Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

By the time they'd made it back to the town Naruto's intense burns didn't bother him much at all. It was more of a strange sensation in the back of his mind as they continued back to the inn. The kidnapped girls following behind timidly as they reunited with those who they had been taken from. As naruto heard the girls cries of joy as they walked on he felt a smile of genuine happiness that everyone was alright and continued to walk into the inn. Once inside their room naruto shook his head slowly at Sakura's request and as he walked up to his bed his injuries quickly got the better of him, along with his exhaustion from fighting at such a high and aggressive level, and he suddenly started to go limp as he passed out over his bed, no longer gripping his shattered bones as he drifted off into his dreams. The one place he seemed to always find peace.
Sakura rolled her eyes slightly and made her way over to him, pushing him up onto the bed more and pulling a sheet up. Slowly, she began to work on his wounds, sighing softly as she did her best to help him out. It was kind of hard, but soon, she did everything she could before she went over to the couch and flopped down, slowly drifting off to sleep.
As naruto slept that night he felt strange. As if something in his 'balance' in life was off. It wasn't that noticeable in a way that just anyone could notice. It was only because he was a jinchuriki that something felt strange, like there was a second inner room inside of his heart where the fox chakra emanated from. He couldn't explain it, but as he slept he dreamt he was in his inner world, or at least... It felt like a dream. And soon he found himself walking to a similar room to the one where he finds the fox, it was different though, this chakra he felt was almost seductive it was so different, yet, it felt nearly identical to the red chakra. As he slowly walked into the room he felt sleepy, oddly enough considering it was a dream, and he noticed... A person? There was someone standing in the center of the room. A man a women? He couldn't quite tell until he began to walk closer and closer to her in this strange new room and noticed... It was a girl. She was facing away from the entrance but as soon as he reached out and touched her shoulder to turn her he suddenly woke up, and in a cold sweat, feeling almost like he hasn't slept quite as long as a clock would suggest. He felt as if he had been awake, as if it all wasn't a dream... But what else could it have been? Naruto shook his head slowly to shake off the strange feeling as he sat up and slowly turned to look at Sakura and Saiyuri. He was happy they were alright, and felt they deserved some extra time to sleep, especially after they each drained so much energy just to help him, Saiyuri had done whatever made her oasis out to save naruto, and Sakura had carried Saiyuri home and stayed up to heal them both. So he slowly got out of bed, cringing only slightly at the pain in his chest which he realized was almost completely gone. Sakura had done a truly amazing job, and he slowly walked over to the window and gazed out at the cool morning sky for a while. Admiring the overcast sky, the cool morning mist, and savoring the brisk morning air as he thought on that strange 'dream' from the night before as he rested his forearms on the window sill and let his head go just out of the opened window as he enjoyed the morning and his own thoughts.
Sakura woke not that much later and sat up, looking over to see Naruto up. "Oh, N-Naruto" She said softly, running a hand through her hair a bit as she got to her feet. "Did you sleep well?" She asked, wandering over to him. "How're your wounds feeling?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit as she leaned back against the wall beside him, her eyes drifting over to him. He seemed troubled, but she didn't want to push him.
Naruto was completely lost in thought over the girl he had seen in his dream. She seemed so familiar and yet it was as if he had never even seen anyone like her ever. It was so strange for him and he remained lost in thought until he heard Sakura's gentle voice which brought him back to reality and turned his head almost in shock and calmed down and smile sincerely the moment he saw Sakura and slowly turned his head back to the morning sky as Sakura spoke and still smiling almost romantically he replied in a soft voice "Heh... I'm not sure... But I know that all my wounds are much better now Sakura-chan... Hah the only thing that's left is just a little post fight ache. You did great Sakura-chan. Haha you're seriously gonna surpass granny Tsunade one of the days." As naruto finished speaking he felt himself drift back into thought on the girl he had seen in what he was forcing himself to believe was a dream. He couldn't accept the possibility of anyone else in his inner world. Naruto continued to gaze out the window as he thought such things, and his smile slowly faded and his face became quite contemplative as he stood there and said "Sakura-chan... Thank you."
Sakura nodded her head slowly and smiled up at him. "It's no problem... I just want to see if Saiyuri makes it" She said, sighing softly. "There's nothing I can do for her" She said, sighing a bit as she leaned back against the wall and glanced over to Saiyuri who was still unconscious on the other bed
Naruto chuckled slightly as he leaned off the window and stood upright and turned to face the unconscious Saiyuri and stared almost dreamily at her and he began to speak to Sakura "Hey... I had a dream last night... I was in the place where the fox is... Only... There was a girl there." Naruto turned to Sakura as he continued "Heh, it's probably nothing. Just a wired dream after the fox went wild. So... How are you doing after yesterday Sakura? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine" She said before she frowned a bit and looked over to him. "Naruto... You don't remember it do you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit before sighing. "Look, it's... Saiyuri's power. She can mimic anything someone does if it has chakra in it. She mimicked the nine tails when you changed. It drained her energy, and if she works it too hard, she can get herself killed. It depends on if her body can regenerate from it"
When naruto heard Sakura's description of what happened suddenly Naruto's eyes widened and suddenly it felt like the hazy image of a girl from his dream became clear right before his eyes and he suddenly realized who it was. It was Saiyuri and it wasn't a dream. Naruto stared at Saiyuri a moment and then fell to his knees in fear of what would happen to Saiyuri and he spoke to Sakura "S-Sakura... Saiyuri was the girl... She's in my inner world." Naruto then spoke to Sakura while still staring at Saiyuri and said "Sakura-chan... I think she's linked to me now. I think she connected to my inner world, where the fox is sealed... When she used the fox cloak. I-I think I could help her if I can find her in there." Naruto looked as if he were in a daze and slowly entered a meditative position, as when he entered sage mode and said with closed eyes "Sakura-chan... If anything starts happening... Run away" and with that naruto began to focus on his inner world as he did when summoning forth small amounts of fox chakra.
(Pm me before you reply please ^^)
Crouching down, Saiyuri put her forehead on her knees and hugged her arms around her head. Slowly, she began to rock back and forth, everything around her causing so much confusion. Where was she? What was happening? All she could see was darkness everywhere, and everything around her was so dark. She wasn't used to it at all, so much evil and darkness wasn't something she was used to and now she was trapped with all of that around her.
As naruto awoke into his inner world he slowly walked out of the room where the fox lay and he calmly left the room, following the same presence he had followed earlier, until he came to a room and looked in to see a girl sitting upright in the fetal position. Naruto's face became quite sad and concerned as he slowly walked up to the girl who seemed to act almost blind and he walked right behind her and stared down for a moment until he kneeled down and placed his right hand on Saiyuri's right shoulder and said gently "Saiyuri... It's Naruto. It's ok. You're safe. I'm here for you. Can you stand?"
Saiyuri jumped and gasped, scrambling away from him and holding herself up with her arms. "N-Naruto, where am I? What's going on?" She asked, her voice shaking in fear as she stared up at him, her eyes wide and fearful as she gazed up at him.
Naruto looked at the frightened Saiyuri with pity in his eyes for the terror she brought upon herself to save him and he slowly leaned down to her and on his knee he placed his hand on her shoulder once again and said "Saiyuri... This my inner world. It's a part of me that exists mainly due to the fox being sealed inside of me... When you did what you did to save me you didn't simply recreate my cloak... You created your own space in this world. And then you summoned the strength of the fox the same way that I do... I'm so sorry" a look of terrible regret overcame Naruto's face as he continued "Becayse you tried to save me... You now have to live with the fox like I do... Only-only you're not used to it at all. You need to calm down and stand up. It's very simple to let yourself return to your body. Since you're not used to naturally switching incredibly fast between states like me you can't do it on your own it looks like." Naruto took Saiyuri's hand while still holding her shoulder and stood her up as he continued "You need to be careful. There's a lot of evil in this place, and it can tempt you a lot. But you'll get used to it. For now, just concentrate on my hands. Concentrate on reality. Focus on your heart. Focus, and simply think on it, think on the outside world. We're at the inn, think if the room, and of Sakura. Use me for your strength Saiyuri. You need to get out before the red chakra starts corrupting you. It's constantly seeping out in small amounts. And since you never leave here but just become physically concious in your body rather than spiritually concious here, you'll still be affected by it... But you'll be much safer if you're true self isn't focused here. Because if your true self gets corrupted then you won't return to the way you used to be. But you can I'd you're not focused here. So focus on everything physical. Focus on the bed you're on and you'll return there soon enough. You have to try"
Saiyuri stared up at him, her breathing quick and showing signs of panic. She tried to listen, her eyes closing as she tried to envision what he was describing. It was so hard, knowing that all this evil and darkness was swirling around her, seeping into her. Her fear made it feel stronger, but she tried harder and harder, her eyes clenching shut. She tried so hard to focus, to imagine the soft bed beneath her and the blankets up around her, the smell of the inn, everything she could. Soon, in the real world, she gasped and sat up, her heart racing and her skin shimmering with a thin layer of sweat.

Sakura jumped in shock at the sudden noise and looked to her, letting out a soft sigh of relief to see her okay. "Saiyuri... Are you okay?" She asked, getting a hesitant nod from her.
Naruto stayed behind for a moment and once he knew Saiyuri was safely out he looked around cautiously and slowly closed his eyes and his eyes then slowly opened in reality and he stood up calmly and walked over to Saiyuri with conflicting emotions. He was ecstatic Saiyuri was safe, but he felt incredibly guilty that Saiyuri now had to bead the same curse as him all because he couldn't save them on his own. Naruto's emotions showed on his face as he tried to put on a strong face and smiled as he said "Saiyuri-chan... I'm glad you're alright. I don't know what I would've done if anything bad had happened to you"
Saiyuri slowly looked over to him and nodded a bit. She was still a bit shaken up, and simply hoped that soon she would be used to it all and would be able to go back to normal. What was going to become of her? She didn't really want to think about it at this point, not right now anyways.
Naruto stood there a moment, gazing at the beautiful Saiyuri and slowly turned to Sakura as he said "Sakura... We should head back soon. We completed our mission and Saiyuri needs to be somewhere she can feel safe." Naruto turned to Saiyuri with a gentle smile and said "Saiyuri... Are you feeling alright? I know it's a little hard to accept right now. But you're going to be fine. We should just get you somewhere familiar Saiyuri. That way you can rest properly"
"I don't think we can leave just yet, I mean... We're all worn out" Sakura said, biting her lip slightly. "We'd be safer here for now, if we get caught out there then we'll be too weak to fight back. I say we get some food and just stay here one more night before we leave" She added, sitting on the edge of Naruto's bed.
Naruto reluctantly let out a sigh and said "Yeah I guess you're right Sakura." Naruto casually walked over to the window and leaned back against it, resting his hands on the window sill and turned to Saiyuri with his head slightly tiled to the right and asked curiously "Hey Saiyuri-chan, what do you think we should do today?"
Saiyuri glanced up at him and shook her head slowly. "I... I don't know" She said, slowly coming back to earth from her shock and confusion. Hesitantly, she got to her feet, feeling her knees shake a bit from how much energy she'd used, but tried to ignore it.
Naruto looked at Saiyuri sympathetically. He knew how much the fox can drain you. Hoping to lighten the mood a bit he smiled and casually turned to Sakura and said excitedly "Well then! How about we go out for something to eat!?" Naruto turned his head very slightly to Saiyuri and in the hopes of getting her back to normal teased her a bit as he said almost sarcastically "Unless Saiyuri-chan here can't handle a little walk that is. Hahah she's probably just worried I'll show her up when we're eating is all." He continued teasingly and said "Hahaha am I right Saiyuri-chan? Or do you think you can handle it?"
Saiyuri glanced over to him and couldn't help but smile a bit. "You can never beat me" She said softly, her voice still a bit shaken up, but she was clearly feeling a bit better by his approach of teasing her. "I could go for food.... I think' She said, hoping her stomach could handle food.
Naruto smiled and chuckled at Saiyuri and turned to Sakura and casually said "I guess it's settled then Sakura. Lets go ahead and go to that one place we first went to here. Their ramen totally ruled! I'm gonna eat way more this time!" Naruto laughed as he finished talking and headed to the door and opened it up and turned to the girls and jokingly said "Well? are you guys coming?"
Both girls glanced to each other for a moment before getting up and starting to head to the door. Saiyuri was stumbling around a bit, but she seemed to be walking around alright besides that.
Naruto smiled as he saw the two girls he cared for so much safe and sound and gently shut the door behind them and savored the peace that came with knowing the danger of the past mission was gone and casually walked with the girls out of the inn and was a little surprised at what he saw as he led the way out the door and a crowd of joyous faces smiled and cheered and laughed and shouted cheers of joy and gratitude the first words he heard however were "The heroes are awake everyone!!! The heroes are here!" A group of the rescued girls and their families cheered at the front of the crowd as the girl who assisted Saiyuri and two of her friends approached the konoha trio.

The crowd purposely leaving a bit of room for the three beautiful girls as they approached Naruto and smiled with tears of joy in their eyes and the one who had helped Saiyuri reached out and have Naruto a big hug, squeezing tight, and the other two blushed slightly and walked up as the girl in the middle who hugged Naruto slowly pulled back and kissed Naruto on the cheek and with her hands on his shoulders and tears of joy said "Thank you all SO much. You saved all of us and risked your lives! Thank you!"

She embraced Naruto once again and pulled back once more and said "My name is Reika, and this is (?) and (?)" as she gestured to the other two beautiful young women and continued "Please let us join you for breakfast today. The village hasn't been so happy in years. The shinobi who held out town's peace hostage have fled and all of us who were kidnapped and tortured for so long are finally with our families once again! So we would like to join you three for today and accompany you wherever you would like to go in the village! You're our saviors so you won't be spending any money here ever again! It's just one of the ways we'd like to show our thanks to our..." For some reason she looked Naruto up and down and continued with a strange tone shift that was almost like it was meant to be seductive oddly enough "Honorable hero's"
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