The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

"Oh..Good luck with everything then..." Bellatrix stated to him then looked up at Dumbledore. "Yes Head Master, Thank you Mister Zabini." Bellatrix said and walked off heading to the Great Hall. Once there she took her seat with the Slytherins, and made her plate. Sure enough her sisters where there trying to find out where she's been.
several minutes later Shawn walked into the great hall limping on his right leg. dumbldore followed him into the great hall. shawn found a seat across from bellatrix besude goyle and goyle
Bellatrix noticed Shawn walk in on a wounded leg, she bit her lip and a worried look appeared on her face. Bella sighed softly, she was always worried about him. Bella looked at him as he sat down, mouthing 'Are you alright?'
Bella sighed softly, 'Alright.' Then began eating her meal, her eyes were soft and loving. 'I love you too' she returned silently. Her sisters let her be for now as they were eating their food.
Once Bellatrix noticed he had gone quiet she did the same tuning everyone out as she ate her food, still worried about Shawn and his leg. Bellatrix always worried about the people she loved. Her sisters for example if others messed with them which was rare she would intervene, she was the only one who could pick on them.
Seeing his smile she smiled back at him. Bellatrix felt a tickling sensation in her feet. She started to chuckle, holding back her laugher.
Shawn looked at her innocently "what's wrong bellatrix did you eat a wiggle worm? I told you to stay away from those nasty things "
Bellatrix bit her lip trying not to laugh. "I'll give you a wiggle worm..."She said threw gritted teath, smiling. She slid her wand out and hexed him back, tickling him in return.
She glared at him as he just grinned at her. Bellatrix was starting to hurt from laughing so much. "Make it stop..." she demanded she hated being tickled especially by spells if he was really tickling her it would be different.
Bellatrix rested her head on the table a minute to catch her breath, her face was red. Once she regained herself she glared at him then looked back down at her meal, started to eat again.
shawn pointed his wand on her food the letters I love you appeared. he smiled. at her and grabbed a cup of chocolate mousse for his.desert.
Bellatrix felt the spell that hit her foot. She looked down and smiled seeing the words 'I love you.' looking up at him smiling softly. Bella also grabbed a chocolate mousse cup eating it.
Once Bellatrix finished she looked at him curiously. For that span of time she forgot that his leg was injured. Bella stood and followed after him wanting to help him if she could, or at least make sure he didn't hurt himself worse.
shawn hissed.slightly as he stepped down at the top of the stairs leading to wing. madam pomfrey opened her office door "been fighting again have you?" she asked walking up the stairs to help him "I swear your kind" "cool your tounge pomfrey it was pack law" "I know remus is in horrible shape "
BellaTrix followed trying to help him the best she could plus trying not to have him Hirt himself further. She just listened to the conversation as Madam Pomfrey tacked to him, As the healer helped him Bella backed off just walking with them. Bellatrix didn't really understand pack laws or any of that she just went with what he said, since he was a werewolf and knew about this stuff. Though she was dating a werewolf it didn't bother her but her family disliked the idea, but Shawn's cause was different from others, most werewolves are half bloods being bitten or turned while Shawn was a pureblood he was just born a werewolf.
"good the cur has to sufer" Shawn said to pomfrey. pomfrey looked back "miss. black. could you comr with us and help me out?" shawn looked back not realizing that she.was there
Bellatrix stayed silent walking with them. Turning her attention to Madam Pomfrey "Of Course, Madam Pomfrey" she stated. Looking at Shawn who looked shocked at she was there, he should've know that she would've followed.
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