The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

Shawn nodded and finished up once done he and bell where done he shut the water off amd got two towels and wrapped one around his waist and other other around her. he dried off quick and put on his clothes and waited for her once she was ready he opened the door grabbing his bag. he grabbed her hand walking with her to the front desk and checked out. when he finished he opened the door and and led her to the clothing store and picked up a brown package
Bellatrix finished up in the shower. Once he turned off the water, she wrung out her hair. When he gave her the towel she began to dry herself off. Following him into the room getting dressed. Taking her wand drying her hair. Walking with him out hand in hand, walking to the clothing store with him as he picked up the brown package. "What's that?" She asked curiously.
inside was a pair of arm warmers silver threaded and with black threaded spiders woven into it. the arm warmers had silver sparkels on it.
Bellatrix's eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on her face. "They're beautiful," Bellatrix stated. Picking them up examining the laced spider arm warmers in silver and black thread. Once she finished looking at them she placed them on her arms getting a feel for them. Smiling up at him leaning in she gave him a kiss. "Thank you honey."
"your welcome babe" he said and wrapped his arm around her. "and besides the most beautiful women in the world deserves the best and mosy lavish things in the world " he said to her
Bellatrix continued to smile at him as he wrapped his arm around her. "Is that so? Well I can get used to that then." She teased continuing to smile, she was quite relaxed and happy. Bellatrix loved being with him, there was no doubt about it.
shawn lead her back to Hogwarts and stopped short when he saw remus. his eyes turned into a dark hue he growled. remus growled as well "get out of here bell" shawn said to her in somewhat of a growl
Bellatrix was walking back with him, without a care in the world, as they made their way back to Hogwarts. She didn't realize he stopped until she jerked back a little. "Shawn what's a matter? What's going on?" She asked worriedly seeing the color of his eyes hearing him growl. Bellatrix didn't want to leave him there plus she wasn't sure how far away from Hogwarts she really was. They were on a path in a wooded area. Bellatrix slowly started to move away not wanting to startled either of them she knew Shawn would catch up to her. She didn't make any sudden movements as she slank away.
"go to the left and go up the oak tree you'll be safe there " he whispered to her. he was standing when remus came out in his other form. "remus you cur" shawn growled and threw off his clothes and changed form
Bellatrix saw them change forms, once she thought she was far enough away after following his instructions she picked up the pace. It was a good thing Bellatrix could climb trees, she climbed up the old oak tree holding on to the branch.
Shawn let out a growl and leaned his head back and let out a loud howl. he looked back at remus when several werewolves like Shawn circled both remus and shawn. "pack law remus and werewolf law you ambush a pack leader you get beat to almost drath by that leader" shawn said stepping forward.
Bellatrix was scared her breathing was heavy with fear. There were times like these that made her wonder why she was dating a werewolf. She stayed up in the tree fat enough up so they couldn't reach her by jumping they'd have to climb up to her. Granted Remus was out numbered by the pack she still didn't want Shawn to get hurt.
"bellatrix" shawns father stood below the tree she was in "come down you shouldn't see this ill take you back to hogwarts" david said to her. shawn growled when remus struck him across the face with a paw
Bellatrix looked down when she heard her name, seeing Shawn's father. Bellatrix nodded her head as heard the fight continue. Swinging her legs over the branch she postioned herself and climbed down. She wondered if he had followed them down the path or heard the fight.
"I heard shawns howl and I figured you two where heading back and he told you to hide" david held out a hand to her. shawn let oyt a roar as he charged at remus. david shook his head "pack law or not he has a temper on him he gets that from me unfortunately " david said as he walked her back to Hogwarts
Bellatrix took his hand as he extended it. Knowing the anwser to her thought. Bellatrix tensed as she heard Shawn roar out. "Yeah I've noticed his temper." Bella stated, walking back with him.
"but he means well especially when it comes to you bellatrix by the way how us your mum and dad doing ?" he asked.her. he knew when he got ti Hogwarts his old friend dumbledore would want to know what was going on
"I know, he takes good care of me. Mum and Dad are fine, they're doing well." Bellatrix stated. Continuing to walk with him to Hogwarts. "How are you and your wife?"
"shawna is doing good she is in America right now to see her sister that is currently pregnant with her first child" david said ti her
"Well that's wonderful news congratulaions on the new family member." Bellatrix stated smiling. A baby was exciting. "How long will she be in America?" Bellatrix asked making idol chit chat.
"until the child is about a year" he said to her and walked up to the front steps. dumbldore came down "is everything ok david..bellatrix dinner is starting I suggeste you go grab ypu something to eat"
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