Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

Saiyuri heard a voice behind her and curiously glanced back at him. She frowned slightly and sighed, hugging her arms around herself as he spoke. Her eyes stared at the ground, still embarrassed about everything that had happened. "No, Shiro, it's fine" She said before sighing and looking up at him.

"It's just... You're... You're so clueless. It's obvious she's flirting with you, and sadly, I can't accept that apology. She knows what she's doing, I can tell. You just want to be friends with everyone, and never want to see the bad in a single person" She said, scared that the comment would make him mad at her... But it was the truth, it was what she thought and she wasn't going to hold the truth back. "I just... I get so angry when she flirts like that and you don't care. A-And I get jealous, and scared I'm losing you when I only just got you and it seemed like it was so easy for you to ignore me"
when Naruto heard what Saiyuri said, his face became far more concerned than before, he didn't know what to say to her. He hadn't seen anything wrong with what had been happening, and he had no idea what to say to help Saiyuri feel better about everything. He suddenly knew exactly hi Saiyuri felt. Like was already going to lose her. Naruto looked down at the floor as he realized it, and he slowly looked back up at Saiyuri and he gazed at Saiyuri for a moment until he finally said softly "Shiro... Could you... Leave us alone for a minute?" Shiro looked at Naruto and then Saiyuri and reluctantly said "I'll wait across the room, but if I feel like I need to, I'm gonna go ahead and take Saiyuri out for a bit to help her cheer up" he then walked across the room a decent distance and sat down.

Naruto then returned his gaze to Saiyuri and said softly "Saiyuri-chan... You know... I care about you. I care about you more than anyone I've ever met, and I've never felt this way before. I-... I don't know what to say Saiyuri-chan. There's nothing between me and Reika. And seeing you this way I think I know a little bit of the way you're feeling. Because seeing you like this... And not knowing what to do to make it right... I feel helpless. Like nothing I say is going to make anything better... So... Saiyuri-chan. I hope I can do something to help you know you're not losing me.

Naruto then slowly brought Saiyuri's face to his with his hand on her cheek and gently kissed her, and let his lips rest upon hers for what felt like an eternity and he slowly pet his lips part from hers, and he smiled softly at her and said "Saiyuri-chan. I love you. Reika's not the one I love and even if I were the one she loved, which I'm not, then I would make it clear who I loved. And that's you Saiyuri-chan. Only you" Naruto looked down after he finished speaking and then he looked back up at Saiyuri with a hopeful smile as he said "So does that help you a little?" as Naruto spoke however, Reika had slowly walked out of the spring and had walked to the entrance to the women's spring and rested her shoulder against the doorway as she looked on at Naruto and Saiyuri... Almost hopefully. As if she were hoping for a certain outcome from the situation, like she both wanted Saiyuri to give up on Naruto's, and as if she hoped Saiyuri would accept Naruto's apology.
Saiyuri glanced up at him as he spoke, really really wanting to believe him. She let out a small sigh and glanced down when he said he didn't know what to say. However, she felt him pull her close and place his lips on hers. She felt her cheeks turn a light pink and she closed her eyes, slowly kissing him back. When he pulled back, it felt like it was too soon but she made no move to stop him.

She watched him curiously, able to tell from his face that he was being honest. Taking a deep breath, she slowly nodded her head and hugged her arms around him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder. "I just want to go home" She said softly, not liking the fact that they were still stuck in this village for the rest of the day and that night.

"B-But I'll pull through... I just don't like seeing them all over you. Maybe I'm just being a clingy, annoying girl, but I get defensive and angry" She said, sighing softly as she hugged him a bit tighter to her.
Naruto smiled at Saiyuri's cure blushing face and he felt even happier that she accepted his apology and he hugged Saiyuri back as she held him, and a soft red blush came across his cheeks as he held Saiyuri. As he held Saiyuri he finally said softly into her ear "Hey Saiyuri-chan. Why don't we go ahead and head back into the spring with everyone else now? And if they say anything... it doesn't matter. All that matters is we know how we feel about each other right?"

As Naruto finished speaking, he noticed Reika had walked up behind Saiyuri, bur he simply closed his eyes and focused on holding Saiyuri, when he he suddenly felt Reika's hand on his shoulder and he opened his eyes and looked at her and saw such a kind and beautiful smile on her face he couldn't help but let a tear drop and smile back and Reika gently ran her hand through the left side of Naruto's hair and let it rest on his head a moment before she quickly returned to the spring. As Reika returned, Shiro walked up to the two as they held each other and put his hands on Naruto and Saiyuri's backs and chuckled as he said "Well now that you two have made up why don't we head into the springs now?"
Saiyuri hesitantly nodded and hugged him for a bit longer before she would pull back in time to see Reika walking off. Blinking in confusion, she sighed and shook her head before turning her attention back to Shiro. "Y-Yeah" She said, reaching down to take Naruto's hand in hers.

Gently, she began to walk back to the springs, keeping a grip on his hand as if she was scared of letting go and losing him. Her eyes kept glancing over to him curiously, as if checking to make sure he was still there. They finally got back to the springs and she slipped into the water again, seeing Sakura had her head tilted back and her eyes closed, likely half asleep by now.
As NA felt Saiyuri's hand take hold of his, felt his heart leap, he didn't quite understand it though, considering they had just kissed, he couldn't explain why such a simple gesture had such an effect on him, but he simply ignored it, as he and Saiyuri walked into the spring behind Shiro.

As they reached the water once again, Naruto took his free hand and removed his pants and quickly wrapped his towel around himself once again and slowly entered the water next to Saiyuri and chuckled softly at seeing the half asleep Sakura. As he settled in he noticed Reika enter the spring as well, a little curious as to why she wasn't there already, but he was surprised as he saw her sit on the other side of Saiyuri and with a tender look on her face, Reika took Saiyuri's other hand into her two hands and she looked into Saiyuri's eyes as she said with a soft smile "Saiyuri? I'm sorry it seemed like I was trying to come between you two. I would never try and do that, especially to the two people who saved my life and my friends, I just feel safe around my saviors. So I guess I've been a little friendlier than I should have been, but I promise I'll try and be more considerate. Alright Saiyuri-chan?"

Reika let out a giggle as she continued "And after seeing you two show such true feelings, I don't think you'll ever need to worry about anyone coming between such real feelings, you know?" Naruto smiled softly at such tender words from Reika. He wasn't sure if she had feelings for him at that point, but he was sure that if she did, then they were so kind she would never try and pull him and Saiyuri apart. Such kindness from Reika seemed almost expected at that point to Naruto, leaving only a soft smile as he gently placed his free hand on Saiyuri's shoulder nearest him.
Saiyuri glanced over as Reika sat next to her, making her tense up a bit nervously. Taking a deep breath, she sighed softly and nodded her head, knowing she wasn't just going to refuse the apology, not in front of so many people. "It... It's fine" She said softly, glancing away and down into the water. "Let's just try to relax" She said softly.

With that, she nuzzled into Naruto's side, resting her head on his shoulder. The soaking towel that was keeping her covered felt nice, the cloth clinging to her skin and making it feel warm and comfortable. She gazed up at him and smiled a bit, nuzzling her head into his neck a bit, a hand reaching to hold one of his.
As Naruto sat there in the spring, Saiyuri nestled up to him, seeing her so happy, and being able to hold her hand, he smiled softly and wrapped his arm around Saiyuri and said in a tender voice "Haha, sure thing Saiyuri. You know... I think this hot spring is just what we needed." He turned his head slightly to Sakura and chuckled as he jokingly asked the barely even concious Sakura and said "Don't you think so too Sakura-chan?" He chuckled softly after he spoke and placed his head on Saiyuri's, letting it rest on her head as he said "I'm glad I met you Saiyuri-chan."

As Naruto finished speaking, Reika chuckled as she whispered something into Hime-chan's ear and then Hime-chan into Haruna's, Reika then stood up and with her hands holding each other behind her waist, she leaned forward slightly, moving only her upper body, leaving her legs straight up, and said "My, my. I think we should be going out to take care of the surprise for tonight. Don't you, girls? Shiro, you too. Hehe, and we should probably take Sakura-chan to the her room before she accidentally falls asleep UNDER the water. Is that ok with you Naruto-kun?" Naruto blushed at seeing Reika's still naked body and said nervously "Eheheh, I uh I guess so." Reika giggled as she said "Great. Shiro, help us carry Sakura-chan would you?" Shiro nodded his head politely and gently patted Sakura's head before picking her up as he said "We're going to take you to your room for now Sakura-chan. You seem a little exhausted. We'll send for you when tonight's surprise is ready" and with that he and the three girls left the room in a bit of a rush, leaving a confused Narutoas he looked around, a little unsure what just happened until he suddenly turned bright red as he noticed no one was in the spring but him and Saiyuri. At that Naruto nervously sputtered "H-h-hey Saiyuri-chan? I-I-I think they just ditched us? Sh-Should we go ahead and stay a bit l-longer? O-Or do you wanna go ahead and get out now?"
Sakura heard her name, but hardly bothered to answer and only let out a small groan like noise. Saiyuri blushed softly as she glanced up at him "I'm glad I met you too" She said softly as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder a bit. That's when Reika stood up, making Saiyuri frown ever so slightly just by the fact she seemed to have no care in the world about showing off her body.

Soon, everyone left, bringing Sakura along with them. Her blush deepened as she glanced up at him and smiled a bit"We can stay a little bit if you want" She said softly, enjoying the warm water, and feeling kind of bad about the bit of drama she'd caused earlier.
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