Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Beth pouted a little, grabbing her purse and following him out. No part of her wanted to go back to work. "I get off in a couple hours," she said, "I'll go home and change clothes, then meet you at the hotel." Reaching down, she grabbed his hand as the walked, fully aware that many women were eyeing him, but oblivious to the men who were looking at her... They were a beautiful couple, after all. "Did you get a chance to look at any houses?" she asked curiously, "I think you will like it here. Sometimes a fresh start is all you need." With that, she squeezed his hand and smiled.

Evangeline arched her back and let out a whine, then a shriek of pleasure. Her legs wrapped around his waist to keep him inside of her until her orgasm faded, her eyes closing as she panted heavily. "Oh... Yesss." she whispered, wincing as he bit her neck. One of her hands moved up to grab his hair, roughly pulling him down for a kiss. "I love you," she purred against his lips, then started to giggle. She could not believe they just had sex on the dressing room floor... Opening her eyes, she looked up into the mirror and moaned. There was nothing sexier than seeing the backside view of Scorpius, his well toned back flexing as he held himself up on top of her.
Draco laughed softly looking amused as she pouted, leaning over to kiss her."Well then, me and the kid are going to go shopping. Someone has to teach him that he's a malfoy, and therefore has to be more stylish then his father is."He grinned smiling as he shook his head. "I'm letting the kids choose a place, and things kinda got insane before we had a chance to house hunt."He grinned sighing a little as they got to the bank."I'll see you this evening, okay?"he muttered kissing her slowly, possessively, well aware of just how many people were watching them, laughing as leo grabbed at her shiny dress shirt, not wanting to let her go yet as he stepped back.

Scorpius grinned kissing er back before raising his head, grinning."You know. FOr once, your giving me a first experience. I've never had sex in a dressing room."He said looking bemused at the thought before pushing up and standing, handing her back her clothes and picking up the lingeriue."You're most definately buying that. Now we better go, I'm sure father's tired of babysitting."He said snickering because he knew his father would never grow tired of that. Hell, his father went out of his way to steal the kid.Starting to dress he tried not to look in the mirrors, knowing he was blushing.
Beth giggled, leaning down to press a kiss to the baby's cheek. "You are going to grow up to be such a ladies' man," she cooed, then looked up at Draco. "Well, remember that he's a baby. He will look adorable in everything, that doesn't mean you should buy everything." She smirked and turned toward the bank. "Thanks for lunch." With that, she went back to work, smiling the whole time. She was really, really warming up to this man.

Evangeline laughed and putting her clothes on and walking outside to pay for the lingerie. When she returned, she grabbed his hand and apparated back to the hotel. "I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'll already miss Leo...," she murmured with a pout, putting her knew clothes in the bedroom, then moving to sit on the couch. "Hopefully your father won't hog him all night long." She grinned a little and pulled him down on the couch with her, crawling into his lap.
Draco grinned watching her go."I will be most definately, maybe, buying the whole store."he said just to make her laugh before heading out to shop.

Scorpius grinned a little as he cuddled against her,holding her against him as he pressed a kiss to her hair."I know.I miss him to. And beth's not working tonight, so he wont have the child the whole night."he pointed out closing his eyes to relax, falling asleep within moments. Starting awake hours later when his father apparated into the room, he smirked at the sight of shopping bags before sighing as he yawned, nudging evangeline a little."Baby's home."He said amused, shaking his head."Did you buy the whole store?" "No.Most of them are for me."draco said though he was looking more nervous then shopping warrented, after all the man was getting nervous about introducing his mother to beth.
Evangeline yawned, lifting her head off of her lover's to look up at Draco and the baby. She raised her eyebrows. "Draco, why do you look so anxious?" she asked, amusement in her eyes. She reached out for the baby and cuddled him, leaning down to press a kiss to his head. "Mommy missed you so much, Sweetheart," she cooed, "Did your grandfather drag you around town to shop?" She gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek, making him giggle, then turned to her almost father-in-law. "Well, I want you see what you got. Please tell me there are no slytherine green baby suits in there..."
"I'm going to take beth to london to meet mother."He muttered flushing a little before sighing softly. "I did not. We just went to two different stores." "And every level in those two stores?" "...yes.'Draco pouted at the teasing smiling before shrugging."If it helps, I got gryffindor colors to, so hugo can't claim I'm being biased or anything."He supplied looking amused when beth walked in, leaning over to kiss her."See the bags?i didn't buy everything."He said amused as he looked down at her.

Feyn sighed a little looking down at the man laying sprawled over her, absently running her fingers through hers as she tried to figure out how to get up without waking him. He needed the rest, almost as much as she wanted food. Muttering a sleep charm to make sure he'd stay asleep she slipped out from bed heading downstairs, giving her mother in law a shaky smile as they met on the stairs."I was going to make breakfast. You want some toast?"She said as they walked downstairs.
Evangeline laughed a little, shaking her head. "Well, I think it's sweet you like shopping for him," she admitted, then raised her eyebrows. "You're going to the manor? Do you think we could come? I haven't seen my father..." She held Leo close to her, moving her hair out of the way so that he could play with the necklace she was wearing. Immediately, the babe put the middle of the necklace in his mouth. "Or do you think you could send him here? I just want to know he's okay..."

Beth grinned and shook her head. "That's still more clothes than I have in my closet," she admitted, rolling her eyes. Moving to sit down in the arm chair, she sighed. She had changed into a simple pair of jeans and a navy, off-the-shoulder sweater. "Work was pretty rough. We got buys this afternoon." She pouted and moved to rub one of her sore shoulders. "I thought you mother might like some wine?" she asked, nodding to her purse that had a wine bottle sticking out. She blushed, not knowing how to meet the mother of such a distinguished man.

Hermione smiled. "I can handle breakfast, Feyn," she said, walking into the kitchen and getting a couple frying pans out. "Are you sure you just want toast? I'm going to be making other things were the others... Pancakes, eggs, bacon?" She started to get things read, flipping the coffee pot on. "I'm assuming Hugo will wake with a hangover. I know how he can get when he's more upset than he'd like to admit." She frowned at that, hating that her son turned to alcohol when sad.
Draco grinned nodding as he watched leo suck on her necklace."We'll all go. I'm sure Scorpius would like to go home to."He said knowing his son had always felt attatched to the home he'd grown up in, and felt weird when not in it for awhile. Scorpius smirked a little pressing a kiss to evangeline's head as he got up."I'll go get us both clothes to go. We'll just spend the night."He said heading for the bedroom.

"Well, that just means I'll have to buy you more."Draco mused moving over to rub at beth's shoulder, pressing a kiss to her hair."My mother will love wine. And she'll like you. She hated my wife."He muttered looking thoughtful about that. "father, everyone hates Astoria."Scorpius said scowling a little, the bitterness in those grey eyes obvious as he set their bags down on the coffee table."Shall we go?" "let's."Draco said looking at beth,"Ready to live through some magic,sweetheart?"He said pretending he wasn't nervous about doing this.

Feyn smiled as she sat down at the table, biting her lip a little as her stomach growled at the mention of more food."Well...pancakes and bacon sound good."She said watching the other woman, really hoping that she could keep it down, since the food really did sound amazing, and hugo's once told her his mother was a good cook. "He will, but that's cause he drank firewhiskey not because he drank alot."Feyn said looking worried to about hugo, but not for the same reasons. She jjust worried about him, not about the alcohol he drank.
Evangeline stood up with the baby and smiled. It would be really nice to see her father. She missed him a lot, and she knew that Leo could sense his absence. After all, Leo was as close to his grandfathers as he was his parents. "Sounds perfect," she said, "Did you get Leo's bag, Scor?" she asked, bouncing the baby a little. Beth bit her lip and nodded. "Draco, I didn't bring any clothes to sleep in..." she said, taking his hand. "Do you think I'll have a chance to get some in London?" She looked so, so nervous. Evangeline looked at her sister and smiled. "Don't worry, Beth, Narcissa is a sweet woman."

Hermione sighed. "He gets it from his father. Those boys don't do well with pain," she admitted, flipping the pancakes the turning to her daughter in law. "When Harry died, I really never thought Ron would recover. In fact, he didn't recover until Rose was born. The baby brought him happiness, which was good. I was really afraid he was going to hurt himself. After all, Harry and him were as thick as thieves. None of us really expected his death. Not even your uncle, I do believe." She poured a cup of coffee and poured so cream and sugar in, then took a sip. "Ron's sister never recovered." She frowned at that, then went back to flipping pancakes. It was a known fact that the Weasley's were not good with pain.
"You'd think I'd forget my son?I got his bag."He said looking amused as he lleaned over to steal hsi son,cuddling the baby. "Hm you don't need any."Draco said his smirk turning perverted as he nuzzled him a little, looking amused as he wrapped his arms around beth."See you in london."He said nodding to the teens before apparating home, bowing a little as he let her go."Beth, welcome, to malfoy manor."He said grinning. "Mother?"He called.

Severus whined a little raising his head from where it was pillowed on narcissa's stomach, closing his eyes before laying back down."Draco's home.Do we really have to go find out what he wants?"He grumbled to comfortable in bed with the woman, where they'd been all day, to consider getting up and dealing with whatever draco wanted rigt now.

"I've noticed.He didn't deal well with anything while...while I was doing that..."she muttered flushing hard as she realized that there was just some things she couldn't say to her mother in law, and the in depth look at her relationship with voldemort was one of them,even if it would help to talk it out sometime. Looking sligtly amused before sighing, nodding a little."Grandmother said uncle didn't sober up for a week. It seemed he had trusted the world to right itself with harry...and when it didn't..."She shrugged helplessly. Because even draco malfoy, who'd been well trained to hide everything, hadn't been able to hide the devastation of hearing about that death.
Evangeline rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand and one of the bags. When they arrived at the Manor, she looked around. The sight of the place reminded her of all the awful things that had happened for a few months... It also reminded her that she had slept with Draco in this house, and it gave her chills. It was just hard to think about now that she was so in love with his son. "Daddy?" she called out.

Kate looked around the place, her hands shaking. She bit her lip. "Holy shit, Draco, you didn't tell me... that... wow," she whispered. My God. He had to have been a billionaire at the very least. Swallowing hard, she took his hand and stayed close to him, as if she was afraid something would pop around a corner of the mansion.

Narcissa went to open her mouth, then heard Evangeline calling Severus. She raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Still so sure you don't want to go down there?" She leaned down to press a kiss to her head, the went to go put some robes on. Once she was dressed properly, she headed down the stairs to meet her son. "Draco," she murmured, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "How are you?" She turned and did a double take at Beth, raising her eyebrows with delight. "And who is this lovely girl?" Beth immediately blushed.

Hermione set a plate in front of Feyn, then sat beside her at the table. "Draco was a lost soul in school," she admitted, "He was an annoying little prat in school, definitely, but it was how he was raised. And when he was older and it was too late, I think he started to understand what was wrong with the dark side... And like all of us, I think he saw that hope for the wizarding world died with Harry." She looked into her food. "I don't think Draco, even after realizing what was right and wrong, every considered that he could be a hero like Harry. That being said, Draco was a top student. He was very talented and very capable, just paralyzed by the way he was raised. Harry, on the other hand, had most of his homework done by me, and that was if it was crucial that it was turned in." She shook her head and took a bite.
Scorpius smiled a little as he set their bags on the floor, leaning over to kiss her head as he looked t her."You okay?"He muttered looking at her, seeing her look. Draco grinned before growing serious,"Well...I'd prefer you like me for being me instead of a rich brat."He said looking skittish as he studied her.

Severus looked startled before getting dressed."I want to.They brought leo.'He said lookin eager to get his grandson before following her out. "I'm fine mother."He muttered leaning down to let her kiss his cheek before smiling a little."This is beth, she's also evangeline's half sister."He explained blushing little.

Feyn nodded slightly as she started to eat, taking her time for one her stomah allowing to keep the good food down before sighing."He now, I bet he doesn't onsider what he's done.Brilliant, but a little slow to think good things about himself."Feyn muttered sighing quietly as she ate, "Is there anything I an"she hesitated trying to get used to having someone she could rely on who wasn't the men in her family, blushin slightly.She so very much wanted a good relatonship with hermione
Beth looked up at him, grinning a bit. She was still nervous, but she was happy to be with him. "I definitely like you for you," she promised, then turned to the older woman. Narcissa looked delighted to see Draco with such a sweet girl - something Astoria never was. "It's so nice to meet you, Beth," she said, leaning in to hug her. Beth blushed and hugged the woman, happy to be accepted so easily. "It's nice to meet you too. You have a lovely home." Narcissa grinned a bit at that, then nodded toward the tea room. "Come. We will drink that bottle of wine I see you carrying." With that, she led them into the other room.

Evangeline shook her head, leaning into Scorpius' kiss. "I'm fine," she promised, the smiled as her father came down stairs. She walked over to him and moved into his arms, hugging his tightly. "I'm so glad you are okay," she whispered, pressing her face into his chest like she used to as a child. "We have to tell you something about Leo. Something that happened after Narcissa got you two out of the safe house." She frowned at that, turning to Scorpius.
Draco smiled looking amused as the two women talked, squeezing her hand in reassurance before smiling at his mother. Amused that his mother seemed delighted like he had known she would be."So, can you tell us anything about whats going on here?"Draco ask in curiousity taking the bottle of wine and pouring them all glasses before sitting down on the couch with beth, pulling her close as he stretched out.

Severus smiled wrapping his arms around her tightly, closing his eyes. So very glad that she was fine."I'm fine.Narcissa and I figured no one wold search malfoy manor for me."e muttered before fowning leaning back to look down at her before looking at scorpius."Greyback showed up at the safe house, on grandfather's orders. We now have a werewolf in the family."He said swallowing as he looked down at leo. "What?"Severus stared looking surprised before nodding."Then I will be taking care of his potions, and we'll be watching for changes now that he is."Severus said biting his lip a little because he'd never had to watch for signs in a child so young before it made him a little nervous.
Beth took the glass of wine, sitting as close to Draco as possible. Not only was she in a new world, but she was around a new person that was so very important to her lover. She wanted to leave a good impression. Narcissa sat down in the chair across from them, taking a sip of the wine and letting out a sigh. "Chaos," she admitted, "That's all I can really say. The Death Eaters are revolting, the Light Side is revolting... The Death Eaters are out for revenge. None of them plan to back down now that Voldemort is dead." She frowned a little, worry in her eyes, and she glanced at Beth. She wondered how much Draco told his new girlfriend.

Evangeline looked sad, hugging her father. "I know you will make him okay, that's why I'm trying not to worry," she murmured, making herself remember that her father was in fact the most talented Potion Master in London. Pulling away, she walked over to Scorpius and gently took Leo, holding him out to her father. She pointed to the little boy's arm, showing the silvery bite-shaped scar. "Lucius sent Greyback," she said, her eyes showing anger. "He said he wanted Leo to pay for our mistakes."
Draco looked thoughtful frowning a little as he brushed his lips over beths head as he held her close. Thinking about the chaos in his world. "Beth, I know I promised to tell you more,but my mothers usually fairly good at explaining things if you want to ask her to."he muttered before looking up at narcissa."any news about father?and have the put it together yet that it was me and not him who destroyed them?"he asked after a moment because he knew his father. He wasn't a idiot. He'd eventually figure out who walked into the riddle manor and blew their world up to kingdom come.

Severus looked angry annoyed with his once friend before taking the baby and holding him ever so gently."hmm you're a good boy aren't you?you'll be fine baby."he muttered befors nodding a little."it sounds like something lucius would do. Punish the innocent for the precieved crimes. Hes still in azkaban,though I doubt he'll stay there. Bellatrix won't be able to hold the death eaters, she'll need his help if they stkll want a chance at controlling anythi.g."
Beth looked nervous, leaning in to him with her hand on his thigh. "I don't really know where to start..." She blushed a bit and turned to Narcissa, who smiled back at her. "Sweetheart, wizards are far from mu- I mean, no magic humans. It's just while you have technology, we have magic. And we used to have a government similar to yours, but it was overthrown by Voldemort. He turned it into a... well, a dictatorship. He was very similar to Hitler." Beth winced, and Narcissa continued. "He thought that only pure blood wizards deserved freedom, and half bloods or muggle borns should be like modern-day slaves. The Malfoys are a pure blood family. You're sister and Severus would be considered half-bloods, and the Wealeys are actually as pure blood as the Malfoys, aside from Hugo's mother. It's just their beliefs have clashed with purebloods for years..." She took a sip of her wine. "Draco assassinated Voldemort a couple days ago, and since then, the Death Eaters, Voldemort's followers, have been on a rampage." Beth looked up at Draco with shock and worry in her eyes, obviously scared for him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Narcissa shook her head, watching the new couple. It was comforting to see Draco with someone who was obviously so concerned for him. "No news," she admitted, "You're father has not contacted me."

Evangeline let out a shaky breath, nodding and leaning in to kiss her son. Leo looked excited to be with his Grandfather Snape, even making little baby noises. It definitely cheered Evan up. "We were going to stay tonight," she said, stepping back and leaning into Scorpius. "Hugo and Feyn are with his family. His sister died in battle with her fiancé..." She frowned at that squeezing Scorpius' hand. She knew that if it came down to it, she'd die beside Scorpius as well.

Hermione smiled gently at her daughter-in-law, putting her hand on her arm. "No, no, Sweetheart," she said, "It's your job to take care of my son, and that's what I want you to do." Leaning over, she kissed the young woman's cheek, then took her plate to the sink. She moved to fix a plate for Hugo, then put it on a tray with a small jug of water and a cup of coffee. "Would you mind taking this up to him? I'm sure he would be coming down stairs for a while, but he needs something on his stomach."
Draco smiled a little, because his mother explained things so much better then he would have. He wouldn't even had known the muggle history well enough to come up with a likeness unprepared. Wincing a little at the look beth was giving him, leaning down to kiss her softly. "I didn't want to worry you until I knew what was going on."He muttered sighing softly, "But I came to new york to get the magical items I needed to complete the assasination.Your mother was working for my father, hiding them for him. And seducing severus.Lucius malfoy always has more then one reason to do something."He muttered looing thoughtfully before glancing at his mother, sighing at that."Well, I don't know if we should be happy that lucius isn't contacting anyone or be worried about what he's up to."Draco said because he knew his father. The man was as vicious as a pit bull, and more then willing to kill to punish this crime."You might want to consider leaving the manor mother. At least until we know how father's going to handle things."

Severus smiled down at the baby, amused as the baby made noises at him, moving into the living room and sitting down next to narcissa as he played with the baby, before growing serious looking up at Evanageline."I heard. The death eaters took out most of diagon alley when they discovered that their marks were no longer working like they should."He said his eyes sad, because he knew that the death eaters had lashed out in fury at suddenly finding themselves leaderless, and it was only going to get worse. "Don't look so worried.I'm to pretty to get bloody in battle, much less die."Scorpius muttered teasing her a little, trying to get a smile as he tugged her down onto the couch next to beth and him.Both malfoy men holding their women ever so gently.

Feyn smiled up at hermione, flushing a little as she kissed her cheek."I can most definately do that then. Though he doesn't make it easy."She said sulking a little trying to get a smile from hermione, because she knew the woman would understand how hard it was to get the weasley men to let them help.Taking the tray she nodded,"I'll take it up.He's less likely to throw it if I carry it in."She said heading upstairs, looking amused as she moved into the room."Hugo?"she said gently as she sat down on the bed.
Beth nodded, understanding what he meant. However, it was a lot to digest. She was a little shocked, and the nervousness mixed with wine was doing a number on her stomach. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, moving to stand up. "I'm so sorry," she murmured, "I just need some air or something." With that, she rushed off to the doors that led out to the balcony, letting out a huge sigh when the air hit her face. She braced herself against the railing, closing her eyes and letting the wind blow her hair.

Evangeline looked up at Scorpius and rolled her eyes. "Oh, I know," she said, leaning up to kiss him. Of course, she knew he was kidding. She knew that if it came down to it, he'd fight dirty for the people he loved, and so would she. "Daddy, set Leo on the ground," she said, nodding to the run in the middle of the sitting room. "It's weird. He's already trying to crawl. Isn't it early for him to be doing that?" She tilted her head to the side, wondering if the bite her son received was causing him to do things early.

Hugo groaned and put the pillow of her his head. "Yea?" he grumbled, his head pounding from the firewhiskey. He only pulled the pillow down because he smelled his favorite breakfast (and the perfect hang over food). Looking up at her, he sat up on his elbows. "Did mom make that?" he asked, taking the tray from her.
Draco looked worried swallowing hard as he let her go, letting her hve a few minutes befoer quietly excusing himself, following her outside, though not stepping out onto the balcony, mostly hovering in the doorway."Beth?"He muttered hands in his pockets, trying not to look as anxious as he felt, afraid that he had scared her out of being with him. Afraid that this would be to much. After all, she'd thought he was a normal muggle, and found a death eater wizard. He really cuoldn't blame her if she was having second thoughts.

"Oh good. cause I need someone to tell me I'm pretty."Sorpius muttered kissing her back looking amused before frowning slightly as severus looked at her. "What?"He said frowning a little looking startled at the thought before setting the baby on the ground, wathing him before sighing quietly."It is a little early. But wizarding children always grew faster. Scorpius was crawling by 8 months, and damned near walking by one."He said before seeing where she was going with it."But the bite will speed some things up, since his body will be trying to come to terms with the curse."He said trying to not worry, he knew of no one who'd been bitten so young, so he really was shooting in the dark.

Feyn laughed softly at his respond before smirking as she set the tray on her knees, a teasing smirk on her lips."As if I'd demean myself to cook. I have house elves and home service for that."She said teasing before nodding. "Yea, your mom made me breakfast and told me to bring it up."She said smiling as she leaned back against the headboard, trying not to look worried about him, knowing that he'd want her to worry about herself and not him, so she'd worry about him without telling him.
Beth turned to look at him, a hand on her stomach. "Draco, I'm sorry... It's just a lot to process while trying to impress your mother at the same time." She frowned and rubbed a hand over her face. "I could tell your mother was trying to give it to me gently, but it only made me realize how much danger you are in... I'm scared for you." She took a deep breath and walked into his arms, hugging him tightly. Her eyes closed as her head pressed into his shoulder. The idea of him getting caught up this only made her realized how attached she had gotten to him such a short amount of time.

Sure enough, Leo started to bob a little, taking a couple moves crawl across the rug before flopping back on his frustration. At the surprise of his arms coming out from under him, he began to cry. "Oh, Leo, it's okay, Sweetheart..." Evangeline murmured, moving to scoop him up and cuddle him. She looked over at her father as she tried to calm down the baby. "When should we start giving him a potion? I mean, you don't think he will try to shift while still a baby, do you?"

Hugo smiled and began to dig in to the breakfast. "She made my favorite," he murmured, knowing his mother well. This was her idea of cheering him up. "Thanks for bringing it up." He leaned over to kiss her cheek, then went back to shoving food in his mouth. "I figured we'd go back to see the others tonight. No need in hanging around here." He didn't look at her, because he didn't want her to see the pain in his eyes.
Draco smiled a little as he watched her, leaning against the door frame "I am, but I'm not living in london. And the war never really spread past europe."He said sighing softly s he wrapped his arms around her pressing a kiss to her hair as he held her tight."I'm scared for me to. And for the kids. And my mother.And you."He muttered swallowing hard."How about we go on to bed?Mother wont feel insulted if we turn in for the night."he muttered nudging his face against her neck,cuddling her.

Severus started a little looking amused as leo cried, not laughing at his grandson, but amused that he seemed so shocked at falling. Sorpius smiled a little gently tweaking leo's toes, "See, you're okay sweets."He muttered making faces at his son, looking pleased as he glanced at his grandmother and sevrus hoping they'd have a idea what they were getting into. "No, we shouldn't have to. He'll probably be a few years older before he changes."Severus let out a frustrated sigh."I wish I could get to hogwarts. They have the best books on werewolves and the such..."he said before shaking his head feeling like a idiot.Even if lucius didn't care of them, he was standing in malfoy manor, with a library to rival hogwarts."In the morning, I'll look in the library to see what I can find."He promised.

Feyn laughed a little looking amused, "Hmm your welome."She said rolling her eyes amused that he was eating, and glad that he was. "IF you want. I mean, if you want,we can stay longer."She said studying him, before smirking slightly."Well, maybe we should go home. Scorpius' probably done something utterly stupid and narcissistic that you need to make fun of. Just think, all those years of hating him, can be useful now. Making fun of him will make you feel better."She said trying to distrat him, even without seeing his eyes she knew he was in pain and she didn't know how to help.
Beth sighed and looked up at him. She gave him a soft smile and reached up to brush the hair off his forehead. "But I'm hungry," she said, pouting and tweaking the collar of his shirt. "I introduced you to plenty of American food..." She leaned up and kissed his nose, then leaned back into his arms. She was nervous, but she didn't want him to worry about her. He had way too much on his plate...

Evangeline grinned at her little boy. "He already has a lot of self pride like his father," she said, smirking. It amused her so much that the little boy look disappointed in himself for not being able to crawl. Soon enough, the baby started to giggle at Scorpius' funny faces. "Thank you so much," she murmured to her father, "I'm not sure what we'd do without you." She leaned down to kiss Leo, who was still giggling like mad at Scorpius. "I'm not too sure what Leo is going to think about the new baby when it comes. I think he likes his constant attention."

Hugo gave her a gentle smile. "That sounds good, babe," he whispered, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "We can leave later today... I don't really want to sit around with all the grieving. I want to make sure all the others are safe." He continued to eat, then flicked his wand to make the coffee turn into firewhiskey, needing it to dull the pain if he was going to get through the day.
Draco smiled a little leaning his face into the other's hand, closing his eyes for a moment before sighing quietly, "Well, I'll introduce you to good food. And I have house elves....servants...that can bring us food. But if you feel up to eating with everyone else, we can."He said going a little cross eyed as she kissed his nose, smiling softly as he stepped back."Come on,its kinda cold out here."He muttered stroking her hair out of her face.

Scorpius pouted a little, "Don't make fun of me. I'm pretty, I have to be proud, until I get old and wrinkley like father, and then I'll have to console myself that you like me for my fortune."He teased, nuzzling her a little to show he was teasing as he played with his son. "OH, you'd have to rely on Draco's skills as a potions master. Which you might want to do sometimes, so he's not feeling inadequete."He muttered his voice sad. Knowing that having been given the option of what to do, draco would have been a experimental potions master or a teacher. It hurt him that the younger death eater had never been given the chance, instead forced into giving his life over to serving a dark lord. "Hmm I'm sure he'll be fine. Though if he's like scorpius, he'll sulk for days and refuse to play with them. I swear for those first two years Feyn lived here, scorpius refused to acknowledge he had to share attention." "I did not. I always pay attention to feyn."He said rolling his eyes a little.

Feyn smiled shifting, leaning into him a little, before nodding."We'll go then.Besides, I'm missing my 'baby lessons' for the day. I swear evangeline's been making me watch him just so I know what I'm doing."She muttered trying to get him to think of something else, worry showing in her eyes even as she watched him turn it to alcohol,nudging him a little."Come on. Let's go for a walk. The mediwitch said it would be good for me to get a little bit of excerise."She said, not wanting to remind him she was supposed to be on bedrest. Actually enjoying the freedom, and figured as long as she wasn't falling over sick or anything, she was fine getting up and moving.
Beth nodded, following him inside. Luckily, Narcissa already moved up to get some things cooking in the kitchen, already deciding that their new guest should experience a nice dinner while at the manner. Tilting her head up, she kissed her cheek, then her eye caught something - a family picture of Draco, Astoria, and Scorpius from a couple years ago. It was weird to see the woman. She was beautiful, but looked very different than herself. It gave her chills, and she swallowed hard. She knew that it was probably still up because the house had been empty for a while now, but still.

Evangeline frowned. "Of course we will rely on Draco. We trust him just as much," she promised, the grinned at Scorpius. She shook her head and laughed. "You liar. You probably hated sharing attention, and that's where Leo gets it from. Merlin help me when he's a teenager." She rolled her eyes a little, bouncing Leo on her knee. The baby was happy as could be now, even if he kept reaching out to the floor so he could try crawling again.

Hugo smirked a little, taking a bit gulp of the firewhiskey. "Sure, as long as you take it easy," he said, then gulped down the rest of the drink. He moved out of the bed and shifted to get some fresh clothes on. He looked down at her, grinning at the sight of her growing stomach. "How much longer?" he asked, knowing she'd know more about it than he did. Leaning down, he grabbed her hand brought her to her feet, then placed a hand on her tummy.
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