The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

Bellatrix turned to face him seeing his grin. Bella reached up on her tippy toesand kissed his lips.
When he broke the kiss Bellatrix smiled at him brightly, "I love you too, Shawn Zabini."
Bellatrix cuddled into him as ge hugged her close. Bellatrix only cared for her family, lord Voldemort and of course Shawn. She loved him more than anything and couldn't wait for the day that they would be married to each other.
Bellatrix sighed occasionally as he took his time washing her body. Loving his touch, and the feeling of the soap on her skin. With soap that had dripped onto her she took and began to move her hands up and down his chest, making a lather of soap.
Bellatrix smiled brightly as he pressed her up against the wall, under the shower head. Kissing him hard placing her hands on his face.
Bella looked him in the eyes as he spoke, "I know dear, but think it's almost over and it will benefit us as we help Tom. We'll be out of school in no time." she stated softly wanting nothing more than to stay with Shawn and be with him.
Bellatrix kissed him back then broke the kiss again. "Then we can do what we want, whenever we want. Plus we'll be together." Bellatrix said kissing him again.
"Yes, happily married, I wait for you to come home from work the elves cooking dinner, I'd like a family, our little pure-blooded family. Yes all while serving under Tom, our lives will be great." She cuddled into him, her back still on the wall as he kissed her.
Bellatrix tilted her head, "Oh? And where is that?" she asked curiously. Wondering what he had in mind.
"it's what you call a manor and its on a hill and very secluded and has over 15 bedrooms and 16 bathrooms so if tom ever needs a place to crash or hold meetings he can in there and also enough room for our pure blood family " he said to her
"Yes it's exactly what I call a manor. I live in the Black family manor. It sounds perfect dear." Bellatrix stated knowing they would need tons of space. Especially if they needed to hold meetings and gatherings. Plus they're own family, with there own space.
"and the best part is its free my grandmother left it to me in thr hopes I would marry and have s family with a pureblood witch" he said to her smiling
"Really Shawn?! That's fantastic I can't wait." She was excited to move into his place and start a family.
"and whenever you want to see the place or stay a night during summer or holidays you can I'm living there know with a house elf namef mara. she's good to talk to and I know how your family doesn't like talking or having any relationship besides a master and slave with house elfs but mara practically raised me bell" he said hoping she would understand
"That would be great dear, we'll plan sometime for it. No normally we don't speak on friendly terms with our elves but I do have one, he's great to talk to shares the same views as we do. I will admit I treat him like a friend, his name is Kreature, he's been in the family for years. so I understand where you're coming from." Bellatrix stated smiling at him as the water continued to trickled down her body.
"Yes" Bellatrix hissed softly at him. Kissing him back gently. "We should probably wrap it up soon we have to return to the school."
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