Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

Naruto laughed at Saiyuri's ability to tease Sakura at will and the joke itself was pretty funny to him as well. He stopped walking backwards and turned around looking to Saiyuri with shrug of his shoulders, a smile, and a raised eyebrow which seemed to express the futility of bothering too much. Naruto proceeded to continue walking onward as he jokingly said "Ya know Sakura-chan? You'd have knocked my head off if I'd said that, is Saiyuri really that scary? I've been called oblivious so I'm not sure Hahahaha" Naruto's face was covered with a massive smile at that point as he used Saiyuri's ability to mock Sakura to give himself a bit of a laugh at the thought that he'd never teased Sakura before, nor had he ever wanted to. Something about Saiyuri seemed to bring about his old jokester habits ever so slightly. Not the desire, but the bliss of childhood when you have no true worries.
"Yeah well, she can be scary" Sakura muttered, shrugging her shoulders. "Besides, there's no point cause she's probably more stubborn than you, if I tried to hurt her, she wouldn't even care" She said simply, making Saiyuri smile proudly and nod her head "That's right" She said simply as she continued to walk, holding her head high with a big grin on her face.
Naruto laughed at the thought of someone going toe to toe with an angry Sakura, and laughed even more at Saiyuri's response and said "Hahaha Saiyuri-chan can be scary?! Hahaha I'm sorry you look like you could seem "tough" but you look too sweet to be scary!" Naruto found it rather difficult to stop his laughing smile from shining on his face. Naruto turned to Sakura and said "Are you sure that's it? Are you sure she's just not as fun to hit as I am?" Naruto turned back and started his little chuckle once again and looked at Saiyuri's gentle brown eyes and thought for no apparent reason 'Her hair is pretty cute compared to Sakura's'. He then continued to walk as of nothing had happened partially because he felt like it and lie Sakura might hit him if she thought he found it all funny.
Saiyuri smiled a bit at the little chat and just continued walking. She sighed softly as she realized they would likely have to make camp unless they walked partly through the night as well. Biting her lip, she looked over to Naruto. "So, you up for walking most of the night? Or should we pause for rest?" She asked curiously, wondering if he had a preference or not. She, personally, didn't really mind either way. She was eager to get there, but she was nervous about going on her first mission ever.
Naruto hadn't really thought of whether or not they should rest before they got there, but naruto figured it might be nice to just head straight to the village rather than wait, he didn't feel like waiting to start saving people, so he simply replied "Eh! Lets just keep on walking Saiyuri. I figure we'll get there in the early morning if we just keep on walking. So lets just head to the village and we'll get a room there". Naruto put his hands on his head walked on and chuckled a bit to himself. It had been a while since his last mission and he was rather looking forward to doing something other than eat ramen.

Naruto turned back to Sakura as he said "That ok with you Sakura-chan? I don't think it'll be all that bad walking a bit longer huh?" Naruto turned to Saiyuri as well and said "I know it's the day after you just got back from some big training thing so I know you might be a bit out of it but its not that bad. Plus there are some cool animals out at night sometimes" naruto simply smiled lightly at Saiyuri after asking the girls.
Sakura shrugged passively, not wanting to seem weak or anything in front of them both, especially her sister. "I'm fine with continuing" She said simply as she walked, her eyes scanning the area around her to be sure they weren't being followed or anything like that. "Besides, for all we know, another kidnapping might happen any time now, we should get there as soon as possible"

Saiyuri smiled over to him and nodded "Thanks, I'm sure I'll be okay" She said simply, shrugging her shoulders as she looked ahead and continued walking, eager to get there.
Naruto was rather glad that there were no objections, as he was hoping to get the village as fast as possible so the enemy couldn't keep kidnapping girls while Naruto and the girls rested. After quite a while of walking Naruto yawned a little and he smiled at Saiyuri and said "Feels like we've been walking for forever doesn't it? I know it's only a few more hours but man I wish we could just get there already haha" Naruto smiled a little still and turned his head back a little so he could see Sakura and said "You've been pretty quiet Sakura-chan. Everything alright? It won't hurt you to have a little fun with your little sister you know? She just got back, I'd think you'd at least ask her how her trip back was." Naruto felt a little intrusive asking about such personal things but he just didn't like the way Saiyuri was getting treated by what's supposed to be her big sister.
"Yeah, but time will go by fast enough, we'll get there in no time" Saiyuri said, smiling softly and continuing on. She smiled to herself, hearing him trying to talk Sakura into being more happy and out there. Sakura just shook her head and looked away "I know how her trip went, it doesn't matter what she would say" She said simply, her eyes scanning the forest line.
Naruto was getting a little offended at this point. He cared for Sakura but had never seen such a callous side of her before, and realized just how cold she could be. Naruto to to Saiyuri a little mad at Sakura and said "Geez! Saiyuri-chan! Do you have to put up with that every time you see Sakura?! No wonder she didn't mention you!"

At this point naruto had turned so he could see Sakura "She would never want people knowing she had such a nice sister was so much better than her in every way! Who she treated like trash just because she was jealous that her sister was just as attractive as her if not more and even had a more attractive personality too!" Naruto's anger wasn't exactly hard to see at this point. Having never had family himself he was actually upset mainly at the fact that he would have treasured every moment he had with them, and Sakura had a wonderful one who she tried to forget existed, and treated like she was beneath her.
Sakura was a bit surprised with his reaction, crossing her arms and looking away "Who said I was jealous?" She asked, even though she knew that it was part of it. Saiyuri glanced back at her and frowned slightly. She, herself, knew why Sakura hated her so much but it wasn't always something in her own control. Plenty of times she would try to make things okay, but Sakura always changed around her.
Naruto felt a slight amount of remorse at his words but he knew he meant them. The sight of the girl he liked being so cold and not even caring about the treasure of having a sibling or even family. This was too much for him. To see her like that set something off inside of him that showed him the downsides of Sakura for what may have been the first time. While he got so mad at her petty jealousy however he knew that deep down it was he who was jealous. Jealous of the fact that Sakura not only had a sibling, but one as great as Saiyuri. Naruto simply didn't worry it even think on this though, he simply walked on with a slight look of anger on his face.

After his little episode he simply continued to walk straight ahead as he said "You're lucky Saiyuri's even willing to pretend she's perfectly fine when she's around you, you know? She could just as easily leave in her HONEST smile's shadow."
Saiyuri bit her lip slightly and hurried over next to Naruto, putting a hand on his arm. "Hey hey, relax. It's fine. I'm used to it. Besides, siblings rarely get along" She stated, shrugging her shoulders. She knew little about him, but she knew he had no family and therefor thought that maybe this would help him a bit. "Let's just focus on the mission okay?" She asked, smiling softly and trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

Sakura sighed softly and walked faster, getting ahead of them. She just wanted to get to the village already and get some sleep. Sure, she didn't like her sister, but now Naruto was getting into it too, though she supposed she should have expected it.
As Saiyuri asked him to calm down naruto felt a slight rush of embarrassment at getting so upset at someone else's personal affairs and quietly apologize to the two girls "Ah-Y-Yeah I guess you're right. I guess I shouldn't get SO upset. Besides we're not too far from the village at this point anyway huh?" Naruto felt a little embarrassed still but he let that feeling subside as he continued to walk on. "How much longer do you think till we get there Saiyuri?"
"Not long, maybe half an hour?" She asked, knowing that they'd been walking for quite a while now. There had been a few awkward silences on their walk, so she could only assume that they were pretty close. Time went by, and finally Sakura saw the village ahead and ran towards it, making Saiyuri blink in surprise. Seeing the village as well, she smiled and began running as well.
Naruto laughed at the girls running off towards the village in such excitement and joined in himself, cheering at the thought of getting something nice and hot to eat. "Hahaaa! Yeahaaah! Ramen time!" Naruto took off after the girls with a smile on his face and as they entered the village one thing was clearly heard, Naruto's growling stomach. Naruto chuckled softly as he said "Heheh guess I'm hungrier than I thought after a day and a half of walking." Naruto grinned wide and said "So anyone else up for some ramen before we get to work?"
Saiyuri cheered and grinned "I'm so up for that!" She said excitedly, glancing over to him and smirking "this time, I'll beat you for sure!" Sakura just sighed and shrugged. She was hungry enough to eat anything really, she wasn't all too picky with what it was and considering who she was with, she supposed she should have expected the meal of choice to be ramen, as usual.
Naruto laughed and cheered as he ran off asking people where he could find some ramen and when he finally found an answer from one of the few people out and about at that late hour he quickly grabbed Saiyuri's and Sakura's hands and headed off in the direction of the small restaurant he was told about and entered happily and found an empty seat and took it and shouted "Three large ramen please!" The shop owner looked at naruto curiously and almost reluctantly turned around and started prepping the food.
Saiyuri and Sakura ran after him, Saiyuri chuckling and Sakura sighing at his enthusiasm. Soon, they were both seated at the restaurant. A few people stared at them, wondering who the newcomers were but they did their best to ignore them all. Saiyuri smiled, putting her elbows up on the counter and gazing around curiously at the rather gloomy place.
Naruto noticed just how down beat the restaurant seemed, but when he thought on the series of kidnappings he felt it a little appropriate for what had been happening. Naruto's raised an eyebrow and turned discreetly to Saiyuri and whispered "I know there've been kidnappings but these people look half dead or something! You'd think they'd be riled up thinking of what to do about it." Naruto then looked to make sure Sakura was still in her own world and ignoring him and quietly said to Saiyuri "Sakura kinda looks like an angry version of these people though, hehe sorry about getting involved your personal business, I just don't like how she acts like you're just a nuisance"
Saiyuri shrugged a bit and smiled at him "It's fine" She said simply before she thought about it all, how the villagers were acting.. How dreary it was, she had to agree it seemed odd "Maybe... Maybe they just don't know what to do? It's possible they don't know where the girls are, or maybe they just don't think they stand a chance against whatever is out here" She said simply, shrugging a little as the food was placed in front of them. "Excuse me" She said to the shop keeper "Do you know anything about the disappearances lately?"
The old man quivered almost hmas Saiyuri spoke and said nervously "N-No no. I don't know anything, I'm just an old man who wants to try and live in peace while everything seems to go up in flames. Now please try not to talk too much about it in my restaurant, it's bad enough here as it is..." The old man the turned away but turned right back opened his mouth half way then said "However, there may be some people in the back corner table who could help you. The local "Shinobi"." The old man scoffed as he walked away and returned to the kitchen.

Naruto turned to Saiyuri curiously and said "That was a little odd wasn't it? Heh almost seemed like the old guy thought we were gonna kidnap HIM. Haha, well I'm gonna eat!" Naruto took in a slurp of his ramen and said "And drag the answers out of those guys if I have to!" Naruto proceeded to wild down the delicious ramen as he always does, and finished a slurp of noodles, smiled wide at Saiyuri and continued to eat.
Saiyuri nodded in agreement and shrugged, wanting to enjoy her meal first. She broke the chop sticks, rubbed them together a bit, and then dug in. Sakura was already eating and her eyes were scanning around as if trying to find some answers just by the faces of those around her. Of course, she wouldn't find anything just yet, but she knew which people she wanted to question once dinner was finished.

Saiyuri finished her meal pretty quickly, but instead of ordering another like she would normally, she pushed the bowl away, put money down and glanced around. She wasn't feeling so hungry anymore, due to the fact that this place was rather creepy.
Naruto finished his ramen just after Saiyuri, not even thinking about the fact that he was so put off that he finished after her. He then tapped the girls' shoulders and said "hey, Sakura, Saiyuri. I think we may wanna talk to those local shinobi the old man mentioned. They might be able to help us out a bit. We weren't exactly given a lot if details about the kidnappings in the first place." Naruto turned to Saiyuri after speaking and after a moment or two, wrinkled his forehead, squinted his eyes, and pursed his lips as he said "How did you finish before me..." Naruto obviously wasn't taking it too seriously. As always it was closer to a game than a mission in Naruto's eyes.
Saiyuri shrugged and stuck her tongue out before looking over to the table that held the village ninja "Alright, let's go" She said, getting up and going to the table, Sakura following quickly behind her. As they got to the table Saiyuri put a hand on the table and smiled "hey you guys, we were wondering if you lot knew anything about the kidnappings?"
One of the rather shady shinobi, shady mainly because instead of a headband they wore red sashes on the biceps, looked up at Saiyuri, smiled in a fairly 'dirty' manner and said "Why? You feel like bein' swept away for the night cutie? Hehehe yeah we know a thing or two about the kidnappings. We ARE the village's shinobi after all." The other shinobi chuckled and a skinny one with a particularly shiny head said "We know they happen every full moon" another with a black scarf on his head said "We know at midnight women's screams are heard" and the last one who was rather muscular with a distinctive scar on the spot where his right eye used to be said "And we know that all of the victims had doors that were marked with an X of blood right after they're taken."

The first one who had suggested Saiyuri was hoping for something in a fairly inappropriate manner then said "And the final piece if information we have is that whoever it is must be too much of a coward to face US. Hahaha after all, none of our village's shinobi have had their women attacked. Probably just some idiot kidnappers faking a haunting. Right guys?" The others nodded and as they did naruto looked at them suspiciously as he said "How could someone perfectly capable of kidnapping a woman be scared of shinobi like you?" The leader looked at naruto and said with a growl and a voice that grew louder with every word, starting from a whisper "Because not only do we own this town, but we squash little pricks like you!!"

Naruto looked at the man and said "Seriously? Huh. Guess they just don't wanna hurt you guys cuz it would make them look bad" the leader of the shinobi's forehead vein throbbed viscously as he stood up, grabbed Naruto's shirt, pulled up, stared at Naruto and growled "I'm gonna take you outside and shove your scrawny little arms down that smart mouth of yours got it kid" the shop owner shouted just then at the man "Don't you dare get his blood on my floor sir!" The leader chuckled as he started walking outside with naruto lifted off the ground, who was simply looking at the man like he didn't understand a joke he had said.
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