Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline looked at her father with soft eyes, reaching up to take bite out of a piece of taffy. "No, I wouldn't have cared," she admitted, letting out a little sigh. She leaned her head on his knee, looking into the fire that was cracking from the corner. She knew she should go to her room, but it was lonely. "You know I know that Nanny Cromwell died, right?" she finally murmured, "Found out before I left France..." Her eyes misted with tears. She loved that woman like a real grandmother, and when her father wasn't able to come home for long periods of time, the elderly nanny was all she had.

Hugo's eyes popped open. "Bloody hell!" he murmured, his eyes going wide at the sight of Feyn in his bedroom. Luckily, he didn't share a room, but that was only because he was in the shittiest room of the castle. "Feyn, what are you doing here? It's like two in the morning..." He sat up, bringing the blanket up to his waist. He never wore anything but boxer briefs to bed.
Severus smiled a little absently stroking Evangeline's hair, twirling a piece of hair around his finger absently as he stared at the flames. Wincing at her words he swallowed hard,"I..I'm sorry Evangeline. I just couldn't figure out how to tell you."He said before sighing quietly."Evangeline you should be going, before someone wonders where you are."He muttered not wanting to let her go but the last thing they both needed was those kind of rumors flying. It was bad enough that eventually McKinze's control was going to snap and the teacher would get to feyn he didn't need someone looking to closely at evangeline.

FEyn laughed softly at his reaction looking around the room with a curl of her lip.Even her dungeon room was better then this. "Thank you, I am aware of what time it is."She muttered blushing slightly which made the blue black bruise darkening her cheek even worse. "I...I didn't want to be alone, and scorpius, sadly, has company."she said rolling her eyes, showing just what kind of company scorpius was having at 2 in the morning.
Evangeline closed her eyes as he stroked her hair, letting a silent tear slide down her cheek. Things were never going to be easy. "I know..." she murmured, standing up and grabbing her taffy. Leaning over, she kissed his father's cheek. "Love you, Daddy," she murmured, giving him a smile before heading to the door. "I'll see you in the morning." With that, she left to go to her rooms and headed to bed, smiling a little to herself at the idea of Draco Malfoy thinking she was charming...

Hugo wrinkled his eyebrows at her. "Well... uh... I guess you can stay here," he murmured, feeling a little awkward. What was the deal with her? Were they friends now? He let out a sigh and sat up in the bed, leaning his back against the pillows. His room was small and dark, but there was something cozy about it. And not to mention, it was private, and that made Hugo tolerant of it. After a moment, Hugo's eyebrows shot up. "Where the hell did you get that?" he asked, reaching up and snatching her chin, making her stay still as he turned on the lamp. His expression was full of concern.
"Goodnight Evan."He muttered looking worried about her, smiling a little as she left before heading for bed himself, not wanting to consider anything else that was happening.

Feyn sighed relaxing a little but looking anxious."I...I know we're not friends....or even like each other...but anyone else would...would just laugh at me for this. I've been.... off since this summer."She explained seeing the look he was giving her, looking just as awkward as she looked around the room, yelping as he grabbed her chin, jerking her head back, moving back a step. "N-no where. I should go..."she muttered already moving towards the door, not about to tell him even more twisted secrets, even if she'd already shared more then she had wanted to. She knew why she was tolerating him this year, even if she didn't want to admit it.He was her last hope, a final hail mary play to get out of this mess....and passive suicide should it blow up in her face.
Hugo shook his head and jumped out of the bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants before grabbing her by the arm. "Whoa, what are you talking about? You came here, and there is obviously something wrong, and you look like someone beat the shit out of you..." He gently made her sit on the bed, looking frustrated and confused. He grabbed his wand off the nightstand and knelt in front of her, taking her chin in his fingers as he quietly muttered a couple of healing charms. "If you are worried about me telling, you would I talk to?" he motioned around the room sarcastically. "You forget why you hated me the past six years: I'm an outsider."

Evan quietly slipped back into the main part of the castle, her cheeks pink from the cool air. Jogging toward the Tower's stair case, she tried to get up to her room before someone caught her after curfew, only to run face first into Draco Malfoy. Yelping, Evangeline fell to the marble floor in front of the older Malfoy, her dark eyes going wide. "M-Mr. Malfoy, I'm so sorry..." she blushed, looking up at him with embarrassment.
Feyn looked startled at being stopped sighing softly as she watched him, hands in her lap as she let him heal her, still stiffly in a way that said she was really hurt, but she wasn't about to tell him know that. There was only so much shame the woman could live with. Looking around the room she smirked a little,"True. You are weird. And you're helping me even if you hate me."She said frowning slightly as she shifted, "I should go..."She muttered though she made no move to get up. She didn't want to go, she wanted to stay, and not worry about anyone hurting her.

Draco winced as he looked down at her, grey eyes looking....amused. Tilting his head slightly he bent down gently helping her to her feet."Be careful, ms. prince, running in these halls has a bad habit of getting one hurt."He warned, sounding...threatening,but the worry in his eyes offset it. While he appeared to be less emotional and domineering, the man did have a soft spot for kids, his own and others. Looking perturbed because something was bothering him about feyn, but he had no idea what it was. Having not been able to see through the glamour that Feyn had cast before leaving the manor, he hadn't realized his wife had beat her niece."Do you want me to walk up to the tower with you?So you wont get stopped by the head girl or boy?"He said after a mometn.
Hugo leaned back after he was done, looking at his handy work with a smirk. "Good as new. I've always been good at healing charms," he murmured arrogantly. Standing up, he shook his head an started to grab a couple pillows. "It's too late for that now. You'll get caught," he said, making it sound like he cared more about her getting detention, when he really just didn't want to have to worry about her being alone. "You have the bed, I'll take the floor," he murmured, casting a spell to make the wooded floor turn into a padded area before laying down with his pillow and blanket.

Evangeline blushed, nodding carefully as she took his hand and let him help her up. He was handsome, just like Scorpius. It was hard to not notice, especially in the lighting of the candle lit hall way. "Oh, er, yes... That would be nice of you," she murmured, giving him a soft smile, her dark eyes softening. She walked along beside him, biting her lip. She wondered what he was doing here so late... "You aren't going to tell on me?" she asked, amused at his... kindness. He didn't seem like a kind guy. And it's not like she was worried. After all, her father was the headmaster, but it made her curious of Draco Malfoy's intentions.
"Arrogant brat."She muttered rolling her eyes in amusement before climbing under the covers and snuggling down into the bed, not about to protest getting the bed. After all, she was arrogant enough to think she deserved it."Goodnight hugo."She muttered falling asleep. By morning though the girl was half undressed, having grown hot despite the cool room, that she'd undressed in her sleep, with the blankets twisted around her body. She looked like a sex kitten from a fresh tumble laying there in his bed, as if she was just waiting for him to wake up.And she snored a little, adorable and cute.

Draco smirked a little as he walked, his hands behind his back, looking comfortable and at ease. "Well, considering my own children are given to midnight wanderings, it seems hardly fair to turn you in doesn't it?"He said a amused look on his face as he paused outside the doors to the dorm, "Goodnight ms. Prince, it has been a pleasure to see you again."He said smiling as he turned to leave."And do keep a eye on scorpius.He has a tendancy to seduce everyone he comes in contact with."He said snickering, his laughter trailing after him as he headed back downstairs to leave.
Hugo woke up the next morning, stumbling around the room in confusion until he remembered what happened the night before. When he saw her in his bed, practically wearing nothing, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He swallowed hard, a blush rising along his cheeks, and he moved to grab the blanket at the foot of the bed, covering her up as if he were worried another guy would walk in and see her. He smirked a bit at her snoring, the moved to go get a shower. He was quick, coming back with a nice clean smell of soap, deodorant, and cologne. Thinking she was a sleep, he dropped his towel and rummaged through his drawer for his uniform. He may not have been blessed with pure blood, but he definitely had an impressive, muscular body and a cock most girls would drool over... Sliding his pants up, her began to button his shirt, lost in his own thoughts.

Evangeline watched the older man go, swallowing hard at his words. She had no idea why she was gravitating toward Scorpius. After all, he probably had some whore (or guy for all she knew) in his room right now... But she thought something ran deeper within his mind; something that might not turn on her if he knew the truth.

The next morning, Evangeline dressed in her uniform, her black hair tied in a loose braid over her shoulder. Like the day before, she wore garters under her skirt (they were just so fashionable in France...) and her shirt had the top button undone. No tie. She was just not one for prudish school uniforms... However, she was pretty sure that if her father saw her, he might have a small cow. Sitting down alone, considering she was one of the first people there, and began to load her plate down with french toast. As she crossed one leg over the other, she exposed one milky white thigh and black garter. A little third year's eyes nearly fell out of their head when he saw, but Evan didn't notice.
Feyn stirred at the sound of the other moving around the room, but snuggling down into the blankets she sighed a little smirking as she watched the other get dressed not about to interrupt him when it seemed he'd forgotten that he wasn't alone. Smirking she raised a eyebrow as she stretching, "You know, if you were trying to convince me that sex with a mudblood would be good for me, you didn't have to undress."She teased sitting up, looking better and more comfortable then she had the night before, but there was a waekness there, because he'd seen just how very vulnerable time spent with her aunt could make her, she was trying harder to convince him that she was invincible.

Scorpius swallowed hard as he walked into the great hall raisig a eyebrow at the sight of so much leg, he cross the room dropping into the seat next to her, reaching for a piee of toast he smirked."darling, you're going to give the younger years a heart attack if you keep showing off such gorgerous legs."he said with a flirty smile as he glanced down, appericiating the sight of thighs and garters.
Hugo turned around, rolling his eyes at the girl now that she was awake. He finished buttoning up his shirt and began to work on his tie. "First off, I'm not a 'mudblood'," he snapped, "I am, believe it or not, a full blooded wizard. It was my mother who was born from muggles." He finished up his tie and turned to slip his robes on. "Second, class starts in ten minutes, so if you want to make it in time, I suggest you stop teasing me about sex and put some clothes on." He tossed her the clothes that she shed during the night, then bent down to start packing up his books for the day.

Evangeline looked up at him with a smirk before reaching down to pull her skirt down a little. "Gorgeous legs? I bet you tell that to all the girls," she murmured with amusement in her dark eyes. She took a bite of her french toast, not realizing that his presence made her smile so brightly. Apparently, he was having an effect on her that she wasn't aware of. "I saw your father again last night. He walked me to my rooms," she murmured, "He's nice." She didn't realize how rare it was that someone would describe Draco Malfoy as "nice" but he was nice last night... For some reason, she got the impression Mr. Malfoy liked her for his son.
"You still have muggles for relatives."She said, ot sounding....degratory about it, more thoughtful. Because she knew why there were mudbloods, they were magics awy of making sure the purebloods didn't breed themselves into distinction. Which, was really funny considering how the purebloods treated them. Getting dressed she smiled slightly as she gathered her things."See you in class."she said bolting out the door and running for her own rooms to get her things before heading to class.Settling into the seat just in time she breated a sigh of relief. Amused that her and hugo were one of the few that were actually taking ancient studies first thing in the morning, unlike scorpius who was taking the later class.

Scorpius smirked,"I do, but you're the only one here who's wearing garters. And what a nice invention they are."He muttered still looking down at her legs, looking startled though when he saw how brightly she smiled, before paling slightly at the idea his father had still been there that late."Really?"He said staring before starting to laugh at her description."Father is a lot of things, but hardly ever nice."he said looking amused at the idea that draco had been kind to her when he could barely thaw out enough to be nice to his family.
Hugo looked up at her as she walked in, smirking a bit. "Good timing," he murmured, getting his things in order. His schedule was totally book this year, and he was starting to regret this early morning class. He was tired, and despite the spell, his back still hurt from sleeping on the floor. Not to mention, early morning class made it nearly impossible to make breakfast until later in the morning, so his stomach was growling. Reaching up, he rubbed his eyes and sighed.

Evangeline blushed a bit and shook her head. "Don't get your hopes up on seeing the tops of them," she murmured with a smirk, knowing that he was probably curious about the panties the garters were attached to. But she was stubborn, and she didn't want to be just "one of the girls"... Not to mention, she was a virgin, and that was still something special to her. "Yea," she murmured, popping a strawberry in her mouth. "He walked me up so I wouldn't get stopped by a prefect or anything. It was really... nice." She wasn't sure why Draco Malfoy was so nice to her, but she had a feeling Scorpius didn't know either. "How did you sleep last night?" she asked, "Or did you sleep at all?"
"I always have impeccable waking up to see a strip shoe."she muttered more to see what he'd do thdn anything else as she dug out her history book and the small bag of cookies she'd had her uncle bring her.raising a eyebrow as his stomach growled as the teacher started the lecture she held a chocolate chip cookie towards him."want one?"

Scorpius smirked blushing a littke at her words befkre pouting."but you showed me you had them on.that's not fair."he said pouting before laughing quietly. He was...very curious about what his father was up to."well,I'm sure he has his own reasons. Fathers never nice for no reason."he said thoughfully before blushing harder."I slept well."he said thouh he'd had company while he slept,not that he'd ever mention that
Hugo looked at her with a look of horror. "Why didn't you say you were awake, you freak" he mumbled, blushing a bit. He looked over at her, eyeing the cookie for a moment. His stomach growled, urging him to take it, so he grabbed the cookie and began to eat it before the professor could see. "Least you could do is give me a few of those after I let you live rent three in my awesome pad," he murmured sarcastically before settling in to take notes. He tried his hardest to concentrate on the lecture, but everything that happened last night was running through his head like crazy. The thought of her seeing him naked was more embarrassing than he liked to admit, and that bruise... Why wouldn't she tell him where it came from?

Evangeline smirked a bit. "I bet you did," she murmured with amusement to her tone. Of course, deep down, she was a tad bitter about it. It was hard to think she might be developing some sort of feelings for the guy beside her, especially when she knew that he really didn't need her. Not sexually anyway. He had plenty of woman at his beck and call. "What class do you have next?" she asked, flipping her braid over her shoulder. "I have a break in my schedule after lunch... I was hoping if you were busy you might help me with the transfiguration homework." She blushed a little and looked away from him. "I'm useless in transfiguration. It wasn't as advanced n Beauxbatons as it is here."
Feyn grinned at him amused at his horror shrugging a little."and miss the amazing body of hugo weasley?no thanks. You're better to look at then mckinze."she said smirking a little as she handed him more cookies after he said anything resting her cheek in her hand as she listened to the lectureglancing over at him."pay attention,weasley. You're going to get lost.",she muttered not wanting to win best student because he wasn't paying attention.

Scorpius frowned looking bemused ar her wasn't often anyone was amused with just how much he got laid.tilting his head a little at her queztion he smiled,"I have dark arts this morning,but I'm free after lunch for awhile to so we could practice."he said enjoying his time with her more then he really should,but his father liked her so it was probably okay
"Ah, so my body is amazing," Hugo murmured, looking over at her with an arched eyebrow. He smirked and continued to eat his cookie, rolling his eyes when she scolded at him to pay attention. She was right though. He couldn't let her get in the way of his goals. He needed to get top student again, because hopefully if someone saw his record, they might ignore his blood status and allow him to have his dream job. It was a hopeless thing to hold on to, but it was the only thing he could hold on to... Sighing, he sat up and began to take notes again, trying very hard to concentrate.

Evangeline let out a sigh. "Ah, yes... I have Dark Arts after my break," she murmured, even if she was a little skeptical about it. Oddly enough, Beauxbatons did not have Dark Arts. They had Defense Against the Dark Arts years ago, before the second war. France tried to keep out of the war that was going on with Voldemort, but eventually, they had to give in. Evangeline got letters from a friend that stayed at Beauxbatons, and she said it was like a prison... "Perfect," she murmured, giving him a smirk before taking a sip of her juice. "I hope I'm not taking you away from someone special..." She looked around the dining hall. Lots of girls were looking at her, sitting next to Scorpius, with absolute hatred in their eyes.
"Well,more amazing then mckinze's anyways." She said because she couldn't not say it even as she blushed, settling down to work before starting when he teacher was done. Looking startled to see that the class had passed already. Not lokking forward tk the double potions next she tried to consider something else,bu the only thing that came to her was hugo undressed. Glancing over at him as she gathered her things she ignored the girls staring at her, not because they cared about her,but because they wanted hugo,much like the girls were with scorpius."so,do you think if I accidently poision myself in potionz, I wouldn't have to get married?"she muttered glancing at him

Scorpius smiled at her reaction to the class finishing up his food as he stood."its not so bad, its more...not dark arts but..."he sighed frustrated."feyns better at explaining the differences in dark and light magic then me. You should ask her sometime,if you want to be bored to death."he said snickering as he waited for her to finish
Hugo looked over at her, a little surprise within his mostly calm eyes. "You'd have a lot more things to worry about if you did that," he admitted, swallowing hard. He hoped she wasn't serious; that suicide had not become an option in her head to get out of this mess. Because for some reason, especially after last night, he knew he'd never be the same if she left this earth in such a way. Suddenly, he stopped her in the hall, just a few feet short of the potions room. He pulled her around a corner, into a small dark hall way to where they would be alone. "What has he done to you?" he snapped in a hushed, but irritated tone. He didn't like how she moved around the subject the night before, and now that he was involved (sort of) he wanted to know. "I want to know before we go in there so that I can reason in my head how I should act toward the slimey bastard."

Evangeline tilted her head a bit. "Why is it that I think you are not used to actually having to talk to a girl," she inquired, a smirk dancing across her lips. It seemed that he was a lot quieter than his game implied. And the sad thing was, all of this should be scaring her off. But dammit, she liked bad boys (not that she ever been touched by one) and it was hard to resist his charm. She knew he was trouble, but maybe the saying about girls aiming for men like their fathers are correct. Not that she was even aware of how her father was before she came along... "So what's the Headmaster like?" she asked suddenly, acting on her thought. Her father had a habit of keeping her unaware of things on his end, and after spending her whole life in France, she didn't even know what people thought of when it came to her father.
"True."Feyn muttered looking thoughtful as they walked, yelping as he pulled her into the hall, looking up with dark eyes at him."Why do you care?You have no reason to worry about how abusive and weird my life's gotten."She muttered looking away from him, because she wasn't about to admit to the worst abuse, and that it wasn't mckinze. While it was bad enough to be forced to give blow jobs and such, she knew the death eater didn't dare hurt her in fear she'd tell her uncle. Draco might be passive in letting his wife marry her to the bastard, but she doubted that the blond would be passive for long if she was hurt. No, the man was blind by love to his wife's abuse....of her and scorpius. Which made it all the most worse, because if they told Draco, his life and heart would be shattered by the knowledge.

"Well, because I don't have to do much talking to convince girls to climb in bed with me?Hell even broomclosets"He said snickering before walking with her. He was quiet, way quieter then most would believe of him.But he was deadly charming, he could charm even the most hard hearted person. It was the only thing he was better at then feyn, being charming. Scorpius looked at her startled by her question, but unlike most of the population at school, scorpius and feyn enjoyed a friendly relationship with the man, because he loved Draco. Which meant that he liked them, and really thats all feyn and scorpius needed. They much rather like then to hate." He's fair,and mostly even tempered, though I have seen him yell at father for being a idiot."He snickered shrugging."he's lke any other death eater. Cold,vicious if needed, but fair given the chance."
"You gave me a reason to worry when it was my dorm room that you came to with a black eye last night," Hugo snapped, his eyes narrowed with a fierce quality that he rarely displayed. To most people, Hugo was a very evenly tempered guy, but he was passionate. Very passionate when it came to things that he was concerned about. Swallowing hard, he shook his head. "Look, you have been brain washed," he murmured, "You've been taught that this life is normal, but it's not! You're smart enough to know that. I know you are." He let go of her arm and took a step back, not wanting to scare her.

Evangeline nodded with a thoughtful expression, holding her books close to her chest. A few strands of loose hair blew round her face as the walked through the windy outdoor corridor. "Fair is good," she murmured, content with knowing that her father still had a good standing among the Death Eaters and their children. At least the Scorpius knew about... It meant that he was safe for a little while. Swallowing hard, she kept quiet for a moment. She felt guilty for being such a liar, even if it did keep her and her father safe. It only meant that her and Scorpius could be nothing but this - practically strangers... A gust of wind blew her hair back a little, revealing the scar on her jaw line again.

Sirius Black knocked on Headmaster Snape's door, looking much like he did all those years ago. However, his dark hair was now all greyish white, and the wrinkles around his eyes were more prominent. He visited with Snape when ever he got the chance. After they made amends and Snape showed him his memories of the past couple decades, they had become as close as friends as they could ever really be. And he was fond of Snape's daughter, having known her since she was only a year old. That was when Snape reached out to him. At this point, Sirius would do anything for that girl; much like he would have Harry. When the door opened, he nodded to other man. "Tell me you have some fire whiskey," he murmured, plopping down in an armchair by the fire.
Feyn frowned at him, studying him,but it wasn't anger that darkened her eyes at his words but fear. He was scaring her,badly. Swallowing hard to stop from pulling away, the only thing that showed she was afraid was those wide blue eyes,otherwise she was calm."Well, that was a mistake. I couldn't think of anyone else to stay with, since Scorpius had company."She said turning her head away before sighing quietly."I know. But it will help my uncle, and more then my bitch of a aunt, I owe him that."She muttered because it wasn't for astoria she did what she did, it was because draco malfoy was the only person she truly loved besides Scorpius. And she wouldn't ruin everything or him, not when voldemort had chosen the wedding, and her aunt was being so demanding about it.

Scropius nodded,"It is. He's even given feyn detention before, and no one gives feyn detention."scorpius pouted a little at that, before looking over at her, reaching out and catching her hair in his hand, holding it in his hand so he could inspect her neck."What did you do?"He said looking thoughtful.

"Why?What id you do now?"The headmaster said with a slight amused smile as he stood from his desk moving across the room to pour them both glasses of the strong firewhiskey from a decanter before sitting down in the armchair next to sirius' handing him the glass as he raised a eyebrow, waiting to see what the man would say.
Hugo ran a hand through his hair, noticing that most of the students were already in the classroom. "You don't owe your uncle that much, Feyn," he murmured, rolling his eyes. Turning, he moved to start walking into the classroom, deciding that there was no way that he was going to be able to get her to come clean about what McKinze's actions. He wasn't even sure why he wanted to know so badly, but he did, and it wasn't like that this was the end to his questioning.

Evangeline stopped, turning toward him with dark, soulful eyes - so different from his chilling steel grey eyes. She tilted her head to the side. "I don't know," she murmured, "I've had it since I was an infant." She shrugged a bit, studying him. She was worried that it made her look ugly to him. It had always made her feel insecure. "I... My mother abandoned me when I was just a few weeks old," she admitted, "She dropped me off on my father's door step and left." She shrugged, and anyone could see the hurt in her eyes, even if she tried to hide it. She knew she couldn't tell him the whole truth; she wasn't sure she could trust him with everything just yet. But it felt nice to tell a little of the truth... Even if it might make him wonder about her even more. "Anyway, I had the scar when she dumped me off."

Sirius sighed and took a sip of the whiskey. "Just came by to see how the transition was going," he murmured, eyebrows raised. "And I didn't do a damn thing. In fact, I've been trying to figure out who killed Nanny Cromwell... Looks like Lucius Malfoy, if you ask me. I think he was interrogating her," he admitted, "And she wasn't giving answers." He swallowed back the glass of whiskey, knowing that this was not good. Things were starting to come out, but he knew Snape knew that. Snape usually knew things long before he chose to share them. "How's Angel? She taking to Hogwarts? Making friends?" he asked, referring the Evangeline by her nickname that Nanny Cromwell had given her years ago.
Feyn looked at the floor, "I owe him to much to destroy his marriage."She muttered after a moment,mostly to herself before following him inside. Settling down in her seat she was quiet as she sat next to him glad to see that hugo's presence was offputting to the death eater enough that he was staying away.Quiet and withdrawn for most of the class she looked up at Hugo when they broke apart to do the potion she looked at him, "McKinze didn't do anything more then demand blow jobs,seems his sex life has been on the slow side."She muttered because she needed to talk to someone,even if she didn't know why she was talking to hugo of all people.

"well, it looks like she really did drop you."He muttered looking at her, gently touching her hair, kissing her forehead as he saw the look in her eyes, nudging her a little."Come on, we have to get to class."he muttered wanting to give her something else to think about and feeling guilty for bringing it up.

"It's been as interesting as every year is."Severus sighed as he took a sip of his whiskey, wincing at that thought."Damn.Lucius was always overeager in his interrogations."He muttered because despite knowing the son would be different if given the chance, he had a feeling that lucius would have always ended up a domineering bully. Starting to laugh at sirius' question he just thought about how the other man was going to reat to who she was making friends with."Oh yes, she's making friends. With Scorpius Malfoy and Feyn Cerelina."He snorted laughing before growing serious."I don't know how to tell her to walk away, without making feyn and scorpius even more curious. You know how they are."
Hugo was mixing his potion when he told her about the blow jobs, and a look of disgust came over his face. "What a bastard," he murmured under his breath, looking at her with sympathy in his eyes. He swallowed hard. "He can just make you do that?" he murmured, looking over his shoulder to make sure the professor wasn't behind him or something. "You shouldn't... You are too good for that, you know," he admitted, looking perplexed.

Evangeline blushed a deep, scarlet red when he kissed her forehead. She knew it wasn't serious, and he was just comforting her. However, she had never been kissed by a man. Never. Not even on the cheek or forehead, so it gave her butterflies when he did it, even if she was sure he didn't mean it like that. "Oh, yea..." she murmured, following him into class. She tucked her hair behind her ear, sitting beside him in class. Oh, this guy made her nervous...

Sirius's eyes went wide. "I suppose you are right, but that Malfoy boy... I don't want him breaking her heart," he murmured, "Might be nice to her now, but if he's anything like how his father and grandfather were at that age, he won't be when he finds out the truth." A frown spread across his lips, and he reached over to grab the bottle of whiskey, pouring another glass for himself. "But uh... I'll cut to the chase. You know I'm here for a reason," he admitted, "I found Evangeline's mother... She's in the states." He took a folder out of his bag and handed it to Snape. It contained all the information on the woman; Sirius took it upon himself to find her over the past year.
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