Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Hugo glanced down at her, then up and McKinze. The professor was looking at him, his eyes dark and narrowed. It wasn't quite a glare, but it was a warning. "I... uh...," he murmured for a moment, before taking one of her shakey hands. "Sure." He gave her a charming smile, bringing her toward the dance floor and twirling her into his arms. Good thing his mother had sprung for those dance lessons when he was kid, even if he hated them at the time. One hand rested on her hip as he began to find the beat of the slow song, the music played by violins. "Girl talk?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. Her blush said it wasn't that simple, but he seemed to be missing the point.

Evangeline jerked out of her thoughts, blushing a little as she realized she was caught. Oh, hell. She couldn't let him introduce her to a Death Eater. They'd ask questions. "Oh! That's her name... Yes, yes. I knew I recognized her," she murmured, smiling and bobbing herself in the head. "Silly me. No, I wouldn't want to bother her and her date. I'm having such a wonderful time with you." She gave him a charming smile, the giggled a little. "You, uh, you sure like champagne..."
Feyn winced as he stuttered, swallowing hard as she looked down, about to back out when he took her hand. Smiling as she realized he could dance, she looked amused."You dance well, for a non death eater."She muttered before sighing softly at his question, looking down. Glad that they were close, and that the music while soft was loud enough to cover what she was going to say.Because she couldn't seem to stop talking to this man."...She's a lonely housewife, left on her own to much of the time, with two very active, beautiful teenagers in her home.What kind of girl talk do you think we do?"she muttered because while she was technically a virgin, she was so scarred by the abuse that she'd never considered actually having with McKinze...oh yea, she was scared.

Henry smiled looking at her,"Ah, well then.Later then."He muttered sipping his champange as he wrapped a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead,nuzzling her a little.Already starting to feel the effects of the alcohol."Well, with the malfoys footing the bill for it, you have to enjoy good champagne when its here."
Hugo's lip curled up a bit in disgust, shaking his head in disdain. "That's... That's fucked up, Feyn," he whispered, pulling her a bit closer. For some reason,he was really enjoying her body pressed against his. Not to mention, he didn't want McKinze to get the impression that he could cut in. He wanted to save Feyn from humiliation for just a little while longer. "Believe it or not, Death Eater's aren't the only ones in the world who can dance," he murmured, smirking a bit.

Evangeline leaned into him, not realizing that his gestures were champagne induced. She found it nice to have his arm around her, and she rest her hand up on his chest casually. "Oh, I guess you're right," she grinned, grabbing a glass for herself. She only took a sip, not wanting to get anywhere close to drunk. She just wanted something to do besides stare at Scorpius.... After Henry had a few more glasses, she started to grow a little concerned. She didn't want him to get sick or anything, and she definitely didn't want her father to see. He'd get angry and never let her go on a date again. "Henry, would you like to go sit down for a moment?" she murmured, nodding to the private study room next door.
"It is, and we know it."Feyn muttered wincing as she saw the look of disgust in his eyes, cringing away from him even as he pulled her closer. Like so many abused children, she blamed herself, she thought it was her fault that her aunt did these things to her and Scorpius. There was a easy out,but both teenagers loved Draco to much to ruin his dillusion that his wife loved him.Shifting a little closer she turned her face towards him, though she avoided his eyes, not wanting to see the disgust for her there, but taking comfort in him holding her even if she knew McKinze was glaring at them."No but we do it so much better, it always amazes me when others can."She teased, with none of the usual superio tone, just a light teasing.

Henry looked at her before nodding slowly,"Yes that would be good."He muttered walking with her, smiling happily as he sat down on the couch when they got to the private room, pulling her down into his lap he groped her even as he nuzzled her."You are so beautiful."He muttered starting to tug up her dress, having every intention of getting to see her.
Hugo moved his head, making her look at his in the eyes. His eyebrows were creased together in concern. "Feyn," he whispered, locking eyes with her. "You know I meant that they are fucked up, not you? Right? None of that is your fault. It's this... society we live in. Voldemort has made it okay for these things to happen, because we all know what he does to those poor girls that he picks for himself." His lip curled up a bit, a shiver running down his spine. "You're better than that. I've always none that, even though you've spent the past six years pissing me off and trying to take away the only thing I was still allowed to have in this word," he murmured, serious in his eyes.

Evangeline blushed, her heart beating fast as he began to tug at her dress. She reached up and ran her hand through his hair, hoping that she could get him to calm down. Or something. "Thank you," she whispered, smiling a little. Though it was forced. "Henry..." Her hand moved to push his away from her naked thigh, her dress pulled up around her waist, making her feel sort of cheat. "Henry, don't you think it's a little early for that? I'm not that kind of girl..."
Feyn winced a little as he forced her to look, tears misting her eyes as she looked up at him, eyes wide and tear filled."Really?"She wispered softly, looking so desperate to believe that this wasn't her fault. That her and scorpius weren't to blame for this. "I'm sorry...its the only thing thats mine.Only mine.Everything else belongs to Scorpius...or uncle...or...nothing's mine."She whispered so sadly, despite being rich being a pureblood, she was still a orphan left with a aunt who hated her, and despite her uncle and narcissa's love, astora''s abuse had scarred her heart.

Henry smirked nuzzling her."Hmm its not to early."He muttered. "I think the girl said no, diggory."Scorpius said as he stepped into the room, his mask hiding his face, but what showed of it said his mood had turned cold, as vicious as draco and lucius when the mood took him. "But out malfoy, its none of your business." "It is very much my business, seeing as I have a interest in her. Now go, before I ruin your day."Scorpius said in a smooth cold tone, a voice that promised all sorts of pain."Evangeline, come here."He ordered the cold grey eyes giving her no option but to go to him.
Hugo looked at her in confusion, not understanding why she would ever think this was her fault. "Really," he whispered, reaching up and wiping underneath her eyes with his thumb. He looked over his shoulder and notice McKinze walking toward them. He let out a sigh, and nodded toward the drink table. "I'll be right over there, okay? And I'll be watching," he whispered to her, then stepped aside just in time for the professor to cut in, bowing to him slightly.

Evangeline had a tear rolling down her cheek, embarrassed and ashamed. She looked over her shoulder, frowning when she realized Scorpius was there to watch her be humiliated. However, she was relieved to have him come to her rescue, her eyebrows raising when he told the other man he had an interest in her. Quickly, she tugged herself out of Henry's arms and quickly moved over to Scorpius, moving behind him with shame in her eyes. Her stomach was in knots, hoping that Henry didn't cause a commotion that alerted her father and the other professors.
Feyn smiled a little looking up at him, swallowing hard."o-okay."She muttered swallowing nervously as she turned to meet the professor, slipping her hand into his as she let him draw her closer for a dance, her stomach tightening and twisting when she felt him hard and long pressing against her hip. "Hmm you look so beautiful tonight."Mckinze muttered dipping his head to mutter in her ear as he shifted his hold, pressing her closer to him, groaning at the feel of her pressed tight against him. Enjoying how every breath she took was pushing her closer to full panic. Having every intention of forcing her uncle's hand, and making her withdrawl from school for going insane. After all, if she lost it here, and was sent home, what was stopping her from becoming his wife now? "Let go.Let go of me now."Feyn whispered not caring how big of a scene she was making as she struggled to step back,trying to get away from his groping prying hands

"It's okay."Scorpius muttered looking at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her hair as he wrapped a arm around her, watching the other man. "How dare you!You sleep with everyone woman, and you must-"The other 7th year raised his hand, his wand flashing with a stunning charm even as Scropius raised his arm, the delicate silver bracelet on his wrist flashing as a shield repelled the spell."I'm not stupid enough to go without a shield, diggory. Now. I'm locking you in here to sober up, and me and evangeline are going back to the party."He said even as he stepped through the doors shutting and locking them before looking down at evangeline."Are you-"He started his head snapping up at the sound of feyn's frantic cries as she struggled. "Are you okay?"He said desperately looking at evangeline, even as darted a look towards the dancefloor, trying to see what was going on.Not wanting to abandon her,but needing to get Feyn away from the professor she was sure was humilating her just as badly as henry had to evangeline.
Hugo's head snapped up at the sound of her cries, and before really thinking, he started to push his way through the crowd (bumping into the Headmaster) and toward the couple. Everyone was just standing there! What the hell was wrong with Death Eaters? How could they just sit there and watch someone suffer like this? If no one else was going to do anything, he was... He roughly grabbed the professor by the arm, jerking him away from Feyn with narrowed eyes. "She said let go, Professor," he snapped, and in the back ground, he could hear the music go silent and people turning to watch. Astoria's eyes went dark, her jaw clenched as she watch the idiot Weasley boy mess with her plans.

Evangeline had tears rolling down her cheeks. She was humiliated, and she took his glance toward the dance as his way of saying that he wanted to get back to his date. This was awful... Her stomach felt queasy, and all she really wanted was her father. However, there were serious things at stake if she were to run to him right now, and she hated it. "I'm fine," she whimpered, moving past him and toward the Tower. Her hands gripped the hem of her dress so that she could jog up the stairs, her emotions running wild. She wanted to get out of England. She wanted to go back to France. She wanted things to go back to normal... And that's why she was intent on packing her bags. She'd run away. She'd stop being such a burden to her father and get out of her before she did something that got him killed.
Severus to was already making his way towards the girl, but stopping short. Astoria might be easier to deal with if it was just hugo messing up, instead of him.Standing by to make sure that it didn't escalate he turned looking for narcissa, knowing even if astoria wouldn't, narcissa would take care of the girl. "You have no right to interrupt us, Mr. Weasley."McKinze growled his eyes dark and angry even as he reached for feyn again, amused as she whimpered but stood frozen. Feyn looked at hugo, looking so scared, so very confused on what to do. "Enough!"Severus' voice sounded like a boom through the room, before looking at narcissa."Lady Malfoy, will you see your granddaughter to her rooms?And Mr. Weasley, would you be so kind to carry her for the lady malfoy?"He said looking angry that both mckinze and astoria had dared do this.

Scorpius looked pained watching her, knowing she wasn't okay. Lifting his head he looked relieved to see that hugo was taking care of his cousin. While he didn't like him, didn't trust him, he trusted Hugo not to harm her. "Come on."He muttered following after her, taking two stairs at a time to catch up to her, scooping her up in his arms as he walked, "You shouldn't be alone.You can sleep in my bed for tonight,I'll stay on the floor."He said sounding worried about her as he headed for their dorms.
Hugo growled a little at McKinze, it having to take Snape's booming voice to make the young man snap out of his temper. He let go of the professor's arm with an agressive jerk before turning toward the Headmaster. He locked eyes with the man. Was that concern in the man's eyes? Why would a Death Eater who was Voldemort's right hand man be concerned about something like this? He swallowed hard and nodded, watching as Narcissa moved in pull her granddaughter into her arms, kissing her cheek and whispering that everything would be okay. Hugo easily picked the smaller girl up, cradling her in his arms as he made his way toward the dungeon dorms. He felt odd carrying her so close to his body with Narcissa Malfoy walking next to him...

Evangeline looked up into his cold grey eyes with confusion. Wow. He could really confuse a girl. One second, he was a womanizer. The next second, he was a knight in shining armor. She shook her head and frowned. "Scorpius, that's ridiculous," she murmured, "You have a date down there!" She let out a sigh and looked away from him. She peeled off her mask, and her dark hair fell around her face and eyes. "I'm leaving," she snapped, "I need to pack my things."
Feyn was crying softly silently as they made their way to her rooms, sniffling as they got to her room, shifting away from him."I'm fine hugo...let go."She muttered not looking at him, her shoulders rounded, avoiding looking at both her grandmother and hugo, so very scared of what mckinze would do."I need to go back grandmother...I..I..."she muttered staring to come undone at the very idea of pacifying mckinze in that wya, totally lost, and no longer pretending to having a breakdown, she really was.

Scorpius frowned a little at her words."No, what's riddiculous is you thinking I care more for a date, then a woman who's so obviously upset."He snapped annoyed with her for thinking that he would leave her. Though he had been ready to, if feyn had neede him,but now...Evangeline was going to have to suffer the whole of his attention. "No, you are not. You just got here."He said staring at her, planting his feet and ready to grow stubborn and annoying if she really did try to leave.
Narcissa frowned, watching the two teenagers. It surprised her to see the young man come to Feyn's defense. That was something that no one was brave enough to do anymore - stand up to a Death Eater, especially one like McKinze. It was obvious, even if the two didn't want to admit it, that this young man cared for her granddaughter. She let out a bit of a sigh. "No, no, Sweetheart," she murmured, "I will go make sure everything has calmed down. You two stay here." She nodded to them, then swiftly left the room. Hugo looked down at Feyn from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "If I thought you were fine, I wouldn't have just thrown my ass under the bus for you back there... Feyn, that guy's a fucking prick."

Evangeline sighed a little, shaking her head. "Scorpius, you don't even know what you're saying!" she murmured, pushing herself out of his arms once the reached the empty common room. "You remember what I told you? My secrets would make you hate me!" Her eyes were full of tears. "I'm not upset because some moron felt me up, I'm upset because I can't even run to my father for comfort! I can't run to anyone for comfort because I can't let anyone get close to me!" She shook her head, shutting her mouth because she knew she had already said way too much. She hated living this lie; this lonely damn lie.
Feyn shook like a leave, looking up at her grandmother as she sat on the edge o the bed, looking anxious and scared but not moving to run after Narissa. Swallowing hard as she looked over at Hugo, she laughed softly even as she wiped tears away."He is...and you see why I don't want to marry him.But there's no other choice. You saw Astoria, she'd rather kill me then see me back out."She muttered shivering as she remembered the look on the woman's face.

"I don't cre. You need to stay, because you're to upset to leave."He said looking upset that she was trying to leave before looking confused. She hadn't mentioned her father before. Frowning a little he shok his head to clear the thought as he sat her on the bed, resting his hands on his hips as he looked at her."now.Do you want some of my clothes to sleep in, or do you want me to get some of yours?"
Hugo swallowed hard and reached out to put a hand on her leg, patting it gently. "Well, your Aunt is an awful person, what do you expect?" he murmured, raising his eyebrows. "Does your Uncle know about all of this?" He looked puzzled at the idea of even Draco Malfoy stepping aside and allowing something like this to happen. It was absurd. Reaching up, he began to loosen his tie. Well, maybe the new suit would get some use another time... "I'm probably about to be expelled," he admitted, "No doubt Snape will call me to his office before the night is over."

Evangeline sat on his big bed, feeling a little defeated. She wanted to tell him so badly. "One of your shirts will be fine," she snapped, looking irritated at being made to stay. Her head fell to her hands, and tears of frustration began to fall down her cheeks. She was really appreciative of Scorpius, and she knew that feelings were starting to brew between them... But she also really wanted her father at the moment. So much it hurt.
Feyn sighed sotly as she wiped her eyes staring at the floor, before snapping to attention at his question, desperation showing in her eyes as she looked at him. "No, and you can't tell him, Hugo.we can't."She whispered her heart twisting at the idea of draco losing faith. Her uncle alredy had so much on his plte, that her and scorpius didn't want to add even more burden.They didn't realize just how hurt and betrayed the man was going to feel when he found out."I'm're getting expelled for me....I'm so sorry..."She muttered looking over at him, wilting a little, looking so sad at the idea of him leaving somewhere he loved because she couldn't control herself.

Scorpius nodded a little digging out one of his older tshirts, the soft material well worn and almost to old to wear,handing it to her he looked concerned as she started crying, looking anxious as he sat on the bed."Evanageline?What can I do?Is something wrong?"He muttered needing to stop the tears, not liking the twisting in his chest that came to him when he saw her crying
Hugo looked over at her wit sadness in his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to hide it to make her feel better. His parents would be so disappointed, and all his hard work would go completely down the drain. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair. "Why can't you tell your uncle? Wouldn't he like to know what's going on?" he asked, confusion obvious in his expression. He let out a sigh and shrugged. "What's done is done. I might head down to Snape's office tonight before he can call me down there. Better to get it over with."

Evangeline took the shirt and shook her head. "No, but thank you," she murmured, knowing there was nothing he could do. It was nice that he even cared though... What she didn't know, was that people all over the school already knew what happened, thanks to Henry's big mouth. Evangeline stood up and turned around. "Will you unzip by dress?" she murmured, looking at him over her shoulder. "But uh... When you're done, will you turn around?" She blushed a deep, scarlet red. "I need to hang this dress up or something... I need to take it back to the store tomorrow. My father couldn't afford it in the first place, and it didn't get much use. I need to get him his money back." Guilt settled in the pit of her stomach, hating that she wasted her father's money on a night like this...
Feyn flinched at the look in his eyes, because she saw it as her failing, that she had dragged him into this. Watchng him for a moment she sighed,"Because Draco Malfoy did a rare thing for a death eater. He married for love."She was quiet for a moment. "He'll kill her hugo, if he knows....and it'll kill him to.I lost my parents, I can't lose him to."She said before sighing, swallowing hard as she watched him getting ready to go." you want me to go with you?"She said after a moment, biting her lip."I.. I can withdraw...instead of you. I wasn't even supposed to be here anyways..."She said looking anxious to not only help him like he helped her, but not wanting to be alone. Actually amazed that her aunt hadn't showed up yet.

Scorpius smirked a little."I thought you didn't want me to undress you?"He smirked undoing her dress with a soft carress to the newly bared skin before turning around."of course I will turn around, dear lady, I am a gentleman."He he said looking amused before frowning slightly. Frowning a little as he thought about the money before sighing quietly."If I give you the money, to give back to your father, will you let me take the dress?"he said, being vague about why he wanted it, but he did.
Hugo shook his head, standing up and ruffling his hair. He swallowed hard and looked at her with a finality to his expression. "No, you won't," he murmured, turning as he saw Narcissa walking in with a plate of food for Feyn. He nodded to her, to started to head for the door. "I'm going to see if I can get some sort of mercy out of Snape...," he murmured, "See you around." With that, he left and went across campus, knocking on the headmaster's door. Thank Merlin, Astoria was gone. Of course, she would be back the next day to rake Snape over the coals for what happened.

Evangeline's eyebrows creased with confusion as the dress fell to her feet. She quickly stepped out of it and pulled his shirt on. It went down to her mid thigh, but it was a sheer material. Her light pink nipples could easily be seen thought the shirt, hardening from the cool temperature of the room. "You can turn around," she mumbled, picking up the dressed and laying it across his dresser. "I... I guess you can," she murmured, "But what do you want with the dress?" She sat on the foot of the bed, her knees coming up to her chest. "And I mean, it's about ten Galleons... I'd really hate for you to give me that kind of money out of pocket."
Feyn frowned as she watched hugo go, tears trailing down her face as she looked at her grandmother. Pain flickered in her eyes as she ignored the food and wrapped her arms around the older woman, giving into the fear and worry over what was going to happen.

Severus glared at the door as hugo knocked, wondring who could want him now. "Come in."he said as he finished the letter he was writing then giving it to the owl perched on the window sill. "He will be at his office.See that he gets it as soon as he can."He stroked the eagle owl's head, the regal owl showing every sign of being a gift from draco. Glancing up in surprise when he saw that it was hugo,concern flickered through his eyes before it was hidden, scowling a little as he returned to his seat. "what can I do for you mr. weasley?"

Scorpius smirked as he turned his head to look at her, swallowing hard as he studied her before starting to get out of his suit, not bothering to tell her to look away as he dropped the dress shirt and slacks to the floor turning away just enough to not totally flash her as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants. "I cross dress in my free time, I'm always looking for a pretty dress."He said sounding so very serious that it was almost believable...if you didn't know just how fiercely hetrosexual he was. "Here."He said moving to his dress before plucking the galleons out of his drawer and holding them out towards her, frowning slightly."'s not that much.I still have...alot to spend, and not alot of things I need."He muttered blushing, for once feeling embarassed about being so filthy rich that it had once taken his father a whole year to realize that scorpius and feyn had bought a stable and two racehorses, and had only realized then because he caught them waiting in anxiety for a foal to be born, instead of noticing a dent in his bank account.
Narcissa frowned and folded her granddaughter into her arms, rubbing her back gently. "Sweetheart," she murmured, "Everything's going to be okay. One of these days, that wretched bitch my son married will not be controlling you the way that she has been..." She was was trying desperately to comfort her, but it was useless because she didn't know everything that was going on. She truly believed that Feyn's marriage to McKinze would save her from Astoria.

Hugo shut the door behind him, guilt painted across his face. His eyes went wide. "What can you do for me?" Hugo sputtered, tilting his head to the side. He shook his head. "Headmaster, I can here because I was about 99.9% sure I was going home tonight... Or worse." He swallowed hard, looking over at the Headmaster with such sadness in his eyes. He loved this school, despite the Death Eater's that surrounded it. It was all he had - his knowledge.

Evangeline laughed out loud at what he said, amusement in her eyes. When she took the money, she blushed, feeling so... inadequate next to him. He even said it. The money wasn't a lot. Not to him. "Thanks," she whispered, swallowing hard and putting the money on the table by the bed. She looked down at the huge bed, running a hand through her wavy dark hair. "Scorpius, your bed it big enough... I mean, you don't have to sleep on the floor." She blushed even redder. Oh God. She was in Scorpius Malfoy's room, in his bed... Her stomach was in knots. "I think it would make me feel better," she admitted, because it was true. The one person who was there every second of her life, her Nanny, was no longer there to comfort her. And her father was limited to very private places and times... So she wouldn't mind having someone close her. Just for the night.
Feyn sniffled leaning into her grandmother tiredly, so very tired of hiding everything. And even without realizing that even now there was a letter on its way to draco, telling him everythign that had happened that night, and what he suspected. While severus didn't know anything, after years of watching feyn and scorpius, and now mckinze, well he was so very tired of it. Though, it might have some to do with Evangeline's attatchment to scorpius that was moving him to tell draco, then anything else. Sniffling a little as she shuddered, "Uncle Draco loves her."She sniffled before snapping out a answer before she'd thought about it."Controlling no, but sex with McKinze will be worse then with her."She said eyes going wide. For the second time within hours she'd finally said the truth, and it amazed her that she had. Maybe Hugo was getting to her more then she thought, with his need to tell someone exactly what was going on.

Severus tilted his head a little, looking a little amused."Well, if you would like to go home, I can arrange that."He said before shaking his head. "No, Mr. Weasley, it wont be you going home tonight."He said looking pained, for once the pain of dealing with a student showing. He didn't want to do it, but..."Ms. Cerelina will be leaving in the morning, per the dark lord's orders."He said before studying the red head. Trying to figure out their relationship,and how he could use it to get out of the bind McKinze had put him in. While Astoria had gone home to sulk, McKinze had run straight to voldemort to say snape was keeping feyn from him.

"You're welcome."e said blushing before glancing around the room, for once looking fretful with having a girl in his bed, avoiding looking at her before nodding."Okay. It's not like the beds not huge enough to have a tiger in there, much less the two of us."He said snickering a little as he climbed into the bed, laying down facing her though he did keep some space between them."Get some sleep, Evan."he muttered closing his eyes, looking peaceful.
Narcissa's head shot up, and she grabbed her granddaughter by the chin. "What did you just say?" she snapped, worry, fear, and anger in her eyes. "Feyn, you tell me right now what you meant." The color had drained from her face, desperately wanting to be wrong about what she thought she heard Feyn say. As much as she despised her son's wife, she didn't want to believe she was capable of this. She didn't want to know her grandchildren were exposed to such things. Such sick, sick, things. And if she did hear right, then she was going to owl Draco immediately. There was no way in hell she'd let something like this continue.

Hugo looked confused. Completely and totally confused. "Wh-what? Why?" he asked, the color draining from his face. He swallowed hard. "Headmaster, I was the one who got physical with a professor? I should be going home! Bloody Hell, if anyone should be going home, it should be that Diggory prat. I heard gossip all the way up to your office that he drunkenly forced himself on the new girl, and Malfoy out of all people had to intervene..." He rolled his eyes. "Please, Headmaster, Feyn's the last person who needs to go home..." The thing is, Hugo desperately wanted to stay, but if he went home, he had caring parents to go home to. Feyn didn't. He couldn't let her go home to that.

Evangeline rolled on to his side, facing him and watching him as he closed his eyes. Odd. He didn't look near as intimidating when he was relaxing... In fact, he looked very serene and even a little vulnerable. She was actually surprised he kept his distance, and she was even a little offended. With all the girls that he took to bed on a daily basis, he almost seemed scared to even get too close to her.... Reaching over, she gently brushed his light blond hair away from his eyes. Good thing it was the weekend, because there was no way she could even wrap her brain around going to class in the morning, not to mention sneaking out of Scorpius' dorm early tomorrow. But she knew one thing - she wasn't leaving tomorrow. In fact, she knew she was staying. As upset as she was earlier, she knew that there was something about the boy laying across from her that she wanted to get closer to.
Feyn winced yelping as Narcissa grabbed her chin, jerking her head back."N-nothing.I-I didn't mean anything"She stuttered looking away from her, looking pale and shaken. She couldn't believe this. Swallowing hard she glanced at her grandmother, who while not related by blood, had treated her as well as Scorpius. All the malfoys really, had treated her better then her blood aunt had. And for that loyalty, she owed Draco more then this. Tears filled her eyes as she crumbled, wrapping her arms around herself, "I.. I...Aunt Astoria...has been...demanding things of me...and scorpius...since Uncle Draco's always so busy."she whispered, so broken and sad, because she knew she was going to break her uncle's heart.

Snape leaned back in his hair, weariness showing in his face. Somedays, he felt so old. "Because she has caused a scene by refusing. And her aunt has withdrawn her from school, and as her only blood relative, she is the only one that can have any say."Even if he wanted to keep the girl here, astoria had final say in things, along with Voldemort who had every intention of marrying her to mckinze, which meant the man had to be pleased. and so Snape had little choice but to send Feyn away from school....and into Draco's care. Hopefully. Because if she was sent to Mckinze right away, he was going to regret it forever. "I will see to Diggory."He snapped a little annoyed with the situation and snapping out at the weasley because of it. For a moment, before he thought of something....maybe...well maybe."I am going to expell you to Mr. Weasley."He said after a moment, thinking things through. "And while I am sure your parents would like you home, there would be someone who would benefit in hiring you as a tutor so they could finish classes at home."While it wasn't perfect, if he could convince draco that having Hugo around would be good- because he'd seen what Narcissa had, there was a bond between them- maybe this would work out.Sometimes, he hated working for both sides. It made decisions like this so much harder.

Scorpius sighed tiredly as he turned his face into her hand, nuzzling her a little, mostly asleep but awake enough to know someone was touching him. Shifting as she touched his face he snuggled up against her, a arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her tight against himi, not about to let her go now that she'd touched him first. He'd been afraid to get close since she'd been attacked,but she'd opened the he snuggled her and slept deep and well for the first time in weeks.
"Oh, Sweetheart," Narcissa murmured, reaching out and tugging Feyn into her arms like she used to as a child. Tears were the older woman's eyes as she kissed her granddaughter's head and held her close. "I'm going to fix everything, okay? Everything is going to get better. I'm so sorry... " She sniffed. "I should have known... Oh, and poor Scorpius." She swallowed hard, a chill going down her spine. She gave Feyn another kiss on the cheek before moving to grab her bag. She pulled out some paper and a pen, writing a quick letter to Draco, ordering him to come to Hogwarts immediately. She wasn't about to leave Feyn alone, and while she wasn't going to wake Scorpius, she wasn't going to leave him either. However, the letter to didn't give details. She was smarter than that. She'd talk to her son when she got there. "Feyn, I'm going to send this letter from Severus' office," she murmured. "I want you to get some sleep. I will be staying the night tonight, so don't worry." She gave her a reassuring smile, then headed down toward Snape's office.

Hugo looked at the Headmaster in a bit of shock. He couldn't believe he'd do that; something so kind. Well, it was kindness in disquise, really. "I... Okay," he murmured nervously, wincing when he thought about what his parents would say. "So, I can still finish out school? Just off school grounds?" He tilted his head to the side, jumping at the sound of the door opening. Narcissa blew in, looking obviously upset as ever. "Severus! I've had enough..." she murmured, giving the letter to an owl in Snape's window. "I'm sending for Draco. There are things he needs to know." After a moment, she realized Hugo was in the room. She studied him for a moment. "Thank you," she finally said, though it was simply and to the point. She may have softened over time, but she was still very short with people that she didn't know well. Hugo blinked rapidly. "Oh, um, you're welcome," he murmured, blushing a bit.

Evangeline blushed a bit as he embraced her, but she didn't move away. Instead, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, drifting in a calm, deep sleep.
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