Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Leo grinned at his father, giggling at the smacking kiss. Evangeline smiled and leaned over to kiss her father's cheek. "Here's his bag. It has some pajamas in it, because he will probably fall asleep by the time we get home," she said, frowning a little. It had been hard for her to let go of her son for long periods of time, even if she trusted her father more than anyone in the world. "Call us if you need anything, okay?" Reaching down, she picked up Leo and kissed him on the forehead before handing him to her father. "Ready to go?" she asked, leaning in to her lover.

Cal nodded and began to get his things in order. Flipping the stirrups up, he lifted the blanket up to her waist to expose her bottom half. "Put her legs up for me, Feyn, and we will see how far along we are." He said gently, giving her a smile. Hugo stayed at the top of the bed with her, kneeling down beside her and holding her hand. "I met your Uncle earlier to day, Mrs. Weasley. Seems he is dating my daughter," he said, looking amused and staying calm. Cal had a talent for being relaxed in situations like this, keeping the mothers calm as well. Helping her lift her legs, he inspected her down below and nodded. "I want you to take deep breaths, okay? Did you want to have anything for the pain or are you going to try to do it without?"

Leo grinned at his father, giggling at the smacking kiss. Evangeline smiled and leaned over to kiss her father's cheek. "Here's his bag. It has some pajamas in it, because he will probably fall asleep by the time we get home," she said, frowning a little. It had been hard for her to let go of her son for long periods of time, even if she trusted her father more than anyone in the world. "Call us if you need anything, okay?" Reaching down, she picked up Leo and kissed him on the forehead before handing him to her father. "Ready to go?" she asked, leaning in to her lover.

Cal nodded and began to get his things in order. Flipping the stirrups up, he lifted the blanket up to her waist to expose her bottom half. "Put her legs up for me, Feyn, and we will see how far along we are." He said gently, giving her a smile. Hugo stayed at the top of the bed with her, kneeling down beside her and holding her hand. "I met your Uncle earlier to day, Mrs. Weasley. Seems he is dating my daughter," he said, looking amused and staying calm. Cal had a talent for being relaxed in situations like this, keeping the mothers calm as well. Helping her lift her legs, he inspected her down below and nodded. "I want you to take deep breaths, okay? Did you want to have anything for the pain or are you going to try to do it without?"
Severus smiled looking amused t his daughter's words. Though he'd had just as much trouble leaving her behind."I will.Now go."He said before seeing himself out, grandfather and son looking pleased with being together. Scorpius smiled watching them go before looking at evangeline, wrapping his arms around her."Yea."He muttered before sighing apparating them to the hospital. Though he was slightly concerned about the use of magic, he wasn't aware of his grandfather being minister yet, so the man was much less worried then he should be."Come on. father said they were up in the executive recovery suites."He muttered as he led them through the hospital.

Feyn whimpered softly as her feet got settled into the stirrups, hand wrapped tightly around hugo's hand, miling softly as she looked up at him. Relaxing, and finding his words amused and calming. Distracting her from what was going on."Uncle draco?"Feyn looked startled, before grinning."Your beth's father?Wow, he must have freaked."She giggled at the idea of draco meeting beth's father, but it faded into a pained whimper after a few moments as she took a few deep pbreaths."Okay. I can do that."She sid smiling softly before taking a deep breath."I want something for the pain.Please."She said absently rubbing a hand over her stomach as if to reassure the baby that everything was okay.
Knocking on the door, Evangeline gently pushed the door open and smiled. Beth was still under a lot of drugs and still sound asleep, but there was Draco sitting in his chair and reading. "Hey," she said quietly, walking in with Scorpius. "You two scared us to death. Why didn't you call?" She rolled her eyes and handed him a clean pair of clothes that Scorpius brought, then glanced over at Beth. She looked a little rough, but not awful. It was just odd seeing her without makeup and asleep... "How is she?"

Cal smirked a bit and nodded. "Good choice. No need to act touch. It hurts and there is no shame in that." Helping her roll on to her back, he lifted up her gown so that the nurse could come in and give her the long shot through her spine. The whole time, Hugo stroked her hair and tried to make her focus on him, not the shot. "You should feel a numbing sensation right about now," Cal said, "You will have a little while before delivery." He looked at his watch and checked his beeper. "While I'm gone, a nurse will stay with you to help with breathing and to monitor you. I will not be leaving to building, so I can be here in a split second." He winked at her and patted her shoulder, then left the room. Hugo looked sick. "Is he supposed to leave like that?"
Draco jumped a little, glancing over at the two, his soft blond hair curling slightly around his face instead of its usual slicked back style. Despite keeping it long sually, in thhe last few months he'd started to leave it looose around his face, making him look more like his father, though he hadn't gotten it long enough to actually have to tie back. Flushing slightly as he stood to let evangeline sit down he shrugged a little."I got distracted and upset.It didn't occur to me until this morning that I probably freaked everyone out."He said staring at the floor, looking like scorpius when he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Poor guy. Glancing at Beth he smiled a little."She's fine. They removed her appendix, and apparently this is a normal thing for muggles, and that she'll be okay in a few days, though she should take it easy."He said looking a little lost and distrustful of muggle medicine, but willing to believe that her father knew what he was doing.

"I am definately not tough, and have no reason to be pretend to be."Feyn laughed a little looking amused, because it was the first thing purebloods learned to do, pretend that nothing affected them, espcially under the reign of voldemort, who had shown that the slightest wrong emotion could get them killed. Whimpering as she leaned into hugo's hand she tried to not think about the shot before looking up at Cal, making a odd face as her body reacted to the drug, feeling numb and odd."Okay...We'll be okay till then."She said biting her lip before looking at hugo."I'm sure I'm not his only patient, hugo, and he did say he'd be right back if I needed him."She muttered trying to remain calm for her husband's sake as she breathed in and out. Biting her lip she sighed, realizing she needed to distract him from his worry."Why don't you call Scor and uncle draco?Tell them what's going on... I know uncle draco would never forgive me if I didn't tell him I was in labor...the lectures on family responisbility and stuff would go on for years if I forgot..."She grumbled good naturedly.
"Oh, good," Evangeline said, sitting down and sighing. "Just don't go scaring us like that again, okay? We have to band together during times like this." She gave her (almost) father in law and look, then turned to the door. Cal stepped through and smiled, Beth's chart in his hand. He moved to check everything on her, changing out IVs. That was normally a nurse's job, but this was his daughter... "How did you sleep last night?" he asked, nodding toward Draco.

Hugo nodded quickly and pulled out his cell phone. "You're right," he said, kissing her hard on the lips. "I'll call your Uncle." With that, he stood up and went right outside the room in the hall and dialed Draco. His hands were shaking nervously, but he was excited at the same time. It was a crazy feeling.

When Draco's phone rang, Cal smirked. "Probably your nephew," he said, "Feyn is in labor. Just came in a few minutes ago." With that, Evangeline shot up on of her chair and looked over at Scorpius, grabbing his arm. "We should get down to the maternity floor, Scor," she said, nervous for her friend. She wanted to see her once before she had the baby, to assure her everything would be okay.
"I wont."Draco said flushing a little. "You will do it again you know, but next time, just answer your phone.'Scorpius said ignoring his father's annoyed look. Well used to the man's work habits, even after the years of Draco not really working, well in the typical sense, but the man had ruled over the magical enforcement office with a iron fist, and was a workaholic most of the time. So scorpius was well used to his father's disappearing acts, though he had to admit he had gotten better at it. "I slept fine.Thanks again for getting me somewhere with a fold out bed."He said blushing again when cal walked in, ignoring his son's snickers at his reaction to the doctor.

"Cal, this is my son Scorpius, and his girlfriend evangeline."he said jumping a little when his phone went off. Looking at cal in bemusement before waving towards evangeline and scorpius."Go on down. I'll tell hugo you're on your way."He said answering, "Yes hugo?"He said willing to let the father to be tell him the good news, even if he already knew.
Cal nodded over to Scorpius and Evangeline, but didn't try to get in their way when they rushed to the maternity floor. He began to check everything with his daughter, wanting to get all of her needs in before he was rushed to deliver the baby. To his delight, his daughter opened his eyes and smiled at him. "Hey dad," she croaked, then looked over at Draco. It was so nice to see her lover at her side. It was so comforting...

Hugo swallowed hard. "Feyn's in labor. Looks likes we will have a baby in the next couple hours," he said. His voice was shaking with nerves and excitement, so incredibly out of sorts. He smiled as he saw Evangeline and Scorpius walking up. "We will be up in the maternity wing. I am going to get back to Feyn," he said quickly, then hung up the phone. Leaning down, he hugged Evangeline. "Don't look so scared. It's not that bad, right Scor?" she asked, nudging her lover in the ribs. Hugo ran a hand through his hair. "I better get back to her. You two will stay?" He raised his eyebrows at them, not waiting for an answer (he knew them too well to think they wouldn't stay) before walking back over to Feyn's bed side. Evangeline followed him in with Scorpius and grinned. "How are you feeling?"
"Good. Let me know what's happened."Draco said grinning a little as he hung up before smiling at Beth when she woke."It seems my whole family's spending the day in the hospital."He grinned a little goofily, the idea of a new grandson-blood related or not, the kid was his- and allowing the good mood to shatter his usually icy control on his emotions."Feyn's in labor."He muttered leaning down to kiss her forehead."How are you feeling?"

Scorpius yelped as he was elbowed, rubbing his side."No, its not so bad. Though you might want to get in there and take her wand from her. She might end up cursing your ass."Scorpius said snickering a little, nudging Hugo's shoulder as he followed them in, intent on getting the man to relax. Feyn smiled a little, looking as calm and collected as could be expected, her red hair curling a little as she was sweating."I'm feeling weird... its odd you know?I'm scared and nervous."She muttered looking up at the other woman, glad to see her. Glad to have someone who'd done this before.
Beth sighed and reached up to grab his hand, tugging him to sit on the edge of the bed with her. "Really? How exciting," she said, still looking tired, but better. "I feel okay. Really. You shouldn't be making yourself sleep on the pull out couch like that, Draco. You can go home and get some rest. I'll be okay." She gave him a smile, knowing him well enough that he would definitely not go home, but she thought she'd try.

Hugo moved over to sit on the edge of the bed with Feyn, his arm wrapping around behind her. Leaning down, he kissed her head and looked up at the others with a nervous smile. Evangeline grinned and nodded. "I know that feeling. Trust me. Look at the bright side: Your in a hospital and not a bedroom in the safe house." She shrugged and leaned over to kiss her cheek before stepping back and leaning in to Scorpius. "I never cursed you while I was in labor. I just didn't allow you inside." With that, she grinned.
"Don't be riddiculous. I don't mind the couch."He said making a face at her before shifting, "But scoot over and I'll lay down with you."He muttered nuzzling her a little as he got himself comfortable, just thinking about what was going in antoher part of the hospital.

Feyn laughed."That's true.Much better."She said smiling as she relaxed some. Scorpius snickered a little, "Well Feyn's vindictive, she'd let him in here just so she could curse him."He muttered looking amused as they settled down for the wait.

Hours later Scorpius snickered a little as he udged his face against Evangeline's neck, hugging her as he nearly died laughing."You know, only those two would manage to have twins, and not know about it."He said snickering, though the bedrest made more sense now. Though uncoomon, it wasn't that odd that they hadn't realized she had to since one of the twins were definately smaller then the other.

Feyn smiled tiredly as she leaned back against the pillows, glancing up at hugo in amusement as he held their son, the small girl in her arms looking even more fragile because she was smaller then her twin."...I feel like a failure already. I didn't even know this one existed..."She muttered staring down in wonder at the small girl in her arms, though stifling a yawn."You should call your mother, and uncle draco.They wont apperciate that we made them wait..."She muttered tiredly smiling up at hugo.

Beth shook her head. "You are the one that is ridiculous," she murmured, snuggling into him. "I love you. I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone like you, Draco." She wrapped her arms around his middle and leaned her head into his chest. "Have you talked to my father? I'm surprised he looks as calm as he does, with the divorce from my step mother and all."

Hugo was near tears as he looked down at his son and daughter. He was absolutely mesmerized. "She was just hiding, weren't you Sweetheart? You wanted to be a surprise," he murmured sweetly, leaning down to kiss the little girl. He cradled his sturdy looking boy and grinned. Both had red hair, of course, but the girl had the softer red hue like Feyn's hair. "We need to name them," he said, "What are you thinking?"

Evangeline grinned at the couple, her arm around Scorpius' waist. "We can call Draco," she said, "You four should bond." She pulled Scorpius out into the hallway and elbowed him in the ribs. "Stop teasing them, Scor," she reprimanded with a pout. "Hugo never teased you when Leo was born." She narrowed her eyes a little, but was obviously not too mad, because she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "You know... We have the house to ourselves tonight. Should we make the most of it?" Winking, she turned and grabbed her phone from her pocket, dialing Draco.
Draco smiled a little looking amused as he closed his eyes, wrapping a arm around her waist, "I did. We had a good talk, that consisted of me admitting my divore was final, and declaring that your mother is never allowed getting near me, which pleased him."He muttered snickering a little, yelping as his phone rang."Yes?"He said nuzzling his face against beth's shoulder even if he was pretty sure what they were calling for.

Feyn smiled a little looking amused as she looked at their children, "Hmm I think you're in love with your daughter."she snickered slightly as she gently ran her fingers over the girl's hair, looking up at Hugo with a small smile. "Well.. you know...nthing really fits you know?I had thought about some names but..."She bit her lip, looking thoughtful, before saying what she had been thinking on for awhile. "Harrison James....and well..."She stopped,"I hadn't been thinking of girls names but...Selena?"She said smiling up at him.The boy's name honoring a man who'd died to young, and had touched all their lives in some way, even if they had never met harry potter.

Scorpius smirked yelping as he was elbowed."Hey, he teases me all the time. He thinks I'm obsessive."He grumbled but looking amused anyways that said he didn't mind nearly as much as he pretended. Laughing at her words he nodded a little."We should."He said before sighing as he pulled his own phone out, dialing narcissa. Knowing that his grandmother would never forgive them if she wasn't told soon.
Evangeline grinned. "Well, the babies are here. And yes, I mean two. One boy and one girl," she said, sounding excited on the other end. "Both with red hair." She giggled a little and looked over at Scorpius, glad that he thought to call Narcissa. "I'd make your way down here in next hour or so. They are bonding with them right now, so don't rush. Tell Beth I said hey." With that, she hung up and moved over to her lover.... Narcissa put down her cup of tea and picked up the phone, smiling as Severus and Leo played in the floor in front of her. "Hey Sweetheart," she said, "I know what you are calling about, and yes, Leo is fine. Believe it or not, he's not my first go-around with children." She rolled her eyes a little, underestimating the phone call.

Hugo grinned looked down at his son. "Harrison James.... My father would like that," he admitted, then looked over at his little girl. "I am in love with them both." Of course, he could already see that the little girl was going to have him wrapped around her little finger. "Selena?" His lips pressed together and her let out a puff of air through his nose. "I was actually going to ask you when we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl... But what about Rose? For my sister? It would... mean a lot to me." He swallowed hard. "Maybe Selena could be her middle name?"
Draco sputtered a little at the sound of that, so surprised that he couldn't get the words out for a moment. It was endearing to see a malfoy, draco of all of them, a man who always had words, lost for them."Okay. I will."He said sounding slightly strangled as he hung up. Looking at Beth he looked bemused."She had twins. Oh gods, I have even more weasley's to deal with. Why oh why..."he grumbled good naturedly, even if he never saw ron weasley again, he couldn't help poking fun at their past.

Scorpius grinned as he wrapped a arm around evangeline, pressing a kiss to her hair."Oh, well you know father reaching his age, I was worried about how my son was doing. Since there's something obviously wrong with dad."He said snorting in amusement before growing serious."No. I was actually calling to tell you that Feyn had the babies. Yes, thats right, she had twins."

"I thought he would....and I think my uncle would approve."She said with a small smile, because no matter how much draco had ranted over harry potter's existance, every july 31st, the man had spent it drunk, mourning privately a boy who had lived to die. Looking startled at his question she winced, because she hadn't thought about it. Smiling a little she nodded."I like it. Rose Morgan.There. Now that we've decided what to call the little girl who's going to have you wrapped around her fingers, switch me. I want to hold harrison."she teased looking amused as she yawned.
Beth's eyes widened. "Oh wow," she said, laughing with him. She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "That's great, Draco, you should go see them." It was so crazy to see him so lost for words over something. She had not been there when his grandson was born, so it was nice to see his reaction this time around... Narcissa beamed, turning to Severus. "Sev, Feyn gave birth to twins." Her hand went to her heart and she tilted her head into the phone. "We will be there soon," she promised, "But you are not getting this little boy back until the morning, so don't even try." With that, she hung up and went to grab her sweater.

Evangeline grabbed Scorpius' hand and pulled him to the couch in the waiting room. With a sigh, she leaned into him. "What did you grandmother say? Are they on the way?" Wrapping her arms around his wait, she bit her lip. All of this baby talk was giving her baby fever, but she tried to push it away. Leo was not quite a year old yet, and she wasn't sure Scorpius even wanted more kids. After all, Malfoys' never had more than one child. Ever, according to Draco.

Hugo nodded. "Give her to me," he whispered, taking his little girl. She was only about four pounds, but absolutely perfect. He loved both his children, but girls and boys were so different. He was proud to have a son, and his daughter melted him into a pudding. "Rose," he murmured, tears in his eyes. "Hey Sweetheart... You've already got your father acting like a whimp." He sniffed and leaned down to kiss her forehead, grinning as her little blue eyes opened to look up at him.
"I will in awhile. I have a feeling that Scorpius called my mother to. Which means they're about to have alot of visitors.I'll wait."He said because it was true, and he didn't want to leave her alone. But..they were his grandkids, he wanted to go see. Even if he had to share with ronald weasley. "I'll be back."He said sighing at the thought of what he was going to be doing, before moving away. Apparating back to london he paused outside the weasley house, stepping up the front steps he knocked on the door, looking vaguely uncomfortable. He hadn't seen Ron since they left hogwarts, so he was so not looking forward to talking to him,even if he was bringing good news.

Scorpius grinned as he sat down,"That we're not getting leo back tonight, and that they'll be there in a few minutes."He said smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. Pressing a kiss to her head he sighed softly, thinking."You know. I'm sorta glad I grew up with feyn...she's a sister, not a cousin...Malfoys don't have more kids..."he said trying to get his head clear enough. While he wasn't sure if he wanted one right away, the malfoy heir wasn't totally against having another one.Eventually.

Feyn smiled a little as he handed over the girl, cuddling her son before snickering."Oh, don't let him fool you rose. He was always a whimp."She snickered a little as she looked down into dark blue eyes, nuzzling harrison gently, looking mused as his hands found her hair. Yawning before looking up at hugo."Think I could catch a nap before everyone arrives?"She muttered.
Hermione answered the door, and she looked a little shocked to see him. Her curly hair was thrown up in a loose bun on the top of her head, and she was in her gardening jeans and a button down plaid shirt - definitely not something she really wanted to talk to a Malfoy in. "Oh, Draco," she said, "Come in. Who do I need to thank for the honor of having you come by today?" Her lip curled up, snarky as ever, and moved toward out the door leading to her backyard. The garden was beautiful, but mainly vegetables and herbs they used to cook with to save money.

Evangeline reached up and brushed his hair back. "Exactly, Scor. Feyn was your sister, and you loved her and depended on her, and you two had a bond," she said, "Wouldn't you want the same thing for your son? To have someone that he can grow up with? I'm not trying to pressure you. I mean, I don't plan on popping out another kid anytime soon. I mean, it even worries me a little, what with Leo being bitten." She bit her lip a little, knowing that it was only going to get harder for Leo, and maybe bring another child into the situation would be dangerous or careless.

Leaning down, Hugo kissed Feyn's head. "Of course. I'll deal with the others and the babies. You get some sleep." With that, he scooped up his little boy and held one baby in each arm. They were so sweet and good, that he couldn't help but sit down in the chair across form the bed and stare down at them, grinning at each little blink and movement. They were so beautiful, and he knew right then that he'd kill for these two children.
Draco snickered a little looking amused at her reaction to seeing him standing on her porch.Running his fingers through tossled blond hair he tilted his head as he looked her over, though unlike his younger self there was no disdain in his eyes, just amusement. "Well, I would say that I missed you but we'd both know thats a lie."He snickered a little, finding her amusing. Beth had managed to shatter his shields to the point that he was totally incapable of freezing most people out now. "Your son in fact.Well, your grandchildren really."He mused starting to laugh softly. "They had twins, much to everyone's surprise."He said bending down a little, taking a deep breath smiling a little as he smelled the peppermint herbs.

Scorpius smiled before sighing softly."I know...i wouldn't mind I guess..."He turned his head, nuzzlng his face against her neck,closing his eyes."We'll figure it out."He said looking thoughtful because he had never heard of a malfoy having more then one kid so he was worried. grinning a little as he looked up at his grandmother and severus."hey you two."He smiled gently untangling himself from evangeline and kissing Narcissa's cheek.

Feyn smiled looking amused as she watched him for a few moments before she crashed, totally exhausted.
Hermione looked up at him with absolute shock. "R-really? That's great! Oh, wow... Well, twins run in Ron's family." She smiled and pulled her gloves off, dusting the dirt off her jeans. She moved back into the house and called for Ron, shaking her head in amazement. Wow. Twin grandchildren... Ron jogged down the stairs, looking a little worse for wear in the eyes (his beard had grown in a little) and paused at the sight of Draco Malfoy. His eyes narrowed, and he looked over at his wife. "Mione, what the hell is he doing in our house?" he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. Hermione looked at Draco apologetically, then sighed. "He brought the news of our two new grandchildren." Ron clenched his jaw, calming down at the thought of his grandchildren, and nodded. However, he refused to make eye contact with Draco. "We should visit them," he murmured, feeling guilty about not being as involved with his son through all of this. His daughter's death had really hurt him down to the core.

Evangeline grinned at the sight of Severus holding Leo and stood up to embrace them. Leo giggled, and she reached down to kiss his cheek. "How has he been?" she asked, looking up at her father. She knew they took good care of her son, but she always worried about him showing signs of the werewolf bite. He was already starting to run a temperature and random times...

Narcissa leaned up to accept the kiss from her grandson, then pulled back to look at him. "Hey to you," she said, then her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay, Sweetheart? You look like something is one your mind..." She reached up to brush his hair out of his face.
Draco laughed his grey eyes bright with amusement at her reaction."I do remember that. Thee twins were terrors to Slytherin."he said shuddering a little amused because despite his protests, he'd been known to shop in Weasley's Joke Shop every once in awhile, not that he'd ever admit to it. Raising a eyebrow he calmed as Ron came down the stairs, smiling slightly to ease Hermione's apologetic look. "Well, if I'd known I'd get this kind of welcome, i would have shown up earlier."He said snarkly, though it lacked any true disdain or hate that he would have shown years before. "We've-"He paused frowning slightly as he turned his head, glancing towards the front of the house before resuming the conversation, though his attention seemed divided "We've been staying in New York City, they're at Bellvue Hospital."he said holding up the medical bracelet he'd transfigured into a port key, holding it out towards the two weasley's. "Take this.Its easier then apparating since I'm not returning right away with you. It'll take you just outside the hospital.Just go in and ask for Feyn Weasley. My mother should be there by now."He said moving to leave before pausing, glancing at ron."Also, Severus is going to be there. I do bid you to be civil,your son does get along with him."

Severus smiled looking amused."Hes been wild. Didn't want to sit still or anything since he got to the house.I think the full moon's starting to affect him. He might not change, but he's starting to have some of the symptoms. Restlessness, fevers..."he trailed off shrugging a little though worry showed in his eyes as he bent down to kiss her cheek."Don't worry. Lets go see these new ones, and see how the new father's doing."He said looking worried about hugo to.

Scorpius smiled slightly."You always did know me to well."He said sighing a little as he watched evangeline and severus go into the room with hugo before looking at his grandmother again."Evangeline wants another one. Eventually I there a reason malfoys never have more, besides their fathers being bastards enough to not want to?"He said though he knew that couldnt be true. He'd watched his own father with Feyn, had known even as a young child, that Draco had wanted more children. Itjust never happened.
Ron looked over at Draco, eyes narrowing as he followed his distracted gaze. "What's got your attention, Malfoy?" he said, taking the portkey and standing beside his wife. Hermione smiled and leaned into him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for letting us know, Draco. It's getting pretty late, and I'm sure they are tired, so we will go down there first thing in the morning." She grinned, and Ron nodded. After all, it wasn't extremely late, but late for a woman who had given birth just a few hours ago.

While Draco was gone, Beth's progress was starting to fall back down hill for an unknown reason. Something was wrong, for she slipped into unconsciousness and alarms started to go off. Soon, nurses were crowding around her and her father rushed in. Needles were slid into her arm, and a oxygen mask was immediately placed on her face. After a few minutes, she was half-way conscious, but not all the way there. She could hear her gather barking orders at nurses, and she could hear everyone going frantic. She was scared, but too dazed to react.

Evangeline sighed, only remaining calm because her father was. She trusted her father enough to not worry, for now... When Leo saw the babies, he looked incredibly confused. He held on to his grandfather, his expression taken over by the famous Malfoy arrogance. Even at a young age, the boy was a Malfoy through and through, and he didn't like the competition already. It made Evan giggle, shaking her head a little. "Sweetheart, do you want to see the babies?" Hugo handed Rose over to Evan, but Leo shook his head. In fact, he didn't look to happy at the sight of his mother holding another baby at all. "What am I going to do with him?" she sighed, looking up at her father.

Narcissa pressed her lips together. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd ask about that," she said, having him sit down beside her on the couch of the waiting room. "Scorpius, it was never a choice. Well, I take that back. Your great-great-great-grandfather Malfoy decided that's how it was going to be. See, even back then, Malfoys were high-ranking wizards. They were treated like royalty, and in their mind, their children were treated like heirs to a throne. So he decided, after much anxiety about not having a son, that he'd conjure up a curse-like prophecy that would insure that Malfoy men always had a son, and only one. Malfoys, including your grandfather, had believed that one son was enough, because they could be treated like a prince." She frowned a bit, hating that she had to break such a thing to her grandson. "I think it may have had to do with sacrificial ceremony;Black Magic. It was no surprise when Leo was born and was a boy, but another child? I'm not sure it's possible. That curse would have to be broken."
Draco tilted his head a little before focusing on the two in front of him again. "Nothing.I'll see you two in the morning then."He said, bowing his head a little."Goodnight."He said before making his way out to the porch, raising a eyebrow at the death eater leaning against the railing. "You got careless boy. You should have known your father would have someone waiting for whoever showed up for them."Rabastan said as he took a drag of his cigarette studying his nephew, and pleased with what he was. The man looked better then he had in ages. "...."Draco stared at his uncle before sighing,"I assume there is a reason I'm not being dragged away yet?"He said shaking his head but didn't wait for a answer."We'll talk. Tomorrow.Come to the empire state building. I have somewhere to be right now."He said not bothering to give his uncle a chance to answer.Because he knew his secret was safe, after all Rabastan LeStrange had saved Scorpius...and knew his nephew well enough to guess at his plans. Now, they'd just have to see how things went. Rabastan shook his head in amusement, his nephew was spending to much time with former gryffindor's.It seemed to be affecting him. Snickering to himself the death eater apparated to home to wait till tomorrow and whatever Draco was doing.

Draco frowned as he stepped into Beth's room looking confused at the rush, "Whats going on?"He said his voice razor sharp and icy as he pushed his way through the nurses, slipping easily into the demanding ice prince of slytherin who had become one of voldemort's most feared death eaters, cold and commanding, and needing to know what was going on with his girlfriend."Cal.What's going on?"He said those icy grey eyes showing a small amount of panic, that icy cold front was hiding a alvalanche of fear.

Severus smiled a little as he looked at Evangeline, "Tell his father to stop being a brat and tell him its okay that there's more then one baby?"Severus said snickering a little at leo's reaction, pressing a kiss to his head."Leo, that your cousin.You'll like her you know.Eventually."Severus said smiling a little as he jostled his grandson looking conerned at him.

Scorpius frowned sitting down next to him wrinkling his nose a little."...that's insane. No wonder grandfather's bat shit crazy, if he got treated like a prince."He grumbled annoyed with his family. Though it was no secret that Scorpius had more then his own share of malfoy arrogance and pride, there was a line that shouldn't be crossed, and even in his worst he would have never considered something like this. "Well. I'll just have to break ti then."He mused frowning at the floor, knowing exactly what needed done, and after all, Feyn was probably going to be on restricted bed rest for a few days to recover, she could help him research. "I always enjoyed the idea of a sibling. Father would be happy."He said thoughtfully, snickering at the idea of his father being a father again at 38, he could just see the man's face.He'd probably have a stroke.
Cal looked troubled, but hard at work. The stress was seen across his face, but not panic. He was trained for long enough to know that pain would only hinder the situation, not help it. Beth was unresponsive and completely unconscious, her face covered by the oxygen mask and nurses surrounding her with tubes and needles. "She's going to need a transfusion," Cal barked at one of the nurses, and she ran off to go get blood. It took a moment for Cal to register that Draco was in the room, and we he saw him, he looked sympathetic, but stoic. "Draco, for your own good, I need you to get out. Now," he snapped, "Leave or I will have you escorted out, but you need to go." When he pointed toward the door, his hand was covered in blood. He was not kicking Draco out because he was angry, but because he knew the man could not handle what might happen.

Evangeline narrowed her eyes playfully at her father. "He is not a brat, Daddy," she argued, "But... It might be better if Scorpius was the one to introduce the babies to him." She winced when Leo began to cry, pressing his face into his grandfather's shoulder. Not only was he crying, but his temperature was insanely high. Handing over Rose to Hugo, she led them both outside so Leo wouldn't wake Feyn. "I don't think he likes seeing me hold another baby," she admitted with a sigh, "Poor baby, he's burning up..."

Narcissa frowned a little. "Sweetheart, I'm not sure how safe that is. It's a strong curse and it could be deadly. Besides, the only person who would have an abundance of information on the subject would be your grandfather," she admitted, putting a hand on her grandson's arm. "But if you must, I would start looking in the old forbidden area of the library at Hogwarts. After all, the library at Malfoy Manor is destroyed now."
Draco stared because there was nothing he could do before he nodded, ice flowing in his veins, responding like a death eater, freezing his emotions out to be able to function."I-I'll be in feyn's room."he said before walking out, looking a little wide eyed and at a loss as he headed downstairs.

"He is to. Only a brat would demand a unicorn after Feyn got a horse."Severus muttered snickering a little before rubbing leo's back,gently kissing his forehead."Scor should be in in a few minutes. He was talking to cissy."He mtutered looking at leo, sighing softly."I probably should get him though.We'll come back tomorrow after a good night's rest."He muttered rocking the toddler.

Sorpius deflated a little at the news, knowing she was right. He had no business messing around with dark magic that he didn't know about. Though..."Okay. Well, considering grandfather isn't a option, we'll see what else we can do."He said beause he thinking about what else they ould do. And that he might be able to beat his grandfather into talking. He'd have to talk to draco. Sighing as he led narcissa into the room he frowned worriedly at leo,"Leo?"He muttered reaching out to take him.

"Mom?"Draco started a little as he looked at the woman as he neared the door, blinking stupidly. So shell shocked and worried about beth that he hadn't even realized that he'd gotten down three floors and a building across the courtyard without even realizing he had.
Narcissa looked up at Draco with worry, pulling him aside and away from the others before placing her hands on her son's cheeks. "Son, what's wrong? What happened?" She knew by that lost, panicked look on her son's face that something had gone terribly wrong. It took a lot to make Draco speechless. "Sweetheart? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" She looked so worried about him, not used to seeing him like that.

Evangeline shot her father a look. "You need to remember that that's the man I'm going to marry," she said, smirking a bit before looking over at her lover. She could tell something heavy was on his mind, but she'd ask later. Right now, she was concerned for her crying baby, who looked absolutely miserable. "Daddy, do you have a potion he could take or anything?" she asked, watching as Leo desperately reached out for Scorpius when he saw him. While Leo loved his mother and his grandfather, he had a very special bond with his father. It didn't surprise Evan to see the little boy reach out to him when he was feeling so bad.
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