Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco smiled a little when he realized his mother was already getting dinner down, turning his head a little to see what she was looking at. Frowning a little at the sight of his wife he sighed,studying the way even the picture astoria leaned into scorpius, as if she needed to touch him,even with her husband standing there."Come on, mother's getting food ready."He muttered tugging her away from the picture, smiling at narcissa as they walked into the kitchen."It smells amazing in here."He said sitting down, while his father would never let any of them eat in the kitchen like servents, when it was just him, narcissa, and the kids they'd taken to not bothering eating in the dining room and had a cozy little dinner in the kitchen.

Severus smiled looking amused."I wasn't suggesting you didn't. Its just he might feel left out if you dont ask him."He said looking amused before smirking."He most defintately hated it." "I don't now what your talking about. I don't mind not being the center of attention." "Hmm about as much as lucius enjoys being told he's wrong."Severus teased looking amused before laughing as scorpius pouted at them both and took the baby, laying down on the floor with him, both father and son set about trying to crawl.

Feyn sighed softly as he drank the firewhiskey, but refrained from scolding him, knowing he didn't need her to act like his mother and tell him what to not do. "We'll just go for a short walk around the house. I've never been here before, I want to see everything."She said smiling as she got dressed to, blushing a little as he rested a hand to her stomach she keaned into him for a moment. "About 4 months. I was worried I wasn't getting as big as Evanageline, and grandmother said that some women just don't get as big, along with not eating enough...We're both fine."She reassured smiling as she looked up at him.
Narcissa smirked a little as they sat down at the bar, getting plates fixed. "That's because I'm making your favorite as a kid," she said, setting a plate and a glass of wine in front of each of them. "When you were a child, you begged and begged to have this for dinner at least three times a week. Of course, we had to temp you with dessert to eat other, healthy things." She winked and Beth laughed a bit, nudging him before digging into the food.

Evangeline watched Scorpius and Leo with amusement. "You know, Scor, you don't have any of us fooled." She leaned down and kissed him gently, then scooted over to snuggle her father. She was just so glad he was there, because she knew Leo would be okay with him around. "I didn't get a chance to tell you about meeting Cassandra... It didn't go well." She frowned a bit, remember the cruel words the older woman said.

Hugo nodded. "Well, Scorpius said Evangeline didn't have much morning sickness except for the very beginning, and lots of cravings," he said, even though he looked worried that she just seemed to not eat a lot. She wasn't eating enough for herself, let alone the baby. "I feel like I've been waiting forever to meet the little one," he admitted, walking down the stairs of the house. His hand tightened around her's as he moved outside, needing the fresh air.
"What?Really?"Draco grinned looking at the plates of fried chicken and french fries. A very muggle meal, but something drco had loved, despite being demanded to eat other things. "I do eat healthier things. I always listened to father when he told me to."He said with a dignified sniff looking amused as he started to eat.

"Hmm but I can still try."Scorpius smiled kissing her back as he and his son worked on crawling. Severus smiled wrapping a arm around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her hair. "If you don't want to, you don't have to.I'm sure it wasn't pleasant from your look"He muttered pressing a kiss to her hair.

Feyn smiled a little before sighing, "Well, I try to eat more, and I throw it all up. It gets tiring."She muttered seeing his worried look, squeezing his hand."Don't worry, uncle draco's made her I keep getting my potions, and it settles my stomach enough to eat. Don't fuss."She said though she knew he would no matter what she told him to do. Smiling as they walked outside, tugging her jaket tighter around her, not wanting to get to get sick on top of everything else."It's so beautiful out here."She said looking around the open space."It's...calmer and then the manor."She said not sure how to describe it, but thats how she felt.
Narcissa rolled her eyes, making Beth laugh. "Don't let him fool you, Sweetheart, he just has a high metabolism." She winked and went to go get the others. Beth dug into the food, moaning because it tasted so good. "Wow, you're mother is an amazing cook..." She looked pleased to be treated so kindly upon meeting his mother. It was nice to be embraced in such a way, even if it made her even more embarrassed about her own mother. "You think she likes me?" she whispered, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.

Evangeline leaned into her father. "It doesn't matter," she mumbled, "You were the best parents I could have ever asked her, and that's all that matters. Besides, I have these two to keep me busy." She nodded to father and son, laughing a little at both of their determined looks. Narcissa walked in and kissed Severus' cheek. "Come," she murmured, "Dinner is ready." Evangeline nodded and leaned down to scoop of the dark-headed little boy. "Scor, you can go ahead and eat. I'll heat up a bottle and for Leo and get him fed first. He needs to be put down in the next hour for bed."

Hugo pouted. "I'm not fussing at all. You took my look wrong," he murmured, then nodded. "It is nice... Peaceful. Sort of makes you forget about all the fucked up things around us." He shrugged and pulled her out toward the swing set they used to play on when they were young. He sat down on one and sighed, pushing himself back and forth. "I like America though... I think we could get a nice fresh start there."
Draco pouted a little before smiling nodding as he watched his mother go."she is pretty amazing."he said before sighing nodding as he looked at her."I know she does. She never made a meal for astoria...she likes you enouh to show you I can still be a kid sometimes."he smiled kissjng her slowly glancing up as the others came in
"Good. I'm glad your happy."severus muttered lookibg happy tbat she didn't regret her childhood now smiling when narcissa came in, amused as scorpius was about to protest."come on kid. I want to talk with your fathers girl. He seems enthralled."severus snickered cause already within the few short minutes of talking to her he could see how draco hovered.heading into the kitchen he snickered at the food they were eating shaking his head."don't you ever grow up?" "Nope."draco grinned around a mouthful of food.

Feyn smiled slightly, trying very hard to not fus over her husband even though she could smell the alcohol on him l."I like it to. Not prejudice, no need to keep up appearances...america really will let us have a fresh start instead of trying to overcome everything here."she smiled truly enjoying the land but looking forward to oing back to america and building a home with him.
Beth grinned and kissed him back, then went to eating. She glanced up at Severus a smiled, though she was a little intimidated by the man. No one had introduced her to him, so she had not idea it was Evangeline's father. Narcissa moved to make plates for all the others, sitting them along the long bar. There seemed to be a ton of food to go around. Evangeline flicked her wand to warm up Leo's bottle, then moved to sit by Scorpius and feed the baby. "Scor, will you cut up my chicken?" she asked, pouting with her hands full.

Hugo smiled, putting a hand on her knee. "Then it's settled," he murmured, "We will get the hell out of here as soon as we can... I can get a job in the states and we can go from there. I think your uncle was hinting around to getting a house big enough for us all. It might be good while we get on our feet financially."
Severus smiled a little, before flushing slightly as he realized that he hadn't introduced himself."you'll have to forgive me, kind lady,"He said with a teasing light in his eyes, that said despite the dour look and serious expressions, said he could loose up. "Both my godson and daughter have seemed to forgotten their manners,"he snickered a little as drao flushed a bright red."And didn't introduce me. My name's severus. I'm evangeline's father."He sid smiling. Scorpius hid a snicker as he busied himself with cutting up evangeline's food, amused because it was so rare for draco to actually get a dressing down for forgetting his manners, that it was pretty funny to see the 38 year old get solded. "Scorpius Lucius Malfoy, if you keep laughing at others, I'll make sure you spend the rest of the meal under a Silenco hex." "Aww you can't do that, I'm the only one with anything interes-" "Silenco.Draco muttered snickering as scorpius kept talking for a few moments before realizing he was under a silencing hex."There. That's better."He said returning to eating having every intention of leaving his son like tht for awhile. It'd do wonders for his ego to realize they could have a conversation without him.

Feyn grinned leaning into him, nodding slightly before snickering at the idea of being poor. Well, it wasn't funny, but if she knew her uncle, draco's already moved most of the malfoy fortune into both grighotts america, and muggle banks. They'd be okay. Rih enough that draco could easily buy them all houses without even noticing how much he was spending."I'm sure we'll be okay. Even if we all live in the same house... though I was thinking about his hint and maybe...different houses, but neighboring ones?If we can find them. It'd give us the privacy, but we'd still be close..."She shrugged before smiling wider."And of course, if we can convince them its not safe her anymore, uncle severus and grandmother."She said, with rose's death, she was worried about the woman who'd raised her as much as draco had.
Evangeline blushed, glancing between the two. "Sorry, Daddy," she mumbled, and Beth beamed. Now that he mentioned it, she could see a resemblance in the dark features. "It's nice to meet you," Beth said, nudging Draco. It was cute to see him blush... When Scorpius was silenced, Evangeline raised her eyebrows at him. "You deserved it... a little bit," she teased, leaning up to kiss his cheek, then went about eating the chicken that her lover cut for her.

Beth glanced at Draco with humor in her eyes. "I had no idea you could be such a tyrant," she said, leaning into him. She was already feeling sleepy, even if she didn't want to admit it. Normally, she hated sleeping in strange places... but as long as he was here, she'd be okay. Leo started to fuss a little, done eating and needing to be put down for bed. Evangeline shifted mid meal and got down from her bar stool. "Say goodnight to Daddy, Leo," she said, holding the baby on her hip so he could see Scorpius. "I'm using we are sleeping in your old room? I'll just put him to bed in there."

Hugo nodded, looking content with the idea. "That would be nice. Our own houses, but close together... That way Draco and Beth can have some alone time along with the others." Reaching out, Hugo pulled her in front of where he was sitting on the swing and wrapped his arms around her, settling his head on her stomach. He let out a sigh. "We should tell me parents about the baby... They should know," he admitted, even if he was afraid it might not be a great time with his sister's death clouding over them. It was just that he had no idea when would be the next time they would see them...
Scorpius pouted loking at his lover as she teased him, sulking a little as he ate, but making no attempt to unsilence himself, knowing that his father would just do something else as punishment. Draco snickered looking ath her as he wrapped a arm arond her, "Not a tyrant, just a annoyed father who's tired of being insulted by his egotistic son."He said looking amused as he pressed a kiss her head, standing."Come on. Let's go to bed."He said feeling tired imself and seeing she was tired. Looking at the others he smiled as he said goodnight and ended scorpius' punishment as he led beth upstairs.

"We are.Why should I sleep in a guest room?"Sorpius said looking amused as he followed her upstairs, looking around a little."You know, I don't mind living in america, but I do miss having my own room with all my stuff in it."He said looking thoughtful before transfiguring one of the chairs into a crib for leo before getting undressed as he laid bak in bed.

"exactly. We all need privacy...if only we can have sex without the others hearing."She said teasing him with amusement before leaning against him as he held her, closing her eyes."Okay..."she said nervous, but if he thought it was best."let's go tell them then. If they're going to yell, might as well give them time to do it before we leave."She muttered worried about their reaction. Smiling slightly, if a little tiredly and worried as she pulled him to his feet."come on."She said pulling him towards the house.
Beth nodded, saying goodnight to everyone before following Draco up to his bedroom. She raised her eyebrows. Not only was surprised at the size of the bedroom, but the dark greens and silvers and blacks... It also looked like a master bedroom, not the room he must have grew up in. "You keep surprising me more and more," she admitted, crawling on the bed and laying in the middle. She let out a yawn, then smiled. "It's a nice feeling to know your family likes me... I was a little worried. Well, really worried."

Evangeline frowned, laying a sleepy Leo in his crib before putting a silencing charm around him, not wanting to disturb his sleep. "Are you not happy?" she asked thoughtfully, wondering if his comment was hinting to his unhappiness. She knew things weren't great here lately, but she really thought that they were happy together. Biting her lip, she looked down at the ring and remembered how he specifically said it was not really an engagement ring, but something he was willing to consider or talk about. Evan was starting to fear that she may not be able to keep the former Death Eater happy.

Hugo looked up at her with confusion. "Why would my parents yell? I just mean we should tell them before we leave, because the baby might be here before we get a chance to see them again..." He stood up and walked along side her toward house, walking inside and calling his mother downstairs. He knew better than to call his father, because he would not come down for a few days. Hermione walked down stairs and smiled. "Hey honey," she said, moving to her son and giving him a hug. He kissed her cheek and sighed. "Mom, we have to talk."
Draco snickered a little as he watched her look around his bedroom, slipping out of his clothes and changing into a pair of pj's and holding out a worn slytherin green tshirt for her to wear."don't look so surprised. To my family I was always master draco, even when I was small."he snickered thinking about the house elves who got so flustered since he didn't insist on being called master draco unless with his father."they do. And they're the only ones I cars what they think."he said laying doen in bed looking sad for a moment because thered been a time ahen the only opinion that mattered had been luicius. How things had changed.

Scorpius frowned a little at her looked confused at her question"I am happy."he said wondering what she was thinking about so seriously."thia is just...home. I miss having a room of my own instead of just having a hotel room."he said tugging her down next to him.

"Umm because its reckless?espicially considering the way of the wod, or thag most parents would yell if their 18 hear old sIid his girlfriend was pregnant, even if they are marridd?or...never mind. I'm just worried."she said followjng him inside worrying about their reaction to the baby was easier then worrying about everything else in their lifr.
Beth giggled a little and stripped out of her clothes, turning her back to him for a moment while she slipped the green shirt over her head. Crawling into the bed beside him, she rest her head on his chest, closing her eyes. "I've never felt so happy," she admitted, "And I had been so... accepted, you know? Even growing up with me dad, who was a great dad, I had to live with a step mom and half-siblings... I just didn't feel like I belonged in their family; like I was ruining it for them." She shrugged and turned her head up to look at him with a soft smile.

Evangeline sighed and nodded. "I just wondered if it was the room you missed or the life you had before Leo and I came along," she murmured, shrugging, "You had this nice, luxurious life. Sometimes I feel like a ruined it for you." Leaning up, she kissed him softly and ran her fingers through her hair. "I love you, Scor. It makes me happy for you to be happy." Smiling, she looked over at the sleeping baby.

Hermione tilted her head to the side, sitting across from them in the living room. Hugo put his hand on Feyn's knee. "Mom, we are having a baby... We have about four months to go." His mom looked taken back by the news, as if she was not sure how to process the information. "A baby? Hugo... This is a dangerous world to bring a baby into at the moment," she said, swallowing hard. Hugo tensed, but before he could get upset, Hermione waved her hand. "I'm happy to become a grandmother, Hugo," she said, "And I think it might get your father out of his slump... I just worry about the safety of a baby with everything going on." She frowned and looked over to Feyn. "Are you taking care of yourself? As your uncle hired a healer for you?"
Draco smiled losing his eyes, eeling pleased that she was happy as he yawned."Hmmm.. well you can't ruin mine. We put the fun in dysfunctional."He teased before settling down to sleep, ontent and happy in her ompany. knowing that everything was okay.

Scorpius smiled a little shaking his head slightly."Definately the room, I don't miss being a man whore who's only thought was how long it'd take me to get back into bed."He smiled kissing her slowly before tugging her against him, snuggling down into the bed."I am happy.Never doubt that. And never doubt that I love you, that I love you both."he muttered starting to yawn as he fell asleep.

Hours later Draco jerked awake, eyes widening slightly as he went from grogginess to full awake within seconds. There was a reason the man was a inner circle death eater besides his name. The man was battle trained, and battle ready, and even within moments of realizing that the wards had gone off the man was ready to fight. Shaking Beth awake he kissed her hard as he stood."Beth. Go across the hall. Wake my mother and severus. Tell them to take you and the kids back to the hotel. Go."He said being short and commanding, hoping not to freak her out, hoping that if he kept it up, he'd get her to move without worrying her about him.

Feyn smiled a little resting her hands over Hugo's, squeezing his hand tightly before realizing slightly at hermione's words, but not totally. To worried to relax. Biting her lip she swallowed hard."I...well.I did have a healer, but I can't go bak to her. And the last two days have been....upsetting and I didn't want to ask him to see about getting a healer because we were in the states, and well he had enough to deal with..."She said babbling a little but calming as she leaned against hugo, swallowing hard as she tried to relax.
Beth looked up at him with confusion through her groggy state. "Wh-what?" she asked, noticing his urgent tone. She got out of the bed and quickly slid on her jeans, then ran across the hall to Narcissa's master bedroom. She knocked, then slid inside and shook Severus' should. "Something's wrong," she blurted, "Draco is freaking out and wants you to take us all back to the h-" Glass could be heard crashing downstairs as people hexed themselves through the locked doors. Narcissa started awake, looking at Severus and Beth. "Lucius," she automatically said.

At the sound of the doors busting open downstairs, Evangeline woke up with a start. "Scor," she snapped, shaking his shoulder as hard as she could before lunging across the room and grabbing Leo. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but she was intelligent enough to know that it wasn't going to be good. Holding the baby close, she got out her wand and looked to her lover for what to do next.

Hermione pressed her lips together and nodded. "When you get back to New York, I think you should see a muggle doctor," she said, "It's safer that having a Healer travel back and forth from England to the States with the risk of being traced. Neglecting yourself from being checked out on a monthly basis with a doctor is only going to hurt you and the baby in the long run." She sighed and rubbed her temple. "Hugo, I will tell your father... But you talking with him right now is just not a good idea. He will have to come around." Hugo nodded, knowing that she was right. Ron would need time to adjust to Rose's death first.
Scorpius snarled as he woke up,startled awake he was as deadly and annoyed as draco, looking at his lover and son he swallowed.”Apparate back to NYC.Grandmother will get beth and severus out.”He swallowed leaning down to kiss her hard. “I wont leave my father to fight alone. Go.”He ordered already heading for the door and meeting up with draco in the hallway.

SEverus growled annoyed glancing as he looked at the door, ebfore looking at the two women. “Go.I will bring your son and grandson back to you cissy.”He muttered kissing her hard already heading out the door, knowing draco and scorpius, neither man would leave the manor to lucius, or the death eaters. As soon as draco was sure the women were gone he let the others head downstairs, and soon enough the break in devolved into a all out duel between the inner circle death eaters, with scorpius making a fair nuisance of himself. And as much as he hated his father, lucius was still his father, and even with the two malfoy men dueling and allowing no one to interfer with a duel long in the making, he couldn’t kill him, even if he knew he would regret it later, he couldn't

So, when the cieling in the ballroom that a hex brought crashing down on their heads, the three malfoys, and severus apparated out, all back to the states, in various states of disarray and injury-though nothing life threatening, a steady bleeding gash on draco’s forehead, a broken wand hand for scorpius and scratches for severus-collapsing onto the floor of the hotel room, not realizing the mess they’d left behind.

Feyn looked thoughtful before nodding.”I will do that. I wasn’t trying to neglect myself...its just...been a bad few days.”She said sighing a little before smiling, looking at hugo, looking worried about him before frowning as the owl brought the newpaper in. Standing she retrieved it even if she should have let hermione read it first, needing to see what was going on, but paling at sight of the manor house collapsed in on one sight,swaying on her feet a little as she turned to look at hugo, shoving it towards her husband.”We have to go. Please?”She said starting to work herself up into one of her attacks.
Evangeline was pacing the whole time they waited for the boys, finally getting Leo back to sleep a few minutes before the men stumbled into the hotel. Gasping, Evan ran from the bedroom and over to Scorpius. She held his face in her hand and kissed him hard before pulling him down on the couch. "Are you okay? Is it broken?" she asked, gently taking his hand. "How did you three get hurt so badly?"

Beth looked completely out of her element, grabbing Draco by the arm and pulling him into the bathroom. She sat him down on the edge of the counter before moving to grab a towel. "Draco, what the hell is going on? Who was that?" she asked, looking confused as she started to dab his forehead. She looked up at him worriedly, hoping he was not losing too much blood from the gash on his head.

Hugo jumped up and wrapped and arm around her waist, locking eyes with her. "You have to calm down," he ordered, then looked at the newspaper. He felt a lump in his throat as he nodded and took his wand out of his pocket. "Go," Hermione said, seeing the picture on the front page. Hugo quickly apparated back to the hotel, looking around at everyone. "What happened? The damn manor looked like it was on its last leg," he said to Severus, leading Feyn over to sit in the arm chair.
Sorpius leaned into her, kissing her hard back looking relieved to see her. “I’m fine...well except for this.”He muttered sitting down and watching in slight amusement as the women fussed over them, flushing a little. “Uncle rudoplhus-”He shuddered thinking about his great aunt bellatrix, who was indeed as mad as a hatter, but the LeStranges always seemed a insane sort of way.Well, the male lestranges anyways. “Broke my wrist when grandfather nearly dropped the house on us. Pulled me out the bloody window to stop it from landing on me, snapped the bone.”he grumbled annoyed, because he couldn’t figure out why the man had helped him, but maybe there were some...good men still among the death eater ranks, even if they had come with lucius. It was a question that deserved pondered on. Later.
Draco blinked a little looking up at her, a little woozy from bblood loss as he blinked up at her. “My father....seems he figured out mother was staying there. We were just unlucky enough to be there to.”He sighed softly as the bleeding slowed and stopped, though the gash still looked nasty and inflamed. And he was feeling guilty for attacking his uncles, who had always been kind-for death eaters anyways-, and his father who definately wasn’t, but was still his father.”My father is extremely unhappy that I have won this side of the war....and wants to kill me for it.”He said rambling a little bit.

Feyn leaned into hugo nodding as she struggled to calm.”O-okay.”She stuttered a little as she swallowed leaning into hugo as she looked around the room, struggling to stay calm. Severus gave the pregnant woman a look before crossing the room to draco’s suitcase and getting a calming drought glaring at her until she took it looking up at hugo.”Lucius got released-or freed- from prison last night and returned home. Attacked and destroyed his own home in trying to kill his son. Damned fool.”He scowled.
Evangeline shook her head, trying not to think about if the house had fallen on top of Scorpius. "You scared the shit out of me, and I'm mad," she grumbled, pouting a bit. Grabbing her wand, she held his hand and started to murmur healing charms. Eventually, she got it mended, but it was still going to be sore and needed to be wrapped. Gently, she wrapped his hand in a white cloth, trying so very hard to calm down from all the panic. He hands were shaking.

Beth frowned, looking up at him with sorrow in her eyes. She leaned up to kiss him, the wet the cloth in order to clean the gash. Seeing that it was still inflamed, she let out a sigh. "You need to take some medicine... And you probably need stitches, or whatever you wizards do to do heal wounds." Leaning forward, she hugged him and pressed her face into his shoulder. "He can't kill you Draco. Your all I have, as sad as it is..."

Hugo shook his head in disbelief, sitting on the arm of Feyn's chair and paying close attention to her taking the potion. "Merlin, what a bastard. Is Draco okay?" he asked, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders. He looked worried for his second family, and for the well being of his lover. She didn't need to be put under a lot of stress or she wasn't going to make it through the whole pregnancy.
Scorpius smiled sligtly at his lover, “I’m sorry love. I’ll do whatever you want me to to make it up to you.”He muttered because he knew his life could be extremely unpleasant if evangeline stayed mad at him for scaring her. “It hurts, but it wont be so bad.”He said closing his hand slowly, testing it before looking up at her. “ome here.”He muttered opening his arms and intending on pulling her close, wrapping his arms around her gently.

Draco swallowed hard kissing her back before nodding a little.”We have a healing charm, if you ask my mother.”He muttered smiling stupidly at the older woman from his seat before looking at beth, holding her ever so gently, “Don’t worry, I’m not letting him find me. I have no intention on dying on you, now that I’m really happy.”He said smiling as he held her, his heart breaking a little, as he was truly scared on dying on her now.

Feyn smiled resting her head against hugo’s side, giving a shuddering breath as she relaxed. “Draco’s fine. Scalp wounds bleed badly, but he didn’t ut himself to deeply. I promise.”Severus reassured looking at feyn before looking up at hugo,looking thoughtful as if trying to think of how to offer something, then decided.”I think she needs to see a muggle healer tomorrow....if we can find one here. I know you all were house hunting, draco mentioned it at dinner, but she needs someone just in case...”the former headmaster said watching the slowly relaxing woman.
Evangeline pouted, moving into his lap when he reached out for her. "I'll think about pay back when I calm down," she promised, letting out a deep breath. She rest her head underneath his chin and closed her eyes. "You are too brave for your own good." Tilting her head up, she looked him straight in the eyes. "I still love you though," she promised, kissing him gently. "Let's go to bed."

Beth let him hold her as Narcissa came by and healed the wound. There was still a bit of a scar, but nothing that wouldn't heal after a few days. The magic just needed to kick in. "Good, because I'm happy too," she murmured, not willing to let go just yet. Narcissa already left the room to take Severus to bed, leaving them alone. Unlike the others, she was to riled up to go to sleep. "Want to take a bath?" she asked, nodding to the large hotel tub.

Hugo nodded to Severus. "We will get her one tomorrow morning," he assured, then helped Feyn to her feet. "Come on, baby, Let's get to sleep. You need some rest." He kissed her cheek then lead her to the bedroom. He pulled back the covers and tucked her in to bed before heading over to the wet bar, needing a drink badly.
Scorpius smiled a little holding her close sighing quietly.”Well, as long as weasley doesn’t get to witness me acting like a dog or’ll be okay whatever you do.”He muttered before pressing a kiss to her head, shaking his head.”Not me,I’m to pretty to be brave and reckless. My father. I knew he wouldn’t just leave. he’d try to do what everyone else would know he couldn’t. Kill Lucius.”He sighed kissing her slowly.”Lucius’ still alive, but he did get his own house dropped on him, so maybe not.”He said thoughtfully picing her up and heading for the bedroom.”I’m glad leo’s asleep though.At least he calmed quickly down.”He muttered undressing and getting in bed with her.Yawning. Now that the battle was over, and he was healed, the man was battle weary.

Draco smiled a little as his mother healed him, holding the woman in his arms,”Well great...seems I can be potter now...head scar and all.”He muttered at his mother just to make her laugh before looking down at bth.”It would be amazing.I feel gross.”Draco muttered standing, helping her up before starting to undress, feeling stiff after the fight but not to hurt, just a few bruises before sliding into the tub with a sigh.

Severus nodded looking pleased with the answer before letting narcissa take him to bed. Feyn sighed quietly relaxed no, and letting her husband take care of her, watching him with a sigh.Afraid of just how much he was going to start drinking. Hopefully it would just be a few days.”I think I’m going to stay in bed for a few days...only go out tomorrow to go to the doctor’s.”
Evangeline curled around him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. "Everything will be okay, Scor," she murmured, "I'm sorry you had to witness that. No one should have to see a house fall on their grandfather, no matter how awful of a human being he is." Gently, she rubbed his back and closed her eyes. "Leo wasn't awake long enough to understand what was going on. When I can back to the hotel, he went right back to sleep. Such a good boy..." Leaning over, she kissed him one more time, then went to sleep for the night.

Beth undressed and slipped into the bath with him, sitting across from him with a leg stretched out on either side of him. "You don't look so good," she admitted, leaning back. The hot water poured in around them, and she poured some bath salt in to calm them both down. "Do you think we are safe here, Draco? Surely they will eventually realize where you ran off to... And I don't see anyone taking kindly to me being a non-magical person."

"We will get you a house call," Hugo promised, turning around with a drink in his hand. He smiled at her gently. "You don't need to leave the bed much, okay? I'm serious this time, Feyn. You are really pushing it all of the time." His tone was stern, signaling that he was most definitely not the time to joke with him. He began to down his drink, not getting in bed and going to sleep until he knocked back a couple glasses.
Scorpius smiled a little, "True..."He muttered relaxing as he started to drift off as she stroked his back."Good. No need to scar my good boy."He muttered as he fell asleep, holding her against him.

Draco grinned a little as he turned his head, pressing a kiss to beth's cheek before relaxing."I'm fine. Just need a few days of not saving the world."He muttered before starting to relax, closing his eyes before swallowing."We're safe. As safe as anywhere can be. Until....until I can deal with my father, that's the best I can do."He muttered sounding sad before sighing."But enough. Things will settle down, and we will be okay. I promise, I wont let you get hurt."He muttered kissing her as he snk back into the water to enjoy his bath, and when they were done let her bully him into bed, content to just be with her, and to not worry about anything for a night.

"Okay."She said pleased at the idea of a house call before sighing."I know. I promise, I wont leave bed unless you say so."She said looking up at him, settling back to go to sleep.

just over 3 months later Draco smirked as he leaned back against the porch railing, amused that it had taken the kids this long to finally choose a house, and had only chosen because the girls had finally gotten fed up of listening to the boys arguing about what was the perfect house for them. A slight frown crossed his face, thinking about the slightly drunk weasley, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up, not without causing even more stress around. Looking at beth he smirked slightly."I'm glad to finally have a house again."He muttered having convinced beth to move in with him, they'd taken feyn's advice and bought three different houses, all on the same block though. Still keeping a eye on things at home, though it seemed things were calm there for the moment, it seemed it was more the calm before the storm and he had a feeling things were about to get interesting again. Just what they didn't need, with feyn days away from delivery."how was work?"He said smiling as beth came up the stairs, glad she was home from work, having just gotten home himself. Having worked as a wizarding lawyer he found it easy to step into muggle law and after taking the bar he was legal to work in the state of new york, though he hadn't started taking cases yet. In fact he had just gotten his test results, so he was looking forward to celebrate with beth that night.

Scorpius grinned as he crouched in front of leo, smiling as his son held onto his hands, "Evan!come in here. He's trying to walk."He called smiling as he took a toddering step, ignoring the boxes of furniture and clothes and everything that they'd bought in preperation to move into the house, in favor of teaching his son to walk. Having become even more protective then he usually was as his son showed more signs of growing up quickly, while the werewolf bite had sped things up a little, it might have just been the determined malfoy genes coming through. And he'd managed to shelf worries about what was going on in london, in favor of enjoying his life here. Taking law classes the man was glad that he had the week off, because he was worried about his cousin, and wanting to spend time with his family before his tests in a few weeks.

Feyn sighed as she laid back in the bed of the new house, her and hugo's bedroom the only room that was completely done, though the nursery showed it was mostly done. Since hugo had started working, because he got bored laying around the house all day, she'd only gotten some work done when he was home, and when he was sober enough to help. Even though she looked healthier then she had in awhile, having gained weight and had her stomach settle, the woman still looked worn and tired, the stress of worrying about hugo when he left for work, sometimes still a little drunk ,and not being able to talk to him, was starting to show. Closing her eyes as she waited, hoping hugo would be home soon, and sober, cause she was starting to get hungry.
Beth trotted up the stairs in her heels and work uniform, grinning at the sight of him in the bedroom. "Hey, baby," she said sweetly, moving over to him and kissing him gently. "I was okay. Brutal, actually, but I'm home now." Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she pulled off her heels and began to rub her feet. "How was your day? Are you hungry? I can order some Chinese if you want... I'm sorry I wasn't home in time to cook anything." With that, she frowned, feeling like she was doing nothing for him when he was paying for the nice house they were living in...

Evangeline moved into the bedroom and put down the box she was holding, a huge grin on her face. "Hey, Sweetheart! What a big boy..." She moved down to the floor beside Scorpius, watching the little guy clumsily bob up in down while holding on to his father's hands. Each time he bobbed up and down, he let out a cute little "Da!" Evangeline grinned and leaned over to kiss her son, then smoothed his dark hair over to one side. His hair was getting thicker now, and his features were resembling his father's more and more. "You know, that's his favorite word... Well, his only word, but still... How was your day, Scor? Ready for a week off?" Leaning over, she kissed her lover. She was just so proud of him for taking law classes. He was just so intelligent.

Scorpius and Evan's house:


Hugo walked into the house from his shift work at the bank. Beth had managed to get him a job as a Loan Consultant at the bank she worked at, and while it paid well, it was tiring. "Feyn, have you been moving stuff while I've been gone again?" he said, hanging up his suit jacket and narrowing his eyes. "We have this talk all the time... You're too close to delivery to be lifting things." Leaning over the edge of the bed, he kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling?" Straightening back up, he moved to change out of his suit.

Draco smiled as he hung up his suit jacket, kissing her back."I'm sorry sweetheart."He muttered smiling a little as he looked at her. "It's okay. You cook all the time.I thought we'd go out for dinner."he held up the envelope in his hand, looking vaguely nervous. Because while he was sure he past, it still made him nervous. "I have the results for the bar. Want to know if I'm legal or not?"He snikered nudging her legs apart standing between them as he leaned down to kiss her slowly. Frowning slighty at the tap on the window he frowned as he crossed the room to let the owl in, expecting a letter from his mother and severus, while they were in new york, the older couple was a few blocks over since they hadn't found four houses together. They'd been lucky to find 3. Frowning as he recognized the newspaper and letter he cursed as he read the headline. "Malfoy named Minister." "Bloody buggering fuck..."He cursed before tearing open the letter and looking surprised to see it was from his uncle Rabastan, a warning that Lucius knew he was state side, just had no idea where.Yet.

Scorpius smiled loking amused as leo worked on walking, "Oh yes, I'm da, pretty boy."he grinned so very proud that his son's first word was 'da' not realizing that most kid's first words were da. But he was so pleased it was hard to burst his bubble at being his son's favorite person. "It was long. Lots of lectures."He muttered grinning as he scooped up his son, kissing his lover back before laying back on the floor, laying leo on his stomach as he looked up at evangeline."I have every intention of just resting.And getting the house put together. And going over to feyn and hugo's and make sure she's not moving things."He scowled a little but looking amused.

Feyn smiled a little as he looked up at him, shaking her head."Not alot. I promise. I just organized the books and read some."He said watching him, swallowing hard. Having learned that while he wasn't a violent drunk or anything, he was more stern and could reduce her to tears with a few harsh words. "I'm fine. Just tired and uncomfortable. Being close to delivery is making me
uncomfortable."she said wathing her husband as she laid back in bed, trying not to fuss to much.

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