The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

"You're welcome hun. I hope it's at least a little tasty." She said knowing it was cafeteria food.
Bellatrix smiled, "Well when we're married I'll cook for you and it'll taste ten times better than that." she said unable to help she was picky
Bellatrix sat there not wanting to lay down just yet. As Shawn laid back Bella turned to look at him, before she started to run her fingers through his hair petting him gently.
Bellatrix smiled and continued to pet and run her finger's through his hair. "I'm the luckiest witch in the wizarding word to have you, "she cooed softly caressing him gently.
Bellatrix smiled brightly at him, gently leaning back until she made contact with the bed, Cuddling to him continuing her gentle touch and caress.
Cuddling closer as he wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling to him. Starting to drift asleep hoping they could leave the hospital soon, so they could continue there happy life.
Bellatrix slept peacefully in his arms having a glorious dream of the Dark Lord being in power, with Shawn and her on either side of him. Then flashing to them in a large manor with their children running around, then to them growing old together, enjoying her dream in her soundless sleep.
He looked at her while she slept wondering what she was dreaming about. His lips touched her forehead and he moved a bit so that the blanket covered him in his gown more and draped over her body.
Bellatrix through sleep felt the blanket being draped over her, cuddling with it while also cuddling with Shawn. Continuing to dream of there future together.
Shawn yawned again and opened his eyes as he saw one of the doctors that was attending to him "Shawn how are you feeling there?" Shawn rolled his eyes a bit "still hurts" the doctor nodded "and you have not given anything for it?" "yeah but what you have contains silver in it and with my blood ill be breaking out in a allergic reaction if it gets in my blood stream" the doctor nodded "well I can give you some pain meds in pills form that don't contain it or make you a pain med that does not and besides your going to be released into the Hogwarts hospital wing for a couple hours before you resume class tomorrow" shawn blinked "so im going home?" the doctor nodded
Bellatrix heard voices figuring Shawn was talking to one of the healers. Yawning softly, staying close to him half asleep. She found the hospital boring, if not sleeping she would be talking and helping Shawn. Bellatrix carefully sat up, "Did I just here you're being released?" Bella asked him with a soft smile. Bellatrix couldn't wait to get out of there, but she wasn't leaving with out the werewolf she loved.
Shawn looked over at Bellatrix "yeah but I am going straight to the Hogwarts wing so madam pomfrey can poke it at me and tsk tsk again" he said to her. The doctor frowned a bit as he looked at the chart again then back at shawn "let me go get those pain medications for you then ill get the papers together to release you to Hogwarts and call Dumbledore to let him come and escort you ought" "jeez why don't you slap a pair of cuffs on me and whack me with a giant rolled up newspaper and say bad dog bad" the doctor chuckled "now shawn you know your mom will handle that" shawn chuckled and looked at Bellatrix "by the way this is my mums brother Averi Silvertooth aka same blood just lower rank" he said to her.
"That's wonderful news, not that she's going to fuss at you but at least you get out of this depressing hospital." Bellatrix said she hated being in these places. She fell silent listening to the two men talk she was excited that they were going back to Hogwarts, and wouldn't be trapped in the room. Watching the doctor leave she smiled at Shawn, "Oh that's nice, to have a doctor in thee family." she said not quite surre what more to say.
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