Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco sighed softly as he leaned into her hands, enjoying the comfort. "Something's wrong with beth.Her father said she'd be okay,but that I couldn't stay in the room."He said his voice that he was still shell shocked and hiding."I'm fine."He muttered but sat down anyways, having every intention of staying in the hospital that night, whether it was in feyn's room or beth's, he wasn't going to far away from his girls. Not when he had some planing to do for himself about what needed done. But...the worry for beth was clouding the usual viciously rational man's senses, leaving him extremely out of sorts. Only once before had he been so out of sorts, and it'd been at 17, confronted with the death of the boy who lived.

"I know I know, don't remind me."Severus grumbled good naturedly because he loved the younger malfoy, even if he did give him a hard time. Draco had done good, raising him, and no matter the scars on both men's hearts, they were good men. "I do."Severus said frowning slightly as he shifted Leo into Scorpius' arms, looking slightly amused as the blond man cuddled his child, helping scorpius give the child the pain potion and fever reducer. Scorpius sighed softly looing at evangeline."WE should probably take him home...we're not doing anyone any good here...and he needs rest.."He said looking worried,even as he glanced towards his father sitting in the chair, he knew drao would demand he took care of leo first before trying to take care of him.
Narcissa frowned and wrapped and arm around her son's shoulder, pulling him into a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She rubbed his back like she used to a long time ago, when he was just a boy. "I'm so sorry, Draco, but I'm sure her father is going to go to extreme measures to make sure she is okay. No matter how professional the situation could be, this is his daughter, and he will go over the moon for her, just like how you would for your kids... What's wrong with her?" She tilted her head a little. "Is she conscious? Did you talk to her?"

Evangeline nodded, looking worried and she reached over to rub her son's back. Leo was still crying a little, but not as violently, and his fever was already starting to go down. "Thank you, daddy," she whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Leo laid his head on his father's shoulder, content with him, but still restless. "You're right. Let's get him home and try to get him comfortable." Glancing over at Draco, she frowned, then looked back at her father. "Will you and Narcissa be staying her with Draco and the other two?" She didn't know what was wrong, but he had a feeling it had to do with Beth, and Draco would need someone there for him.
Draco was quiet as he leaned into her for a moment, for once relinquishing the icy control that demanded he act his age, and allwing his mother to comfort him before shaking his head."I don't know. I assume complications with having her appendix out."He muttered going quiet, before shaking his head."No, I didn't get a chance to talk to her.."He said before looking over at her, looking concerned even as the former death eater steadied himself, focusing on something he could work on. He had to trust that cal would take care of beth. Everything else he could take care of."...I saw Uncle Rabastan when I was in london telling Hugo's parents....he's coming to talk to me tomorrow."he said after a moment, because his mother knew about the man's actions, had always been partial to the man that despite his insanity, a good man, stuck in a horrible position. He hadn't had to save Scorpius from malfoy manor, or warn draco he'd made a mistake, or protect his nephew's back for years.

"We are.Don't worry, whatever happened, me and narcissa can help him.Don't stay."He said looking sternly at the two before moving over and sitting down next to the son he never had, but loved like one. Scorpius looked concerned, sparing another look for his father before wrapping his arm around evangeline's shoulder, and apparating home. "Think we should give him a bath?He might cool down more...."the blond man said looking anxious and eager to help his son. Scorpius felt helpless in the face of his son's pain, and needed some way to help him.
Narcissa raised her eyebrows and huffed. "Draco, you shouldn't go alone. I know you are close to your uncle, but he's spent more time with Bellatrix and your grandfather that I'd like, and it makes me uncomfortable. Promise me you will not allow your emotions to make you reckless." She looked up at Severus for back up, hoping he could comfort Draco in a way she couldn't - a fatherly way. Turning, she could see Dr. Davis walked down the hall way and nodded to Draco.

Cal waited until he and the other man were in private before he started to talk. He looked nervous and pained, as speechless as Draco looked about it all. "Beth is in ICU," he said, "Her organs started to fail. One after the other. I've... I've never seen something like that in all the years I've been practicing." He swallowed hard and shook his head. "She's on machines and oxygen. You can see her, but don't expect her to notice you are there. She's unresponsive at the moment..." He looked at Draco, his expression very serious, but sad and sympathetic. "Draco, did you know Beth was pregnant? She wasn't very far a long. Just about six weeks... When I made you leave the room, it was because she miscarried, and the blood loss was very drastic. I've never seen anything like it... I've seen cases where pregnancies put the mother in danger, but I've never seen a pregnancy literally start to cause the body to deteriorate." Reaching up, he rubbed the bridge of his nose to keep his eyes from releasing tears for his daughter.

Evangeline nodded, moving over to the bathtub to start some luke warm water. "I think it might help," she said, though she had no idea. She was just willing to try anything for her son. "My father's potion should help, and maybe the bath will calm him." Helping Scorpius get the child out of his clothes, she put him in the water and smiled as Leo immediately calmed down. He loved baths. And while he didn't look like his usual happy, splashing self in the tub, he was not crying at least... "Why don't we let him sleep with us tonight? It might make him feel better to be near us."
"I wont. Don't worry."Draco muttered as he headed off the argument he could see severus starting to have.Glancing up at cal he paled slightly at his words, "" I didn't know. We didn't know."He said looing anxious because he knew of the curse, not the details but he knew the conditions restricting him. "Will sh recover?"he saidafter a moment wondering if he had killed her. amazingly actually keeping himself in the hospitl instead of apparating back to london, to confront the father he hated on how to save the woman he loved.Amazing self control that.

Sorpius smiled sligtly as he undressed the toddler and settled in imto te tub he relaxed a little when lep calmed."Let's.And set a cooling charm.he's not burning up anymore, but it might help."Scorpius said biting his lip before smiling a little at evangeline, gently splashingleo a little, trying to get him to play a little, trying to gauge just how upset his son was.
Cal swallowed hard, trying not to break down. He had never been put in this position. Sure, he'd beat up a few of Beth's awful boyfriends, he had never had to see her in such a position. Having to deal with your own daughter's miscarriage was emotionally scarring. "Honestly, I'm not sure at the moment. She's in very critical condition," he admitted, then nodded toward the elevator. "You can go see her now. She may or may not respond, but I'm sure she will sense you are with her." He patted the man's back. "Beth was right. You're a good man, and I wouldn't have anyone else watch after her." Checking his watch, he shook his head and tried to clear his head. "I have to go. A woman just came in and needs a C-section." With that, he turned away and attempted to get his head straight before going in to surgery.

Evangeline looked over at her lover, a soft smile spreading across her face. It was so sweet to see him like this with Leo. "I bet your father was just like this with you," she murmured, leaning over to kiss his cheek. Leo grinned a little at his father, blinking rapidly as he was splashed with water. "Da," Leo said softly, smiling up at him tiredly. Good. He was sleep now... Bringing his little hands down into the water, he splashed a bit, excited that his father wanted to play, even if he was about to pass out. "Leo, baby, are you sleepy?" Evan asked, and Leo shook his head. She let out a sigh. "Stubborn..."
Draco bit his lip, staring at the floor. Still looking out of sorts, the poor man was skidding on emotional ice, reeling from the idea of having a almost child. Standing he glanced at Severus and Narcissa and after a quiet goodnight headed upstairs to sit with beth, content to be in her company, emotionally exhausted as he held her hand.

Scorpius laughed nodding a little,"From what I remember, he was. He always had to work, but dad was almost always there for bath time and a goodnight book."He said looking thoughtful because in that whole time, he couldnt remember his mother even being there only house elves, draco or narcissa if Draco hadn't been home. Shaking his head to clear the thought he laughed quietly, looking relieved."Leo, come on sweetheart. We're going to go sleep. I'm sleepy."He said smiling as he picked him up, drying his son off before taking him to the bedroom.Father and son settling into the bed with a fussy, sleepy sigh.

In the morning Draco paced the room, having spent the night up and worried about beth had left him with to many thoughts to hold still. Pacing the room he looked like a tiger, all beautiful lines and savage grace, caged grace just waiting to explode into violence. He knew what he had to do, the man was just stalling because he couldn't wrap his head around the thought that he had to confront his father, not only for the sake of beth who deserved children-and him who desperately wanted more, but because of evangeline and Scorpius. Moving over to the bed he sat down on the edge as he realized she was stirring, he gently stroked her hair out of her face,despite the harsh cast of his features, his eyes were soft with love and worry. "beth?"

Feyn yawned a little as she stirred, sitting up slowly as she heard one of the twins crying softly, not wailing yet, but wanting attention. Wincing she swallowed, not brave enough to stand up, but not wanting to wake hugo. He looked so exhausted. Swallowing hard she shook her head when she realized that she would have to wake him, nearly falling out of the bed as Hermioen and Ron knocked on the door, looking at her in laws startled, having not expected them, and at a loss for words. While she liked them, and got along with them, the family history between the two sometimes left her for a loss of words if hugo wasn't there.
Evangeline woke up at smiled, snuggling against Scorpius while Leo slept on his father's chest. They were both completely conked out, and it was adorable. Leaning over, she began to kiss Scorpius' neck very lightly, all the way up to his ear. "Scor, Sweetheart, it's morning," she whispered, not wanting to wake Leo. Reaching over, she gently took the sleeping baby and cradled him close, leaning over to kiss his forehead. He still had a tiny bit of fever, but Scor was right, the cooling charm was allowing him to stay calm. "I'm going to be him in his crib so he can get some more rest," she whispered, the moved down the hall to put Leo in his crib. He barely stirred when she left and got back in bed with Scor, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body against his. "Did you sleep well, or did he wake up any?" she asked, kissing him on the lips. Of course, she woke up with Leo a lot, but she knew that Scorpius had a better sense for when Leo even made the slightest move.

Beth's eyes barely fluttered open, looking up at Draco and letting out a deep breath. "H-hey," she croaked, turning her head into his hand. She looked tired and frail, as if she would go back under at any moment. Reaching up, she clumsily fiddled with the oxygen mask on her face and pulled it aside. "What happened? I hurt all over..." Just by looking at Draco, she knew he'd been up all night. Not to mention, she was in a new room with machines hooked up all over her. Even a heart monitor could be heard beeping in the back ground...

Hermione smiled and helped Feyn back into the bed. "No, no, you can't already be walking around," she gently scolded, "I'll get the babies." With twinkling eyes, she moved across the room and grabbed a baby with each arm, taking them over to their mother. She would have held them longer, but assumed they were hungry. Ron stayed in the back of the room, feeling out of sorts. He hadn't left the house in months, and now he was confronted with his new daughter-in-law and grandchildren. It wasn't that he wasn't happy, it was just that he was out of place... Hugo stirred, looking up at him parents and smiling. "Hey," he said, rubbing his eyes and sitting up in the recliner that he was sleeping in. "You guys made it..." Standing up, he went over to hug each of his parents, looking so excited to wake up to his two children. He moved over to the bed and sat down on the edge, and arm wrapped around Feyn's shoulder as he looked down at his children. "How do you feel?" Hermione asked Feyn, smiling gently. "Everything go smoothly?"
Scorpius smiled sleepily as he stirred, grumbling a little because he didn'twant to get moving. he was tired dammit. "Okay."He muttered stretching as she put leo in his bed, smiling a little when she got back in bed, snuggling up against her. Wanting to sleep. "Hmm he was up. We went down and played with legos for awhile."he muttered nuzzling his face against her neck,"Then he passed out and stayed down for awhile.I think the new moon this week is starting to affect him more..."He said shrugging as he opened his eyes to look at her with a small amused smirk."Did you sleep well?"He asked, gently stroking her hair out of her face.

Draco sighed softly glad to see that she was okay, or at least as fine as she could be. Biting his lip he smiled a little at her, glancing down at the blanket, struggling ot figure out what to tell her. "You..."He swallowed hard, tears misting his eyes at the thought of how close he'd come to being a parent again. After 20 years, he'd managed to not even risk having another child with astoria, having known about the curse he hadn't been willing to try and break it, risking the health of the woman he had loved. But now that he had made such a mistake....he wanted it. "You had a miscarriage... you were a few weeks pregnant, love."He muttered stroking her hair.

Feyn laughed a little before laying back down, "Well, hugo was to tired, I didn't want to wake him up."She said settling back into the bed, smiling softly as she flushed, looking up at her father in law before deciding that there was nothing to do about it and started to feed the twins, figuring he'd deal with it. Looking concerned for ron she smiled as hugo woke up, amused as she handed over harrison as the babe finished eating, smiling up at hermione as she nodded."Everything was fine. And I feel...sore, but not horrible. Though Uncle Draco's threatened to curse me if I get out of bed for the next week, so I guess I'm going to be bored for awhile longer."She said smiling as harrison and rose grabbed fistfuls of her red hair, not pulling, more just playing with the soft strands.
Evangeline leaned into his hand. "I slept well. Wish my baby was sleeping better though," she said sadly, but rolled over to straddle the man she loved. "Your such a good father, Scor." She smiled and grabbed his arms, pulling them above his head and kissing him deeply. Leaving his hands above his head, she moved her hands down to pull the shirt he was wearing over his head. All the sudden, she really wanted to make love to her boyfriend. She needed that closeness with him... Kissing down his stomach, she began to pull his boxers down and kiss along his inner thighs, her long hair brushing along his stomach as she moved downward.

Beth looked up at him with absolutely shock. She was speechless, watching as his eyes misted at the thought. The idea of a baby that her and Draco made dying squeezed painfully at her heart, and tears began to silently slide down her cheek. "O-oh," she said, swallowing hard. Biting her lip, she suddenly felt like a huge failure. This was her fault. She should of known she was pregnant, and she should have taken better care of herself. "I'm so sorry, Draco," she said, sniffing.

Hermione laughed a bit. "Good," she said, then gently took Harrison when Hugo offered him to her. She smiled, and Hugo took Rose, taking her over to his father. "That over there is Harrison James... And this is Rose Morgan," he murmured, and Ron looked at him with soft eyes. The older man took the baby girl and sat down, reaching down to stroke her soft red hair. "Hey there, Sweetheart," Ron whispered, his icy expression melted by the two babies and their namesakes. Hermione looked up from Harrison and winked at Feyn, wanting her to know that this was promising. Ron would come around eventually. Hugo moved back to the bed and wrapped his arm around his wife. "The birth went great. Well, after the initial shock that there was another little one in there," he said, smirking a little.
"me to. Though we did get a lego castle built."Scorpius said sounding amused as he looked up at her, flushing a little at her praise."REally?"he said looking bemused as he flexed his wrists, raising a eyebrow as he realized he was pinned."Whatever are you oding love?"He muttered moaning as she kissed his stomach,shivering a little as he rocked his hips a little, squirming."Evan.."He whined in lust.

Beth winced at her look, swallowing softly as he shifted to lay down next to her, gently wrapping his arms around her, afraid of hurting her."I'm sorry I didn't know."He said taking part of the blame, since he should have noticed. "Its okay. its not but its not your fault Beth."he muttered holding onto her, hating himself for doing this to her that it was his family, his bloodline that had inflicted this pain on her. And in that moment eh was determined to make sure she would have the option of having children if she wanted."Your fathre said you should be okay..."he said though he still sounded scared.

Feyn smiled looking amused as she watched, looking pleased that ron was reacting to the twins. Smiling back at Hermione she nodded, glad that ron was seeming to warm up. "Well that was a shock, but after that it was fine. Really, the worst thing of it was realizing that my doctor is also beth's father, and that was more traumatizing to uncle then it was anything else."She said with a small giggle forgetting they didn't know who beth was. And wouldn't that be a shock for the two people who'd known draco as the disriminting socialite that he'd been as a teen, for him to be dating a muggle. The fact that he was, proved that more then anything, not everything was what it seemed. Maybe it would help ron to relax more at the idea of his family forever being tied with the malfoy's now.
Evangeline muttered a charm, forcing Scorpius' hands to stay above his head, then put one last kiss to his lower stomach, her hands massaging his thighs. "Yes?" she answered innocently, then placed a kiss to the tip of his cock. Grinning, she gave it one long lick from base to tip, the brought her mouth on top of it, sucking gently while her hand moved to cup his balls, massaging them. After getting him nice, hard and wet, she sat up and charmed he clothes away, straddling him naked and sliding down on to his member. Bending down to kiss him, she began to ride him without letting his hands come up from the magical binds.

Beth sniffed and snuggled into him, feeling so sad and distraught over the surprising news. "I... I never thought we'd have children, you know, because we never talked about it and you already have an older son, but now that I know we almost did..." She swallowed hard and pressed her damp face into his shoulder. "It sounds nice." Leaning up, gave him a sad smile, jumping as her father walked in and immediately reprimanded for her taking off her oxygen mask. "Sorry," she murmured, and put it back on. Her father moved around to take some blood.

Ron raised his eyebrows. "Beth? Who's Beth?" He looked over at his wife, but she just shrugged. Hugo laughed a bit and sighed. "It's the woman that Draco is absolutely crazy about. She's muggle, and from New York." Hermione raised her eyebrows, sitting down in the chair beside Ron. "Wow. I might just have to meet this women who has Draco around her finger. I don't think I've ever seen him like that with a woman. At least not at Hogwarts." Ron rolled his eyes and let his granddaughter hold his finger. "You mean he was a womanizing bastard at Hogwarts."
Scorpius sighed softly, whining as he was bound, anger and lust sliding through his eyes as he squirmed."Evangeline come on."He whined jerking at his hands even as he squirmed, his grey eyes darkening with lust as he thrust up into her,growling at her. "I'm going to get you bak for this."he growled though he didn't look as displeased as he would have had it been anyone but her pinning him down.

beth sighed softly."I always wanted just never happened..."He said trailing off a little as he looked up cal, lushing slightly as he eased away from her. Biting his lip as he looked down at beth."I have to go out this morning...will you be okay?"He said slipping his hand into beth's, squeezing her hand a little looking worried but knowing he had to take care of some things, no matter how much everything in him wanted to camp out at her side till she could go home.

"Draco's insane about her. Bought them a house and everything."She said looking thoughtful, because it wasn't such a odd thing. At least for someone who didn't know that Draco had vowed to never claim anywhere but malfoy manor as home. But in the last year, New York had managed to become home to him.snickering slightly she leaned over to look at rose gently stroking her head as she rested her cheek on ron's shoulder, just wanting to see the baby."Hmm, he was. From everything I hear, he gave even Scorpius a run for his money in the women department.Though apparently Scor has him beat, seeing as draco never was brave enough to brave a scottish winter to just have sex outside."She snickered a little before making a face at rose and watching the baby smile. "We get to go home today...if you two wanted to stay for the day..."She said smiling at her in-laws, enjoying the idea of having them there until they got things settled.And since they still had to finish getting the house would be nice to have help.
Evangeline grinned, rolling her hips into his. When he thrust hard up into her, she let out a yelp, then a moan. "Tsk tsk," she murmured, reaching up to play with her breasts, giving him a show in order to torture him a little. "No touching. You get enough control as it is. It's time for you to sit back and feel," she purred, pinching her nipples and letting out a groan. It had been a while since they had playful sex, and it was always nice to surprise him when he was too sleepy to know that she had him bound. It always made him get irritated and dominant, and it turned her on like hell. After all, she knew he'd figure out how to get reverse the charm and get control. She just loved the build up.

Beth squeezed his hand back, nodding to him. She couldn't say anything because of the stupid mask, but she didn't want him to feel uncomfortable about leaving. As much as she wanted him there for comfort, she had her father, and he obviously had things to do. Cal looked up at Draco, sliding the needle out of Beth's arm. "I will be checking in on her constants -well, obsessively- so go do what you need to do," he said, "We are going to run some tests on her and get her stabilized. As soon as she can get off machines, I'll let you take her home for bed rest."

Ron smirked a little at Feyn's words, and Hermione nodded enthusiastically. "Of course," she said, "We will help you get settled in and let you two get some good sleep for a couple days. If you have the room, Ron and I would love to stay for a few days and help out. I'm sure you still have some moving in to do, according to Ron's letters." Hugo nodded and looked down at Feyn, raising his eyebrows. Hopefully, she wouldn't mind. They really needed something to get their mind off of his sister, and Hugo was a little nervous about being alone with the twins right away. After all, they really could used the help.
Scorpius growled a little as he lifted his head, his mouth closing around his nipple his teeth finding skin as he teasingly biti down even as he thrust hard up into her. Even bound the man could try and be controlling. Leaning back he smirked looking at her."Kiss me."He demanded smiling at her, not minding being tied up, but st9pp controlling.

Draco smiled a little,looking relieved that she didn't mind, because he needed planning, he needed help. And there was only one way to do it. Even if he didn't go after lucius today, he could at least get a idea whats going on. Glancing at Cal with a amused smile he nodded"I'll be back this afternoon."He stood leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before tilting his head."Feyn's going home this morning to correct? I'll probably stop in and check on them before I come back..."He said putting off leaving because while he knew he needed to, he couldn't help but feel like he was abandoning her.

Feyn smiled looking amused and relieved a tthe words. "We do. The house has a guest room."She said looking pleased at the idea of having them there. Even if she had her grandmother and her uncle, plus scorpius and evngeline, it pleased her alot to consider ron and hermione stsaying with them since they hadn't really had a chance to really get to know each other, and well maybe the two older weasley's would have a chance to not think about rose, if they were there taking care of the twins and helping them."It'll be fun. And well, we need to get more stuff. We were planning on only one."She said paling a little as she realized that they really didn't have anything ready, now that they had twins.
Evangeline shuddered at sound of his demanding voice, leaning down to kiss his passionately, her teeth nipping at his lips possessively. In between kisses, she murmured a charm that allowed his hands to become free. "Now, are you going to get me back?" she murmured, rolling her hips in his. When she pulled back, there was a challenge in her eyes, wanting to see him at his absolutely roughest. It always turned her on to see him like that, as much as she loved soft, sensuous sex too.

Beth nodded and closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. Cal put the tube of Beth's blood in his lab coat and began to hook up her IV drip. "I'm about to get her some pain medication," he assured, "She will probably be asleep most of the time your are gone, and I will rarely leave. I already have another doctor filling in for the rest of my shift." He glanced up at Draco and nodded. "Go, Draco, she will be fine." He knew that there was probably a part of Draco that thinks that, like yesterday when he left her side for a little bit, he'd come back to her health being worse.

Hermione grinned. "Well, then it's settled," she said, then pulled out her wand. "We will get everything taken care of. Don't worry. Why don't we let Hugo and Ron go home before us and start to get things in order. They can use magic to duplicate things, and it won't take long at all," she assured, and Ron nodded in agreement. "I can stay with you and the babies," she said, holding Harrison close and sitting down in the chair beside the bed. Hugo stood up to get ready to leave, leaning down to kiss her before putting his hoodie on over his t-shirt. Ron moved to hand over Rose, giving both grandchildren and his wife a kiss before the boys apparated home.
Scorpius growled as he smirked as he rolled them, pinning her down under him as he caught her hands in his, pinning them to the bed as he lowered his head, lips trailing over her skin even as he thrust into her as hard as he could,careful not to hurt her, but rough."Hmm I am most definately going to get you back."He growled as his lips closed around her nipple and biting down, leaving a perfect imprint of his teeth around her nipple, looking pleased with himself as he realized that she was going to have a hickey there.fucking her as hard as he wanted, enjoying being with her, and struggling not to come because he wanted the game to last.

Draco bit his lip before nodding."Okay. I'll be back."He said looking a little anxious about it before walking out and heading for home. Apparating into narcissa and severus' house he smiled at the two before leaning down to kiss his mother's cheek,"Are you doing something this morning?I'm on my way to meet Rabastan, and I think you know him better then anyone else. You'd be able to tell if he's lying or not."he trusted his uncle, wanted so much to believe that he was a good man, but he ouldn't put that much trust in him, so he was taking probably the one person who could see through the bullshit if it was bullshit.

Feyn grinned t that nodding."That sounds good."She said smiling kissing her husbnd back before leaning back into the pillows content to be with them before looking up at hermione."How are you doing?I mean.we haven't gotten to talk alot with living here..."She said feeling vaguely guilty about living so far away from them when her family lived just around the block from her. Just talking and enjoying getting to know hermione better as she waited for the doctor to finish the paperwork so they could leave and for their final check over.
"Ooooh!" Evangeline moaned, arching her back up toward his mouth. Her legs moved up to wrap around his waist, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. "Uh, uh, uh... Scor!" She immediately orgasmed, faster and harder than she had in a long time, nearly sobbing with pleasure. Her pussy clenched around his cock, wet and tight as she came. "Scor.... Oh, bloody hell," she whined, her hands balling up in fists because she could move them in his strong grasp.

Narcissa looked up at her son and bit her lip. "Well... I suppose I could," she said, a little nervous about seeing Rabastan after all of these years. She looked over at Severus and sighed. "I'm going with Draco. Are you doing over to the kid's house and give Leo another dose of that potion? I hope they all slept okay." She moved to grab her sweater, then dabbed on some lipstick and put her wand in the pocket of her dress. "Come. Let's see what he has in store for us."

Hermione sighed and stroked Harrison's head, leaning back in the chair. "Well, it could be better, but we've been okay. Ron's coming around, and I think the grandchildren will cheer him up." She smiled up at her daughter in law. "With the war going on with the Death Eaters, it's been pretty tense. We don't go out a lot. I'm hoping that it will get better, or we are going to have to consider moving." Harrison started to fuss a little, probably hungry, and she glanced up at Feyn. "Want to switch?" she said, standing up and swapping infants so the fussy boy could be fed again.
Scorpius gasped as his head dropped to her shoulder, losing his eyes as he pressed tight against her body as he orgasmed, losing his eyes. Shivering before he slid to the side pulling out of her , collapsing half on top of her as he panted, nuzzling her neck with a amused tired smirk."WEll.That was a good way to wake up."e muttered smiling slightly.

Severus nodded,"Yea, after I eat.Be careful."he muttered looking at them both before sighing softly, kissing her lover softly before letting draco apparate them both to the empire state building. "there he is."Drao muttered looking at the man leaning against the railing. Rabastan looked older, more tired, but not threatening as he tilted his head at his sister in law and nephew."Narcissa."He smiled as he pushed away from the wall, bending his head and kissing her chee as they approached."It is good to know you are well."He said acually looking relieved. Because while everyone had assumed she was somewhere with draco, no one had known for sure.

Feyn smiled a little nodding, hoping that it was true. Hopefully being here for a few days would help. "Yea, lets switch."He smiled as she took the baby feeding him as she thought,"Uncle draco got a letter the other day...Grandfather was named minister of magic....I think he wants to do something about it, but if he does it means its only going to get worse."She sighed quietly rubbing a hand over her face,"I hate not being in feels weird to be so much happier somewhere that's not home...but...I like it here."She said shrugging and smiling as the replacement doctor for cal came in, looking over all three of them before saying they could go whenever they wanted.
Evangeline panted, nuzzling his soft blond hair. "Yes, it was," she said, giggling a little and kissing him softly on the lips. Of course, every morning she woke up next to him was a good morning, but the sex definitely didn't hurt. After a few moments of catching her breath, she slid out from underneath him and headed to the shower, getting dressed for the day. "I'm going to cook some breakfast. Will you go get Leo? He needs to eat something," she said, towel drying her hair after the shower. "My father should be here soon for another dose of the potion."

Narcissa walked up to Rabastan, leaning into his kiss and stepping back. "I've been fine. My son has taken good care in making sure I'm well seen after." She put her hand on her hip, raising her eyebrow at the man with suspicion. It's not that she didn't trust him, it was just that she knew him well. He always had something up his sleeve. "Okay, Rabastan, what is it that you wanted to see my son about?" she asked, curious as to what this was all about.

"Sometimes what we think is home is not always the happiest place on earth," Hermione sighed, rocking the infant in her arms. When the doctor left, she looked at her watch. "I bet the boys are about finished. Why don't we get these two home and settled in their new nursery? You can get some rest and I can cook some dinner." She smiled a little, helping the other woman stand up with the other baby, and apparated them back to their house. When they got there, Ron and Hugo had just finished duplicating everything in the mint green and lavender nursery. Everything was unpacked and arranged around the house, and Hugo got the bedroom ready for Feyn to rest in. "Hey," he said, leaning over to kiss his wife and take Harrison. Gently, he led the sore woman to the bed, then handed then baby over to Ron so that he and Hermione could take them to their cribs. "Everything is settled," he said smiling, "How are you feeling? Good report from the doctor?"
Scorpius grinned as he dressed, already aheading towards the door."zooo glad he didn't come in while we were having sex."he snickered shaking his head as he headed for leos bedroom smiling as he picked up the boy, sighing when he felt a slight fever."you feeling okay buddy?"he said looking at his son as he headed downstairs. Severus raised a eyebroa at the two smiling when he saw evangleine."did ny of you get any sleep"he asked looking worried for them.

Rabastan nodded leaning back against the wall biting his lip."I wanted to talk to him because I mnow what he did. Not all ths death eaters know it aas draco aho ended things...but lucius does. And hes determined to kill his son so hecan have another..incidently, with your ex wife." Draco lipped curled a little at the thought."it would disturb me more,but they were alwags well matched."he said pain in his voice at the thought of astoria.

Feyn amiled as she settled into bed looking up at her husband."I'm fine. Babies are fine, we all have a checkup in a week to make sure, but were okay. How about you?"she said worried about her husband since he'd been so worried before the twins had been born
Leo pouted a little and leaned his head on his father's shoulder, his fever spiking. When Evangeline came down, she gave her father a kiss on the cheek, then frowned. It was hard to see her little boy acting so gloomy. Leo looked up at his mother. "Momma," he whined, and Evan beamed at his new word. It was about time. "Yea, Sweetheart," she said, "Momma." Leaning over, she brushed his soft dark hair away from his forehead and kissed his cheek. "We gave him a bath and he calmed down long enough to sleep for a few hours off and on," she said, "I think he needs some more of that potion. More little guy is just not acting himself..." She glanced up at Scorpius, looking worried as ever. The little boy started to sniff, acting like he was going to cry.

Narcissa winced at his words and shook her head. "He's not getting any where close to killing my son. He forgets that Draco is not just his, he's mind too." She clenched her jaw a little knowing that Severus food fight to the death for Draco too, and that made her feel a little better. At least he had some sort of father figure that was willing to protect him, not kill him. "The only thing the Death Eaters have on us is an organized army. I think it is about time that we formed one," she said, looking between the two men.

"Good," Hugo said, leaned forward and kissing her deeply. "I love you. You were so great..." He was still a little amazed at the whole labor process, and her making it through long enough to have the twins. However, he was as tired as she was. Everytime she woke up to feed a baby, he woke up with her. And he had a feeling he'd rarely get sleep while worrying about two babies at once. Laying down beside her on the bed, he pulled her close. Thankfully, his parents were tending to the babies and Hermione was going to cook dinner later. "Let's get a nap. My parents won't mind. They are over the moon with two new grandchildren."
Severus looked worried, though pleased at the new word. Sighingsoftly as he nodded."I thought he might. Its close enough to the full moon that I think he's starting to be affected."He said pain in his eyes as he gently took leo from his father, sitting down at the table as he helped the boy sip the potion,gently kissing his head."You hungry leo? da will get you something."He said roking his grandson wanting to calm him, worried what would happen to him now that he was starting to be more affected by the moon.

Rabastan nodded, tilting his head a little. Pleased at her answer. While he had known Narcissa loved her son, it was nice to know that there were still some people who understood how children should be treated. Glancing at Draco he tried to think about how to say what he wanted. Draco looked away, moving to look out over the city as he leaned against the wall, "Don't say it, bast."He said reverting to the nickname, because he didn't want to consider what he was thinking, what he knew rabastan had thought of, but it might be the only way. "You know you have to deal with him. The longer he's chasing you, the longer you have to gather a army."Rabastan said studying the blond man, watching as pain and resignation flickered over his face before viciously hidden behind his cold mask.

Feyn groaned kissing him back flushing at the praise."well I always knew I was great. Amazing even."She muttered snickering a little as she snuggled against him. "You should sleep. You on't have to get up with me all the time."She muttered closing her eyes,"We'll sleep till dinner...your mom will get us up."She muttered falling asleep as she let her husband hold her.
Evangeline looked at her son, fear in her eyes. She leaned into her lover as her father fed the little boy. With each sip, Leo calmed down, snuggling against his grandpa. Aside from the situation, it was absolutely adorable to see the usually intimidating Severus Snape being so gentle with a little boy who had the same shade of black hair. "What's going to happen of the night of the full moon?" she asked nervously, "He seems sick... What if he gets even sicker? He's not even a year old, Daddy, he can't handle a lot." She bit her lip, squeezing Scorpius' hand for comfort.

Narcissa shook her head. "You cannot be suggesting what I think you are, Rabastan, he will not comfort his father alone. Not when the bastard probably has a multitude of men with him at all times. No. Absolutely not." She moved over to her son, putting a hand on his arm. Hopefully Draco was not actually going to try such a thing, but of course, he was a passionate man with his lover in the hospital. She was sure he would do about anything at the moment.
Scorpius squeezed her hand back, looking nervous and anxious, the fact that he was actually showing just how he felt meant that he was feeling so much that he couldn't hide it. Severus frowned looking thoughtful."I don't think he will. I've never heard of a werewol this young, but I have been brewing Wolf's bane, so he can take it in the next few days. I think he'll run a fever, and be inconsolable, but I don't think he will change."He said looking annoyed with his inablitly to find anything, in any research book about young werewolves.

"Not alone, no. But he does need to conront him. Maybe not here, in new york, since I assume your living here...but somewhere."Rabastan said watching the blond man who was standing silent, looking to thoughtful. Draco turned his head a little glancing at his mother before looking back out at the city."Beth was pregnant mother....I nearly got her killed because of a curse father could fix.I need to talk to him. You know I do."He said running his fingers through his hair.
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