Slender Hope(blair/lady)

"It is endearing, s muh as it ould be annoying."Feyn said laughing a little, looking amused as leo tugge at her hair."To bad we dont't look good with short hair. I have a feeling this little guy is going to enjoy playing with our hair."She said snickering a little, looking amused before sighing quietly, nodding, grinning at the idea. She liked the idea of their kids having someone."True. They'll need someone.And I'm sure if they're anything like their fathers, they'll be fighting like cats and dogs...I actually can't believe the boys having started arguing yet."She said looking amused as she glanced towards the kitchen.

Scorpius frowned a little as he fiddled with the spatula, avoiding the other man's eyes before putting the toast on the plate."I'm having the same relationship my parents had you know. Baby first marriage second, so in love the world doesn't seem the same without her in it..Nothing important."he shrugged a little setting the plate of food on the table."Go get the girls."He said avoiding the other man's eyes, not quite believing that he'd confided in the other.

Draco smiled shivering a little as she ran her fingers through his hair, closing his eyes.That felt so good. Shivering as he lowered his head to kiss her slowly, laughing at her reaction to him."Hmm that's the best thing I've heard all week."He said laughing softly about her reation to him, hands resting on her hips as he moved into her, taking his time playing with her body, his face flushed from both the workout and alcohol, and after a few moments he came, eyes widening as he looked down at her.
Hugo glanced at the other man, swallowing hard. "But Evangeline is not Astoria," he murmured, shaking his head. "Just because you are head over heels in love with a girl and you two had bouncing baby boy doesn't mean it's all going to end like your parents did..." Sighing, he nodded and moved into the living room. Leaning over the back of the couch, he kissed Feyn's cheek. "Come on, you two. Breakfast is ready." Reaching down, he tapped Leo's nose with his index finger, then turned back to the kitche.

Evangeline entered the kitchen and moved up to her tip toes to kiss her gloomy man, giving him a sunny smile. "You okay?" she asked, noticing the look on his face. No matter how good Scorpius was at hiding his emotions, she could always see it in those silvery-grey eyes of his...

Beth came with him, her pussy squeezing at his cock as she bit down on his shoulder. She felt like she was in heaven, her orgasm taking over her whole being. "Oh... That was amazing," she slurred, the combination of the wine and orgasm making her sleepy. "Stay over. It's too late for you to be going home..." With that, she snuggled into the charming, handsome older man and kissed him softly. She loved the feeling of her naked body against his. "You'll stay, right?" she whispered in between kisses.
Scorpius sighed a little looking at hugo, rolling his eyes a little as he finished setting the table. Smiling a little as he kissed evangeline back, nuzzling her a little."I'm fine. Just thinking about feyn being pregnant."he muttered figuring that likewise feyn needed someone to talk to as much as hugo had.He knew his cousin, she'd make herself sick if she didn't tell someone what was bothering her."Come here little guy."He mttered grinning as leo cooed at him, taking the baby as he sat down on the table, sitting down as he started to eat.

Feyn smiled laughing softly when hugo tapped leo's nose, standing up as she looked up at him."You look serious.What is it?"She muttered smiling at him in amusement, heading for the kitchen. Sitting down at the table she grinned at the food, her stomach grumbling about not eating."Thanks.It looks good."She smiled,blushing slightly when she looked up at her he said, it was a different kind of feeling.

Draco smiled as he slumped to the side, a arm over her hips, legs tangled with hers as he closed his eyes, kissing her slowly."I will."He muttered yawning, falling asleep kissing her. In the morning draco groaned softly as he rolled his back, a arm over his eyes as he rubbed his hand over his face.Tensing a little as he remembered where he was, his head pounding from a hangover as he sat up slowly, wincing as his head killed him."Morning."He muttered glancing down towards her, smiling slightly, nervously.
Evangeline frowned a little, because she knew he was lying. However, she'd let it go. She didn't want to get into a fight with him right before he left with Hugo and his father. Sitting down, she began to eat and grin as Leo looked up at him father, watching every move he made as he ate. Hugo glanced down at Feyn, shaking his head. Leaning over, he kissed her cheek before moving to pile some food on to his plate. "I was just thinking," he murmured, "There's nothing wrong..."

Out of the corner of her eye, Evangeline gave Feyn a look that said she knew something was up.

Beth looked up at him, reaching up to grab his chin. She pulled him down for a kiss, a smirk on her lips. "Morning," she murmured, even if she felt like a total slut. She just hoped he didn't think of her that way too... Slowly sliding out of the bed, reaching down to grab the sheet and wrap it around her. Her eyes caught the clock, and she yelped. "Holy shit, I have to be at work in twenty minutes!" She scampered toward the closet, pulling out some work clothes and shoes, then started to brush out her hair.
Scorpius laughed a little as he looked down at his son,"I think you're to young to be eating this, kiddo."He said amused that leo looked so fascinated with him. Feyn frowned a little as she caught evangeline's eye, giving a little shrug. Like evangeline, she didn't want to fight with the boys before they left."You two be careful. And watch out for uncle to."Feyn said because she was trying to keep talking because she didn't want to focus on what was bothering the two, but her stomach rolled at the idea of them being upset before they left, but as she ate it settled. And for the first time in awhile, she could eat without throwing up.

"I think Scorpius should cook all my meals. I can eat again." "Just because weasley can't cook, doesn't mean I'm the only one who can. Evangeline's better."SCorpius said blushing ever so slightly, rolling his eyes in amusement.

Draco smiled kissing her slowly, looking amused.Looking startled when she yelped, he turned to look at the clock."Shit!I'm supposed to be at a meeting."he growled looking amused and annoyed with himself as he dressed, running his hand through his hair trying to straighten out sleep tossled hair, not wanting to show up to meet with hugo and scorpius to looking fresh tumbled. Slipping on his shoes he paused, tilting his head a little."I'll see you later today?"He asked giving a almost shy smile.
Hugo grinned and rolled his eyes. "Normally, I'd defend myself. But I am a lousy cook about 75 percent of the time." He shrugged and continued to eat, smirking at Scorpius and Leo. Evangeline giggled and moved over to the fridge to grab a pre-made bottle, handing it to Scorpius. "I didn't feed him as long this morning, so he might still be hungry... Just charm the bottle to stay up right." With that, she sat back down and looked at the clock. "I can't believe your father isn't here yet, and my father is still in bed..." He scrunched her eyebrows, clearly looking worried.

Beth moved over to him, wearing her black pencil skirt and bra, and kissed him gently on the lips. After a moment, she sighed. "Come by at lunch time," she murmured, "I have a break at twelve-thirty and I will take you down into the file room. We can try to find who your are looking for, okay?" Reaching over, she pulled the door open. "A cab is waiting for you downstairs." With that, she smiled gently.
"It's okay. I didn't marry you for your cooking."Feyn teased leaning over to kiss him.scorpius smiled charming the bottle as he ate, "I'm awake, just reading."Severus said as he walked into the kitchen."I just figured you four could use some kid tme, instead of a old man crashing the party."he teased looking amused."Your right,but father's running late and that's not like him."Scorpius said looking amused but his eyes were dark, worried.

Draco grinned at her,"Okay. That'll be good."He said smiling at the idea of finding cassandra heading downstairs with her, watching her head to work before getting into the cab for a few blocks before apparating back to the house. Nearly jumping out of his skin as he saw all the people in the kitchen staring at him."What?" "You're late."Feyn said raising a eyebrow as she studied her uncle. "I am not.Now. Are you two ready to go?I'm going to get a shower before we do."he said heading for the stairs intending on cleaning up before they realized how he'd spent his night.
Evangeline rolled her eyes and stood up to wrap her arms around her father, hugging him and resting her head on his chest. "Don't be ridiculous," she murmured, "I always want you around." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek and watched a Draco came into the room. Her eyebrows shot up, and she took in his appearance with suspicion.

Hugo kissed her back, the watched Draco leave. He snorted and looked over at Scorpius. "That son of a bitch," he murmured, "Your father got laid." With that, he cleaned his plate and put it in the sink, moving to grab Feyn's hand and take her out to rose garden. Pulling her out side, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face into her neck. "I love you... And I'm going to try my best to not be gone long, okay? And you are going to take care of yourself and the baby, and you are not going to worry about me. I won't allow it." He closed his eyes and kept his head cradled on her shoulder and neck, not wanting to let go... but he had to.
Severus smiled wrapping his arms around evangeline's wist, pressing a kiss to her head as e hugged her."They'll be fine."He muttered looking at his godson with a slight smirk, raising a eyebrow as the man walked upstairs. "What?No way."Scorpius said twisting to look after his father, looking amused before tugging evangeline towards him."You'll be okay right?"He muttered looking up at her.

Feyn sighed softly, burying her face against his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist, holding him close a she nodded."Okay. But take the time you need, don't make stupid mistakes because your hurrying."She muttered smiling a little,shuddering a little, even if she sounded calm, she was anxious."I'll be fine. Me and the kid will be fine. we have the best potions master in england, and evangeline, and not to meniton grandmother watchign after us.Watc after yourself."She muttered stroking his soft hair, closing her eyes as she rested her cheek against his head.
Evangeline gently moved away from her father and toward Scorpius. She bit her lip, her eyes a little glassy. It wasn't the idea of being away from him that scared her; it was the idea of him possibly never coming back. "I'm not worried about me being okay, I'm worried about you." She squeezed his hand and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be acting like this. I'm being stupid." Reaching up, she wiped her tears away and moved away from him and over to the sink, starting to put dishes away. She was worried and scared, and the idea that he might be pulling away from her because of the fear of turning into his parents was not making it any better.

Right about that time, Narcissa appeared in the room. She immediately saw the pained expression on Evangeline's face and moved in to take Leo from Scorpius. Holding the baby, she nodded for Severus to follow her into the living room. "How is everyone?" she whispered, bouncing Leo a little while looking up at Severus. "Everything is okay, right? And Draco got back safely?" She rubbed the infants back and gave the man a smile. It had always been easy to be around Severus, even when they were younger.

Hugo let her hold him, and he closed his eyes and nodded. "I will," he whispered, even if he knew that the whole time he was gone, he'd be thinking about her. Pulling away, he looked at her with saddened eyes. "You'll owl me if anything happens. And if you do, I can be here in a second, okay? I promise." He held his hand up to show her his ring. "You know where to find me."
Scorpius siiled a little looking up at her as he wrapped his arms around her, tugging her closer to him."You're allowed acting like this. I'm told this is what people in love do, fuss over each other."He smiled a little as he helped her wash dishes, glancing up in amusement as his father appeared in the doorway."Feel better?"He said glancing over the freshly showered draco. "yes.I'm going to go talk to mother for a moment, then we'll go."He said avoiding being with his son, assuming the man would be questioning him if he stayed put.

Severus smiled as he followed narcissa into the living room, sitting down next to her he sighed."Upset about being parted. They've been together long enough that its weird to be apart."He sighed softly before nodding."Draco's getting ready to go. And as far as I know, there hasn't been any prolems."He said smiling at the woman.

"The moment anything happens, if anything happens, I'll send you a owl."She smiled leaning up to kiss him slowly before stepping back."Come on husband, Uncle is probably ready to go, and I want to know about this getting laid. I can't believe he'd be stupid enough to see aunt astoria."She said looking curious, assuming wrongly that draco had given into the need to see astoria.
Evangeline dried off her hands once they were done and turned to wrap her arms around his neck, one hand fist into hair. She sniffed and buried her face into his neck. "What if I'm not a good parent alone? What if you are the good one and I suck at it?" she whined, trying to cover up her real concern with something that didn't sound as ridiculous. But of course, the trembling in her voice gave her away. "I love you, Scor. More than anything, okay? It scares me to think of a world without you in it anymore, so come back to me..."

Narcissa sat down beside Severus, smiling at him. "The girls will need some time to adjust without them again," she murmured, "I figured there was no need to take Feyn back to the Manor with me. She will be more comfortable, I'm sure, with Evangeline around. They can bond over it. But I can be here at a moment's notice." She looked down and kissed Leo's head. "Judging by the look on Evangeline's face, she's going to need her father more than ever."

Hugo shrugged. "Maybe it wasn't Astoria..." he murmured, thinking about it for a moment. "I'm sure we will get the information out of him when it is just us guys." With that, he smirked and pulled her into his side as they walked back in, avoiding the kitchen in order to give the other couple privacy for their own goodbyes.
Scorpius smiled ashe looked down at the woman, pressing a kiss to her foreead."You're being're a good mother evangelineprobably better then me.Don't fuss."He muttered before sighing softly, his heart breaking because it hurt to upset her like this."I love you to.And I'll be back, I''m to pretty t0 he hurt."He sighed softly stepping back."I better be going."he said gently stroking her hair.

"Thats good. Feyn would indeed probably enjoy the company."Severus said sighing softly as he looked at the baby, before sighing."She's worried.And so am I. I have no idea how to protect them when they're gone."He said upset, and as out of sorts as evangeline at the idea of the guys gone. "Ready to go?"Draco said smiling as he glanced up at hugo as the two came in. Feyn bit her lip, looking upset at the idea, but she knew she had to let hugo go, she ust didn't want to.
Evangeline sniffed and nodded, trying to take his encouragement to heart. "O-okay, okay..." she whispered, pulling away to look up at him with tear-filled eyes. She bit her lip and nodded, trying not to start crying like a baby. Swallowing hard, she moved to the living room with him and moved to pick up Leo, bringing him for to Scorpius. "Tell Daddy 'bye-bye', Leo," she cooed, letting the infant get a good look at his beloved father before they left. If anything, at least she had her son to keep her company. After all, it was like looking into Scorpius' eyes when she looked into Leo's...

Narcissa looked over at Severus, frowning at his words. She reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. "You know exactly how to protect them, Severus. You are one of the strongest wizards alive. I have never had any doubt in you." She gave him a smile. "Plus, they adore you, Sev." Sighing, she looked up at her son. "You be careful, Draco, I'm serious." Worry was in her eyes, but she knew Draco long enough to know that there was no talking him out of this. "Have you got any leads on Cassadra? How did the trip to the bank go?"

Hugo nodded and gave Feyn one last kiss on the forehead. 'I'm ready as I'll ever be," he murmured, looking up at Draco. He swallowed hard and tried not to think of all the awful possibilities. All he wanted to think about was the fact that he would coming back to her soon enough.
Scorpius smiled at the baby,stealing a kiss from both mother and child before joining his father. Draco smiled before blushing a litle."I did. And I'm always careful mother."draco said smiling before he apparated back to nyc with the boys. Feyn sighed softly as she wrapped a arm around evangeline's waist, resting her head on her shoulder."why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be as easy as we hope?" "Because nothing ever is."severus said still looking upset that he couldnr go with them.

"So where tofirst?"scorpius said looking a little overwhelmed at the bystle of the city. Despite having been to london it was still a lot."ths bank cassandras been using. I made a contact with one of the girls working there,and shes going to help."draco said blushing a little as he headed down the block towards the block,not about to get into a sex discussion with the two
Evangeline hugged her friend and sighed. "It's know going to be, that's why," she whispered, then moved over to hand over Leo to Narcissa again. She knew the older woman wanted to spend time with the baby, especially since she doesn't get to stay at the safe house as much as everyone else. Moving over to her father, she slid into his lap and rested her head on his shoulder, just needing to be held and comforted. Narcissa smiled and pulled Feyn down on the couch with her and Leo. "I thought I would stay for a few days and help out with the baby so you get some sleep," she murmured, grinning down at sleepy Leo. Evangeline nodded and bit her lip, trying not to get upset about having to be without Scorpius. Never had she felt so attached to someone that she couldn't go a few days without them. Even growing up, her father wasn't around every day, because he couldn't be.

Hugo raised his eyebrows, walking down the street along side the other men. "What kind of connection?" he asked, enjoying himself. He shoved his hands in his pockets, his wand on the inside pocket of his jacket, and headed toward the bank. It was a nice bank, but it was no Gringhotts. No one looked particularly happy to be there... A sunny looking blond walked up to them, and Hugo raised his eyebrows.

Beth walked up, dressed in a white blouse that was tucked into a hip-hugging black pencil skirt. "Hey, I'm so sorry about rushing around this morning. I was, like, fifteen minutes late and my boss had a cow," she murmured, then turned to look at the other men. She looked a little started. "Who are they? I didn't know you were bringing anyone...," she murmured, but the tone in her voice suggested that she wasn't going to make them leave. She just wanted to know they were trust-worthy.
Feyn sighed a lttle lookng amused, yelping slightly when she was pulled down next to her grandmother. Curling up on the seat with her, she rested her head on narcissa's shoulder as she made aces at the baby, trying not to think about the boys. everus sighed softly pressing a kiss to evangeline's head, wrapping his arms around her as he held her close."I know ow you feel. Its upsetting to be left behind."He muttered stroking his daughter's hair, trying not to let her know how nervous he was about the boys being gone.

"Just a connection."Draco frowned glaring at the younger man, looking amused as he looked beth over as he approached, ignoring hsi son's snickers as he blushed a little, clearing his throat."Its okay.I had to leave to."he muttered before looking at the boys, rolling his eyes a little."and these two annoyances would be my son scorpius, and my son in law, hugo. Sadly, they seem to think they'll be helpful in finding cassandra, and was interested in who I actually went on a date with."Draco muttered."Scorpius, Hugo, this is beth."

Scorpius grinned holding out a hand, smirking a little."Hello beth. It's so good to meet you."He said looking amused, because it was amusing to see his father so out of sorts, and she seemed interesting and helpful. More....different from his coldly polished mother. A good fit for draco.
Narcissa smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her granddaughter's cheek. "There, there," she murmured, "Everything will be okay. Those boys are strong and relentless." She smirked at that, even if she was more worried than she liked to admit. Leo giggled a little at his aunt's funny faces... Evangeline snuggled into her father's arms, nodding and letting him hold her. "It is hard. I'd be happier if I was allowed to go and help out... I want to be there to protect him, but I have to just sit here and wait." She let out a sigh. At least she had her father there, which was more than she could ever ask for at the time.

Beth blushed a deep scarlet and shook Scorpius hand. "Oh, I'm sorry... I'm Beth Davis," she murmured, smiling at the two of them. "I'm assuming you are the son that has the baby Draco talked constantly about?" She winked at Draco, then shook Hugo's hand. Hugo gave Draco and impressed look. The man may be nearly forty, but he still managed to get beautiful woman... "Come on," Beth said, leading them toward the stair case that went to the basement. "We have all the files online, of course, but the manual files might do you one better. You can take them home if you have to, and no one can trace them back to you." Flicking on a light, she headed toward a wall filled with files. "So what's the woman's name? Cassandra what?" She looked at Draco, raising her eyebrows at him.
"Relentlessly stupid maybe.I wish I could go."She muttered sighing quietly as she rubbed her stomach, because she hated that being pregnant, and hugo's worry about her, was keeping her home. She wnted to be with them.Laughing softly at leo's reaction she closed her eyes, trying to rest. "Sitting here and waiting is always harder, but he needs you safe, and that's the most important thing."Severus muttered sighing softly. Going uiet, just enjoying the time with his family. "Grandmother?Can we go shopping?I mean later?"Feyn said after a moment, to anxious to just sit still, and while she'd feel bad for not being able to take evangeline, they could all use some new clothes, and she needed some cause she was outgrowning her own.

Scorpis grinned,"I am. Though you'd think with a beautiful woman as company, he'd have better things to talk about then how old he is."scorpius said, provign that he was every bit as charming as his father. Draco lushed a little at hugo's look, trailing behind the woman a little as she walked, enjoying the snugness of that skirt. Smirking slightly he tilted his head."Well, we'll take them, so no one catches us hanging out down here."Draco said thoughtfully before smiling a little."Cassandra Wilcox."He said smiling at her, biting his lip to keep from leaning over and kissing her.
Narcissa patted Feyn's thigh, nodding and smiling. "Of course, Sweetheart," she murmured, "Why don't you go get a nap and I'll call you down to leave?" She shifted Leo into Feyn's arms. "You can put Leo in his crib on the way up too." Evangeline frowned, thinking that the other women were already feeling pressured to take care of Leo. "Oh, Feyn, you don't have to. I can take him..." She murmured, biting her lip

Beth smirked a bit at Scorpius's comment. "Charm must run in the family," she noted. Hugo snorted and leaned against the wall. "More like arrogance." Laughing, Beth nodded to Draco. "Maybe I can bring you three some dinner later?" She raised her eyebrows and glanced at them all. It was amusing to see Draco have a son who not only looked so much like him, but acted just like him too. It was sort of cute.

Freezing in her tracks, Beth looked away from the files she was standing in front of. Her eyebrows creased together. "Wilcox? Draco... The only Cassandra Wilcox that has an account in this bank is my mother," she murmured, turning to put a hand on her hip. And then it all became a little more obvious. That ethereal beauty that Beth had was most definitely inherited from her mother, even if they were estranged most of the time. She spent most of her childhood with her father, Walter Davis. "My mother has never been married. Not even to my father... So why would finding her help your friend find closure on his missing wife?" With that, she raised an eyebrow. There was an obvious suspicion in her eyes, and she was starting to wonder if she was wrong in trusting Draco.
Feyn smiled looking amused as she looked down at the baby, waving evangeline off."Stay. Me and the kid are going to bond. If I get to be his godmother and I have one of my own, I need to do this."She said grinning a little as her and the baby disappeared upstairs. Severus frowned a little, "Should we be worried about another baby evangeline?"He said frowning at his daughter, his heart clenching at the thought of feyn pregnant. While it had scared him badly for evangeline to be pregnant, the idea of voldemort having a progeny scared him more.

"It is most definately charm. It explains why my cousin puts up with you, she's to charming to tell you to go to hell."Scorpius said rolling his eyes a little. "Dinner would be amazing. You should join us."Draco said smiling a little blushing slightly before paling at her words."W-what?"He stuttered a little before looking at her, groaning a little.

"Bloody hell. This is to much like a greek tragedy for comfort."Scorpius said starting to laugh, because dammit, it was to funny. Poor draco, sleeping with half sisters. He'd been disturbed enough, this was going to make it worse. Draco swallowed hard staring down at the table, squirming a little."She...she lived in london once. She seduced a friend, and left him with a daughter before moving stateside. It's only recently that she wanted to meet her mother."He said looking uncomfortable. Scorpius sighed softly, digging in his wallet to get the one picture of evangeline and leo he had, having taken it the day before just to take with him."What he's not saying, is she's also my girlfriend, and the mother to my son. I was...curious about family problems or anything that could be passed on."He said trying to be helpful as to why they were looking, because they really couldn't tell beth why they really wanted to meet her.
Evangeline sighed and nodded, keeping her head on his shoulder and not looking him in the eyes. "We should always be worried," she whispered, sounding pained at the idea. "At least the children will have each other one day, you know? That's something to look forward to. Leo having a little cousin to play with." She smiled through her tears and finally looked up at her father. "I'm afraid that Scorpius is always going to think that we are going to end up like his parents, or that I'm going to end up like Astoria," she murmured, "And I'm not sure how to convince him other wise."

Beth would have looked angry for a little longer if she had not seen the photo Scorpius handed to her. There was Leo, just like the picture Draco had shown her last night, but there was that girl... Her sister? There was no denying it. Evangeline had a lot of the same features as Beth and her mother, the eye and hair color being the only differences. Putting a hand to her mouth, Beth's eyes teared up. She had a sister all this time, and her mother didn't even tell her... Sitting down for the fear of passing out, Beth shook her head. "My mother and I don't have much of a relationship. She's always with some boyfriend, and she never had much to do with me or my father. Only when she felt like pissing him off, like that time she ran off with me in England..." She shrugged a bit. "But the idea of her doing something like that is not surprise. After all, she dumped me off on my father too. Only came to see me because she knew he hated it. Even then, it was rare... My parents had me at sixteen, and while my father grew up and stepped up to raise me, my mom never really settled down."
Severus sighed lookign worried, but pressing a kiss to her forehead."Yes, we should be glad for that."He muttered looing thoughtful before sighing quietly. Because he knew both malfoy men had been scarred by astoria in different ways,and he had no idea how to help the men who were so famously closed off from talking about it. After draco'd once cursed severus for daring to ask how he was doing, the former headmaster had learned to not ak unless draco brought it up, and he was sure scorpius was similiar. "he's going to have to let go of the idea, otherwise he will never have the life he wants."He sighed quietly looking down at his daughter."It's not even been a year yet evangeline, since he admitted to something being wrong.Of course he's not comfortable yet."He said looking at narcissa, hoping the woman had some insight to her grandson.

Draco looked upset, pained not only having hidden this much from her,but because it disturbed him even more to consider he'd picked a girl for himself that looked like evangeline. Surely he wasn't like his wife, choosing someone because they looked like the younger girl?Surely he wasn't as sexually twisted as his wife. Looking down at the folder in front of him he wasn't really focusing on the others, to tangled up in his head to focus. Scorpius frowned little at his father's reaction before looking at beth, clearing his throat a little, distracting her from draco's reaction."Do you know where she is beth? As upsetting and ugly as I know this is going to be for evangeline, she wants to meet her mother...."He shrugged a little helpless because at the woman's description, he knew this was just going to end up badly. Glancing at hugo he looked thoughtful, wondering if lucius could possiblity know about beth. Had they put her in danger by just being here, drawing his attention?
Narcissa looked at Severus, then sighed and patted Evangeline's leg. "Sweetheart, he has a lot of healing to do," she admitted, "And as helpless as you feel, you're doing the only thing that you can do right now. You are there for him, and you are proving yourself different from his mother more and more everyday..." She smiled a little, then glanced up at Severus. Her eyes were soft at the sight of the man. He had become such an incredibly sensitive father, and it was endearing to say the least. "Sweetheart, you could probably use some rest too. Why don't you go get a nap? I'd like to talk to your father, anyway." Looking sad, Evangeline nodded. The woman was probably right; she needed rest. Leaning over, she kissed her father's cheek, then headed up stairs.

Beth looked up at Scorpius and shook her head. "If she's at all sensitive on the subject, I'd try to refrain from having her meet out mother," she murmured, "Would she settle on meeting me instead?" She looked up at the man hopefully, not knowing Evangeline very well. While the woman would want to meet her sister, she wouldn't be completely satisfied until she met Cassandra. "I just don't want her to get her hopes up on my mother," Beth admitted, "She's not the loving type, and if all of this is true, she is most likely not remorseful. She's never cared about anyone but herself, and that included me." She swallowed hard. "How old is Evangeline?"

Hugo looked over to Scorpius, thinking the exact same thing the other man was. Had Cassandra ever brought Lucius around Beth? Was Cassandra involved with Beth enough for Lucius to even notice she had a daughter? He sighed and looked at Beth. "So your mother is in town?"

Beth nodded, looking indifferent. "Probably. She lives in Queens," she said, "I'm not sure I'd serve as a good connection to her, since she ignored my calls most of the time, but I can give you her address. I can even come along, if you want." With that, she shrugged.
severus sighe softly because it upset him to know that scorpius had been hurt so badly by a woman that was supposed to be taking care of him. Pressing a kiss to evangeline's head he smiled softly,"Rest well."He muttered watching her go before looking at narcissa."What now?"He muttered looking worried about narcissa needing to talk to him. That could never be good, the last time they'd had a talk by themselves seriously, he'd needed up badly hurt because she had told him she was getting married.

Scorpius bit his lip as he thought about it, a slight frown on his face."I...she might.But I have a feeling that I'd never hear the end of it, until she met your mother."He said looking worried, shaking his head a little."I tried telling her...that Cassandra wasn't what she was thinking, because she just left evangeline with severus."He muttered looking worried about his girlfriend. before smiling a little,"18.She'll be 19 this year."he said looking amused.

Draco frowned thinking, because he was sure whatever came from meeting cassadnra, none of them were going to be happy about it. Looking torn between going with beth to meet her mother and letting her be, he looked upset. He didn't want to drag beth with them, not when the fact that he was in nyc, and that she even existed might put her in danger from lucius, who was as vicious and practical as he was cruel."Could we go after dinner?She might be more open to talking to us, if you go..."He said slowly, looking unsure but not willing to shut her out of the project, because if she was anything like evangeline, she'd be upset by that and even more determined to help him
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