Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Beth looked startled at his cursing, standing up and looking over his shoulder at the letter. "Oh, Draco..." she murmured, swallowing hard. Sighing, she took the letter and sat it on the dresser, not wanting him to get upset when this was a time of celebration. "Open your bar results. I want to know how amazing you did." She gave him an encouraging smile, nodding toward the envelope.

Evangeline grinned and leaned over to kiss both boys. She laughed a little, because Leo insisted on saying "da" over and over. "Leo, honey, your daddy is right here," she said, giggling a little. Reaching down, she pushed Scorpius' hair off his forehead gently. "We could all go over there tonight? I could cook dinner and Leo can show his aunt and uncle his new word. You hungry, Leo?" The little boy stared at her, then nodded a little, as if he wasn't completely sure what was being asked of him. She laughed a little and stood up. "Come on. We can cook them dinner and help them with their house. Our house can wait in favor of getting ready for the new baby... Leo? You ready for the new baby?" Leo wrinkled his nose, looking adorable confused.

Hugo nodded. "Good," he murmured, smiling a little. He changed into a pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt, then sat down against the head board beside her. Wrapping an arm around her, he flipped on the television. "I'm really liking the bank," he admitted, "It keeps my mind off things... Makes it a little easier to get through the day. And the fact that I get to come home to you." Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to he hair. "So ready for this little one to get here." He put his hand on her plump stomach, rubbing it gently.
Draco smiled slightly shaking his head but letting her take the letter before smiling slightly, for the moment shelving his worry. "Okay okay. You now, I'm not the only amazing one in this relationship."He muttered stealing a kiss as he started opening the letter."2156 out of 2500.Not bad."Draco said flushing a little as he realized that he'd scored really,really high, even if he'd been sure that some of them he'd messed up."This is definately a reason to celebrate. How about I call mother, and see if her and severus would like to join us for dinner?I know mother's been worried about how I'm going ot do with not having a job or something."He said smiling slightly

Scorpius grinned laughing as leo talked to him."I'm right here big guy."He said smiling as he bounced the toddler a little looking over at evangeline before sighing quiestly."Let's go."He said snickerng at leo's look, glaning over at evangeline."It's not nie teasing him. Your confusing him."he teased holding leo in his arms before getting both him and leo into jackets, "ohh no, we're not. We don't want to share attention do we, big guy?"He snickered as they headed outside and headed across the street to hugo and feyn's. Despiite his teasing, leo seemed fascinated as his aunt got bigger, and giggled like hell when the baby kicked his hand the last time they'd been over there. Ringing the bell when they got there instead of just walking in.

"I promised to be good you know. I don't least not all the time."feyn muttered rolling her eyes a little, closing his eyes, content in his company, and happy he was home. 'That's good. I'm glad you like it."She muttered resting her hands over his, laughing quietly when the baby kicked his hand as if it knew he was their father. Groaning a little at the sound of the bell she pushed up slowly, moving to get up."Come on.Scorpius' last day of class was today. that's probably him being bored."She snickered knowing her cousin was just as intent on making sure she did nothing as her husband was.
Beth squealed a little, throwing her arms around Draco's neck and squeezing him into a tight hug. "Draco! That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you," the younger woman gushed, kissing him hard on the lips. She nodded enthusiastically. "You call your mother and I'll slip in to a dress. Have a request?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she headed toward her new walk-in closet.

Evangeline laughed a little, shaking her head. "Scor, you keep talking to him like that and we will never be able to have other kids," she warned, looking amused. She walked along beside him toward the other's house, already intent on making a nice dinner and helping with the nursery and the other rooms. After all, they won't be able to do much once the baby came.

Hugo grinned, looking a little amused. "I know you were good," he said, then stood up and helped her to her feet. "Rest on the couch when we get down stairs, okay? You remember what the doctor said. You really need to take it easy." He kissed her cheek, then helped her to the couch before moving to the door. "I'm surprised. No barging in?" He smirked a bit and stepped aside, letting them in. Evangeline grinned and moved over to Feyn. "Hey, you hungry? We came over to cook and help with things. Oh! And Leo said his first word. I bet you can never guess what it is." She rolled her eyes a little.
Draco grinned nearly choking at how tight she was hugging him, but laughing as he tightened his arms around her."Surprise me love. You always find the best outfits."He grinned, because while he was good at choosing clothes, he preferred letting her dress herself, because she always looked even better. Watching her for a moment he grinned as he called his mother, amused when a grumpy severus answered. Hanging up after a few minutes he smirked,"They'll be over in a few minutes."He said as he walked back into the bedroom.

Severus sighed raising his head from where he was resting his head on narcissa's stomach, oddly enough he'd taken a job as a librarian at the local library, but it had been his day off, and he'd enjoyed staying in bed all day with her. But it seemed his godson was intent on making him get up."Draco got his test results today. And being draco, he did a off the charts good job. Apparently this requires going out to dinner."He said pouting a little as he sat up enough to kiss his lover, sensing there was something else draco wanted to talk about, and nervous that he hadnt said what it was over the phone.

"Malfoy's never have more then one kid. I don't think its possible."Scorpius said looking thoughtful and amused, though he knew he should stop. "You think we can convince Hugo to rest to, and just watch me paint and get the nursery ready?"He muttered smirking a little.

Feyn smiled nodding as she let him help her downstairs."I know I know.I don't forget everything."She scowled a little, annoyed at everyone seeming to treat her like she couldn't remember what she was supposed to be doing to keep her and the baby healthy. Even moodier then normal the closer she got to delivering. "Well, she threw a pot at me yesterday when I barged in. I figured I'd knock."Scorpius said grinning as they walked in. "I did not. It was a bowl, and a plastic one at that."Feyn scowled a little, still moody before smiling a little at evangeline as she put up her feet. "I'm always starving. I'm amazed I'm not huge!"She snickered looking at father and son as scorpius settled the boy on the living room floor, "Oh I'm pretty sure I an guess. Scor wouldn't be looking so pleased if it was anything but 'da'"
Beth walked out of the closet wearing a short red dress that she knew Draco loved. "Great," she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. She had grown to be really close to Narcissa and Severus, sharing a bond with them when it came to how much they all cared for Draco. Sitting down at her dressing table, she started to put on some make up and primp her hair a little. "I'm proud of you! Those scores were unreal... I can't believe I'm going to be dating an attorney." With that, she gave him a smirk.

Evangeline reached up to grab Leo from Scorpius. "There is a first time for everything, Scor," she murmured, turning to sit Leo next to his aunt. "Baby, you sit with Aunt Feyn and keep her company while I cook." She kissed her son, who sat on the couch and pointed up to Scorpius. "Da!" he said, and Evan sighed. "Oh, trust me. I'm pretty sure his father has been coaching him on that word since he was born." Turning around, she went to the kitchen and prepped the kitchen for dinner.

Hugo laughed a bit. "No way," he said to Scorpius. "Come on. I went to the store and got some paint on the way home. I figure we can knock that out, then get everything moved in." He led the other man up to the nursery, then peeled the lid off a can of mint green paint. He had a woman tell him at work that light green was soothing and okay for a boy or a girl. "So how's everything next door?" he said, getting a brush out.
Draco's jaw dropped a little as he looked at her, smiling. She was so beautiful, and wearing that dress..Swallowing he moved to stand behind her resting his hands on her shoulders as he watched her get ready. "I know. But as a malfoy, I'm never anything but amazing."He said smirking at her, lowering his head to kiss her, before whining at the sound of the doorbell."REmind me why we wanted to go to dinner with them?"he whined but headed downstairs to let his mother and severus in, kissing her cheek."You look beautiful mother."He said hugging her gently.

Feyn laughed as she tickled her nephew, grinning as he pointed at scorpius."I have not. I think I'm insulted that you'd think I'd be that obvious in-"Scorpius made a face. "Oh do shut up dada, you're overacting."Feyn snickered as she watched the men head upstairs, aunt and nephew settling onto the couch, leo tucked in against her side as she read him tales of beatle the bard, trying to get comfortable. "Hey Evan."She said after a few minutes and leo fell asleep against her side, head resting on her stomach,she looked at evangeline in the kitchen."Do you need any help?"She asked hickening out at the last moment on what she wanted to ask.

"Everything's good. Leo's starting to try and walk, and not showing any signs of changing soon. I can't decide if I'm relieved or scared that he hasn't changed yet."Scorpius said as they started to paint."How about here?"He said looking at hugo, slightly worried about these two. Wondering if they were as content and as worry free as they appeared to be.
Beth grinned as he leaned down to kiss her, then turned to put on a fresh coat of red lipstick. After she slid on some heels, she put on her coat and followed him down the stairs. Narcissa was beaming, reaching over to hug her son. "Thank you, Sweetheart," she said, "Severus and I are so proud of you. Come. Let's go celebrate." Leaning over, she kissed Beth's cheek, and Beth smiled. It was always nice to be around Narcissa. Wrapping her arms around Draco, she put her lips to his ear. "Don't worry, we will celebrate at home later... alone in bed," she whispered.

Evangeline came back into the living room, leaning against the doorway. She smiled at her sleeping son, the raised an eyebrow. "Feyn, I'm okay in here," she assured, smirking. "Are you sure there isn't something else you needed to ask me? After all, I know you know better than to think Hugo would let you in this kitchen..." Reaching down into her charmed purse, she pulled out a pack-n-play and a blanket, setting Leo up inside to sleep more comfortably.

Hugo sighed and began to paint. "Pretty good. I mean, we don't fight really, unless she's trying to do something that she's not physically able to do," he said, looking amused and rolling his eyes. "Things are... getting easier." He concentrated on the wall for a moment, then let out a deep breath. "I wish I could not be so broken up about everything that is happened, but I'm just not used to things like you Malfoys are. With Voldemort, and my sister, and leaving my parents... It's just been hard. I'm ready for the baby to get here."
Draco flushed a little as he looked down at his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around her as he pressed a kiss to her hair."Hmm I like that."He muttered amused as they headed for the resturant. Quiet most of the way, settling into his seat severus looked at Draco shaking his head a little."Draconis Malfoy, whatever's bothering you spit it out before you choke on it.I know you're not in this mood just because of your amazing test scores."SEverus said rolling his eyes a little as he looked over the menu. He knew his sulking, broody godson.He'd rather hear about it now rather then let it ruin dinner. Draco squirmed a little, avoiding looking at any of them as he tried to decide what to order. "Father....father was elected minister of magic."He muttered.

Feyn smiled a little watching leo seattle into the pen before looking up at evanageline with a small smile,"Hugo's still drinking....not like alot or anything...but...steady."She said looking lost."And he doesn't talk to me, at least not as much as he used to. I think he's worried about making me worry or fuss..."She shrugged a little before sighing."I.. I don't know. I'm just worried about him.And we don't fight....not ever. It just seems weird. I remember uncle draco and aunt astoria fighting alot...and narcissa and lucius...I just feel weird...."She muttered shrugging a little ,moody and tired.

Sorpius nodded looking amused."You are a brave man for fighting with a pregnant woman. I was serious about that pan.It wasn't a bowl, she threw a pan at me."Hhe said sulking a little before glancing at him."...well, everything's not exactly normal for us either. Dude, she almost married McKinze, in no definition of the word, is that normal for a 17 year old."he muttered before grinning."I'm sure you are. At least she'll stop whining about staying in bed."
Beth frowned and reached under the table, squeezing his hand gently. When the waiter dropped by, she ordered a round of drinks. Narcissa paled at his words, reaching up to put a hand over her mouth in shock. No part of this was good... Her husband was not going to let them out alive if he could help it. "Bellatrix probably had something to do with that," she mumbled, looking over at Severus with worry in her eyes.

Evangeline bit her lip, moving to sit down beside the other woman. "You know, not all couples fight, Feyn," she said, tilitng her head to the side. "Scorpius and I don't really fight, and neither do Draco and Beth. Not ever Severus and Narcissa... It's not a bad thing you two don't fight, and it hasn't been very long since everything has happened. Hugo may be shell-shocked from it all, but the baby will bring him out of it." She squeezed her friends hand. "He just needs to be reminded that there are good things still out there. Sometimes, I even worry when the next thing will go wrong... I'm sure he feels similar."

"I never said she had it normal. That's my point. You two are used to things like this. You are used to the Dark Side. I was raised in a really happy, muggle-influenced home. All of this is sort of... daunting," Hugo admitted, rolling the paint on to the wall. He sniffed and dipped the roller back into the paint, stealing a glance at Scorpius. "I... I wanted to name the baby after my sister if it's a girl," he sighed, "But I haven't been able to work up the courage to tell her that. I mean, I know how girls are about naming kids, and I don't want to take that from her."
Drao smiled a little as he ordered a glass of wine, wincing a little. He'd wanted to not tell his mother, but knew that putting it off would just upset her more. Clearing his throat a little he sighed. "And...Uncle Rabastan sent a note along with the paper. Father knows we're in the states since he couldn't find us in europe. But because for the most part we haven't been using magic as much as we were at home, and he can't trace it, he hasn't figured out where yet." Severus snorted laughing a little though worry clouded his dark eyes. "I never thought I'd hear the day a malfoy was glad to give up magic."He said before shaking his head."Now. We're supposed to be celebrating. Lets not let lucius ruin yet another thing."He said determinedly.

Feyn rested her hands on her stomach fidgetting a little."I know...its just I feel like we should be.Because I know I upset him sometimes, and he refuses to yell at me or anything."She muttered before nodding a little. "We'll remind him there's good things."She muttered rubbing a hand over her stomach, because she was glad she'd brought it up."I worry about what's going to go wrong to....I seems everything does."She muttered giving her friend a slightly wide eyed look because she felt better talking. Even if she was tired, worried and moody, she felt better.

"Ah.Yes I can see where that would be weird."Scorpius said smirking a little."My house was definately not muggle influenced, though making me do things like...paint a room making up for the childhood of not doing it."He said with a curl of his lips that was half sneer, half teasing smirk. Giving the man a hard time just because he could. Snickering at the thought of the name his smirk widened,"You better tell her. Otherwise you might end up with a daughter named after a constellation....or a mental disease...or a goddess.Truly, malfoys have never settled for normal names."Scorpius said thoughtfully."Tell her. If she already has a idea, she'll tell you."he shrugged as he painted.
Beth nodded in agreement with Severus, squeezing Draco's hand. "He's right, babe, this is your night. Let's celebrate." She gave him a sweet smile, then started to look over the menu. Her stomach as in knots, but she didn't want his good news to be spoiled. After all, he did incredibly well on the test. "So have you found a firm you want to work for?" Narcissa asked, changing the subject. Beth grinned and nodded. "Do I have an sexy secretaries to worry about?"

Evangeline shook her head. "You can't live life like that, Feyn," she said, "You have to move forward and focus on the good." She gave the girl a smile, then stood up to check on dinner. Once the steaks and pasta were ready, she fixed up four plates and jogged half way up the stairs. "Dinner is ready!" she called, then moved to help Feyn to the dining room.

Hugo looked over his shoulder at the sound of Evan's voice, then put the roller down. He let out a heavy sigh. "I'll think about it," he promised, then moved down the stairs. The smell of food was heavenly, and he moved to sit beside his wife at the table. Leaning over, he kissed her cheek and put his napkin in his lap. "It's steak and parmesan linguini," Evan murmured, sitting down on the other side of the table. "I've been trying out recipes while Scorpius was taking classes."
Draco grinned looking at her, leaning over to kiss her cheek."You always make me want to forget everything."He muttered starting to sip his wine before shrugging. "I'm thinking maybe one of the literary houses, I'm tired of facing off against crimminals, I've done that enough in private. I like the idea of arguing over books."He said before smirking, "Well beth, you could always come work as my secretary to make sure there's not." Severus rolled his eyes looking amused. Draco wouldn't know how to cheat on someone if you gave him specfic instrustions."You could always hire Feyn, or Evan. At least you know you can stand them, and they could always use a day away from the kids."

Feyn looked at the other before nodding."I'm trying."She said smiling before letting the other woman help her into the dining room she looked amused as the men came downstairs. "It smells amazing Evan."Feyn grinned as she started to eat, "I think I need to stay home more. I'm missing amazing food."Scorpius pouted a little looking amused.
Beth smiled lovingly at Draco, blushing a little at his words. Giggling, she shook her head. "Draco, you wouldn't want me as your secretary. You'd get sick of me." She winked at him then moved to order her food. Narcissa nodded at Severus' suggestion. "That's a good idea. Of course, I'm not sure Feyn is going to be wanting to leave a newborn any time soon. Evan might do it if you asked, and Sev and I can always baby sit Leo." Beth nodded, liking the sound of that. She trusted that her sister would be a good help to Draco. "Besides," Beth murmured, "I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my job at the bank. You already pay all of the bills. I can't let you give me a paycheck too."

Evangeline laughed a little. "Scor, you know I've cooked for you plenty of times. I've even made this exact dish for you!" She narrowed her eyes a little, but was obviously teasing, and moved to eat. As soon as she took her first bite, Leo began to cry. Sighing a little in frustration, Evangeline moved to get the babe.

Hugo began to dig into the food, laughing a little at Evan's words. "The man still doesn't realize what a spoiled prat he is."
"Hmm no, I'd just be tired after spending all my time having work related sex."He chirped looking way to pleased with himself as Severus just gave him a look. "...I don't want to eat now. Cissy, stop him. I don't want to consider him having sex while I eat."The retired headmaster whined a little rolling his eyes. "Feyn probably wont want to, but I'll ask evan.and maybe in a few months Feyn."Draco said thoughtfully before his smirk widened as he ordered his food, ducking his head to let his lips brush over her ear."Hmm but I could pay you in orgasms instead of dollars."He muttered grinning a little. Really relaxing, taking their advice and refusing to dwell on things.

"I know. But you never make enough.I'm growing-" "Yea, around. Maybe."Feyn said rolling her eyes at the two before snikering as scorpius bounded out of his chair before evangeline could. Looking at her husband she snickered."Oh,he's aware of how much a spoiled prat he is, he's just nicer about it then he used to be."Feyn snickered amused as scorpius returned with leo, settling the baby on his thigh bouncing him a little as he ate. Rubbing her stomach a little she sighed trying to relax, despite spending a few hours each day out of bed, feyn was feeling tense and tired, not realizing she was feeling contractions, not normal muscle pains. Not true labor, not yet.
Beth blushed wildly at the table. "Draco," she playfully hissed, slapping his thigh a little. Narcissa smirked and looked over at her son. "Draco, no sex talk at the table in front of Sev," she scolded. Their food came, and Beth immediate dug in to the lamp she ordered. It was amazing, like always. This was one of her and Draco's regular restaurants on the weekends. "Your mother is right, you need to wait until we get home for all of that," she murmured, winking at him a little.

Evangeline grinned at his eagerness, leaning over to kiss her son's head. The baby looked sleepy, leaning his head against his father's arm. "He's weird about sleeping in places other than our house, now that he's getting old enough to notice," she murmured, "He's high-maintenance like his father." She ruffled her son's dark hair, then went back to eating. Hugo looked over a this lover and frowned. "Sweetheart, you feeling alright?" he asked, noticing how she was shifting uncomfortably.
Draco's grin just widened at the reprimand to behave before nodding a little. "Hmm does that mean I'm going to be reward for doing well?"Draco muttered as he started to eat, grinning at her a little. Severus rolled his eyes before leaning over to kiss narcissa's cheek."Why do we insist on spending time with him?" "Because, you love me." "I most assuredly do not. You keep making me lose my appitite." "Well, you could stand to lose a few pounds old man."Draco said, and it was very obvious over the dinner conversation where Scorpius had picked up the habit of making fun of draco. While Draco would have never dared make fun of lucius, the middle aged blond truly loved the laid back relationship he had with his godfather.

Scorpius smiled holding the baby a little,looking amused then pouting."I am not high maintance." "Your as high maintenanced as a high class whore."feyn said rolling her eyes at her cousin, amused because he was despite still being arrogant, high maintiance, and cruel at times, he was better then he'd ever been at school. Nodding a little she shifted again,"Stomach hurts.It's fine. I probably just spent to much time out of bed today."She grumbled smiling at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek so he wouldn't worry
Beth grinned a bit. "I think your in order for several rewards tonight," she assured, then watched as the younger and older man battled it out. It was so amusing and comforting to see them that way and to see Narcissa giggle at them. It almost seemed like Severus should have been Draco's father... Narcissa nudged her lover. "Oh, you love him. Always have, stubborn man." She leaned over to kiss his cheek. "How's the library been, Severus?" Beth asked, tilting her head to the side.

Evangeline rolled her eyes and stood up to grab dessert that she brought over - banana pudding. Leo perked up at the sight of it, pointing to it and looking up at Scorpius. "Da! Da!" Looking over at Feyn with concern, Hugo shook his head. "Why don't you let me call the doctor, Feyn?" he asked, "It could be something more serious... You don't want to not know, do you?" He leaned into her kiss, then stood up to get his cell phone of the counter. Evan sat down with a cup of coffee and nodded. "Hugo's right. You have to be extra careful..."
"I think someone's seeing things."Severus sulked a little as he looked at his lover, amused as draco rolled his eyes,"What did I tell you about that, Draco?It is rude to roll your eyes at someone."Severus scolded. "Oh I'm sorry headmaster."Draco snickered. "It's been good. Oddly enough, I've found that I like muggle children better then magical. Less prone to arrogance and self entitlement." "Was that aimed at me? Sorry. I've earned every entitlement."Draco said lookin amused but glad that his godfather was happy here. Happier then he'd ever really seen him."But your right, it's better then hogwarts. No Gryffindors."He said wrinkling his nose a little.

Scorpius laughed at leo's reaction to it, "That's not da. I'm da."Scorpius said grinning as he got himself a small bowl of pudding, and helping leo eat a bite, looking at his cousin worried. "Go agead then."Feyn sighed rubbing her stomach before looking at evan, biting her lip a little. She missed offee. "I know, I'm just tired of being so...out of sorts. For nine months it seems I haven't been normal."She grumbled but looking relieved when the doctor agreed to come over.
Beth laughed a little, even if she didn't know what a Gryffindor was, and sat back in her seat after she finished eating. Her hand rested on Draco's thigh underneath the table, and she looked over at him lovingly. It was no secret that Draco had been spoiling her like crazy, but it was also no secret that she loved him no matter what material things he gave her. Narcissa smiled at the two and sipped at her wine. "Have you two thought about making yourselves the real deal? After all, Draco, you are not getting any younger and your divorce has been final for quite a while now..." she said, being a typical nosey mother. Beth blushed like crazy.

Evangeline watched as Scorpius fed the baby a little of his pudding. "Is that good, baby?" she asked, and the little boy nodded his head. Hugo went to call the doctor, and when the door bell rang, he let the man inside. Dr. Carr came inside and went up to the bedroom where Feyn was. "Hello, Mrs. Weasley, how are you feeling tonight?" he asked, smiling as he opened up his brief case of supplies. "Do you mind stripping down enough to let me check if you are dilated? It's probably about that time... Especially if you are experiencing discomfort.
Drao smiled a little as he looked back at beth, tensing a little at his mother's question before frowning slightly. "I'm only turning 39 next week, don't make me old.'"He grumbled annoyed with his mother for being nosy. This was the last thing he wanted to talk about right now."We could ask the same of you. When are you getting married?"He said raising a eyebrow, trying to direct the onversation away from him and beth. Not because he didn't want married again, but becasue he did, and even the thought made him panic ever so slightly.

Feyn sighed a little as she looked up at the doctor, rubbing a hand over her stomach as she looked at him."I am. It's much pain or anything, I'm just uncomfortable."She grumbled a little before shifting and with litte help from hugo got undressed.She felt so awkward with being so big. Laying bak on the pillows she smiled a little, resting her hand in hugo's looking nervous."You think I really am in labor?"She said leaning her head back to look at hugo nervous.
Narcissa sighed and shook her head. "Draco, you know better than I do that I can not get a divorce from your father. Not now. If I did that, it would mean that I would need to get in contact with him. That's more than a little dangerous..." she murmured, looked up at Severus and squeezing his hand, not wanting him to think that she wasn't marrying him because she didn't want to. She definitely did. Beth suddenly looked a little serious and... in pain? Not emotional pain, but she felt like she had incredibly awful cramps all of the sudden. She swallowed hard and put her napkin on the table. "Excuse me. I'm going to the restroom before we leave," she said, calmly. Kissing Draco's cheek, she walked to the other side of the restaurant and straight into the bathroom.

The doctor nodded a bit. "This is normal, I assure you. It might actually be best to take slow walks around the neighborhood... eat spicy food." He grinned, and Hugo looked confused. "Feyn, you body is ready to give birth but your baby is not ready to leave. You need to get some slight activity in to hopefully help your water break. Once your water breaks, you need to get to the hospital right away. I'd expect this to happen in the next day or so. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm guess, just by the way you look." He started to pack up his things. "And when I mean slight activity, I mean slight." Hugo stood up and shook his hand, then showed the doctor out.

Evangeline picked up Leo and cleaned up his face. "Scor, I think we should see if put Leo to bed in the living room and go upstairs to finish putting the nursery together." She eyed him. "And we can use magic... I just think it needs to get done for the baby." She shrugged a little, leaning up to kiss her lover sweetly. "Why don't you get him ready for bed this time? He loves it when you rock him... and with your classes, you haven't really been home before his bedtime.
"I know.I know."Draco sulked because he'd upset his mother. Slouching a little into his chair he stared at the table, sulking because he knew better then to get married. Even if he did a muggle ceremony, his magic would register the bond, register that he'd made a life commitment to someone. And it would register at the ministry of his birth, namely the one his father was in control of now. He couldn't have that. He just had a few things to take care of before he could. Severus smiled a little as he looked at narcissa, squeezing her hand back as he leaned over to kiss her cheek."I know."He muttered before looking at his godson but before he could say anything he looked at nodding a little."We'll be ready to go when you are."The older man said looking slightly worried before paying the bill for the food. Standing the two men walked with narcissa to wait in the front hall to wait for Beth.

Feyn sighed a little looking amused before frowning. Wrinkling her nose a little."I hate spicy food. What about sex?I heard sex works."She said her smirk teasign as she looked up at her husband, squeezing his hand a little as she shifted to leave against him before letting him go show the doctor out. Looking up at hugo when he came out she smiled. "Does this mean I can help in the nursery?"

"It's looking like they'll need it before we thought they would."Scorpius said looking worried as he stood, leo tucked against his hest before he laughed, smirking. "Yes! No more weasley telling me to do things like a muggle. I'm a wizard, I shouldn't have to use a paintbrush."He said sulking playfully before nodding."Yep me and leo are going to go have a good bedtime aren't we buddy?"he said grinning at his son as he headed for the living room to put leo down. Despite loving his classes, the man missed being a fther to.When leo was asleep he stood backing quietly out of the room, looking up at evangeline.
Narcissa looked anxious, feeling as if something was wrong with Beth. "Excuse me boys," she muttered, moving into the bathroom. She could hear Beth's whimpers. "Sweetheart? Are you okay?" the older woman called. Beth took a deep breath and came out of the bathroom stall. She was holding her stomach and nodding. "Yea... I think it's just cramps or something. It hurts pretty bad." Narcissa nodded and walked out of the restroom with Beth. "Draco, why don't you apparate Beth home?" she suggested, and Beth glanced up at Draco. "Really, I'm fine. I just think it's intense menstral cramps." Beth shrugged it off, not wanting to worry her lover. Narcissa looked up at Severus. "Sev, you think you can mix something up to take over to Beth for pain?"

Hugo glanced over at her, looking amused. "What part of "lightly" don't you understand?" he teased, leaning over to kiss her head. "Besides, Sweetheart, it's a little too late for that. You don't want to have the baby at two in the morning, do you? I'll call in to work tomorrow and we will spend out day walking and stuff. I promise." Reaching over, he stroked her hair. It was a relief to know she was okay... "I wanted to ask you something," he sighed, deciding to take Scorpius' advice - something he never thought he would do.

"Good job, Da," Evangeline murmured, leaning up on her toes to kiss him softly. It was so nice to see him tuck Leo in. It just showed how devoted a man he was to his family. "I love you," she murmured, nuzzling him for a few moments. She snuggled into his arms, hugging him gently, then stepped back and nodded toward the stairs. "Come on. Let's get it all together real quick then leave them be."
Both men looked at the women, looking vaguely unomfortable at the idea of menstral ramps, but to polite to at like teengers about it. "I'll brin it over as soon as I brew it. It wont be more then a hour."Severus said as drao wrapped his arms around Beth with a nod, apprting them home and to their bedroom."Okay, no arguing with me We're going to lay down and rest, and not do anything."He said sternly looking slightly amused because he was used to talking to scorpius and feyn, who rgued over everything about being restful. Helping her out of her dress and into pj's he smiled as he tucked her into bed and laid down next to her.

"hmm helping would be lightly, if we used magic."she mused looking amused before sighing shifting to snuggle as best she could against her husbnd, wanting omfort and held, but feeling awkward. She was so ready to not be huge. "You'd call off work just to go walk with me?"She said looking startled. Though she knew her husband loved her, it was still startling sometimes to realize he'd forgo other obligations, like work, to just be with her when she wanted it."Hmmm?"She hummed at his question, sounding sleepy and content, starting to doze but looking up at him.

Scorpius grinned kissing her back before wrapping a arm around her waist."Love you to. I've missed bedtime."He said pouting a little, hating that he'd been left with a evening class that kept him out late, that even with magic he usually missed putting his son down. "Hm good idea. I have a feeling tomorrow's going to be exciting enough."He snorted looking amused as he headed upstairs with her, looking around the room as he smirked, waving his wand grinning as something that would have taken all night to do without magic, took him and evangeline just over a hour. "That was fun."He grinned kissing her softly
Beth let him tuck into her bed, sitting back against the pillows and looking uncomfortable. "Draco, I can't tell you so how sorry I am for ruining tonight," she said guiltily, looking up at him sadly. She bit her lip, looking like she was in obvious pain, and took a deep breath. "I don't think these are just cramps," she admitted, "It's not that... time. And it doesn't really feel like it." She shook her head. "I just didn't want to make a scene at the restaurant."

Hugo looked down at his sleepy wife and shook his head. "Nevermind," he said, leaning down to kiss her head. "Go to sleep, Sweetheart. I'm going to tell the others goodnight and come back to go to bed." With that, he walked across the hall and looked at the finished nursery with amusement. "You two just couldn't not do it, could you?" he teased, "Thanks. Hopefully we will have a baby in that crib tomorrow afternoon." He leaned over and kissed Evan's cheek and nodded to Scorpius. "Goodnight," he said softly, then moved back to the bedroom.

After saying goodbye, Evan leaned up to kiss her lover. "Come on. Let's get out of their way." Leaning down, she gently picked up the sleeping baby and cradled him gently. "Can you get pack-n-play? I don't want to wake him up. Hopefully he will stay asleep so we can get him in his crib for the night," she whispered, kissing Leo's head.
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