Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius smirked moaning quietly as she played with his hair, smirkng."It would most definately include the amazing room service, and even more amazing sex."He smirked kissing her slowly before pouting."Oh!You have no faith in me. Maybe I shouldn't give you your present then."He said snickering as he wrapped his arms around her waist looking up at her with a amused and delighted expression, delighted to just have her with him.

Draco smiled looking pleased that she was glad to have him there before growing serious. "She'll stew over it for awhile, but she'll be okay. If nothing else, it'll give scorpius a excuse to convince her he's by far the most important person in the world and as long as he likes her, who else matters?"He said rolling his eyes at the thought of his narcissist son, though for the most part he was harmless in his extreme self love, and learned how to include others, something lucius had never had. Looking curious he raised a eyebrow."Then how?My wife thinks I'm demanding, controlling, and wanted me for the fortune attatched to my name as much as she wanted a handsome husband. So tell me, cause I'd like to know, and because I'd like it even better to know I'm not the only one who makes bad choices."He said sighing sofly.
Evangeline giggled, stumbling forward a little as he put his arms around her waist. Her hands went to his shoulder, excited about the prospect of nice room service food. "I want chocolate covered strawberries," she murmured with a pout, willing to let him spoil her. At his words, he eyes went wide. Her smile grew to be about a mile wide. "You got me a present?" she asked, looking so excited. She had no idea how he managed to do what he did, but this was Scorpius. He was full of secrets. Moving to sit on of his knees - her legs dangling off the other knee - she kissed his cheek. "Can I have it now?"

Beth smirked a little and tilted her head a little. "Well, fine," she admitted, "I had bad taste in men for a long time. Remember what my mother said about how they played the 'hero' until they turned on me? That's kind of true..." She pushed her food around with her fork. "They always wanted to 'save' me, and I liked it, and then... Well, then it turned into me having to tell them what I did every second of the day. I mean, only one of them actually got physical and it didn't last long. And it wasn't an angry type of controlling, but more like a guilt-fused control... if that makes sense. They would help me out financially, then make me feel like a child." She shrugged, then motioned to her tiny apartment. "I'm living in this dump because my student loans from college are through the roof."
"Ahh well I am sure I can get that."He muttered looking amused as he nuzzled her, looking pleased at her reaction."Of course I got you a present. Do I look like weasley, who would probably not only forget his anniversary, but feyn's birthday?"He muttered poking fun at his-dare he say it?-friend,even if he wasnt there. "Hmm, I dunno.You doubted that I could get anything. I don't think I want to give it to you."he said, though his eyes were light and teasing, he was enjoying giving her a hard time.

"Ahh.Well.You did badly this time to, cause I want to save you."He said a slight frown between his eyebrows as he looked around the apartment, the rich bastard in him wanting to pay it off and get her a real apartment, because he could and he wanted to."But I wont. My niece keeps trying to explain to me that sometimes its good to work for something instead of just paying for it, or bribing someone for it, right away."He said his smirk saying he was teasing, but his tone saying that he wasn't for the most part. The man was so confusing sometimes.
Evangeline pouted, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But Scor..." she whined, "I didn't mean to doubt you, I just didn't really expect you to be able to get away from all of this to go get me anything. I would have been selfish if I expected you to drop everything for me, right?" She pressed a smacking kiss to his cheek. "I love you... Can I please have my present?" She nuzzled him, stroking his ego because she knew he loved it. "I should have known a handsome, powerful wizard like you would find a way to get me a birthday present among all the turmoil..."

Beth grinned a little, taking a bite of her food. "I don't have any objections to being saved, Draco," she murmured, "It's when it comes with hidden intentions that it goes down hill..." She shrugged and reached over to grab his hand, stroking her thumb over his palm. Everything was calm as she stared into his grey eyes... until she was nearly scared half to death by an... owl? And owl was outside her window! "What the hell?" she snapped, looking confused, "Does it have something in its mouth?"
Scorpius laughed snugging her closer to his body, sighing as he shifted a little."Hmm I'd drop the world, if I thought it would make you smile."He muttered smiling as he laughed, rolling his eyes a little."You know, I love a good ego stroke but subtlely is good."He snorted amused at her words before shifting her aside to get the wand box out of his bag, amused at the slytherin green and silver wrapping as he handed it over, the small box hidden in his palm as he waited to see how she'd react to the wand.

"Ahh.Well, then I'll have to save you sometime."He smiled a little shivering as her thumb stroked over his palm, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sight and sound of the owl, hanging his head a little."Unfortunately that's a letter for me..."He sighed as he got up, opening the window to take the letter from his eagle owl, dread tightening his stomach before looking at her, looking uncomfortable."This...this is a long story. There's no...normal....way to explain why I get mail by owl instead of...snail mail...or e-mail..."He said slowly, as if not sure about the muggle terms before breaking up the seal on the letter and starting to read.
Evangeline laughed a little. "I'll try to tone it down then," she murmured, looking amused as he grabbed what was obviously a wand box. She opened and grinned, leaning in to kiss his cheek. It was beautiful, what look liked custom made wand. Taking it out, she twirled it around and muttered a simple charm, changing the color of the wrapping paper Beauxbaton blue, only to tease him. "It's perfect, Scor. Better than my old one. I love it." He really did know how to make her feel better, because at this point, it was like she had not even been around her mother at all.

Beth stood up, looking... well, confused. "You... You get mail from an owl?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Normally she wouldn't believe such crazy things, but she saw the owl. It was hard to deny it. Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched him read the letter. "I have time for a long story..."

The letter was from Narcissa, saying that she had been trying to get a hold of Feyn and Hugo for hours and neither were answering. Severus had said that neither of them had made an appearance at the safe house or the hotel, and she was getting concerned.
"Hmm good."He smiled before pouting, wrinkling his nose a little."Must you have that? Slytherin colors go better with my eyes."He sulked before smirking as he smirked."Oh, I'm not do yet. I have something else for you."he said blushing a little as he pushed the ring pocket out towards her, but not looking at her. "I know its not the most fancy thing ever, or really a...engagemnt ring you know... but I thought... a promise that I'll talk. I know I've been driving you insane."He muttered looking so very uncomfortable it was endearing.

"I do.Its..."He stopped as he read the letter his chest going tight, glancing up at her. "I don't....will you excuse me for the evening beth?It seems my niece and her husband have gone missing."He swallowed looking pale but getting ready to go to riddle manor, and scared of what he was going to face. His stomach was tight and knotted, looking worried before swallowing again."I promise...I will come back..and explain about how I know your mother, and everything you found odd about that exchange...and why I have my mail delivered by owl. I promise, there is a sane and nice explaination for this... I just can't give it to you right now."he said looking anxious to go, and it truly said how attatched he'd grown to her over a few short days that he hadn't just apparated out without explaination at the news both feyn and hugo weren't answering anyone.Espicially considering what he'd destroyed earlier, it scared him senseless, and yet he seemed to keep it together as he looked at her, waiting for a answer.
Evangeline looked up at him, completely speechless. Swallowing hard, she took the ring out of the box and took it in. It may not be a huge diamond ring, but it was beautiful, and the fact that he actually wanted to put a ring on her finger warmed her heart to know end. "Scor... It's perfect," she murmured, eyes watery. "But I don't want you to think you have to give me this because I'm going insane over it. I only get upset because I worry about you... You've never really talked about your mother to me, and it hurts a little. I feel like you don't trust me to be different from her." She bit her lip, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand and pull his gaze to her own.

Beth suddenly looked very worried, her suspicion going out the window. She'd never see Draco look so anxious. "Draco, what's wrong?" she asked, walking over to him. "I can come with you." She looked insistent, wanting to be with him for whatever he was going through. "You met my mother, Draco, I can hardly think your family is any worse that that..." Reaching over, she grabbed her purse and pulled on her coat. "We can just eat the cheesecake later," she asked, shrugging, not understand what was really going on.
Scorpius tensed a little at her words, looking down at the ring box in his hands."If yuo don't want it, just say so."He grumbled looking anxious before sighing quietly as he let her pull his face around, leaning over to kiss her gently before sighing quietly. "My mother's a whore, who'd rather spend her time sucking a dark lord's cock then trying to figure out how to be in a marriage she wasn't enjoying anymore."He grumbled before sighing."I didn't think there was that much to talk about.We all know what she did."He grumbled nudging her a little."Its not that I don't trust you...I just don't trust me.... what if I force you away?Like mother says father did?What if I make you hate me?"he muttered looking at her anxiously.

Draco looked startled leaning down to kiss her forehead, tears misting his eyes for a moment at the thoughtfullness of her offer. Even if she didn't know what was going on, it touched his heart that she would consider doing that."Yes it can. And no, I can't let you come with me....the why is part of that complicated, long story I have to tell you."He looked down at her swallowing hard."But right in this moment, I have to go rescue Feyn from her mistakes."He muttered his eyes angry, because in his eagerness to destroy voldemort, he hadn't thought about feyn, hadn't considered what was going on. And he was angry at himself for it, not blaming feyn, but it was the simpliest way to explain what he had to do."Stay here, please. I promise, I'll come back."He said pulling his jacket back on, hugging her tightly.
Evangeline frowned. "Your father is a good man, Scorpius. A very good man," she insisted, locking eyes with him. "He didn't drive your mother away. She found reasons to ruin her marriage, and one of them was doing the things she did to you." She swallowed hard, looking pained, because in all the time her and Scorpius had been together, they had never brought this up. It was just understood. "She was the awful person. Not your father... and not you." She slid the ring on to her finger, the moved to wrap her arms around him, hugging him close and pressing her face into his neck. "It's okay to be upset about it, you know. Your grandfather may have taught you differently, but he's not here."

Beth looked frustrated and confused. "But Draco, it couldn't be that bad..." she argued, hugging him back. The tears in his eyes disturbed her greatly. Maybe there was something really dangerous going on, and their lives were in danger. Suddenly her heart was thudding out of her chest and she knew that there was no way to make him stay. "I'll wait for you," she promised, even if she wanted to deck him for not taking her. She would have if she didn't seen the seriousness in his eyes.
Scorpius shuddered a little, lcosing his eyes as he leaned into her, allowing himself to believe that. he so wanted to believe that it was his mother, and not him and draco who had been the twisted one. Swallowing hard he sighed quietly, his shoulders shaking with silent tears, taking her words as permission to be allowed to be upset, to show just how screwed up his mother had left him."You know...we're supposed to be celebrating your birthday...not crying and all..."he sniffled after a few minutes.

Draco swallowed hard hugging her tighter."It can, and I promise, I'll tell you. When I get back."He muttered because it worried him to not know what he was walking into even as he pulled away."I'll be back. I promise.But don't lose sleep over me, its not that important."he teased before he left, needing to leave before he stayed and took her with him. Swallowing as he apparated to the manor he paused outside the door, for a moment wondering what to do, if he was brave enough to go as his father, but he didn't know if the man was already there so...bracing himself he stepped into the manor, the slender middle aged blond going in search of his niece, heading for the rooms where she usually stayed if she slept over.

Feyn meanwhile was up and pacing, to worried about hugo to stay still and rest despite her orders to sty in bed, wondering how to get downstairs after him. wondering how to get out of the locked room stroking her ring, but not wanting to apparate, not without knowing if he had it on or not. she figured he probably took it off before coming, but she didnt know, and she couldn't decide if she should take the risk of messing up.
Evangeline held him close, stroking his hair and rubbing his back. It felt nice to know that he was finally letting out some emotions that had probably been built up for years, and he was trusting her. "I care more about you than my birthday, Scor," she murmured, tilting her head to kiss his damp cheek. "And just how I'm sure you plan to make sure my mother never gets near me again, I assure you that I will never let your bitch of a mother near you. I promise." She pulled back from him, giving him a smile and a soft kiss on the lips. Looking down at the ring, she grinned. "It's beautiful. Where did you get this ring on such short notice?"

Beth looked worried to death, but nodded and let him go. And even though he asked her to not lose sleep, she sat up in her little arm chair, a cup of coffee in her hands and a lamp on beside her. She watched the television (the only three channels she had) and tried so hard to not go out looking for him.

After the shock of the curse wore off, Hugo was banging on the walls and screaming to be let out. It was lame attempt, but he was desperate to get upstairs to his pregnant wife. He was scared out of his mind that she might not be there when he was let out. Or worse, they killed him and left her alone to fight while pregnant. It was enough that his wand was taken away, but now he was locked up like a prisoner. He paced and paced, near tears at the idea of how bad this was going to go. There was no happy ending to what was about to happen.
Scorpius smiled a little as he wiped his eyes, looking a little flushed but easier with his emotions. Sniffling he laughed quietly perking up again."Ohhh yes your mother is never getting near you, or leo.Definately not."He said his lip curling in disgust at the very idea of cassndra getting anywhere near his son or lover. Smirking a little as he kissed her he tilted his head a little."Oh, you want me to reveal my ways?Where's the fun in that?"he smirked before shrugging a little."Well, NYC is home to one of the world's' most famous jewelry stores...wasn't hard to get hugo to go in tiffany's with me on a break..."He shrugged blshing.

Draco swallowed hard as he made his way down to the dungeons, having paid his dues and checked upstairs to make sure feyn was taken care of, at least seen on her way to New York, where he knew she'd find Scorpius and Evangeline, he walked down to the dungeons, looking at the guards."Can I see him?It seems I've been harboring a forbidden love affair, and have plans of dealing with it."He smirked, cruelty in that smile, and glad that the younger death eaters were indeed younger then him, easier to bully into leaving. Sighing softly as he stepped into the cell he winced,"Shut up.Now."he growled looking over the man before holding out the wand he'd pilfered from one of the other death eaters."Get out of here, feyn's already gone. Its about to get ugly here."He said having every intention of dealing with voldemort before he left.
"Let's face it. Our father's are the only grandparents Leo needs. And Hugo helped you pick out the ring? Admit it. He's your friend," Evangeline murmured, grinning. Leaning in, she kissed him passionately and pushed him back on to the bed, straddling his waist. "How about we skip the room service for a little while and go straight to that amazing sex you promised? I've been without for a while..." Reaching down, she began to unbutton his shirt, then started to kiss down his bare chest. She just wanted to make the best of the time they had together.

Hugo grabbed his wand, looked up at the older man. "No way," he snapped, "I'm not leaving you here." He swallowed hard, showing exactly the loyalty that he had for the man who allowed him to be with his niece. He had a lot of respect for Draco and he was not about to leave him to fight on his own. Feyn was safe and that was all that mattered. "Did you... destroy the 'antiques'?" he asked, "Because if you did, it only takes one blow... After we find the last one, and it's here. I know for sure. Feyn saw it herself."
"I don't have to admit any such things about weasley. He's definately not my friend."Scorpius said pouting a little as he kissed her back, laughing as he rested his hands on her hips. "Very true. Which will make it even more amazing."Scorpius smirked sighing quietly as he closed his eyes stroking her hair as she kissed his skin, nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard feyn."bloody hell!Feyn!"He cursed sitting up quickly. "No.Dammit I have to go back."feyn cursed when she realized that her uncle had managed to trick her, telling her hugo was still wearing his wedding ring, and getting her safely out of the way. She couldn't leave them."Feyn!stop!"Scorpius yelled casting a sleeping hex before he really thought about it, wincing as she crumbled to the hotel floor.

Draco bared his teeth in a snarl, annoyed that the wealsey wasn't as easy to order a bout as feyn. All he'd had to do was tell her hugo was wearing his ring and that he needed her. Dammit, he should have known he wouldn't be so easy to convince to leave. Nodding a little he swallowed hard."I did. And she said the last one was in his rooms."he swallowed hard as he opened the cell door, letting them both out with a quick look around before looking at hugo, casting a glamour spell."You're going to have to act like scorpius, but you'll pass through here easier."he muttered as he walked quickly for the stairs.
Evangeline yelped, jumping up and moving over to Feyn. "Scor, carry her to the bed," she said, stroking the hair out of her face. She could already tell that something was very, very wrong. Swallowing hard, she looked up at her lover. "Something went wrong..." she murmured, shaking her head. "Do you have Beth's number? Do you think your father is with her? If not, she might know where he went. I have a feeling he has something to do with it."

Hugo nodded, letting the older man glamor him into his son, then walked beside him. "If I go to his rooms and destroy the last one, you can get him in private. He trusts you, which means he won't think twice about being alone with you at a time like this," he insisted, looking determined. "Then we can meet back in New York to figure out how the hell we are going to make our next move."
Scorpius wined a little as he got up, picking up the woman gently, he settled her into bed. Even spelled, the girl wasn't sleeping peacefully, something was most definately wrong. Swallowing hard he bit his lip before nodding,standing to search for his cell phone he dialed the number draco had left for beth, praying that she had some clue to what was going on.

"I'lll do that.And don't get yourself kill.I'd hate to have to explain it.His rooms are the ones across from feyn's."The older man said nodding his head a little, looking slightly amused at the man's determination not to leave im handle this alone before heading down the hall.Pausing to knock on the study door he waited for voldemrt to let him in, not about to barge into a room with what he assumed would probably be a upset dark lord."My lord?"He said through the door, he could hear voldemort pacing on the other side, but waiting patiently to be let iin.
Evangeline quickly murmured a charm to lift Scorpius' hex, but took Feyn's wand and handed it to Scorpius so she couldn't go after Hugo. Quickly, she pulled on her shoes and grabbed her own wand. "I'm going to apparate back to the safe house and check on Leo," she said nervously, her hands shaking. She was so scared that her child was in danger that she didn't realize she was putting herself in danger. "I won't bring him here. He's safer with my father, but I can't just not know. I'll be faster than an owl."

Voldemort opened the door, looking relieved at the sight Draco. "Come in," he said, his voice rough. There was no color to his face, and he looked more fragile than before. Now, he looked like a man that may have went through war. "Your niece though she could pull all of this off under my nose, but what she doesn't know is that I've been on to her for months." He moved to sit behind his desk. He would have looked angrier if he was no so sick, tired, and stressed. This was his last leg to stand on. "She's obviously not as smart as everyone has thought all of these years, because if she was, she'd know a man who has his soul separated in several different horcruxes (one gone) would not have the ability to reproduce." He glared up at Draco. "She was knocked up by the Weasley boy, and I know you are attached to the girl, but she has no excuse. She's to be put to death for reproducing with a mudblood and lying to her Dark Lord for months about it. The Weasley will die as well, obviously. He must have something to do with my horcruxes... alone with your godfather. I've sent out the Dementors in search of Severus. He will die as well." His lip curled up into a cruel smirk. "If I go down this way, I will be sure that they will too. All of them. Severus, his mudblood daughter, the Weasleys, your niece, and anyone else who thought they could take me down. And after I'm dead? I have plenty of people to take on my work."
Scorpius frowned looking annoyed at being left here, but having no way to stop her from going and he to, wanted to know how leo was."come right back okay?"He said watching her go even as he smiled as beth answered the phone."Beth, is my father with you?"He asked trying to sound calm, hoping to not freak her out as he hugged evangeline goodbye, not knowing he was sending her into danger.

Draco looked startled t his ppearane, but it hid before he could worry to much."My lord...I did...not know."He said looking startled and out of sorts, because it disturbed to him see voldemort like this,even if he had every intention of killing him, he'd known the man for over half of his life, and for that time he'd been indestructable. IT was weird seeing him like that."I...I am sorry my lord. I did not think her capable of such a deception."He muttered tilting his head a little even though inside he ws panicking at the idea of the dementors going after the others, hoping his mother was with severus and leo.Keeping talking to the man as he waited for the moment he knew the last was gone, becaue he knew that he would have only a split moment's notice before voldemort realized wht he'd done, and he'd have to act quickly."My lord, we are loyal to you, my family has been for years, even if my niece's...stupidity has made her act out, she is my wife's kin, what can you really except from inferor pureblodo?We'll see that this mess is taken care of, and that t no longer a shame to us, my lord."He said, keeping the conversation going
Evangeline nodded quickly and kissed his cheek before apparating to the safe house. "Daddy?" she called from the living room, her heart in her throat. She hoped they weren't out for a walk. All she needed was to check in on her son, assure her and Scorpius that he was safe, and get back to Scorpius.

Beth answered the phone, and she immediately felt worried. "What do you mean?" she asked, "He told me something was wrong with your cousin and that he'd explain when he got back... He was acting anxious, and he wouldn't let me go." She swallowed hard. "There was an owl and... I'll come to the hotel okay? I'll catch a cab and be there in half an hour." With that, she hung up and rushed out the door to flag down a cab, worried about her new love and his family.

Voldemort clenched his jaw. "She will have a court-like death, Draco. I want to watch her die alone with my fellow death eaters as a cautionary tale," he murmured, reclining back into his chair. He looked thoughtful for a man who knew he'd die soon. "I've called upon your father," he said, "Since my horcruxes were in his care, he will pay for their absence." He eyes grew dark, and then all of the sudden, his hand went to his chest. He let out a scream of pain, and it only meant one thing. Hugo had found the horcrux upstairs and had destroyed it. Voledmort's eyes went wide, and he glared at the man who he now knew had betrayed him. It seemed even the most powerful wizard could be fooled...

Hugo apparated back to the hotel, pulling Feyn into his arms. "Baby, wake up," he said, stroking her hair out of her face. He glanced up at Scorpius, his heart about to explode out of his chest. "I destroyed the last one, and your father is with Voldemort." He swallowed hard and held his wife close, his face pressed into her hair. It was truly a traumatizing event that he had just went through, with being afraid she was dead, being tortured, and being locked away. And it was not even closer to over.
Severus stirred gently laying down the baby he had been putting down for his nap and walking downstairs."Evan?Whats wrong?"He said looking anxious going pale as the dark mark on his arm reacted to the death of its lord, nearly going to his knees as pain blinded him.

"Okay.I'll see you here."Scorpius said trying not to do something rash as he paced, walking into the main sitting room so hugo and feyn could be alone, looking even more anxious as he heard what was going on.He needed his father, he wouldn't know what would happen if things went wrong and the blond didn't come back. Forcing himself to sit down he did, waiting for beth,screaming as pain nearly ripped his arm in to, at least thats what it felt like.

"Your right, he will get what's coming to him"Draco muttered, nodding a little, acknowledging the knowledge he saw in voldemort's eyes, acknowledging that it had been him,."Avada kadava."He muttered wincing as he watched the sickly green light hit his lord,pain blinding him for a moment as his dark mark reacted to the man's death. Stumbling towards the body he knew he had only moments to do what needed done.Muttering a transfiguration charm over the body he swallowed as he scooped up the newly made watch, and put it on. Having every intention of getting rid of it, but for the moment, it'd distract the death eaters when they didn't know where he'd died. Cursing as he apparated back to the hotel he collapsed onto the couch, oblviious to everything around him as he handled both the fact that he'd just committed murder-no matter how justified- and that his arm felt like it was on fire before cooling, though it was still a stead throb, as if to remind him the man was gone.

Feyn whimpered stirring a little at hugo's touch, turning her head into his chest, "...loud... my head hurts...I feel foggy...."she muttered blinking slowly, starting to shake loose the last strands of the spell hex, looking up at him with a small smile, that sweet small smile that had always said that she felt more then she said, that she worried for him even if she didn't admit it.Sitting up quickly she winced as she nearly overbalanced herself, resting her hands over his shoulders, looking anxious."hugo?Are you okay?Wht cn I do?"She said mvoing to get up to take care of him
Evangeline rushed to her father, going down to her knees and hovering over him. "Daddy? What's wrong?" she murmured, looking panicked. At the sound of his screams, Leo woke up with a start from upstairs. Narcissa apparated just in time, pulling Evan to the side. "They just took Lucifer in custody," she said, "The Dementors are on their way. They know where Severus has been hiding out." She looked nervous, stroking Severus' hair until he calmed down. "Take Leo and go," she snapped, "I will take get your father to safety. Tell Draco to not send any owls. They are what signaled them to the safe house." With that, she grabbed her wand out of her pocket and apparated her and Severus to the Malfoy Manor - smart enough to know that the most obvious of places might be the last place they will look, especially with Lucius in custody. Evangeline looked scared, nodding quickly. She sprinted up the stairs and toward Leo's nursery, following his cries. She was almost there when she was stopped by the huge and intimidating stance of Fenrir Greyback.

Beth jogged into the hotel, taking the elevator and quickly moving into their room. Her eyes went wide at the sight of father and son. "What happened?!" she asked, sitting on the edge of the couch next to Draco. She grabbed his face, seeing the pain in his eyes and the lack of color in his face. "No more excuses, Draco, I want to know what's going on." Glancing up at Scorpius, she noticed he looked like he was in the same amount of pain. Could this really get any more confusing? "Are you two okay? Can I get you something?"

Hugo grabbed Feyn, making her lay back down. "Feyn, stop," he ordered, "I am not the one who needs taking care of, okay?" He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. All of this was a little too much for the man that was raised in a calm, muggle-influenced home. He just hoped his parents were some where safe. "He's dead," he admitted, "But I don't think it's going to get any easier from here... I think a lot of Death Eaters are going to lash out." He frowned, leaning in to kiss her head. "He didn't hurt you, did he? I was in the dungeons for a long time..."
Severus snarled quietlytrying to get away from the woman supporting him,"I have to go back. Cissy,she won't be safe by herself. And surely being with scorpius and draco won't make it any better."he growled trying to get away from her despite the blinding pain.he figured everyone by no knew of dracos betrayal,not realizing him and the dark lird had been alone, that he might just get away with it.

"Beth?"drafo panted looking up at her in confusion trying to figure out how shed gotten there before glaring."I'm a wizard beth,and on the bad end of a bad spell."he growled his pain making him lash out as he tried to focus through the pain knowing if he could get some control,maybe scorpius couls. Scared of how long this would last, even as the pain started to fade. Both malfoy men slumped back to the couches they were laying on in utter exhaustion.

Feyn sighed softly as she leaned into him,letting him lay down as she wrapped her arms around him, starting to cry at the overwhelming feelings."did...did he hurt you?more I mean?"she asked anxious before swallowing shaking her head."no...he scared me, kept threating to do more,but no he didn't want to risk the baby."she muttered not realizkng that voldemort had never been fooled
Narcissa pushed Severus down on the couch. "In this position, you won't be much help either, Sev. And she's at the hotel by now," she assured, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Once we know the coast is clear, I'll send for them and we can start activating all the protection charms on the manor." Walking into the kitchen, she found a bag of frozen peas. She placed them on his forearm, knowing that no spell could relieve the pain of the dark mark. Muggle relief would be best. "Calm down, Sev. You are going to send yourself into a heart attack."

Evangeline froze in place, immediately starting to shake with fear as she realized the large man was holding Leo. "D-don't hurt him," she pleaded, holding her wand up, "Take me. Hurt me. But please..." Fenrir's lips turned up into a nasty, cruel smirk. He cradled the fussy baby against his chest. "Who's baby is this?" No answer. "WHO'S CHILD IS THIS?!" Leo went into a scream of fits, and the only thing keeping Evan from crying was fear. "He's mine...." she whispered, "Please... Don't hurt him." Fenrir grinned and looked down at the child, knowing Evangeline wouldn't harm him while holding the child. "Looks like a Malfoy to me. Lucius must have been right on his suspicions about you and his grandson." He let out a dark chuckle, and Evangeline's eyes started to water, giving away her guilt. "That's what I thought," Fenrir continued, "Isn't is a shame that the children always have to pay for the parents' bad choices? Hm? I'm not going to kill the babe. Don't worry. And you can have him... But his great-grandfather wanted me to personally deliver a belated birthday present - a present that will insure that he will never forget the betrayal his father committed when he slept with a mudblood whore."

Evangeline eyes went wide, and in a desperate attempt to get Leo, she lunged forward. However, she hit the ground at the large man's feet right in time to watch him bit her son in his arm. Leo's scream filled the house, and Fenrir leaned down to hand the crying child to Evangeline. Leo's blood was spilling into her lap, and Evangeline pulled him into her arms, his blood getting all over her clothes. She was in shock, reaching out and grabbing the wand she dropped. Fenrir laughed and shook his head, satisfied with infecting the young child. "Tell Scorpius his grandfather sends his love." And with that, he was gone.

Quickly, Evangeline apparated her and the young child to the hotel. She was absolutely inconsolable. "Scorpius!" she shrieked, need him to save their son from bleeding to death. The werewolf infection was the farthest from her mind - it was the huge bite mark on his arm that had her attention. At the sight of all the blood, Beth screamed in horror, her hand going to her mouth. It took her several moments to snap out of it and run to the bathroom for towels.

Hugo shook his head. "After he locked me up, he didn't do anything else," he assured, even if his ears were still ringing from the curse. He stroked her hair and sighed. "We need to get your back to your grandmother, or somewhere safe and peaceful. You can't keep stressing yourself out like this. It's bad for you and the baby." He held her close, just happy to have her with him and knowing that Voldemort had no control over her anymore. Everything seemed peaceful until he heard the screams from the other room. His eyes went wide, and he looked at Feyn with worry. "Stay," he snapped, not wanting her to act brave and follow him.
Severus laughed sighing softly as he let her keep him down on the couch, "Fine.You know, it seems somewhat fitting to be using a muggle trick, in malfoy manor."He snickered a little, the pain fading to a dull throb, though he had to wonder what the others had been up to. Surely such a reaction meant that things had either gone extremely well, or had fallen apart. He just hoped the others were tking care of themselves."What...what did they charge lucius with when they picked him up?"He asked frowning a little as he looked at narcissa.

Scorpius cursed as he stumbled up to his feet looking out of sorts as he tried to work through the remaining pain, to intent on getting to his son to let it keep him down for long. Yelping as his father pushed past him, giving evangeline a look as he took the babe,"Stop. I'll take care of him. stay here."He ordered as he muttered a healing charm, already following beth towards the bathroom, taking a towel from her."we'll stay in here. Less mess."He muttered sitting cross legged onto the floor, leo laying in his lap as he worked on stopping the bleeding, both muttering healing charms and dabbing at the blood, trying to calm the babe as he got the bleeding to slow and finally stop, looking exhausted.

Scorpius growled already starting after his father before stopping, looking at evangeline, fear in his eyes as he started running his hands over her."Are you hurt?What happened?"He demanded trying to find a wound, afraid she was also hurt, barely sparing a glance for hugo when the man came in.

"Good."feyn muttered closing her eyes as she leaned into hugo, starting to relax."WEll, its not my fault. I tried to relax, things kept coming up.I'm sorry I sent for you...I wasn't thinking...and that's how he figured it out..."he sighed quietly nuzzling her face against his chest before jerking up, staring at the door before nodding."I'll stay."she said, willing to let him go, not only because she was afraid for their child, but because she knew if she did follow him, she'd distract him from protecting himself.
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