The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

After a bit being uncomfortable, she woke up from sleeping it didn't do much for her being worried and such. She turned to David as she rubbed her eyes a bit. "Any news? Is he okay? Can we see him yet? When can he go back to school?" Bella started asking questions wanting to know that he was well. She was much calmer now than before.
Bellatrix heard David say that Shawn was asking for her, as soon as she heard that he was asking for her she hurried into his room. "Shawn...." She stated and hurried to his side and took a hold of his hand. " I'm here...are you alright?"
"Well I'm here now love, unless they pull me away I won't leave you." She stated holding his hand. "Hopefully we'll be home soon."
Bellatrix smiled running her fingers through his hair. "Alright," she stated crawling up gently cuddling with him.
Shawn smiled and wrapped his arms around her and he closed his eyes. He felt safe In the hospital with her near him and especially in his arms. H is black hair fell over his face a bit and he push it away and behind his ears. H layed his head near hers (sorry it took some long was not trying to ditch you had a lot of stuff come up in real like moving and jobs then had to go out of town for a month)
Bellatrix cuddled closer to him as he held her smiling. "You had me so scared, you know that?" she stated softly. Her head laid beside him, comforting him while being comforted.

((Thats fine i understand real life happens.))
"I'm sorry I scared you love but im here now even though im confined to this awful place the very air makes me sick" he said and moved his face away from her direction and coughed into a tissue. He folded the tissue quickly as not to alarm her with the bits of blood on the tissue and he placed it into the waste basket near his bed.
Bellatrix continued to lay there and cuddle with him, she ran her finger's through his hair gently. "It's okay love and I know,but soon we'll be out of here and back at the school." She stated watching as he turned away to cough. Then whispering into his ear. "Plus this weekend I get my mark." She whispered smiling.
He smiled at her * that's good l...* he stopped short when a wisp of smoke filled the room and a figure appeared out of the smoke and closed and locked the door "tom" shawn whispered "you will risk being caught" tom waved his hand "I got word from draco you where in here and that you where here because of remus, shawn" shawn nodded and try to sit up in the bed but hissed when searing pain racked his body. "easy shawn would not want my best werewolf to be injured before the rising now would we?" tom looked over at the girl "bellatirx im surprised to see you here" "easy tom she is here for me and besides cousin she is going to be your newest member" Tom nodded and waved his hand when he reached the side of shawn bed, a chair went to toms back and he sat down
Bellatrix was smiling at him still wondering what he was about to say until seeing the smoke, and seeing Lord Voldemort walk into the room. Her smile faded softly and her heart nearly stopped. It definitely wasn't lady like for her to be in the hospital bed with Shawn, especially with her family not approving of werewolves. Bellatrix looked between the two men in the room as they spoke jumping slightly as he hissed in pain. "Hello My Lord." She stated softly, then looked at Shawn, "You're related?" She asked curiously. She was a little nervous knowing she would be the only female death eater but she's proved herself worthy.
tom looked at Bellatrix "On my mothers side Bellatrix he is my first cousin by birth and by age I only have three cousins" tom grabbed shawns right arm and looked at the discoloration of his skin and veins. Shawn winced in pain "damn tom grab any harder and you will break my arm" tom released his arm " silver poisoning?" he asked. Shaun nodded "looks like it but what puzzles me is how did her himself did not get poisoned by it even touching the stuff with no open wounds get our blood sick and vial"
"I see, I would never have guest." Bellatrix responded still surprised they were related. She jumped feeling Shawn wince. Bella stayed where she was as they spoke, wasn't about to go anywhere unless they told her too.
Shaun looked over at Bellatrix and smiled then returned his focus on tom he growled slightly hearing footsteps coming down the hall "tom leave or you will get caught" tom looked at shaun "nonsense cousin I..." he stopped and vanished when the doors handle gave a click to open. Shaun looked at bell then at the door and coughed slightly seeing professor. Dumbledore at the doors opening
Bellatrix smiled at Shawn, Her eyes widened hearing the footsteps, with Voldemort in the room that wasn't good. When he vanished and the door clicked she got down from the bed quickly yet carefully sitting in Tom's chair.
Dumbledore stood in the doorway "ah I was hoping you would be up shaun" shaun nodded and laied gently back down and made a small whimper of pain com from him.
Bellatrix wanted to jump up and go to him wanting to make him feel better, but she also had to be on her good behavior since Dumbledore was there.
Dumbldore looked to shaun *would you want me to get a nurse for you for the pain shawn? I hate seeing one if my students in pain" Shaun nodded no "they will inject it will silver and it will cause more pain for me or even death" Dumbledore nodded and looked to Bellatirx "look after him for I must go back to the school" he left with that. Shaun looked at her and held out a hand, he winced doing this action but he wanted her near him for he brought comfort to him.
Bellatrix remained quiet as Dumbledore spoke to Shawn. No really knowing what to do since they were all plotting against him. Nodding her head as he said to look after him making sure he was alright and gets better. Bellatrix held his hand and then she cuddled up to him climbing into the bed with him gently. "It'll be alright."
He looked at her and nodded "I know it will be but I got to be careful around Dumbledore cause he will throw me in if he knew I was in terms with well you know" he said to her and wrapped his tanned muscular arms around her and kissed her forehead the her lips, smiling at her his Ice green eyes holding the hint of love and happiness around her.
Bellatrix looked at him and her face became serious. "I know darling he'd do the same if he knew about any of us, that's why we must stay quiet until the time comes." She whispered softly to him before a slight wicked smile appeared on her face. Bella cuddled more with his strong muscled arms wrapped around her hour glass body. Kissing him back, her dark brown eyes looking into his beautiful green eyes. Her face had become gental and despite what her family said she loved him and nothing was going to change her mind.
He smiled at Bellatrix "my dark beauty" he said to her before he moved a bit and kissed her. He then layed his head back down on the pillow as pain took over him again.
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