Slender Hope(blair/lady)

"Father is probably safer in the states then he is here."Scorpius said nodding towards theh sitting room where severus was reading, having taken sirius' folders the night before, to catch himself up on evangeline's mothers current whereabouts and everything. Scorpius pouted at the teasing making a face."I'm not insane. At least not over the baby."He sulked before shrugging.

Feyn smiled a little as she ucrled up with hugo, nodding a little as she turned her head into his chest."I'm fine."She muttered shifting, nervous and fidgety, because she didn't want to think about being pregnant yet."Just thinking about kids."She muttered nudging him a little."Come on, lets go for a walk."She said getting up.

Draco smirked a little as he stepped ino the muggle bank, frowning a little as he looked around.Feeling at odds with the mundane and plain looking bank. So used to the grandor of grighotts, such a plain business like area was at odds with the man. Swallowing he stepped towards the bank tellers smiling at the pretty girl behind the counter, even if he was mostly unaware of his affect on the female gender, he knew that he'd rather deal with girls, they talked more to men, and he might be able to figure out how things worked."Hello."He said as he stepped in front of her looking bemused.
Evangeline sighed. "You're probably right..." she murmured, then shifted the baby into his arms. Leo looked delighted to be with his Papa, and Evangeline leaned in to kiss his cheek. "You two can have some father-son bonding time... I'm going to talk to my father." She stood up and smiled, thought there was something in her eyes that suggested that she was still sad about this morning... Walking into the sitting room, she slid into her father lap. "Are you okay?" she asked gently, looking down at the files. She tensed a bit when she saw a picture of her mother. It was odd, because she was so beautiful, much more beautiful than she pictured... "Draco told me," Evan admitted, sighing, "It hurt a little... or, well, a lot." She frowned at that and forced herself to look away from the picture.

Hugo followed after her with his hand wrapped around her's. He shivered against the cool air, pulling her close and wrapping an arm around her as they walked. "I think we should go ahead and tell your Uncle the truth... I mean, tell him that we are planning on getting married." He frowned a bit, because he was nervous, but it needed to be done. "You think he will approve? I mean, do you think he likes me enough to let you marry me and everything?"


Beth was busy as always, zooming around behind the desk, trying to get things done. She was working hard these days, because she really needed a promotion. It was getting really hard to live off of eight dollars and hour these days... When she looked up, she stopped dead in her tracks. The twenty-seven year old female had dated and seen many of men... But none that looked like that. This man looked so charming and put together, almost as if he belonged in a totally different time era. And of course, the accent gave her a tingly feeling. "Good morning, sir," she chirped, trying not look to effected by his presence. The last thing she needed was to get involved with another bachelor. (Beth always had an awful time with men, or atleast very bad luck with them.) "What can I do for you?"
Severus smiled a little as he looked up at her."I'm fine darling."he muttered wrapping a arm around her waist before setting the file to the side, looking up at her."I thought he would. The boy's never been able to keep things to himself, if it was upsetting to someone else."Severus sai looking amused at the thought of his godson before looking up at her, gently stroking her hair out of her face."It changes nothing Evangeline.I still love you, no matter how you came to be, by mistake or a old friend's revenge."He sighed quietly, before putting the files away, looking up at her.

Feyn smiled tangling her fingers with his, smirking a little as she wrapped a arm around his waist, ducking her head so she wouldn't show him her smirk."Oh no, I am quite sure that he will freak out and demand that you leave me alone, and not marry me, because that would make your mother related to him, and he could never forgive either of us for making him deal with the woman who broke his nose. And having to deal with red headed children?Ohhh no, he most definately will not approve."She said sounding serious at the beginning, but by the end of her words, she was giggling so hard she couldn't breath.

Draco smiled as he raised a hand, brushing his blond hair out of his face as he tilted his head slightly."I have just moved to the city, and am interested in opening a checking, savings, and safe deposit box. Would you be who I need to speak to?"he asked smiling charmingly at her, looking so much like scorpius that he could be years younger. Despite being a wizard, he was fascinated with muggle businesses and laws, so he knew what he needed to do to get more access to the bank.
Evangeline sighed and nodded, leaning into him and resting her head on his shoulder. It felt good to hear it from him. "I love you too," she murmured, letting him hold her like he did when she was a child. She remembered when he would come home from months of being away, and she'd sit in his lap for hours and hours, and he'd always have to carry her back to her bed. Even now, when she had Scorpius and Leo, she still remembered a time when all she had was her father. "I'm not sure I want them to find her," she admitted, "Because if they did... I'd have to face the fact that this woman didn't want me. Not at all. How can that even be possible? The moment Leo was born, I knew that I would never be able to live with out him..."

Hugo narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you teasing me?" he asked, shaking his head. "I'm serious, Fey! It makes me nervous to even think about it... I mean, I know he tolerates me, but I'm not sure he really likes me. Not enough to let you take my last name or give him grandchildren..." He sighed and reached up to run a hand through his hair, already stressing out. It was obvious that there was something he wasn't saying, he was trying to figure out how to word it. "I... I think, if you uncle gives his permission, then we should go elope some where," he murmured, shrugging, "No one has to know but our family... But we will know, and if something happens to us... at least we have that."

Beth tilted her head to the side. "Oh, well..." She bit her lip. She wasn't really supposed to be making accounts, but her boss was gone (like always) and she knew the bank inside and out. If anyone could do it, she could. Surely her boss wouldn't get mad at her over it. He looked respectable enough; not a man who simply walked off the street. "Sure, I can." She gave him a sunny smile. With that, she turned to grab a stack of papers, then nodded to an office over to the right. Leading him since, she stepped behind the desk and nodded to to the cup of pins. "If you could just start filling this out, Mister...? I'm sorry, what's your name?"
severus smiled a little pressing a kiss to her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close."You don't have to see her you know not if you don't want to."He muttered sighing quietly. "Something was wrong with her evangeline, not you. To not be able to see what a treasure you would be....I can't understand how she couldn't, but I have to thank her for-"He stopped his mind stumbling over a thought. Before shaking his head a little, not about to voice it out loud."it every day, since I meant I got you."He muttered.

Feyn laughed her stomach hurting because she was laughing so hard, before calming down as she realized he really was worried about it."Uncle draco doesn't let ANYONE know if he likes them or not."She pointed out before sighing."But we will ask him, if its that important to you."she muttered before starting, eyes going wide as she turned to look at him."What?Really?"She said biting her lip, looking startled biting her lip beore looking down,swallowing hard.Thinking to hard as she leaned into him

Draco smiled a little looking amused at her hesitantance before following her into the office. Stepping inside he sat down, reaching to get a pen, barely missing a beat before answering. "Morgan.Drake Morgan."He said because he had no doubt that his father was paranoid enough to keep watch on the other bank members, and didn't want to have his own, real name showing up on the forms...and well, draco was paranoid enough to actually have a second id and everything with drake morgan's name on it, just in case.
Evangeline smiled softly at her father's words, then looked up at him with her eyebrow arched. "What were you about to say?" she asked, not used to her father stumbling over words like that. She hugged him tight and let him hold her though, because while Scorpius could comfort her like none other, it was a different kind of comfort than being held by her father. Sometimes, it was nice to just feel like a kid again. "You were the best father I could have ever asked for," she murmured, "I'll never resent the fact that she gave me to you. I'd never want to change that." She bit her lip and shook her head. "Actually... I... I really want to see her. Just once."

Beth smiled a little, tucking a piece of her long blonde hair behind her ear. "Mr. Morgan," she said with a smile, "Well, welcome to the city. It takes time to get used to..." She blushed a little fumbling with her papers. It was obvious she was nervous, but not because she couldn't do her job. It was because of his presence. "Mr. Morgan, can I see your ID?" she asked, "And how much are you wanting to deposit in your accounts today?"

Hugo sighed and nodded. "I just..." He stopped and gently took her by the shoulders, leaning down to kiss her head. "I want to marry you, Feyn... I won't allow Voldemort to steal everything away from me." He swallowed hard and leaned his forehead against her's, wrapping his arms around her. Of course, it was her decision too. But he was just starting to feel reckless, because their life was starting to feel like a ticking time bomb.
Severus sighed swallowing hard as he thought about how to word it. "I...Lucius was involved in getting her to sleep with me...maybe he had something with her leaving you."Severus said sighing a little. Because despite everything, the man saw the good in the world, and he couldn't believe a mother would just abandon her child....oh he was going to be in or a surprise when he met cassandra."Then I'll go with you.You don't have to meet her alone."

Draco smiled a little, watching her, looking bemused. Because he had no doubt that she could do her job, she seemed competent but draco didn't understand his affect on women, so he couldn't understand what was making her nervous. Handing her his id he smiled a little."I want to put 1000 in savings, and 400 in checking. Along with these folders into a savings box."He said gesturing towards his brief case.

Feyn smiled looking up at him, blushing as he spoke, shifting, resting her head on his chest."I want to marry you to."She whispered, leaning into him,wrapping her arms around his waist she shuddered a little. Because she couldn't not tell him."Hugo?"She muttered sounding suddenly anxious as she tightened her hands on his shirt, "I'm pregnant Hugo."She whispered starting to tremble a little.
Evangeline looked up at him and smiled, kissing his cheek. "Maybe you're right... Maybe she didn't really want to give me up after all. Maybe her hands were tied." She shrugged, feeling her hopes build up. It made her feel good, but of course, she didn't realize that all of was going to be shot down completely. "I would like that," she said, giving him a grin. It would make her feel alot better if her father was there... "Would you like to babysit for a while? I was hoping I could get Scorpius to take a nap with me, considering he's leaving tomorrow." She shrugged. "I know he won't be gone all of the time like Hugo, but he'll need some rest..."

Beth bit her lip and nodded, typing on the computer and processing all of his information. "So... do you like the city?" she asked, looking at him with her big navy blue eyes. She reached over and scanned his ID, then took his filled out papers. Looking them over, she took notice that he was listed as not married... Hm... Maybe a friendly outing wouldn't be too bad? So what? She had bad luck with guys, and yes she just got out of a bad relationship; but he seemed so nice. "You know, Mr. Morgan, I could always show you around if you aren't familiar with everything," she asked, trying her damnedest to not blush like a little girl. "This city is filled with a lot of... Well, less than friendly people."

Hugo froze. Completely fucking froze. His eyes looked over her head and into space, and he had no idea what to say. His heart stopped, and he was pretty sure he didn't breath for a few five minutes. "You're p-pregnant? How did this happen?" he asked, even if it was a stupid question. Of course he knew how... "Feyn," he whispered, pulling her close. He didn't want her to think he was angry with her, even if he was not stupid. There was a huge percentage that this was not his baby. "It's okay... It will be okay." He kissed her head, trying not to let her see how freaked out he was.
SEverus smiled looking at her,"I would love that. Not letting draco babysit?Perfect."He said looking amused as he set her on her feet and standing."Go get some sleep evan."He said looking amused at the sight of father and son both napping on the couch. "Well it looks like it'll be easy convincing him to sleep."Severus said muttering as he gently took leo,cuddling the child as he moved back into the chair to rest.

"I do.It is very busy. Much more busy then london."Draco said smiling little as he looked at her, watching her finish things before looking startled at her words."Really?Everyone has seemed friendly so far?"He said looking interested and out of sorts at her question, like he didn't know how to answer, because itw as so very long since he'd been asked out.

Feyn froze when he did, "You know...the normal way of getting pregnant..."She stuttered a little before going limp with relief as he pulled her close, looking relieved, snuggling close to her, beause she was hopign he wasn't angry with her. Swallowing hard as her relief at his words, then his tone hit her. Tensing a little she leaned back to look at him, looking anxious."Are you sure?"She said looking at him,afraid he was freaking out so much he'd walk awake."I-I dont' want you to do this...if your uncomfortable...I know how unhappy you are about my visits..."She said anxious to make sure he was happy.
Evangeline smiled at her father and the baby, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "He has a bottle in the fridge than I made," she murmured, "Just in case he gets hungry." With that, she moved into the main living room and knelt down beside Scorpius, pushing his hair out of his face. "Baby, why don't we go up stairs and take a nap," she murmured, caressing his cheek. "My father is watching Leo so that we can get some rest before you leave in the morning." It was obvious that there was so worry in her voice, and she was so not ready to part with him after spending so much time together at the safe house since they moved there.

"But London is much more beautiful," Beth murmured, then bit her lip. She immediately started to blush, wishing she had not opened up her mouth. This man probably had a life and things to do and places to be. Why did he think he'd want to stop everything to have dinner with a complete stranger. "Well, people are more blunt here... And busy," she rambled, "I just thought you could use someone to show you around... If you're not busy tonight, I mean." Oh, God. She felt like a completely idiot, and she was pretty sure she looked like one too.

Hugo looked at her, his eyebrows scrunched together. "This isn't your fault," he murmured, "I love you, and I know what I signed up for when I decided to be with you. We will get through this one way or another, okay? I promise." He reached up and stroked her hair away from her face, his hand shaking. "Of course I don't like letting you go be with him, and I know that this... this could be his child. But I'm not going anywhere, and if we get out of all of this mess and overthrow Voldemort, then that child will be treated the same no matter who was the actual father. It's not the baby's fault that Voldemort is a psychopath who has put some sort of claim on you..."
Severus smiled,"Don't worry.ew'll be fine wont we?"He muttered looking down at the sleepy baby who was looking up at him before settling down and back to sleep as severus returned to reading. Scorpius stirred frowning a little as he nuzzled her hand."Hmm a nap would be nice."She muttered standing and leaning against her as they moved upstairs, tugging her down onto the bed with him,"Don't look so worried.I'll be back tomorrow night."He said stroking her hair.

Draco stared at her looking amused at her rambling, it ad been a really long time since someone he didn't know was this tongue tied with him.He was used to people responding to him as a death eater,but not just his presence."Well,I am not busy tonight, and since you have been so kind...yes. I would like being shown around the city."He said and trie so hard to not think about the ulterior motives.Yes he was going with her because it would make finding cassandra easier, not because she was beautiful. The poor man was so scarred from his failed marriage, he couldn't even admit that he wanted the woman in front of him.

Feyn smiled resting her head against his chest."Good.Cause I want to get eloped.As soon as we talk to uncle draco."She muttered wincing when she realized his hands were shaking, reaching up and tking his hands in hers,squeezing gently. "No its not the baby's fault."She muttered sounding relieved that he wasn't going anywhere, leaning back to look up at him, tuggnig him down for a kiss."I love you."She muttered.
Evangeline grinned. Her father and son were so adorable.... She followed Scorpius upstairs and into bed, snuggling again him and closing her eyes as he stroked her hair. "I know," she murmured, "but it scares me to think of what you are doing... And you've been by my side since I was four month pregnant with Leo. It will be hard to let you go." She pouted and leaned up to kiss him slowly, her hand moving down to interlock with his. "I was going to tell you... I decided that when we find my mother, I want to meet her," she murmured, her voice sounding a bit hopefully. And her hope was not necessarily a good thing, because she was about to get completely let down.

Beth grinned, biting her lip and tucking her hair behind her ears. "Well then," she murmured, feeling butterflies. She definitely didn't need to be going on any dates right now, but he was just so handsome and charming with that accent of his. "I get off at five," she said, looking at her watch, "My apartment building is just two blocks away. I'm room 24B in the Waldorf building. Just buzz, and I'll let you in." With that, she gave him a smile, then handed him a stack of papers. "There's your documentation on your new account. I'll see you in a few hours, Mr. Morgan.... Oh! And my name is Beth." She blushed at that, then parted ways with him in the bank lobby.

Hugo nodded and kissed her, his forehead creased with determination. "We'll talk to him before I leave tomorrow... Once we talk to him, we will go get eloped before I leave, okay?" He gave her a soft smile, kissing her forehead, then tugging her back to the house. Once in side, he brought her down on to the couch and into his arms. She didn't need to be spending so much time in the cool wet air. He didn't want to worry about her getting sick too.
Scorpius smiled a little, kissing her back."I promise to be careful.So careful I'll even let hugo do everything."He smired a little looking amused as he kissed her slowly before leaning back looking thoughtful. Worried about her wanting to meet her mother, looking worried about her wanting to meet her mother. Worried that she might want more from the woman who was working with his grandfather. He knew what kind of women lucius worked with, he had no hopes that cassandra was someone they wanted to know. But...he pressed a kiss to her head before nodding."I'll come get you when we find her.I promise."He muttered.

Drao siled as he nodded."I will."He said before laughing, nodding slightly."So your name badge says."He teased a little as he stepped towards the door."I'll see you then."He said heading out into the city, apparating home after awhile. Looking nervous as he stepped into the house, because he had no idea what to wear to a date. He didn't date, it was a odd feeling to consider what to do with a muggle on a date.

"Well hopefully he comes home tonight,cause we should get a honeymoon night."She smirked a little,"And if we elope tonight, we could have a mini vacation."She said starting a little when she saw her uncle, tilting her head."Is it just me or does he"She muttered at hugo, glancing up at her fiancee.
Evangeline snuggled up against her lover, feeling a little weird being alone with him without Leo in the room. Sighing, she rolled over on top of him so that her legs rested on either side of him and her head was on his chest. "Good," she murmured, smirking a bit. She loved laying on top of him, because despite his slender build, he was much larger than her. "And you will also watch after your father and Hugo, because Leo needs his grandfather and Feyn needs her fiancee." She smirked at that and leaned down to kiss him gently, before slipping into a nice nap.

Hugo raised his eyebrows, his eyes following the other man. "Definitely. He looks like he was hit by a train..." he murmured, then nodded. "I'd love a mini honey moon, of course it's going to be a short one." He frowned at that, wishing he could give her more, even if it was just more time. Kissing her head, he looked up at Draco. "Are you okay? You look sick... We were wanting to talk to you about something but if you're not in the mood..." he murmured, nearly chickening out completely.
Scorpius smiled shifting a little, wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her forehead, smirking slightly as he closed his eyes."If you insist, though father is stealing my time with my son, and weasley's a pain in the ass. But I'll look after them."he muttered falling asleep.

Feyn smile, "Then we'll have a mini honey moon."She muttered before smirking as she looked up at her startled looking uncle. Draco paused as he walked back into the room, looking off. "No...I'm fine. What did you need to talk about?"He asked looking worried at the two, tilting his head slightly. "Well, no chickening out wealsey. You wanted to talk to him."Feyn muttered poking him in the side, looking amused.
Evangeline woke up a little later, sitting up and running her fingers through her hair. She quietly made her way out of the bed, hoping not to way Scorpius up, and moved down into the small sitting room/office. She grinned at the sight of her father feeding Leo from his bottle, and she moved to sit on the arm of his chair. "How was he?" she asked, looking down and the wide-eyed infant. He looked perfectly content in his grandfather's arms. She leaned over to stroke his soft hair back, but he seemed more interested in the bottle. "I finally managed to get Scorpius to sleep for two consecutive hours..." she murmured, "Of course, he'll probably be upset that I didn't wake him up.... He's a really good father though. So protective... But you can tell his mother haunts him, and I hate it. He's never even talked to me about it himself, and it worries me."

Hugo reached up and scratched his head, waiting for Draco to sit down before tried to find his voice. "Ah, well... Well, I asked Feyn to marry me," he finally said, taking her hand and showing him his grandmother's ring. He looked so nervous, his cheeks turning pink. "I want to marry her soon. Just in case..." He swallowed hard. "But I really want your permission, because I think that is still important. Or atleast, that's what my mother has drilled into my brain." He smiled nervously at that, then glanced up at Draco with hopeful eyes. "We want to elope privately, so that no matter what.... we have that."
Severus smiled looking up at her, nodding a little."He's fine. I keep telling him we don't need scor or draco.we're having un aren't we kiddo?Yes we are."He muttered looking amused because the boy seemed more focused on his bottle and not the two people holding him."Well good. That boy needs to sleep more and stop being obsessive."Severus scowled a little because he knew exactly what astori had done, because draco's rage had burned hot and bright, and he'd gotten to listen to a few blistering yelling from draco about it. "Scorpius talks to no one about it.Feyn talks to hugo, but..."He sighed his eyes flinching a little."Scorpius is more like lucius then he'll ever admit. Lucius taught him that malfoys dont talk about things, and so he doesn't."he sighed softly.

Draco stared looking calm and passive, as if he wasn't laughing inside at hte man's nervousness. Tilting his head slightly, "And you promise to take care of her, and never stray and-" "Uncle!Stop being a ass."Feyn said scolding the older man, knowing her uncle was just getting a kick out of giving them a hard time. "Fiiinnne. You're no fun Feyn."he said frowning a little before looking at hugo, smiling."You're good for her, and that's all I ever wanted.Someone who made her happy."he said glancing at his watch, "Now, if you want to go to NYC with me tonight, I have rented out a suite for myself. You can have the room and I'll come back here, since their muggle courthouses are still open."he said standing, having only really come home to get clothes to go on his date.
Evangeline laughed at her father, rolling her eyes. "Daddy," she murmured, "Draco is his grandfather too, and believe it or not, that stubborn man upstairs is his father." She leaned over and kissed his head. "But between you and I, you're my favorite." She gave him a wink and looked down to dote on the baby. Leo's hands were resting on Severus' hand like he was helping his grandfather hold the bottle. Glancing up, she saw Nnarcissa appear in the room, and she looked delighted to see them. After all, she just had to spend a whole weekend with Lucius in France. "Severus, you look very becoming as a grandfather." She smiled and handed Evangeline a bag containing some new baby clothes from France.

Hugo's face flushed with a relief, and he grinned in happiness. Pulling Feyn in, he kissed her on the lips, then looked up at Draco. "Thank you... Thank you so much." The suite and NYC seemed amazing, and one night would be nice. Feyn could always apparate home in the morning, and he would get one final honey moon night with her before all hell broke loose. "Do you have a white dress?" he asked, grinning, then looked up at Draco. "Wait, what do you mean 'come back here'? Why are you going back to New York tonight?"
"I don't care. I look better as a grandfather....even if draco's more grey then me."He snickered laughing t her wors, mused as leo held his hand.Looking up at narcissa his smile softened a little, rolling his eyes at the sight of baby clothes."You keep giving him things, he's going to have more clothes then the drama queen you call a grandson." "Hey, hey I have a respectable amount of clothes."Scorpius sulked as he walked down the stairs yawning as he ran his hand through his messy hair.

Feyn grinned relief in her face, though she'd been sure about draco's answer, it was good to hear, and laughing."Of course I have a dress. I'll go get it."she said grinning as she darted upstairs to get it. "Oh well."Draco fidgeted looking uncomfortable and nervous as he stood."I have some business to take care of over dinner, and I thought I better take care of it now."He said looking nervous and uncomfortable to have hugo questioning him before smiling as feyn walked back down in a soft but warm white dress, looknig comfortable and happy."Ready to go?"She asked smiling t hugo.
Evangeline slid out of the chair and moved to kiss Narcissa's cheek, thanking her for the clothes. Moving over to Scorpius, she wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed her face into his chest. She was happy to see him actually get some sleep. It was good for him. "Sleep well?" she asked, leaning up to kiss him gently. Narcissa rolled her eyes and shook her head. "A baby can never have enough clothes, can you Sweet Boy?" She bent down and started play with Leo's fingers, making him gurgle and smile. "That's right. It's impossible to spoil someone as cute as you." She gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek, then glanced over at Severus. "So how is everything? It's hard to be out of the loop on the weekends, but I can't leave Lucius suspicious."

Hugo stood up, leaning down to kiss her head. The sight of the white dress had his stomach in knots. Good knots. "You look beautiful, Baby," he murmured, then turned to Draco. "Thank you." He grinned happily, then jogged down stairs to put on a nice pair of black slacks, and a black button down shirt with the tail tucked in and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "We can buy me a ring when we get to town," he said, just remembering that he didn't have a band for himself. He blushed, then moved to take his glasses off his face before pausing. "On or off?"
Scorpius smiled wrapping a arm around her waist, ducking his head as he pressed a kiss to her head. The man looked better, well rested and content. "I did.Thanks,even if I should be annoyed you didn't wake me up, I''m not."e said smiling as he kissed her back. Severus smiled a little looking amused as narcissa played with her grandson."Oh, we have supicions about lucius."He smirked before explaining everything, ending with, "And draco and the boys are going to NYC tomorrow, to see about finding cassandra."he said calmly, though narcissa would be able to tell the man was worried and nervous about seeing her.

Feyn smiled blushing."Thanks."She said smiling watching him go. "You're welcome."Draco said looking amuse as he got ready for his own date in outfit similar to hugo's, business casual before apparating back to the city to get beth. Straightening his tie as he headed up to the apartment building, he paused as he tried to figure out what she meant by a buzzer before pushing the button next to the apartment number she had given him, nearly jumping out of his skin as it made a ringing buzz noise.

"On.I like you in your glasses.Its cute."She smiled leaning up to gently push them back on, leaning up to kiss him slowly before flushing as she held up a ring box."No reason to go shopping."She fidgetted looking nervous, holding out the simple beautifully single band ring, not about to tell him the secrets of the ring she'd asked narcissa for weeks ago, because she didn't know what he'd make of it.While it was simple in design, there was a slight hum of magic to it, that said it was anything but simple "Come on, lets go."She muttered apparating to the city, momentarily disoriented as she heard the sounds of the city around them.
Evangeline grinned. "Good. I would have hated to make my father cast a sleep charm on you." She turned and gently took Leo from her arms, giving him a break from baby sitting. He started to get a little fussy, so she stepped outside and into the rose garden to walk around with him and bounce him gently in her arms. Narcissa smiled as she watched her leave, shaking her head and looking over to Scorpius. "You better hang on to that girl, Scorpius," she warned, leaning over to kiss her grandson's cheek. It was obvious she was still wrapped around his finger like she had been when he was an infant. "Cassandra? Really? I would have never put that all together," she admitted, letting out a sigh. "If she is working with Lucius, then she is not where near a good person."

Hugo grinned and nodded, pushing the glasses back on his nose. "I'm definitely ready," he murmured, kissing her cheek. He raised his eyebrows at the ring, shaking his head. "Feyn, you didn't have to do this..." He took the box, wondering what was making him feel... different about it. He could feel the magic but couldn't explain it. "Thank you." He smiled and put the box in his pocket, then apparated to the suite Draco and gotten for the night. It was beautiful, big and luxurious; not a surprise at all when it came to Draco.

Beth ran over to the speaker by the door. "Mr. Morgan? Come on up," she said, then buzzed him into the door. Quickly, she rushed across the tiny apartment, stumbling over some laundry, and grabbed her lipstick. She quickly put on a coat of it in the reflection of the television that was turned off, then slipped her heels on. She had not been on a date in so long... Hell, she'd been in a relationship for two years (which ended a month ago on a horrible note) and she had sworn off dating. But something about this older man... She wanted to see what he was about. "Coming!" she moved over to the door and opened it, blushing. "Sorry for the mess..." she said, motioning to the inside of the incredibly tiny, one room apartment. "I work a lot and.... Well, yea... I just need to get my coat. Come on in."


(Her date outfit) :p
Scorpois smiled at is grandmother, kissing her cheek back."I am most definately not letting her go anywhere."He said grinning as he headed out the door to go spend time with his small family, needing to be with them before they left. severus nodded looking worried as he nodded."I know.And we only put it together, because feyn and hugo are more paranoid then we gave them credit for."He sighed softly looking disturbed."evangeline wants to meet her...I want to forbid it...but I can't..."He said looking at his friend.

Hugo smiled looking nervous as she looked around the room, blushing as she nodded."I did got me a beautiful ring so I had to get you something to."She said biting her lip, looking amused but nervous, afraid he'd be angry at her for it."It has two different spells on it. One to store kinetic energy from every time you move your arm, it stores energy, it's a blast if you ever need to hit something hard and fast...a defensive spell..."She said before smiling."And the last one, well since we're going to be seperated..I wanted it...its a trace. It'll let you apparate to my side, or me to you, if we need to.Just in case something goes wrong."She said smiling at him, noding towards the door."Come on, lets go get married, then we'll come back and enjoy the amazing room."She said grinning, a perfect room for them, considering they'd been living in motel rooms and the low end of the scale for months.

"Hello."Draco said looking confused as he headed upstairs, looking thoughtful as he looked around the apartment building. "Thank you.Its okay. I don't judge on other's places since mine would be a mess if I didn't have a maid."He sid smiling charmingly blushing a little as he took in her dress. Oh yes, he was going to enjoy dating again, if he didn't manage to die of embarassment first at finding himself dating. "So. Where are we going for dinner?"
Evangeline looked at her lover, sighing a little as she bounced the fussy baby. "His stomach must hurt or something," she murmured, pouting for her little boy. He was generally a well-behaved, calm child. But if he wasn't feeling good, watch out. "Leo, Sweetheart, calm down," she cooed, leaning in to kiss his head. "Calm down, baby. It's okay..." She looked up at Scorpius and arched her eyebrow. "I think we spoke too soon. Our son is as dramatic as you are." With that, she smirked and continued to rub Leo's back.

Hugo laughed a bit and walked with her outside of the hotel and out toward the main part of the city. "You say 'let's get married' like a normal person would say 'let's go for a walk'." He shook his head and took her hand, walking inside a small chapel and moving to the desk to do the paper work. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "Why don't you... uh... go to the bathroom," he murmured, just now realizing that they didn't have a marriage license. He hoped she'd catch the hint to go "make" them one with her wand.

Beth pulled on her black trench coat, which went a little past the hem of her red dress. "Do you like Italian? I know this great place across town. It's a small place, but it's homey and the food is to die for. Of course, we'd have to take a cab. Is that okay with you?" She grabbed her purse off the table, then turned off her lights and headed out to the hall. She fished for her keys for a few moments, fumbling and nearly dropping them, then locked her door. It was obvious she was nervous, but friendly. She was a genuinely nice person, even if she tended to attract bad boys. He last boyfriend left a pretty nasty burn on her heart. "Ready to go?"
"awww poor baby."Scorpius cooed looking amused as the child fussed, because he was either going to be amused or worry, so he was just going to let it go for now. Gently taking the baby he cuddled his son, ignoring the look evangeline had to be giving him for stealing him."Hey, I am not dramatic. I am perfectly calm, all the time."He said snorting a little.

"Are you calling me not normal?"She muttered smiling as they walked to the chapel, biting her lip a little."I'll be right back."She muttered before stepping out and after a quick bathroom run to make the licencse she stepped back into the office area, handing him it as he finished filling out the paperwork."Are you ready to go on that walk then?"She said sulking a little because he'd made fun of her excitement and word choices. But still she looked to excited to actually be doing this to be calm.

"I love italian.I don't eat it alot, since my ex wife didn't particularly enjoy it."he said blushing slightly, because he realized belatedly that he didn't have much to talk about besides family and surely that would become boring quickly."It is fine."He said as he smiled as they left, looking amused that she was having problems, wondering if she was genuinely this klutzy, not realizing it was him, and what the hell a cab was. "I'm always ready to eat dinner with a beautiful woman."He said his smile as charming as scorpius', it was easy to see where his son had learned to be a charming lady's man, though draco's was more accident seducing then scorpius' was.
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