Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Narcissa sighed, relaxing beside him on the couch while holding the ice pack to his arm. "He was in possession of the horcruxes when they were destroyed," she murmured, "It was inevitable, Severus, and he knew it was a possibility. They won't execute him, not when he's such a valuable death eater. With Voldemort gone, Bellatrix will surely release him in order to have someone help her control things." She shook her head, leaning over to kiss him softly. "I'm going to leave him, though. I'll pack my things while he's here and still in custody. There is just no way I am going to spend another day as his wife." Beth scooted over to him and frowned, leaning down to stroke the babe's hair. "Poor thing," she whispered, sad that he was in pain. However, whatever Draco was doing was helping. She could no longer deny that he had magic inside of him, because Leo was living proof. The child would never have lived from such blood loss if Draco had stopped the bleeding. Already, the little boy was getting his color back to his pale skin. "What is that?" she whispered, looking down at the bite-shaped scar, "Will he be okay?" Evangeline's shirt was drenched in her son's blood, and she was still in shock. She was crying so hard that her breath was ragged, for she feared for her son's life. "G-Greyback," she gasped, "Your g-grandfather sent him. H-he knows... He had him b-bite Leo." She leaned into her lover, hoping he did not resent her for not being able to stop it from happening. "I-I'm fine, Scor. It's Leo who's in so much pain! There was so much blood." Sadly, she did not know much about werewolves, and she had no idea that Leo was going to be damned to a life as a werewolf because of the bite. Hugo looked faint at the sight of all the blood, looking at the couple with shock. "What happened? What's wrong?" He asked, looking between them both. He pushed the bedroom door open, shaking his head at Feyn. "It's just Evan," he assured, letting her know that there was no threat with in the hotel. Walking over to the door that let to the hallway, placing protection charms all around it.
"I know.But surely no one's stupid enough to think he's really the one who destroyed them."e muttered frowning slightly, "Did they say anything about draco?I assume draco was there when things went down.Does anyone know it was him?"He said worried about his godson as much as he was about her. Sighing softly, looking pleased before leaning back to look up at her."Let's rest. There is nothing else we'll be able to do tonight."He said smiling as he stroked her hair.

"He'll be okay.Just a unhappy camper."He muttered looking down at the cut, absently running his thumb over the scar, before frowning slightly."It's a werewolf bite."He muttered paling even more, wincing as scorpius yelled."Dad!It's greyback.He bit him."He said for once the malfoy heir was clearly shaken, both malfoy men had be subjected to watching fenrir torturing the ones voldemort allowed him to. Subjected to spending a full moon with the man when he hadn't been given his wolfsbane potion...yes werewolves were definately not a pleasant topic for either man.Glancing up at beth he tilted his head a little, looking nervous and in shock, still reeling from the events of the night, nodding towards the tub." some water. We should wash him up."He muttered gently rocking the fussing child, concentrating on the baby and not hat they needed to talk about.

"No he's not. Father's taken care of him. See?He's already calming down."Scorpius said trying to calm her down even though he was mentally falling apart, wrapping his arms around his lover he kissed her head,holding her tightly."It seems grandfather sent fenrir to the safehouse when he realized what happened."Scorpius muttered glancing at hugo and feyn as she appeared behind hugo.

"Evan,sweetheart, come with me. You need to get cleaned up, and I have some of scor's clothes, they should fit you."Feyn said gently touching the other woman's arm, hoping to help because she had no idea what else to do to help, ignoring how tired and sick, achy she was. Her friend needed her, and dammit, she could do this for her cousin, and help even as hugo and scorpius finished up the protection charms.
Narcissa smiled at him. "You're right. We should get rest while we can," she murmured, standing up to prepare the guest room for him before pausing. She shook her head and sighed. "Severus, there is no point of lying to ourselves any longer." Leaning down, she kissed his cheek. "Come to bed with me. No need up pretending that we are not together." And it was true. She was done lying to herself. In the short time she's been with Severus, she's been so much happier than being with Lucius. She loved Lucius, but he picked power over her long, long ago.

Beth nodded, turning to water on and making sure it was the right temperature before helping him get the infant out of his little green-striped footsie pajamas. "Oh, sweet boy, everything will be okay," she murmured, being so much more gentle with the child than Astoria ever would. Swallowing hard, she glanced up at him. "Werewolf? What is going to happen to him? He looks fine now that you doctored him up... Just fussy," she murmured, looking worried. Leaning over, she kissed him softly on this lips. "You're such a good grandfather. It's so sweet."

Evangeline hugged him back, nodding and calming down. She took a few deep breaths and went with Feyn, taking a shower in the other bathroom. Once she was clean, she dried her hair with her wand and dressed herself in a long, green button down shirt of Scorpius'. "I feel like the most god awful mother on the planet," she sulked, looking at Feyn with puffy eyes. She sat down on the foot of the bed and sighed. "What if always remembers this? The time his mother didn't save him?"

Hugo glanced over at Scorpius as he waved his wand around the balcony door. "Does she realize what a werewolf bite means?" he murmured, looking somber. "Paris doesn't have werewolves, you know. She probably was not educated on them... Your going to have to start feeding him wolfsbane at an early age in order to keep him... managable." He looked up at the other man sadly. "I'm so sorry, Scorpius. If I had not caused a seen at
Severus blushed a little as she looked at her, getting up as he followed her upstairs. Pausing outside the master bedroom before stopping, heading for draco's master bedroom and pulling her with him."I'm not sleeping where Lucius slept. It's disturbing. And I know draco's bedrooms are clean, he hasn't been here, AND he's obsessive enough to have the elves clean his room every morning."he snorted laughing, trying to relax as he wrapped his arms around her sitting down on the bed as he pulled off his shoes, looking adorably awkward.

Draco smiled a little as he tossed the onsie into the trash before thinking better of it and destroyed it with a careless, thoughtless incendo charm, the fire charm quickly burning out. And such a careless gesture that said magic for him, was second nature, something he hardly ever thought of, and really didn't register that it would still be knew to her. "He'll change.thankfully though, we've come up with a way to manage werewolves but..."He shrugged helplessly blushing as he kissed her back."I'm not sweet."he muttered looking away from her, guilt for murdering voldemort, despite how well deserved the death was, playing over his face as he helped beth clean up his grandson.

Feyn sighed a little as she sat on the bed, laying back down knowing that now the excitement was over, hugo would want her resting, she shifted, resting her hand over evangeline's, squeezing her fingers."You are most definately not the worst mother ever. That title's being awarded to astoria."Feyn snipped glaring at the other woman for even thinking about it, before sighing softly softly,"I know I don't do well with the comforting thing, but he wont remember this evan."He muttered."He knows you love him and that you would die to protect him.That's all that matters."

Scorpius winced at the thoguht, swallowing hard."I...I don't know.Damn."He cursed realizing that maybe he would have to explain this to evangeline, which would make leo being a werewolf even harder. Swallowing he glanced at hugo, glaring at the other man."If you had not caused it, I would be mourning a cousin, who from all appearances is shaken up, and your not looking steady on your feet.So shut up."The malfoy heir growled, his annoyance and worry coming through as he tried not to think about what his son was going to go through.Even with the dark lord dead, he knew that it was going to be a long road to true acceptance of muggles, mudbloods, and the half creature by the purebloods.It was going to be hard to deal with, but he loved his son, and he would not see the boy robbed of anything just for scorpius' grandfather's cruelty.
Narcissa grinned and moved to slip into a night gown before following after him. She shifted into the large bed and leaned back against the pillows. Watching him, she smiled. "Severus, we've known each other since we were eleven years old. Surely you don't have to act so awkward around me." Scooting over, she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, leaning down to kiss his cheek. While she will always be grateful for Lucius giving her a son, Narcissa knew that Severus was her soul mate, not the wealthy Malfoy her parents pressured her into marrying all those years ago.

Beth reached over to grab some soap, bathing the little boy gently. He started to calm down and even smile, bringing his hands down into the water to make little splashes. Beth giggled. "Awe, he seems to be feeling better," she murmured, even if she knew from Draco's tone of voice that the boy's future would be a troublesome one. "Draco, you are sweet. A good father, a good grandfather." She leaned into him, nuzzling him a little. "I don't know what to say about all of this... this magic, but it's truly amazing. I knew something was different about you." She smiled a bit, then looked back down at the baby. "So why the name Leo? It's kind of rare now... But, I guess all wizard names are rare to me."

Hugo sighed and nodded. "I just... feel bad," he murmured, "My uncle was attacked by a werewolf one time. He had a nasty scar, but the saliva didn't enter enough of his system to truly change him." He looked hopeful at the idea, then turned and put his wand in his pocket. "You have to tell her... I think she will handle it okay. She's strong, just scared. We all are."

Evangeline put her head in her hands and let out a sigh. "The things Fenrir said... He said Lucius wanted Leo to pay for Scorpius betrayal to his family," she said, swallowing hard. "How could he do that? Punish a innocent child?" She sounded so angry, standing up and headed for the door. "I need to be with Leo... thanks for comforting me." Giving her a smile, she moved into the bathroom where Beth and Draco were. It was amusing to see Draco so comfortable with the other woman, but it was also sweet. "How is he?" she asked nervously.
Severus smiled as he looked at her."Well, its not every day I get to undress in fron of you"He sulked a little glancing t her as he undressed, slipping under the covers as eh leaned back wrapping his arms around her waist as he sighed softly."Sleep narccissa, and don't remind me how old I am.its a long time to know someone."He muttered nuzzling her a little sounding amused as he yawned.

Draco smiled a little as he helpd her wash leo, laughing softly as he babe started to play. "He does."He muttered glad that the babe seemed to be calm again, even if he knew that things weren't going to be that easy. "Leo is a star constellation."He smirked slightly shrugging, "My family's all named after stars.Draconis, scorpius, leo..."He shrugged laughing softly.Draco glanced up smiling a little,"He's fussing, but well."He said looking at his almost daughter in law looking worried."how about you?Did you get bit to?"He said his voice concerned.

"Wellwe coul hope ,but if not, then we'll deal with it."Scorpius sighed softly rubbing a hand over his face before smiling at evangeline as she came out."Now, you better go make your wife rest, she'll be up fussing over us all if you don't."He said hoping to distract the man from wondering what scorpius was feeling.

"...He is a man who's always punished the ones that he's angry with, by striking at the ones they care most about. Your father's imprisonment was his punishment for draco for draco loving him better. This...this was for the supposed betrayal of everything lucius things the men should believe in."she sighed before settling back into bed, closing her eyes, mentally and emotionally exhausted.
Beth grinned. "Stars... That's really cool," she admitted, looking at him with wonder. This wizard world was going to be odd, but interesting to adjust to... Evangeline crouched down and pulled the now clean baby out of the tub, wrapping him up in a towel and kissing him on his cheeks, nose, and forehead. The scare on his arm made her heart sink. How was she going to explain such a thing to him when he gets older? "Thanks for cleaning him up while I calmed down," she murmured, looking at both Draco and her new sister. Beth smiled at her. "Anytime." That one word warmed Evan's heart, knowing that she could count of Beth... It was nice feeling. Evan shifted Leo to lean on her shoulder, nuzzling his little damp head. "Draco, why don't you and I go to town and get some diapers and onesies for Leo? It's nearly six in the morning. Things should be opening..." Beth murmured, looking at her lover. Before Evan could protest, her sister was already moving into the sitting room to get her purse.

Before Draco could followed after Beth, she caught him by the arm. "Two things," she murmured, "First: I like her. She's good for you... and I'm happy to have a sister like her. Two? Look at what Scorpius gave me for my birthday." With that, she flashed him the ring, wanting him to know that among all the turmoil, his son was starting to open up about his past and trust people. She felt like Draco should know.

Hugo nodded and moved into the bedroom that Feyn was in, kicking off his shoes and pulling his jacket and shirt off. "How are you feeling?" he asked gently, crawling into the bed beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her lips, one of his hands moving to caress her stomach. "The baby is mine," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "I heard Voldemort tell your uncle that he's sterile. I was upstairs in his rooms, but his voice carries through the vent. And the horcrux happened to be hidden in the vent." His eyes moved up to look at her. "I figured that might make you feel better at a time like this... That there is a about a 150% percent chance that kid is coming out with red hair and a pretentious attitude." With that, he smirked.
Draco smiled roling his eyes little."if you say so. I think it's just a excuse to let my family think they should own everything under the night sky."He muttered looking amused as he watched mother and son standing up slowly as he nodded,"Shopping will be fun."he said a small smile on his face before looking at evangeline, smiling a little wider."She is so good.And accepting."The man said looking nervous, because it still worried him that beth was hiding how she was really feeling before grinning wider, leaning down to kiss her forehead, his heart nearly breaking with joy of knowing his son was starting to reach out."Its beautiful Evan. Now, go rest, and make scorpius rest, and we'll get clothes."He said heading out to catch up with beth.

"Evan?You okay?"scorpius said appearing in the doorway looking worried at her as he wrapped his arms around her, smiling as his son looked up at him pain in his eyes. Worried for his son even as he cuddled the boy. Still as much in love with his son as ever.

Feyn smiled a little looking up at him, shifting to snuggle against him, closing her eyes as he kissed her, resting her hands over his, such relief showing on her face as she slumped against him, feeling so glad."Oh.Oh that's good."She muttered relief clear in her voice before laughing."Oh, a pretentious attitude is it?"She muttered before biting her lip, trying to figure out why the dark lord hadn't said anything before, he had to know what was going on, before shoving the thought away as she nuzzled her husband.
Beth smiled as Draco caught up with her, grabbing his hand and walked along with him down the pavement. They reached a store with baby supplies, and she went to work on finding things for her sister's child. "I'm sure you could just wave your wand and make them appear," she murmured, blushing, "But I just... I'm not used to it. My mind hasn't grasped it." She held up a onesie, checking the size then grabbing a few more. "I will get used to it, though." She gave him a smile. "You can't get rid of me that easy, especially now that I know about all of the magic up your sleeve.

Evangeline leaned into her lover, pressing her face into his chest and holding the child close and between them. "I'm okay," she whispered, "Just worried. I just... I wish I could have prevented this. Poor baby is going to have a scar." Moving to sit on the edge of Scorpius' bed (in his room of the suite), Evangeline cradled the baby boy. She kissed his hair and smiled a little, because it was so hard not to when Leo was looking at her like the normal, happy baby he was. Leo looked down and became entranced with the ring Evan was wearing, making her giggle. "I think he approves," Evangeline said, glancing up at Scorpius. However, her smile faded into a frown. "What's wrong?"

Hugo smiled and hugged her close, pressing his face into her hair. "Well, we were both a little pretentious back at Hogwarts about our grades. I assume this one right here will be too." Moving down the bed, he pulled her shirt up to reveal the small baby bump. It was just so incredible. Leaning down, he kissed the curve of her stomach. "I love you, and I love this baby..."
Draco grinned looking amused as they looked for clothes, smirking a little."I can't. Amazingly enough, I could, but its much easier to just buy all of it instead of trying to make it."e looked thoughtful before laughing, leaning over to kiss her slowly. "Hmmm I never said I wanted to get rid of you."he said looking amused, "Oh, and its just the magic thats got you interested?Not my amazing body?I'm saddened."the blond man pouted as he got a few blankets and bottles, figuring that they needed everything still.

Scorpius smiled pressing a kiss to her head,"Hmm but he'll live, and thats all that matters. Besides, he'll be like harry potter, all scrred and all. Might even make him as popular with the girls as me."He said snickering teasing her a little about her worry before looking down at leo, smirking as the baby tried to grab at the new shiny thing. "I do to."He muttered before sighing, running his fingers through his hair as he leaned back against the pillows."Its about the know how werewolves are made right?"He muttered looking at her worriedly, hating having to make her feel even worse about the attack

Feyn sputtered a little before laughing."Oh no, I wasn't. You're confusing me with scorpius, who's sense of self love could make a narcissist cry."she snorted looking amused because she knew that they'd both outgrown the mood, gently stroking his hair blushing as he moved down the bed, embarassed as he stared at the steady growing baby bump, feeling slightly fat. Having been slender and almost unhealthly skinny for most of her life, it was a weird feeling to be curvy, with slightly bigger breats then normal."I love you to.But its early morning, and neither of us have slept."She said tugging on his hair a little, sighing softly yawning.
Beth laughed a bit, shaking her head. "I like you for that too," she promised, going down an aisle of baby toys. It was nice to pick out baby things. It reminded her about how much she really wanted kids someday. Just seemed she could never find a guy on the same page. "Well, I guess we are going to have to find a happy medium. We can do a few things the normal way and a few things your way." She gave him an amused looked as she picked up a couple of toys, then headed for the check out. "I don't want to intrude on everyone... I can go home and let you take these things back to the hotel."

Leo started to fuss a little, but he was just hungry. Leaning back against the pillows beside Scorpius, pillowing her shirt down to feed the babe. He immediately went calm and started to feed. "We didn't have werewolves in France," she said with a shrug, "I assumed they were born that way like any other creature..." She stroked the little boy's hair, smiling as his eyes started to droop with sleepiness. This had been one rough birthday... But at least she had her boys with her.

Hugo nodded and crawled back under the covers, collapsing against the pillows. "You're right," he murmured, "You and baby should sleep... So should I. I feel like I haven't slept in months." He grinned and closed his eyes, holding his hand out to her as he drifted off to sleep. There may be a lot of things coming, but tonight... Tonight as going to be peaceful.
"You think you get to go home and abandon me to the couples?no,your coming back with me. I don't want to be the only one who doesn't have anyone to snuggle."he said grinning a litttle bsfore growing serious as he went up to the register to pay, barely glancing at the final amount before paying it."unless you don't want to. It has been a rough day."he said for a moment looking exhausted her presence had done the unthinkable and let him forget for a few minutes.

Scorpius smiled sadly as he held her as leo fed closing his eyes."no. Werewolves are bitten. But your father and mine are two of the leading makers of wolfsbane, they'll be able tk make sure he's safe."he reassured though his eyes were dark with worry.

Feyn smiled letting her worry for the days to come go as she snuggled her husband and slept
Beth frowned a bit and gave him a look. "Draco, I could have helped pay," she mumbled, grabbing one of the bags and heading out the door with him. She laughed and grabbed his hand. "Oh no, I couldn't abandon you. I'll stay." Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. She was tired and still in the clothes she wore for dinner before he left unexpectedly in the middle of it, but she was still willing to stay with him. "So, judging by everything I've learned... You really aren't moving here. This is a hide out, correct?" She looked sad at that, wondering if he'd have to leave for England soon. She didn't even have a valid passport to visit him with...

Evangeline looked up at him with startled eyes, then back down at her innocent baby. It broke her heart to think he'd have to go through such a thing. Now it made a lot more sense that Lucius was giving him something that would "make him pay for his whole life". She sniffed and nodded. "As soon as everything has calmed down, we will see what my father has to say about treatment. He will be okay, right? I don't care what he is, Scorpius... I'll take care of him no matter what." She leaned down to clean up Leo and pulled down her shirt. The worn out boy was already asleep. "He'll always be our son." She held him close, snuggling into Scorpius.
"No you couldn't have. I'm mkre then capable of buyin leo things.'he said sounding slightly defensive, as if he wanted to reassure everyone that he wasn't his father,that he wouldn't hate the child for being a werewolf.looking at her as they walked outside he smiled a little."not so much as a hideout as I was looking for your bastard of a father set his best friend up with her to be pretty much taken advantage of, and left some things with her. I came to get them..."he sighed tiredlt,"but I hadn't thought far enouh out. Now that my knows I betrayed him, I can't go home...the kids can't go home..."

Scorpius looked relieved,that even if he knew evangeline,knee she wouldn't there had been a part of him waiting for her to turn away from leo now that he was a werewolf,like he was sure his own mother would have. With each day she was hrlping him move on."we'll be sleep sweetheart,tomorrows going to be busy to."he muttered before falling into a exhaudted sleep
Beth pressed her lips together, trying not to look disappointed at both the idea that this maynot be permanent, and that things were so dangerous that he couldn't go home. It made her wonder if she was in danger... But with him proving that all this magic stuff was real, it was hard not to feel safe with him. "Maybe you should consider getting an apartment out here," she murmured, "Like a pent house or something with a few bedrooms. I work in a bank, so forging a few credit statements and everything won't be too hard, and you and your family can have somewhere a little safer to stay in. Hotels can get stuffy after a while." When they approached the hotel, she entered the room and started to unpack the things they just bought.

Evangeline nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I will as soon as Beth and your father come back," she promised, then moved into the sitting room. She smiled at the coule, looking grateful at the baby clothes and supplies. "Thank you so much," she murmured, cradling Leo in her arms. She sat down on the couch and began to dress the sleepy baby in a soft onsie. Beth grinned and held out her arms, wanting to hold him. Evangeline giggled, and for a moment, the two women looked and sounded very similar. "You can hold him, but he'll probably go to sleep," Evan murmured tiredly. Beth gently took the baby in her arms, sitting on the other end of the couch. "Why don't you go get some sleep and Draco and I can watch the baby?" Beth suggested, glancing at Draco. Evan would normally protest, but she was so tired... "Okay," she sighed, "Night." And with that, she went into the bedroom and snuggled up to Scorpius for the night.
Draco bit his lip looking thoughtful before nodding."A house would be good.Something big enough for us all to get away from each other if we wanted."he said looking over at her, smiling as he helped her unpack things.

"It's no problem. After all we can't keep wrapping him up in one of scorpius' shirts."The older malfoy shorted laughing a little because he just knew scorpius would hate sharing his wardrobe, even with his beloved son. Looking slightly disturbed as he watched the two he smiled,"Go on, I'm perfectly capable of not corrupting leo for the night."He said rolling his eyes a little before tugging beth to her feet."Come on, I want to lay down, and you are going to be my snuggle bunny."He said to get a grin trying to cheer her up since he'd seen her disappointment,and well, he really was tired. Smiling as he climbed into bed he sighed softly as he tried to relax.
Beth laughed at him a little, surprised at his term of "snuggle bunny". She followed him into his bedroom and relaxed beside him, flipping the television on to the news as she held the baby close. He was so sweet and tiny. She just couldn't get enough of him, especially with him being family. "You should get a house in Manhattan. Less rough crowds and everything," she murmured, shrugging a bit. Leaning over, she kissed Draco gently, then moved to stand up. Biting her lip, she turned to him. "Can you... like, make a crib for him or something?" she muttered, blushing a little. "We all need sleep..."
Draco smiled sleepily, alredy starting to drift off."Hm, man...hatten would be interesting."He muttered not sure where that was, but willing to bow to her american tatstes. Kising her back he grinned, waving a hand and smirking as one of the chairs changed into a crib, he tugged her back after she laid him down, pulling her back to bed."sleep sweetheart."He muttered.

In the morning feyn groaned a little as she rubbed dher stomach, leaning aginst the bathroom door for a moment before climbing bak into bed with hugo, snuggling against her husband."I've been told I have to be on bedrest."She muttered when she realized he was awake,nuzzling her face against his shoulder

Scorpius stirred, looking concerned before bolting out of bed to go search for leo, looking relieved when he saw his father sitting on the couch, both grandson and grandfather dozing a little. "you getting older old man?Not able to handle ll the excitement?" "Not old, just to much dramatics."draco said yawning as he looked up at his son, both men showing the strain of the last 24 hours.
In the morning, Beth had to rush off to work, leaving behind a note for Draco so she didn't have to wake him. However, she was all smiles all day, because there was just something amazing about waking up to her lover that morning. He looked so peaceful when he slept...

Evangeline flew out of the bedroom when Scorpius did. "What's wrong?" she demanded, then looked down at Draco and his grandson. "Oh! Draco, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to sleep so late and force the baby on you all morning." She frowned and walked over to grab the muggle newpaper that was on the coffee table. "Where's Beth?" she asked, sitting on the couch beside Draco.

Hugo chuckled a bit, letting out a yawn but not opening his eyes. He didn't want to believe it was morning yet. "You were told correctly," he murmured, "For a while, anyway. You need to get plenty of undisturbed rest after yesterday, and I don't want you to fight me on it, okay?" Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her hair, then moved to get up. "Now... I'm going to get breakfast. Toast? Or do you think you can handle something else?"
"Didn't know where leo was."Scorpius said blushing a little at his overreaction as he looked at his lover. "Its nothing. Me and the kid have been napping and watchimg the princess bride."draco said smirking a little as he looked up at at scorpius and evangeline, before smilin slightly."She had to go to work." "Hows that feel?Dating someone who doesn't live to serve?" "It's kinda nice, kinda want a job myself."Draco said looking thoughtful before sighing softly."Also, there's something I wanted you to do for me today. Well, you two and the other two."He said smiling.

Feyn laughed looking amused that he wasn't wanting to get up, shifting to snuggle down into the bed."finnnnee.But what if I have to get up?Like to pee?Or to go for a walk?Am I allowed to do tht?"She said mostly to tease him, because she really did want nothing more then to stay in bed."Toast and some crackers,that sounds good."She said sighing quietly."Maybe later I'll try something else."She smiled t him leaning up to kiss him again, looking forward to just have a relaxing day.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows a little, leaning over to rub her son's back, but not taking him away from his grandfather. "What would you like us to do?" she asked, smiling a bit. It was weird to think about Draco having a job, but it was a nice feeling. "You know, Draco, I could see you being a Healer - or, what's the muggle term? Doctor? I mean, if you settled out here... You might like the normalcy. We might all like it." With that, she shrugged a little, then looked up at Scorpius. "Nothing says we have to stay in the Wizard Word. They just say the technology can weaken our power a little, but not completely."

Hugo laughed. "I might let you do those things," he said, then went to order room service for breakfast. Luckily, when he came back to the bedroom with her toast and him omelet, he saw his mother's owl on the window sill. He placed the tray of food beside Feyn on the bed, then took the letter a read it. At first, he was relieved. Hermione and Ron had made it to safety at his grandparents house. However, there was a war brewing in England. Even Diagon Alley was shut down. And while his parents made it out, his sister and her fiancé stayed back to fight... Ron couldn't get Rose to come with them. She wanted to stay with her lover. They were found dead this morning...

Hugo swallowed hard and ran a hand over his face, sitting down in a chair beside the bed because his knees felt weak. His sister, the girl he was so close to growing up, the girl who teased him and cared for him and inspired him to be strong... She was gone. Just like that... Never had he felt so guilty for being alive.
Draco smiled a little."I was thinking about settling here...safer then going home."He said looking thoughtful, knowing that england was just a apparation away if he wanted to go. Smirking a little he nodded."It interesting."He said trying to wrap his head around the idea, looking up at scorpius."Of course, you could work to." "What?I have no desire to work."Scorpius sputtered, but he knew the truth.Even the last few months had been hard for him, he'd been bored so bored, despite loving being with his family, he was to intelligent, to restless to truly enjoy just laying around. "I want you guys to look through the books I picked up this morning."Draco said looking amused, having gotten room service to bring up some real estate books to look through and get a idea on what houses to look at. "Beth suggested getting a house here, and since you four are the ones starting families, I thought I'd let you choose, and I'd get a place close by."

Feyn grinned shaking her head a little as she laid back in bed, smiling slighty as she looked at hugo as he read the letter before her smile faded, moving to the edge of the bed she got up, wrapping her arms around him,"Hugo?What is it?"She asked anxiety in her voice as she looked up at her husband.
Evangeline gave Scorpius a look, rolling her eyes a little glancing down at the books. "Oh, Draco... You know we would be fine with what ever you got," she murmured, picking up one of the books. "You already bought us the deed to the house in the country..." It hurt her to think that all of them might be forcing themselves on Draco, not thinking that he probably wanted them around all of the time rather than being alone, now that he was divorced. She started to grab a book, flipping through the pages until she found a beautiful place. The inside of it was very modern, but large enough to fit all of them. "Wow, this is nice."


It took a minute for Hugo to snap out of it, tears running down his cheeks. He cleared his throat and handed the letter to his wife. "My sister was killed in England fighting alongside her fiancé..." he croaked, putting his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. "She was my best friend growing up. I can't believe I let that happen to her. I should have thought to warn her or something." He sniffed, his fingers roughly pulling at his hair. He felt awful for not thinking of his family.
"But we can't go there. Its a wizarding house, built by wizards. The deed says my rel name, they'll be easily found if someone is looking for it."he said looking slighty put out because it would have been nice to just go to the other house, but it was indeed, a beauitful house. That is nice. Big enough to almost be two apartments for us."Scorpius said thoughtfully as he picked up under book to start looking with her.

Feyn winced at his words, leaning back to look at him, crouching down in front of him, gently troking his hair out of his face."Hugo, if anyone's at fault, it is me becaue I asked or you, without thinking of the consquences of you being at the manor.Now.Do you want to go visit your parents?"She said illing to do whatever he awnted, if only he could mae him eel better. Gently catching his wrists, "Stop. you'll go bald, and you wont look as good as uncle draco with a receding hairline."She muttered teasing him a little before sighing softly.
Evangeline smiled, crawling into Scorpius lap and looking at the book with him. As much as she loved the idea of a small quaint place for her and Scorpius, she'd grown far too close to Draco and the others to not want to be with them. It was be nice to live in a big house where Leo can play with his cousin and be with his grandfather all of the time... "We just need to make sure there is room for two nurseries," she said, looking at all the houses. Looking up at Scorpius, she smiled. "You know, if things settle down, you aren't going to hurt my feelings if you decide to go to work. I know how bored you can get, and you're too smart to not put it to use. Scor, you could go to medical school or law school if you really wanted. Leo and I would always be home when you got back."

Hugo glared at her. "Don't you dare say that," he snapped, "I could have lost you." He shook his head and reached up to wipe his eyes. Nodding, he flicked his wand to burn the letter. "I need to see my parents. There won't be a funeral. It will draw too much attention, and the death eaters have custody of their bodies... But I need to see them. They're probably crushed." He swallowed hard and stood up, pulling his boots on and pulled a sweater over his head. He put his glasses on in an attempt to hide his red, teary eyes. "Are you sure you feel like coming?"
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