Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Severus smiled slightly,"I know Hugo. If I knew anything about you, you don't go prying into other's lives without a reason."A small smirk curled his lips."Even if the prying leads you to getting expelled for helping someone."he teased before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face he nodded slightly in resignation that he was going ot have to answer question,because he understood that they needed to be asked."She was very attractive. Very much like evangeline, with lighter hair...evangeline got my eyes and hair."A small smile curled his lips before he thought about it, turning over the night in his head."I...I assume I drank enough, but really, its all just a blur after potter died."he shrugged a little."I went out to drink the night voldemort killed him...seems if your theory's right, lucius knew I would be upset despite our differences, at the boy's death."He sighed wincing a little at the memory.

"He is, and he wouldn't, but I will protect leo."Feyn said laughing, flushing slightly as the thank you, smirking a little as a sulking scorpius walked into the room."Father said I had to let other people hold him."He said looking hopeful at his cousin and lover, as if hoping that they would overrule the older malfoy. Feyn rolled her eyes a little before bolting upright, turning to look at evangeline, before slumpping."I'm sorry Evangeline...I didnt get you guys anything...I know uncle draco bought food and clothes and baby stuff...but I had meant to get something for you before now and..."She slumped a little before shrugging."I'll just bring something later."She sighed closing her eyes relaxing back into the couch, becuse while she wanted to shop for the baby she wasn't looking forward to returning to london, because with each visit with voldemort, it was becoming harder to deal with.
Hugo nodded and continued walking down the path from the house. The scenery really was beautiful; nice and secluded. "You think she may have drugged you?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. "Like, slipped something into your drink? Or... Do you think there may have been some magic involved?" He looked at the ground, his hands still shoved in his pockets. He stilled looked pretty tired and worn around the edges, but he needed to get this figured out. He wanted a safe world to live in... "I think Lucius knew a lot of things. Before Evangeline came around, I think he realized that your loyalty was wavering... I also think it pissed him off that you were considered a favorite." With that, he looked up and smirked a little. "You were in the position he wanted to be in, and what better way to get the Dark Lord to turn on someone than to have it revealed that they have been raising a half blood child for eighteen years? He thought it out pretty well. The fact that she got close to Scorpius was a bonus."

Evangeline shook her head. "Feyn, you don't need to get us anything. We have plenty. Your grandmother and uncle went over board with everything. Little Leo will out grow his clothes before he gets to wear them all." With that, she started to laugh at Scorpius. "Scor, you should be grateful he has so many family members that love him enough to want to hold him. We both didn't have that," she murmured gently, then handed him the baby. "But tell Draco he has to come in here and hold him so that we can all talk... And he has to be still, because I think Leo is about to take a nap." She grinned and looked up at the two Malfoys'.
Severus was quiet as they walked, thinking about not only that night, but the man he knew. "I would say she drugged me, if I didn't know the man. Lucius, and all the malfoy's really, are over the top. He would have made sure they were no strings leading back to him, or that I might realize I was drugged."He sighed a little before nodding. "Lucius is known for being a jealous prat."He scowled, annoyed with his once best friend, hating the man all the more for being the bastard he was, because severus remembered when he wasn't. "When do you have to return to london?I can write Sirius a letter for you, cause he might be reluctant to discuss evangeline's mother if he doesn't know I'm okay with it."He said shrugging a little.

Feyn pouted a little."They always do,but I don't care. Me and hugo will go shopping."She decided. Scorpius snrted laughing, before turning his head."Did you hear that, pappy?" "Why are you trying out grandfather names?You're not the one who gets to call me them."draco said frowning at the younger blond as he walked into the living room, taking his grandson, and both settled into the recliner with a contented sigh. "And what if I wanted to hold him?"Sccorpius frowned sitting down next to evangeline. "I'm older, and more beautiful, I get him first."
Hugo nodded carefully... "That would be good," he murmured, "Or... Well, we could always bring him out here? Maybe your presence will help him tell me everything I need. And there is really no where safer to have this conversation. You could right the letter and I can pick him up in London after taking Feyn to the Manor? He can see Evangeline and Leo too." Once they got to the edge of a lake, he sighed a picked up a rock, throwing it out into to middle and trying to get it to skip. "Oh, and uh, a few months ago... Evangeline accidentally revealed that she had Rowana Ravenclaw's diadem." He blushed and looked up at the other man. "Do you still have it? Or have anything else?"

Evangeline laughed at the two men, crawling into Scorpius' lap and kissing him gently. "Here, you can hold me, okay?" She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled him. Leo was out like a light in his Papa's arms, sleeping against his chest so peacefully that it melted Evangeline's heart. She knew this all wouldn't last very long. Eventually, Lucius was going to come back to the manor and expect everything to be back to normal. They were either going to have to pretend it was (which most likely meant leaving Leo with Severus) or choose that moment to fight for everything they believed in. Either way, it was going to be hard an everyone. Reaching up, Evangeline ran her hand through Scorpius' hair. "If you think about it, we had Leo at the same age your parents had you, right?" she asked, looking over to Draco.
Severus looked thoughtful before nodding. "I will write him a letter asking him to come here. And if he won't, though since he is her godfather,I have a feeling he will.but if he won't, he can tell you."severus sighed looking towards the house."we better go inside before feyn worries you got lost or something."he said smiling really just wanting to get back ti his grandson.

Scorpius smiled wrapping his arms around her waist,holding her close as he kissed her head."I'm perfectly happy holding you."he muttered before growing serious."urgh evan, don't say that. Idont want to think about them having sex at my age."scorpius groaned. Draco snickered softly before nodding."he few months younger, but yes we were your age."draco said looking sad at the thouht of how rhey had been
Hugo grinned a bit, happy that the usually secretive man was trusting him, and nodded. "Oh, I think she could care less if I got lost," he laughed, "It's no joke that the girl has me running after her like a puppy." He shrugged a bit and shoved his hands in his pockets, walking along side the other man. He was truly worried about what was going to happen to him and Feyn, but he already knew that he was going to fight to the death for her. He'd never stop trying to turn this world around, and hopefully make it possible to be together. It literally made him lay awake at night thinking about it, trying to figure out the most plausible plan... Once inside, he smiled down at Feyn and reached out a hand. "Want to take that nap?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He just wanted some time alone with her before he had to let her go be with Voldemort.

Evangeline snorted a little and rolled her eyes. "Scorpius, you're such a child..." she teased, leaning in to kiss her lover on the head. She hated that Draco had to go through all of that with Astoria, and she hated even more that Scorpius had to be abused by her. In the time Evangeline knew Scorpius, he had never once actually talked about it. Feyn had, but Scorpius hadn't, and she wondered if he ever would... Maybe she needed to bring it up, and let him start to open up about it to her.

While nuzzling him, she hid the pain in her eyes at the thought of his abuse, and whispered in his ear. "I love you," she whispered very quietly. And she did love him, even if there were still some heartache they both had in their life that they had not completely opened up about.
Severus laughed as they walked inside.?just like your mother and father then."he smiled a little as feyn nodded happy, a pained expression on his face as he watched them disappear.

Scorpius smiled snuggling her."I am not."he pouted a little before smiling."I love you to."he muttered nuzzling her.

A few days later feyn sighed softly as she walked into the front hall of riddle manor, her head already pounding with a headache. Even with her attraction to the dark lord, it was starting to wear her down to visit."m'lord?"she asked softly as she knocked on the door to his study, glancing at her watch to make sure she was right on time,having not wanted to leave hugo before she had to.

Draco smiled as he apparated into the house, "don't look so worried, I got it"he grinned a little as he set the smallish paclage in his hands on the table before calling for the kids."do we have to go down?I just laid down"scorpius whined as he snuggled against evangeline s back in bed
Evangeline stirred a bit, turning around in his arms and kissing him gently. "Our father's don't usually call us down this late at night, Scorpius, so I'm sure it's important," she whispered, not wanting to wake up Leo. Usually, she put a Silencing Charm around their bed so that their talking (or other things) didn't disturb the infant, but considering they were both so tired from being up with the little guy the night before, she found no need. "Come on," she murmured, running a hand through her hair and walking with him down the stairs. When her eyes caught the package, she raised her eyebrows. "What on earth are you two up to?" she asked, wrapping her arms around herself. All she was wearing was a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. Luckily, with a few of Narcissa's special charms, she got back down to her pre-baby body and was feeling like herself a again.

Voldemort waved his hand, making the door open. He was sitting in his usual gold arm chair, reclining in his black silk robe and drinking a glass of champagne. "Good evening, Kitten," he murmured, sipping gently. "Pour yourself a glass and come sit." He pointed to the floor at his feet, for he always liked to keep her one level under him, petting her like how a master would stroke a pet's head... It was midnight, like always, and she was right on time. That was what he truly enjoyed about her; she was never late. While she was pouring herself a glass, two completely nude (but beautifully groomed) mudblood women walked in. One of them offered to take her clothes, while the other started to "prime" their usually toys and equipment. Nothing about Voldemort was subtle. He let her know from the beginning, that he wasn't much for love making or anything of the like.
Scorpius groaned kissing her back before sighing as he got up. Heading downstirs he raised a eyebrow at the sight."What are you doing?I thought you had a meeting tomorrow." "i do, but I finally found this last night, and brought it."Draco grinned pushing the box towards them, excitement showing on his face. The finely made rocking horse inside was specially designed or a baby, and as leo grew, so would the toy. Given scorpius' obsession with horses, it was a good gift. "Also, we got this to.For when this is done, and we can have the lives we want."Severus said blushing slightly as he held out a envelope containing the deed to a modest house in the country, perfect for a small family.

Feyn smiled a little as she poured herself a drink, before setting it down as she allowed the servant to help her undress. In the low light of the room, her barely there baby bump wasn't that noticable, hell she had just thought she was gaining weight. Settling down at his feet she rested her cheek against his knee, glancing up a him as she absently wrapped a arm around his shin, bsently stroking his leg."I hope you had a good evening my lord."She muttered glancing up at him, with those big blue eyes that looked so innocent despite knowing what they were going to do.
Evangeline looked over the presents, her eyes a little teary from it all. The tiny rocking horse was so absolutely perfect, and the deed to the house had her speechless. Here she was, having her father and Scorpius' father give them their blessing in pretty much the biggest way possible. Back at Hogwarts, she thought this was never going to work. But now... It seemed like everything was falling into place. Well, slowly. Walking forward, she wrapped her arms around her father's neck and held him close. "This is so perfect," she whispered, trying not to cry like an idiot. But it was hard. "Thank you. I love you so much." She kissed his cheek, then moved to Draco and hugged him as well. "And I love you too. Thank you..." Pulling back, she wiped her eyes and smiled up at them. "Scorpius will have Leo on a horse before he can walk, I'm sure," she teased, reaching out to look at the toy horse.

"A good evening as always, but a little better since I was anticipating your arrival," Voldemort murmured, taking his time and stroking his fingers through her hair as he finished his drink. He stubble on his jaw line and the bags under his violet eyes suggested otherwise, considering he had been stressing out about Severus escaping out of Azkaban. It made him look bad, and he couldn't fucking stand it. "Do me a favor, Kitten, and get yourself primed and ready on the bed," he murmured, his voice dark but soft. It was an odd combination. "I'm a little tired tonight and do not wish to waste my time... Get me to flogger as well. I want to relieve some stress on one of the maids." The blond mudblood who was hanging Feyn's clothes shuddered, but dared not to look at the dark-headed man. Even with grey streaked temples and stubble on his face, he was incredibly intimidating... Oddly enough, Voldemort was starting to get a little softer with Feyn as time went on. Not in a loving way, but in the way that he wasn't cruel. He was just dominant and stern. While he whipped Feyn occasionally, he was starting to grow fond of having her watch him whip one of the maids instead.
Scorpius looked amazed, grinning."That's why this is perfect. Look evan, there's a tiny little saddle."he said grinning as he pressed a finger to the edge of the rocker, laughing as it rocked back and forth. Severus snickered as he watched the two, hugging his daughter back."You're very welcome.And I love you to."he said smiling at her. Draco grinned nodding as he set the deed back on the table, glad that they were so happy."I wouldn't be surprised if he has him in the saddle within the day."Draco said snickering, relieved that they were hppy with it.

Feyn smiled a little as she stood, tilting her head at his tone, and worry darkened her eyes. even if she didn't care of him the way she cared for hugo, the man was still someone she'd been sleeping with for months, and it made a odd bond between the two. Bending, she kissed his cheek,"As you wish my lord."She muttered before retrieving the flogger and setting it on the bed before sitting back on the bed, laying back on the pillows, spreading her legs, smirking a little as she raised a knee to block his direct view of what she was doing as she played with herself, the soft gasps and moans filling the room as she closed her eyes.As tie went on and he got a tad softer, she'd learned how to tease and play with him, without crossing that line to make him angry. And well, she knew he could use the distraction from what she knew he had to be thinking about, severus missing. Soving the thought away,because if she thought about the headmaster she was going to think about hugo, and she had to not think about hugo,otherwise she would break down.
Evangeline nodded, looking pleased at how excited he was about it. "This means so much," Evan murmured to the older men. She looked through the deed of the house, finding a picture and letting out a sigh. It was beautiful and so cozy looking, and it was perfect for her, Scorpius, and Leo... and well, maybe other children if the world got safe enough to allow it. Yelping, Evangeline jumped when the door flew open, and she immediately grabbed Scorpius' arm. She was ready to fight until she noticed that it was Sirius. He came in loud (as usual) and grinned at the sight of his goddaughter. "Perfect timing!" he bellowed, "How's my pretty little goddaughter? I know I'm a a few hours late..." Evangeline laughed and moved to give him a hug, and of course, she was not surprised when his loud voice woke up Leo, making the baby cry and wail for his parents.

Sirius pulled back, confusion coloring his expression. "What is that?" he murmured, looking over at Severus and Draco. "Who's kid is that?" Hearing Sirius, Hugo jogged up the basement stairs to see what they were up to, hoping that he'd get a chance to talk to Sirius while Severus was there as well.

Voldemort watched her touch herself, loving how she was managing to get more open and in tune with her sexuality around him. He grinned, licking his lips. With each of her moans, his cock grew harder, and he walked over to push her knee back. "You know better, Kitten, than to hide yourself from me..." he purred, leaning down to pinch one of her swollen nipples. His hand then moved to join her's at her pussy, feeling around her wetness. His wet fingers slid back up her body and up to her lips, silently ordering her to clean them.

"Allison!" he barked, "Get in here and get on the table." The young, naked blond stumbled into the room and got into place, keeping a pleasure filled look on her face because she knew better... Voldemort kept his robe on and picked up the flogger, grabbing the blond's hair and teasing her quivering ass with the flogger. "How many do you think she deserves, Kitten? 10, 20... 50?" he asked in a dark, turned on purr. It was obvious that he needed to get some aggression out, and then he planned to fuck Feyn until she was begging him to stop. All this stress had him a little more worked up than usual.
Draco grinned, before wincing as the door flew open, already raising his wand, amused though when it was sirius, both him and severus ready to curse him."Bloody hell,black, you're going to get yourself killedo one of these days."The blond scowled shaking his head. Severus smiled slightly, watching the two,shaking his head when Leo started to scream,getting up to go get him but not surprised as scorpius bolted upstairs first. "Sirius, that would be my grandson who just woke up, and his father is not going to be happy you did so.don't be surprised if he curses you."Severus said snickering a little as he settled back into his seat, glancing at hugo amused that he was still awake.

Feyn moaned softly, whining as he pushed her knee away."but I wouldn't get to tease....ohhh..."Feyn moaned overly sensitive as he pinched her nipple, hips bucking up into his touch,eager, wanting more. Whining quietly as she squirmed, tongue swirling around his fingers, sucking gently on his fingertip before watching the two, rolling on her side to wtch voldemort."20 my lord, surely more would kill her, and you don't want to have to deal with that, when you have me to play with."She said a small smirk curled her lips as she absently stroked her fingers over her skin, tryin to think about anything but what he was goign to do to the girl.
Sirius' eyes grew wide as he sat at the table with the other men. "Angel, you had a baby? Merlin! I didn't even get a owl!" He glared at Severus, then rolled his eyes. "Well, damn. That'll make you feel old as dirt, huh?" Hugo laughed a bit, never having met Sirius, but already knew he must be a true character... Grabbing a few beers from the fridge for the other men, he passed them around and sat down. He figured they all needed one. He definitely did, with Feyn gone and all...

Evangeline grinned. "I did," she said, sweetly, "I'll be back. I'm going to check on him." With that, she jogged up the stairs, not surprised to see Scorpius already having the child in his arms. She leaned against the doorway, smirking a little. "Baby, he's okay... He was just scared awake, and besides, I probably should go ahead and feed him so he won't wake up in an hour or so," she assured Scorpius. She found it so sweet and endearing how protective he was over Leo, but she definitely wondered if his behavior had anything to do with his mother.

Voldemort grinned. "What a great mind you have on those sexy little shoulders you have," he purred, "20 it is. And while I whip her, start to oil yourself down... You know i love it when your body is slick and smooth for me." Lust made his eyes light up with a red, fire-fused color, and he began to whip the fuck out of the little mudblood. She whimpered and cried as her ass was beaten red, but she also moaned like a bitch in heat too. He had all of his girls trained. Even if they hated him, they needed him in a sexual way... When he was done with her, she slithered down to the floor and to the corner of the room, laying on her back and furiously rubbing her clit to bring herself to orgasm.
Draco laughed, "Well, she is my prisoner you know sirius, it wouldn't do to have the biggest blabber mouth in the world know she was pregnant."He said rolling his eyes as they settled down at the table. Severus smiled rolling his eyes as he sat down looking up at sirius. "Now sit Siri, I need you to tell us everything about evangeline's mother."He said. Draco tilted his head looking at hugo."I also have something for you. Severus said you were asking about these earlier."he said setting hufflepuff's cup and ravenclaw's diadem on the table."Once I knew what I was looking for, it was easy to get into the vaults. Though they are still under spell, to protect voldemort from realizing they've been moved, I do not know if he will sense when they're destroyed."he said looking worried.

Scorpius smiled looking over at her, cuddling the baby as he fussed a little, biting his lip as he looked down at his son."I know. He's being quiet now."he muttered gently stroking the boy's cheek, before sighing quietly, knowing he was doing everything overboard, but after trying to protect feyn and failing, he was all the more determined to protect his son."Here.He wants food anyways."He muttered shifting the baby into her arms so she could feed him.

By the time voldemort was done feyn was sitting up, leaning back against the pillows as she finished slicking her skin, smirking as she glanced at the lamplight, her skin glistening. Raising up to her knees she met voldemort at the edge of the bed, hands resting on his chest as she leaned into him, ignoring the mudblood as she looked up at him with lust dark eyes."My lord, you still look so stressed. However shall I help?"She muttered trailing a hand done, cupping him through his pants, fingers playing along the hardened length.
Sirius' eyebrows knitted together and he let out a scoff. "I'm not a blabber mouth," he snapped, "I'm always handling your family's secrets! And I can't recall one of them that I let slip. Not a damn one, you little bastard." He slugged Draco in the arm with a smirk, then picked up his beer. He popped it open and immediately started to chug it, nearly choking at Severus' question and the horcruxes on the table. Hugo's eyes went incredibly wide. "Blood hell," he murmured, shaking his head. "Two of them! That's great." He grinned and examined both of them while Sirius worked on forming words. "I'll destroy them... As soon as I figure out how," Hugo said, "You can't, nor can Scorpius or Feyn. I'm the only one here who doesn't belong to this family, which means I'm probably the last person he has tabs on. According to Feyn, he thinks I don't live at the Manor anymore, which is pretty much true..."

Sirius shook his head. "And what they hell does this have anything to do with Evangeline's mother?" he turned, looking over at Severus. He waved his wand, and all of his files appeared. It seemed that Sirius, after Harry passed, had taken up finding people as a hobby. Evangeline's mother was the person he worked the hardest on, because it was for Severus.

"We need to talk." Evangeline swallowed hard, taking the baby and grabbing his hand. She made him sit on the edge of the bed with her as she pulled her tank top off and sat topless, breastfeeding Leo. "Scorpius, what's wrong?" she whispered, looking up at him with big dark eyes. Leo immediately started to grow calm as he fed. "Scor... You are doing everything right, and you can already tell Leo adores you. So why do I get the impression you look disappointed in yourself?" Reaching down, she stroked her son's hair as he began to close his little eyes, still sucking gently.

Voldemort groaned, leaning down to kiss her in a very possessive way. "You have no fucking idea," he growled, knowing that she was right. He was beyond stress and he needed her to soothe him for a little while. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back and began to bite down at her neck, leaving distinct teeth marks. "Tell me, Kitten, what do you want me to do to you?" he murmured, pulling back to strip down. He was playing his usual games with her, revealing his naked and aroused body.
Draco laughed rubbing his shoulder."Well,you told severus I got astoria pregnant before I did."He grumbled looking amused starting to laugh when he choked. Severus smirked looking amusedbefore sighing."True. Though I would be careful when you do, I wouldn't be surprised if they'll blow up or something."He said before raising a eyebrow."Well it is true, but it amazes me no one's figured out Eyn's not staying at the manor either."He said amused before shrugging."The two geniuses, came up with a theory. That is oddly...and scarily accurate. Voldemort's moved the rest of his horcruxes here, and we think lucius set me up, to be with evangeline's mother. She might have a bigger part in this then we thought."he said looking amazed though at the sight of sirius' work.

Scorpius sighed a little sitting down next to her, holding her shirt in his lap as he played with the edges, staring down he looked so dejected,"...Because i wont be able to protect him Evan. I just know it. I've never been able to before...I wont be ble to help him..."He said his shoulders slouched before looking over a her before looking down again.

Feyn growled back at him, gasping as her head was pulled back, trembling a little as she rested her hands on his arms to balance herself, panting quietly as she looked the older man over, smirking a little as she laid back on the bed."I want you to touch me, slid your fingers into me, bring me screaming your name, block the rest of the world until all I want is your cock in me, and then give it to me, and lose yourself in my and forget everything but how much you want to fuck me."She muttered sliding her fingers over her glistening skin, teasing herself as much s him.
Sirius raised his eyebrows. "But why the hell would Voldemort trust a muggle with his horcruxes?" he said, then paused. He quickly flipped through his files until he found her bank statements. He had gotten a hold of them a few months ago, but he had been focused on other things about her. It hadn't dawned on him until now that her bank statement might clue them in on quite a bit. "She has several bank accounts he admitted, but very little money in each of them. Well, except one, but it's only ten or fifteen grand. The others barely have a thousand dollars in them," he admitted, "But they do say that they hold belongings... And bloody hell." He grabbed one of the bank statements (something he got from charming a few guards and tellers) and looked through it. "The bank account that has the largest amount of money has Lucius as the beneficiary," he murmured, "The other three are joint bank accounts with him." He went silent for a moment. "They smallest one was open just a few months ago... I bet that bastard convinced Voldemort to move them to his U.S. accounts, but I bet he didn't tell him that they were joint accounts with a muggle. Which means he's got her scared into shutting up and butting out. He probably pays her, which makes sense about the one bank account that he's simply a beneficiary. He pays her through that account and supports her, I'm sure, and her job is to probably keep her eye on the other accounts, but not touch them..." His mind was literally spinning. What the fuck...

Evangeline looked at him, her heart breaking at his words. Once Leo was done feeding, she cleaned him up and put her shirt back on. He was out like a light in her arms, resting his tiny cheek on her shoulder as she rubbed circles on his back. "Scorpius, why do you think you couldn't protect him?" she whispered, "What happened to Feyn and you..." she swallowed "That was not your fault. You were being abused by a parent, and you were trying to protect the feelings of the other parent..." She leaned into him and nuzzled him. Suddenly, she had a mental flashback of when he was pulling her out of the closet at Hogwarts, his eyes full of tears because he couldn't do anything to save her. It made her heart hurt to think about it.

Voldemort growled with lust, pushing her legs apart forcefully and shoved his fingers inside of her. "Oh, I'm going to make you a cock-hungry little slut," he whispered, then withdrew his hand and grabbed the egg vibrator from the first night. It had a mind of it's own, judging its movements on the desires of the woman and torturing her with release... With no warning, he shoved it deep inside of her, straddled her chest, and trusted his cock against her lips. He loved to make her suck his cock while a vibrator tortured her pussy. It made for good entertainment. His hand grabbed her hair in a painful grip. "Don't make ask," he snapped, his eyes dark as a storm cloud.
"he wouldn't."Draco said frowning because it was the only thing about the whole theory that bothered him before paling a little."Thathas to be it.If father convinced voldemort they were in danger in england,since potter did manage to destroy a few."He sighed quietly. Severus nodded running hisfingers through his hair,"And if she did talk to someone, all that lucius needed to do was have a tragic accident, and once again he was the sole owner of all the horcruxes."A evil little smirk played at his lips. "It's saddening we just couldn't kill Lucius, you're still his heir, you'd get everything."Severus said breaking out in laughter at the look on draco's face.

Scorpius shrugged a littlesmiling slightly at the sight of his son, running his fingers through his hair before looking down again, shrugging a little."If...If I'd been brave enough, I would have told father and stopped it."He sighed before turning his head,burying his face against her neck."I couldn't stop grandfather taking you either."He pointed out before nodding towards the baby."You should put him down, we should probably head downstairs."he said standing.

Feyn moaned whimpering as he thrust the vibrator into her, hands resting on his thighs, slender fingers gripping his legs as she went to work on his cock, by the time hewas nearly orgasm she was bucking and twisting underhim,so very closetoherorgasm.Gaspingas shecame, fingernails digging into his legs as she screamed her orgasm around him.
"Killing Lucius would bite us in the ass pretty hard," Sirius admitted, "But when all this ends and we are living in a lighter world again, someone will take care of him, one way or another." He pushed through some more of his files, and Hugo looked like he was seriously digesting all the information. He needed to get to this woman. Quick. "So... We have these," he murmured, pointing to the diadem and cup, "And the rest are in the states... I think that means I need to get to the states soon." He ran a hand through his hair, wondering if Feyn should stay behind this go around. it was getting more and more dangerous, and he hated putting her in danger. "How angry would Feyn be if I didn't take her with me?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Evangeline reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, resting her head on his. "Baby, you are the bravest person I know," she whispered, "You sat there and stayed by me every minute of this pregnancy, taking care of me in more ways that I could ever ask for, and you didn't even know if it was your child." She swallowed hard. "You loved me when it was very dangerous to be with me... And this baby looks up at you like you've hung the moon." She gave him a smile and stood up, putting Leo in his crib. She put a Silencing Charm around their bed, then pushed him down on to it. "They can wait," she whispered, taking her shirt off, then her pants. She stood in front of him naked, her breasts full from being a new mother, and her body back to pre-baby, aside from a couple stretch marks on her hips.

Voldemort growled, keeping himself from coming a little longer and pulled the vibrator out of her. Quickly, he flipped her over, gave her a spank, and thrust inside of her. He immediately started to fuck her, holding her hips and taking her with all of the frustration he had building up inside. He was rough with her, cumming with in seconds. He roared, bruising her hips with his grip, and released his seed inside of her. "Fuck!" he cursed, pulling out and rolling over. He panted and pulled her close, stroking her back while snapping at the maid on the ground to get up and get them a drink. "You were perfect, Kitten, as always." He leaned in and sucked on her neck, his hand caressing her breasts and stomach lazily.... All of the sudden, he pulled way and looked down at her, forcing her to lay on her back so he could look at her stomach. "When's the last time you have had your cycle?" he demanded, "You've come to be multiple times in a row, and I have yet to see you bleed in months."
Draco grinned the idea."Someone will be dealingwith my father, when its allsaid and done."He sigheda littleglancing at hugo, snickering a little.He knew his niece and..."You better make sure she's not got her wand when you ask her to stay." "And even then,she might try to beat your head in."Severus said tilting his head a little before nodding a little. "but it might be best if she stays back.Evenif she fights you over it."

Scorpius sighed a little looking over at her,turning his face into herhand."Well, that wasn't so hard. You're beautiful you know. And I've always had a weakness for beautiful women."He muttered smirking a little as he sat up on his elbows to look herover."Oh, you want to leave your loud mouthed godfather down there with my father? He might kill him you know."He teased reaching out of her, tugging her down onto his lap, leaning up tokiss her slowly.

Feyn shuddered as hefucked her,slumping to the bed asshe panted, whimpering quietly as he caressed her neck, overly sesitive and still reeling from herorgasm to focus. Shivering as he stroked her stomach, yelping as he jerked away, "What are you doing?"she muttered as he looked at her stomach, beforefrowning a little.Tilting her head she thought about it.For the first time in monthstruly realizing that she hadn't had to worry about it.What with traveling with hugo and coming here, it really hadn't entered her mind to wonder."uh....a few months I guess?"She shrugged a little sitting up on her elbows to look at her stomach."I've been getting sick...and eating things I normally dont like...she said after a moments thought
Hugo frowned and let out a sigh. "She'd hate me if I made her stay," he murmured, taking a sip of his beer. He wished that it was stronger alcohol. "Maybe I won't... I don't know. I haven't decided. She really is not safe anywhere, just like the rest of us." Reaching up, he rubbed a hand over his face. Sirius looked over at Draco and reclined back into his chair. "Heard about the divorce," he murmured, "Sorry to hear about that... Not sorry to see her go, but sorry you had to go through with it." He took a sip of his own drink and pushed a picture of Evangeline's mother toward the other men. It was a current one, and she had age, but she was beautiful as Evangeline, only with light hair. "For reference," he murmured.


Evangeline grinned and straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. She started to grind a little against his clothed groin and bent down to nibble on his ear. "Is that all you love about me? My looks?" she teased, running her fingers through his hair. Lust and love swirled through her dark eyes for the man that was holding her. She wanted to make him feel better and distract him for a few moments. Reaching up, she released her pony tail and let her long dark hair fall from its confines. "Your father is a tough man. I think he can handle himself for a little while..." With that, she began to help him out of his shirt.

Voldemort stared at her for a long time, his eyes hard in concentration. And then, all of the sudden, he grinned - a wicked, but genuine smile. "You're finally pregnant with my heir," he murmured, his eyes lighting up. "Perfect! Perfect! No more champagne for you, my dear, and no more rough sex... You will be checked out by my Healer immediately." With that, he snapped at his maid to go run to the doctor. He looked extremely thrilled, but in a scary way. Because he had great plans for the unborn child... The doctor immediately came in and led her over to the table, which Voldemort charmed into a hospital table with stirrups and all.
Draco winced a little but looked amused."you know, it seems a common theme for the departing of my wife."He saidshrugginga little beforelooking at the picture, "She is quite beautiful."Severus said thoughtfully, "Well, we should all get some sleep."Severus added tilting his head."Feyn will be back early in the morning, and she'll want to get things going, now that we have a direction to look in."

Scorpiusgroaned shivering as he restedd his hands on his hips, leaning up to kiss her neck, nuzzling her a little."mmm no,but it is one of the things I love."Scorpius said snickering a little as she looked up at him, the same look in storm colored eyes, that despite their color, looked calm."Hmm I guess."He smiled shivering as he pulled away long enough to strip out of his shirt, beforestanding holding a arm around her waist, undoing his jeans and letting them fall tothe floor."Bed or wall?"He smirked looking equally torn between pressing her up against the wall and having her way with her and the bed.

Feyn looked startled at herexpression, swallowing hard at his words.Blushing ever so softly at that, "But I like both those things."She teased pouting as she got up onto the table, blushing and fretting the wholeexam, not even daring to look at voldemort, to embarassed. Swallowing hard when things were done she sat up, "Can I get dressed now?"She asked moving to the edge of the table to get up,shiveringa little.Even if it didn't show,fear and worry wracked her, because she had no way of being able to tell hugo this, and it was going to kill her to tell him this. Espcially when she knew just what kind of plans voldemort had.
Hugo nodded and let out a sigh. "She is very beautiful... What's her name?" he asked, and Sirius pushed the files toward him. "Her real name is Cassandra Wilcox, but she apparently goes by "Candy". Well, she did while she was a working girl... Her story is a little vague, but it's troubled. You'll get it all straight after a while." He winked at him, then stood up and started to stretch. "Mind if I sleep on the couch or something?" he asked, letting out a yawn as he glanced at Severus. Swallowing hard, Hugo stood up as well and started to head toward the basement... He hated the nights that Feyn was gone; they tore him up inside.

Evangeline moaned once they were skin on skin, her wet pussy moving against his lower stomach with need. "Wall," she gasped, her long hair acting as a curtain around their faces when she leaned in to kiss him. Immediately, her tongue moved out to caress his, wanting to feel him grow rough and passionate. It had been a while since they could have sex like this, for he was so careful with her when she was heavily pregnant and recovering from birth. "Oh God, Scorpius, please," she whined, her breasts rubbing against his chest.

Voldemort held her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. "Yes, the maid is getting your clothes," he murmured gently. Too gently... He handed her three bottles. "The Healer wants you to take these twice a day," he said, nodding to the medicine. "Will help the baby grow and be healthy, and hopefully keep you from being too miserable." The maid wobbled over (her ass on fire from the earlier whippings) and helped Feyn get dressed. "I also want to double your visits. You will see me twice a week now. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Each time, the doctor is going to check you out to make sure you are taking care of my child properly. Do you understand, Kitten?" He raised his eyebrows, and it was clear that he did not say "my" child by accident... This was his heir, and she was just the female who was going to give birth to it.
Severus shrugged a little,smiling."Take the couch.Feyn should be home early in the morning, so don't scare her.But you can stay."Severus said heading upstairs to sleep.Drco sighed softly watching hugo head downstairs, looking worried. This was going to be bad, he just had the feeling.

Scorpius moaned as he felt herrubbing against him,whimpering quietly as he stumbled the few steps to the wall, pressing her against it as he kissed her back, the kiss taking that rough edge, the carefulness fading away as she pushed him past his careful control, that self control shattering under need as he thrust into her, hands resting on her hips as he held her still,kissing her harder as he smirked."Is this what you wanted?"He purred.

Feyn smiled a little kissing himback, looking up at him, her stomach twisting at the gentle tone. It was to gentle.Holding the bottles in her hands she smiled, nodding slightly."Hopefully.I don't want to be sick all the time."she pouted a little as she dressed, nodding a little,though her eyes were sad. She knew what she was to him,just the vechile to get the child he wanted. And she would have nothing to do with the babe after it was born."I understand my lord."She said straightening her clothes,running her fingers through her hair."My I go my lord, or did you want me to stay the night?"she asked, hoping that she could go. Wanting togo home to hugo even if she ouldn't tell him what was wrong, she needed held, and needed to figure out how to tell him,fear tightening her stomach because she had a feeling that no matter how much he loved her, this was going to be to much. While she had faith in him, in their love, she was afraid this would break them both.
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