Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Feyn winced a little at the man's words before smirking a little. "I would definately not be questioning you on the one subject I manage to beat you in."She preened a little hoping to distract him from the thought of what was wrong. Pausing as they reached the intersection of hallways, she looked thoughtful, wondering if McKinze would follow them or not."Nothing. Besides a very public, emotional breakdown this summer.But you know that.Everyone knows that."She said bemused, blushing slightly because it bothered her that a private moment was so very public. "Now. Excuse me, I worked through lunch, I think I'm going to go convince the house elves I need food."she said as she recognized the hallway they were in, moving to head for the kitchens.

"Well, you are very good at it, my lady."He said with a charming smile, a slight curious look on his fce as he caught the sight of the scar, but fisting his hands at his side to keep from reaching out and turning her head so he could inspect it better. Swallowing hard as he ate concentrating on that, before nearly choking on his food at the thought of her not knowing his family. Coughing he nodded silently before answering."They are. My father is the current head of aurors,"Something that gave draco free reign to be as cruel and annoying as he wanted to be."And my mother know, I don't know what to call it, she organizes things. Like parties and balls. My grandfather is the second in command with the dark lord, and my grandmother stays home and takes care of the manor."He explained, a soft look in his eyes at the mention of his grandmother.

Of all his family, Narcissa Malfoy was the one that seemed...different from the rest, more family driven then political.She had been the one to make sure him and feyn had everything they needed. Taken care of Feyn when she totally lost control over summer instead of shunning her like draco, astoria and lucius had. Her influence was the only reason feyn still had a home, and she knew it.Which seemed to be making his cousin even more neurotic then normal.Enough to be even hanging out with weasley.
Hugo watched her for a moment. He didn't know about a public breakdown... That's not a surprise though. He always came back to school out of the loop, considering they always went to the muggle world during the summers to spend time with his grandparents (his mum's parents) and never came back until the weekend before school... But a breakdown? Really? His eyebrow creased together in curiosity, watching her move down to the kitchens. He sighed, deciding not to pry, even if he really wanted to... He decided to go on to Quidditch practice, thinking he might see her in the hall again later. It seemed to be a habit of her's here lately.

Evangeline watched him, her cheeks turning bright red as she realized that she has apparently asked a very stupid question. She bit her lip and looked down at her soup, trying to take deep breaths and make her embarrassed blush go away. Her eyes showed that she was impressed, but fearful. Bloody hell. He really was the epitome of a death eater; the very person who could never know about her secrets. His father and grandfather would have her father behind bars... or worse. "Wow," she murmured, swallowed hard and forcing a smile. "You're family is quite impressive..." She took a bite of her sandwich, looking up at him with a soft smile. "You seem fond of your grandmother."
Scorpius tilted his head a little as he watched her blush, loking amused that she was. It was sort of endearing to see. Smirking before frowning slightly. He hadn't told her so she'd be afraid of him, he hated it when the women he wanted were afaid of him. Smirking he nodded."We are quite a scary sort of way. Feyn and father are scary smart, mother is scary bitch, and just plain scary."Scorpius said repeating the oft spoken teasing in his house before smiling, nodding a little."Of all of them, I like my grandmother the best."he said after a moment, because it was true. Narcissa never made him feel stupid or not enough.Even if he knew Feyn didn't do it on purpose, he felt...inadequete next to her.

Later found Feyn curled up in one of the window seats on the way to the basement. The window seat private, and considering she was sharing a room with another 7th year death eater, she had no desire to hide in her rooms. But she didn't know that her hiding spot was one of the common ones used, she had just wanted somewere quiet and out of the way to try and reign in the chaotic emotions that were leaving her so confused before she had to go meet up with evangeline for their study session.She needed control because she didn't need the new girl thinking she was insane. Resting her head against the window she frowned at hugo, annoyed."Are you following me?"She said half serious half teasing, because it seemed that after 6 years of avoiding being alone, they were this year constantly falling over each other. Though, she didn't mind as much as she pretended.[/align]
Evangeline smiled a little, a strand of her black hair falling down from the pony tail and into her face. "I never knew my grandmother," she murmured, shrugging a bit. "I was told she was a bit of a sour puss though." After she finished, she watched him. He was so... interesting. She never seen a man look so hauntingly beautiful, and she'd also never seen a man put away so much food. It made her giggle a little, and she rested her head in the palm of her hand. It was odd to her that unlike all the other students who gawked at her like she was a mutant, the Malfoy son was the only guy who seemed completely and totally unfazed by her arrival to Hogwarts.

Hugo stopped and looked at her, sweat dripping down his forehead and bare chest. He slung his bag over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Well, you are sitting in a hall way that leads to the lower deck dorms... It's sort of hard not to run into you," he murmured, shaking his head. "Why aren't you reading in your common room? You'd think someone who looked so eager to get away from a certain professor would keep herself away from the most populated area of the castle," he murmured, his teasing tinted with a bit of concern. What the hell was up with McKinze?
Scorpius smirked a little before tilting his head."I'm sorry for that. I am sure your grandmother would have liked you."He said after a moment because it was disturbing to him to think about never knowing his grandmother. Leaning back as he finished eating he gave a soft pleased smile, his stomach full though it wouldn't be long before he was hungry again. For as small as he was-he wasn't nearly as tall as his father and grandfather-he did eat alot. "ready for that tour?"He smiled as he stood.

eyn turned her head, swallowing hard at the sight of the half naked quidditch player, blushing before she returned to looking out the window."It's a window seat...I didn't know it was that popular...its out of the way...."She muttered blushing at her mistake even as she moved to get up, flinching at the mention of McKinze, "Well, he's probably busy trimming his nose hair or something else equally disgusting."She said scathingly, angry because he had mentioned the potions master. because she assumed he knew about her meltdown, she assumed he knew the reason behind it, not realizing that he spent his summers out of touch with everything, not realizing that he didn't know that her life sentence of marriage to a man nearly as old as her father was what had caused a breakdown so bad that she'd been hospitalized for a week.
Evangeline reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Sure," she murmured, standing up and following him out of the dining hall. "What do people do for fun around here? Are you allowed off of castle grounds at all?" She tilted her head up to look at the other, curiousity running wild through her dark eyes. She knew she was getting in dangerous waters by being alone with a Malfoy, but he didn't seem that bad... Or was he? Shaking the thought out of her head, she glanced up in time to catch her father's eyes as they passed them him in the hall. She swallowed hard and looked away from him, trying to act like she didn't know her father in any way aside from her Headmaster.

Hugo tilted his head to the side, amusement sparking within his navy blue eyes. "He is sort of disgusting, I guess," he murmured, thinking about it for a moment. Looking around to make sure they were alone, he set his bag down and sat on the edge of the window seat next to her. He leaned back, letting his sweaty back press against the cool glass. "What's going on with you?" he asked, abruptly, "You aren't hanging around with those bitches you usually do this year, and then the new dorm, and the acting friendly thing... I'm not exactly complaining, but it's sort of freaking me out." He looked at her with concern, but he momentary outburst made him sound a lot like father.
Scorpius smiled a little as they walked towards the doors, having every intention of showing her down to the town before the castle. Since they were allowed down to hogsmeade in the afternoons if they didn't have class, he figured it was something fun. "We are.But only if we don't have class, and only if we go with someone else. Headmaster snape doesn't want anyone going alone, just in case some light side sympathizer gets a idea of attacking one of the kids."He shrugged looking amused before sighing a little. "Since we don't have a class until right before dinner, would you like to venture down into town, then I can give you the tour of the castle on the way to meet up with feyn?"

"Definately disgusting. Disturbing really."She reassured staring out the window before starting as she felt him sitting down next to her, turning her head to look at him with a frown. Surprise showing in her eyes as she realized he didn't know. Returning to stare out the window she laughed quietly."They don't want to hang out with me. It's not me choosing not to hang out with them."She snorted a little in disgust and amusement. "I'm friendly because its easier to deal with then...then the emotions being bitchy gives me."She shrugged before sighing quietly, looking amused at his words."You sound like my father. Don't fuss."She teased before growing serious, biting her lip a little, deciding she needed to talk to someone, someone who might understand. "....I'm getting married the day after graduation."
Evangeline's dark eyes brightened for a moment. "That sounds great," she said, her smile so genuine that you could see a dimple in each cheek. It was nice to be around a boy for once in her life, and even if he was dangerous on a certain level, he was going to show her a good time. And she needed a good time. "I just need to grab my sweater," she murmured, heading toward the Tower. "Oh, Feyn, right... Studying... Well, I could always let her off the hook and get help from the guy who helped me so much in class earlier." She raised her eyebrows at him the turned and headed up the stairs, hurrying through her stuff to find an emerald green sweater her father had bought her a couple weeks ago, then moved write a note to her father, telling her where she would be in case he was looking for her. With that, she came back down the stairs, the green sweater wrapped around her, and her hair back down in waves down her back. "Okay, now you can show me this Hogsmead you speak of," she murmured with a smirk.

Hugo raised his eyebrows a little. He assumed she meant that she was engaged to someone she cared about; maybe someone who graduated a few years ago. "Uh... Congratulations?" he murmured, his face flushing a little. "Don't you think you are a little young? I mean, it's not really any of my business..." He shrugged a bit, his curiosity running wild.
Corpius smiled as he watched her go to get her sweater."oh,I'm sure he would be very obliging in helping you study whatever you want."the blond said looking amused for once in his life looking like he was genuinely enjoying himself." Its a small place.not a lot to do."he warned not wanting to get her hopes up to higb.

"Since when do you ever mind your own business?and I'm definately to young for him."a glint of her old self,the convining maniuplaing woman showed in her eyes."I'm hoping that if I act insane enough hell figure out I'm not what he wants in a broodmare for his children."she said looking amused before sighing."I know your dying of curiousity.go ahead,sk who it is."she said with a devilish smile that said she was enjoying herself
"Oh, he would?" Evangeline murmured with a smirk, "I would definitely appreciate his help." Shoving her hands in her pockets, she followed him outside. It was nice to have to fall wind blowing on her face and letting her hair float around her. The leaves were the perfect shade of orange and red, falling all around them in the most beautiful way. Her eyes glanced up at him, and she smiled at how his blond hair moved with the wind. He was looked so different then french boys. He had this... hauntingly handsome quality. Like there was something under the surface that was as scary as it was beautiful. "After eighteen years of being cooped up in strict all girl schools with no off campus privileges, 'not a lot' is a lot more than you could imagine," she admitted, shrugging a bit.

Hugo arched his eyebrow with amusement. "I never mind my own business. If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here," he murmured, studying her for a moment. His lip curled a bit in disgust. Bloody hell. The Death Eaters really were going in sane. His mother has said something about arranged marriages in order to keep the purity of their blood alive, but he didn't think much of it... "So, you're being forced to marry?" He swallowed hard, then let out a little scoff. "I'm going to guess McKinze, because I saw the way he was looking at your earlier today. Like a dog looks at raw meat, or something."
"Oh well, then I must offer his most humble services, lady."He said giving her a little courtly bow, looking so amused as he tucked his scarf around his neck and made sure his jacket was staying put. Looking down at her he smiled, that devilishly handsome smile."Oh, thats true. And I shall feel privledged to be your tour guide in the world of off campus privledges."He said snickering a little as he tucked his hands in his pockets as he walked, enjoying the fall day on the way to the town.

Feyn looked at him before laughing softly, amused at him sitting there. He looked so very disgusted about the fact that she was being forced to marry. As if it was a new concept. Royalty had done it to their children for centuries, the wizarding death eaters were just playing catch up. "Yes, and you know why they're wanting it."she said biting her lip because she knew the truth. She knew just how the interbreeding was actually destroying them, not that she could convince anyone of that. she'd been beaten nearly to death the one time she'd tried to tell lucius, needing advice, and having trusted the older man to keep a reasonable head. "That's a very good way to describe it."She said shuddering a little at the memory of McKinze's look."He most definately can't wait to take a bite of me. Thankfully, grandmother convinced them that I should be able to finish out the year instead of pulling out now."
As they walked, Evangeline gently kicked at the falling leaves, looking down at the ground. It was such a nice day for a walk... "So, I can't help but notice how the girls around her look at you. It's pretty pathetic, actually," she murmured with a smirk, "They look at you like your are Merlin or something... But others - like the younger students and most of the guys - they look at your like your something the fear." Her dark eyes turned up to look at him from the corner of her eyes. "Are you something to fear?" Her eyebrows raised up in questioning, but she knew the answer. With a family like his, he was THE person to fear. Especially with her... circumstances.

"Pulling out is a good way to describe what he wants to do," Hugo murmured crudely. He looked at her with confusion, as if he simply could not understand how a girl like her (smart, beautiful, pureblood) could be forced into something like this. It made him feel a little out of the loop, because his parents and grandparents had all married for love. He knew that by the way his father looked at his mother when he thought no one was looking. "Well, in my defense, I spend summers in the muggle world, so I don't get all of the juicy gossip," he said, straightening up.
Scorpius smirked a little wathing her kick the leaves, way to cool to be doing it himself, carefully picking his way down the path. Laughing he smiled, "oh, I am merlin, never doubt that. At least in the bedroom I am."he smirked looking amused before looking at her, looking thoughtful before nodding."I am."He said simply because he was trapped by a family who wanted a scarier, tougher son, when all he wanted was to be left alone. So the man was content to be left alone as much as he was able, even if it made him feared.

"Hugo!"Feyn looke at him shocked and a little sick, shifting she pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. Resting her cheek on her knees she sighed a little."Don't give me that look. My uncle wants the best for me. Apparently spending my nights flat on my back are best for me."She said snidely, because she knew even if she was as smarter and as quick as any of the men death eaters, she would still just be a woman to them, something to use to make more little death eaters. "Well, I guess I should be glad to have one person who didn't see me hexing and screaming Uncle draco down a alley."She said rolling her eyes a little.
Evangeline watched him for a moment, swallowing hard. "It's a good thing I don't scare easily," she murmured softly, then looked back down at the ground. She was lying. He did scared her, but for reasons that he didn't know. She feared that she was going to develope feelings for him, and then he'd find out her secrets. After a few minutes of silence, they reached the beautiful little village with all the cute little buildings, shops, and restaurants. It made her smile, her eyes brightening. You'd never think that their world was in utter turmoil. "Oh wow, is that a candy shop?" he asked, pointing to Honeydukes. "I've never actually been in one, but my Fa- I mean, my Nanny used to bring me home these salt water taffy things. I loved them," she murmured, smiling a little at the memory. It was always what her father would bring to France when he was stuck in England with his hands tied for a while, unable to call or come home to her for fear of her safety.

Hugo smirked a little at her reaction, studying her carefully. Well, she definitely had changed. She was not the spoiled little brat who was so bent up on beating him anymore. No, she was maturing due to a screwed up legal system. It sickened him to think that she was going to have to marry that asshole of a potions professor... He may have went six years hating her, but he wouldn't wish that on anyone. "You know, us dirty-blooded animals get to marry whoever we want," he quipped, arching his eyebrow a little.
"A very good thing then."he mused smiling as they walked into the village, looking relieved a little that she had such a good reaction to the small town. Having been afraid that despite her words, she would be disappointed in the small shops. Frowning slightly at her half spoken word, he wondered at that for a moment before setting it aside as a mystery for another day. If he waited long enough, feyn would figure out she was hiding something and be intent on finding it. ""Honeydukes is not just any shop. It's THE best shop."He said smirking a little as heheaded for the shop, smiling at the assortment of candies even as he picked up his favorite orange sucker and sucked on it while they walked around.

Feyn frowned at him, looking confused for a moment about why he was being kind about this instead of rubbing her face in the fact over how much better it was to be left to your own devices then be forced to marry.Giving a inward smirk to herself as she slipped off the seat she stood, red hair curling around her face as she reached down, gently touching his cheek before bending down to kiss him slowly, before raising her head. "Ahh, you might get to marry for love, but you don't look as pretty doing it."She quipped having kissed him just to freak him out, turning and heading towards the hall for the dorms.
Evangeline giggled a little as he popped the sucker in his mouth, then turned to look around at all the candy with wonder. Grabbing a bag off the shelf, she began to get some of her favorite salt water taffy and a few other candies she felt like trying. Once she'd gotten everything she wanted, she took it up to the counter and grabbed some money out of the pocket of her sweater. She moved quickly with the money, not wanting him to pay for that too. He had already bought her brunch earlier, and she didn't want him to think she was mooching off of him. As they walked out, she settled her bag in the palm of her hand and fished out some of the taffy, popping it into her mouth. As she chewed on it, she noticed two students walkin together, gawking at both of them. She wasn't sure if it was from her being new or him being scary.

Hugo looked up at her with mixture of fright and confusion. "What the hell was that for?" he murmured, shaking his head. He blushed, mainly because he was caught so off guard. It was... way too weird to have her lips pressed up against his, not matter how soft and sweet they were. Standing up, he grabbed his Quidditch bag and nodded to the basement. "I'm going for a shower, then I'm heading down to dinner. I wouldn't expect the new girl to be up to studying. Saw her leaving for Hogsmeade with your cousin." He curled his lip a little at the thought of Scorpius before moved toward his dorm. "Which means I'll see you for dinner."
Scorpius sucked on his sucker smirking amused as he watched her walk around getting her candies, raising a eyebrow to the students as he moved towards the door."See something interesting?"He said mildly tilting his head. "Well, I wouldn't call it interesting, son,but they are staring at you."Draco malfoy smirked as he stepped into the candy shop after the students, having come to town because he knew his son, and that the boy couldn't help having a sweet tooth that would have him in honeydukes soon. He was on his way up to the castle to meet with snape but figured he would stop to see his son first. "Father."Scorpius said nodding his head, in a slight bow before looking at Evangeline."Evngeline, this is my father Draco malfoy.Father, this is evangeline prince." The blond death eater smiled, though there was a chill in it, as if he wasn't sure about whatever girl his son was screwing this week."It is good to meet you ms. prince."

Feyn laughed as she heard the confusion in his voice, "Nothing."She said so very amused before smirking."Don't enjoy that shower to much weasley, don't want to make people think you're daydreaming about me."She snickered as she disappeared into her dorm. Changing into a pair of snug dress jeans and a dark green sweater the woman looked comfortable and decidely less like her coolly polished self. Heading for dinner she snarled in frustration when she saw McKinze waiting for her, and no weasley to save her.

Moving carefully and slowly into the dinning room she smirked a little as she saw Hugo, crossing the room she sank into the seat next to her, the soft red hair tied up into a lover's haste knot, glancing over at him as she sat down, flinching ever so softly barely noticable as she started filling a plate."Good shower?"She said with a teasing smirk, having every intention of keeping up the friendship despite McKinze's assualt and intentions, because she knew that if she lost it enough, maybe just maybe, she'd get out of this mess with some of her mind intact.
Evangeline swallowed hard when she looked up at the older Malfoy, the color draining from her face. Wow... Scorpius really did looked nearly identical to his father, which scared her even more. Reaching out, she shook the older man's hand and gave him a soft, but nervous looking smile. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Malfoy," she murmured, the reaching up and tucked her black hair behind her ear. It was odd to her that Scorpius actually bowed to his father, but now that she looked into Draco's chilling eyes, she sort of understood. Looking away, she was avoiding the older man's eyes, too scared to give him the chance to possibly see her dark resemblance to her father. Glancing up at Scorpius, she gave him the same nervous smile. "It's almost supper time, Scorpius," she murmured, saying his name directly for the first time.

Hugo looked at her, curled his lips, and rolled his eyes as he looked back down at his food. "Don't start turning this all into a joke on my. I didn't sexually assault you. I remember it the other way around." He took a bite of his chicken, chewing it slowly as he looked up to eye McKinze. His eyes narrowed a bit, and while he wanted to throw an arm around Feyn just to be an ass to the guy, he knew it would only backfire on her. No doubt they would beat her bloody if she was messing around with a guy like him. And for some reason, he knew he could never live with himself if he let that happen. Even if she did piss him off on a daily basis. "So, like, you Aunt and Uncle don't even care?" he murmured with curiosity, looking over at her as he continued to eat.
Draco smiled, some warmth in the smile."It is good to see you.I'll see you two up at the school. I have business to discuss with feyn and the headmaster."The death eater smiled though he had a slight bemused look, as if he was almost, almost recognizing her. Moving away the man nodded to the two of them, heading out the door. Looking thoughtful as he headed for the castle. Sorpius frowned watching his father leave starting a little at Evangeline's words, smiling down at her, though his smile was as nervous as hers, but for different reasons. "Let's go then.Don't want to disappoint Feyn with not showing up."He muttered though he had his own reasons for wanting to go back now.

Feyn smirked giving him a amused smile, "Oh, can it be assault if you enjoyed it?"She muttered looking at him, raising a eyebrow.Starting to eat she ignored the glaring contest she could feel the two men in her life having, the creepy fiancee and the man she was using to piss him off. she knew it wasn't fair to hugo, but she desperately wanted out of a marriage she was almost guanteed to die in. She had no doubt the forced blow job before dinner was just the beginning of her humilation if Mckinze had any say. "Oh they care...about how good it'll look for them wen the dark lord's newest favorite starts having babies of his own."She muttered rolling her eyes even as she shuddered. "I..I think Uncle draco would stop it if he could...but..."She shrugged helplessly."there's only so much even a auror of the dark order can do.Aunt astoria couldn't care less, as long as I'm being helpful to her position"She muttered.
Evangeline nodded, following him toward the castle. She was quiet most of the time, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her. Looking up at him with dark eyes, she tilted her head. "So, you're father has a lot of... pull at the school? He talks with the Headmaster a lot?" She raised her eyebrows at him, studying him with dark eyes. Her hands made fists in her sweater so he wouldn't see them shaking with nervousness.

Hugo scoffed, "What part of that made you think I enjoyed it?" As he ate, he listened to her talk. It was sad, really, that she had to go through this. o one deserved to be used as a pawn in their own family. It was sick. Especially when he was used to such a different way of life. Hell, Rose was supposed to get married to a guy next summer that she had been in love with since she graduated... "I think it's sick," he murmured, a chill running up his spine.
Scorpius shrugged a little looking at her."No more then any other school governor. Maybe less,because father dislikes politics with a passion, even if he is good with them."he said looking amused before shrugging."he comes and visits because the headmaster is his godfather, and they enjoy a friendly friendly as father is ever with anyone."he said amused before looking worried."But this time I think this is about feyn, more then visiting."He muttered as they walked.

"Hmm well, if you didn't' enjoy it, you enjoyed the idea of watching Mckinze have a anuerism if he found out...I know I did.Even if you sucked at kissing."She snorted looking amused before sighing as she stared at her food."It is,but there's nothing to do."She sighed softly, sadly because she knew just how bad her life was going to be, and having resigned herself to it,even if the very notion was making her so neurotic and out of control that she was losing everything.
Evangeline looked at Scorpius with absolutely confusion. Her father never told her that... Her lips pursed together, not saying anything because she knew he would question her concern. She didn't speak the rest of the walk, moving into the warm dining hall and slipping into the seat next to him. There weren't many seats left, for they were nearly the last people at lunch, so it was packed. However, she noticed that Draco was sitting up at the front of the room with her father, eating and discussing something serious... She was going to have to have a talk with her father after dinner.

Hugo looked up at the front of the room, raising his eyebrows at the sight of Draco Malfoy eating with Headmaster Snape. It wasn't an unusual thing, but he wondered if it had something to do with what they were talking about. "Your Uncle is here," he murmured, nodding to the front. "Speaking of the devil..."
Scorpius looked down at her tilting his head a little as he sat down,starting to eat he smiled. Wondering just what his father was here for.

"Oh bloody hell."Feyn muttered paling a little at the sight as she sank lower in her seat, even as she started to eat. This was so going to be bad but she knew if he got up, it was going to draw more attention then just sitting still.

At the end of dinner Draco smiled as he walked through the crowd of students, though slender and still young-he was only 37- he stood nearly head and shoulders above most of the students, and the white blond hair was just starting to grey.Stopping next to his niece he frowned at Hugo, before looking at Feyn then at the Weasley again. As if trying to decide what to say before shaking his head."Would you care to walk with me?"He said, the words leaving no doubt that it was also a command. "Of course uncle. I would love to."Feyn smiled though it was a brittle smile as she stood walking out with him, seemingly undisturbed but knowing she was going to get a dressing down as soon as they were out of sight.

As soon as Evangeline entered his office, Severus smiled, looking amused and slightly disturbed all at once."Evan, I don't now if I should hug you, or yell at you."He said amused, though worry showed in his eyes."Draco said he met the most charming woman today in town with his son. Seems to think Scorpius has finally made a friend."The man snorted laughing because while scorpius had fuck buddies and girlfriends, he had no true friends, most just barely past his awareness, except feyn, and now, evangeline.
Hugo raised his eyebrows at Feyn, nodding to Draco, but staying silent. The last thing she needed was for her Uncle to think that they had been intentionally eating together... Watching them leave, he creased his eyebrows together in a little sigh. He finished his food and moved out of the Dining Hall and toward his dorm, reading to get some sleep. All of this confusion of emotions was giving him a headache...

Evangeline entered his office. "Funny," she murmured, "I don't know if I should hug you or yell at you. You never told me you were Draco Malfoy's godfather! In fact, I don't remember you telling that you were even that close to them; just that they were powerful." Letting out a sigh, Evangeline moved over to the armchair her father was sitting in and sat on the ground in front of him. She handed him a bag of salt water taffy and smiled. "Really? He thought I was charming?" she murmured, tilting her head to the side. "He makes me nervous."
Severus winced at his daughter's words, sighing softly."Would you have cared if I admitted to being friends with Lucius, or love Draco like a son, and wished he'd had a chance to be different?"he muttered wincing as he looked at the floor. Because like hermione, he regretting that not only draco, but scorpius and feyn never had a chance to walk away. "He did. And he makes everyone nervous."He said knowing that Draco had frozen his heart, became numb to everything so he wouldn't feel torn up by a world that was destroying itself, but there was a heart under there, it just took awhile to ind it.

Hours later found feyn, unable to sleep, anxious to move around,doing the one thing she never thought to do. Sneak into Hugo Weasley's room. Letting herself in she muttered a weak light spell, moving to the edge of the bed."Hugo?"She muttered needing to talk to someone who might understand instead of stare at her like she was insane for not wanting to get married, and after a long talk with not only her uncle, but astoria, she was emotionally wrung out from the mental and physical battering. While she knew her uncle would never resort to abuse to force her to do it, no matter how much he was angry, but her aunt wasn't so kind, and draco had left to attend other business while the two talked.
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