The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

Bellatrix smiled, "If you say so." She replied "You're sure it's save and secluded? I don't want to be caught if I'm caught my status will do down and my parents will kill me for displaying forms of affecting as such in the middle of the woods." She continued knowing it could get messy.
He nodded "secret little holes that even the giant child has not found such a dim witt' he told her of course he was talking about hagrid that now worked with Dumbledore after graduating from Hogwarts he started working for him in the school.
Bella looked at him, "Half giant child..." She stated he wasn't even a full giant. "Most giants are bloody idiots anyway, so easy to manipulate." She went on cuddling closer to Shawn.
"half full a third still one or more of the parents are dimwits love" he said to her and smiled as she cuddled closer to him. His arms wrapped around her again holding her close and kissed her forehead.
Bellatrix nodded her head agreeing with him, about the half giant being a dimwit. "I can't wait till you're better so we can get out of this hospital."
Bellatrix smiled at him, then seeing him yawn, "I know hun it's alright get some rest." She said kissing his lips softly before cuddling into him as they laid in the hospital bed.
"I love you more Shawn," She whispered figuring if he was tired and was going to fall asleep she might as well too.
Bellatrix drifted off to sleep wrapped in his arms ready to go home but refused to leave his side
Bellatrix slept for a while then woke up, her stomach growled she hadn't eaten in a little over a day. Sitting up carefully Bellatrix went in search of something to eat.
Bellatrix went to the cafeteria grabbed something to eat half asleep still. Grabbing something for Shawn and going back upstairs. Putting the thing she grabbed for him on the desk.
"Hello Hun, I brought you something to eat." She said walk over with the snack she grabbed him, craling back into the bed
He smiled at her "aww bell you didnt have to do that i could have just used there button on the side of the bed here and they would have brought a menu" he told her
"Well...I had gotten hungry and figured you were too so I grabbed you something..." She said smiling at him though she took an unnecessary trip "It's alright I needed to stretch my legs anyway."
Bellatrix saw him biting his lip in pain once more. She stood and pulled her wand back out casting a pain relief charm so it wouldn't hurt him as much. "Is that better hun?"
He closed his eyes. And took a deep breath and nodded "thank you bell you must teach me that speel to help myself just in case you are not around"
"You're welcome love of course once we are out of here I'll teach it to you." She smile coming back to sit with him.
Bellatrix smirked at him, "I'm looking forward to a lot of things...You should probably eat something dear."
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