The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

She smiled brightly at him, "I love you, my dark Prince." She replied lovingly kissing him back as his lips met hers. Laying with him she tried to make him comfortable. Running her hand and fingers along his chest gently trying to soothe him.
She smiled at him, leaning up carefully kissing his lips softly laying back down, "When you dream...Dream of me...and the life we will have my handsome prince." She whispered softly to him laying back down closing her eyes not wanting to leave his side.
he had drifted off to sleep he never moved that night. When the morning came he woke up from the nurse coming in "good morning vitals check" he linked "good really not know" he said to her
After awhile Bella fell asleep nice and comfy in his arms, not planning on moving. She didn't hear the nurse come in still sleeping by his side.
The nurse rolled her eyes "sir I have round to do so it would be best o get it done" Shawn rolled his eyes "fine needle poker" he aid and moved his arm so he could sit up some. The nurse looked over at the sleeping women and to him and raised a eyebrow "get over it she's my wife" he lied but in honest truth knew in the future it was going to happen. She nodded and went over to shawn "anything your allergic to?" she asked him "here is a idea read my medical chart for once is clearly states I am allergic to silver" he told her. in all reality he was not a Moring person.
Bellatrix stayed asleep for most of it, staying by his side. Upon feeling him move she groaned softly. Cuddling to the pillow to get comfortable. Hearing Shawn get snippy Bella's eyes opened Some looking over to him, "Honey what's a matter? What's going on?" She asked softly. Seeing a nurse in the room.
"vital check" shawn told her "go back to bed it will be done and over with soon" he said to her and looked at the nurse, when she grabbed his chin and moved his head so her could face her "open your mouth I need to stick out in a thermometer" shawn rolled hi eyes and opened his mouth a bit when she stuck the thermometer in and turned around shawn moved the thermometer and stuck out his tounge the put it back into his mouth before she could see.
"Oh...Alright then love...." She yawned softly gently taking hold of one of his arms as she drifted back to sleep. Opening her eyes again as she dozes seeing him stick his tongue out she giggled at him.
Bellatrix smiled up at him, entwining her fingers with his. Laying in the hospital bed, hoping he would be healed so they could return to their normal lives. Plus she was furious with Remus for what he had done to her love and wanted to make him pay she wasn't sure how but she wanted revenge. She was also nearing her time for her Dark Mark and she was clutching to that at the moment wanting to be the first female to join the ranks.
Shawn smiled at her "its ok love ill be fine" he said as the nurse finished the vitals and left "I'm going to get remus for this " he mumbled as he layed his head back on the pillow.
"I know you will be, but I still worry about you." She stated smiling up at him, cuddling close to him carefully. "I hear ya hun I'd love to take a crack at him for what he did to you."
"Well looking at it that way that makes you my husband which gives me every right to worry about you." She retorted hugging him and kissing his cheek.
He stuck his tounge at her "you always worry about me" he grinned "aww the dark bella black loves someone and cares for them aaaaawwwww"
Bellatrix Smiled she loved him of course she was to worry about him. Her smile quickly faded and she glared at him. "Fine you wanna play that way hm? Maybe I should Weave you all by yourself." She stated
She glared at him "Why are you being such a jerk? and towards me at that?" She asked curiously.
"so I can do this" he grinned and leaned forward and kissed her "and beside you look beautiful when you got the look on your face when your about to kick my ass"
"Kissing me doesn't make it any better Shawn." She stated "besides you can kiss me whenever not just from being a jerk. Aw thats sweet don't get used to it."
As he began to speak she pulled away, looking at him confused, then pouting and with a sigh she laid back down. "This is no fun..."
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