Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

"Well, I have been training most of my life with an old man, not much kissing opportunity" She said softly before she sighed and shook her head. "We should get back to sleep... I'm sorry I woke you up" She said, smiling slightly at him as she glanced around the still dark room.
Naruto chuckled at what Saiyuri had said, relatively sure that was the only reason she had t been kissed before as he gave Saiyuri a quick kiss on the cheek and stood up saying "Heh, good night Saiyuri-chan." After he said good night he slowly returned to bed, almost in disbelief over the fact that he just kissed Saiyuri and as he got back into bed he turned to face Saiyuri and smiled happily at her before he let himself drift off to sleep.
Saiyuri smiled softly and nodded, laying back in her bed again. "Good night Naruto" she said softly, smiling a little as she turned onto her side, curled up and let herself drift off to sleep once more.
Naruto awoke slowly that morning. His head groggy and still half asleep, he sat up and pulled his sheets off of himself as he turned to the side, letting his feet drop to the floor. As he sat there Naruto's eyes suddenly widened as the events of the previous night ran through his mind, sakura's kidnapping, Saiyuri getting hit on the head, and his kiss with Saiyuri. However, in all the mental chaos only one thing stayed at the center of his focus. Sakura's kidnapping. Naruto quickly dashed to his jacket put it on and ran to the adorable sleeping Saiyuri and quickly kneeled next to her and shook her shoulder gently and rather quietly said "Hey. Saiyuri. We have to start searching for Sakura before they get too far."
Saiyuri groaned softly and sat up, rubbing her eyes a bit and yawning. "Sakura? Y-Yeah!" She said, jumping to her feet. "Let's go, we should start where you found me" She said, looking over to him and biting her lip slightly. "It's our best shot"
Naruto, with a look of determination in his eyes shook his head once, decisively, and quickly stood up and ran to his pack and rustled through it a moment until he pulled out his weapon pack and placed it on the back of his pants and quickly ran to the door, but before opening to run out he turned his head to Saiyuri and said "You ready?"
Saiyuri nodded and threw her hair up into her ponytail. She hurried after him, eager to get going and find her sister. They didn't know what the girls were being used for, so now, she was determined to find them before whatever was planned, happened.
As naruto saw Saiyuri nod, he ran out of the room and the inn. He quickly approached the village's gate and ran to the right, after where he found Saiyuri laying the night before and soon enough came upon the clearing that he found Saiyuri at and stopped and turned his head left and right, in the hopes of seeing an obvious clue, but finding none. He then closed his eyes, folded his legs and essentially drop in a meditation pose and sat there until he entered sage mode and opened his eyes as he said "Saiyuri, I haven't told you yet, but in sage mode... I can sense chakra. And I can just barely sense Sakura's. sakura's somewhere north of here!" Naruto quickly leaped up and began running in the direction of Sakura's chakra.
Saiyuri watched him curiously, her head tilting to the side a bit as she felt him search out Sakura's chakra. As he jumped up and ran off, she went to try and stop him only to miss. "W-Wait!" She called as she ran after him "Shouldn't we try and figure out a plan or something?" She asked as she ran next to him, frowning slightly.
Naruto laughed as he looked on forward and continued running as he shouted out to Saiyuri "No way! We have to find Sakura before we can even think about that! Otherwise we might be too late!". As naruto finished talking he slammed his right foot hard into the ground and launched forward to speed up so he wouldn't lose Sakura's chakra. Naruto then shouted out again "Saiyuri! Sakura's chakra's closing in. They're not moving very fast. They must have expected anyone to follow them." Naruto grinned confidently as he launched forward again shouting "Come on!"
Saiyuri sighed softly and nodded, hurrying after him. "I'm coming, I'm coming" She said, chuckling as she rolled her eyes and hurried after him. She didn't like this, but she figured he had done this more than her, she'd never been on a real mission, so she tried her best to ignore her worries.
As naruto continued his rapid pace he felt confident in his ability to find and save Sakura. He ran with nothing other than tracking Sakura's chakra on his mind and kicked off over and over. Until suddenly he sensed a massive amount of chakra surrounding him and Saiyuri, right on top of them he only had time to turn to Saiyuri and scream "SAIYURI! IT'S AN AMBUSH!" Quickly naruto turned to face her, still heading to Sakura at a rapid speed, so he could see her and protect her quickly and formed the seal for shadow clones, and as soon as he did he felt a hand slam viciously onto his back and suddenly could no longer breath, and felt no chakra flowing and he flinched in pain and making a face that looked as if he were going to growl, said "Saiyuri..." He had passed out and slammed into the ground. As he did a smiling man in a dark close could be seen standing behind naruto. Suddenly a mass of male shinobi appeared about Saiyuri and the one who hit naruto spoke and said "I think you should surrender before we have to hurt that cute little face of yours... Cutie-chan."
Saiyuri heard him yell and gasp, spinning around to try and see where they would be. Everything happened fast, to the point where she was still catching up when someone spoke to her. Gasping softly, she went to back away only to run into one of the ambushers. "And why would I do that?" She snarled, narrowing her eyes a bit as she moved away, trying to keep a good distance between all of them.
The men all chuckled and slowly built up to a roaring laughter and it died down and the man above naruto growled as he smiled and said "If you want we can play rough and break a few of your bones and drag you with us..." The man slowly tilted his head to the side and almost appeared to be nodding at and naruto and pulled a kunai out of the cloak and pulled it all the way up and held it upside down, the point of the knife pointed at Naruto's limp body and said "We could also play around with your little friend here. So I think you should come with us before it comes to that" the man growled softly and smiled as a man approached Saiyuri with a sick smile and pulled out an odd metal looking rope with what looked like red veins all over it and said "Just to make sure you don't use any of your jutsu is all missy. Can I tie your hands, or should we take off your friend's hands all together?"
Saiyuri grit her teeth and clenched her fists at her sides. She couldn't let them hurt Naruto, she'd never forgive herself. Sighing in frustration and defeat, she brought her hands up, bringing her wrists together as she glared up at them all, her anger flaring.
The man with the strange rope quickly slapped the rope on Saiyuri's wrists and it snapped around her wrists tightly on it's own. The man then formed a quick tiger seal with one hand and the red veins glowed a bright red as it essentially froze her chakra. And the man who hit naruto grinned cruelly and formed a tiger seal and appeared before Saiyuri and slammed his open hand onto her stomach, using the same technique as on naruto.
As she felt the hit to her stomach, and groaned and curled over. Shortly after, she passed out as well, falling to the ground next to Naruto.

An hour passed before Sakura found Naruto on the ground and rushed over. She quickly shook his shoulder, trying to wake him "Naruto? Naruto! Wake up"
Naruto's eyes slowly opened as he felt himself being shook and he suddenly remembered what had happened and he quickly tried to get up, but still feeling the effects of the seal he doubled over on the ground and said "Saiyuri, they took Saiyuri too-" Naruto's eyes widened as he realized Sakura was right next to him, alive and well. Naruto quickly used his arms to hold himself up, faced sakura and said "S-Sakura! You're ok! H-How? We were coming after you and they-they knocked me out. And now I think they took Saiyuri just like you."
Sakura smiled a bit and shrugged "I got away. It was hard, but there were only a few guards left since I'm guessing most of them came after you guys. I was able to break out and sneak passed most of them without having to knock them out"
Naruto smiled and almost felt a tear come as he realized Sakura was alright and hasn't been hurt and reached out and quickly embraced Sakura and as he held her said "I'm so glad you're alright!" Naruto held Sakura a moment with closed happy eyes and slowly pushed off with Sakura's shoulders, holding onto them still and said "N-Now we have to go find your sister. They kidnapped Saiyuri Sakura. I-I don't know what they're planning on doing, but we can't risk waiting too long. Can you take me to-" naruto flinched in pain and continued "C-Can you take me to their base Sakura?"
Sakura frowned and shook her head "No, Naruto we have to leave" She said, sighing softly. "They've planned something horrible, we should get out of here before they manage to finish" She said, standing to her feet.
Naruto was feeling speechless, he was hurt bad and could barely speak as it was, but the way Sakura was so quick to just leave Saiyuri and he quickly, and with a look of real concern, almost as much for Sakura, the girl he still saw as mostly flawless than for Saiyuri's safety, said "S-Sakura! You can't be serious! We have to save your sister! It's my fault you left and got caught alone and then because you were taken Saiyuri even got taken! Please! You can't be serious, we have to save her!"
"If we go it's going to get us killed!" She snapped, frowning and getting up. "We're leaving, now" She muttered, narrowing her eyes.
Naruto looked on at Sakura in disbelief at her response and ignoring his pain, which was fading gradually, and his face instantly filled with anger and he stood up and grabbed Sakura's shirt by the collar region and suddenly his face seemed to begin changing and slowly atarted looking like when he was influenced by the fox and he shouted "I don't care! We have to save her and you're gonna take me to her NOW!"
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