Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Feyn snorted laughing at his reation as she mixed her potion, amusement showing in her eyes."No,but aunt astoria....made it very clear that there was no choice, and better to just go along with it.Besides, its not so bad.easier doing him then her."She muttered before paling as she realized what she said.Hoping he'd overlook it instead of catch on to exactly what sort of abuse her aunt put her through. her aunt was vicious,conviving, and a very sexual wife to a man who could bypass sex most of the time. So... feyn and scorpius bore the mental and emotional scars from sex with her, feyn her obessive nature and mood swings, and scorpius his constant oversexing everything in sight.

Scorpius smiled a little before stepping back, content to just be with her, enjoying himself for once.

"He breaks everyone hearts."Severus pointed out though he was still worried about what evangeline would do if the man did break her heart. Sighing softlyy as he nodded."Scorpius is just as bad, if not worse then draco at his age. He doesn't have to pretend to not be a death eater, he's arrogant and brash, with both draco's brillance, and lucius' cold calculation."he sighed a little before looking at him startled, paling slightly at the sight of the folder, "What's she doing in the states?"He said starting to read even as he spoke to his friend.
Hugo arched an eyebrow, but after seeing her reaction to what she said, he didn't ask for an elaboration. A chill ran up his spine. How could the do that to her? He was sick and twisted... He stayed silent as he finished his potion, letting the professor look it over. When McKinze went to check out Feyn's potion, Hugo could see McKinze's hand going up her thigh and up her skirt. With a clenched jaw, Hugo nudged his cauldron over, making it call to the ground, spilling it's contents everywhere. Everyone looked their direction, making McKinze take his hand away. "I'm sorry for Professor," Hugo said with a clenched jaw, "I'll get this cleaned up."

Later that day, Evangeline waited for Scorpius down by the lake, a little far off from the castle. She laid down on the grass, taking the sun that decided to come out after lunch. Her hair was loose from its braid, blowing in the wind. She had her eyes closed and her knees bent upward, taking in the good weather.

Sirius shrugged a bit, looking concerned. "Don't know," he murmured, "Probably thought the prostitution was better there, and it is. Especially where she is." He nodded to the folder, which clearly said she was in New York. However, it didn't say she was a prostitute, but Sirius didn't like the woman, so he was especially nasty about her. The current picture showed the woman to be about 35 with blond hair and hazel eyes. While Evangeline looked a lot like Snape with her dark hair and eyes and pale skin, she got her sunny smile from her mother, oddly enough.
"See that you do, mr. weasley."The professor frowned at the man before sighing softly as he rested a hand on feyn's back as he past by her."Help him clean up, then you can go."He muttered dismissing the class. eyn swallowed hard as she tugged her skirt back into place, before muttering a cleaning spell, watching the potion disappear before watching her fiancee walking out of the room before looking at Hugo."You know, it wasn't like he was demanding a blow job in class."She said studying him, trying to figure out why he had saved her from the public humilation of getting fingered and brought to orgasm by a man she despised.

Scorpius smirked a little as he quietly picked his way down the hill, looking down at the girl as she laid back, he smirked."You know, if you nudge your legs a little bit wider, we could study sex instead of transfiguration."he said looking so amused as he dropped onto the ground next to her.

"Well."Severus sighed quietly as he read before looking at Sirius, having looked for the woman so that if Evangeline waned to know, she could...and that to make sure the death eaters hadnt connected her with him."Anything else?"He said looking at his friend, trying to figure out why exactly sirius didn't like the woman, when he himself could just feel a vague anger at her for abandoning her daughter.
Hugo started to pack up his things. "He shouldn't be touching you at all," he hissed, "It's sick, and the fact that he demands things of you outside of class is disturbing. I wasn't just going to sit there and watch. I have a backbone." He started to shove books into his bag, looking a little angry, but not at her. No, he was angry at the professor who was touching the girl that he was (not that he'd admit it) developing feelings for. It was disgusting... "Does your asshole of a cousin know that McKinze does those things?" he asked out of curiosity, walking out of the classroom with her.

Evangeline's eyes opened, and she sat up with a bit of a blush. "Well, I'm not sure I could give much information pertaining that subject," she admitted, blushing as she realized she had admitted she was a virgin. Reaching over, she grabbed her book out of her bag and began to flip to the lesson the learned the day before. Picking up her want, she pointed it at a flower and began to murmured the spell quietly. Nothing. Again. Nothing. "Bloody Hell! What's wrong with me?" she snapped, shaking her head and toss her wand to the side out of frustration.

Sirius shook his head and leaned his chin on his hand. "Nothing," he murmured, "And none of the Death Eaters have gotten to her. Not yet. I'd burn that though, just in case. Those Malfoys are here way to often to have stuff like that laying around..." He took another sip of his whiskey and leaned back in his chair. "You don't seem to worried... I'm assuming none of the Death Eaters are asking questions? Anything interesting?"
Feyn swallowed hard at his hiss, paling slightly as she realized just how angry he was. Assuming that it was at her for not protesting, instead of at mckinze who was being a bastard. "Hugo, eventually I am going to get married, the longer I fight it, the worse it'll be."She muttered so conditioned to sexual abuse that it didn't even really faze her anymore. Looking startled at his metion of scorpius she paled quickly, grabbbing his arm."No, and you wont tell him."She growled knowing just how violent and bad his reaction would be.

"Ah, well I could help you learn."He said smiling amued that she was a virgin, but to much of a gentleman to tease her about it as he settled on the ground next to her, wincing a little at her outburst."Maybe the wrong wand?Have you ever had issues with anything else?"he asked after a moment."Feyn was having issues because mother was making her use aunt daphne's instead of letting her get a new wand."he mused outloud.

"Good."He said looking relieved that the death eaters hadn't made the connections, leaning forward he tossed the folder into the fire before closing his eyes as he leaned back into his chair. "No.And Draco met her,seems to think Evangeline and Scorpius are good for each other."He said because he knew his godson, he wouldn't be quiet-or happy- about it, but if Draco would claim tht he was oblivious, then he'd let it go. It was lucius that they had to worry about, and hopefully draco was smart enough to not mention it."Not yet,but the years just starting, and I'm sure there's going to be questions with Narcissa and Astoria coming this weekend to plan the dance."
Hugo narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. "Fine," he murmured, "I won't tell him because you're a big girl, but if it goes past blow jobs, then deals off." He yanked his arm out of her grip and started to walk down the hall, irritated that she would be so passive about it all. It's not that he was angry with her, but he was angry with the situation. He nearly jumped across the table at McKinze when he saw his hand going up Feyn's thigh... He felt something he never, ever thought that he would feel when it came to Feyn - protectiveness and jealousy.

Evangeline looked over at Scorpius with a raised eyebrow. Wow. He talked about his cousin a lot. "No, my wand is fine. It's me who has the issues," she murmured, looking at her want a few feet away from her. She bit her lip, leaning her head on her hand. Sometimes she wondered if she was so awful at magic because of her mother being a muggle, even if she knew it was not true. "Sorry for wasting your time," she murmured, a little embarrassed by both her outburst and her lack of transfiguration skills.

Sirius chuckled a bit. "Oh, if only Draco knew how wrong he was," he murmured, "Those two are far from good for each other." He nodded toward the window, looking out toward the lake where the two were sitting next to each other. He could only see the backs of their heads. "Ah, so my cousin Cissy and her daugter in law are coming? Always loved Cissy... She had a bigger heart than she was ever allowed to show." He frowned at that and took another sip of his drink.
"Fine."Feyn said looking annoyed because he was being s irrtating about it, because she knew just how scorpius would react, and she didn't need to get all of them arrested or in trouble. Looking up at him she sighed as he jerked away watching him go for a moment before walking quickly to catch up, "Come on, lets go get food.I have to go to hogsmeade today,but I want food first."Se muttered wanting to get him on a different topic of something else.

Scorpius frowned a little at her look before sighing."Well.Then we'll just have to keep working on it, or I can show you how to do anything else you want.."He said with a perverted smile looking amused. "It's not a waste of time to spend time with a beautiful woman.Besides, the only thing I'd be doing was getting bombarded with love letters. I think I'd rather be here."He said smiling at her, wanting her to feel better.

"To true."Severus muttered staring out the window, worried because he knew just how charming not only draco had been, but how very charmingly devastating scorpius could be. Wincing a little at the mention of Astoria he nodded,"They are. Seems that because they're making Feyn marry McKinze, we have to celebrate her last year in school. Of course, since it's a voldemort approved wedding, we have to go along with whatever whim takes astoria or voldemort."He said rolling his eyes a little.
Hugo sighed a bit, his clenched jaw starting to relax. "Okay," he murmured, "Only because those cookies weren't very filling." He let her lead him down to the dining hall, and he took a seat next to her. He started to load his plate with pasta and bread, skipping the salad. He hated salad. He ate in silence for a few moments before turning to her, having calmed down. "What do you need in Hogsmead?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "I actually need to get a couple pots of ink, so I might just tag along." Honesty, he didn't need ink. He just worried about her going alone. Who knew what bush McKinze was hiding behind.

Evangeline grinned a little, leaning back on her hands and letting her hair blow in the breeze behind her. "You think I'm beautiful?" she murmured, raising her eyebrows. "Even though I'm not putting out? Wow. You really are a gentleman." She bit her lip and looked into his silver eyes, tilting her head back a bit. Her smile started to fade... "You wouldn't be looking at me like that if you knew all of my secrets, Scorpius," she murmured quietly, so no one could hear. She laid down, her head resting on her arm.

Sirius curled his lip up a little, shaking his head. "That girl's too young, and that man is dirty in more ways than one..." He thought about it for a moment, wondering exactly what the Dark Lord was up to. Why did he care so much that this young girl was married to one of his favorite Death Eaters? For baby Death Eater? It sickened him to think about it. "Evangeline better not make much of a scene at this dance then..." he warned, "She doesn't need to draw attention to herself. You know how Voldemort is about his young women, and if he gets to close, he will as questions."
Feyn studied him for a long moment, trying to decide what to say before smirking as she started to eat."I need to get a dress. Uncle said I couldn't blow my whole allowance on a dress this time, so I have..."She trailed off when she realized she was talking money with a man who didn't have alot. Swallowing hard she finished."So I have to find something I like and be able to buy anything else I need for the rest of the semester."She shrugged a little not realizing he was going to protect her, not because he needed things.

Scropius smiled,"Definately."He said before making a face, tilting his head."I am always a gentleman,even when I'm not."He said amused before running his fingers through his hair, the slick blond hair so much like draco's until he ruffled it, the soft strands falling around his face."Well, then don't tell me, cause I like looking at you."he said charmingly.

"She is to young, and he's....if I could figure out how to fire him without having Voldemort blowing up, I would."he muttered because in the hour since class, some of the younger death eaters had told him what McKinze had done to his fiancee in class. Just what he needed, though he didnt know if he should praise weasley for ending it, or just chalk it up to the man being a clutz. Glancing over at sirius he nodded a little."I know. But I doubt voldemort himself comes. He will send Lucius or Draco."
Hugo nodded a bit, not too excited about going with her to get a dress. But whatever. At least she wouldn't be alone, and he wouldn't have to worry about McKinze. "My mother is sending my suit," he murmured, "Not that I really care about this ridiculous dance. Why do we need to have the damn thing? We are here for education... Plus, the D.E.'s kids are just going to take it over and make it all about Voldemort." He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea.

Evangeline rolled her eyes a bit, looking away from him. "I bet that's a line you use often," she murmured, "And I wouldn't tell you anyway. You'd hate me if I did, and sadly, you are one of the few people I have out here." She looked back at him, sitting up and brushing her clothes off. "I have to go to town and get a dress, apparently," she murmured, "My Charms partner asked if I would be his date to the dance, and even though I'm not really a dance person, he's a nice guy, so I agreed..." She shrugged a bit, looking over at him to see if he was going to have some sort of reaction to her having a date.

Sirius scoffed. "You and I both know, Severus, that Lucius is just as dangerous, if not more. The man is like Voldemort's pitbull." He frowned a bit, before standing up and gulping down the rest of his whiskey. "Better get out of here before Cissy and Astoria comes along. They'll wonder why I'm here." He smirked a bit and walked to the door, nodding to Snape. "See you soon, Severus." And with that, he turned the nob and turned into a big black dog, though the dog had a few more grey streaks through its coat.
Feyn rolled her eyes a little loking amseud as she ate."You don't have to go you know. I could just pick up some ink while I'm there."She said shrugging before staring down at her plate, swallowing hard as she finished her food."Because, grandmother wants me to have something I enjoy....before..."She trailed off tears misting her eyes. Swallowing hard as she shoo head head a little."It's just a silly dance, for a silly girl."She muttered before sighing, seeming to wilt a little at his observation of what was going to happen at the dance, having looked forward to the small amount of normalcy.

Scorpius smirked nodding a little."I do. I have alot of lines.But you must give me some credit, I don't pretend to be anything but what I am."He said snickering a little before looking up at her, frowning slightly.curiousity showing in his eyes as he studied her but not asking any questions before frowning at her admittance. "Well, you must save a dance for me then. I dance better then anyone."he said a small amount of anger to his tone as he stood, picking grass off his clothes.

"He is."Severus said tiredly, he hated lying to lucius, but the man was far changed from the teen he had known. Sighing quiestly as he watched Sirius go, he settled back in his chair to wait for the women, knowing that they would be here soon to be setting up for the dance that evening.
Hugo shook his head, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Nah, I have a specific kind of ink I like..." he lied, chewing on his food for a moment. He frowned at her reaction to his bashing of the dance. He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm bitter. You understand..." he murmured, finishing up his food. Reaching under the table, he grabbed her hand, brushing his thumb across the top of her palm. "You're anything but a silly girl, Feyn," he whispered, trying to make her feel better before taking away his hand. He couldn't let someone see. They'd tell McKinze and then both of their necks would be on chopping block.

Evangeline stood up and looked up at him, a smirk curling up on her lips. "I think I can manage that," she admitted, "But of course, it's a masque... So you might not even recognize me." Her tone took a bit of a flirty tone before she reached up, brushing the hair that had fallen into his face as he ruffled his hair. Her hand stayed there a moment as she studied his eyes, a sigh leaving her lips... If only she could tell him everything and not fear his rejection; if only she could be one of those girls that shares his bed on a daily basis. "I'll see you at dinner, Scorpius," she whispered sweetly, turning away and walking toward the castle before they did something they regretted.
"I...I do."She muttered looking startled when he grabbed her palm, shivering a little as as chill went down her spine as he stroked her palm, glancing over at him, not wanting to let go of his hand but knowing that it was for the best."We better go. If we stay here, grandmother and aunt astoria will be here, and I wont get any choice in what my dress looks like."She muttered wrinkling her nose as she headed outside, quiet as they walked down to the village. Just enjoying being alone in her thoughts, without worrying if she was going to be forced to have sex.Stepping into the dress shop she smirked, having a absent hand."You could stay, or go get your ink.I'm trying on dresses."She said starting to gather dresses,that while less expensive then her normal clothes, were still alot of money.

Scorpius smirked smiling at her."Well, I shall just have to find the most beautiful masked one, and dance with her."He said smiling blushing a little as she stroked his hair out of her eyes. Watching her head towards the castle he followed after, looking startled as he paused on the steps to wait for the two women oming up the trail."Grandmother. Mother."He muttered bending his head to kiss both their cheeks his lips brushing his mother's cheek with a shudder of revulsion. "You look well, dear."Astoria smiled up at her handsome son, "Would you care to walk with us to the headmasters office?" "Nothing would please me more."Scorpius said as they headed inside.
Hugo watched her grabbing dressed off the rack. Her stuffed his hands in his pockets, not liking the idea of leaving her, but knowing well enough that he'd die of boredom if he watched her pick out a dress. Plus, the dress shop was crowded. Nothing could happen to her while he ran down the street and wasted his money on ink that he actually didn't need. His mother was going to kill him. "I'll let you do... that," he murmured, nodding to the dresses. "I'm going to get my ink. Meet you at the Leaky Cauldron for a drink?"

Evangeline moved down the path way, almost going to go see her father and ask for dress money, but noticing that Scorpius was headed that way with two older women... They looked related, it seemed, and he leaned down to kiss their cheeks... She'd go see her father later. Maybe her Charms partner would want to work on homework.

Narcissa looked happy to see her grandson, for she loved and doted on him just as much as she had Draco when he was a little boy. She loved to send him and Feyn sweets, letters, and presents... It was the only thing she ever got to do that made her happy these days, with Lucius so deep in business with the Dark Lord. And of course, she had to do a lot of her spoiling behind Astoria's back. Astoria didn't like to "spoil" the children; that was Narcissa and Draco's job when she wasn't look. "Are you doing well, Sweetheart?" she asked, her hand resting on Scorpius' back as they walked. "I see you made a friend. How nice!" She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "You must tell me about her in our next letter," she whispered, smirking at him. She, as she should be, was very oblivious to her grandson's sexual activities.

Astoria rolled her eyes and knocked on the Headmaster's door. Her mother-in-law drove her crazy sometimes. She was just too... sweet with the children. They were never going to grow up to be adults and worthy Death Eaters if they were always been stuffed with candies and love.
"Fine, run away coward."She teased lookign amused as he left the dress shop, taking her time to choose her dress she smiled in contentment as she chose something, trying not to think to hard over why she'd looked for a dress that she thought would appeal to hugo instead of her fiancee. Swallowing hard as she shrank the dress and settled it in her coat pocket to carry she headed for the leaky cauldron, taking a seat to wait for him she sipped her butterbeer.

Scorpius smiled at his grandmother, "I am very well. Happier then Feyn at least."he said thrusting the verbal knife at his mother. While he didn't know everything, he knew his cousin was unhappy with her marriage plans, and knowing that it was his mother forcing it. "She is nice, interesting at least.She just transferred this year."Scorpius said smiling as Severus opened the door.

"Naricissa, it is always good to see you."Severus smiled bending to kiss the woman's cheek, looking glad to see her, even if he didn't like astoria."You to astoria."He said after a moment, before sighing."I had the elves clean out the ballroom for you two, it and the elves are just waiting for you to get here to decorate."he said before growning serious."I know you wanted it to be a all year ball, but I'm restricting it to 6-7th years."He said not about to let the death eaters in training get to wound up and around the kids.
Hugo moved into the bar, grabbing a drink and heading toward the table she sat at. Thankfully, the table was in the back. No one would ask questions, hopefully. "Find your dress?" he asked curiously, taking a sip of his butterbeer. A bit of the foam stuck to his upper lip before he swiftly licked it off. Leaning back in his seat, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

Narcissa grinned and leaned in to kiss Severus' cheek, having always seen something in the man that other's didn't. She even made him godfather for her son. "It's always good to see you, Severus," she murmured, taking a seat in one of the armchairs. She wished that she could visit with her grandson more, but this was as close as Astoria would allow them to be in front of her.

Astoria whipped around and arched her eyebrow at her son. "I don't want to her a thing about Feyn's unhappiness," she said quietly, "She has no reason to be unhappy. She's be married off to a favorite, and it's the least she can do after your father and I have taken her in like our own." With that, she straightened up and greeted Severus with a curt nod. "Why? The young ones can surely handle a simple dance. One needs to grow up eventually."

Narcissa shook her head. "No, they are much too young...," she murmured with a smile, "The dance can be more of a mature event if we keep it to the older students."
"I did."Feyn said smiling as she blushed a little, eyes watching his face, blushing harder as she watched him lick the foam off before looking down at her glass, sipping it as she enjoyed the drink. Before looking up at him she smiled."Did you get waht you need?"she asked tilting her head a little."We should probably get back....astoria is probably here and she'll want to do my hair and crap..."She muttered looking reluctant to go,but knowing she had to.

Severus smiled watching them, raising a eyebrow at mother and son. It wasn't often Scorpius growled at his mother, but he was protective of his cousin. Sputtering a laugh before he could hide it at Scorpius' response to narcissa's words. "Oh yes, a very mature event with feyn as the main show."He muttered his scowl dark before he looked at his grandmother."Excuse me, I should be going. I have to get ready before the dance, and find feyn and drag her out of whatever library she's hiding from McKinze in."He said nodding goodbye to his grandmother but not even bothering to be dismissed by his mother. The time had long past since he had been polite enough to let her order him about. While he wouldn't tell his father on her, and still submitted to the sex when he was home, he was long done with doing everything she wanted, and he only did that because his mother had made it very clear that feyn would pay the price if he didn't cooperate with her demands
Hugo sighed a bit. "Yea, you're probably right," he admitted, looking at the watch on his wrist. It was a nice watch, having been his grandfather's at one time, but it was old. However, he was partial to it. "Let's get back. I'd hate to not have enough time to fight the other guys off for a shower." He rolled his eyes a bit and walked with her back to campus, coming back to his dorm to see a brand new suit laid on his bed. His mother must have sent it while he was gone... He was supposed to have been wearing his suit that he got a year or so ago, but she must have thought he deserved a new one. He smiled a bit, taking the time to write her a thank you letter, then went down to the showers to wash up.

Astoria could barely reprimand her son before he ran off. She clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes. "Boys will be boys," she muttered, then turned to Snape. "Thank you, Severus, Narcissa and I should be getting down there to decorate. We only have a few hours." Narcissa frowned, but nodded. She was disappointed to see her grandson storm off, but she understood. Or atleast she did. Both women stood up and headed for the door; Astoria made a few demands about food and having elves on hand, then they were gone. Narcissa went one way, intent on seeing her grandson a bit more before they got to decorating, and Astoria made her way toward her niece's dorm, knocking harshly on the door. "Open up, girl. I do not have all the time in the world," she snapped, rolling her eyes and brushing her long brown hair over her shoulder.

Evangeline watched the women walked off before she moved back down the path and walked inside her father's office. Immediately, she gave him a pout. "Daddy, can I have a little money to get a dress?" she murmured, walking over to him and sitting in his lap. "Please? I have a date, and I want to look nice..." She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking down at him with that sweet face she had been giving him since she was a young child. What she really wanted was to look nice for Scorpius, but she couldn't tell him that. He'd probably scold her for being so foolish, which that's exactly what she was being.
When Astoria knocked on the door Feyn frowned at the door as she paused in the middle of pulling her dress out, settling it on the bed before she opened the door."Hello Aunt Astoria."The girl muttered with a smile as she moved back to the bed, swallowing hard, blushing slightly as she slipped off her clothes and set about sliding on the emerald green dress, the fbric clinging to her body, but the skirt full enough to keep mckinze from groping her to much."Did you get everything done?"She asked as she started to do her hair.

Severus smiled looking amused to see his daughter in his lap, raising a eyebrow as he wrapped his arms around her waist, looking pleased to see her.Studying her for a moment he sighed, knowing that he wasn' tgoing to be able to resist her even if he really didn't have alot of money, he didnt want to disappoint her. "Here."He muttered handing her a medium sized bag of galleons."Hurry back though, Astoria and Narcissa both will be most disappointed if anyone's late for tonight's party."
Astoria sat on she edge of the bed, crossing one leg over the other as she studied the dress. "I thought I told you McKinze was a fan of blue not green," she snapped, shaking her head. She began to untie her robes, a smirk spreading across the older man's face. "No, I was hoping you'd help a little with a my stress before I go deal with decorating. After all, it is my husband's money that bought that dress..." She let the cloak slide off her shoulders before she raised her eyebrows. "Well? Get over here and help me undress."

Evangeline grinned happily, her eyes brightening as her father handed her the bag. She knew that they were tight on money lately, so it made her feel a tad guilty. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek and hugged him tight. "Thanks, Daddy," she said, "I love you... And I'll return the dress after the dance, okay?" She kissed him on the cheek once more before sliding off his lap and heading toward Hogmeade, intent on getting something that would wow even Scorpius Malfoy...
her hair
her dress, in green

"Well, I'm a fan of green, not blue. So he can deal with it, or find some other mare to mount."She snapped back paling a little as she looked at the woman swallowing hard as she crossed the room, "As you wish."She muttered trying hard tot not feel even more ashamed then she always did when she did this, but knowing hugo knew made it worse. When they were done she raised her head, already moving away to mutter a cleaning spell glancing at her post orgasmatic aunt."Can I go?I'm going to spend enough time on my knees with McKinze tonight, I would like to get a dance or to in."She said even as she settled the dark green mask into place, and for once, if you weren't aware of who she was, or what she was wearing...for once, she could pass unknown through a crowd.

"Don't worry about it.I'll see you tonight."Severus smiled watchig him, looking amused as she walked out.

Scorpius smirked a little as he walked down the stairs, turning his head to glance at the red head walking up the other stairs."Weasley.I need to talk to you."he said crossing the expanse towards the other man as they walked towards the ballroom, having every intention of getting the man to leave Feyn alone. "Leave Feyn alone. For both your sakes."He said as he walked into the ballroom, settling the mask on his face, the cruel lines of the mask making him look both beautiful and cruel, so very much like his real personality given life

Astoria panted for a moment, nodding slowly. She stood up and started to tug her clothes back into place. "Fine," she murmured, "But be expecting me soon..." She smirked a little, then walked across the room and kissed Feyn's cheek, her hand moving down to grope the younger woman through her dress. "And I expect a better performance next time, or I'll start having to go to Scorpius more often." She winked at her cruelly then headed out the door.

Hugo looked over to Scorpius Malfoy with a look of absolute disdain. He tugged the mask on his face; a silver mask that covered the entire left side of his face, but left his right side exposed. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Weasley," he snapped, irritation in his tone. He didn't want to deal with this. He was just trying to keep Feyn safe... or atleast keep her from being molested in public. He looked over at the other man, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "What are you so worried about? Your family's image? Don't worry. I won't ask for her hand in marriage."


Evangeline entered the ballroom with her date, Henry Diggory, her Charms partner. He was a handsome boy with a tall frame and slicked back dark hair. As far as she knew, he was nice, and she was just happy that she didn't have to go alone. Especially when she was so sure that Draco would have a date... There was definitely many eyes on Evangeline as she walked in with her glittering, dark blue dress. Her hair was up in loose curls, some of them handing around her face sexily, and her jeweled mask was tied around her head by a black ribbon. "Henry, you look nice," she said politely, giving him a smile. However, her eyes darted over his shoulder to look at the tall blond man across the room. His mask may cover most of his face, but Scorpius Malfoy had a demeanor about him that could never go unseen.

Feyn flinched as she was groped, swallowing hard as she paled."Yes Aunt astoria."She muttered turning her head to watch her go, pale and shaking as she considered what it meant if her cousin had to service his mother. She tried so very hard to keep him out of it. Shakily finishing doing her hair she headed down to the ballroom, pausing with a tilt of her head at the sight of Hugo and Scorpius talking.

"For once, no."scorpius growled looking at the other, studying him, true fear showing in those grey eyes for a moment. "Just...McKinze's here somewhere. Don't make it worse Weasley, its already bad enough."He muttered moving away from the other man as he saw Feyn coming down the stairs. "Good Evening Hugo."She muttered as she moved to walk past him, though the mask and dress lent her anomintity, the soft curling red hair and the even softer tone of her voice gave her away, and she was to badly shaken by her run in with astoria to try to pretend.

Henry smiled as he loked at her, nodding slightly."Thank you Evangeline.And you are the lovliest woman here, you look smashing."He smiled smirking a little because he knew Scorpius was watching them, even if he was pretending to dance with his tall blond and death eater date of the evening. "Would you care for a drink, Evangeline?"Henry said smiling at her as he returned his attention to the woman standing next to him
Hugo watched Feyn, looking around for McKinze before following after her. She looked beautiful in that green dress, green being his favorite color. He moved toward the food table, standing beside her as he began to fill a plate with fruit and pastries. "What's wrong," he murmured, looking her over. "I can tell something is off about you, but I must say, you did a good job picking out the dress." He smirked. "Nailed my favorite color." He popped a grape in his mouth, trying not to pay attention to her cousin across the room.

Evangeline's eyes twinkled, happy that he thought she looked nice. It wasn't often she got to buy such nice things. She wished she could show her father her dress, but that would have to wait until later. Right now, he looked busy talking to other adults. Adults who would wonder. "Oh, no thank you," she murmured, shaking her head. She watched him drink, her eyes floating toward Scorpius and his date. Of course his date was gorgeous... It made her feel terribly insecure.
Feyn sighed, glad that for once her aunt was doing her a kindness and talking to Mckinze about something even as she glanced at Hugo, stealing some of his pastries she ate them, shifting through the crowd to make sure that they were hidden."Thank you. I liked it to."She muttered blushing as she looked down, looking shakey and trembling, before looking up at him."My aunt's here....without draco.She wanted...some girl talk before the dance."She muttered the dark blush staining her cheeks saying what she didn't. "Dance with me?"she asked, needing to have one dance she liked, and she could already see McKinze shoving his way through the crowd towards her.

Henry smiled as he picked up one of the champagne glasses, sipping it as he watched her glance over towards Scorpius, sipping a little more of his alcohol as he did so. There was no comparision to malfoy, and he felt inadequeate, so he was drinking. "Would you like to meet Ms. Petrovich?She's from a russian french death eater might know some of the same people."He offered wondering who had more of her attention, scorpius or his date
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