The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

shawn looked at madam pomfrey "who are...." was all he said before he collapsed. madam pomfrey caught him "miss black get slughorn and.dumbledore now " she stated as.sge got her wand out and cast a levatation spell and started moving him into the wing.

(could you play dumbldore and slughorn there's a.reason)
(sure at least I will try.)

Bellatrix's eyes grew wide as Shawn collapsed, she was frightened and worried. 'How bad was his injury?' she thought. Bella snapped out of it as Madam Pomfrey told her to get Dumbledore and Slughorn. Nodding her head she turned and hurried back down the stairs heading to Slughorn's office. Her heart pounded as she ran to his door knocking upon it hearing nothing, there was no answer knocking again waiting a minute or two. Bellatrix ran heading toward Dumbledore's office climbing the stair case leading to it as it opened up. Bellatrix hurried up the stairs seeing Slughorn and Dumbledore talking. Dumbledore looked at Bellatrix 'Good evening Bellatrix, what seems to be the problem?' he asked softly. Her chest heaved, "I'm disturb you Professor, Head Master...but Madam Pomfrey sent me to find you both...Shawn's been injured...He was in a fight earlier and has recently collapsed." Bellatrix explain. Dumbledore looked at the two then turned his attention to Slughorn. "Horace, come let's see what's going on.' He said standing with Horce the three hurried to Madam Pomfery's medical wing. 'Madam Pomfrey, what's happened?' Asked Dumbledore
madam pomfrey had cut off the right pant leg exposing yhr wound which had turned black and was ozzing a green liquid "albus I believe he may have to go to a hospital bad. proffesor slughorn do you have the ingredients for a poison suppressent until we can get him there?" pomfrey went to shawns hands as they started to become his paws "albus I think we may need to restrain him"
Bellatrix eyes grew wide with fear yet again as she listened to what was being said. Slughorn looked at Madam Pomfrey, 'Yes I do believe so I'll go get it.' Horace said as he headed out the door down to the potions lab to see if he had any brewed. Albus hurried over to the other two looking at his wound. 'We very well might have to get him to saint mungos. Let's restrain him quick' he pulled out his wand and bound Shawn to the bed. "What is it? What's going on? What's happening to him?" Bella asked upset and panicked. Slughorn returned and brought the potion back. 'Here we are get him to drink this.'
pomfrey looked at bellatrix "miss black I need you to calm down for his sake...I need you to come over here and make him drink the potion in both forms he trust you"
Bellatrix bit her lower lip taking a few deep breaths. She walked over to Pomfrey hesitantly. Seeing him in pain. She took the potion from Horace, "Shawn baby I'm here, you have to take this it'll make you feel better." Bellatrix stated softly tears in her eyes. Placing her hand on his forehead then forced the potion down his throat.
Bella was still scared afraid of what was happening to him. "I'm sorry Hun, but it'll make you better." She stated softly trying to comfort him. She gently ran her fingers through his hair.
Dumbldore considered the request from Madam Pomfrey. Bellatrix looked at him. "I will not leave him Professor." Dumnledore looked at the three in the room. "Fine Bellatrix will go with him."
pomfrey went to her office and called sy.mungos. shr.walked out "they will be here soon albus...I think somebody should call david to let him know "
"Alright Madame Pomfrey, I'll go call David Zambini." Slughorn said and walked out of the room to make the phone call. Dumbledore stood watching the two kids, Bellatrix who normally never showed many emotions had tears in her eyes over Shawn's injury. Bellatrix continued to run her fingers through his hair.
pomfrey nodded and looked at her fire place when a small pop sounded out of the fireplace came two st.mungos workers. they went to shawn pompfrey explained the situation and what he was. they nodded and picked up shawn abd placed him pn a stretcher. "miss black goes with him as well she's the only one he trusts and it would be safer for everyone" they nodded
Bellatrix watched as the St. Mungos workers came out of the fire place she just watched. Moving out of the way so they could get him onto the stretcher. Once Madame Pomfrey confirmed she was going with them she followed the healers and stretcher with Shawn on it.
Bellatrix walked besides Shawn's body, holding one of his restrained hands as the healers carried him into one of the emergency rooms. Hearing him groan she began to speak to him softly. "I'm here baby, It's gonna be okay." Bella stated trying to comfort him.
shawn coughed slightly at the corner of his lips blood formed but this blood was silver colored. a doctor came into the room and looked over shawn. "silver poisoning really leathel dose"
Bellatrix's eyes were sad, as she waited for the doctor to come in and check him out, to find out what happened to him. Her eyes grew wide when he told her that Shawn and been poisoned by silver. "How could that be? He was in a fight with other werewolves? Wouldn't they have been affected too? Will he be alright?" Bellatrix asked she was calmer than before but was still concerned.
"Please hurry up and run them, I can't live without him." Bellatrix stated tears forming in her eyes.
"I want you to stay here whule we take him for some tests " the doctor aaid and grabbed his stretched and wheeled him out of the room
"But...Alright I won't go anywhere I'll be here waiting for him." She stated the only reason besides making sure he was alright was to keep him calm for if he tried to react to the healers trying to help him. She sat silently waiting for them to return
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