Slender Hope(blair/lady)

feyn smiled as she started eating, leaning over to steal a kiss before starting to dig in, talking excitedly with Alais about the things they'd missed since they'd last seen each other. It'd been a long time since she'd had any girls to talk to besides beth and evangeline, so she was excited and happy.

"Hmm well,I'll make sure you show your love for it. Later."He said his smile perverted and amused as he watched his son, grinning as he stole his son from her lap and settled him in his, letting leo help him eat the cake."And you'll help grandpa take care of puff?You can't leave your dragon just for him you know. And you'll look after your cousins?"He said smiling because it just amused him to see his son acting so old and grown up. It was adorable.

Draco sighed softly as he squeezed her hand starting to eat as he thought about how to word things."Well..."He sighed slumping a little as he glanced towards scorpius and evan."I....i had been that happy on my wedding day. I had everything I wanted. A wife I loved, and who loved me. A son on the way. A father who was proud of me for marrying a woman he approved of...I hadn't thought I could ever stay away from her. That I would spend the rest of my life, worshipping the ground astoria walked on, like I had as a teen...I...its hard seeing this..I just wasn't ready I guess..."he said staring sadly down at his plate.Hating himself because he knew,he just knew she was going to be upset with him.
Leo chewed his cake and giggled as his father put him in his lap. After taking a sip of his juice from his sippy cup, he nodded. "I take care of Puff," he promised, for he loved his dragon. In fact, Leo and Puff were much like a boy with a dog. They were best friends, and when Evan noticed this, she knew there was no way she could take the dragon away. When Leo heard his father mention his cousins, he paused for a moment. "... yes," he finally said, but it was clear he was only saying it to please his father. Evangeline giggled and shook her head. She just hoped that he took the news about her having another baby well...

Beth frowned and squeezed his hand. "Evangeline is not Astoria," she said, shaking her head. "And believe it or not, Scorpius is not you. He's more... aware of the situation, because he saw what happened to you. In fact, I'm a little surprised he did it. The way Evan talked, he seemed pretty hesitant, and we both know why." Leaning over, she kissed him gently. "Be happy for them, Sweetheart, because they are meant for each other and they are two different people."
Scorpius smiled looking amued at the fact that his son seemed so eager to take care of his dragon. While it had disturbed him to see the small dragon with his son at first, the sight of him so very happy-and his father's reassurances that the dragon wouldn't grow- had made him realize that he couldn't get rid of it. Looking amused at his son's response he sighed, leaning over to kiss his head."And you'll take care of uncle hugo and aunt feyn?make sure they're being good?Cause you know what they're like, they'll cause all sorts of trouble if you're not careful."He said his voice teasing as he looked at his son's serious face. Trying hard to not worry yet about the new baby.

Draco sighed nodding, "I know.And I more then anyone, know scorpius isn't me. He's definately more aware of everything. Was for longer then i was actually."His eyes sad, knowing that no one had told beth exactly what had happened to break up his marriage, and he couldn't find the words to tell him just how utterly his wife had betrayed him, he just couldn't tell her. It hurt to much to do it.Even after 2 years, it was still a fresh wound on his heart. "I am happy for them."He said smiling softly at her.
Evangeline grinned a bit. "Scor, that must have been how you were as a kid. So very serious." She smiled and leaned over to kiss her husband, unable to keep her hands off of him. Leo, like always, giggled when she kissed his father. It seemed to always amuse him to see them loving on each other the way they did him.

Leo held his sippy cup in his hands and looked up at his father. "I watch them," he promised, then took a sip of his juice. He thought for a second. "Puff watch them too." He smiled at that, then moved to snuggle his father. It was clear that it was close to his nap time. Evan reached over to stroke the little boy's hair, frowning a bit. It was going to be hard to leave him... but it would be good for him. "Sweetheart, why don't you go see Grandpa? Mommy and Daddy need to change and go get our bags," she cooed. Leo nodded sleepily and slipped out of Scorpius' lap, waddling over to Severus and demanded to be held.

Evan looked over at Scorpius. "Have you had a chance to talk to your friends much?" she asked, smiling at him. "I thought that we could meet with them more often... I figured it would be good for you to have some friends around. You're bound to get bored with me one day." With that, she winked.

Beth leaned in to kiss his lips softly. "I know you are," she assured, showing that she trusted him. She knew that whatever happened between him and Astoria was painful, and while it hurt her not to know, she didn't want to force him to talk about it. All that mattered was that he was there with her, and she did everything she could to keep him happy. "Think of it this way. You will get Leo for a couple days and they can't do anything about it," she murmured with a grin. "Sure, you'll have to share him with Severus, but that's nothing knew."
Scorpius grinned looking amused."I was a very serious kid. Ask feyn. I folllowed her around for days when she first arrived,determined to make sure she wasn't doing anything she wasn't supposed to."He said smirking a little before looking down at his son."Good."He mutered kissing his son's head, wondering if he could indeed go the whole week without hi."hmm I could never be bored.But we discussed that,decided to meet up once a week for coffee or lunch."scorpius grinned as they headed upstairs to get their bags as severus settled leo into his lap.

Draco smiled a little kissing her back, sighing as he looked down at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead."Hmm true. I'm going to definately do something while their go. Maybe take im to the zoo."he said looking thoughtful but amused as leo snuggled into severus' lap, grinning at the sound of the twins waking up."Besides, there's other babies to fuss over while severus hogs leo."He said looking amused before getting up, beating the sleepy feyn and hugo to going to go get the twins,handing harrison to beth, cooing at rose happily himself.
Evan changed into a shorter white lace dress and a pair of ballet flats, then made sure she had everything packed - especially the lingerie that she had specially made to surprise Scorpius with. "Leo's going to be fine," she said, mostly to herself. "He will get fussed over the entire time we are gone." She zipped up her suitcase and sighed, looking down at her beautiful wedding ring. She stared at it for a moment, smiling to herself, before moving toward the door. "We better go say goodbye to everyone..." She took his hand and walked down stairs with him, smiling at their family. She leaned down to kiss her father's cheek. "Please call or owl us if you need anything, okay? Anything at all..." Swallowing hard, she kneeled down to look at her sleepy son. "Baby, Mommy and Daddy have to go..."

Leo, in his sleepiness, was not as happy about the mentioning of his parents leaving as he was earlier. He sniffed and looked like he was about to cry. "No... Momma and Daddy stay..." he whined, rubbing his eyes. Evan's heart broke, but she knew that he would be okay.

Beth grinned. "The zoo sounds fun," she said, cradling Harrison in her arms. She smiled down at the baby and bounced him a little. Oh, she loved babies... So very much. But if Draco was fine with just having his grandchildren, she could be too. After the miscarriage, she was scared of getting pregnant again.
Scorpius smiled a little as he changed into the jeans and t-shirt, having been ordered to spend his honeymoon in something more comfortable than his usual dress shirt and slacks."he will be. And spoiled. Mustn't forget that we're liable to get another pet while we're gone."he said snorting but looking amused at the idea as he crouched down to smile at his son."We can't baby. But we'll be back in a week okay?You'll have fun with grandpa sev and pa draco."He muttered kissing his forehead."Can I have a kiss bye?" Severus smiled watching the three shaking his head a little."don't worry. We'll be fine. We have raised a kid or two before."he said looking amused boucing leo a little."say bye to mommy and daddy. They'll be back in a week sweetheart."he muttered. It was so endearing to see the former headmaster so gentle

Draco nodded looking amused watching her with harrison.While at the moment he was scared of having her pregnant again, e was thinking,maybe someday, he'd want a child with her. Someone to cuddle when his grandhildren were with their own parents.

Feyn smiled slightly as she leaned into her husband, resting her head on his shoulder."Hmm think we coul get a nap before we get them back?"She said yawning, tired and sleep deprieved.Some days she felt like she did nothing but sleep and watch the twins.
Leo sniffed and leaned forward to give his father a kiss, then reached for his Mama. Evangeline moved in to steal a kiss from the toddler, brushing his hair back and smiling. "You are going to have so much fun, Baby, and we are going to miss you the whole time..." she promised, "We will bring you back a present if you are a good boy, okay?" Glancing up at her father, she smiled. She knew that her son would be well taken care of. "We love you, Leo," she said, kissing his forehead one last time. The little boy leaned back to snuggled his Grandpa sleepily. "Lub you," he mumbled, his lower lip jutted out in a pout.

Turning to her new husband, Evan sighed. "We better apparate. I think we've already missed the plane," she admitted, looking at the time on her phone. "But we have our hotel room already set up." With that, she took his hand and picked up her purse.

Beth smiled at the baby, leaning over to kiss his head before stealing a glanced at Draco, noticing that he was staring. "What?" she asked, looking curious as to why her lover was giving her such a look.

Hugo wrapped his arm around her and nodded, kissing her head. "I bet if we sneak up stairs, they won't even notice," he teased, standing up and pulling her up with him. "Come on. Let's go home and get some rest. I'm sure we won't be able to pry the twins away form Beth and Draco for quite a while..." He grabbed the diaper bag, handing it over to Beth. She waved them away and went back to cooing at Harrison.
"Love you to."scorpius said smiling a little as he pulled away and wrapped his arms around evangeline and apparated,appearing outside of the smallish hotel,having gone for privacy instead of granduer. "Lets go in shall we?"he smiled looki.g around as they headed inside.

Severus smiled shifting leo a little,bending down to pixk up puff as the dragon nudged at his leg wanting to know wjat upset his friend."do you eant to go play with puff sweetheart?"he said smiling down at the pouting toddler.

Draco grinned a little smiling as he picked up rose,looking amused as hugo and feyn headed home."nothing.just thinking. Youre good with him."he said smiling at her.

Feyn laughed a little amused because draco and beth were so ready to take care of any of the kids. Though she knew draco liked having them around after so long as having a limited amount of children around."did I tell you I start cooking class tomorrow?"she said frowning concerned shed forgotten to tell him."I thought id be fun,and since you said we need a night out.."she shrugging smiling as they headed into their house
Evangeline moved into quaint, but beautiful little hotel room. She smiled and plopped down on the bed, letting out a sigh. "I can't believe we are married," she murmured, grinning ear to ear. "When we first met, I definitely didn't visualize marriage." She laughed a bit, thinking about their slightly tense first meeting, and leaned back against the pillows. "Would you like me to take you to the house I grew up in?" she asked, glancing up at him. She spent so much time at Malfoy Manor, immersing herself in the place that he was raised. She thought he might want to see some things from her own childhood.

Leo nodded, reaching over to snuggle Puff. The dragon already seemed very attached and protective of his young owner, and it was no surprise that he was trying to comfort him. Narcissa giggled. "I hope Hogwarts accepts dragons as pets by the time he becomes school-aged."

Beth smiled at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "You think so?" she said, raising her eyebrows. There was a lot of happiness in her eyes at his words.

Hugo walked with her toward the house, his eyebrows furrowing a little. "I didn't think you'd take your night out without me," he said, smirking a little. He sighed and scratched his head. "Okay, well, I guess I will see if Scorpius wants to start doing something on the nights you go cook." He shrugged a bit and walked into the house, heading up the stairs while untying his tie.
Scorpius smield laughing a little."Well, I knew I was going to be married,eventually. But definately would have never considered being this happy about it."He said grinning as he kissed her before smiling as he nodded, collapsing back onto the bed next to her."I would.It'd be nice."He said curious about seeing how she'd grown up.

"Oh, I'm sure the new headmistress would be perfectly happy to help."Severus smirked, because he was the former headmaster, and the new ministry hd asked him to chose his successor, the man had chosen a woman singulary good at the job, and would take care of everyone. Hermione. Not that she knew it yet,but she would in the next few days. "So, lets get everything cleaned up so draco cn keep fussing over the babies."He said snickering a little.

"I do."Draco smiled looking up at her, bouncing rose a little on his knee, looking amused as she giggled at him."Think they're hungry?"He said looking thoughfully at the child.

Feyn stopped as they got to the house, biting her lip a little before following him inside, leaning against the wall to undo her high heels before heading upstairs with him."I..I know, but.I thought...since I can't cook, at least not well, and your mother's so good...I' try cooking."She said smiling at him a little nervously, because she had wanted to surprise him with suddenly being good at cooking, but he seemed upset, and that was the last thing she ever wanted to do."And I thought husbands and wives sometimes could use a night out, I was going to see if evan wanted to go with me.."She said tugging off her dress and changing into her pj's, to tired to even nocisder sex.
Evangeline grinned and nodded, leaning over to kiss him passionately. "Let's go before it gets too late. I have plans for later," she purred, nipping at his bottom lip before standing up. She grabbed her purse and walked with him toward the door, deciding not to apparate because she wanted to see the beautiful scenery between the hotel and her childhood home.

As they walked down the side walk, she held his hand and smiled ear to ear. It was nice being back in her home town. "Back then, my father couldn't come home a lot, so I was with Nanny Cromwell most of the time. She took great care of me, and we lived in a house that... could not be seen by the non-magical eye." She grinned at that and stepped into an abandoned ally way, moving as far as it would allow. By the time they reached the end, no one on the street would be able to see them... Reaching up, she tapped a code into the brick of the back wall, and watched as it began to unfold, revealing a door. "Father took care in keeping us safe," she said, "That's why I was sure that the house would be unharmed - No one knew about it but us."

She tapped the door knob, letting it unlock before stepping inside. It was definitely dusty after a couple years of being unattended, but it was still in great shape. It was a cozy house, with a nice little fireplace, and large book case, and a cart that was used to serve tea. It was adorned with a lot of breakable trinkets, but it was bright and airy from the back window. In the background, you could see her old school just up the hill. "I didn't live in a dorm, because if something happened, the house could be easily hidden. I was safer here at night," she said, shrugging.

Beth nodded, grabbing a couple bottles out of the bag. "Probably," she said, moving to hand him a bottle before starting to feed Harrison. "You think Feyn and Hugo are okay? I've noticed they've been a bit... tense since the babies were born." She shrugged. "Not in an angry, fighting sort-of-way, but... I'm not sure."

Hugo ticked off his shoes, stripping down to his boxers before climbing into bed. "That's sounds fine to me, babe," he said casually. He leaned back against the pillows and let out a sigh, closing his eyes. He was always just so tired. "Since they won't be home tomorrow, I'll just see Draco wants to go to the pub or something..." He let out a yawn and turned on his side.
Scorpius smiled as he followed her."Okay."he said looking amused as they walked. He didn't mind the walk, having gotten used to it just walking in the city, holding her hand as he looked around the town."ah well,thats good. The manor's like that to.It looks like a abandoned castle to muggles."He said looking thoughtful smiling as he followed her in. "Its beautiful ean."He said looking around grinning as he looked out the house, exploring."Well, that makes sense. Wish I could have lived at the manor during school."he grinned stealing a kiss.

Draco smiled as he fed rose, settling the baby in his arm before looking at beth. Having noticed it to before shrugging a little. Trying not to worry, surely things were okay. "I think so. They're probably just feeling overwhelmed with having twins, instead of just the one they were ready for."He pointed out biting his lip a little. "I'm sure they're fine. We'll keep these two for the night, give them a good night sleep."he decided, figuring the new parents would get home and just pass out.

"Okay."Feyn sid tilting her head a little before climbing into the bed with him. Cuddling down into her husband she grinned."He'll like that. He likes talking to you."She said with a soft giggle, snuggling her husband as she went to sleep.

The next evening Feyn grinned as she tugged on the dress slacks and sweater, having dressed up, because she didn't get to alot anymore, and she wanted to make a good impression on he class. "So, how do I look?"She said smiling as she turned to look at hugo, smiling at him. Feeling more like herself after a good night's sleep and a quiet day spent with the twins and husband. She was so excited about learning something new, it was obvious she'd missed school, learning things, even if it was cooking and not magic.
Evangeline giggled and kissed him back, reaching down to grab his hand. "I want to go check out my room," she said, pulling him down the small hall way. She opened up a room in the back that had light blue walls and a small daybed with a purple and blue quit. It was exactly as she left it, with the stuffed animals, books, and trinkets all in place. Reaching up, she pulled a string down from the ceiling, leading up to an attic like space. "I have some baby stuff up here, I think... Some things we may be able to fix up and use for the baby." She began to climb up the rickety ladder and started to look for the boxes she had in mind. It wasn't that she didn't know that they could buy anything they needed, it was just that she missed having something from her own life around... She wanted something to pass down to her children.

Beth headed to the house with Draco, setting on the could with Harrison in her lap. Flipping on the television, she sighed. "Well you know how it is with young couples having children so quickly... And twins? That could probably put a bit of tension between them. They didn't have much of a honeymoon period, you know."

Hugo walked out of the bathroom, freshly bathed and shaved. He was dressed casually for a night out at the pub with Draco. "Wow... You look nice," he said, smiling and leaning down to kiss her forehead. He was a little surprised at how dressed up she was, but he liked it. "You ready to go? I'm going to drop you off, then Draco and I can pick you up on the way home from the pub. Of course, considering I haven't drank for a while, it might be in a limo." He grinned and grabbed his keys off the nightstand.
"Hmm you only want me in a room with bed."He teased grinning as he walked with her, stepping into the room as he looked up at her, slight anxiousness in his eyes as he watched her stand on the ladder looking slightly nervous a little."Anything good?"He said looking amused trying not to be to worried and obsessive about keeping her from harm.Surely she knew the house well, and would know which ladder was safe or not to be on.

Draco smiled a little shifting rose in his arms, smiling down at her as she ate."That's true. I'll talk to hugo tomorrow.Maybe they should have a few days to."he said trying not to worry to much,because they were so good together, and so private, that he was afraid the two would hide it if something was wrong instead of asking for help.

Hugo grinned smiling at him, looking nervous as she wrapped her arms around him,"You look nice to."She said fussing a little bit, having overdressed because she was nervous, nervous about being around people she didn't know. After all, even at hogwarts, she'd always been with scorpius or hugo. So a whole new class made her nervous."Yea I am. "She said before giggling a little, leaning up to kiss him."Hmm, if its a limo, make sure you're not picking up anyone else. Since I'm sure someone will want to pick up two such good looking men."She teased nuzzling him a little before heading downstairs to head over to draco's.
Evangeline passed him a light-weight box. "Yea, here are some blankets and a few toys... My purse is expandable. Just put it in there." She then passed down a box of hand-made clothes that Nanny Cromwell had made for Evan when she was first born. She figured they could be used if they happened to have a girl, and if not, at least she would have them... Climbing back down, she sighed. "I hope this isn't a boring start to out honeymoon. I just wanted to get some of my life back, you know? The life I had before I came to England." She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. "Not exactly as nice as the Manor, is it?" she murmured, glancing around the room.

Hugo slid into the driver's seat, moving toward Draco's house and pulling into the driveway. He honked, then smirked. He knew the older man would hate it... "Well, I'll try not to be such a lady magnet," he promised, moving his hand to rest on her thigh. When Draco came out, he raised is eyebrows. "Ready for a few drinks? They have a band playing tonight too."
"Are you sure?You could need a purse."He said snickering a little as he set the box of things down, shrinking it and carefully putting it in his pocket, before smiling at her as she got down, breathing comfortably again."Not so boring, its interesting to see your huse."He said smiling before laughing quietly as he kissed her back before shrugging. "nicer in some ways. No lucius. No mother. Those things would make the smaller house way worth it."he muttered stealing another kiss looking amused.

FEyn laughed softly, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment at the touch on her leg. she was a touch oriented person, and with the days they'd been having, she was being deprived of touch. Which seemed odd and saddening, but she just liked being hugged or kissed, or even the most causal touch. It didn't have to be sex, she just missed being as cuddly as they once had been. "Hmm try. That's all I can ask."She said laughing when Draco came out looking annoyed. "Do I look like a call girl to be summoned with a honk?"Draco scowled a little before smiling, "I'm definately up for a few drinks. Drinking muggle drinks is always interesting."He mused as he got into the car.
Evangeline smiled. "I guess you're right," she murmured, wrapping her arms around him and snuggling. After a moment, she sat down on her bed and bit her lip, leaning back on her bed. "You know, when I lived hear, I used to touch my self at night, fantasizing about a handsome man coming into my bedroom window and ravishing me on this bed," she purred. Tilting her head to the side, she smirked. "What to make that fantasy come true? Just a quickie. I don't want you wearing yourself out before we get to my plans for later tonight at the hotel.." With that, she giggled.

Hugo laughed. "I didn't realize this was a formal date," he said, shrugging a bit as he drove by the community school that Feyn was taking the class at. He pulled up to the front of the building and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun, baby, and let me know if you need to be picked up early, okay?" He had to admit, he didn't want to leave her, but he was very excited about getting out and having a few drinks.
"Oh did you now?"Scorpius said laughing softly as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around hsi waist as he walked towards the bed,"Hmm I think I can handle q quickie without falling asleep. I'm after all young, and capable of ravishing my wife."He said laughing a little as he laid her down undressing her as he took his time playing with her body, wanting to make sure every fantasy came true.

"Well you did ask me out."draco pointed out smiling as feyn smiled. Leaning over to kiss her husband she sighed softly."I will. An you call if you need me to come get you. No drunk apparating."She teased grinning as she got out of the car, heading inside. Smiling as she headed into the classroom,feeling just as excited s hugo was to have a night to herself, having taken the class because...she was afraid of closing herself off. Of only having hugo, and if something happened, she didn't know what to feel. She just had a feeling, that wouldn't leave her alone, so she was going to try and make friends.

Draco smiled a little as he got into the front seat, looking amused as hugo drove, tilting his head."So, a night without our significant others. You do realize I hope, that you're going to be flirted with."he said looking amused because he knew it would probably be uncomfortable for the man,and it slightly amused him to consider the man being flirted with. Because he had no idea how to bring up what he wanted to discuss, so he'd tease him until he could figure out how
Evangeline moaned, leaning back against the pillows and spreading her legs for him. She reached down and placed a hand on her ever-so-slightly swollen tummy. "You think anyone noticed?" she whispered, raising her eyebrows at him. She smiled and wrapped her legs around his waist, guiding him inside of her. A hiss of pleasure left her lips, and she rolled her hips into his. "You are much better than any fantasy I ever had," she assured, "More handsome, for sure." Leaning up, she kissed him passionately.

Hugo laughed a bit and pulled into the pub. "Flirting is harmless as long as you don't react to it," he said with a shrug, "Besides, I've never been much of a flirt, anyway." He walked inside and sat down at a corner table, leaning back in his chair and sighing. "Were you this... tired when Scorpius was born? I mean, I literally day dream of sleeping..." He rubbed a hand over his face, ordering a stuff Jack and Coke when the waitress came over.
Scorpoius groaned softly as he slid into her, laughing softly as he made slow love to her, just enjoying being in her."Hmm no. They were to busy falling asleep, or distracting leo."He said snickering a little kissing him harder, before smirking."I am most definately the best male to ever be pictured as a fantasy."He said primly, because he was still the arrogant brat that he had been, it was usually tempered though by his desire to please her and not appear quite as arrogant as he had been.

Draco smirked looking amused as they headed inside. Laughing as he sipped the whiskey before answering. "I was. Even without twins, Scorpius was a demanding baby, and my wife would never demean herself to changing diapers."He sighed a little. "And I wouldn't let the elves do everything...I was much more involved in raising him, then my father had ever been with me. So yes, many times I day dreamed of going to sleep."He said looking slightly worried."Are you two okay though?"
"Are you saying the wedding I planned was boring?" she panted, raising an eyebrow. "No eyes were on the bride at all?" She leaned up to kiss along his neck, her moaning becoming more consistent. The small bed that they were on was creaking with every one of Scorpius' thrusts... "Oh! Uh... Scor...." she whimpered, her orgasm crashing down around her. Her hands gripped his shoulders and her heels dug into the bed. When she came down from the high, she smirked. "I think married sex is even better," she whispered, still a little out of breath. Her hand moved up to stroke his hair.

Hugo looked up at Draco with shock. "We are great... Why? Has she said something?" He swallowed hard, taking a gulp of his drink. "I mean, we've been tired, you know? And everything revolves around the babies... But I still love her, and I'm in love with our children. Honestly, I couldn't be happier." He shrugged. "But sometimes I forget how Feyn can be. She was left with a lot of insecurities after everything that happened to her... I just don't know how to keep her feeling tended to when the babies are constantly needing to be tended to. Not to mention, I hate keeping my parents with us. They have a life, after all, and we have to raise our own kids." He gulped down the rest of the drink and waved the waitress over for another.
"Hmm no, only feyn and hugo.And my father.Everyone else was watching you."He grinned looking amused as he nuzzled her a little shivering as she kissed his neck, gasping as he came, hands tightening on her hips,bruisingly tight as he held her against him.Panting as he slumped on top of her, content to stay there, looking amused. "Hm just think,it'll get better the more we have married sex."He said amused.

Draco looked a little startled at the other's response before shaking his head, not wanting to worry him."No, she didn't say anything.But like you said, I know my niece."He said shame darting through his eyes for a moment at the thought of what happened in his house before grinning. "Tell your parents to go home. I know Feyn's been trying to figure out how to tell them without offending them,but they'll understand."he looked amused. "You weren't prepared for twins, so it'll take awhile to get settled to that. But you'll be fine."he said smiling a little as he sipped his beer.
A month later, Evangeline was starting to show. Of course, she kept it hidden under baggier than normal clothes, but it was obvious to both her and Scorpius. They were just nervous about how Leo would take the news, and what the family would think. So, Evangeline decided she was going to have everyone over for dinner to tell them all at once, even Leo...

"Scor?" Evan called, standing in front of the mirror after she got out of the shower. Naked, she was observing her small baby bump in the reflection. When he came in, she pouted at him. "I still look okay, right? I got so huge with Leo. This little one doesn't seem to need as much room yet..." Her eyebrows furrowed with concerned, hoping that he wouldn't lose his attraction toward her after she got big again. She already out grew her jeans last week. "How was class?" she asked, glancing up at him with a smile.

Hugo pulled up to the community school, waiting outside for Feyn like he did every Tuesday and Thursday. He was there a little early though, for he wanted to get her in time so that they would make it over to Scorpius and Evan's house. The twins were in their car seats taking their nap, each one of them as quiet as could be. Thankfully, they had started to calm down the older they got. They definitely didn't cry nearly as much.

When he looked up from his phone, he saw a tall, dark-headed man talking with Feyn. He noticed the guy before, and Feyn always said he was just friendly, but Hugo did not like the way the man touched Feyn's arm and stood so close as they talked. In fact, it pissed him off. He was a guy - he knew what flirting look like.
Scorpius smiled as he walked into the bedroom, tugging off his tie as he did. After a day at school, he was ready to just kick back and relax.Though tonight he wasn't relaxing just yet, e was nervous about telling everyone."You look fine. Maybe she's not ready to get big yet."He said a slight dopey smile on his face. he was determined that the baby was a girl. He so wanted to be the first malfoy in centuries to ave a girl. Shrugging as he changed into jeans and a t-shirt."Busy. Finals are next week, and I so don't want to do them."he grumbled making a face."When's dad coming over with leo?"He said amused because despite working almost full time now, draco still demanded his grandson's presence on his day off.

Feyn smiled as she looked up at Connor, soft red hair curling around her face. Looking more like her old self then she had in years. Looking all the world like she was that coldly aloof, untouchable teenager she'd been all those years ago. Even not realizing connor was flirting, she was responding to it, leaning her head towards him as he talked as they headed outside. "Oh!There's hugo.Goodnight, connor."She said brightening even more at the sight of her husband waiting for her. The woman was ignorng the flirting, like she always had. Though now it wasn't arrogance that was keeping her from seeing it, it was just plain love. So in love with hugo, she was mistakening connor's lust, for friendliness. Smiling as she climbed in the car, leaning over to kiss hugo's cheek."Hey, love."
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