Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius sighed softly as he watched her before moving over and picking her up,settling her in his lap as he sat down he held her gently. "I know. It hurts. And I hate that I can't do more for him, or you."He muttered resting his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes as he fought to keep control of himself. She didn't need to know just how much of a failure he felt like, didn't need to know just how badly he was feeling. Because it would make her feel even worse."Feyn's going to lose her mind thinking you hate her you know."He muttered, knowing his cousin, and knowing just how naratotic she could be.

"okay."He muttered biting her lip before shifting, resting her head on his chest, smiling softly as she watched the twins look around the room, her heart heavy as she considered just how precious it was to have such healthy children, and how easily it could be taken away. "We should probably head back down...we have guests.."She muttered smothering a yawn.

Draco smiled a little as he finished his coffee."I have some business to take care of with my father that requires me leaving the city for the day. I'll be back tonight, but I didn't want to leave her alone all day."He said biting his lip because he knew there was a chance, a slim one, that he wouldn't be coming back. And it killed him to think about it, but he needed to do it.
Evangeline sighed and leaned into him, closing her eyes and letting him snuggle close. "It's not you fault, Scor," she whispered, "It's just hard to hide my emotions sometimes. We've come so far only to be knocked down over and over again." She bit her lip and nodded, looking down at the ring Scorpius had given her on her finger. "I know. I'll talk to her, but not tonight. I want to try to convince her I'm okay when I actually look okay... Right now, I just want to go home." Leaning up, she kissed him gently, then started to move out of his lap.

Hugo nodded and moved to scoop up his children, carrying them both downstairs so that Feyn only had to worry about herself. Once back down stairs, he saw Severus and Narcissa with Leo and raised his eyebrow. "Where's the other two?" he asked, handing Narcissa his son while he settled on the couch with Rose. He balanced the child on his chest, rubbing her back as she started to fall asleep against his shoulder.

Cal nodded and smiled. "Of course, I can stay with her today," he said, "I just need to go home and get a change of clothes and a shower, but then I will be right back." He clapped a hand over the other man's shoulder, then grabbed his keys off the counter and headed for his truck parked out front. He figured he'd give them some private time, then come back to rest at their house before his shift. He was sure that Beth would be okay, but he didn't blame Draco for worrying about her.
Scorpius sighed softly shuddering a little."I know that."He muttered though his voice said he really didn't believe it, he was just humoring her. After all, he was the man that had a curse on his bloodline. It had to be his fault. Sighing softly he nodded, kissing her back before letting her get up."Let's go then.WE all need some sleep, and hopefully leo'll rest tonight.'He said smiling a little as he headed inside.

Feyn smiled a little as she walked slowly downstairs, pausing on the stairs to watch her family before moving to lay down on the couch next to hugo, resting her head in his lap. Closing her eyes as she relaxed. "Outside getting some air."Severus said shooting a worried look towards the back door, worried that the usually quiet man and his daughter were bottling up everything inside.

Draco nodded."Okay.I'll see you later."he said grinning a little as he picked up beth's plate, heading back upstairs with the food. Settling on the bed next to her leaning down to kiss her awake."Come on love, time to eat."He muttered nuzzling her a little.
Evangeline nodded and followed him inside. Gently, she scooped up Leo out of her father's arms. Leaning down, she kissed her father's cheek. "I think we are going to go home at get some rest," she admitted, giving him a soft smile. Leo sat on her hip and waved at Severus, rubbing his eye with the other hand. "Bye bye, Pa," he murmured sleepily, and Evan leaned over to kiss his cheek. Narcissa frowned with worry, but nodded at the young parents. "You two take care of yourselves, okay? If you need anything, you need to call me and Sev." Evan nodded, saying a quick goodbye to everyone else, then headed for the door.

Hugo looked down at Feyn and shrugged, saying goodbye to the pair, then continued to tend to his sleeping daughter. When Harrison began to fuss, he switched children with Narcissa and began to tend to the little boy.

Beth looked up at him and smiled sleepily. "Awe, what would I do with out you?" she murmured, leaning up to kiss him badack before slowly moving to sit up. She smiled at the breakfast. "Draco, I'm supposed to be doing this like this for you..." She pouted a little and began to nibble on the breakfast. "Where's, Dad? Did he already go into work?" Her eyebrows furrowed with concern, hoping everything was okay.
Scorpius smiled a little as he looked at his son, looking amused as severus waved back and heading outside. "We will,grandmother."He said smiling as they said goodbye walking back to the house before taking leo, cuddling his son."You sleepy buddy?"He muttered nuzzling his son as he let them into the house, heading upstairs to get them all ready for bed.

Feyn smiled a little looking worried before losing her eyes, starting to drift off to sleep. Seversu smiled softly as he looked at the family,"We probably should be going to Cissy. They both look ready to fall asleep."He said snickering a little because he knew just how tiring one child could be, not to mention two.

Draco smiled at her before helping her sit up, leaning back against the headboard. "Hmm be alot more bored."he said snickering a little before sighing."Well, you're hurting, and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Been doing it long enough."He said shrugging. Because astoria had never been the most...homemaker kind of wife, he was used to taking care of things."No, he went home to get clothes and shower before he comes back."He said resting his head on her shoulder.
Evangeline laid down next to Scorpius after they put Leo to bed, just wearing his t-shirt and a pair of panties. "I have a request," she murmured, moving in to snuggle him. She gave him a sweet smile, and bit her lip. "Everything seems to be going badly lately, you know? There's Leo being bitten, and the curse, and her grandfather getting Minister... I think we deserve to finally do something that will make us happy," she said. "I want to get married." She held up her hand, showing him the ring he gave her. "Something small... Just the family. If Leo can't have a sibling, he should be able to say his parents are married."

Narcissa smiled and leaned up to kiss Sev's forehead. "You're right. Let's go," she whispered, not wanting to wake Feyn. Ron and Hermione retired up stairs (taking the babies to the nursery) and Hugo carried Feyn up to bed. When Narcissa and Severus got home, she let out a sigh. "Those are two beautiful babies," she said, smiling. She changed into her nightgown and moved to lay down in bed. "Do you think your daughter is okay? She seemed tense." She knew Severus, and she knew he was probably worried.

Beth grinned and began to eat breakfast, happy to have her lover taking care of her. It was so comforting. "He's coming to stay for the day? Why? Are you going to London?" She frowned a little at that, worried for him. She was scared what the man's father might do to him, and she wasn't even able to get out of bed. What would she do if something happened to him? It would crush her...
Scorpius smirked a little as she snuggled into him dressed in a pair of sweats and bare chested he pressed a kiss to her hair."Hmm well if it involves my mouth somehwere..."He trailed off his eyebrows waggling a little before studying her for a long moment. The quiet nervousness in his eyes but also...hope?"Yes.We can do that. And make feyn help you."He grumbled a little."I am so not getting dragged into choosing colors and all that crap."He teased kissing her slowly looking amused.

Severus smiled slightly as he changed into his sweatpants before laying down with her, holding her gently as he thought. resting his head on her shoulder he sighed softly. "I think she's worried.Which is sensible but..seeing feyn and hugo with the twins.."He shrugged worried."I don't know. Knowing what I know about the malfoy family line... I don't know."He sighed frustrated to not be able to help more.

Draco smiled a little leaning over to kiss her forehead."He is. And I am. I need to deal with my father before he gets even closer to realizing where I am. He knows I'm in the states, I'm not about to wait around to let him choose the battleground. I'll get to choose it this time."He said kissing her forehead again because it worried him. It wasn't so much that he didn't think he could deal with his father and come out alive. He just didn't know if he could live with killing the man without it crippling him. After everything the man had done, he was still his father. Still loved him someway...even if draco wished he didnt.
"Really? You'll do it?" Evan asked, grinning like mad. "No, no, no... I want it to be a surprise. We can plan it all ahead of time, and then have the family think something is wrong. Then we can surprise them with the wedding! Everyone needs to have a good time." She pouted a little and crawled on top of him, leaning down to kiss his neck. "You wouldn't help me pick out colors?" she whined, "Even if I made it worth it..." With that, she began to grind into him a little bit.

Narcissa frowned and wrapped her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head. "Don't worry to much," she whispered, rubbing his back. "If something was truly upsetting Evangeline, I'm sure you'd be the first person to know. I know how much she loves Scorpius and how much she depends on him, but you will always be her father, and she will always go to you for help." She smiled at him, tilting her head to kiss him softly. "You are doing the best thing you can do for them, and that is helping little Leo."

Beth frowned with worry, pushing her breakfast away before leaning into him. "Draco.... I don't know if I like the idea of you doing such a thing. What if you never came home to me?" she asked, hugging him and pressing her face in his neck. "I'd never be the same. You are everything to me, Draco." She nuzzled him gently, wishing she could stop him from going, but knowing him to well to think he would stay. This needed to be done, whether she liked it or not.
Scorpius sighed in defeat, knowing that there was now no way of getting out of going over colors and patterns and girly things things that went along with a wedding.Smiling slightly he groaned as she grinded into him, sighing softly s he closed his eyes just enjoying the feeling."Hmm that's almost worth suffering the agony of doing girly things..."He muttered teasing her a little.

Severus smiled a little relaxing as he kissed her head."Your right.I'll trust her to tell me if she needs something."He muttered stroking his lover's hair, smirking slightly."How about you?Do you need anything?"He teased nuzzling his nose against her neck,trying not to worry about any of his children, inluding draco.He just new draco was going to be doing what needed to be done, even if he hated the idea of him in danger.

Draco sighed softly as he held her tightly, pressing a kiss to her head."I know. It's a hance.But Beth, at the moment my father doesn't know of your existance.I'd rather keep it that way."He muttered knowing if his father was aware that his son was daying a muggle, not ven a half blood, but a muggle, he'd be even more determined to destroy them both."But I will be bak.Even if it means..."He shuddered thinking about it, unable to finish the thought.
"Almost?" Evangeline said, giggling a little as she leaned in to kiss him full on the lips. Her fingers went through his hair, gripping it gently for a moment, then let it go and slid off the bed. She moved into the closet, changing into that green lingerie he loved so much, then came back out. "What about now?" she pouted, crawling back on to the bed. She sat up on her knees to give him a good view. "Think of how impressed everyone will be when they notice you helped put together such a beautiful wedding," she murmured, attempting to stroke his ego.

Narcissa giggled a bit and shook her head. "Just you," she murmured, looking so happy to be laying in bed with him. She was never this happy with Lucius, and it was nice to have a man by her side who truly loved her. "We should see if we can babysit Leo tomorrow night. Let the kids go out and get their mind off of everything. Plus, we can barely let them let him go long enough to baby sit these days. They are hoarding our grandchild."

"Don't even finish that," Beth murmured, hugging him close. In the background, she could hear her father walking into the front door. "You better be back in one piece, Draco, or I won't even know what to do..." She pulled back and looked sad, then her father walked in. He smiled and tilted his head to the side. "Feeling okay, Sweetheart?" Beth sighed and nodded, moving to finish her breaskfast.
Scorpius grinned looking her over, before raising a eyebrow. Seeing her attempt to stroke his ego, but refusing to be budged off his stance."I think they'll be impressed that I'm straight and probably start offering to marry me off to weasley or something."he grumbled reaching out and tugging her close as he kissed her slowly. He loved giving her a hard time, and he was just grouchy cause he was stressed.

Severus laughed looking amused."Yes, I'd like you to tell Scorpius that. He'd throw a fit that he has to share."He said laughing amused as he kissed her, looking her over, pressing a kiss to her forehead."Get some sleep, love. I'm sure this is going to be a interesting day tomorrow."he snickered as he lcosed his eyes.

"I know.I'll see you later."Draco muttered as he moved away, and nodding a goodbye to cal he left. Pausing as he reoriented himself to where he was, he braced himself for what he was going to do.Making his way through the resturant, heading for the back table.

"Minister Malfoy, you know, I do like the sound of it."Draco said his voice that silken purr that so intimidated his father, a minicry of his father's voice. Sitting down across from the man he waved off the waiter making his way towards them, and the other politicans waiting to talk to his father. He was going to talk to him first. And despite having his wand just up his sleeve, he knew his father. Had confronted him in public because he knew the man wouldn't torture him in public, and lucius so wanted to make his son scream.
"Ah, yes, but if you commit, then I will be keeping you satisfied for many years to come," Evan purred, moving to straddle him. Leaning down, she kissed his neck and played with his hair. There was no question that he made her happy, but she wanted to be married. With everything going on, she needed it to keep her together and remind her that there were things to look forward to, not just to fear.

Lucius glanced up, his eyes full of malice, and casually tipped his wine glass. "Well," he murmured, "My son has finally decided to show his shameful face in London." He took a sip of the wine and motioned for him to sit down. However, Death eaters were all around the restaurant. He wouldn't hurt him in such a place, but that didn't mean he had to be friendly. "Please, sit. Maybe you can explain yourself in some way, or shall I get you sent to St. Mungo's while your mind is still salvageable?"
"Cant you abuse Feyn and make her help?"he whined nuzzling his face against her shoulder before sighing softly."Fine. I'll help. It'll be fun."He said though he wasn't so sure about that, he was willing to try.Wrapping his arms around her as she straddled him, pressing up against her."You are addicted I think."he teased rubbing against her loking amused.

Draco smiled slightly, looking pleasant and amused even if his eyes were just as filled with malice as his father's, sipping the wine the waitress bought him before waving her away. Sitting he studied his father before laughing quietly."I thought ridding the world of a sadistic bastard was enough explanation for what I did, but apparently not."He shrugged."You think there's something salvagable about me?"He looked amused tilting his head."I will never be the death eater you want me to be, nor the son you wanted me to be."He sighed glancing around the room trying to decide what the best course of action would be.
"Are you complaining that I like having sex with you?" Evan laughed, raising her eyebrows. "Addicted? No. I'm in love." She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. Her hands moved down his sides, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. She was determined to not think about all of the troubles they were having to face. She wanted to be distracted. "We should get married in the back yard, because we can fix it up like crazy and they will have no idea... We can invite the obvious people : Feyn, Hugo, Beth, your father, my father, and Narcissa. Then we can invite the Wealsey's and Beth's father... Do you have any friends from your classes you would want there?"

"I never said there was anything salvageable about you. That ship sailed long ago: Back when you hesitated identifying Potter and the Manor all those years ago. I knew you were ruined then, but trust me, I had my doubts before then," Lucifer said casually, twisting the knife a little. "I meant your mind might be salvageable, as in you may have not lost all your wits just yet." He took a sip of his drink, then wrinkled his nose. He waved the waiter over and shoved the glass out toward him. "Take this shit and get me a scotch. Now."
"Oh no, just finding it amusing."Scorpius' self satisfied smirk widened."After all, I am the most popular man in hogwarts. Or was."He smirked kissing her back with amusement, snickering."And a glamour spell will hide it until we're absolutely ready to show.."He hummed pleased thinking as he glanced down, "I..I don't know if any of them would want to come."he said, a hesitant half smile curling his lips at the thought of Marvos Zabini and Alais Nott.

Draco rolled his eyes a little, even though pain twisted his heart, trying very hard to not think those days over. He'd panicked when he'd realized he did know the boy in the manor, and nearly lost his mind in trying to figure out how to react to harry potter in his living room. Looking amused as the waiter scampered off to get a scotch he waited until he gave lucius another drink, sipping his own before he studied his father."I hear you've taken up with my ex-wife. I wish you all the join of that."he said his grey eyes filled with dark amusement. The man was a better actor then his father ever gave him credit for. "Do we have to kill each other, or can I pay you off to leave me, and the others, the hell alone?"
Evan grinned. "Honey, I'd love to meet your friends from school... And I'm almost positive that they would like to come," she said, leaning back to look at him. She thought it was both great and amusing that Scorpius had friends, but felt insecure about asking them to do anything. It was good to have some normalcy in their lives. "Why don't we get some coffee with them? Maybe they have girlfriends or wives that they would like to bring." Leaning down, she kissed his forehead.

Lucius let out a dark chuckle. "Astoria is a beautiful, sophisticated woman... A woman you most certainly never deserved, and she's a wonderful Death Eater. Very dedicated. Your mother wasn't have the woman she is," he said, going for another low blow. He took a sip of the scotch, then turned to the waiter and asked for dessert to be brought to both his son and himself. "Pay me off?" he asked, looking amused, "I am in no need of money. You know this. I'd rather watch your squirm." He tilted his head to the side, a smirk curling up on the corners of his lips. "How's your grandson, Draco? It's such a... shame that he has to pay for the faults of is grandfather and father."
Scorpius smiled a little as she kissed his forehead, relaxing. Even if they were death eater children, imriel Zabini and Alais nott had always been more...neutral, less inclined to be involved in anything then anything else. So..."I'll write them in the morning."he smiled kissing her slowly before frowning."Would it bother you that one of them is a girl?"He questioned because while he'd never slept with alais, the girl was everything a death eater would have wanted....and had been as much as a sister and feyn had been.Dear enough for him to walk away from ever considering marrying.

Anger darkened the amusement in draco's eyes, though he made no effort to respond to the insult. Looking amused at the pie pieces that arrived he muttered a quiet spell to make sure it wasn't poisioned before starting to eat. "True. It would be fairly pointless to pay you off with your own money."He said before smirking."Leo is fine. After all you gave me a werewolf to test out Severus' new version of Wolf's bane on."He mused looking thoughtful unwilling to show just how disturbed he was at the thought of his grandson's issue."Besides, its not the faults of us he's paying for, I'd think it was the fault of his great-grandfather for being a ass he's suffering for."He pointed out with dark amusement, biding his time, trying to figure out what to do."Speaking of children, have you figured out a way around the child curse?I assume that's why your actually putting up with Astoria?"
Evangeline grinned, happy at the idea of Scorpius having something to be excited about. "That sounds wonderful, Scor," she said, reaching down to pull his pants toward his knees. She crawled backward, kissing his stomach and hip bones. As much as she loved sex with him, she wanted to lose herself in pleasuring him and only him tonight. "Of course not. I had friends that were guys in France..." She shrugged and began to massage his thighs. "The more the merrier. I even thought about contacting Sirius," she said, "Maybe a few other people my father trusts. Maybe a couple friends from France. The trust-worthy ones, of course."

Lucius glanced up at his son. "I've contacted a man who has created a potion that Astoria will take. It will carry her to term if we play our cards right," he said, sitting back in his chair to look in his son's eyes. He had no problem with being honest about his intentions. He planned to knock Astoria up for the soul purpose of having a son to leave his legacy to. "I could have killed you, and all of this would be much easier... But you know how I am. I love a challenge, and watching you squirm like an ant under a magnifying glass gives this old man something to live for." He took a bite of the pie. "Besides, if I am going to kill you, I don't want you to be mistaken by my intentions. I want you to know it's because I want you dead, and that's it, not because I wish to have another child."
Scorpius grinned lifting his hips as she tugged down his pants, pleased that she wasn't upset at the idea. Wrapping his fingers in Evangeline's hair he sighed softly as he tugged her up for a kiss."Hmm,must we really talk about black during sex?it's disturbing. and scarring."He muttered looking amused as he rolled them, pining her to the bed as he slid into her with a soft pleased sigh.

Drco tilted his head looking amused as he rolled his eyes. His father could be so obvious some days. he knew lucius enjoyed the chcallenge, loved making him uncomfortable for not being the son he wanted."There is a easier way you know."He said eating his pie with the same passion he had as a child who'd stuffed himself to the point that he'd been sick for days from eating so much of it. He enjoyed this game, no matter how much he pretended not to. Wanting his father to take the bait, because this game was amusing him, no matter how painful it was going to be in the end, he was enjoying it. And he was going to make sure his father knew he'd truly lost...before he ended it all. He just had to remind himself that beth was waiting for him, and that was enough to know he would do what was needed.
Evangeline giggled, then moaned as she felt him enter her. She pouted at him. "I was going to suck your cock, but I guess I underestimated how eager you are." She smirked and leaned up to kiss him passionately, hooking her legs around his waist and pulling him deeper into her. It was odd that they had come so far... The first time they had sex, he had been glamored to look like his father for half of it. Now they were in their own bed, in their own home, making love while their son slept peacefully. "It's settled. We will start planning tomorrow," she murmured between pants and gasps. "I think you are the one who is addicted."

Lucius looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "You've come up with a solution? Do tell. I'd like to see what in bloody hell you have in your head," he said, smirking. "I'd also have to ask why it had even crossed your mind." His eyebrows raised. "Oh, my son has a new plaything, doesn't he? You never could sleep alone for long periods of time." It was hard to tell if Lucius was proud of his son's behavior or not, but there was one very obvious thing - He knew Draco had a lover, and that information would be useful.
"Hmmm its well known fact I'm addicted to sex.You should know that."He panted softly as he kissed her, laughing softly. Like her thinking about how very far they'd come. How far he'd come, from manwhore, to so totally devoted to one woman that he didn't even notice when others flirted with him. Nuzzling her a little as he came, he held her tightly, shuddering. Never wanting to let her go.

"I have, but considering what it details, it's only useful to me you see."He musued not answering the question of his new 'plaything' even if something tightened painfully in his chest at the idea of beth just being a toy."And I'm not a child, who needs a toy to sleep with."he said frowning slightly as he stood, straightening his clothes as he bent over, his lips finding his father's ear, leaning in to whisper a secret."You see, the solution requires the death of the eldest living scion, and the rest of the line giving up the name."He smirked even as his wrist snapped forward, burying the knife in his father's chest, more muggle way of killing, but less obvious than a wand and something his father wouldn't have expected. "You see, the malfoy name is ending with you."he smirked even as he stepped back, the ward snapping up between father and son as rabastan cast it, making sure Lucius couldn't magically attack his son. or any of the other death eaters could come to lucius' aid as Draco stayed put, not glorying in his death, but since he'd caused it, he saw it as his duty to make sure his father was dead. He knew the others would come after him, astoria namely, but no one could make as deadly a enemy as lucius had. The rest, he could handle. No one else in the former death eaters were as deadly as his father had been.
Evangeline let out a sigh of pleasure as her orgasm flowed through her body. Her nails bit into the skin of his shoulders and her heels dug into the back of his thighs. "I love you," she panted, holding his close. Reaching down, she pulled the blanket over them, content to sleep with him laying on top of her. She slept better that way - it felt safer. She was so excited about the wedding. It was going to be beautiful, she was sure, and she would going to make sure everyone had a wonderful time.

Lucius stared up at his son, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He sounded as if he was going to say something, but irritatingly enough, the light left his eyes before the words left his mouth. Astoria ran into the room after being altered of what happened - See, she had been waiting in the room, thinking she would be told that Lucius had finally killed her ex-husband. - and let out a cry of horror. "Draco, what have you done?!" she shrieked, raising her wand with a shaky hand. "He did not deserve to die, YOU did! Your worthless, and you always have been. Your father was a saint for not killing you years ago!"
Scorpius smiled softly as he pulled out of her, but didn't move off of her as he settled down to sleep. "I love you to."He muttered nuzzling her sleepily."Goodnight."He yawned sighing as he fell asleep. In the morning he stretched, rolling on his back as he sat up."Good morning."he smiled leaning down to kiss her awake,looking happy."Did you have plans for today?"

Draco frowned slightly at the sight of his father dying, turning his head a little to look at his ex-wife, pain flickering in his eyes.Glancing at the wand before shrugging."I did what needed done. our world is falling apart, Astoria. Maybe without him it can recover."He sighed glancing at the wand, glad that the ward was up between them. It was one thing to kill his father, but astoria...the woman was still the mother of his son. He couldn't kill her. Not yet. He was a good man, who was being backed into a corner, but he couldnt do it. "Goodbye Astoria."He said before apparating home.

Glancing towards the sky as it rained he sighed, realizing he couldn't go in the house like this he shuddered a little, needing the comfort of family, but not knowing who to talk to. Knowing Scorpius and Evangeline didn't need this...nor feyn or hugo...he sighed softly before heading to his mother's house walking up the stairs, and by the time he made his way inside, he was shivering and crying. He hadn't liked his father in years, but he had loved him. loved him with the disappointed passion of a son who'd been betrayed to many times.And he needed his mother, before he could get his head together enough to do the next step.
Evangeline reached up to rub her eyes, smiling at her lover. She immediately noted how happy he looked, and that was a little unusual for Scorpius this early in the morning. "Hey," she murmured, kissing him back, "Plans? Nothing set in stone... I thought about going down to the bookstore and grabbing some wedding books. I figured my father and Narcissa would like to have Leo for a couple hours." She shrugged and sat up, reaching around to hug him and rest her head on his shoulder. "Sleep well?"

Even though it was very early -even the sun wasn't up yet- Narcissa sensed Draco walk into the house. Leaning over, she turned the lamp on and nudged Severus. "Sev, Sweetheart, will you start some coffee?" she asked, already moving to put her robe on. It was a big deal when Narcissa asked some one else to do things like that, for she prided her self on taking care of others.

"Draco? Oh, Sweetheart," she whispered, walking down stairs and leading her son to the couch. She pulled him into her arms like she had when he was a child, smoothing back his hair and kissing his forehead. "What happened? Talk to me, Draco," she murmured, her voice calming as always.
Scorpius grinned, after going so long on running on just a few hours sleep between classes and leo, he had slept overly long and was awake, though he'd probably down and sleep a little more just so he didn't crash later."I did.And I thought, maybe take feyn with you.Not wedding shopping, though you could get the books when she's noot looking, but she's been stuck in the house for weeks. Me and Hugo can watch the kids. And his parents are still here..."he shrugged smiling as he laid back down, snuggling into her once he realized just how very early it was.

Severus whined a little, "Hmm mokay.Give me a minute."Severus groaned,nnot wanting to get up but he had sensed the boy to coming in the house, draco would always be a boy to him,even if he was nearly 39. Yawning as he set out to make coffee he tried not to worry about his bloody godson. Draco shivered leaning into her, though careful to keep his bloody hands away from her, still to distraught and out of sorts to think to clean up."Father's dead."He said his voice so carefully blank you knew he was hiding just how deeply he was grieving the fact.

Feyn sniffled a little as she sat on the toliet, having gotten up to go pee and looked at herself in the mirror. Looking so tired and worn, the woman had been hormonal enough that the sight of how bad she looked, had driven her to tears. Poor girl, she was just so worried about being a good mother and doing everything right, and making sure that they were safe that she was truly starting to lose it. And it didn't help she didn't want to talk to hugo, since she knew he was worried to, she didnt want to add to his worries.
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