Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

Saiyuri crossed her arms, a look of annoyance on her face. "Heros? Sure seems to me like they're only focused on Naruto" Sakura muttered under her breath as she leaned closer to Saiyrui. Both of them glanced to each other and nodded slightly, the first time they'd ever really agreed on something. The girls at least, only saw Naruto when it came to the rescue, though Saiyuri supposed he had done most of the work.

Still, something about the way the girls were acting ticked Saiyuri off for some reason. A huge wave of jealousy came over her, and soon, she was pushing passed them. "Well, whether they come or not, I'm hungry" She said stubbornly, not wanting to be rude and tell them to take a hike like she so badly wanted to say.
Naruto chuckled lightly as he began to blush after having received Reika's excited hugs and her kiss on the cheek and oblivious to why Saiyuri seemed to show such contempt for the situation and the incredibly attractive young woman who was giving him such affectionate attention, but definitely knew it was there turned his head to the girls and in an almost upset tone said "Come on girls, they just want thank us is all." He then turned with a smile to Reika and her two barely less attractive friends and said gratefully "Thank you. WE" he turned his head slightly to the sisters with a slight smile at the girls' strange behavior. And turned and continued "would love for you to have breakfast with us Reika"

Reika smiled happily and clapped her hands together as she said "Great! Come on girls! Let's show our heroes a good time today then!" As she finished speaking, she immediately let out a girlish chuckle like that of a school girls and quickly locked elbows with Naruto and with her left hand, as she locked arms with her right, she gently took hold of Naruto's left bicep, and turned to face him and smiled happily while she blushed slightly, making Naruto blush even more, and began walking behind the two sisters, and one of the other girls with Reika then did the same to Naruto's other arm, causing Naruto's face to turn crimson as he looked back and forth between the two girls' faces in a panic with a comically nervous look on his face as the third girl walked in front of Naruto and turned to walk backwards and put her hands together behind her waist and smiled at Naruto and said "You're gonna love it here! We have your whole day planned out Naruto-sama!"

Naruto's face turned an even darker red as he stuttered in a panic "S-s-s-sama?" Reika" quickly added causing naruto to focus his attention on her and slightly turn his head so he wasnt actually facing her but one understood who he was looking towards "But of course Naruto-kun! You ARE her savior" then in a suggestive and somewhat seductive and almost passionate tone she whispered into his ear "And mine" causing Naruto's face blush like it had never blushed before, and looked on with eyes that had widened beyond repair, and the girl, whose name is actually Ichihime, and called Hime-chan, who ACTUALLY is arguably just as beautiful or even slightly more beautiful than Reika, continued "First we'll have breakfast at or most famous restaurant, then we'll show you around our shopping district, and after that we can go have lunch, and then we'll be going to the hot springs!" She the let out a gentle giggle and continued in an enticing tone "And then we have a special 'surprise for the village hero! Followed by a second surprise! And a night with the three of us simply enjoying the company of our hero- err" she suddenly looked slightly nervous, and her tone reflected nervousness as well as she quickly said "H-heroes! Y-yeah!" Then in an almost upset but obviously disappointed tone "heroes... at our BEST inn, not that plain one you've been staying at!"

She then ran up and gave Naruto a great big hug around his neck and kissed his cheek and then put her hands on his shoulders, pulled her face from his and said "it's gonna be wonderful Naruto-sama!" She quickly let go and ran up to the sisters with her hands behind her waist as before and, as she turned her head with a great smile to the right to face them she said excitedly "Doesn't it sound wonderful?! A day truly fit for the village heroes right?"
Saiyuri felt her anger rising more and more. How could Naruto be so dense!? She grit her teeth and kept walking, practically steaming when the girl came over and spoke about their day and how wonderful it would be. It took everything she had not to snap and yell at the girl.

"Well I guess, besides the fact that we had been planning on leaving, you know... To go home today?" She pointed out, her voice coming out more harsh than she meant since she'd been trying hard to mask her annoyance and anger.
Naruto and the girls continued to walk, still looking and sounding INCREDIBLY nervous, still shaken up by the incredible amount of 'unique' attention which until that point he had never truly received, Naruto said "E-Eheheh, c-come on Saiyuri-chan. L-let's just let them s-show us around for a day i-if they really want to". Reika then added rather excitedly "Haha yeah! It'll be great Saiyuri-chan! And after a nice rest we'll escort you three home first thing in the morning ok?" Hime-chan then chimed in as well and in an equally happy and excited voice added "Come on guys. It's just our village's way of thanking you. Plus we spent quite a while last night setting up your surprises, and we're not done yet, so just enjoy yourselves for the day. Okay?" Hime than continued in fairly peppy voice "Plus we're almost at the restaurant for breakfast"
Saiyuri sighed and shook her head "Yeah, okay" she said, just wanting to get home. Naruto was so dense, how could he not see what they were doing? How could he not see that they were being so flirty and ridiculous? They were probably just trying to get with him so that they could be seen dating the hero of the village and get up in some stupid social ladder.
As they neared the restaurant Hime-chan skipped ahead of the group and up to a beautiful young woman in a lovely black silk kimono and smiled as she said "Miki-chaaan! The village hero's here!" The girl's face lit up and she clapped her hands together and with a great smile she said "he's here already?! I only caught a glimpse when he saved us. Is he as handsome as he seemed?" Hime-chan smiled suggestively and said "See for yourself" she then walked our and waved her right arm at the group and shouted "Come on guys! We have the whole restaurant to ourselves!" At that Reika and the girl on Naruto's right, Haruka, quickly turned to each other and smiled, then Reika turned to Naruto and said "Well, it looks like they kept it empty just for you after all Naruto-kun. Just wait until you're inside. It's truly beautiful, and the food is heavenly." She then shouted out to Sakura and Saiyuri up ahead in a slightly less concerned tone "Doesn't that sound nice girls?"

Hime-chan smiled as the group approached and Mika-chan, the hostess, walked up to the front and as Naruto, Reika and Haruna walked up to the entrance she politely bowed her head and said "Pleased to meet you Naruto-sama." She then raised her head and in a soft gentle manner said "You might not know but I was also saved by you yesterday. Whatever you wish for you need only to ask me and it will be yours." She then continued rather suggestively as seemed to be the theme with the village woman who spoke to Naruto "So... Feel free to ask for ANYTHING you want Naruto-sama, and I'll be sure to 'accommodate' you." Naruto chuckled softly and began to blush again as he said "Haha, nah it was nothing. I'm just glad you're all safe ya know?" Miki smiled interestingly at Naruto before replying "Thank you once again Naruto-sama" She then quickly turned to the sisters and said "And thank you as well, I am at your disposal. Now please come with me" she then led Naruto and the girls holding his arms and Hime to a lovely table, and then bowed and said "As thanks we have prepared our finestorbing meals for you all, they will be ready momentarily. Until then please enjoy yourselves. And remember, I am at your service my heroes"

Mika then left and Reika turned to Haruka and Haruka smiled back and let go of Naruto and pulled or two chairs for Saiyuri and Sakura. The table had ten seats, two end seats and four more on each side. The ones for Sakura and Saiyuri were both acress each other, and one row of seats down from the end chair. Reika then pulled out the end chair for Naruto and gestured for him to sit and then sat at his left and Haruka to his right, and Hime sat in the chair next to the one haruka pulled out for Sakura, and gestured to the table at Sakura and Saiyuri and said "Won't you please sit with us? Mika-chan will be back with our meal in a bit I'm sure, so before then, is there anything the heroes would like to talk or hear about? And if there's anything you want to do today please tell me so we can ready it for you in advance" Haruka then smiled politely and awaited a response and the food.
Sakura and Saiyuri hesitantly went inside with them all and took their seats. Saiyuri sighed and put her elbows on the table, resting her head in her hands. "I didn't have anything in mind, I was expecting to be home by now" She said simply, glancing to the table and sighing softly. "I'll do whatever" She added, not caring so long as the day just went by.

Sakura glanced over and frowned a little, finding this just as awkward as Saiyuri. Sakura took a deep breath and sighed softly, tapping her fingers on her cheek as she waited patiently for the food.
Naruto could feel the strange awkward sensation emanating from Sakura and Saiyuri as Saiyuri responded to Haruka. After Saiyuri answered Haruka quickly responded cheerfully "Perfect! Don't worry Saiyuri-chan, you're gonna love the day we have planned for you three! And I'm sure you'll cheer up after a delicious meal as well." Naruto then chimed in as well, hoping to cheer up his teammates "Haha! Yeah guys! It sounds like a pretty great day to me! plus it sounds like a good way to unwind before we head back for the village right?" Reika then chimed in, putting her elbows on the table, and resting her Ching on her right hand which was on top of her left and with slightly closed eyes said "Exactly! Just think of this as part of your reward for the mission. You just did such a good job you get a bonus. A day off to do anything in the village you want! And you're going to just love the food here. The chef here is the best in the village after all." Just then a series of waiters and Mika proceeded out of the kitchen carrying several platters of food. Reika then opened her eyes fully and giggled as she said "Speak of the devil! Here comes the food now!" The waiters then proceeded to place the plates of food in front of all the girls individually, then placing other plates of food in the center as an extra part of the meal. Mika then placed a plate filled with delicious food in front of Naruto, smiling as she said "I do hope you enjoy it Naruto-sama. I personally helped in the making of this dish. And I hope you all enjoy the finest cooking our village has to offer my heroes!"

Mika then proceeded to leave the dining room just as a rather tall and sturdy looking gentleman in an almost elegant robe walked in. He had dark brown hair, a very strong chin, and a strong body as well. His hair was slicked back slightly and he had just the right amount of stubble, all with strong green eyes to match and was accompanied by another, smaller man, rather average in all aspects, but with gentle brown hair and soft green eyes. The two approached the table and then bowed to the three shinobi and the taller man said "Please accept our most sincere thanks for saving the innocent women who were kidnapped, and freeing our village from the menace of Bato and his "shinobi". I am the mayor of this humble village and would be honored if the heroes who saved my village would allow me to join them for the morning meal." Naruto chuckled lightly and said "Well it's fine with me Mr. Mayor sir. How about you two? Saiyuri? Sakura?"
The two girls glanced up and hesitantly nodded, Saiyuri looking the man over curiously. She couldn't help but notice that he was rather handsome, especially with the gentle smile he had on. She quickly glanced away, mentally scolding herself for thinking such a thing. Her and Naruto had something, didn't they? She'd at least thought they had. However, seeing how he acted around these girls made her think that it might not have been as much as she'd hoped.

She watched as the mayor and the smaller man with him moved to sit across from her. Just then, she made a decision, if Naruto was going to act like this around the girls, she wouldn't hold back either. Clearly they had nothing between them like she'd thought. The idea hurt, sure, but she wasn't about to just cling on to something that clearly wasn't what she'd hoped. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she slowly began to eat her food, glancing up at the mayor now and then to get a better look at him.
As the two men joined the group for their meal, Naruto slowly started to glance at the mayor occasionally. Not entirely sure why though. For he had no real reason to even pay any attention to the man, but he felt himself mildly curious as to why he felt an ounce of concern enter his thoughts. As the mayor sat he had began to say something quietly to the smaller man with him, not sure what he was whispering about Naruto found himself almost offended, then even more curious as to why he would even GET offended by the man. Eventually the mayor turned his attention to the three heroes and seemed to notice Naruto looking over at him and suddenly his eyes widened very slightly as he spoke "Oh! Forgive me. I don't believe I told you my name my good heroes. Haha I guess I'm used to being known by most people I meet. Please forgive me, my name is Shiro Ishihara. I understand your name young man is Naruto, but I would be grateful if you young ladies would please tell me which of you is Sakura and Saiyuri? Unfortunately your descriptions are quite similar."
Saiyuri glanced up as the mayor spoke again, giving them him name and asking for theirs. She glanced to her sister a moment before looking back towards him "I'm Saiyuri" She said before pointing to her sister "She's Sakura. It's easier to tell us apart if you go by hair, mine's always up" She said simply, shrugging her shoulders since she figured it would be the easiest way for someone who didn't know them.

She smiled softly at the mayor, bringing her elbows up onto the table, lacing her fingers together, and resting her chin on her hands as she gazed at him. He seemed so kind, so genuine and sweet. Much different from the girls who practically just seemed to be crawling all over Naruto just for a possible chance to be seen with him.
Naruto looked over at Saiyuri as she spoke to the mayor and noticed her gazing at Shiro. At that Naruto definitely felt annoyed, he was sure their was no way Saiyuri would be interested in the man. After all, he thought they would be together at that point, or at least that they had mutual affection for one another, but his face had become that of a jealous child, with a hint of curiosity as far as what Saiyuri was thinking. As Naruto ate his food, he then hear the mayor say "Beautiful names for beautiful young girls no? Haha the young men at your village must go weak in the knees a little when they see you two. What do you say Naruto? I'm sure you can give a slightly more accurate answer. I find you young adults seem to only notice people's feelings towards others and never yourselves, you know?" Naruto then responded in a semi-foul tone "Of course that's true. They're two of the most beautiful kunoichi in the whole village. And they're not just pretty named and faces Ishihara. They're both incredible people. I happen to think Saiyuri's EXCEPTIONALLY incredible. And I'm sorry to inform you but I happen to know she thinks the same about me. Sorry to burst your bubble old man?" Shiro only responded to Naruto with a confused look for a moment until he said "Really? So you two are together then Naruto? I guess I could see your fighting skills making up for the difference." Naruto began to twitch as he said "Difference?" Shiro then laughed and said "So is it true Saiyuri-chan? You fancy the young man?"
Saiyuri blinked in surprise at the tone Naruto was using with the mayor. She wasn't sure how to think about all of this, he was going on as if he felt the need to defend her for some reason, though Shiro hadn't said anything wrong persay. When Shiro spoke to her, she blinked a few times and glanced over to him, hesitating a moment before slowly nodding her head "I-I suppose you could say that"
Shiro smiled slightly and looked at Saiyuri and said "Hahaha! well then, it would appear there is hope for us men after all eh Naruto? For someone as hotheaded as you to have found a girl like her there MUST be hope for us elders." As all this happened the three girls Reika, Hime, and Haruna seemed to be quite agitated at Naruto's feelings for Saiyuri, Reika however was far more calm and subtle as she spoke, feigning innocence as she turned to naruto with her chin resting on her hands, held up by her elbows on the table said "Really? I'm quite surprised you would decide to settle so early Naruto-kun. But it would seem, Ishihara-san, that they're not actually together. They merely said they both have SOME feelings for each other. Right Naruto-kun? You really don't need to act so defensive here silly" she let out a sweet and quite innocent smile at Naruto and the now confused Naruto could respond, Haruna quickly changed the subject as she said in an incredibly sweet tone "By the way, Naruto-sama? After we've finished our meal the Mayor will be attending to something important, so he won't be joining us, but would you like to go to the shopping district first? Or visit your new room and put away your packs there? I noticed you brought your packs thinking you would simply leave." Naruto looked at her a little confused at the sudden subject change but answered anyway and said "Um I-I guess it would be nice to put our packs away first." Reika then smiled and put her right hand on Naruto's and added "Then to the rooms we shall go Naruto-kun. But Haruna, that's getting a little ahead of ourselves, we still have to enjoy this delicious meal right?" Haruna giggled as she said "Oops. Hehe, I guess you're right Reika. Go ahead and just enjoy yourselves everybody." Shiro looked curiously at the three girls and also added to the conversation "Yes, Young Haruna IS correct, I won't be able to join you all until much later, but yes, I do hope you're all enjoying the meal. What about you two? Are you enjoying the food Sakura? Saiyuri?"
Saiyuri felt a tinge of anger as the girls all swooned again. She glared over at them before turning her attention back to her food. She ate quickly, not wanting to be here any longer. She couldn't believe this, Naruto was going on about all that stuff with her, acting like he actually cared, and now he was just sitting back while they swooned and flirted all over again, it drove her nuts.

Glancing up at Shiro, she nodded her head and smiled. "Yes, very much so" She said, smiling sweetly, though her anger and jealousy was still there deep in her mind. Sakura glanced up as well and nodded her head, smiling "Yeah, it's pretty good" She added.

Saiyuri glanced down to her food and then back up at him. "How long will it be before you can join all of us again? Once dinner is over, I mean" She asked, her eyes flickering over to Naruto for a split second before going right back to Shiro.
Shiro responded with a lighthearted chuckle and said "Haha, well that depends on you three heroes! You have the whole day to yourselves, the lovely Reika and her friends planned quite the day for you three. But I won't be seeing you all until after you've been to our magnificent hot springs I believe? Is that right Reika?" Reika had her fingers interlaced and her elbows on the table with a half empty plate and smiled with gently closed eyes as she said with a cheery voice "That's right Ishihara-San. We'll spend the remainder of the morning until everyone feels a bit tuckered out then a refreshing trip to the hot springs and then that's when the surprises start." Reika smiled happily as shira replied "Haha, there you have it. Sounds like a fun day huh Naruto?" Naruto was still a little confused by the sudden remark by Reika and the change in topic and was getting a little frustrated with the way Saiyuri was acting and with Shira, but answered calmly and said "Y-Yeah, it does." Naruto quickly started refilling his plate with more food than before and started to down it as he normally would, but perhaps a bit more aggressive, and at that Reika commented teasingly "Geez Naruto-kun! You're gonna get sick if you don't slow down there. Haha, honestly you've already gone through two plates and now this." Naruto blushed slightly and responded "W-well I move around a lot. So I can eat more. That's all it is" Reika replied "Well as long as you watch yourself there Naruto-kun. But it's nice to see you're pleased with the food. I hope you're pleased with the rest of the day too" she let out a girlish giggle before Naruto responded with a slightly nervous twinge in his voice "W-Well yeah. It's pretty good food." right before Hime-chan added in a sweet voice "Aaaah, I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself Naruto-sama! You three slept in quite late after your big mission yesterday, so I'm glad you're all still in the mood for breakfast." Shira then turned to Saiyuri and jokingly asked "Hahaha, he sure eats well doesn't he? Are you girls doing alright there? Think you'll be ready to head out to the shopping district to enjoy the town soon?"
Saiyuri glanced around as each person spoke before she sighed and nodded "Yeah, I guess I'm ready" She said, glancing over to Shiro again. Sakura finished what she could and pushed the plate back. "Shiro-sama, why can you not join us at the hot springs? Surely you would need some time to relax from all your work as well" She said softly, glancing over to Saiyuri who simply nodded her head.
Shiro chuckled nervously as he replied "Heheh, weeeeell I've got some business to attend to you see? I'm actually going to be overseeing your big surprise for tonight, but if you girls really want i could join our heroes if they're ok with it. Naruto? Is that ok with you?" Naruto put his cheek in his palm as he replied while looking off into space "Yeah sure, whatever. At least I'll have someone to hang out with then I guess." Shiro then chuckled as he said "Well then, after my business is all finished I'll join you guys ok? I'm gonna head out now then. See you all later" shiro then casually stood up, bowed politely, and left as he said "I'll see you all at the springs then." And left the restaurant. Reika then smiled and said "So are you all ready to head out then? We're ready whenever our heroes are"
Sakura smiled and nodded her head "Okay, good" She said, waving farewell. Saiyuri smiled at him and waved as well. "We'll see you later Shiro-sama!" She called after him before she heard the girls mention leaving and continuing on with the day. Glancing over to him, she took a deep breath and nodded her head "Yeah, sure." She said, getting to her feet and glancing to Sakura as she stood up as well.
When Naruto heard Saiyuri call Shiro, Shiro-sama, he clenched his teeth together and his face did little to hide that he was too say the least, irked. Naruto stood up and looked over at Saiyuri for a moment before sighing and he asked "So where exactly are we going? You mentioned something about the shopping district Reika?" Reika smiled at Naruto almost suggestively as she replied "That's right Naruto-kun. So are you all ready? Haruna-chan can lead the way for us." Haruna smiled as she said "right this way Naruto-sama, Saiyuri, Sakura." Reika then proceeded to link arms with Naruto as she did before and followed Haruna out of the restaurant with Naruto. As they began to walk, Hime walked between Naruto and Sakura and Saiyuri as she turned to them and said "So what would you two like to do in the shopping district when we get there? There are some really nice clothing shops and lots of bookstores and even some nice trinket shops. I thought maybe you two might have a preference. I was thinking we should visit at least one of the clothing stores for sure. What do you think?"
Saiyuri shot a glance over to see Naruto, able to see that she'd bothered him. Good. He was being idiotic, so she would be too. Although she wanted to just fake being sick and refuse to be with them, she had to be around, it would drive her crazy if she couldn't keep an eye on the girls. Just the fact that Reika linked arms with him made her angry, but she did her best to hide it. This came a lot easier as one of the girls came to ask her about what her and Sakura wanted to do. "I wouldn't mind some new clothes. I only just returned home, and where I was training, I wasn't able to wear nice clothes" She said, actually not minding this one girl as she hadn't seemed quite as taken with Naruto as the other two. Sakura shrugged a bit and sighed softly. "I could really care less. I don't have much to spend anyways, I'll just tag along and get little things if I see something I want" she said simply.

It wasn't much longer until they arrived and Saiyuri went off to look for some clothing. While searching, she was honestly looking for something that would draw attention, either from Naruto to possibly take some of his attention off of the other two, or get attention from Shino to get to him. Eventually, she left a store wearing a pink kimono that did little to hide things.

As they entered the store, Haruna walked over to Sakura and smiled as she said "Oh, Sakura-chan, I heard you earlier, but I hope you know that as village heroes you won't be spending a penny today, everything you want is yours to take" she then shouted out to Saiyuri, saying "Oh, Saiyuri-chan, I forgot to mention earlier, you don't actually have to pay for anything today. We'll compensate you for the kimono, buy don't worry about buying anything." As this all happened, Naruto could barely take his eyes off of Saiyuri in her less than humble kimono as he walked up to begin to walk towards her while Reika went to speak to the store owner to get Saiyuri's money refunded, which the clerk did with a smile, and Naruto said with a stunned stutter and a light blush to match his nervous face "S-S-Saiyuri-chan. Y-you look amazing in that. You look even cuter than before if that's even possible"
As he walked up to her, Saiyuri had a feeling it had worked, at least for now. She glanced over to him and smiled softly. "Thanks" She said softly, tilting her head to the side a bit. "I never got to dress nice, so I figure I could start now" She said, smiling up at him "Want to help me find chopsticks for my hair too?" She asked, tilting her head to the side happily.
Naruto fought back the drool as he tried his best to avoid completely staring at Saiyuri's magnificent semi exposed breasts and her tightly hugged figure as he smiled at hearing her speak to him so kindly, as it seemed she hadn't said a kind word to him the whole day, and he stuttered once again, still shocked at how beautiful she really was, being able to fully appreciate her looks now more than ever as he replied "Y-yeah! I'd love to, come on Saiyuri-chan" Naruto gently took Saiyuri's hand as he her back into the store to help her pick.
Saiyuri smiled softly and nodded her head, leading him into the store towards the section that had the chopsticks and other hair accessories. She began to look through things, picking out a few before she turned to face him. "Which one?" She asked, holding up a pink pair with flowers on it and another pair with some strange things dangling from the ends. "Or maybe this?" She added, holding up a pair of black chopsticks with silver designs.
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