The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

"I'll be here..." She stated the only reason besides making sure he was alright was to keep him calm for if he tried to react to the healers trying to help him. She sat silently waiting for them to return
"Shawn!!" Bellatrix said worried hoping he wasd okay noticing him coming back into the room. "Will he be alright?" she asked going over to his side.
"We have given him a antidote from the silver poisoning. He may start acting sick like throwing up and sweating a lot but its normal" he told her
The doctor looked at shawn and produced a bucket "you look like you can use this soon" shawn set the bucket between his legs and gave the doctor a thumbs up.
Bellarix felt so bad for him knowing how sick he was. Continuing to hold his hand gently rubbing her thumb on his hand.
Shawn look at her and smiled before leaning over the.opposite edge of the bed. He grabbed the bucket and began puking up raw.liquid silver.
Bella smiled at him as he looked to her. She wrinkled her nose and turned away as he started to barf into the bucket.
"Oh no no no, when we get back you are resting, you have to stop all this fighting save it for the war." Bella stated firmly but softly, she didn't want to lose him or see him hurt
Sleep my love you need your rest." Bellatrix stated as she held his hand and ran her fingers through the hair on his head.
Shawn groaned when he fwlt her run her fingers through his hair. He slept for.about a hour or two before his muscles began twitching and changing at and changing back.
Bellatrix took her hand back feeling his muscles change and twitch scaring her not sure if it was good or bad. Plus being careful not to be bitter or scratched.
Bella thinking he was doing better, without the silver in his system and being able to transform. She was still frightened though Bellatrix stood to go call a nurse to just be safe.
Shawn groaned as his teeth elongated. His eyes turned form there ice green to a blood red. The docotr came in hearing the commotion 'shit' he muttered before putting the restrainets on shawn and yelling for several nurses to come in. "Miss Black im going to have to ask you to leave the room and wait in the lobby this is not going to be pretty" he said to her before grabbing what looked like a tranquilizer for wild animals "He is probably going to have to go into surgery Lana go call the er room and have them prep it and remind them no silver hes a werewolf" lana the red headed nurse nooded and ran out of the room.
Bellatrix's eyes grew wide when the doctor came and saw him rush to put the restraints on Shawn. "What's going on now? Isnt it normal for him to transform?" Bella asked worriedly.  She saw the large needle that was about to be stabbed into Shawn.  "What kind of surgery!?" Bellatrix asked She would get Remus back for this. 
A hand was placed on her shoulder "bellatrix I know your concerned but let the doctors handle this" David zabini stood next to her. He started leading her to the lobby.
Bellatrix jumped upon feeling someone's hand on her shoulder. Seeing it was Shawn's father..."But...but..." Bella said softly she didn't want to leave his side. She began to walk with his father.
"I know your concerned but I know this doctor he helped bring shawn into this world I have known him sense we where kids. He knows what's going on" he said to her as he lead into the lobby.
Bellatrix sat quietly in the lobby wanting Shawn, wanting him to be okay. She trusted the doctor but she didn't know what she'd do if she lost him.
An hour went by and the doctor came into the lobby. "He is stable for now he have him in recovery the silver went so far into his blood stream that it went into his heart that was what was causing his involuntary changing... you can see him if you want but he's out cold right now" the doctor told david
Bellatrix being exhausted and mentally drained, she drifted off to sleep, while waiting with David for the healer to tell them whats going on.
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