Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Feyn sniffle a little as she cried, leaning into the other woman as nodded when Narcissa pulled away. Looking up at her before nodding."I will."He muttered changing into pj's and climbing under the covers and after a few fretful moments, the exhausted woman passed out.

Severus tilted his head a little, before nodding."Yes. I will see that both are you sent the work and tests. Along with-"He stopped looking startled when Narcissa came in. For a loss of words for a moment as he tried to figure out what had happened now. "I'm already here, mother. Severus sent for me earlier."Draco said as he tepped into the office, taking in the scene with impassive grey eyes. Despite the late hour he was impeccably dressed, looking like he'd come from the office, instead of having listened to his wife rant for a hour. "Now, whatever could be so important as to not only get my wife climbing the walls, but to interrupt my calm evening?"He said, sovery oblivious that it was hard to not feel bad for him, because you just knew this was going to bring everything crashing down on his head.
Narcissa turned to her son, but first looked at Hugo. "I'm sure Headmaster would not mind if you excused yourself. Go get some sleep," she murmured softly. Hugo nodded slowly, looking over at Snape, then left. Once the door was closed, Narcissa was in tears. Her shaky hand went to rest up on her cheek. "Than awful man has been forcing himself on Feyn on school grounds for god knows how long," she murmured, the color gone from her face. "And your wife... She's behind all of this, Son, and she's been doing perverted, unmentional things to that girl. Scorpius too! She's making them do things..."
Snape went pale at narcissa's words, his eyes going to the blond. While he had suspected Mckinze, he hadn't realized just how twisted the game really was. Swallowing hard he tried to not think about that before looking at Draco again."Astoria's pulling Feyn out of school.And I had to expell Weasley for assaulting a teacher Draco."Severus stated watching his godson.

Cold fury darkened usually light grey eyes, turning them the color of storm clouds before the man nodd slightly before looking at his mother."Mother, you will bring Feyn home tomorrow. And if, and only if, Scorpius wants to leave, let him come. otherwise, it would be better to let him deal with things how he wants to."He swallowed hard."And you will speak to the...weasley brat if he wants to come to."He said his lip twitching a little because he knew his godfather well enough to think about why Snape had mentioned his expulsion, he just didn't have to like it. And...well, Hugo had gotten himself expelled on Feyn's behalf. The least the blond could do was make up part fo that. He might be twisted, vicious, but he was honorable. "I will see to his parents, and my own wife."He said before showing himself out. Pausing outside the castle he tried to decide what to do first, before he decided to put off the visits that needed done until morning.After all, he didn't think that this late at night anyone would be up and moving.

In the morning Draco wrinkled his nose a little as he walked up the house's steps, his lip twitching as he took in the shabby but somewhat nice home. At least it was together and not falling apart. And yet, it rubbed his nerves raw to be standing on the weasley's front porch.Shifting slightly he rapped his knuckles against the door, waiting for them to answer. And hoping that he could just ask what he wanted, and leave. No need for fighting, no need for blame. He just wished he felt better, but the guilt was eating him alive, which was why he'd been putting off talking to astoria, having spent the night in his office, drinking himself silly.

Feyn sighed softly as she fnished packing her bags, looking at Narcissa as the woman came into the room, looking tired and upset."Grandmother, would be okay if I went to say goodbye to Scorpius and Hugo?"She sai not looking forward to going home, not realizing draco knew, that draco was going to fix things. Assuming that she was going home to astoria's vicious attentions.
Hermione jogged down the stairs and headed to the door, thinking it was a package that was supposed to delivered that day. Her hair was still as curly and wild as ever, but cut to sit on her shoulders these days. Amazingly, she hadn't grayed yet, and she still looked relatively young. She had a pair of small, black framed glassed perched on her nose, and she wore a simple pair of jeans, a lavender cardigan, and a pair of brown flats. She was everything Draco was not... The door opened, and her brown eyes went wide. She looked around, making sure no one was with him, and then glared. "Malfoy, what are you doing here?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She took her glasses off, holding them in her hand.

Narcissa looked over to her granddaughter with a smile, though it was a sad smile. "You can say goodbye to Scorpius, dear, but it seems your uncle is bringing the Weasley boy along with you. Headmaster Snape has expelled him for his behavior, but agreed to let him finish his school year out if he tutored you on Malfoy property." She began to tie her scarf around her neck, looking a little... optimistic at the idea of a Wealsey being at Malfoy Manor.

The next morning, Evangeline slipped out of Scorpius' bed before the sun rose, not wanting anyone to see her running across the common room in her underwear and a nearly sheer t-shirt. She didn't wake him up, for she wanted him to get some sleep, having no idea what he was going to find out that morning... After she was dressed in her casual, non uniform clothes ( a pair of snug jeans, a v-neck, green sweater, and a pair of brown, knee high riding boots) she went down to her father's office, a look of humiliation on her face. The whole walk over, people were staring and whispering. Seems some people took Diggory's side, saying she was a tease. "Daddy?" she called, walking in and not seeing him right away.
Draco took in the sight of the woman in front of him, "You look well, Mrs. Weasley."he said politely, bowing his head slightly. Though he looked a little more rumpled then before, and definately hungover, the man was still the epitome of pureblood breeding, haughty and beautiful. "I have a problem.Well. we have a problem, and Headmaster Snape has left it in my hands to speak to you of it."He said politely, distantly, because if he considered to closing what brought him here, he was going to lose it, and Hermione wasn't the woman he wanted to kill at the moment. When she let him in he glanced around the room, eyes coolly assessing before focusing on her again."Your son has grown close to my niece since school started. Seems she reached out for help after..."guilt played through his eyes, the first break in usually expressionless eyes"... her upset this summer. He assaulted Professor McKinze to get him away from Feyn."He swallowed hard."My wife has pulled my niece out of school, and the headmaster had to expell Hugo for his actions....but has given him a option of finishing out the school year. If he tutors Feyn."He swallowed hard."I know he is overage now, but I thought I should still ask your permission before I took him into my home, as a guest."

Feyn looked startled at Narcissa looking a loss for words. Because it confused her that Draco was willing to let Hugo Weasley set foot on malfoy manor. Smiling slightly she nodded."I'll go say goodbye to scorpius, then go get Hugo."she said leaving the room, looking at a loss. Because she knew what her cousin was going to do. and typically, like he always did, Scorpius had a violent reaction to the news that everyone in the family knew. After he calmed down he hgged his cousin gently, deciding to stay before sending her on her way to get Hugo as he stayed in his room, with the bottle of firewhiskey he'd smuggled in, intent on forgetting everything, and thanking god it was the weekend.

"Hugo?"Feyn muttered as she knocked on his door, dressed simply in jeans and a sweater, looking eager to go before the rumors could start flying.

Severus turned away from the window he had been standing at, moving to the main part of the office, looking at her."Are you okay Evangeline?I heard about..."he stopped seemingly at a loss for words as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her haiar. Looking so worried about them all, and wondering just what was going to happen.
Hermione's eyes went wide, and she looked troubled at the idea of her usually well-behaved second born assaulting a professor. Sighing, she led Draco into the kitchen, taking in his troubled expression, and started to make tea. She sat a piping hot cup of tea in front of him, then sat across from him with her own cup. "My son has worked very hard, Malfoy, to stay at the top in a world where he is looked down upon," she murmured, stirring some sugar into her tea. She swallowed back her emotions, but she knew her son. This must have been for good reason. "I won't allow it unless you swear to me that you will take care of him, and I don't mean as a 'mudblood.'" She swallowed hard at the word. "I mean as an equal... You will perform an Unbreakable Vow to me, and then I will let him. Only then." Her eyes were as fierce as they were when she was younger.

Hugo turned toward the doorway, looking up at her from his suitcase. "Hey," he murmured, looking at her with grief. Not for himself, but for her... and well, a little for himself. "How you feeling? Get some sleep?" He turned around to shut the suitcase, pulling it on to the floor before sitting on the foot of his bed. All he wore was some jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, converses on his feet. He looked like he hadn't slept a minute the night before, which he didn't.

Evan leaned into her father's arms, her head rested on his chest. Her eyes were misted with tears, and she sniffed a bit before answering. "Yea," she murmured, "Just humiliated... I'm being called a tease among other things." She swallowed hard and hugged him tight. She wanted to tell him how badly she wished that he could have comforted her last night, but she didn't feel the need to make him feel guilty for something he couldn't control. "I'm just glad you're here," she admitted, "And Scorpius... Scorpius stopped it all, and he calmed me down." A blush spread across her cheeks, and she handed him a bag of Galleons. "That's the money from the dress... There was no need to keep it. I didn't get much use out of it, and I thought we could use the money."
Draco siged as he sat down, sipping the tea,"Tank you."He said absently, to well bred to ignore the kind offering even if he wasn't really paying attention.Biting his lip he studied her for a moment."You son protected Feyn from...a very public humilation.He is a good man, one I would protect, for there are few good men anymore."He said slowly, as if not quite believing he was saying this about a weasley, but unble to stop it. Remembering something his mother once said to him, and feeling like his heart had been ripped apart. 'All evil needs to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.' He'd done nothing long enough, he was going to protect his own, even if that meant making this vow. Nodding he held out a hand and pulled his wand, waiting for her to take his hands before he muttered the spell then spoke the promise."I will treat him as he is one of my own, my equal and Feyn's..."he stuttered for a moment, his mind tripping over the idea."friend."He dropped her hand, tilting his head."I will see that he is well taken care of...hermione. If for no other reason, he took care of her, when I could not."Guilt showed in his face, showing that whatever happened had caused him great pain. "You will write to him?I will see that he gets your letters."

Feyn smiled a little, pain in her eyes and guilt.e should stay. He should get to, but because she was leaving, he had to."I slept a little. I think grandmother drugged me."She muttered before moving to sit beside him, "Uncle offered to let you stay?Did you want to?"she said looking anxious and worried that her uncle had bullied him into it, instead of giving him a option."Are you ready to go?"She muttered hesitating as she raised her hand, almost taking his hand before dropping it back into her lap.Looking so upset, not ready to face Astoria, and worried about him.

Severus sighed softly holding her tight, wishing that he had been able to save her. Tensing a lttle at the menton of Scorpius he wondered if the man even knew what had happened the night before yet. Swallowing hard at the idea of what happened he pressed a kiss to her hair, looking startled at the money."Oh..."He looked at a loss for words at the idea of her giving the dress back, his heart hurting because he couldn't even give her enough to by a dress."Well, we could."he said ater a moment before sighing."Now. What are you doing today?"He asked after a moment looking down at her.
Hermione took his hands, letting him make the vow before sighing a bit. She was not used to seeing Draco Malfoy with such... pain in his eyes. Well, she had seen it once before, and that was sixth year. He looked awful that year. "Actually if you don't mind, I'd like to go and make sure he's settled in... Just for a bit. I want to make sure he's okay," she murmured, looking uncomfortable at asking him such a thing. "I won't bring Ron, if that will make you feel better. He probably wouldn't go anyway... He probably won't speak to me for a while because of this," she admitted, then shook away the thought. Tilting her head to the side, she sipped her tea. "I... I hope things are good for you, Draco," she murmured, her tone genuine, "I know that, like the rest of us, you didn't have much of a choice in your future."

Hugo nodded. "He did, and I accepted... Well, Headmaster actually came up with the deal. He said it was the only way I could finish out my schooling." He frowned a bit and moved to the closet, taking the last jacket out and putting it on. He was nervous about where he was going; nervous that this wasn't going to end up like they expected. "Yea, I'm ready," he murmured, still a little numb from everything. "Let's go." With that, he picked up his suitcase and headed for the door.

Evangeline smiled at her father, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "Daddy, it's okay," she murmured, "I didn't need the dress. I just want to be out here with you, okay? That's all I need. And I didn't really take it back... Scorpius said he wanted it, and he bought it from me. I have no idea why..." She hugged him again; holding on to the only family she had. After a moment, she pulled back and moved over to sit in the armchair. She shrugged a bit and curled her legs up underneath her. "I don't know," she admitted, "I didn't want to bother Scorpius. He put up with my issues all night last night, I'm sure he's sick of me." She leaned her head on her hand, her elbow propped up on the arm of the chair. "And until the rumors die down and Henry shuts his mouth, I'm going to stay inside."
Draco looked way from her, before nodding absently."Well, hopefully this has the same effect on my wife..."He muttered because the man was breaking under the truth of knowing how little his wife had to care for him. Sighing softly, "My mother is bringing Feyn and hugo to the manor this morning, would you like to go now with me, or I can return?"He said before wincing at her words, looking at her as he fiddled with his clothes, a nervous habit left from sixth year."no, I didn't. And they were well...until I found out everything I've lived by has been a lie."the pain and bitterness in those words was raw and strong, not even the firewhiskey had managed to dull them. "We should go, before they get there."He said though appearing unruffled he was anxious to make sure his wife wasn't alone with either hugo or feyn.

"Oh."Feyn said watching him, looking so upset because she'd gotten him kicked out of school.Nodding as she followed him out of the room to where Narcissa was waiting for them. Flooing to the manor she smiled as she looked around, even with the knowledge that astoria was here somewhere, she couldnt help but relax. She was home. Glancing at Hugo as he stepped through the fire, she smiled at him, as she looked around the beautiful recieving room,"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, hugo."She said smiling nervously, unsure of how he'd react to seeing just how much better off life as a death eater had been rather then his own home. Though she considered he lived a better life, at least he had people who loved him.Well, she did to, but Astoria had scarred her, made her feel unlovable.

Severus sighed a little looking down at her, before a laugh escaped at the mention of scorpius."Maybe he wants to wear it."He snorted laughing, because he had a good idea what the man wanted with it, but he wouldn't ruin it if Scorpius was keeping it from her. Sitting down next to her he winced a little, "I..."he stopped because it pained him to consider it, but he knew she wouldn't forgive him if he didnt tell her. "Feyn is leaving school today. And...a few other things have come to the surface. Scorpius is going to need a friend."he said, not wanting to tell her, leaving it up to scorpius to trust her, but knowing that he would need someone, and it seemed the only true friend he had besides feyn, was evangeline, which scared him as badly as if she'd made friends with a dragon. He would...just have to trust her to know when to walk away from him, if it came to that
Hermione nodded, taking the hint. "No one thought it was going to end up this way, Draco," she murmured, "I thought I was going to have some sort of great job after Hogwarts... But they've taken that away from me, among other things." She sighed and stood up, putting the tea cups in the sink, writing a note to Ron to let her know where she'd be, and grabbing her purse. "Okay, let's go," she said, nodding to the fireplace.

Hugo walked inside, swallowing hard at the large, lavishly decorated mansion. It was as beautiful as it was intimidating, but there was something cold about it. The way his footsteps echoed through the living room was unnerving. "Wow, uh, nice place," he murmured awkwardly, holding his suitcase in one hand, her's in the other. "So where will I be staying?" His eyes were not on her but on his surroundings, analyzing all of the dark decorations.

Evangeline looked up at him with concern. "Is Scorpius okay?" she asked, and it was obvious that she was taken back by her father's words. She bit her lip, her eyebrows creamed with worry. He didn't act like anything was wrong he night before, but maybe she was too wrapped up in her own issues to notice. Guilt suddenly settled deep within her chest. "I... I'll go see him," she murmured, standing up from the chair. Leaning up on her tip toes, she kissed her father on the cheek. "I'll see you tonight."

Before Evangeline went to see Scorpius, she ran to town and went down to Honeydukes, getting a few of the orange suckers he seemed to like so well with the little money she had in her pocket at the time. Afterward, she jogged up the stairs of the Tower and knocked on the door of his private room several times with no answer.... Concern caused her to turn the knob, finding it unlocked, and was immediately knocked down with the distinct smell of expensive liquor. "Scorpius?" she called, stepping into his room and looking around for him. "It's... It's Evan..."
Draco nodded as he flooed home, smiling slightly as he realized that they had arrived just after the others. Watching hugo look around his home, he tried to see it with eyes of a man who was seeing it for the first time. It was cold, at least the main rooms, the private rooms were more comfortable but the rooms Astoria had been left in control of for guest were sterile and isolated. Bending down he kissed his mother's cheek, "Feyn showing Hugo to his room?"He muttered looking for them, before tilting his head a little, muttering in a lower voice."Have you seen astoria?"He said before smiling at Hermione as he straightened."Hermione, I do not think you've had the pleasure of meeting my mother?Mother, this is hermione."

Feyn smiled a little at Hugo,gently squeezing his hand as she walked upstairs. "You'll be staying in the suite next to mine. Scorpius' is decorated with everything if you would rather stay there, he said it was okay...but I thought you would like somewhere you could decorate yourself..."She said looking awkward as she walked down the hall with him, the plush carpet underfoot muffling their footsteps as she pushed open the door for him. You could really fit like, 6 of his dorm room into the sitting room of the bedroom suite, not to mention the actual bedroom and bathroom connected to it. Done in dark greens and silvers, it was very obviously a slytherin room,"Are you hungry?I'm hungry."She muttered anxious because for the first time, she felt really aware of ust how much money she had compared to him, and it was making her awkward to think about him living here,feeling uncomfortable because of the differences, for her sake.

Severus sighed a little."He is fine. Or should be."Severus said trying to make her feel better when he realized he'd upset her with telling her about scorpius. Nodding a little as he watched her go.

"Go away."Scorpius muttered from the other side of his bed, wedged between the window and bed, his legs drawn up against his chest, a arm wrapped around them as he drank, but resting his head on his knees between sips. the man was so drunk, for having just started. "Just...go away Evan."he muttered feeling numb, but not numb enough to have her figure out just what secrets he kept hidden.
Narcissa smiled and kissed her son on the cheek, hating to have broken his heart in such a way, but knowing it was for the best. The children couldn't go through this anymore. "Astoria has been in the master bedroom all day," she murmured, a sigh in her words. She turned to Hermione, and there was guilt in her eyes. She may have never met her, but she was well aware of how badly her son and husband has treated her at one point in time. "It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Weasley," she murmured, "You have a lovely son." She smiled and shook Hermione's hand, then nodded to her son. "Yes, I believe Feyn is showing Hugo to his suite upstairs... I see to having some tea made." With that, she went up into the kitchen, and Hermione jogged up the stairs to see her son.

Hugo looked around the suite, his eyes wide. Wow... just... wow. He sat his suitcase beside the bed, taking in his new home for the meantime. It was overwhelming, but nice. It was just going to have time to get used to. "Yea, I'm pretty hungry - Mum?" Hugo's eyebrows shot up, and a smile spread across his face. Hermione came into the room, and wrapped her son (who was much taller than her) in to a huge hug. "Hugo, honey, are you okay?" she murmured, worried about her son. Hugo nodded and kissed his mum on the cheek. "I'll be fine, Mum..." He looked over her shoulder to Feyn, giving her a smile. "Feyn, this is my mother, Hermione," he murmured, "Mum, this is Feyn..."

Evangeline's eyebrows shot up, and she put the candy on the bed before sinking to her knees in front of him. Worry reflected in her dark eyes, and she reached out to put her hand on his arm. "Scorpius, you're going to drink yourself to death!" she murmured, looking him over. He looked awful, his cheeks flushed and his eyes glassy. Swallowing hard, she tried to figure out how to take care of him... There was no way she was going to leave him alone. "Scorpius, you can talk to me... I'll stay with you." She reached out, and very gently, took the bottle away from his grip. She sat it up on the window sill, before taking his hand in her's. At this moment, she was so worried about her friend (or more than a friend. Maybe.) that she would be willing to spill her secrets if it made him feel better.
Draco nodded a little smiling as she watched his mother and hermione."Don't wait for me for tea."He said before walking to the master bedroom, he took a deep breath before pushing the door open. Shutting the door behind him with obscene gentleness he looked at his wife, the cold fury that the pain had been hiding shining in storm colored eyes."You will sign over ALL parental rights to not only Feyn, but Scorpius to me, today. You will never be with either of them alaone again. And you will never touch me, or them, in any manner again."He said slowly, carefully, as if going slow to make sure she would understand. "If you do not agree to this, I will divorce you now, and leave you with nothing....then I will tell McKinze exactly what you did to Feyn."he said taking a gamble, but knowing mckinze liked his girls completely virginal and naive, he bet Astoria hadn't told the death eater what abuse she'd inflicted on the children.

Feyn looked worried watching him, moving towards the door, looking startled as Hermione came in. A shy, pained smile curling her lips."Hello, mrs. weasley. Uncle draco has only had good things to say about you...after he gets done ranting that he should have been the top student in his year."She said, a small unsure smile on her face, looking even more anxious because she was sure she was going to be blamed for getting hugo expelled."We...we were going to get food, would you like to join us?"She offered, anxious to not get yelled at, not here, not in her home.And definately not by the mother of the boy she was starting to fall for.

scorpius yelped as she touched him, blinking glassy eyes as he looked up at her. "Might be better that way..."he muttered reaching for the bottle again, frowning as he didn't even get close to what he wanted, a hand finding her breast by accident, before pulling hs hand away flushing more. Curling his fingers around hers he turned a little, resting his head against her legs."....Feyn's gone home....mother pulled her out of school, for not wanting to be raped...."he whimpered a little."I could never save her. Not from m-mckinze, and not from m-mother."he stuttered his anger dissolving into tears, it was a very good thing he was a sad drunk instead of a violent one, he was more liable to drown in his own tears at this rate instead of drinking himself to death.
Astoria blinked up at him from where she sat, drinking a glass of wine on her lounge. She swallowed hard, wanting to argue and bitch about it. She wanted to deny it, but she also wanted her money. And if she fought him and lost, she'd be on the street, sucking Death Eater's cocks for a place to stay... "Fine," she snapped, looking away from him. The simple word that she gave him showed how little she cared for her own son, giving him up so easily. "Draw up the papers. I'll sign them, but I want my share of the money and no less." She took a sip of her wine, knowing that she could probably find a place to stay with, possibly Bellatrix.

Hermione smiled at the young girl, seeing a little of herself in her. She didn't know what it was, but it was there. "I would love to, but I must be going," she murmured, then looked to Hugo. "You're father will be home soon, and I need to be home to explain my self." She kissed his cheek. "I want you to write me atleast twice a week, Hugo Gerard Weasley, I meant it." He blushed and nodded. "I also don't want you to forget about Rose's wedding. It's in a month, and she will be heartbroken if you are not there." She frowned a bit, then headed for the door. "It was nice to meet you, Feyn." She gave the girl a soft smile before quickly heading back home. Hugo ran a hand through his hair, looking up at Feyn once they were alone. "Ready to grab lunch?"

Evangeline yelped a bit when he accidentally grabbed her breast, but ignored it. He was drunk; he didn't mean it. Her heart melted at his words, and she watched him with a bit of surprise. Never did she think she'd see him so vulnerable. "Scorpius," she whispered, reaching out and wrapped her arms around him. She leaned up against the bed and held the larger man, her hand coming up to stroke his hair. "I'm so sorry..." She swallowed listening to him stutter through his tears. It was so hard to hear. "You tried, Scorpius, and that's all that matters. She doesn't blame you... And if it makes you feel better, you saved me..." With that, she offered him a smile.
Draco tilted his head a little as she snapped at him, smirking as he crossed the room. As cold and vicious as ever he leaned a knee between her legs, hands resting on the arm rests, effectively pinning her in her chair. "You will stay in the townhouse, with no servants, and I will give you 100 galleons of spending money a month, and see to the bills. that is all you deserve.We will stay married, for appearances, I will not have everyone know what you have done to my children."He said kissing her hard, because he needed to, before straightening, "If you decide to live somewhere else, I will consider it you leaving me and divorce you, my dear. You brought nothing to this marriage, except the ablity to give me a son. You have no share of money. But I will make sure you are taken care of."he said as he moved towards the door, knowing he shouldn't antagonize her, because anyone who'd seen them, knew he married for love, not breeding. But it was true, the greenglasses had married into money, and only Draco's fortune had kept astoria's family from going bankrupt years ago.He was bitter, but he couldn't turn her loose yet, not when he loved her as much as he hated her, and would regret it if she took this out on someone else. For now, it was a private matter, and would stay as such.

feyn smiled a little, nodding."Okay, mrs. weasley."Feyn chewed on her lip as she watched the two, sadness in her eyes. This is what Astoria should have been, what Feyn wanted. A mother. "You are welcome to come again, Mrs....hermione."She said after a moment, tilting her head. "I got your son expelled, the least I could do is let you see him."She muttered before smiling at hermione."It was good meeting you to."She said before nodding, walking downstairs with hugo."What do you want to eat?"She said looking around the large elegant kitchen.

Scorpius sighed a little rubbing his eyes as he snuggled into her, burying his face against her chest as he wrapped that large frame around her. "I-I did...."He muttered relaxing, realizing that he'd been good for someone before going quiet as he cried. Poor man was going to feel so bad when he woke, not only for confessing, but he was going to have a wicked crying/hangover headache. "Y-you don't think she blames me?S-she from having to..."he stuttered, so drunk that he didn't really realize what he was confessing to, but finding so much comfort in the woman's embrace that he couldn't stop the words. At least now, evangeline would know she wasn't the only one hiding things.
Astoria moaned into the kiss, even if she was angry. Draco had always turned her on; always would. But he seemed disinterested in her at times... She nodded to him, not about to argue. As much of a wretched woman she was, she knew her place. Draco had much, much more pull in this world than she did. The best thing she could do for herself was take the money he offered, stay in the town house, and leave him alone. But as soon as he did something that she knew she could use for revenge, oh... she was going to use it.

Hugo sat down at the bar, leaning his head against his hand. "I don't care," he admitted, looking a little shell shocked at his surroundings. "I'll eat what you are eating." He looked down at his hands, obviously nervous at the idea of staying here. No friends, no Quidditch, no classes... He'd just be in this huge mansion with a woman that he was clearly falling for, but could never have. "So, what's going to happen? I mean, with McKinze?" he asked, frowning a bit.

Evangeline continued to run her fingers through his hair, letting him get his emotions out. It wasn't good for him to hold those things in, and she was perfectly willing to sit there was long as she wanted... When he implied that his mother sexually abused him, she tensed. She didn't expect that, so it felt like she'd been stunned when he said it. "I... Scoripus... I'm so sorry," she whispered, and hugged him tighter. It hurt her heart so much to hear it, and all she could do was apologize. She wanted to tell him her secrets, but he was drunk and he just needed to be comforted. She didn't want to bring her issues down on him. Not now. "Come on... You need to lay down," she said, slowly started to help him into the bed. "I'll stay with you, okay?" Pulling back the blankets, she let him climb inside before she discreetly took the bottle of fire whiskey, pouring it down the bathroom drain.
Feyn sighed sotly as she looked at him before asking a house elf to get some pasta and milk, sitting down next to him with two glasses of milk as she waited for the food to cook."I...It's up to uncle Draco. If-If he says I still have to..."She stuttered a little ervous and scared. Because seh knew her uncle, but she didn't realize he loved her enough to stop the wedding even if he paid a high price for it. The woman was so mentally abused by astoria, that she didn't believe she could be loved, so draco's loyalty to her, and to scorpius, would surprise her.

Scorpius snifled a little leaning into her more, "I'm should lay with me..."he muttered tugging her back into bed with him after she dumped the whisky, cuddling into her and refusing to let go. Hours later he groaned, rolling on his back as his head pounded."Ohhh....fuck."He grumbled before wincing, realizing his wasn't alone. Paling as he looked up at her."Evangeline...what...what are you doing here?"He muttered swallowing hard, afraid he'd done something wrong to her as he had been drunk
Hugo looked over at her, his eyes full of sympathy. "Feyn, I think you underestimate your Uncle," he admitted, "He seemed very concerned when he was in the Headmaster's office last night." Sighing, he reached over and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers within her's. "Calm down. You're safe. You're here. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm slightly in sane and I'm really bad at watching things happen in front of me that I deep unacceptable. I'd make a horrific Death Eater." He smirked a bit, then looked up as the food was brought to them. He let go of her hand and began to dig in, hungrier that he wanted to admit.

Evangeline laid on her side facing him, her eyes opening when she heard him curse. At first, she thought she had done something wrong, but quickly realized that he was just terribly hungover. She hadn't actually slept beside him, only closing her eyes when she would feel him moving around, because she was too scared to leave him unattended. She'd heard horror stories about those kinds of things. "I'm here because I came to visit you," she said vaguely, wondering if he remembered what he had confessed or upset he had been. "And... I stayed with you. Nothing happened... I mean, nothing like... that." She gave him a smirk, standing up to go fetch him a glass of water and an asprin from the bathroom.
Feyn bit her lip looking over at him, wanting to believe it. She so wanted someone to love her. Nodding a little she startled,curling her finers around his as she tried to relax."Well,you're right. You would be a horrible death eater.No sense of self perservation. Like attacking McKinze last night."She muttered giggling a little, for a moment a younger girl showing through, "Hugo Gerald Weasley, the world's worst death eater."

Scorpius groaned a little a he pulled the pillow over his head trying to block out the sun, sighing quietly."Oh. Well.I'm sorry...i...I recieved some bad news, Feyn left school and..."He stopped stumbling because he could vaguely remember telling her, swallowing a little."She...she told father about...everything."he stopped before looking up at her gratefully as he took the water and aspirin, swallowing them down before pouting a little."Ohh well, don't look so disappointed that nothing happened.If I wasn't hungover,and you were in my bed..."he teased his smile devilish and carefree, as if the confession never happened. Which made you wonder just how much he had pretended over the years. She was finally getting a glimpse at the real man. Scarred and playful, wicked and playfully naughty. The man was many things, and she was just getting to know them.
Hugo looked over at her with a grumpy look. "It's Gerard not Gerald," he said, "There's a whole spectrum of nerdiness between those two names." He chewed his food, but looked at her out of the corner of his eye. His head only turned when he heard Draco walked down from the bedroom Astoria had been locked up in. You could vaguely hear her yelling at servants to pack her things, making Hugo tensed a bit. "Mr. Malfoy, I'd like to thank you for letting me stay and finish out my schooling here," he said politely, nervous that the man wouldn't approve of him. He had no idea about the Unbreakable Vow.

Evangeline smirked a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed. "What makes you think I'd let you do such thinks, even if you weren't wasted out of your mind?" she teased, looking down at him with big dark eyes. She moved her hand up to brush his hair out of his face, loving the feeling that it gives her. Chills literally run up her spine from her finger tips when she touches him... "Oh! I got you something," she murmured, grabbing the bag of orange suckers that she had bought that morning at Honeydukes. "Here you go." She gave him a soft, sweet smile. To him, presents were huge lavish things that cost a lot of money, but to her, it was the little things... It took her back to when her father brought her candy when he'd come home to her when she was a little girl.
"Gerard,alot of difference?You're still a nerd."She teased looking up at her uncle, swallowing hard as she ate. Draco winced a little as he listened to his wife yelling for servants, but set about getting himself some food before turning to look at the two, smiling slightly. Though there was saddness in the smile, becaue he had a feeling that tbey were falling for each other, and it would never work. "you're welcome.But its not just for you I'm letting you stay here. Feyn benefits from it to."He pointed out sitting down at the table with the two and starting to eat. Not about to tell the man about the vow unless he had to. There was only so many embarassements he could put up with.

"Because I'm amazing, and beautiful, and everyone wants me?"He said smiling leaning his face into her hand, looking amused but tired. Hungover still, but recovering his sense of humor enough to tease, before looking startled that she had gotten him something."Y-yuo didn't have to get these."He said looking at her, though he gave her a small shy smile as he popped a sucker in his mouth. While he didn't give into the need alot, he loved them because as a child it was one of the few things his mother had ever gotten him without wanting something in return, sweets from honeydukes.
Hugo smirked a bit at her before nodded to Draco politely. "Yes, of course, sir," he murmured, knowing his place. He looked down at him food nervously, not wanting Draco to see him looking at Feyn. He was sure that there was something revealing in his eyes when he did... "My older sister's wedding is in a month," he said casually, "If it's okay, I'd like to go to that... I'd be there and back in a day, no more. It's just important to me." His eyes looked up to the older man, testing how fair he was going to be with him.

Evangeline tilted her head to the side. "I know I didn't have to do it," she murmured, "I wanted to do it." Sighing a little bit, she leaned back against the head bored and brought her knees to her chest. "You should hear how people are talking about me. Diggory has decided to get his revenge by telling everyone I led him on. That I was a slut and a tease, and that the only thing that stopped us from having sex on that couch was because you got jealous." She rolled her eyes a bit. Why in the world would Scorpius be jealous? He could have any woman he wanted.
Draco studied the other man, before nodding a little."Just be careful.There are those I am sure, that will not like you tutoring a death eater's daughter.I would not like to explain to feyn why you got hurt."Draco said smirking a little as Feyn blushed, before growing serious."Feyn, I need to speak to you when you're done eating?" "What?About what?"Feyn said her voice growing anxious as she looked at him. Draco winced a little, realizing he'd made a mistake in mentioning it. Reaching across the table he took her hand, drawing her ttention totally to him."Feyn, I asked Astoria to sign all her parental rights over to me...I am now your guardian.And you will tell me everything...if and when you feel comfortable."Draco said his eyes soft and pained. "okay....papa."Feyn said softly, looking up at him, trying to see his reaction to the new title. She'd lived with them for so long, that he was more her father then her own father had been. His family, hers. Draco looked startled at that, before smiling a little."good."He looked at hugo as he finished his food, "Now, do you need anything before I escort Astoria out of here?"He asked looking at them both.

Scorpius smiled blushing a little as she said she wanted to. Touched that she had wanted to, sucking on the sucker he twirled his tongue around it before sighing a little."Diggory's a bitch in man's clothing. He wouldn't know a lead on had one been sucking his cock. He's a moron."He muttered before sighing, closing his eyes as he sucked on his sucker."I get possessive, not jealous. He should have known better then to even ask you out."He said, not really denying that he had been annoyed to find her going to the ball with someone other then himself.
Hugo watched the two, smiling a bit. So Mr. Malfoy had come through for her... It made him feel better, and it made him realize that he was a good person; a good person in an awful position. "No, I'm fine, thanks," he murmured, then tensed. A blushed spread across his cheeks. Hugo was a lot like his father in the sense that he was a prideful man. He hated asking for things, especially from another man. "I... Actually," he murmured, "My mum wants me to write her while I'm here, and I don't exactly have an owl... Not one of my own." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I always borrowed an owl at school... I have a few galleons in my suitcase upstairs." With that, he blushed even a deeper shade of red.

Evangeline tilted her head to the side. "You're... possessive?" she asked, confused, "But Scorpius, why would you be possessive over me?" She reached up and ran a through her hair, trying to figure out why Scorpius cared so much that she had a date. "I mean, gods, you're date was off the charts gorgeous. Her legs were as long as I am in height." She shook her head. Reaching in the bag, she grabbed one of the suckers and began to suck on one herself, enjoying the creamy orange flavor.
Draco tilted his head, watching the man before looking at Feyn."Take him down to the stables feyn, let him choose which owl he wants."He said smiling a little as he stood, moving towards the door."Have a good day you two."he said ignoring the offer of galleons even as he disappeared into the hallway. Feyn smiled a little as she finished her food leaning back in her chair as she looked over at Hugo."Do you want to go see about that owl, or go on a tour?Or we could just chill out and relax in the living room. U-papa.."She corrected."Figured out how to get muggle TV working in here around all the magic so we could wath tv...though he's not supposed to have it.He does."she shrugged, despite the death eater's view on muggles and muggleborn, alot of them were fascinated, like draco, with their technology.

"Becuse I wanted to ask you, and you had a date before I got to ask."He said sulking a little as he losed his eyes."She was also a cold hearted bitch that told feyn she deserved whatever McKinze did to her, because that's what whores deserve."He said scowling a little because he'd only asked the woman out as a last resort, having chosen her because he thought she would be someone evangeline would be jealous of. "Feyn's not....a whore. She's...."He stuttered a little, because it was so hard to talk about sober, but he knew feyn had talked to weasley, and said it was better to talk.So...he would try to talk to evangeline."She's just a girl, who made a difficult choice.For love."He muttered hating it, because everyone seemed to judge them for loving draco enough to not want to tell him.
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