The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

he smiled and waved his hand ober her glass making hers like his but a little bit darker red. "I made yours a little bit stronger in strawberry " he said and gave her her drink
Bellatrix smiled and gave him back her drink when he fixed it for her. "Thank you honey." She stated smiling, before going back to finish her meal.
Bellatrix finished eating her meal, putting her fork down and picking her glass up taking a drink. Bella watched as he ate. Smiling she was so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend, Bella couldn't wait to become an adult to always be his and for him to be hers. To family with him all while serving the Dark Lord in there quest for blood purity.
"You got a tattoo?" she asked curiously. "It's cool looking." Shestated with a smile still day dreaming about their future.
(Yes she would know about Tom Riddle, her family would already have her training while at home. She just hasn't been marked yet. Is the tattoo on his neck is supposed to be the dark mark, cause that's where I took it as a tattoo cause the dark mark is a snake intertwining a skull placed on the left arm.)

"Did it hurt?" Bella asked curiously still looking at the ink upon his neck.
(I read somewhere werewolves under his army only got a skull on the left side of the neck)

"not really tom placed it on me" he told her
(Oh I didn't know where the werewolves got it my bad, I didn't know it was a different place. )

"Really, I heard it hurts to be marked, by him, with such power being pull into the skin." Bellatrix stated hearing that some people grown men actually cry upon getting it. Maybe it was a werewolf thing. She was nervous and excited for she would be getting her mark, soon being worthy of it. So far Bellatrix would be the only female Death Eater.
(it's ok)

Shawn shook his head "it just felt like someone pinched me" he said and moved his hair back covering up the skull "tom said I'm the only werewolf so far to join him and that when more of my species join I can control them under his command "
"Wow..Really? He said you could be in charge of them? That's an honor. I should be getting my mark within a few days or so. I'll be the only female death eater there." Bellatrix questioned him this was so exciting, they were on there way to purify the wizarding world. Shawn was lead werewolf and Bellatrix loved a man in power. That was another reason for her following Voldamort, his power. She was also honoured being the only woman, granted part of it was because the Blacks had no sons old enough plus one was a blood traitor.
"I wish I had seen it, ah that sleaze ball." She stated she could work with him he was just creepy at times. "I can't wait, I'll have proven myself worthy of it."
Bellatrix smiled brightly at him, "Thank you baby. I have worked hard, everything he has asked me to do I have done, serving him loyaly. My family will be proud." Bellatrix stated smiling at him taking a sip of her drink.
"They will be, I'm the oldest and my sisters example plus they were the ones that introduced me to Tom. But thanks for you're concern though babe." She said smiling.
Shawn. smiled at her "let's get cleaned up before we have to check out babe" he said and put the dirty plates and utensils back on the cart leaving there glasses still on the table. he smiled and picked bellatrix up and carried her into the bathroom and turned the water on and waited for the shower heads water to heat up. once it did he stepped into the tub with bell still in his arms and placed her on her feet under the waters gentle spray.
"Alright baby," bellatrix stated as she pushed away from the table as he cleaned up the plates. Wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her to the bathroom. She stood under the water as he put her down letting the beads of water slid down her body. Running her fingers through her hair.
Bellatrix reached her arms behind her wrapping them around his neck, feeling his arms around her. The water hitting her ran down her body. Loving the warm water on her flesh.
Bellatrix sighed and arched her back as he began to massage her breasts. Arching her neck as he kissed her neck. "Yes babe Mmm it does."
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