Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~

Saiyuri rolled her eyes at the suggestion and simply listened to his information. Slowly, she narrowed her eyes at the men as they began to act strangely. Before she could react, naruto and the leader got into a bit of an 'argument' and soon, Naruto was being brought outside. Sighing, she rolled her eyes and followed them out.

Slipping up behind the leader, she held a kunai to his throat and growled into his ear. "Put him down or I'll slit your throat" She growled dangerously, seeming as if she was a different person.
One of the seemingly useless thug-like shinobi with the scarf laughed as he pulled out a sword he had somehow concealed and appeared behind Sakura faster than made sense and said "Put that toy away or I'll carve my name into this girls body. They're just gonna have a conversation with there fists for a bit is all." The skinny bald one chuckled and added "Besides, we wouldn't call ourselves shinobi if we didn't have the ability to protect this village. That means jutsu mind you, and if we can protect these people then we can trap these people in here and burn it to the ground without much difficulty right? Just let 'em have some fun. This is a first time offense anyway. One broken nose is all he'll get if he behaves. And Bato feels generous that is hehe."

Naruto smiled and looked past Bato's head and said to Saiyuri "Heheh c'mon Saiyuri. It'll just be a little messing around is all. I don't plan on killing him or anything so there's no worries." After naruto said this he thought on the odd personality shift in Saiyuri, he was rather confused by it, it was almost like a flip was switched and she switched to a preprogrammed fighter compared to her usual self. Naruto was curious about this, but he was a little more upset that the other two were willing to threaten Sakura and all the other people in the restaurant. He looked more seriously at Saiyuri then as he said "Besides... I think it might be interesting to see just what the 'shinobi' of this village are capable of. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Saiyuri narrowed her eyes at them all, quickly spinning and throwing a metal needle at the mans hand, managing to hit it right in the middle. Sakura jumped away and narrowed her eyes at them all. Saiyuri smiled gently and nodded "Alright, I'm calm now, go for it, have your 'talk'" She said simply, putting a hand on her hip " I am rather interested to see if these people really are strong enough to defend a village. I'm quite curious seeing as they can't even save a handful of women"
The man with a throwing needle now in his hand shouted and growled as he ripped it out with his teeth and glared at Saiyuri with what could only be described as eerily calm blood lust. As this happened, Bato simply carried Naruto outside and and dropped him in the middle of the street. Naruto landed on his feet and smiled mischievously as he said "Go ahead, you get the first move Mr. Thug Shinobi-San!". Bato seemed rather happy about this and after putting some distance between him and Naruto growled slightly as he smiled sickly and kicked hard off the ground in Naruto's direction and vanished as he did so and appeared before naruto and rather blinding speed and delivered a rather vicious blow to Naruto's face sending him back violently. He laughed and said "Hahahaha you think I'd just treat you like a basic brat!? You're a leaf shinobi! That means I need to make sure my point gets through right off the bat."

Naruto looked up slowly in shock that the apparent thug had actually had real skills and stood up casually as he said "Now I know those kidnappers aren't afraid of you" naruto let a smoke bomb drop discreetly from his hand as he grinned widely and a huge puff of smoke enveloped naruto and naruto rushed out towards Bato and leaped up and flew down towards him with a readied punch and right before he delivered it Bato grabbed his wrist, with his right hand, the top of his head with his left and ground Naruto's face into the ground laughing as he did so. Until white smoke exploded from the body, and the real naruto who had his while sending a clone, burst from behind it from the the still thick smoke and delivered a horrible blow to Bato's stomach, causing Bato's teeth to clench and his eyes pop as he coughed up blood and fell to the grounding his knees.

Naruto chuckled "Heh! Sorry bout that, but like you said, you have to get the point across quick with us shinobi don't you?" Bato growled deeply as he stood rapidly and grabbed Naruto's throat made the sign if the tiger with his left hand and shouted "Wind style! Soul Seal!!" Just then an odd curse mark wrapped around Naruto's throat and naruto suddenly cried out in pain "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!" Naruto fell to the ground grasping his throat, and his mouth gaping, with his tongue outstretched as if to scream, but nothing happened after the the seal stopped glowing, and naruto couldn't be heard at all. Bato smiled satisfied and said "Now I won't have to listen to that damn mouth of yours brat!"

Bato then looked very stern faced as he said "Just be glad I didn't complete that seal! Had I performed the completed version of it or even touched your head or chest you'd be a pathetic puppet by now! So watch yourself!" Bato walked past naruto as he gasped for air, not even making sounds as he desperately tried to breath and Bato then turned quickly, slamming his open palm on Naruto's neck "Release!" As he did this naruto screamed again in pain as the seal flailed about on his neck before it seemed to crawl like a snake back into Bato's hand. After this naruto fell to the ground on his side gasping for air. Bato then motioned for his men to follow him as he walked away and shouted without looking back "Oh yeah! One more thing! I don't know who called the Leaf for help! But we don't need it! We can handle this without anyone's help!"
Saiyuri went to run in and help but Sakura caught her wrist, shaking her head. If Saiyuri ran in, surely the other thugs would have run in as well and they couldn't win with those odds. Saiyuri grit her teeth, itching to send it right back into the leaders face, knowing she could leave him in the same state.

As they group left, she growled and ran over to Naruto, kneeling down in front of him and putting a hand on his cheek. "Naruto, are you alright?" She asked worriedly, frowning as she looked down at him. Sakura walked out and looked down the street where the shinobi had gone and frowned, glad that they at least knew something... They knew how to tell when people would be taken.
Naruto gasped for air continuously even though it didn't make sense to still be out if breath. It was as if his body had to make up for every single gram of the air he would have breathed in durring the time the seal was on him, and the air he needed in order to fill his completely empty lungs. He had never felt ANYTHING like it. The only thing close to it was when the fox took over. Even then it was so different naruto had no idea what to make of it. As he realized Saiyuri had her hand on his cheek and asked if he was ok he tried to gather himself and said in a raspy voice "Y-Y...Yeah. I just... I..." Naruto finally quit trying to breathe as it felt like if he didn't breath deep enough he would pass out. Naruto then realized how to describe the odd rampant need for air. It was as if he had to repay his body for the air it had lost with the seal on him before he could actually save himself and breathe for the now, for his actual survival. Naruto then tried to get up to reassure the girls but just as quickly passed out on the ground.
Saiyuri saw him start to get up and although she tried to stop him, he soon passed out and she gasped, quickly catching him. "Sakura, help me get him to an inn" She said softly, getting a nod from her sister. Together, the two girls carried him over to the inn, bought a room, and got him inside. Placing him on the bed, Sakura sighed and looked out the window, knowing that they wouldn't get much done with him out. Saiyuri frowned and sat on the edge of his bed "We should get some sleep... We're going to have a long day' She said softly, looking down to Naruto before her and Sakura climbed into the same bed, the room only having two. Both girls curled up and faced away from each other, slowly drifting off.
As naruto slept that night he had rather pleasant dreams, he dreamt of Saiyuri oddly enough. It wasn't anything special, or private, just him and Saiyuri. Relaxing on two swings. Simply talking and smiling. However, the two said something to each other that naruto couldn't even hear in his dream and the two began to lean into each other and right before they did what one could only assume was lock lips, naruto woke in a start. His upper body flying straight up, and he sat there in a sitting position, a little confused by his dream, however he shook it off as he looked at the sisters across the room.

Naruto smiled at the sight if the two sisters sleeping next to each other so peacefully. This made him rather happy, and he felt it would be a crime to wake them when they're finally being peaceful with each other, but knew they had to get up before it got too late so he gently tossed his pillow at Saiyuri's face and said "Oy. We need to get up Saiyuri"
Saiyuri gasped when she felt something soft smack into her face. Sitting up straight, she looked around as the pillow fell to the ground to see Naruto. "Oh, welcome back to the real world Sleeping Beauty" She said, sticking her tongue out at him as she turned, and nudged Sakura who groaned and sat up.

"So, how should we do this? Everyone split up and ask around town? Look for the X marks or something?" Saiyuri asked as she stood to her feet and stretch her arms up into the air with a soft yawn.
Naruto laughed as Saiyuri woke up and slowly got out of his bed and chuckled a little at Saiyuri's question as he said "Heh, why would we look for X's if it's only they're taken?" Naruto gave a childish smirk and stuck his tongue out back at Saiyuri. Naruto slowly got out of his bed after he retracted his childish insult headed to the door.

As naruto walked to the door a turned to the girls and grinned widely as he gave a thumbs up and said "You two get ready for the day. I'm gonna go see if I can find anything out about the girls that were taken." Naruto turned around as he finished and headed out to find some information. He was being honest about that, but he failed to mention he wanted to ask about the shinobi named Bato and his goons. Especially after what happened the night before.
"Well, maybe we could go to those houses and find family to talk to" She pointed out, sticking her tongue out at him before watching him head off. Saiyuri and Sakura got to work getting dressed and ready for the day. Saiyuri pulled her hair up into the usual ponytail and stretched before starting to head out. "I'm going to do my own investigating, I'll see ya later" She said simply as she ran out the door to ask around town.

Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed, walking out as well and going off down the streets. She figured she'd try to figure out about the girls who were taken. Hopefully, that way she could find a connection between them.
As naruto left the room he smiled to himself at Saiyuri's last comeback and figured he'd take her advice as he left the inn to get some breakfast and head off to see what he could find out. As he left he walked for a little while before he found a small shop and stopped by to get something to eat. He ate rather quickly and didn't find anything out from the owner, so he continued his hunt for information in a slightly more 'residential' area.

As naruto walked he saw a group of three men sitting around talking and having a bite to eat and he approached as he said "Oy! Good morning!" The three men looked back at naruto curiously and one of them finally said as naruto walked up to them finally "Morning kid. I've never seen you here before. Are you knew here?" Naruto smiled as he sat down ""yup! I just came here last night. By the way I met some guy named Bato at a ramen shop. You guys know anything about him?"

The man who asked who naruto was replied calmly "Yeah. Everyone knows here that Bato's a member of the local shinobi guard. They might not look it, but they are actual shinobi. They just used to be rogues who formed a gang here and began to think of themselves as the actual shinobi of our village. They may be thugs, and he may be the worst of 'em, but as long as people stay out of their way they do manage to keep the peace here. Why do you wanna know about him? Someone try making trouble with you at that ramen shop?" Naruto laughed and said "Hehe! Not really, I didn't believe he was a real shinobi and I guess I pissed him off pretty good."

The three men looked at naruto with blank stares as one of the silent two said "I don't know why you think that's funny kid. Sounds like you want us to tell you about him do you can get back at him for proving himself a better shinobi than you thought" the first man spoke again "Listen boy, this village isn't exactly in good times, but the Shinobi keep the peace and that's all we have durring these times of panic. So leave them alone. They're a huge help. The crimes may be low from fear but they ARE low. Now go on and let us eat" naruto looked a little sorry for upsetting the three men but as he stood up he said "I was sent to investigate the kidnappings. Can you give me a list of the kidnapped?" The third man who had yet to speak spoke and said "Yeah. We can." The man put a hand out with an upward open palm and naruto quickly have him a scroll and the man looked at naruto with a large grin and said "Money" naruto looked terribly depressed as he handed the man some money in exchange for the information. The man then wrote down a list of five people and said "That's not all of them, but that's all that I know the names of personally. Their families will help you, and if they don't tell them Jiro sent you" naruto thanked the men and started on his way back to the inn in the hopes Sakura or Saiyuri would be there so he could let them know about the girls' names and houses.
Saiyuri and Sakura had begun to do their own things, Saiyuri went to all the houses she could find that were the families of anyone who had known the girls who'd been taken. Most people didn't want to talk, but those who did, their information didn't help. There seemed to be little in common between the girls besides the fact that they were girls.

Frowning, Saiyuri began to walk towards the inn, seeing Naruto heading there as well. "Oh! Hey!" She said as she hurried over to him, tilting her head slightly. "So, find anything yet?" She asked, hoping he had more information than she did.
Naruto smiled as he walked up to Saiyuri as he said "Haha yeah I did! I got a list of five girls this guy Jiro said he knew before they were taken. I thought they'd be a pretty good place to start." Naruto started to to look down a bit and began to frown slightly as he looked back at Saiyuri and said "I also asked about those goons from last night and I guess they actually keep the village peaceful believe it or not. Although it's only kept through fear, the villagers are way more concerned about getting them mad, and what would happen if no one was there to keep crooks afraid of trying anything."

Naruto regained his smile as he looked at Saiyuri and said "So wanna check it out with me? We can probably find Sakura and see if she wants to come along." Naruto kept silent a moment and started laughing as he said "Hahahaha I'm sorry I don't think there's any way shed come with us at this point. I just thought I would see if I could trick myself. Ahh let's check anyway." Naruto chuckled a little as he tried to convince himself that Sakura would actually come with him and Saiyuri when she didn't have to.
Saiyuri chuckled, rolled her eyes and nodded before following him. "Well, I was doing a bit of followup on our girls too. I'm not seeing any connection, no similarities between them and the times they happened. It's all seeming to be random" She said, frowning a bit and shrugging her shoulders. "Maybe I'm just missing something, but I have a feeling this will be harder than we thought, especially with those goons not wanting us around."

As she walked, she tried to go over the information but kept getting distracted. Her mind kept going to him, he was always so upbeat and happy. It was nice, but she wondered what exactly was going through his mind all the time when it came to things like this.
Naruto listened to Saiyuri and couldn't help but agree that the Shinobi were a definite thorn in their side. Naruto thouht on all the options and in the end he knew there were no actual options for getting any solid information about the girls without just checking family after family. He was rather unsure of what to do yet again. However, unlike with Pein, naruto KNEW just what he had to do. He had to find and defeat whoever was kidnapping the girls.

As naruto steeled his resolve to complete the mission to save the girls he looked at Saiyuri excitedly at Saiyuri and said "Saiyuri! Let's go to the five girls' homes I found. I know we can find the secret behind all this! All we have to do is find out the common factor and we can save this village's women from whoever's doing this!" Naruto had found the solution he always had inside of him during times of hardship. Keep trying, and never give up. A simple resolve but it had powerful results for this young man.
Saiyuri nodded her head and followed him, eventually finding each house. All the girls seemed different, no common likes or hang outs, a few of them knew another but they weren't all connected. It made no sense to her, and after they finished asking the last family, she sighed and sat down at the side of the road, putting her head in her hand. "I don't get it' She muttered in annoyance.
Naruto began to slowly grow tired after each house, and after each house revealed no answers he grew frustrated as well. Naruto felt a little sick of everything at that point and responded to Saiyuri a little sarcastically as he said "Maybe there's nothing in common, and it's just the fact that they were all girls who were pretty much babes." Naruto rested his chin in his hands after he spoke and simply looked out across the street.
"I guess it's possible it's all random, but that doesn't help us figure out who or why" She said, sighing softly and looking up at the sky as she rubbed her head "this is frustrating" She muttered, closing her eyes and shaking her head. 'I don't get it, hopefully Sakura knows more"
Naruto agreed with Saiyuri on every level. He had almost no idea why any of the girls were being kidnapped or who was doing it and he still wanted to figure out what was up with Bato and his weird seal. Naruto suddenly felt a hand pressing down on his head rather hard as he was thinking and heard a very familiar voice that said "HAH! No luck solving the mysterious kidnappings yet I see brat. At least your cute little friend didn't ditch you after having your ass kicked last night. Hahaha" Bato pulled his hand up as he laughed and put his foot on Naruto's back and began pushing him and naruto simply sat ignoring him from the moment he felt his hand.

Bato then said with a sick smile "You know kid, you should just cut your losses and leave. I have a feeling you're not gonna find anything out no matter how long you three look. So why don't I help you out." As Bato said this he quickly pulled back his foot and kicked Naruto's back as hard as he could and let out a cry of pain and shock "Yaaaaaah!! What the hell!?" Naruto smiled as he stood up and turned to Bato and Bato saw Naruto's face was different than before, his eyes had become like those of a toad's. naruto had been gathering nature chakra for sage mode. Naruto looked at Bato angrily as he said "Saiyuri... Don't tell granny Tsunade I killed this jerk... I wanna tell her myself" Bato backed away in shock as naruto walked towards him, still seething at the way he was beaten.

Bato lunged at Naruto making the wind seal to use his seal on him and naruto grabbed Bato's wrist before he could make the seal and squeezed his hand, crushing Bato's wrist and said "Bato... You sound like you haven't been telling us something about these kidnappings... Do you not care what happens to these people!" As he yelled, Bato's three goons growled at seeing their boss trapped in Naruto's grasp. The small one leaped up on top of the building behind him and said "Het brat! Let go of my boss or I'll kill everyone else on this street you got it?" After him the other two joined in and the one with the scarf said "And don't think it's only us. There are FAR more of us than you!" Naruto simply growled as he stared at Bato and slowly something was happening. The untrained eye might not have even seen it. Naruto's whiskers started to grow and become as they were when he used the Fox's chakra as he stared at the man who humiliated him and made him look like a third rate shinobi, and slowly loosened his grasp. Still keeping sage mode he glared at the man as his hand fell to his side.
Saiyuri frowned and slowly stepped forward, taking his wrist in her hand. "Naruto, calm down" She said, biting her lip slightly. Glancing up, she saw one of the shinobi readying fire and narrowed her eyes a bit, tugging on his wrist "Stop, it's not worth it. We need to find Sakura" She said simply, wanting to just find her sister, go to the inn and think over things.

Her eyes went to Bato, waiting to see if he would try to pull something. As soon as someone made an offensive attack, she'd move as well.
Naruto growled as he walked away from the scene with Saiyuri, he didn't entirely know why but he knew he hated something about Bato. As naruto walked with Saiyuri looking for Sakura he turned to her and said "Sorry, about that... Heh guess I'm just a little upset from before." Naruto tried to seem his usual self and then smiled and put his hands behind his head and said "Hehe well let's not worry about that now. So where do you think we can find Sakura-chan?"
"No idea, maybe the inn?" Saiyuri suggested before heading back, hoping that Sakura would have some answers.

Hours passed and Sakura was pacing back and forth outside the village. She hadn't found out anything important and had come here to simply think. Her mind kept getting distracted however, thinking about how oddly Naruto and Saiyuri had been acting around each other this whole time. Saiyuri, by this point was nearly in a panic as it was late, and they still hadn't found her.

"It feels like we've gone everywhere in this stupid village... let's try outside? Maybe she went to scout out a potential base or something" Saiyuri said as she looked up at Naruto
Naruto nodded with a strong look of concern on his face. It was incredibly late and naruto had been rather worried about a certain detail he had noticed earlier. It was a full moon. Just like those goons said it was whenever a girl was taken. Naruto was sure Sakura was fine but couldn't shake this odd sensation in the pit of his stomach. Naruto walked vigorously to the village gate and looked left and right and turned to face Saiyuri as he said "Hey, Saiyuri. I think we'll find her faster if we split up. If we don't find her in 15 minutes I say we meet back up though so nothing happens. I'll head thus way" naruto pointed to his left "And you can head over that way" he then pointed to his right and looked at Saiyuri a moment and realized the moonlight made every part of her so much more... Beautiful. Naruto shook his head to focus on the task at hand and said "Alright, so remember 15 minutes Saiyuri" naruto smiled at her as he then turned and headed off to find Sakura.
Saiyuri nodded her head and spun on her heel, running off in the opposite direction in search of her sister. "Sakura!" She called out, trying to find her. Soon, she spotted the bright pink and ran towards her. "Where the hell have you been?" she asked as she grabbed onto her wrist. Sakura blinked and stared up at her "O-Oh... I'm sorry. I was just looking around" She said slightly before crossing her arms "Besides, I can handle myself" She said stubbornly.

Before Saiyuri could respond, she suddenly felt something hit her head really hard, making her fall to the ground. Her eyesight went blurry, and all she could see was feet, one of them having a tattoo on their ankle. She saw Sakura's feet disappear as she was picked up and carried off.

Feeling someone grab her shirt, she was lifted in the air to see a blurry outline of Bato. "You'll be next" He hissed before tossing her to the ground. She hit her head and instantly blacked out.
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