Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Severus smiled a little looking amused as he looked dodwn at his daughter, pressing a kiss to her forehead, as he gently eased his grandson out of her arms, cradling the child who seemed just as tired as his mother, the babe barely fussing as severus held him. "Come on evan, narcissa's going to help you to bed."He muttered pulling her to her feet, looking amused at how tired the gil was.

Scorpius started a little glancing at hugo as he ursed, wincing a little."Damn.I was looking forward to you calling her, so I could figure out how to talk to evangeline."He muttered looking thoughtful because he had no idea how to tell evangeline what was goig on with her mother. "I know. I hate leaving them to,even if they said they understood."he said because he knew the women were upset at being left behind. Looking conflicted he smirked,"Wish we could take her to london. Let grandfather know something's up...he'd kill her just to shut her up."He grumbled sighing softly.

Feyn smiled slightly at voldemort."Sick. Tired.Dizzy. Normal pregnant things."She grumbled sounding annoyed, out of sorts at being forced to come here, she was in a bad mood at having to be there. And it didn't help that her body wasn't getting enough food since she kept throwing it up which just made her grumpier. What she needed was bed rest and food.Moaning softly as she kissed him back she whimpered a little at the grip on her leg, squirming, wanting away. She was tired and grumpy, which made even the most even tempered woman foul mooded,and no one had ever accused feyn of having a passive temper when she wasn't feeling well.

Dracosighed looking at her, tilting his head.Hurt a little that she was on guard with him, but shrugging a little."Well.I did cuse you to come with me this time."He shrugged walking with her, before smirking slightly."To bad I can't set my father up on a date. Her and him would be the perfect narcissistic bigoted couple. They'd kill each other within a month."He snorted laughing, trying to distract himself from just how bad he was feeling for taking her there with him. He should have just gone by himself.
Evangeline whined a little, but nodded and let the other woman take her up stairs and get her into bed. when Narcissa came back down, she sighed and settled down on the couch beside Severus. "I gave her a light sleep charm," she murmured, "She's been sleeping on the couch the past few nights and it isn't good for her." Leaning down, she kissed Leo's head. He let out a tiny yawn, then laid his head on his grandfather's chest to go back to sleep. Narcissa leaned her head on Severus' shoulder. Her hand moved down to lock within his. "Tonight was nice, Sev," she murmured, smiling a bit.

Hugo shrugged and got out of the cab and started for the suite. "They would make a match made in heaven," he admitted, smirking a bit. Walking into the hotel, he grabbed a drink and settled down in one of the arm chairs. "I'd wait to call Evangeline in the morning." He shrugged. "You don't want her losing sleep over it." He took a drink of his beer and leaned back, kicking off his boots. It was weird feeling so... bonded to Scorpius Malfoy.

Voldemort nodded. "Good. It means the baby is growing," he murmured, little sympathy in his voice. He ordered the maids to bring her a healthy meal. "You will eat a nice dinner, then get a check up from the healer I brought in. Afterward, I feel the need to relieve some... stress." He smirked at that, squeezing her thigh a bit before moving to eat his own meal. It was just a usual meeting, nothing more.

Beth reached down and grabbed his hand as they walked, flicking her cigarette away. It was few blocks to her apartment building, but she needed the air. "I came with you because I wanted to," she murmured, looking over at him. Sighing, she turned around to look at him once they reached her building, grabbing both of his hands and looking into his eyes. "Normally, I wouldn't do this... But will you stay with me tonight? Just until morning?" she asked, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I can't really explain it, and I really don't want to, but I don't want to be alone..." She hated the idea of admitted her mother had such an effect on her, so she to deny to.
Severus smiled a little as he looked up at her, "Good. Both her and feyn should sleep better."He said looking worried a little, because it worried him that both women seemed to be stressing out alot about what was happening.gently stroking leo's back as the babe settled aainst him, he blushed a little as he looked over at narcissa."IT was. We should do it more."He muttered flushing, because it was hard for him to admit to having such a good night with her.

Scorpius sighed a little as he settled into a chair as he sipped the drink he poured he nodded."Oh yea. I'm not calling tonight. She'd freak out and she needs to sleep."Scorpius said looking amused but slightly anxious because he knew just how bad evangeline was going to be upset over this. Glancing at hugo he smirked a little."And you don't get to lose any sleep either. Feyn's fine."He sai feeling odd about reassuring a weasley, but well, feyn loved him, so he guessed he could be nie.

"It does,but its not a great feeling."Feyn sulked not happy about feeling so crappy as she smiled, her stomach growling at the idea of food.Raisin a eyebrow at the man, her smile turned teasing and soft."Just some stress?Not all of it?"She teasedd lookin amused as she started to eat, trying to stay relaxed because if she worried about actually being with him, she was going to be getting sick all over his boots.

Draco smiled a little looking over at her."Well, still it was unpleasant."He said shrugging a little, because he was to much of a gentleman to not feel bad about upsetting her. Smirking slightly as she kissed his cheek, he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her slowly."Well, I can definately not leave you alone."He muttered nuzzling her a little, following her inside, kissing her again."You hungry?"He asked, to much of a father to not want to take care of her, and wanting to take care of her, because it made him feel bad for dragging her to cassandra, and into this mess. He just knew this was going to get ugly.
Narcissa grinned and leaned in, pressing a gently and loving kiss to his lips. "Much more," she whispered, then stood up, looking a little sleepy herself. "Now, give up the baby, Sev. I'm going to put him in his crib for the night, and you need to get some sleep in your bed as well." Her hands were on her hips, wondering if he was going to put up a fight.

Hugo sighed and took a big gulp of beer. "I'll start getting sleep when you do," he countered, "And we all know that isn't going to happen." Looking down, her studied the wedding man on his finger with intense eyes. He just missed her, and as pathetic as it sounded, it was killing him to be away from her. "I bet you miss Leo," he murmured, "because I know that I already miss the baby I haven't even met yet. It's an odd feeling. Can't even explain it."

Voldemort smirked a little. "If I relieved all of it, then I might hurt the child... And we don't want that, Kitten," he murmured giving her dark, yet amused look. He ate his lamb, then a helping of dessert before calling the healer in. "My lord," the healer said, bowing at their feet. Voldemort nodded to Feyn, already snapping at the maids to help her undress. "She needs to be checked out." The healer nodded and waited for Feyn to undress, getting the examination table ready on the other side of the room - the same table Voldemort used for sexual torture.

Beth grinned and leaned in to kiss him back. She moved to sit on the foot of the bed, slipping her heels off and rubbing her sore feet. "No, but I could use a stiff drink," she admitted, slipping out of her dress. She crawled into bed with only panties and a bra on, leaning against the head board. It amused her that he actually wanted to take care of her; it was so different from her other boyfriends. "Your son seems... Well, he seemed to be identical to you in more ways that one. It's odd to think I have a sister out there that has a kid with him." Reaching up, she ran a hand through her hair. "Are you sure you don't mind staying?"
Severus pouted a little as she looked up at her, not wanting to give up the babe before sighing softly."Fine...."He sighed standing slowly, areful to make sure the baby didn't wake as he gently laid the baby into her arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead."Goodnight narcissa."he said softly, not wanting to lealve her, but not brave enough to ask her to sleep next to her.

"I sleep just fine."Scorpius suled before takinga sig of his drink, laughing. Because he knew just what the man meant. When evangelie had been pregnant it had killed him those few weeks that he couldn't be with her."It's because you're worried about her, an she's pregnant, so you miss tkngi care of her."He said looking amused before finishing his drink."Come on weasley, you need some sleep, and you can call feyn sooner, the sooner you go to bed."He snickered a little.

"Ahh. No we don't want that."feyn said looking amused as she finished eating, glancing at the healer when she came in, undressing. Looking slightly uncomfortable as she got up onto the table because she knew what happened on that table, and it disturbed hr.When it was done she sighed tiredly as she lsed her eyes. The healer patted her leg looking at Voldemort as he waited."My lord,"She bowed her head a little."She needs rest, and more food.She's not keeping anything down long enough to actually benefit from the food she is eating. She's malnourished nd run down. I suggest a few days of restrited bed rest."she said looking at himignoring fen because in the few weeks that she'd been taking care of her, she knew the woman wouldn't like it.

Draco smiled looking amused as he moved into the kitchen to get her something to drink before returning. Handing the drink to her as he slipped out of his jacket an loosening his tie as he sat dow nnext to her."..Scorpius tries hard. To hard worried me once to realize just how hard he was trying to be like me."He said frowning slightly because it worried him that his son wasn't being himself not realizing scorpius wasn't pretending, he really was just like his father to the point of being worrisome.Since it meant he might make the same bad decisions and mistakes instead of learning from them."Yea, well it is a little disturbing to consider that."He said pain and fear flickering through his eyes at the thought of evangeline.Because it truly scared him that he was attraccted to beth because she looked like evanageline, that he wanted her as a replaement for the younger girl/ That he was like astoria, but with a older victim.Poor man was so twisted up that he was having so hard of a time coming to terms with things."I'm fine with staying. Besies, the boys are probably going to be up all night arguing over nothing, they don't need me there to referee."He said smiling at her
Hugo nodded, even if he didn't want to, and down his beer. Moving across the room, he shuffled to the bed and climbed in. After a few hours of staring at the ceiling, he finally managed to get to sleep. Sadly, it was only a couple hours before he needed to wake up...

Voldemort's lips pressed together in a hard line. "Very well. She will rest in my home then, because I have a feeling she will never get rest at her own home." He narrowed his eyes at her, clearly blaming her for her lack of rest. Snapping, he had his maids fix up a nice guest room for her. After all, he never let women sleep in his bed. That was for sex and him only. "Lead her to the guest room, and post her room with a guard to watch her carefully. She will not be allowed to leave the bed until breakfast." With that, he walked over to her and forcefully grabbed her chin. "I better not be finding out that you are putting my child in danger on purpose, kitten, or I will make sure that your life will end the day it's born."

Beth grinned and took a big gulp of her drink before crawling down to the foot of the bed where he was sitting. She helped him out of his jacket, then wrapped her limbs around him from behind, her chin resting on his shoulder. Her hands moved up to caress his chest gently. "Well, I'm glad you are here," she murmured, leaning down to kiss his neck from behind. "And there is nothing disturbing about fate, Draco. You were obviously meant to meet me, right? Or you wouldn't have walked into the bank ten minutes before my lunch break." With that, she grinned against his skin.
Feyn glared up at him through the fall of red hair,annoyed with him,but when she spoke the words were apporiatly subservient."I would never do anything to endager the child my lord. I love them, even if they do make me sick all the time."she grumbled looking slightly amused as she pulled away from him gently and stood, pulling her cloges on as the maid handed thrm to her."I am sorry my lord, I do not need to be antagonistic,I'm just tired."she said softly smiling at him as she squeezed his arm."good niht my lord."she said as she headed to bed. Tossing and turning the whole night, disliking that she had to sleep without hugo,and fretting because she knew he wouls be calling.

Scorpius sighed softly as he straightened his hair thinking hard before dialing the houses number, waiting for evangeline to pick up as he moved into the other room and sitting on the bed next to hugo. Just wanting the company ehile he talked to evangeline and to know bithgirls were okay.

Draco smiled a little as he leabed back into her, closing his eyes as he turned his head,resting his cheek on her shoulder, just feeling anxious but it seemed he was incapable of staying anxious around her, as within minutes he dound himself relaxing into her arms."fate, yea I guess sometimes she gives us something good."he muttered blushing ever so slightly
Evangeline felt groggy the next morning, thanks to the sleeping charm, but perked up at the sound of the muggle phone ringing on her nightstand. Sitting up, she answered the phone and ran a hand through her messy hair. "Hello?" she answered, her chest tightening up with the hope that it would finally be Scorpius. Maybe he remembered to call on her birthday? Well, with her luck, it was probably Hugo (again) calling for Feyn, even though she had been at Riddle Manor all night.

Beth grinned and reached up to run her fingers through his hair, turning her head to kiss him gentle. "Sometimes," she whispered, then leaned back. "Come on. Lay with me, Draco." With that, she crawled back up the bed and pulled the older man up with her, snuggling down into his chest. Never had she thought she would become so comfortable with a man so soon, but here she was, and it felt so... right.
"Evan?I'm sorry. I called to early..."scorpius sighed sadly because he'd not thouht about her having to get up with leo,kicking himself for being inconsiderate, espicially considering ehat he was going to tell her."sweetheart?you okay?"he muttered just talking until she woke up enouh for him to talk to.

Draco smiled as he let her pull him back to the bed falling asleep. In the morning he sighed as he ran his fingers throuh her hair,leaning down to kiss her awake."hey beth. If you get up now we can shower together before you have to go to work."he muttered in fact for once trying to avoid doing something. He really just didnt want to see her mother.
Evangeline's eyebrows knitted together, and she snuggled down into the blankets with the phone. "No, no... I'm fine, Scor, your grandmother charmed me to sleep last night and I'm still a little groggy," she answered, then frowned. "Why wouldn't I be okay? Your the one I'm worried about... I haven't heard from you in days." She swallowed hard, forcing herself not to make this a sad phone call. "I'm just happy to hear your voice."

Beth blinked up at him, tilting her head up to kiss him back. "Only if you will wash my hair," she teased, grinning up at him. Sliding out of the bed, she moved to the bathroom and flicked the water on. It was a small shower, but it would fit them both. And who cared if they were pressed together in there? She certainly didn't. "Are you sure I shouldn't call in sick today? I mean, if Evangeline is coming to meet my mother, she might... I don't know, want a buffer?" In all honesty, she was ready to leave his side, and she really wanted to me this new found sister of her's.
"Oh."Scorpius muttered sounding thoughtful and worried, pained because he knew she had to be sleeping as badly as he was. Sighing softly he smiled a little."You're taking care of leo all by yourself. Worries me."He muttered before wincing at her words, swallowing hard. He'd been making himself insane for days, but he was determined to set aside his worries and be happy. "I'm glad to hear yours to."He sighed."Evan, we found your mom.I mean...she's here."He said sounding awkward, because he had no idea how to be having this conversation."Evan....she's not...."He stopped thought about it. "Father's right, her and grandfather would make a good couple. Are you sure you want to meet a female lucius?"He whined a little because he knew this was going to be sooooo bad.

"Hmm I can do that."Draco grinned as he followed undressing as she turned on the shower. smirking as he got into the shower with her he lowered his head pressing a kiss to her shoulder,wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her back against him, nuzzling her a little.He knew Scorpius wouldn't be able to convince evangeline to stay away, and maybe the idea of having a half sister, would offset the disappointment in having cassandra as a mother."Would you get in trouble for calling off?I mean, she would like it....but I dont want to get you in trouble."He said not only wanting her there for evangeline, but for him. He wanted to spend time with her and well...the man had never had a real job, so he had no idea what you had to do to get in trouble at one
Evangeline swallowed hard at his words. "Scorpius, I don't want to always... wonder," she murmured, pulling her knees up to her chest. "It would drive me crazy. I just need to meet her one time, okay? I need this." There was hope in her voice, and that was no good. She just couldn't help it. She had wanted a mother her whole life. "Does that mean your going to come for me today? Should I bring Leo, or leave him with my father and Narcissa?" Her teeth chewed at the inside of his cheek, hoping that he wasn't going to back out.

Beth leaned into his back, resting her head on his shoulder and letting the water spray down on her chest and stomach. It felt nice to have his arms around her... "I've never called in sick before," she said, "So they can't really say anything and they have no reason to not believe me. They might be disappointed because I'm the hardest working person there." Turning around, she gave him a wet kiss under the spray of water. "It will be okay, and I'll get to meet my half sister... So that will be a bonus. Is she nice? I mean, she's not like... well, like my mom, is she?"
Scorpius groaned pressing his face into the pillow he was resting on because he soooo wanted to refuse to go get her. Groaning before sighing,"I'll be there in a minute. And leave him with your father and grandmother, I don't feel comfortable apparating him and all."He said before sitting up, walking to the other bedroom and nudging open the door. "Okay, now that we have our plans settled, will you put feyn on, weasley's being a baby about being away from his wife."He snorted laughing teasing the man as he walked into the room.

Draco sighed smiling a little."Oh. Well.Interesting."he said sounding amused."I've never had to work, so you'll have to forgive me for not understanding work."He snorted laughing as he kissed her bak, smirking a little before laughing hard at the idea o evangeline being like cassandra."Most definately not. She's...nice. Gentle. Sweet. Definately not your mother, otherwise I'm pretty sure she'd be dead by now."He made a face looking down at the younger woman."Your mother makes me want to be violent, and you have no idea how hard that is."
Evangeline rolled her eyes a little. "Well at least someone is concerned about being away," she snapped, taking his groaning of frustration the wrong way. It seemed that Scorpius' closed off behavior was starting to put her on edge, and she was taking it personally. He had not even asked how Leo was once. "And she's not here. I think she stayed the night at Riddle Manor... She didn't say she was going to, but I guess she will be home soon. Sometimes he keeps her really late." Standing up, she moved to get some clothes out of her closet to wear. Leo started to fuss in the back ground, and she moved to scoop him up with her free arm. "Sh, Sweetheart, sh, sh..." Evan whispered to Leo, not wanting him to get to upset while she was getting ready to leave. She didn't want to leave him for the first time while he was upset.

Beth arched her eyebrow. "You've never/ had to work? Wow..." She reached over and grabbed the shampoo bottle, handing it to him with a grin. "Well, then I don't feel bad about making you wash my hair." She let her hands slide down to his hips, her fingers brushing over his muscles and hip bones. "Good. It will be nice to meet a civil family member," she murmured, "And don't let her get to you, Draco. Don't fight fire with fire... If it makes you feel better, I had a wonderful father and a decent step mother who never showed favoritism to her own children over me. While my mother is not knew to me, and her words hurt, I had a good childhood. She rarely came around to screw with it, and even when she did, my father always managed to pick up the pieces."
Scorpius fliched at her words, sighing slightly. "Bloody hell, evan, I don't want you to get hurt."He sounded frustrated and confused. Wincing at her words he nodded even though she wasn't there to see."Okay. I'll let hugo know. See you in a bit."he said hanging up and after a quick word to hugo about leaving he apparated ome, pausing for a moment before grinning heading up the stairs. Pausing at the door, before knocking on the door, as if taking her words to heart and not sure about his welcome. He'd internalized so much in his life, that it was hard for him to talk, even the little bit that he had talked about. So he wasn't sure about this...he'd never dated truly before, evangeline had been his first serious girlfriend, nd it wasn't a normal relationship he knew. "Evangeline?"

"Nope. Independantly rich. Okay. I lied. I had to work to get my investments in order, does that count?"he said grinning a little, looking amused as he started washing her hair, shivering as she touched him,smirking a little."Well, that makes me feel a little less violent."He muttered going quiet for a few while, pressing a kiss to her head."You probably have some questions...I know I would if I'd heard me talking to her last night..."He said not sure how he'd explain this, but he would if she wanted to know.
Evangeline turned and opened the door, shifting Leo to rest against her shoulder so she could rub his back. Eventually, she calmed down. "Why are you knocking on our bedroom door?" she asked, looking at him like he had lost it. "Scorpius... I didn't mean to snap at you." She reached up and ran a hand through her hair. "I just... It feels like you keep pulling away from me, and I just don't know how to handle it. But I've missed you.... So much." With that, she leaned into his arms, pressing her face into his chest and being careful about the baby in her arms.

Beth closed her eyes as he began to wash her hair. "I am curious... But I didn't want to be nosey. I figured you would tell me with time," she murmured, looking up at him. She was definitely not dumb. She picked up on things and knew he was hiding things, but she didn't want to pry into his life only days after meeting him. "Is everything okay?"
Scorpius smiled a little, though he still looked unsure of himself as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly."I'm sorry...I've never had a relationship before. so this is weird for me...I missed you to."He muttered looking so adorably awkward. So it wasn't only fear that had him pulling away, it was that he had no idea how to be in a relationship."Hey kiddo, how you doing?"He muttered looking down at the baby who had shifted to look up at his papa. Snagging the child from evangeline he grinned, leaning down to kiss her slowly."Happy birthday by the way.I wish I could have better present then letting you meet your mother...but I haven't been shopping yet...."he muttered looking amused.

Drco smiled looking down at her, biting his lip a little as he looked thoughtful."My father's best friend is also my godfather.....and evangeline's father."He swallowed hard, "Severus is in love with my mother, has been for years, even if he wont admit it. Father set him up, to have a child....thinking that mother would never be able to accept it....that's....there's more...but..."he shrugged."It's complicated."he shrugged a little because he had no idea how to explain it all without explaining voldemort, magic, and the mudbloods and purebloods.
Evangeline sighed and leaned up to kiss him back, leaning in to him. Leo looked so happy to see his papa, even kicking his legs around and giggling. "Thanks, baby," she murmured, "It's a good birthday. I got to see you, and you remembered. That's all that counts." Her lips twitched into a smirk, happy to see him acting like him old self. She felt bad for lashing out, but she had just been on edge and stir crazy. She could not remember the last time she left the safe house. "Scorpius, she can't be that bad..." Turning, she started to slip into a pair of jeans, a teal sweater that hung off one shoulder, and a pair of ballet flats. "Are you sure you don't want to bring Leo? I've never left him before..." With that, she pouted and looked up at him.

Beth raised her eyebrows. "Wow," she murmured, "Well, that's a little complicated but nothing to be ashamed of..." Leaning her head back, she let the spray of the way rinse out her shampoo, then turned to start shaving her legs, one leg propped up on the rim of the tub. She was a laid back girl, something that Astoria was far from. It was easy for her to process information and not overreact. "Where is my mother meeting us? In your suite?" She bit her lip a little as she concentrated on not cutting her leg.
Scorpius grinned as he sat on the edge of the bed, playing with the babe as she got ready to go.Glancing up at her he shrugged."She really can be. Makes me want to introduce her to my dark lord"The young death eater rolled his eyes at the words, "just to see him deal with her."He grumbled before standing cuddling the child before sighing."I know. But I don't want to take him.He'll be fine.I promise."e said not wanting to take him because he knew the more they exposed leo to the world, let cassandra know he existed, there was a chance lucius and the other death eaters would find out, and he couldn't live with that thought.

"Yea, well I live a rich, complicated life with a man who enjoys the head games."He grumbled washing himself before pausing as he soaped himself, watching her shave. Looking slightly amazed.By this point astoria would have been freaking out and yelling at him, he was amazed she wasn't trying to figure out everything. "Yes. Me and her and going to go to the bank, because I am sure it will take scorpius and evangeline a little while to show up. I doubt either of them will be moving quickly this morning, not with leo still not sleeping the night through."he said thoughtfully.
Evangeline sighed and leaned over to press a kiss to Leo's head, knowing that Scorpius was right about it all. Leo really was safer at home with her father, but she hated leaving the little boy. "I know, but what if he forgets about me or something?" she whined, pouting up at him adorably. She looked down and giggled, because Leo was already yawning. He usually didn't wake up this early, especially since would wake up multiple times through out the night. As good of a baby Leo was, he loved having attention. "I'm glad you are being protective of me, Scor. It's comforting... but I need to meet her, okay? At least once with no 'I told you so'."

Beth nodded, washing off her legs before moving to turn off the water. "That's understandable. How's your son as a father? He looks a little young," she commented, moving to wrap a towel around herself. It's not that she didn't think teenagers could be great parents, but she'd seen the good and the bad. Her father took to it while her mother always resented it. Looking in the mirror, she leaned over and began to apply her usual routine of make up and lotions, her hair wrapped up in a towel.
Scorpius smiled a little as ue eaned down to kiss her as teh baby yawned."He wont forget you.Your mommy. He remembers me and I've been gone for days."He pointed out looking amused as he nuzzled the baby before moving towards the door."Come on. Let's get going.The sooner this is done the sooner she can get to tahati."He grumbled tilting his head a little.

Scorpius smiled a little as he dried off, snickering at the idea of scorpius as a father."He's obsessed. He's good with Leo though. I'm actually surprised you haven't had to listen to him go on about him yet. Scorpiushates being gone, and he loves being with his son."He snorted laughing because he knew scorpius was obsessive for a reason, and it was adorable to watch him freak out over every little thing. Knowing that eventually he would calm down, it would just take awhile.

Feyn smiled slightly as she sat up in bed, looking up at the man who had come to check on her. "Good morning my lord."She muttered tilting her head a little. Swallowing hard because she knew she was still restricted to bed rest and that everyone had to be worried sine she'd been gone....and well, she wanted her husband."My lord?I was wondering...if it would be possible, to ask Hugo to come stay here. I know I'm supposed to be resting but surely studying and going over history lessons and the like wouldn't be to stressful. It'd just be something to do instead of just laying here bored."She pointed out looking up at him hopefully.
Evangeline gave him a look. "Hey, don't be mean about it. Not yet," she murmured, obviously needing his support. She sighed and watched him with the baby. Sometimes it was truly hard to believe what a womanizing, arrogant guy Scorpius used to be. Well, he still thought highly of himself, but Evan would be lying if she said his confidence was not what attracted her to him. "Okay, okay..." she grumbled, not ready to leave her son. But she knew he was right. "My father should be downstairs." Moving to the living room, she glanced at her father. "You don't mind babysitting for the day, do you?" she asked, not sure if she should tell him she was going to meet Cassandra.

Beth grinned. "Well, that's cute," she admitted, "I bet you were the same way about him." Turning around, now wearing makeup and her hair drying into natural waves, she let her towel hit the floor. Leaning back against the counter, she gave him a good look at her squeaky clean body. She licked her lips and reached up to tweak her nipples between her fingers. "Would you like to make my day off that much more worth it?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "It's still early..."

Voldemort looked at her with anger in his eyes. "The last thing you need to be worrying about is history lessons, Kitten. You are to rest and take care of my child. That is it." He held the door open for a maid to bring in a tray of breakfast, then studied her from across the room. He had no doubt that she had feelings for the Wealsey boy. He was no idiot, after all. And he knew this needed to be ended before the baby was born. She was just lucky he had no idea that the baby could very well be Hugo's. "Actually, you may be right..." he murmured, his lips turning into a dangerous, evil smirk. "The boy should come for a lesson... Owl him and tell him to come immediately."
Scorpius sighed a little at her look leaning over to kiss her softly."Sorry.I'll try."He muttered trying to be more cheerful, because he knew that she needed the support, even if he wanted to bury cassandra before she ever go near evangeline. Following evangeline into the living room he laughed softly as severus took the baby."Of course I don't mind. I'll save him from the corruption of his father."The older man smirked."Now, don't kill her scorpius, evangeline wouldn't forgive you for killing her mother."He warned, showing that there was a reason he'd been made headmaster of hogwarts, the man was well aware of things going on around him, and he knew that the only reason scorpius would have come get her to leave, was if they'd found cassandra."Be careful okay?"He said looking worried about her.

"I was most definately more confused then obsessive.My mother had to help me change a diaper the first time."He grumbled looking amused swallowing hard as he looked her over, smirking a little as he looked her over."Oh yes I would like to make the day better."He said crossing the room, hands resting up on her hips, picking her up effortlessly and setting her on the counter before sinking to his knees, nudging her legs apart as he lowered his head to her, taking his time eating her out. Astoria had found this act disgusting and demeaning, so it'd been so very long since he'd actually got to truly enjoy doing it.

Feyn sighed resting her hands on her stomach as she looked up at him."I know, but I'm bored just laying in bed."She said cowed, staring down at the blankets, afraid of him being angry with her, and to worried about hugo and the baby that she couldn't reall argue like she normally would. Starting a little she looked up at him, eyes widening slightly."Wh-"She stopped, looking at a loss for words before nodding as she had the maid get some pper and pencil as she nibbled at her food slowly, having found that if she ate a little at a time instead of alot, it stayed down better. "I'll write him."she muttered uqickly penning the note to have hugo come to the manor, trying not to worry more when she saw voldemort's smirk, fear tightening and twisting up her stomach so much that she leaned over the edge of the bed and threw up the food she'd eaten into the wastebasket there. Feyn just wished it could be easier, but her body seemed determined to punish her for being pregnant.
Evangeline smirked and leaned up to kiss her father's cheek, giving him a big hug. "Everything will be fine, Daddy, and it's not like it will ever change anything between the two of us," she promised, the moved to kiss Leo. "There are bottles in the fridge, and he is really starting to like walks out side. Calms him down every time. Of course, you are the one who always insists on walking him around, so you should know that." She smiled, then reached back to take Scorpius' hand, squeezing it gently. "Ready?" Looking over at the baby, she let out a sat sigh. It hurt so bad to leave him, but she knew he was well taken care of.

Beth spread her legs and reached down to run her fingers through his hair, the other hand moving to balance herself on the counter. "Ohh... Such a generous man," she murmured, grinning a bit. It was always so interesting how he seemed more at ease pleasing her that he was pleasing himself sexually. "God... yes...." Her head lolled around as he pleasured her, and she continued to stroke his hair. When she glanced down, her eyes caught something on Draco's arm (his dark mark). How did she not notice that the night before last? Well, she was pretty drunk. But the snake tattoo on Draco's forearm looked so... so intense. Little did she know that it was much more powerful than she thought.

Voldemort watched her write the letter, making sure there was nothing suspicious written, then nodded. "Good," he murmured, moving to grab a drink from the wet bar. He had every intention on testing Feyn's loyalties... Oh, yes. It was going to be fun. "Eat your breakfast, Kitten, and eat slow. You need to keep something down." His voice was hard, obviously eager to keep his child growing inside of her.

Hugo was completely confused (and scared shitless) when he received the letter. He swallowed hard and waited for Scorpius and Evangeline to show up, wondering if Scorpius might have any idea what was going on. Why the hell would Voldemort want him at the Manor? He had Feyn, but so far, Hugo had kept his distance from Feyn during her visits in order not to tip the dark lord off. Now he was completely freaked out...
Severus smiled a lttle as he hugged her a back,"True,but I'll still worry."He muttered before laughing quietly."Don't fuss. Me and leo will be fine."He said though he looked almost sad because narcissa had had to go back to lucius, so it really was just him and he really was alone with his grandson. Scorpius nodded looking down at her, squeezing her fingers,"Yea, let's go.He'll be fine Evan."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head as he apparated them to the city.

Draco laughed against her skin, leaning back as he wiped his mouth, smirking up at her."So easy to please."He grinned a little as eh stood, the dark mark looing dark and intense against the light skin of his forearm. Standing he leaned down to kiss her slowly as he rested his hands on her thighs thrusting into her without warning as he held her still, fingers tight on her thighs not allowing her to move as he thrust into her.

Feyn swallowed hard as she shifted to lay back on the pillows."I try, and it still comes up.It's so hard eating."She muttered sighing softly s she nibbled on her food, trying to stay calm and hating herself for being stupid enough to think about inviting hugo here. She was just so lonely, and scaed. Even with evanangeline, it wasn't the same.

Scorpius tilted his head as he looked at hugo as they got to te room, frowning slightly."Now what happened?You looked like someone ran over your kitten."He mutttered worry darkening his eyes.
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