Slender Hope(blair/lady)

SCorpius snickered a little as hugo jumped up. Amused that his friend was so eager to take care of the twins. Even though he knew he was just as jumpy and eager to please his son. "Hmmm,maybe. Hopefully it's lucius."He said after a moment, his eyes growing dark."Father was always better at dealing with grandfather more then mother. He's always loved her to much to deal with her well."He said his eyes sad because he knew it had broken his father to walk away from his wife.Shrugging a little."we'll find out in a few hours though."He said trying not to look to worried.

Severus smiled a little hugging her before stepping back to admire the dress, his smile sad and happy all at once."Your so beautiful,love.So very beautiful."he said hugging her again."I think this is the dress you need."he said holding her tightly, trying to comfort her because he knew what she was missing before smiling a little."Now.Let's check out, and get home, to see what our wandering Draco wants."He said willing to pretend he didn't know what was going on, because he knew it was already difficult for draco, he wasn't going to make it worse.

Feyn nodded, "I thought it would to."She said laughing a little."And the malfoy men will definately like the green. they're still slytherin to the bone."She said snickering before stepping back into the dressing room and changing back into her own clothes, looking so much happier then she had when evangeline had first picked her up. Her worries and fears about being a mother, forgotten for the moment.
Evangeline grinned happily, hugging her father back and kissing his cheek once again. "All I needed was your approval," she whispered, so happy to have her father like her dress. And obviously, he approved of her marrying Scorpius, or he would have said something long ago. Her father never kept quiet on things like that. "Okay, that sounds good," she said, then turned to change out of the dress.

Later than evening, Narcissa was hard at work in the kitchen, putting together a special dinner to hopefully cheer up her son. When Severus walked in, she smiled. "Hey, how was Evan? Everything okay?" she asked, leaning up to kiss him before moving to set the large dining table in Draco's house.

As Feyn and Evan walked back into their house, she leaned down to kiss Scorpius. "Hey, I found a dress," she said happily, then glanced around the room. "Where's Leo?" Sitting down on the couch, she grinned at Rose who was still sitting happily in her Uncle Scorpius' lap. It was nice to see that he was bonding with the twins. It gave her hope that maybe, if it is ever possible, he might want another child. Hermione walked down the stairs with Leo, and he was rubbing him eyes, obviously awake for only a few minutes. As soon as his eyes laid on Evangeline, he perked up and started to squirm. "Mama! Mama!"

Evangeline giggled. "Hey, baby, did you have a good nap?" The little boy nodded, then spotted Scorpius with Rose. Immediately, he began to sulk, making Evan laugh. "It's okay, buddy, he is still your Da."

Hugo laughed a bit and stood up with Harrison in his arms, leaning over to kiss Feyn. "We better head over to Draco and Beth's for dinner before we get in trouble," he said, "I'm going to go grab some things for the babies upstairs." With that, he handed her Harrison and jogged up stairs. Hermione and Ron started to head next door with a dessert that Hermione promised to bring.

Beth began to nudge Draco in bed. "Sweetheart?" she said, brushing his hair out of his face. "We need to get dressed. Your mother is almost done with dinner." She smiled, kissing his cheek, then moved to go put some clothes on.
Severus smiled a little as he looed over her shoulder at the food before starting to help her set the table."She's fine. They're planning a wedding. Needed help choosing a dress."He said smiling a little looking amused glancing up as hermione and ron came in."Hey you two."He said smiling, far more relaxed and easy then the teacher they remembered, or the headmaster they'd known.

Scorpius grinned at evangeline."He's nappi-"He said smiling when hermione came down with leo standing with rose snugged in his arms he leaned over to kiss his cheek as he handed evangeline Rose, stealing his son to reassure him."I'm definately still yours."He said giving his boy a smacking kiss on the cheek.Smiling at how happy his cousin looked."You two have fun?"

"We did. We got dresses and everything."she said smiling snugglng her son before heading over with them when hugo came down with everything they needed. "You know, sometimes I feel like we're moving the whole house, just to deal with the twins."Feyn said laughing a little looking at the bag of things hugo was carrying since he'd refused to give it to her and let her carry harrison at the same time. She was starting to feel like he thought she was breakable. Looking amused as they headed inside. "....for a man who demanded our presence, he's not here yet?"Feyn said looking amused as they walked into the house.

Draco groaned, snuggling down into the bed, refusing to get up right away."They can have dinner.I'm comfy."He whined when she got up, sighing softly before getting up himself. Dressing he headed downstairs with her, pausing at the bottom of the steps with a small smile on his face as he watched his family, his heart aching because it seemed so...surreal to him that he had this big of a family, when at one time it had just been him, his mother and scorpius he'd truly considered family.
Hermione smiled, placing the chocolate cake on the counter before moving to help Narcissa get the dinner on the table. The women chatted amongst themselves, and Ron moved to grab a beer out of the fridge, handing one to Severus while he was at it. It was still awkward to be around the professor he once feared, but he was trying...

Evangeline cuddled Rose as they walked in, sitting in the huge living room that Beth insisted they had. She thought that with the big, growing family they had, they needed a place to all be together. "We were like that with Leo for a while... Practically packed our lives to get him from Point A to Point B," she admitted, smiling.

At the sight of Draco, Leo started to bounce in Scorpius' arms excitedly. He reached his arms out to him, his hands opening and closing toward him. Beth laughed and leaned into Draco, kissing his cheek. "I think you have someone that demands your attention," she said, before moving over to go see the twins. She smiled at Feyn, looking a lot better than before, though it was obvious she went through some trauma... And even though she looked incredibly happy (which she was), she still ached for the unborn child that she never got to meet. "Can I hold him?" she asked, motioning to Harrison.
Severus smiled a little glancing at ron as he sipped his beer,"You know, it could be worse. I could be as talktive and rambling as Dumbledore was."Severus said looking amused as he moved to sit in the living room pouting a little as Leo demanded draco's attention.

"Did?Evan, you still pack most of the house to bring him over here."Scorpius said teasing his lover as he kissed her cheek, sighing softly at the amazing smell from the kitchen, his stomach rumbling. his grandmother was such a good cook.

Draco laughed looking amused s he kissed beth's cheek,"Hmmm its good to see tht everyone still loves me. Always nice to know that I'm still better then Scorpius."Draco said smiling as he stole his grandson, settling on the floor with the boy in his lap, tickling his grandson. Looking so much less...cold and closed off then he had been in hogwarts. There was a definately proof that being a father had changed him.

Feyn nodded shifting Harrison into Beth's arms, smiling gently."I better share him before his uncle claims him again. Scor has a fascination with babies."She said snickering a little at beth as she looked at her relaxed cousin before looking at Draco. Despite looking relaxed and calm there was something wrong, something she could see ws wrong, but she didn't know what it was.
Ron snickered a bit and nodded, walking in after him while sipping his beer. Evangeline laughed, shaking her head. "Daddy, don't be like that," she teased, "Leo hasn't seen Draco in a couple days. You know he loves you just as much." She leaned into her lover and sulked a bit. "I do not! I've calmed down since he was born. I only carry his necessities." She pouted and wrapped her arms around his waist, right after she handed Rose back to her mother.

Beth grinned and rocked the baby, cuddling him close. "He's adorable, Feyn," she complimented, moving to sit on the couch so that she could ogle at the baby thoroughly. She cooed at Harrison, smiling as he grinned back at her.

Leo giggled like mad as he was tickled, his face running red. When Draco stopped tickling him, he cuddled into his chest. When Hermione walked in to come get the others, she was taken back at how calm Draco was with the child. It was so sweet, and it made her feel better... Harry would have wanted to know that Draco became a good person after everything was said and done.

"Dinner's ready," she said, smiling at all of them.
Draco smiled a little as they settled at the table, smiling as he looked around at them all. Shifting his grandson in his lap he sighed quietly as he poured himself a glass of wine, waiting until everyone was seated at the table."Before we start eating. There's something you all need to know."He said swallowing hard looking down for a moment before thinking before looking around at them all again."Lucius malfoy is no longer minister of magic. He suffered a fatal...encounter."He said swallowing hard looking a little pale, not able to say what he'd done before looking at Scorpius, then beth.

"I know you three have been worried about more kids, because of the curse. Well.. Lucius being killed was the first half of the breaking."he shuddered a little, "The second..."looking at severus he smiled softly. "You taught me the things I needed to know. That its impossible to move through life without making choices to injure others. That my choices were bolder then others, because of who I was I could hurt others more, that we're all driven by desires, some simple, some more complex. In the end, that we all make choices. That in the end, there is no such thing as true innocence.That once you cross a threshold, there's no turning back, no matter how much you want to. That the blade between love and hate were honed sharper then a flechette's blade."

Draco frowned as stared at the table, obviously no longer talking to them, but following some inner thought, some painful road."You taught me how to love, and to know that I was unwilling to lay love on the altar of faith. Instead, I found my faith in love."Draco swallowed, thinking of how he'd loved Astoria so fiercely, so demandingly that when Voldemort hadn't wanted to let the malfoy heir marry into a lesser, pureblood family that he'd been unwilling to walk away, and found himself redeemed in loving her.....he wondered where it had gone so very wrong, or if he'd always been wrong, and that her passion was for his fortune, as love for the man.

Draco started a little, realizing he'd been rambling, looking flushed in embarassment as he realized severus' tears were a little glassy with tears, even though he was smiling.

"You're being oversentimental Draco, what is it?"Severus said looking slightly concerned for his godson.

"I have forsworn the name malfoy. It died with Lucius. I wanted...I needed..."Draco swallowed bracing himself in case SEverus aid no."Would you allow me, and Scorpius, to adopt your name, and let the line of malfoy die?"

Severus looked startled before smiling wider."Of course Draco_Of course."He said not saying more, because he was feeling as emotionally overwrought as Draco obviously was.
Evangeline had tears in her eyes as she sat at the table between her father and her lover. She looked over at her father, reaching to grab his hand and squeeze it. She knew this was a big deal to him, and that this meant a lot. He loved Draco as much as he loved her, and she was fine with that. Now he could really think of Draco as his son... When it dawned on her that the curse was broken, she looked at Scorpius with excited eyes. Leaning up, she kissed him on the lips. She felt so much relief at the idea of being able to have more children if Scorpius agreed to. Now all they needed to worry about was little Leo, and she knew he father was working hard on a cure. "Looks like you will be taking my name after all," she grinned.

Narcissa smiled, tears in her eyes as well. She was so happy for her family, and she was happy for Draco. She knew that it would take time to get over his father's death, but in the long run, he would be happy. He had Beth, who brought him out of a world of darkness, and for once, Narcissa didn't feel like she had to constantly worry about him. She knew Beth would take care of him and be the thing he needs.

Beth grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers with in his own. She was just so proud of him... Leo squirmed in Draco's lap, unaware of the seriousness that was around him. He looked up at his grandfather and gave him a grin.

Hermione smiled, impressed with the man that her former classmate had become. "I think, on that note, we should eat this wonderful meal," she said, taking a sip of her wine. Hugo nodded, wrapping his free arm around his wife. "I think that's a wonderful idea."
"Well, there could be worse things.I could have to share Weasley's name."Scorpius said his grin wide, showing that he was just giving his best friend a hard time, though he was sort of serious. Scopius Weasley was just odd sounding to him. Smiling as he leaned over to kiss her cheek.

Severus smiled squeezing Evangeline's hand before smiling as he pulled away, starting to eat, looking amused at the sight of Draco's happy look despite looking upset still, the man was still happy. "Let's eat."He said grinning as they settled in to start eating. Looking startled when draco cleared his throat again."More news, draco?"He said looking amused at the sight of draco looking so pleased as he smiled down at the child in his lap before looking up again.

"Also,along with Scorpius and Evan who are getting married, I proposed tonight to. So we're celebrating two weddings, instead of just one."Draco said, that soft goofy smile on his face, proving so much more that he'd changed alot since school, and even more since last year. Draco malfoy was no longer the ice prince of slytherin, a favored death eater...the man was more open now. Relaxed. Happy. That was it. He was truly happy instead of happy oblivious to astoria's nature.

Feyn smiled a little as she shifted a little, leaning into Hugo slightly, glad that the twins had gone down for a nap so they could eat without holding a twin. Chewing on the inside of her lip a little as she started eating, trying not to feel saddened despite her happiness for them all. They were settling down, they deserved it. She just wished... she could have had a wedding like that to. instead of just her and hugo. Though she didn't want to say anything, not wanting to upset him.
Evangeline grinned, looking so happy that Draco had found love with Beth. The two were practically glowing in their happiness, and Beth could hardly take her eyes off Draco. "My only request is to not have one of those corny double weddings. I don't care if you are marrying my sister," she said, making Beth laugh. The sisters stuck their tongues out at each other, as if they were children who grew up together, then went back to eating. Leo saw them do it and looked curious, before trying to stick his own tongue out and look at it. Immediately, the toddler was frustrated with not seeing his own tongue.

Narcissa beamed at the idea of her son marrying a woman who was actually good for him. "That's wonderful, Sweetheart," she said, "Absolutely wonderful."

Hugo kissed his wife's head, looking down at her and raising his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" he whispered, wondering what she could be upset about after receiving all of the good news they just heard. He was trilled to have his family safe from Lucius and see the other get to have the things they had been unable to have because of the curse. It was a nice feeling. "Do you not feel well?"

When they were all done eating. Evangline stood and reached her arms out to Leo. "Come on, Baby, we need to get you home to bed," she cooed, but the toddler pouted and shook his head. "No. Pa!" He hugged Draco as tight as his little arms would allow, making Evangeline giggle. "Draco, would you like a guest tonight? I think he's missed you."
"Nothing.Just thinking."Feyn muttered looking up at her husband, shaking her head a little."I'm fine, really."She muttered kissing his cheek before sighing."We should probably be going soon.The twins'll be up soon, and want fed, then hopefully go back to sleep."She said smiling, because the woman so wanted the twins to sleep, so she could sleep. At 20, she was overwhelmed and tired, figuring her feelings were just on a rollercoaster because of it.

Scorpius laughed shaking his head at Leo's reaction, "Well, i see where I stand."He said looking amused at his son's demand. "You want to stay with me, kid?"Draco said smiling down at his grandson before looking at evangeline."I always want him. You don't let him go anywhere, nearly enough."He said pouting a little, "And I get him for the honeymoon." "Hey!What about me?"Severus said frowning. "Nope. He's mine. He demanded pa." "Selfish brat. I knew I should have taught you better."severus said looking amused as he kissed narcissa's cheek."we should probably be going to. Draco's getting old you know, needs his sleep, and as a responsible parent I'm making sure he gets it." ".....maybe I SHOULD have asked weasley to be adopted into teh family..."Draco said sulking a little at the teasing.
Evangeline laughed, rolling her eyes. "You two are going to share him for the honeymoon, because we will be gone a few days," she gave Scorpius a little wink, then leaned down to kiss Draco's cheek the same way she would have kissed Severus. "His bag is in the living room, and he's going through a stage where he wakes up really early and is cranky until you let him sleep a couple more hours in your bed," she admitted, "So good luck." She leaned down to kiss Leo. "Are you going to be a good boy for Grandpa and Beth?" she asked. The toddler nodded and continued to hug his Pa.

Evan turned and leaned into Scorpius. "Don't be jealous, Da," she said, kissing his cheek. "You still have me tonight."

Hugo smirked and nodded. "If you want some rest, I can fed them and get them back down," he offered, standing up and moving toward the babies who were asleep in their pack-n-play. "And if I get overwhelmed, my parents will be here," he said, "We are practically going to have to beg them to leave eventually." He laughed a bit, gently leaning down to pick up Rose, hand her to her mother, then pick up Harrison. With a simple charm, he had everything packed and ready to go.
"Fine, if i must."Draco pouted looking amused as he looked at Evangeline, shrugging. "I have raised a malfoy boy before Evan. I know exactly how cranky....and annoying they can be."He snickered looking amused as he shifted to get up, "Come on kiddo. We're going to get a bath and get ready for bed."He smiled kissing Beth's cheek, and saying a quiet goodbye to everyone as him and leo headed upstairs, both getting ready to settle down for a story and bed.

Scorpius smirked looking amused."hmm well, a hosue with no kid in it, is definately okay...for a night."Scorpius said smiling as they headed out to their house, not about to admit to not being sure if he could go without seeing his son for the whole of his honeymoon.

"Thanks.That would be nice."She said smiling a little looking amused as she carried the bags, snickering a little."I don't mind them being here. its good for them.Probably good for my uncle to, to have someone his own age here."She pointed out. And by the time he got to their bedroom, she wasn't asleep, but leaning back againt the headboard and waiting for him, quiet until he climbed into bed, shifting to cuddle against him, resting her head on his chest. Sighing quietly. Remembering what he'd told her before they were married. That he wouldn't get angry with her, for just saying something. That she had to tell him when something was wrong. " it odd...i feel jealous that they're getting weddings, that they get to invite everyone to?"She said after a moment sighing softly.
Evan let out a sigh, walking hand in hand with Scorpius toward the house. "I already miss him," she whined, pouting up at him. "I'd go back and demand for him, but your father would not have any of it." Once inside, she moved to the shower and flipped it on. Her clothes were off immediately. "I have a confession to make," she mumbled, letting out a sigh that said she'd rather not tell. However, it couldn't be avoided much longer. She had been putting on a pretty good act (if she said so herself) and it was time to come clean. "Come shower with me?" she asked, leaning against the shower door.

Beth moved upstairs and grinned at the sight of Draco and Leo. She crawled up into the bed on the other side of the toddler, listening as Draco read a story in his beautiful English accent. As the toddler listening intently, she stroked his hair.

Hugo sighed and folded his arms around her. "It's not odd," he said, thinking about it. "All of us did not have the luxury of marrying, you know, and we decided to be rebellious and do it on our own. We were scared... But Sweetheart, it doesn't mean it wasn't just as special." He leaned in and kissed her neck, holding her close. "One day, we can put together a really nice wedding like you want," he promised, "But right now, we have to give the others a chance to have what we have. They just want to be married like us."
Scorpius snickered a little, "i'm pretty sure father would throw a fit big enough for a 2 year old, if you tried."He snickered at the idea before undressing himself, frowning."What?"He said looking worried even as he climbed into the shower with her drawing her close, nuzzling her a little."What is it Evan?"He muttered starting to sound so very anxious.

Draco smiled as Leo drifted to sleep, resting his cheek on leo's head as he glanced at Beth, a small smirk on his face as he studied her."Hmm how's it feel to be a grandmother alreadY?"He teased stealing a kiss, suddenly feeling oldm, now that he was getting married made him weary and tired of the emotional damage his ex-wife had done.

Feyn sighed softly,"I know, I know. Which is why I didn't want to say anything..."She muttered shivering a little as he kissed her neck,tilting her head to the side, she had such a weakness for her neck."They deserve it."She sid trying not to be jealous before leaning back to look at him, studying him for a long moment."Are you okay?"She muttered because it was the first time they'd really had a heart to heart since the twins were born, so she was worried about him to. She was so fretful over anything, she had always been, but she'd learned to be calmer. It seemed that her insecurity about being a mother, had brought up all her anxiousness that he'd helped her get over back out. Though not nearly as bad as it had been.
Evan swallowed hard and leaned back against him, her hands resting on his arms. "The reason I've been so upset lately," she said, "Well, seeing my sister so sick because of the curse... It really took a toll on me. I realized that being pregnant again might make me lose my life." She rubbed a hand over her face.

"And then I found out I was pregnant." She turned around and looked up at him, hoping that he'd not get angry with her. "And I was an emotional wreck. I didn't know how to tell you, Scor. I didn't want you to be scared for my well-being, but I also didn't want you to try to convince me to get an abortion to save myself. And then I was scared that maybe you really didn't want another kid... I was just scared to tell you, so I've been keeping it a secret." She looked down at the floor, feeling the spray of the shower beating down on her back. Not only did she feel like a liar, but she was scared he'd be furious with her. "I haven't really been upset about the idea of not getting pregnant... I've been more upset about losing the baby like Beth did."

Beth rolled her eyes and kissed him back. "I am not a grandmother. I refuse to look at it. Besides, I'm technically his aunt." Leaning down, she scooped up the little boy and placed him in the crib they had set up on the other side of the bedroom. When she returned, she snuggled close to him. "It's nice to see you with your family. I can tell that's when you are the happiest... And I love seeing you happy." She kissed his cheek and closed her eyes. "I can't wait to be a part of the family too."

Hugo smiled against her neck. "Are you kidding? I've never been happier, love," he whispered, "I have a beautiful wife and two healthy children... There's nothing else I could ask for." Her started to kiss down her neck, then moved to pull down her top to expose her breasts. He licked his lips at the sight. They were still deliciously swollen from giving birth. "You're beautiful," he whispered, kissing the tops of her breasts.
Scorpius jerked back staring down at her. At a loss for words. For once, the usually sauve and very together Scorpius formerly malfoy, now snape was at a loss for words on what to say. Staring at her hard he growled slightly."You're going to the doctor tomorrow."He demanded not even giving her the option of saying now starting to wash off. Furious, but not really with her. Furious with himself for making her feel like she had to hide it from him. Scrubbing at his skin hard, he tried to not think to hard, annoyed because he had no idea what to think or feel.

Draco smirked a little as he watched her put him in the crib."Hmm you could be both grandmother and aunt....and oddly enough, that's not the weirdest combonation of family ties in my former family tree."He said looking thoughtful at the idea before smiling as he kissed her again.'You're already part of the family, the wedding just makes it official."he muttered before sighing softly, closing his eyes."I feel....useful when I get to be with family. Like I'm making some difference."He muttered flushing slightly, because he'd been restricted by his father by not having a job, or being allowed to do something truly good because of his position as a death eater, the man was seriously down on himself sometimes.

Feyn laughed sofly, shivering as she tilted her head away, whimpering softly in pleasure as he pulled the spaghetti strap t-shirt down, whining quietly."Hmm only you think so."She teased, because she had every intention of having sex with her husband. Which they hadn't had in the week since the twins arrived, because they were usually to tired by the time they collapsed into bed.
Evangeline bit her lip and looked up at him with worry, because his reaction was exactly what she was scared of. "Okay," she whispered, nodding slowly. She waited for him to get done washing up and head to the bedroom before washing her own hair and body. When she got out, she decided that it might not be a good idea to crowd him. It had been a long time since she had seen him so angry... So, she moved down stairs and grabbed a blanket and pillow from the closet, then laid down on the couch. The television was on, but she wasn't really watching it. All she could think about was how much she regretted keeping the pregnancy from him... She had just been scared of his reaction, or if her health would deteriorate like Beth's did. She didn't want him to worry about her.

Beth giggled and leaned up to kiss him. "You are the glue of the family. Don't you see that?" she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. "Your family loves you... And that little boy over there thinks you've hung the moon. That is pretty special." With a sigh, she rest her head on his chest and slowly started to drift asleep, happy to have her soon-to-be husband safe and sound.

Hugo laughed. "There were plenty of guys that had a thing for you at Hogwarts," he said, "I'm definitely not the only one - just the only lucky one." He flicked his tongue over her sensitive nipples, then moved to pull her shirt off completely. He began to kiss down her stomach, all the way to her panties. His eyes glanced up at her. "Are you feeling up to it tonight?" he asked, worried she might still be healing from giving birth.
Scorpius growled and sulked his way through a hower, but within a hour of her moving downstairs the man came downstiars and crawled onto the couch next to her, resting his head in her lap. Not wanting to talk, just to upset to want to be alone. Snuggling her he sighed softly, so emotionally wrung out at the thought of her hiding it from him, thinking she couldn't tell him, that he was exhausted though sleep still eluded him.

Draco smiled a little."Hmm true. But haven't you heard?i did put the moon up there."he muttered smiling a little wider as he fell asleep, trully happy for the first time in a long time.

"Hmm lucky in more ways then one."She laughed gasping a little as he tongued her nipples, whimpering in pleasure, shifting, squirming. Smiling a little at his concern,"I'm fine. A healing charm took the care of the last of everything this morning."She muttered flushing a little as she ran her fingers through his hair shifting to lay down even as she tugged at his clothes, eager to see her husband naked.
Evangeline swallowed hard, reaching down to stroke his hair. The was not how she wanted him to find out. Not at all. She wanted him to be excited at the idea of having another child... She wanted him to be happy about giving Leo a little sibling and having another baby to spoil.... Sniffing, she closed her eyes and went to sleep, trying not to let it get to her. Hopefully he'd come around, because she was not sure what she'd even do without him.

Hugo smiled and pulled down her panties, flinging them to the floor before crawling between her legs. With a satisfied groan, he slid into his wife with one single thrust. "Ohhh..." he moaned, moving in and out of her with practiced ease. His hands gripped her hips, trying not to cum to early. It had just been so long... Reaching down, he began to rub her clit and suck at her nipples, concentrating on her pleasure instead of his own.
In the morning Scorpius cursed and scowled at the offending mess of pancakes. Trying so hard to make her some good food to make her feel better about how he'd reacted, feeling guilty now that he'd calmed down. But he couldn't cook, and the more he messed up-he'd been trying for a hour- the more anxious and angry he grew. cursing under his breath as he banished the concoction from the pan he scowled as he started to mix up more mix, not realizing the sounds of his anger was waking her up. Though it was obvious he wasn't angry with her, but with himself.

FEyn moaned shivering as she wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him tightly."Ohh... to long...definately to long..."She groaned, the last few months of her pregnancy had been hard, since she'd been restricted to bed rest and nothing to active which had meant no sex. Shivering as she came, burying her face against his neck, holding onto him tightly. She loved him so much,so very much. Tears misting her eyes as she clung to him, so overwhelmed with what she was feeling, that she couldn't stop the tears.
Evangeline stirred at the sounds of pots, pans, and cursing. She slowly made her way to the kitchen, her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. At first, she wasn't sure if she should approach him. She thought she should leave him alone for a while and allow him to cool off... But it was just too weird to see him in the kitchen and looking so frustrated. "Scor?" she murmured, looking at him from the doorway. She swallowed hard, hoping he wasn't still as angry as last night. Even though he came downstairs to sleep with her, she was still sure that he was upset with her lying to him.

Hugo shuddered as he came, grunting as he rode out the orgasm... His arms came out from under him, and he rolled off of her, panting like crazy. He swallowed hard and grabbed her, pulling her close and nuzzling her neck. "Oh, that was amazing," he whispered, "Quick, but amazing. I'll have to work on my stamina again." He snickered a bit and kissed her lips. "Love you."
Scorpius nearly crawled out of his skin at her words, surprised as he turned to look at her, flushing slightly as he set the bowl of mix behind him, not letting her see what he was making."Morning.Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up."he said looking like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar as he flushed at being caught at failing how to cook.

Feyn laughed panting hard as she shivered closing her eyes as seh shifted, resting her head on his chest contentment in her eyes as she kissed him back. Laying down, content to go to sleep."Hmmm quick is good with twins. We wont have lots of time."She snickered tiredly, smiling as she fell asleep, so very happy to be with him with no secrets between them anymore.
Evangeline tilted her head to the side, looking concerned. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to make breakfast?" she asked, not understanding why he had suddenly taken an interest in making pancakes. She loved the man, but he was a horrible mess in the kitchen. After a life time of being served by house elves, he didn't know his away around a stove. She swallowed hard. "Look, if you'd like some time away from me, I'd understand. What I did was wrong... I can just go to the doctor alone," she said, avoiding his eyes. She felt so guilt that it was eating her alive.

Hugo woke up early the next morning to the sound of the babies crying. He was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, holding both twins and trying to soothe them. He hated the idea of waking Feyn up when she was resting so well, but he knew the babies were hungry, and they were out of bottles that she had fixed ahead of time. "Feyn? Sweetheart? Please come in here and save me," he whined, leaning his head back.
Scorpius flushed as he looked at her, scuffing his toes against the floor, shifting."No. I'm mgoing with you."He said before shrugging, "No go lay down.I'll bring you breakfast."He said flushng, his desire to cook for her showing as he turned back to the stove, so determined to cook for her, even if it meant burning it. she was going to have to order him not to cook if she had any hope of getting food that was edible.

Feyn stirred whining softly he called, rubbing a hand over her face as she stumbled to the nursery.Frowning ever so softly."You should have woken me up sooner."She muttered leaning down to kiss him softly, getting him to stand before sitting down, and taking the twins from hi. Shrugging off her shirt she sighed quietly as she fed the twins, looking so content, so happy with being able to mother her children.Despite her mood swings, the woman was truly very.very happy with her life as it was.
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