Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

As Naruto walked he realized the 15 minutes were up and he quickly headed for the main gate to see if Saiyuri had discovered Sakura yet, but as he approached, he realized that Saiyuri wasn't even in sight. At this point naruto felt an air panic rush over him 'S-Saiyuri! Where is she? She and Sakura should have been here by now!' Naruto quickly summoned several shadow clones and sent them in all directions as he pursued after Saiyuri in the direction she had gone in search of Sakura. As Naruto ran to find Saiyuri he noticed something in the corner of his eye. To his left he saw soft pink hair and quickly realized just whose hair it was. Naruto's face became flooded with fear and concern and Naruto desummoned his clones and rushed to her limp body in the bushes and shouted out as he placed his left hand under her head and his right hand across her body and placed it under her back and lifted her slowly up "Saiyuri! Saiyuri wake up!"
Saiyuri groaned as he lifted her up, and she opened her eyes slowly. Seeing Naruto, she frowned slightly and looked around. "They... They took Sakura" She said, her voice a bit weak. She felt groggy, tired, and there was a huge pain in her head that she couldn't explain. Trying to shake it off, she sat up and put a hand to her head.
Naruto's eyes widened in what almost seemed to be anger and he sat there holding Saiyuri as he looked out and said "So... They took Sakura... And attacked you..." Naruto quickly picked up Saiyuri in his arms. His left arm cradling her upper back and his left held her at her knees, and he began walking back to the village entrance and said in an unusually calm tone "Saiyuri, did you see them at all? Did you see who took Sakura-chan..."
"N-Not really" she said, shaking her head as she leaned against him "I was... It was dark and my vision was all blurry" She said, sighing softly. She didn't want to tell him what they had said to her, that they planned on going after her. It would only worry him. "I know there were many, and they were all guys from what I could see"
Naruto growled slightly as his face followed his voice and anger slowly filled his face as he looked out into the dark woods and his face began to slowly change as it always did in moments of true anger, and his whisker marks became erratic, his teeth like that of a fox, his hair seemed to begin to bristle, and his pupil like the fox's own. Suddenly a look of shock came over his face however, and he looked down and saw Saiyuri. His face became more concerned and regret seemed to appear as concern for her slowly overcame his anger, and he continued walking as he saw the entrance gate and said "I-I'm glad you're okay Saiyuri. I'm glad the didn't take you." Naruto looked on ahead as he entered the village and without looking at Saiyuri said "Right now what's important is making sure you're alright, I'm gonna take you to the inn and make sure no one takes YOU as well. Tomorrow... Tomorrow we'll find your sister for sure. Believe it"
Saiyuri stared up at him as he seemed the change and she could sense a new chakra, something she'd never felt before. Before she could figure anything out, he seemed to snap out of it and went back to normal once more. At the mention of going out tomorrow, she nodded slowly and smiled up at him a bit. "O-Okay. Yeah... tomorrow" She said softly, her eyes looking around as they entered the town, and soon, the inn.
As he entered the inn, naruto received curious looks from the owner and one or two guests not in their room at the sight of him carrying Saiyuri. Soon enough they were at their room and naruto carefully slid the door open with his hand under Saiyuri's knees, making sure not to bump her against the wall and he did the same closing the door as well. As naruto entered he slowly walked Saiyuri to her bed and gently laid her down, and covered her with her sheets and he walked over to his bed, took off his shoes, took off his jacket, and left his pants on, not wanting to offend Saiyuri, and entered his own bed. He stared at the ceiling a moment and turned his head to Saiyuri "Good night Saiyuri." After a moment naruto smiled and as he fell asleep said "Don't worry, we'll find Sakura-chan in no time"
Saiyuri watched him curiously until he lay in his bed. She sighed softly and nodded, curling up on her side a bit and closing her eyes "I hope you're right" She said softly before she slowly drifted off to sleep, her dreams plagued with a nightmare. She would be sitting in a dark room, strapped down to a chair and the goons from town were all around her. Each one took turns torturing her with anything from simply slapping her to harming her with an assortment of sharp objects. In the middle of the night, she screamed and woke up, sitting up straight in her bed, a cold sweat covering her body.
As naruto slept his dreams were rather calm that night, for some reason he and Saiyuri were sitting across a table from each other. Oddly enough naruto couldn't hear what he and Saiyuri were saying, he simply knew he and her were conversing, until they began to lean in and he thought they were about to kiss until he awoke quickly to the sound of a terrified Saiyuri and he quickly threw off his covers and flashed out of bed sideways as if entering battle and said "Saiyuri-chan!" As he pulled a kunai from under his bed he had placed there and held it, blade down, and when he realized no one was there he dropped it and ran to Saiyuri and he placed his left thigh on her bed and placed one arm around her shoulders, almost hugging her, in reality he was, but he didn't think so, and he placed his other hand over Saiyuri's cold hand and with concern and affection in his face he said "Saiyuri, a-are you alright? What's wrong?"
Saiyuri panted softly, flinching a bit when he touched her as if she'd been scared he was going to hurt her. Gulping slightly, she looked over to him and stared for a moment before nodding "Y-Yeah... I'm okay." She said, her voice a bit shaky as she took a few deep breaths "J-Just a nightmare... I-I"m sorry I woke you" She said softly, letting out a soft sigh as she ran a hand through her hair.
Naruto looked at Saiyuri almost sad as she sighed and he slowly flowed his arm from hugging her to around her back until it was just his hand on her shoulder and he continued to look at Saiyuri and he said "S-Saiyuri... Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're alright. It was bad enough losing Sakura." Naruto looked down a moment and then up as he continued "And you just came into my life. I don't know what I'd do if I had to lose you too." Naruto stared at Saiyuri a moment as he said this and he suddenly felt a little awkward and embarrassed and he turned his head away nervously and said "W-Well anyway I-I'm just glad you're ok"
Saiyuri blushed softly and nodded, glancing down to the sheets. Sighing softly, she looked over to him and smiled a bit "Thanks Naruto. You're a great person, I can't understand why Sakura isn't all over you after being on your team for so many years, it makes no sense to me" She said softly as she ran another hand through her hair and closed her eyes a moment. She realized she'd forgotten to remove the ties from her hair and did so, letting her pink hair fall down her back so she could hopefully have an easier time getting to sleep.
Naruto chuckled softly at Saiyuri's remark and he smiled once again and he turned back to her and said I don't know, I'm not exactly the best at anything, plus I don't really have the kind of looks that make girls excited or anything like that." Naruto looked at Saiyuri as she let her hair flow down and his heart seemed to beat a little faster as he realized just how cute she looked with her hair down and he laugh slightly and said "Haha, you on the other hand seem to look amazing no matter what you do."
Saiyuri blinked curiously as she set her hair tie down on her bedside table. "You? Come on, you're adorable. I think any girl would be lucky to have you" She said, smiling softly as she looked over to him. "You have beautiful deep blue eyes, a handsome face, and even though your hair is a bit crazy, it suits you well"
Naruto began to blush a deep red on his cheeks, and a small grin appeared across his face as Saiyuri spoke and he let his hand touching her shoulder move to place it on his head and rub his head shyly and he said "Haha no way. A girl like you doesn't have to humor me. Haha I'll bet you could get any guy you wanted with a toss of your hair" Naruto's grin widen ever so slightly as he continued to to say "Besides, you're a really incredible person Saiyuri. Hahahaha I had to remind myself you're sakura's sister over and over just to avoid doing anything stupid." Naruto's blush seemed to spread over his whole face as he spoke to Saiyuri. For some reason, as he spoke to Saiyuri it was as if he was getting more and more nervous, and his chest became warmer almost as he gazed at her gentle features that composed her perfect face.
Saiyuri tilted her head and wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "Anything stupid?" She asked, blinking curiously. "As in what?" She asked, wondering what he could possibly be thinking as 'stupid' simply because she was Sakura's sister.
Naruto chuckled nervously and looked away again, as if he simply couldn't face her and say what she had asked him to say. As he chuckled naruto spoke to Saiyuri and said "W-Well I mean... Heh you're so attractive, and you already seemed like an amazing girl before a full five minutes even passed" naruto paused to laugh a moment "Haha so... So I guess when I say something stupid I mean like trying to ask you to dinner, or hugging you a tighter than you're supposed to hug friends or do something really dumb like..." Naruto's face become consumed by a dark red blush as he said quietly "Like kiss you... Or something"
Saiyuri listened carefully and pouted a bit when he finished. "That's dumb?" She asked, crossing her arms and looking away from him. "Well then, if asking me on a date or doing any of those things are dumb then don't bother, wouldn't want to have you regret anything" She said stubbornly, turning her head up.
Naruto became very nervous and almost scared oddly enough as Saiyuri spoke in such a stubborn fashion and he quickly turned to her shouted "No way would I regret any of that! The only reason I didn't try and kiss you that first day is because I was terrified of what would happen! I was just worried that Sakura wouldn't let an idiot like me be with you once she found out! I just thought I'd never be able to take it if I got to be with you only to have someone as amazing as you taken from me!" Naruto's blush quickly seemed to deepen and his face became very nervous as he realized what he had just said for fear of what Saiyuri would say.
Saiyuri chuckled softly and looked over to him, lowered her arms as she shook her head "Well that's silly, you think Sakura has control over me?" she asked, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Who cares if she would be upset with you liking me, it's not like she controls my life, picks who I hang out with or date"
Naruto's blush stayed strong but seemed to fade very slowly a moment after Saiyuri finished talking and his look of panic and nervousness slowly started to fade and changed into a face that was happy on an incredibly deep level, rather than the face of one who was happy over something trivial such as receiving a gift, no, this was deeper. Naruto's hand on Saiyuri's slowly wrapped around hers and his face became more teasing and warm as he tilted his head slightly and slowly began to approach Saiyuri's supple lips as he said "Well then... I guess I'll have to make sure wont I? Do you think if... I kissed you" at this point Naruto's lips were mere centimeters away from Saiyuri's as he continued to say "That would prove that... We could be together?"
Saiyuri blushed slightly as she glanced up at him "Mmm, maybe" She said softly, a teasing tone in her voice as she smirked a bit. "I guess we'll have to find out" She said, gently moving even closer, their lips just barely having a gap between them. After a moment, she closed the distance, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips to his, her heart jumping in her chest at the feeling.
As naruto felt Saiyuri's soft, delicate lips against his he felt a euphoria he had yet to feel before. He wasn't sure entirely what it was... But he had a pretty good idea. As he and Saiyuri kissed gently, he placed his right hand on her left cheek very gently and slowly pressed his own lips against hers returning the kiss and letting himself go. Naruto could feel his heart pound inside himself as he kissed back, but it seemed to calm down as he fell almost catatonic under the spell of Saiyuri's lips. It was like his body had expected it all along and the shock of the moment of its actual occurrence was all that panicked him. Now it seemed he didn't feel his heart pounding, but his body erupting with excitement at Saiyuri's gentle touch.
Eventually, she slowly pulled back, her eyes still closed for a moment. Slowly opening them, she stared up at him for a moment, a slightly distant expression on her face as if she'd just come back from another world. Shaking it off a bit, she smiled and shyly glanced down, blushing a bit. "I'd say, that was a yes" she said, shyly brushing her hair back from her face "That was amazing for my first kiss"
Naruto pulled away along with Saiyuri and he sat there gazing in wonder at the girl he had just kissed and smiled, chuckling as he did so, saying to her "I couldn't agree more Saiyuri-chan. For my first kiss... It was amazing" naruto chuckled even softer after speaking and he said "The only thing is that I can't believe this is the first time a girl a beautiful as you ever kissed someone." Naruto smiled at Saiyuri for a moment before saying "What now?"
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