruto heard Sakura explain that Saiyuri couldn't read, he felt his heart sink slightly. He hadn't known that, but seeing Saiyuri upset and knowing he might have well been the cause hurt him deeply. Because, while he only days before developed feelings for her, they were very powerful for him, and he wanted her to be happy. So as they walked, Naruto slowed down to keep pace with Saiyuri and with a sad look on his face, and without turning his head said "I'm sorry about that Saiyuri-chan. I-... I didn't know... Hey... you really do look beautiful Saiyuri-chan. Not just on the outside. So I really don't wanna see you upset Saiyuri." By then Naruto had already put his books in his pack a while ago, so he quickly turned to Saiyuri after he finished talking and put his right hand on Saiyuri's left cheek and turned her face towards him and gently kissed Saiyuri's soft lips for a moment until he pulled away and said with a smile "So try and cheer up Saiyuri-chan."
Saiyuri jumped a bit as Naruto showed up next to her again. Glancing up at him, she smiled weakly and shook her head "It's alright" She said softly, blushing when she heard his compliment. When she felt his hand on her cheek, she nervously glanced up at him, and as he brought his lips to hers, her blush deepened. Saiyuri closed her eyes as she kissed him back, her heart skipping a beat. When he pulled back, she smiled softly and nodded her head "I'll do my best"
Naruto blushed a little as he smiled and faced forward to continue walking with Saiyuri and let everyone else go ahead and walk ahead of them until they finally made it to the entrance to the hot springs, where a beautiful young women in a white kimono like robe smiled as she bowed and said "It's a pleasure to meet our village heroes face to face finally. My name is Hikari, and I'll be tending to all your needs while you're in my hotel springs today. Now please. Follow me" Naruto chuckled a little at being a brand new village hero again as he entered the lobby and headed towards the the place where the springs split into the men's and women's sections and smiled at Saiyuri before he entered and said "Now try and enjoy yourself Saiyuri-chan." And turned and as he was about to enter the men's side of the hot springs he felt a gentle hand grab hold of his and turned to see Reika smiling with and she said "Where are you going Naruto-kun?" Naruto looked at her confused and said "Uuuuh the men's side?" Reika frowned slightly and said "Alone?" She then returned to a cheery smile as she said "I won't let our savior simply wait for company while he has to sit and listen to us enjoying ourselves" Naruto tried in vain to explain he would be fine as he began to blushed and panic began to invade his face very slowly and said "H-huh!? I-I don't know what you mean? I'll be-" but he was immediately interrupted by Reika, who then changed to a rather determined demeanor and pulled up a fist as she turned to the other girls and said "Naruto-kun will come with us! It's only right that he not be excluded!" Naruto suddenly began to look horrified as he shouted in panic with a crimson red face as he said "Wait what!? No way! I'll be just fine alone! Really!" She then returned to an excited smile with slightly closed eyes and pulled Naruto into the girls side despite his panicked face and obvious protests as she said happily "Come on Naruto-kun! It'll be great!" And vanished into the women's side with Naruto as he nervously shouted while being pulled "Ah-waaaah!"
Saiyuri had nodded to agree to try and have fun. However, Reika quickly interrupted and began to drag him to the women's side. Blushing slightly, Saiyuri followed them to their side and went to change. She slipped out of her kimono and wrapped a towel around herself. She was a bit nervous, whereas Sakura didn't seem to care as much. If Naruto looked at her, she was just planning on slapping him as usual. Saiyuri took a deep breath as she began to make her way over to the edge of the pool, her eyes glancing nervously down at the water.
As Naruto was dragged in by Reika, he blushed powerfully as she grabbed his other hand and said "Now you go ahead and get out of your clothes and we can all have some fun together ok?" She then quickly went to get out of her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself as she entered the water. Naruto, all the while changed nervously, and haphazardly. Struggling to just get out of his clothes and seeing his naked self panicked and sat in the fetile position as he mentally psyched himself up to the point where he could get up and wrap a towel around his waist and he entered the spring with a massive gulp and a crimson red face that looked only at the floor as he slowly entered the water and slowly looked up and the impact of the situation hit him like a train as he began to sweat profusely in a panic, when Reika gently placed a hand on his right shoulder and said reassuringly "Don't worry Naruto-kun. The isn't wrong or ANYTHING. We're just relaxing in a hot spring... ok?" Something about her voice, despite all odds, seemed strangely calming to Naruto as Reika spoke, and he slowly felt a majority of the tension fade from his mind and with a soft blush, faced Reika and sighed and he said "Thanks Reika-chan." Until he noticed her rather... 'full' breasts, right in front of him as Reika unwrapped her towel and placed her forearms on the ground right next to the spring and stretched her arms out, pushing out her bust and then let her body sink back against the edge of the spring and said sighed a sigh of relief and said "now this is exactly what I needed. Feels sooo nice" Naruto however, only seemed to boil over with a bright red blush as he found his shocked brain unable to looks away from what lay before him, just barely floating in the water, for a moment before he said "R-R-R-R-R-Reika???? Y-Your... B-B-Breasts?" Reika looked at Naruto a little confused a moment until she looked down, saw her bare breast and threw her had up in laughter and turned to Naruto and said teasingly "hahahaha. Oh Naruto-kun, come on now. I said we wouldn't leave you out, what's wrong with just treating you like anyone else who's normally here?" She then blushed slightly and brought a very loosely closed fist to her lips and let out a giggle and said in a cute, almost particularly girlish tone "feel free to do the same if you like... Naruto-kun." Naruto's blush only deepened as he chuckled and said "eheh, I-I think I'm fine" and turned his head straight forward for fear of staring and Reika said quite reassuringly once again "well Naruto-kun, just enjoy yourself ok? It's like I said, we're just friends enjoying each other's company like we normally would at a springs ok? Just relax" and once again her words worked magic on the terrified Naruto who took in a deep breath and let it out slowly and said "Yeah... just like normal. Thanks Reika... so Saiyuri-chan... does-... does it feel alright for you? The water?"
Saiyuri took a deep breath and hesitantly stepped into the water, keeping her towel wrapped around herself. Taking a deep breath, she sat on the little ledge and bit her lip nervously. Glancing over to Naruto, she forced a small smile and nodded "Y-Yeah" she said before looking away again, having seen the way he'd stared at Reika. She almost wanted to just get rid of the towel and try to one up her, but she was really self conscious and felt like it would only end up embarrassing herself.
Naruto could do little but blush lightly as he sat in silence, until he heard Hime-chan cheerfully ask him "So Naruto-sama, how was your day so far? It's not over yet but I hope you're enjoying everything" she smiled at Naruto as he nervously replied "I-it was great... yeah it's been fun. The hot spring feels pretty good right now" Hime-chan smiled again as she clapped her hands and said "Perfect! Now come on you guys! Reika-chan DID say to act like we normally would right? So let's enjoy ourselves!" Haruna then smiled at Saiyuri and Sakura and laughed as any girl her age would and said " Hehe, Saiyuri the kimono you got was SO cute! I'm surprised kunoichi find time to develop such good taste! And Sakura, you've got some pretty good taste as well." She placed the finger tips of her right hand over her mouth and let out a small giggle as she continued "I'll bet the two of you have had quite a hard time fending of those sweaty boys for so long! Naruto's sure gonna have his work cut out for him if he really wants to keep Saiyuri huh Sakura-chan?" As Naruto hears Haruna talking about him so casually, almost as if he couldn't hear he began to blush a bit and found his mind wandering to the mayor, Shiro as Haruna spoke, when Reika suddenly leaned on Naruto, letting side press up against his, causing Naruto to flinch as he stuttered quietly to Reika "R-R-Reika?" Reika simply smiled and giggled as she said quietly to Naruto "You're pretty cute when you get so nervous Naruto-kun. You really should loosen up. After all, this is my present to my savior. I'd feel terrible if my hero wasn't enjoying himself" Naruto's face became a bright crimson red as Reika spoke so sweetly to him, especially considering the fact that she was naked once again entered his mind as he replied "S-sorry." He then scratched his cheek with his right index finger and said "I-I'll try and loosen up a bit for you" Reika smiled with closed eyes in turn and put her left arm around Naruto's right as she did when walking with him and rested her head on his shoulder. While Reika and Naruto made their quiet exchange, Hime-chan added to what Haruna had said and she said in an almost mocking tone, but not quite so obvious "Hahah, well that's true I'm sure, but that depends on if the two are actually serious about each other. After all, the only thing we actually know is they have 'feelings'. So I guess the question is Saiyuri-chan, are you even going to let Naruto try and fend off his rivals at all? Or are you just having some fun with our Naruto-sama?"
Saiyuri glanced over curiously as her Kimono was being complimented and she smiled softly, nodding her head. "Th-Thank you" She said before she sighed softly. "And i wouldn't say that about fending people off or anything, I don't get much attention" She said simply, having only just returned really.

Shortly after, she heard Reika start talking again and Saiyuri looked over, feeling her blood boil again. Gritting her teeth, she suddenly snapped and jumped to her feet. "What kind of host are you? All you're doing is being all flirty and stuff when you already know that he's with me!" She snapped, narrowing her eyes at the girl even more, making Sakura flinch and stare up at her sister in shock.

Saiyuri glanced around, seeing everyone staring at her and she realized how stupid she must have seemed. She nervously looked over to him and felt her face turn red, both due to how stupidly she'd just acted, and the fact she only just realized that the towel she'd had around herself had fallen. She felt her face go a deeper red and she snatched the towel, wrapping it around herself before bolting out of the hotsprings and running off.
As Naruto began to settle down thanks to Reika's comforting words and her gentle, soft hair resting on his shoulder, as her soft skin gently rubbed against his, he suddenly pulled back into Reika as Saiyuri jumped up and shouted at Reika and his face became a crimson red as he saw all the delicate features of Saiyuri's beautiful body.

Her soft clear skin, her perfect round hips, her thin sleek legs with perfect definition, and her incredible little butt, which was so perfect, supple, and firm, it was so stunning that his knees became weak, and suddenly he noticed her breasts as he looked up and the water which had wet them made her perfect, round, perky breasts shine like the moon and he became enraptured by Saiyuri's body and all her beauty, until suddenly a look of panic came over his face as he saw the hurt in Saiyuri's eyes as she spoke and ran from the spring and Naruto jumped up to go after her when he suddenly felt Reika's hands grab his wrist and he turned to her with a concerned face and said quickly "Reika? What is it? I have to talk to Saiyuri!" Reika slowly looked up to Naruto with an almost questioning face as she said in a gentle, concerned tone "Naruto-kun, please tell Saiyuri-chan that I never meant to hurt her. I just... I can't help but feel safe around you Naruto-kun. Please let her know I'm sorry for hurting her." Naruto looked at Reika with caring eyes and said gently "Reika... sure" and he quickly turned and ran to catch Saiyuri and ran out of the spring after her.

For the brief time Naruto spoke to Reika, Shiro walked into the lobby of the hot spring and noticed Saiyuri as she ran from the spring and walked up and with a gentle, tender voice approached her and he said "Saiyuri-chan? A-are you alright?"
Saiyuri had continued to storm off, forgetting to even pick up her clothes since she just wanted to get away as fast as possible. She practically ran into Shiro, but managed to stop just before as she glanced up at him. "S-Shiro." she said in surprised before she looked away and sighed "I'm fine" She said simply "Just a bit of an... Argument I guess. A one sided one. I was just going to step out to get some air"
Shiro listened to Saiyuri with a gentle smile and chuckled softly as he said "Well Saiyuri-chan, why don't you get some clothes on and we can get some fresh air together and we can come back to your friends after a nice walk?" Shiro smiled as he urged the woman at the front to bring Saiyuri some fresh clothes and he gently put his arm around Saiyuri and walked her to what looked like the front desk to wait for the girl to bring Saiyuri her clothes.

As this had happened, Naruto walked out of the spring and had put on his pants so he would be able to catch up with Saiyuri if she had already run out and he saw Saiyuri with Shiro and he stopped short and a look of fear overcame him. Fear that he had let Saiyuri slip away, and for some reason couldn't move forward. He didn't know why... by all he could do was whisper "S-Saiyuri?" He then slowly began to walk forward.

As he slowly took his first step, he said it once again slightly louder than before "Saiyuri" and he began taking regular steps and his voice slowly rose with each step he took, until he could finally run to her and he said "Saiyuri, Saiyuri, Saiyuri!" Until he finally reached her and with an unusually sad face which was about to cry, but wasn't too obvious, but his watering eyes mad what he felt quite apparent as he said "Saiyuri? I-... I'm sorry Saiyuri-chan. There is nothing between me and Reika. She didn't realize how much what she was doing was hurting you." As he spoke his voice slowly grew louder until he was shouting without even realizing it "And if I knew what she was doing hurt you I never would have ever spoke to her!" As Naruto had spoken,Shiro did little but turn his head to face him curiously with a raised eyebrow and said "Ummm Naruto, I don't know what you did, but Saiyuri's pretty upset it seems. I think you should just leave Saiyuri-chan with me for a bit you know? Then maybe come back after she's had time to calm down okay?" Naruto's eyes widened in concern and fear as he looked at Saiyuri and simply said "Saiyuri-chan?"
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