Slender Hope(blair/lady)

"Yes, she is.She'll be okay."SEverus said smiling a little looking amused that he looked so serious.When narcissa called him he smiled as he leaned back in the chair, watching toddler and dragon run around the backyard he didn't realize just how fucked their days were about to get."Hey hun.So, is scorpius going to be depressed he's having a boy?"He asked not realizing something seriously wrong had happened.

Draco smiled a littlel as he undressed and got into the shower with her,wrapping a arm around her waist,nuzzling her a little ashe stood under the water. "You okay?"He muttered worried about her, and seriously scared on why she hadn't told him yet.

Feyn sighed softly."Okay.Well, have a good day."She muttered watching him go her eyes sad as she settled down to have a day of just her and the twins. Trying not to obsess over his goodbye or him being angry with her. That evening, having made dinner for them both, and put the twins down for their nap feyn curled up on the bed to wait for him, looking so very sick laying there, and she was. Running a fever high enough to be dangerous, the girl shifted snuggling down into the bed, holding onto the thought of just wanting to be with her husband, nothing else mattered as she drifted in and out of sleep as she waited, not realizing that he was late coming home.not realizing he'd worked late without calling, a first.
Narcissa swallowed hard and stood up with the pendant in her hand. "Severus, Evangeline went to the restroom and never came back," she said, worry in her voice, "When I came to look for her, I found nothing but Astoria's pendant... She took Evan. I just know it." She shoved the pendant in her purse and grabbed her wand, apparating home and handing up. She quickly moved to the backyard, handing him the pendant. "Call Scorpius and get him home," she said, scooping Leo up out of the yard. "I'm taking Leo somewhere that he can't be traced - just in case. Evangeline would want him safe."

Beth sighed and leaned into him, her head on his chest and her arms around his waist. She sniffed and shook her head. "No," she whispered, hiding her face from sight. "Sweetheart, I'm not going to be able to have your children." She swallowed hard, trying to stop the tears, but it was hard. "I didn't want to tell you... Not with everything that was going on. I was going to wait until a better time, but it's been hard. I don't want to lose you."

Hugo walked in, tired from work. He removed his clothes and yawned, walking into the bedroom with a sigh. Glancing over at Feyn, his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?" He felt her forehead and cursed. "Feyn, why the hell haven't you taken any medicine with a fever like this?" he scolded, moving to the bathroom the grab some medicine. Handing it over to her, he shook his head. "You have to take care of yourself. You are smarter than that." He ran a hand through his hair as he changed into a pair of sweatpants, obviously worried. Not because she may have a cold or a virus, but because it looked like she didn't take care of herself while he was gone.
Severus cursed as he listened before loking at narcissa,"And call draco.He'll know what to do best.I'll get scorpius."Severus cursed looking annoyed with astoria, but not worried. Not yet. He'd worry when time past, foro now he didn't think astoria would do anything damaging to his daughter, she feared her ex-husband to much. But he knew eventually her fear of draco would be outweighed by her hate for him.Apparating to the school he quickly when to find scorpius before apparating to draco's.

Draco sighed softly ducking his head,burying his face against her hair shuddering a little."Okay...well,okay."He muttered calmly, trying not to let the guilt and shame he felt show in his voice even if tears slid down his face."We'll=-"He stopped his head jerking up as the wards around the house went off, pulling away."Something's wrong. Scorpius and severus are here."He said already moving to get out of the shower, knowing something was wrong considering scorpius was supposed to be at school.

Feyn stirred leaning into his hand,liking the coolness before whining."I did.Not helping. Didn't feel bad until I laid down."She muttered curling up more, snuggling down into the bed,taking his worry for anger.So emotionally twistd up over them arguing, that she was actually making herself sick.
Beth looked up at him worriedly, rushing out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself. Following after him, she clung to the towel and raised her eyebrows at the other men. "What's going on?" she asked, standing behind Draco. "Is everything okay?"

Hugo didn't really know what to feel. Part of him was worried about her and part of him thought she was doing this because they were fighting. She knew how she could be when she was feeling insecure... And he was not going to just let her do this - he had a valid thing to be angry about. "Well, then get some rest," he said, "I'll go take care of the kids." He moved to the nursery and picked up a fussy Harrison, sitting down in the rocking chair with him.
"Evan's gone. Mother has her."Scorpius said staring at his father as the man walked into the room pulling on his jeans, watching the elder man's eyes go wide. "Stay here. I'll deal with astoria." "Yea. Not happening,father.You get a within a mile of her, she's going to feed you your heart."Scorpius snarled, teh two men going chest to chest, looking about ready to slam each other into the ground to knock some sense into the other." Well,you can't go. You wont think straight."Draco snarled. Severus growled pushing the two of them apart."We're all three going. And narcissa and beth are going to keep leo busy."He said shifting the child to the floor before glaring at both men. "Fine."Draco ground out between clenched teeth, "She's probably staying at the manor. Sees it as her due, and since I'm not staying there..."He trailed off, knowing the woman enough to know that she'd think it was ust her right to move into the abandoned home.

Feyn sighed softly nodding as she looked up at him."I will.Yell if you need anything."She muttered snuggling down into the bed and thought long and hard. Knowing she was being riddiculous, that even if she didn't think anything about connor's friendliness, her husband was upset about it, so it meant she had to do something about it. Which meant she couldn't be worrying herself out so much. In the morning she smiled, glad the potions had worked, giving her a little head clearedness,even if she was still feeling shaken. The fact that he was her husband, was making her feel least, mostly. Still the screaming little girl she'd been was tearing her up. "Hey. Tonight, when you drop me off for class, do you mind staying for a bit?"She asked biting her lip as she sat up on her elbows to look at her sleepy husband, gently stroking his hair out of his face, though hesitant."I was going to talk to connor before class...and he might not want me to stay...I would like it if you'd stay until I'm sure i wont need a ride home..."She overexplained, wanting to reassure him that she was taking care of this.
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