Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline laughed and shook her head. "You two are adorable together, even if you are both dramatic Malfoy men." Leaning up, she kissed Scorpius' on the lips, then kissed her son on the cheek. She was not surprised at all to see Leo calm down after a few moments. As much as he loved his mother, he seemed to have a bond with Scorpius that was indescribable. "Are you going to miss us?" she asked, pouting a little as she leaned into him. She knew she was being a little stupid about it, but she had not been a day away from Scorpius in a long time, especially since Leo was born. It was going to be hard to sit around and wait for him, worrying about him the whole time. She hated being the defenseless girl at home, not even owning a wand anymore. That's why she was hoping he'd get her one of her birthday...

Hugo grinned and nodded. "I'm definitely ready for this walk..." With that, he walked her down the tiny isle of the small chapel. The desk clerk had to be the witness, and it was over nearly before it started. However, it meant everything to Hugo. Feyn was his wife now, no matter what. She had his ring on, and he had the band that he gave her on. It was perfect, just like she said, because they'd always be able to get to each other with the trace she put in his ring... Once out of the chapel, he picked her up and apparated back to the hotel, grinning and kissing her full on the mouth. "Well, you can't go back now, Feyn Weasley. You have me for life." He was on top of the world, with Feyn as his wife...

Beth grinned and looked up at him, curious about his ex wife. "Well, then I shall show you the best Italian food in New York." Holding up her hand, she flagged down a cab (With those legs, it wasn't hard) then slid inside the back of it next to him. Turning her head, she blushed at being called a beautiful woman, looking down at her lap as the cab whizzed through traffic toward the restaurant. " How long have you been divorced?" she asked curiously, wanting to make sure that she wasn't stepping into dangerous waters. That was really the last thing she needed... "Do you have a family?" She tilted her head to the side, taking note that while he was handsome, he was a little older than her. It wouldn't be weird or wrong for him to have children...
"We are not. See?He's not being dramatic."Scorpius said smiling a little as he kissed her slowly, looking amused as leo calmed. Shifting he sat down on the bed, stretching out on his back, his son laughing on his chest, he looked the picture of a contented father, and he was. If only he didn't have to go anywhere."I always miss you when I'm not with you. You know that."He said frowning a little as he looked at her, wondering if he had done something to make him worry about his loyalty. Pressing a kiss to her hair he smirked,"besides, I have to go.Can't get your birthday present if I don't."he teased.

Feyn grinned smiling as they got married, looking so lovely and blushing as she slid his ring on. Yelping a little as he apparated them, kissing him back as she tangled her hands in his hair."Hmm, I think you should be the one thinking about backing out. After all, I'm a high maintance wife, used to getting lots of things, and lots of orgasms. are you sure you can keep up?"she teased wrapping her arms around him,flushed and happy, for the moment her worries about the baby forgotten, intent on enjoying her wedding night.

Draco looked slightly relieved as he realized what a cab was, nearly falling off the curb as he got into the cab with her, having been watching those amazing legs he had gotten distracetd. Smiling a little as he looked out the window before looking at her, before returning his attention to the city. Not so much ignoring her, but the city was fascinating to him, having not really been to NYC before, it was amazing him as much london had when he'd been a child."8 months now.9 in a few days."He said, sounding sad at the idea, not because he really missed asotria, but because he had never considered being divorced, and the circumstances of it, made it even more painful. smiling slightly he nodded as he looked at her. "A son and his wife, along with a niece I'm legal guardian for. And my grandson, he's almost a week old now."Draco said grinning at the thought of leo.
Evangeline moved to lay down on her side beside him on the bed, her hand resting on Leo's back. The little boy tried to lift his head to see them, but his neck wasn't strong enough. It made Evan giggle and leaned down to kiss him. "How may times have you been away from me?" she asked, arching her eyebrow. "Hardly at all. We were at school together, we were in the Manor together... Well, there was those two weeks that I came to the safe house before your father brought you too, but..." She shrugged, as if she didn't think that he had really missed her in that time period. Her eyes went wide and she leaned in and kissed him hard, happy that he was going to try to get her a birthday present. At this point, she'd love to get anything from him, because she was just excited to get a birthday present. "Well, I will certainly be happy to live in the house our fathers bought us..." she murmured, "It will be nice, you know? I've never had something like that; a stable family in a house. Father was always away and..." She shrugged, not wanting to talk about her mother.

Hugo grinned and laid her down on the bed, nudging her legs apart and settling in between them. "Mmm, I think I can deal with all of that," he murmured, kissing her neck and sliding her dress up her body. Slowly, he peeled it off of her and over her head. He was over the moon at the moment, and he refused to think about how little time they had before he went to take care of the horcruxes. "I love you, you know that? I can't believe I'm this in love with that annoying girl from school," he teased, kissing down her body. He kissed her stomach gently, nuzzling the small curve there. As much as it disturbed him to think this might not be his baby, he loved her enough to not let her know. And as far as he was concerned, the child never had to know either. He already imagined the little boy or girl with his last name...

Beth looked over at her curiously, seeing the pain in his eyes. Suddenly, she felt very guilt for pressuring him in to going out with her. She felt like she was taking advantage of a heartbroken man... Suddenly, she let out a laugh. "You're lying! There is no way you are a grandfather..." she murmured, eyes wide. It didn't bother her at all (in fact, she liked men older than her) but she just couldn't believe this charming, handsome man was already a grandfather... The cab stopped out side of the small, family-run Italian restaurant. It was dimly lit was candle light, red checkered table clothes and a violin player in the corner. "It's not like... the trendy place that all of the jet-setters go to," Beth admitted when they walked in, "But it is the best food there is. Absolutely the best. Friendly service too." It was obvious by the host's reaction to Beth (taking her coat and kissing her cheek) that she was a regular at the small restaurant.
Scorpius smiled a little at the baby, amused as he tried to look at them, shifting a little so the child could see him."Better kiddo?"He muttered sighing a little as he glanced at her."But we weren't really together at the manor. Do you know how upsetting it was to be that near you and not be with you."He muttered stroking her hair beforegrinning at her reaction,kissing her back amused."It will be. I'd say lets move there now, but it's probably better to stay here for now."He said looking thoughtful as he looked down at her, looking slightly worried about her.

Feyn moaned softly as he settled between her legs,shivering as he pushed her dress up."Hmm we good.Cause I love you to."She said smiling laughing at his words."Well, you were annoying to. It wasn't just me who harassed the other. You made me feel like a idiot for never being able to win."She whined shivering as he kissed her stomach, her fingers stroking through his hair, her eyes softening at the sight of him kissing her stomach. As if for the first time she was truly believing that he was fine with the baby, truly believing his deception that it didn't disturb him, no matter how much it made her climb the walls.

Draco smiled a little tilting his head as he glanced at her."Don't look like that. I need to start dating again."He shrugged before grinning,"I am most definately a grandfather. I change diapers and everything."He said shifting to find a picture in his jacket pocket, a silent charm muttered to make the picture a muggle picture before he showed her the picture his mother had taken of him and leo. Getting out of the cab he smiled shrugging as he looked around."I don't care how trendy it is, as long as its good."He said smilign charmingly as he followed her inside. While the thought might be odd for a malfoy, draco had in the years since he'd been younger, and the more astoria demanded all the newest and trendy things, had found solace in the simple things no matter how trendy they were or werent
Evangeline sighed and stroked Leo's hair back, smirking as he looked up at his father. The two looked so much a like, that if he didn't have dark hair, Evangeline would feel left out. "Why do you look so worried?" she murmured, arching her eyebrow. She shook her head. "I'm fine, Scorpius, really. I just... I guess I'm feeling a little off now that my mother has come up in all of this. I want to meet her, but I'm scared. It makes me nervous." She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. It was easy to see that Evan was insecure about how everyone felt about her because of the rejection from her mother.

Hugo pulled her panties down her legs and stood up to take her naked body in. Slowly, he started to take off his shirt and belt. "Well, you never did win," he murmured, winking at her. "Throw me a bone, okay? I was getting bullied all of the time for being a Weasley, but at least I was the smartest kid at Hogwarts." He let his pants fall to the floor and he crawled on top of her, pressing his member into her thigh. His hands came up to massage her breasts, and he leaned down to kiss her passionately.

Beth grinned at the sight of the picture, looking at it in the candle light of the table that they were now sitting at. Like always, the host put them in her favorite corner table. "Oh my God, he's adorable..." she murmured, cooing a little like all women do at the sight of an infant. "I still can't believe you are even old enough to be a grandfather though." She shook her head, handing him back the picture and ordering a glass of white wine. He must have had his son young, and his son must have had his grandson young. Because there was no way he was even forty yet. "That's how I feel about food. Quality over style." After a moment, she sat back in her chair and gave him an amused look, her navy eyes taking him in. "I can't say I have any adorable pictures of grandchildren. I do apologize."
Scorpius nodded a little smiling slightly as he nuzzled her slightly."I can't worry about you when I have to leave you for day?"He muttered looking amused before sighing sofly."If I could make meeting your mothre easy, I would. But there is no way in making this easy."He said worried because he didn't want to get her hopes up about her mother afraid evanageline would expect something that cassandra was incapable of.

Feyn grinned a little, laughing quietly."Hmm I wont thro you a bone, but I will give you boner."She muttered laughing as she shifted, moaning quietly as he pressed against her, legs sliding around his waist, drwing him closer to her as she kissed him back, so very eager to forget for awhile that they had to be parted in the morning.

Draco laughed nodding as he sat."He is. And a quiet baby to.Much better then his father, who was dramatic and over the top even as a infant."Draco said snorting in laughter, making fun of scorpius even if he wasnt there. Ordering a glass of wine to be smiled,"You look shocked.Don't worry, you're not dating a old man. I turn 38 in a few weeks."He said snickering a little before smiling,"Hmm well, then we'll have to figure out something else to talk about because I refuse to be one of those old men that only talk about family and the adorableness of my grandchild. I'm not that boring yet on my own, that I have to rely on the kids to be entertaining.."He said smiling a little
Evangeline nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. "I know... but I keep thinking... Maybe she really did love me. Maybe she wanted me," she whispered, hope in her tone. Too much hope. "I mean, if Lucius forced her into being with my father and giving me up, maybe she was just scared and did what she was told. She had to have had someone sort of bond with me, even while pregnant. When I was pregnant with Leo, I was already in love with him." She smiled a little, looking down at her son. Her heart swelled a little at the thought of her mother wanting her all of this time; just waiting to meet her one day. "Even before I knew about your grandfather's involvement, I dreamed of meeting her as a little girl. All of the time."

Hugo grinned and pulled her on top of him, not wanting to put much weight on her and hurt her while pregnant. "You've already done that," he argued, tilting his head up to suck on one of her nipples while adjusting her to come down on his hardened cock. He let out a moan around her breast, rolling her his hips in to her's and holding her by her thighs.

Beth grinned, then blushed at the mention of his age. "I'm 27," she admitted, "And I wasn't worried. You don't look like an old man at all..." She grabbed her glass and took a sip of her wine, looking over the menu even if she always got the same thing. "You're not boring me. Honestly, I wish I had more family to talk about. All I have is two bitterly separated parents and a couple step siblings from my father's wife..." She shrugged a little and leaned her chin on the palm of her hand. She also had a ex-fiancee, but she wasn't about to bring him up. "And I love kids and babies." She grinned at that, tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
Scorpius smiled a little wincing a little at her tone."Not every mother's you. I know you want her, and maybe it was true, maybe she was scared."he muttered nuzzling her a little."But I don't want you getting hurt by expecting more then she can give."He muttered gently stroking her hair."Well, when I find her, we'll make dreams come true."He muttered.

Feyn laughed moaning as he pulled her on top of him, squirming as she rested on her hands on his chest, balancing on his chest as she rocked ever so gently against her, shivering as she started to move as he sucked on her breast, eyes fluttering shut, overly sensitive to the touch, gasping as her body responded to the over simiulation, shuddering as she came with a gasp.

Draco smiled sipping her wine, something in his chest relaxing at the mention of her age glad that she was at least older then scorpius. "Well, my family's not nearly as interesting as that. I'm a only child, who only had one son. Very lonely family life."He said looking amused before smiling "I haven't met a woman yet, who didn't like kids or babies."He said smiling when his order of lasanga arrived starting to eat. Truly relaxing for the first time in days. He didn't have to kkeep up appearances, she didn't expect anything from him, it was nice
Evangeline swallowed hard and looked up at him with a little pain in her eyes, because it hurt to hear him say that. Deep down, she knew it was true, but it was hard to admit. She just wanted this so much... It just showed exactly how awful it was going to end up for her. "I know," she murmured, leaning her head on his chest. She watched as Leo's eyes began to droop, and he started to fall asleep on his father's stomach. Reaching down, she rubbed circles on the sleepy baby's back. "I won't get hurt. I promise. What more damage can she really do?" She bit her lip to keep herself from bringing up his own mother, wanting to talk to him about it. Something made her think it wasn't the time.

Hugo's hands bit into her hips as she came around him, bucking up into her with more force as he got closer and closer to his own release. With a grunt, he came inside her, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. "Ah! Ah... Fuck, Oooh.... God, yes..." Panting, he rode out his orgasm and moaned, his hands exploring her body. It was definitely the best climax he had in a long time, because it was the first time in a long time he was completely relaxed. "I love you," he whispered, tilting up to kiss his wife.

Beth laughed a sipped at her wine. "That's probably true," she admitted, her eyes lighting up with a amusement. "So why did you move out here? Is your family in London?" She watched him, her head propped up on her hand. A few whispy pieces of hair hung down around her face from her loose updo. "I've been to London. It was only once, and I was pretty little. I don't remember it much." She frowned a little at that, like the memory hurt her bit, then smiled as the waiter brought out their food.
Scorpius sighed a little at her pained look, wishing he would have just shut up. He hated hurting her, even if he didn't know how this would go. "Good.And she could do alot, me more then anyone, knows what kind of damage a parent can do."he muttered sighing softly as he sighed quietly, pressing a kiss to her head before shifting to get up, gently laying leo down in his crib before moving to lay down with her again."I love you."He muttered wrapping his arms around her."Get some sleep.Father and hugo are obsessive enough to want to get a early start."He grumbled.

Feyn shuddered as she watched him climax, smiling gently as she looked down at him."Love you to."She muttered kissing him back, a shy small smile on her face, as if she couldn't quite believe he wanted to be married to her."Love you, husband."She muttered shifting off of him, sighing as he felt him slid out of her before laying down on top of him, head pillowed on his shoulder,cuddling close.

Draco smiled looking thoughtful,"I'm...not really moving here.Not permantly. I have business that is going to keep me going back between countries."He sighed softly, "I'd stay here, if only my family wasn't there."e bit his lip a little as he started to eat, looking at her curiously "You should go back sometimes, it is definately a town you want to remember."He sipped his wine before sighing a little."My business actually has something to do with your bank. Which is why I really came in."He said looking at a loss, blushing a little because it hadn't been until he'd seen her that he'd wanted to open a account."A friend's wife went missing years ago, and I finally tracked her down to your bank, I was hoping if I was hanging out, that I could finally give a friend closure."
Evangeline frowned sadly as he subtly mentioned his mother. When he laid back down, she snuggled up against his side and moved to caress his cheek. "I'm sorry, Baby," she murmured, wanting him to talk more... but this was progress. She refused to scare him off from the subject. Leaning in, she kissed his forehead and moved to slide her jeans off, just wanting to sleep in her shirt and panties. "Awe, but if we go to sleep, that means we are one step closer to you leaving..." She pouted and pulled the covers over them. "But only cause you asked... I love you too, Scor."

Hugo wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, wrapping then up in the blanket. "Go to sleep," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her head before drifting off to sleep.

Beth's face dropped, and she looked a little uncomfortable. She suddenly felt used; he was only on this date to get private information from the bank. How stupid was she to think that a man like him would want to go on a date with her? "I... Is Drake Morgan even your name? Did I make a fake account for you? Oh my God, I... I could lose my job," she murmured, taking a huge gulp of her wine. After a moment, she thought about it... he did seem genuine if anything. Maybe he really was searching for closure. "Is... is this why you came out with me?" Suddenly, she blushed and felt incredibly embarrassed and confused.
Scorpius sighed a little yawning as she snuggled against him"I love you to."He muttered snuggling as he drifted off to sleep,holding her tightly. Wanting to just be with her. In the morning Scorpius eased out of the bed, gently picking up the baby as he fussed,"Shh big guy, see you're going to wake up mommy and you cant do that. She needs to sleep."Scorpius muttered moving to the rocker by the window,gently walking the baby as he let himself relax, trying not to think about what was going to come next.

In the morning Feyn sighed softly as she leaned against the tub, and despite her empty stomach, she felt sick. Sighing quietly as she closed her eyes, trying to not think about how even the thought of getting up made her feel nauseous.Smiling up at her husband when she heard him push open the door she sighed,"This isn't how you envisioned your honeymoon was it?Taking care of a sick wife."She muttered laughing a little, just getting a kick out of being married.IT was a amazing feeling.

Draco backpedalled looking startled."Yes it is. Well. Now it is. My birth certificate says Draco Malfoy. but after some problems with my father...I changed it.Don't worry, all the legal documents and everything say drake morgan"He said looking at a loss for words, hurriedly reassuring her. And it was true, in the muggle world, his name was drake morgan. It was only in the wizarding one that anything in his name was still draco malfoy. "I didn't ask you out because I wanted to ask you about her. I just thought you should know why I'd be hanging out in the bank, and I didn't want you to be upset later when you figured out I was there for another reason besides to visit you.That is if you still want to see me after this. I really wouldn't blame you if you didn't."He said but he looked upset at the idea, he'd been enjoying himself up until being a idiot and mentioning cassandra.
Evangeline stirred a bit, rolling over on her side and looked over at her lover and son. She smiled at him, watching him look so at ease with the infant. It warmed her heart, really, to see him so happy. As much as she knew Scorpius loved her, she knew it was their son that was helping him become a happy person again after his mother's emotional damage. "Mommy is already awake," she murmured, walking over to them and sitting in Scorpius lap. Thankfully, the rocking chair was large and sturdy. "Daddy is the one that needs to be sleeping..." She pouted, looking sad. "What do you have to leave?"

Hugo grinned and moved to sit on the rim of the tub, reaching down to rub her back. "Sweetheart, I'll take care of you any day, okay? That's what getting married means," he murmured, smiling down at her. He looked up at the clock on the wall, seeing that it was nearly time to meet Scorpius and Draco back at the safe house. "Are you going to be okay long enough to get home? I don't want to leave you, but we can't waste time. We have to get this underway before your grandfather leaves France." He frowned at that, helping her to her feet and sitting her on the foot of the bed before packing their small overnight bag from last night.

Beth bit her lip, listening to his words and taking them into consideration. He did not look like a liar, not at all. And well... She knew all about problems with parents. "Well..." Sighing, she reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "I want to see you again. But I want to see you... So am I on a date with Drake Morgan or Draco Malfoy?" With that, she gave him a bit of a smile. She could see the pain in his eyes, and while she didn't know what it was from, she knew it was real.
Scorpius smiled a little looking up at her, pouting slightly when he saw that she was alread yaway, shifting he held the baby close as he kissed her softly."Daddy as to get up anyways, because the other two are annoyingly morning people."he pouted looking amused as he rocked the baby, as he glanced at the baby."Soon, as soon as the other two get here."

Feyn smiled a little relaxing as he rubbed her back."Okay. I like this being married, its easier being sick if I'm not alone."Seh smiled hapier not being sick alone, and eve more happy knowing what was wrong,and still having someone with him."I'll be fine.Don't worry.I'll lay down and relax."She sighed rubbing her stmoach as she sat on the edge of the bed, smiling slightly at the sight of him packing their stuff."You'll be careful right?" she said anxious about the idea of him not having her there to help him, even if she trusted her uncle and scorpius to take care of him, they weren' her. standing as he finished, wrapping her arms around his waist."promise me you'll be careful."

Draco sighed softly running his fingers through his hair, squeezing her fingers. Tilting his head a little as he relaxed,"Draco malfoy. Despite liking the name drake...."He shrugged a little,"I'm still draco."He said sadly, pained. Because he really wish his name wasn't so well known at home, so obviously his father's son, because at least he could know if someone liked him for him, and not for just how close he was to inheriting a fortune, or to voldemort. "Now that I've made a mess of things, whatever shall we talk about?"He smiled softly, looking over at her with almost a shy look, trying so hard to get things back to how good they had been before he messed up.Downing the rest of the wine in his glass, he sighed a little at the fuzzy feeling, well on his way to being drunk. Looking over at her he squirmed a little, his body reacting to the beautiful woman across from him, reminding him that it'd been a really long time since he'd had sex without feeling like a child molestor afterwards
Leo looked up at him parents with a look that suggested they were both idiots, and it made her giggle. It looked like the look Scorpius would give Hugo on a daily basis. "Don't look at Mommy and Daddy like that. We can't help that you make us talk like this," she murmured, leaning down to kiss the baby's head. She then moved to nuzzle her lover, anxious about having to go without him for days at a time. It was silly, but it was true. She hadn't been away from him a long time, especially since Leo was born. "Well, the newly weds will be here soon," she said, amusement in her voice. She'd be lying if she wasn't a little jealous at the idea of marriage, but she wasn't about to say anything. She wouldn't make Scorpius feel bad for the insecurities that his mother put on him when it came to marriage... "You better come back in one piece," she pouted, "You're too pretty of a man to be all banged up." With that, she smirked and kissed his cheek.

Hugo leaned down and ran his fingers through her hair, leaning down to kiss her. "Yes, I promise. I'll be careful." He sighed a little because as much as he hoped that nothing dangerous would happen, it wasn't likely. But he'd tell her what she wanted to hear. "You just relax and spend time with Evan and the baby, okay? Get some practice in and let Evangeline take care of you when your sick..." Bending over, he grabbed their back, held on to her, and apparated into the living room of the safe house.

Beth blushed and laced her fingers within his. "You haven't made a mess of things, Draco. You were just being honest, and that's more than I can say about most of the men I dated," she murmured, smirking a bit. "And if you can't tell, I've got some anxiety issues." Pulling away, she began to drink at her wine and eat her plate of chicken marsala. By the end of the dinner, it seemed that they had managed to drink over a bottle of wine by themselves. "Oh, wow... I haven't drank like that in a long time," she admitted, feeling her head swim a little. She was already being giggly, and she definitely noticed the look in Draco's eyes. Honestly, she felt the same. It had been a long time since she had sex with no regrets or guilt... As the waiter dropped off the check (which Beth was moving to may for, since she was the one who asked him out), she raised her eyebrows at him. "Would you like to come over for a while?" she asked, cheeks flushed from the wine.
Scorpius laughed at the look he was given, before pouting a little."Hey kid, you dont get to give me that look. Save that for uncle hugo,he's the true idiot."Scorpius said smiling a little as he was nuzzled, relaxing as he leaned into her before tensing slightly t the mention of the newly weds."Oh god. I'm going to have to listen to a overly happy weasley.Can I stay here?"He whined as he turned his head at the sound of the two apparating."I am most definately to pretty. That's why hugo's going."

Feyn smiled a little looking thoughtful at the idea of relaxing when the other was gone. Much like evangeline, she'd gotten used to spending time in her lover's company. Smiling as her cousin and evangeline came down, she sputtered a little." Scorpius!You can't put him in danger just because your pretty!"She whined looking annoyed but happy.

Draco smiled relaxing as he wrapped his fingers around hers."Well, okay."He smiled as he ate. By the end he to was flushed and a little drunk, looking amused and more like his son now that the iron self control was gone in the flush of alcohol induced need. Snagging the bill before she could he stood,"I would.Let's go."He said dropping the bill and cash onto the table with the carelessness that said he was used to taking care of money problems, and being very wealthy. "We'll take a cab, I have no desire to explore the city by walking."he said heading for the door.
Evangeline walked down the stairs after Scorpius, holding Leo in her arms. "Speak for yourself, Feyn," she joked, "That face means a lot to me. You know, his personality comes short most of the time." She laughed at that, the look in her eyes suggesting that she was most definitely joking. Leaning down, she kissed Feyn's cheek. "Congratulations," she murmured, smiling gently as she bounced Leo. The poor guy was not going to know what to do without his father at his beck and call all day long. It made Evan sad to even think about it. Leaning in, she kissed Scorpius gently and looked up at him seriously. "I won't be angry with you if you can't come home for a while. Do what you have to do, Scor. Just owl me, okay?" she murmured, not wanting him to think that she didn't take this all seriously. She understood that this might take up a lot of his time, and if that meant a better life for them, then she was willing to let him go for as long as he needed, even if she would miss him desperately.

Hugo made Feyn sit down on the couch. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll rough him up while we are gone." He gave her a wink, then moved to kiss her cheek. Looking up at the clock, he noticed they were still all early. He nodded to the kitchen. "Why don't we all get some breakfast. Looks like Draco is going to be a little while anyway... Where is he anyway? And where's Snape?" Evan nodded toward the stairs. "Still upstairs sleeping, I'm sure... I don't remember Draco coming by last night." Hugo nodded, the moved to start up some breakfast.

Beth giggled and followed after him. "That's not a very tourist-like behavior," she murmured, sliding in the back of a cab after him. She definitely didn't miss the way he paid for the bill, and it had her curious. Was he some sort of millionaire? If she only knew... She was much too drunk to question his actions, though. "You will have to excuse the mess apartment, again. I don't clean up very often." With that, she leaned into him and bit her lip. "I have more alcohol at my place too. Cheap stuff, but it's good enough..."
"Well, that's true. Very short."Feyn grinned as her eyes flicked down to scorpius' grin her smile widening."Shut up feyn."Scorpius rolled his eyes looking amused as he stole his son, tucking the baby in the crook of his arm as he started cooking. "I will.Dont worry, and I wont be to long. I have to come back to birng your mother you know."he muttered leaning down to kiss her again as they cooked.

"Thanks evan."Feyn smiled grinning as she settled on the couch, lening back."Just a little."She said looking up at her husband looking amused. Scorpius rolled his eyes looking at hugo."Does this new relationship mean I have to be nice?"He grumbled before frowning a little."I don't know." Feyn sighed at scorpius' words, shrugging a little."He said he was doing business in the city. Maybe he just got a hotel room instead of coming in late."She shrugged a little watching the men cook before getting up and stealing leo, settling on the couch again with a smile, content to watch the guys cook.

"Cheap alcohol is fine."e said smiling as he leaned into her, pressing a kiss to her hair as he wrapped a rm around her shoulders, oddly not groping her. A old world gentleman it seemed.When they got to the apartment he helped her out letting her lead them upstairs, smiling as she let them inside, closing the door behind them as he wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her back into him,lowering his head to kiss her slowly, hands wandering her body over the gown, groaning at the feel of the curves that he'd admired all night pressed up against him.
Evangeline laughed a bit and looked over at her friend and her son. Leo seemed content, even if it was about time for her to feed him for the morning. "I'm worried about them," she murmured, looking over her shoulder at their men in the kitchen. She frowned and ran a hand through her hair. "Sometimes, I think Scorpius things he is invincible, and that scares me." Biting her lip, she pulled her legs up underneath her and leaned her had on the back of the couch. "And then my mother being involved? All of it is giving me so much anxiety, it feels like my chest is going to explode."

Hugo laughed and shook his head, starting to set the table. "No, we don't have to be nice to each other... Well, unless the girls are around. They expect us to get along." He waved his wand, filling all the mugs with coffee and all the glasses with orange juice. Needing someone to confide in, he leaned against the counter and looked at the other man. "Feyn's pregnant," he whispered, "And there is a very big chance that it's not mine..." He swallowed hard, knowing Scorpius would understand. "How did you get through Evan's pregnancy... not knowing?" There was anxiousness in his eyes.

Beth moaned, leaning her back against the door and reaching down to lock it. God, it felt good to have a man's hands on her; a charming, incredibly handsome and sophisticated man. She giggled against his lips, her hands exploring his back. "Get comfortable," she whispered, nodding to small apartment. She literally had not couch, because her bed was in the middle of the place, considering there was no separated bedroom. "I'll go get us a couple drinks..." With that, she slid out of his arms, kicked off her heels, and walked barefoot into the kitchen to pour a couple glasses of red wine.
Feyn smiled a little shifting the child in her arms as the babe fussed a little, cooing as he grabbed fistfuls of her bright hair. "I am to."She said sighing softly before grinning a little, "Scorpius better then anyone, knows he's not invincible, even if he pretends otherwise."She said looking at evangeline, tilting her head a little."I know he can give off a air of thinking he's amazing, but he'll be careful.And uncle and hugo will look after him, and they know they're not invincible."she said though she sounded anxious before smiling a little."Well, don't think about her yet.I don't want to explain to scorpius why I let you have a heart attack."She said with a slighter big smile.

"Well, that works for me."He grinned looking amused even if he wasn't as bothered by hugo as he used to be, the man did give him someone to tease without it being taken the wrng way. Nearly dropping the plate he was holding yelped as he set his hand down to steady himself and landed on the stove. "Fuck!"He cursed as he jerked his hand back, sucking on the burnt fingers as he looked at the other man, looking thoughtful and pained before shrugging."I figured I could always commit bloody murder if it wasn't mine. Envisioning gutting grandfather was interesting."He sighed softly, "Hugo, as pleasant as I could be, as calm as I was, I really wasn''t. I couldn't stand the thought of used to disturb me that the thought of murder was calming but..."He shrugged, "Thinking the child was mine no matter what helped."He said looking at a loss, because the man really didn't have any idea of how he had done it.

Draco grinned as he shuddered, stepping back."Hmm I'll just be waiting here then."He said smiling as he looked at the bed, shrugging out of the dress shirt he was wearing tossing it onto the back of the bed as he climbed onto it, reclining back on the pillows as he looked at her as she came back in, looking so content and happy."Come here."He said leaning forward, grinning as he stole one of the glasses, sipping it with a smile.
Evangeline smiled, wanting so very badly to believe her. Maybe their boys were level-headed enough to get all of this done without getting hurt. "I just worry about him enough as it is," she murmured, "He's just now opening up about his child hood to me, and even when he did, it was subtle." Reaching over, she grabbed the now wailing infant from Feyn and pulled her shirt down to start feeding him. She pulled a blanket over her naked chest to be polite, even though she knew Feyn probably wouldn't be disturbed. Immediately, Leo calmed and started to feed while Evangeline rest her head on the back of the couch.

Hugo winched and grabbed his wand, muttering a healing charm for Scorpius' hand. Reaching up, he ran a hand through his hair. "I'd stay with her no matter what," he assured, "As far as I'm concerned, that child is mine by blood or not. Voldemort is no father." He swallowed hard and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking a little sick. "I mean, I wouldn't be putting my life on the line to get rid of Voldemort if I didn't desperately want to be with Feyn, but I'd be a damn liar if I told you that part of me was begging for the kid to be mine. It would save a lot of heartache in the long run..." He looked up at the other man, pain and confusion in his eyes.

Beth grinned and took a drink of her own wine before setting it aside. "You better be a sexually talented man, Mr. Malfoy, because if this all blows up in my face, I want to atleast take away a good fuck from it all..." With that, she gave him a sunny smile and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the ground to reveal her well-toned body. She wore nothing up a pair of red panties and no bra due to the low cut of the dress. It was obvious she was drunk (she'd normally never say what she just said or do what she just did) but it was probably a good thing. It had been a long time since she cut loose... Crawling on to the bed, she straddled him and pressed her breasts against his chest, leaning down to kiss his neck. Her hands moved to the button of his trousers. Maybe this was a little slutty of her, but dammit, she needed it. And by judging from the way he acted about his divorce, he probably did too.
"well good.He needs to talk to someone."Feyn uttered siging softly as she glanced towards the kitchen,shifting she pulled her legs up under her, curling up, looking so small and tired, despite the few days rest, alot had happeed and it was leaving her even more out o sorts."I'm pregnant."She said after a moment, like hugo, needing someone to talk to.And since evangeline had talked about what was bothering her, well feyn would tell the other woman what was bothering her.

Scorpius looked slightly relieved that hugo would stay no matter what,even if he hadn't doubted it, it was still good to hear it. "I know.Only a desperate man would marry voldemort's mistress before he got tired of her."He said snickering a little before sighing as he put the pancakes onto a plate before looking at hugo."What would feyn want for breakfast?has she started getting sick yet?"He muttered before sighing, shaking his head."Don't do that. Hugo, prepare for it to be his, its easier to expect the worst, because it'll be even worse if it is if you gave her the hope that it was yours without letting her prepare for it if it wasn;t.

Draco laughed grinning as he watched her, swallowing hard as he shifted a little, hands resting on her hips as she settled on his lap."Oh, I am most definately talented'"He grinned kissing her slowly before rolling them, laying her back on the bed as he slid his pants off, nudging her legs apart he smirked as he tugged the pretty red panties down, smirking."Now, I like these, but I don't think we need them anymore."He smirked as he tossed the panties aside and moved between her legs, kissing his way down her body before his mouth found her, making eager little noises in his throat as he ate her out, wanting her to lose control, eager to please her.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows at her. She probably should have look more surprised, but she wasn't. If it could happen to her and Scorpius, it could very well happen to Feyn and Hugo. "Wow..." she whispered, biting her lip. "That makes things a little complicated." She grinned a bit, not wanting to scare her. "If all of this works out, and the boys can destroy the Horcruxes, then will be one step closer to all being safer..." Frowning, she knew she was not helping much, but she was trying. Reaching down, she cleaned up Leo and pulled her shirt up, cradling him and rubbing his back. "Once the baby is born, everything will make a little more sense. Hugo will be all obsessed and involved like Scorpius, no matter what..."

Hugo nodded. "She's sick all of the time," he admitted, "Toast, maybe, if she has the stomach for it..." He looked a little worried at that, not being able to help Feyn when she was sick. Even charms didn't help that much. "Was Evangeline sick a lot?" he asked curiously, wanting to know more so that he could help his wife. He looked down at his ring on his hand, feeling amazed at the idea of being a husband. It was insane to think that he was tied with Feyn in the most intimate way... Setting the table, he let out a sigh. "This whole being married thing is crazy... You think it doesn't make a difference, but there is just something about it. I don't know. And now with her being pregnant..."

Beth leaned against the head board, her left hand on her breast and her right hand tangled in his hair. She had not had a man so willing to go down on her before, and it was amazing. He was clearly in to it, and it made it even better. "Oh... Oh, fuck," she moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head at the feeling of his tongue. Shit, he really was talented, and it wasn't long before she was cumming and pulling at his hair. "Ah! Oh, Draco!" She convulsed a little, then panted heavily as she looked down at him through dreamy eyes. "Get up here and fuck me," she whispered to the handsome man between her legs.
Feyn smiled a little looked amused as she rested her head back against the couch."A little?Its so going to be bad."She grumbled because she just had this vision of voldemort leading her about in front of the death eaters. It was just going to be bad. Smiling a little she nodded, looking at her friend amused."That really doesn't help, but its nice you tried making me feel better."She teased before snorting a little, shrugging slightly. "NO ONE could be as obsessed and involved as scorpius."She said looking amused before smiling at the thought of her husband,"Yea, he'll be good."She muttered.

Scorpius nodded a little as he started making toastt, "Not alot. she was but feyn's always had a sensitive stomach, upset at the smallest things. No real surprise that this is upsetting her enough to make her sick."he said shrugging because it didn't surprise him that both the pregnancy and the stress that came along with it was getting to her. Rolling his eyes a little at the other's words, he tensed as his back felt tight and tense. "well, at least you two are doing things in the right order."He said tense and jumpy now, because of the other's words, and his own sensitivity over the fact that his parents had gotten pregnant before the wedding, and looking how that turned out.

Draco grinned as he raised his head, smirking as she came, wiping his mouth as he raised his head, looking amused at the woman laying under him."Hmmm talking so pretty."He teased looking amused as he crawled up her body, lowering his head to kiss her slowly as he rolled his hips, thrusting into her slowly, shuddering as he felt her around him, it felt amazing.
Evangeline laughed and nodded. "You're probably right," she admitted, "Scorpius is a little much when it comes to Leo, but I find it endearing. He's adorable, really, but I try not to let him know that." She gave her friend a wink and moved to rub Leo's back. He was pulling at her hair, making her yelp a little. "Sweatheart, you can't hurt Mommy like that," she cooed, gently unlacing her hair from his tiny fingers. "Well, look at the bright side. We will get to have kids around the same age. Maybe they will be close like you and Scorpius were growing up." With that, she grinned. It was a comforting thought to be able to raise children together. If only it were that simple.

Hugo looked over at the pained expression on Scorpius face. "Uh... sorry," he murmured, confused at the man's reaction. "I didn't mean to... Would you like to talk about it?" He turned to put silverware on the table, wondering what was going on. He had thought Evangeline and him were really in love, but maybe there was something going on that he didn't know about. It didn't occur to him that it had something to do with Astoria, not Evangeline at all.

Beth laughed and tilted her head up to kiss him, her fingers running through his hair. "The wine is giving me a dirty mouth," she admitted, locking her legs around his waist. She let out a shriek of pleasure as he thrust inside of her, arching her back into him. "Oh! Oh..." She shivered and raked her finger nails across his back, moving to kiss his neck. He felt so good inside of her, and she was so turned on from his earlier work with his mouth.
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