Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline let out a loud moan, holding on to him as she got used to him. One hand gripped his shoulder, and the other gripped his hair. If she had not put that Silencing charm around Leo, he would most definitely already be awake. "Yessss," she murmured, immediately going submissive for him. She could practically hear the smirk in his voice, and she liked it. She wanted him to feel good, even if it was just for a little while. "Oh, please, fuck me," she whispered into his ear, teasing him with naughty words to grab his dominant side's attention. Quivering around him, she moved down to start sucking on part of his neck, licking and teasing it softly.

"Yes," Voldemort said after a moment. "Go get rest." He waved for her to leave, still look excited. He had many people to call and many things to get set up. There was a lot to do before the child was born... When she got back to the safe house, Hugo was finally asleep. He still had his glasses on and a book in his hand, for he was trying to get his mind to calm down long enough to sleep. Stirring a little at her presence, his eyes fluttered open and he smiled sleepily up at her. "Hey there," he whispered, putting his book and glasses aside and holding his arms out for her.
Scorpius growled a little as she gripped his hair, dropping his head to bit her shoulder, shivering as she spoke."Don't worry I will."He smirked pressing her tighter against the door,the grip on his legs tight and almost guantanteed to leave bruises in the morning. Growling as he moaned, gasping as he came, eyes wide as he leaned back to look down at her, needing to see that she was enjoying herself to.

Feyn smiled a little as shelooked down at the man sleeping,gently stroking his hair out of his face,starting a little when he stirred."Hey."She muttered crawling into the bed with him, snuggling into his chest, resting her head on his chest,shuddering a little. Quiet and withdrawn, glad that it wasn't unusual for her to be shaken up after a visit, because she had no idea how she could tell him about her being pregnant, knowing he would want to stay with her,instead of going out and searching, doing what needed to be done. "Hugo?"she muttered nuzzling her face against his chest."i...I have to go more often....he wants to see me more...I...I can't go out with you anymore."She said starting to cry, because she loved the freedom of traveling with him, being away from everything,but she couldn't take the chance that voldemort would notice her gone, now that she carried a child, and it scared her because it could be hugo's, as much as it was voldemort's.And that terrifed her.
"Ooooh... Scor, baby," Evangeline moaned, making absolutely no sense because of the pleasure she was experiencing. Her thighs squeezed his hips, and her head moved to bury her face in his shoulder. She shivered as her orgasm washed over her, and she let out a high-pitched squeal. "Bloody hell," she whispered, holding on to him before they collapsed onto the bed. Quickly, she grabbed Scorpius' wand off the nighstand table and handed it to him. "You should do a pregnancy prevention charm," she panted, looking up at him. "We seriously can't put ourselves in that position again for a while..." She smiled at him and leaned up to kiss him gently. "My birthday is coming up in a few weeks... And I, uh, I'd really like to get another wand." With that, she pouted.

Hugo looked down at her, her tears bringing him out of his sleep fog. "Feyn, it's okay... Everything's okay," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her head and pull her close. "Sweetheart, I... I was going to ask you to stay anyway. It's too dangerous, and we think we've zeroed in on all of the horcruxes. I don't want you around when I have to start destroying them." He swallowed hard and stroked her hair away from her face. "It's fine. It's better this way, really, and I'll come home at least a couple times a week to see you. I promise." He grabbed her chin and lifted it up, kissing her gently. "You can spend more time with your cousin and Evangeline and the baby, too. Time will fly."
Scorpius moaned smiling as he collapsed back onto the bed, looking startled as he cast the spell."Bloody hell. We have to get better at remembering this before."He said smiling a little as he kissed her back, sighing softly as he settled back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head."Well, we'll see what we can do about getting another then."He said bitinghis lip wondering how he was going to pull that off. Kissing her gently he yawned closing his eyes,"We should get some sleep while Leo's sleeping."He muttered smiling.

Feyn sniffled a little snuggling close to him, calming down at his words.While iit normally would beupsetting to her to have hugo trying to keep her out of danger this time, she had to just apperciate it."And you'll be careful when destroying them?'She muttered rubbing ahandover her hair to get rid of the tears,kissing him back."That's and leo will bond, and convince Scorpius I'm his favorite."she said laughing a little before closing her eyes."Go back to sleep Hugo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."She muttered nuzzling him.
Evangeline smirked and nuzzled her face against his neck, one of her legs hitched around one of his thighs. "You are the one who needs the sleep," she murmured against his neck."You only let me get up with him when I need to feed him." She pouted a little and kissed him just behind his ear. "You are not allowed to get up at all tonight. If you do, I might just have to ban you from sex for a while." She grinned a little against his skin, then finally closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep, holding on to her lover the whole night. Luckily, Leo slept until 5 in the morning, so Evangeline quickly picked him up and took him downstairs so that Scorpius could get some more sleep. Since everyone was asleep, she sat on the couch and breastfed him with a baby blue blanket draped over her shoulder.

Hugo grinned and laid down, stroking her hair as he closed his eyes once again. "I'm always careful," he promised with a smirk, then grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed. He covered them up gently and held her close. "I always want to know when you come back, Feyn, so why are you apologizing?" he asked, kissing her forehead. "Get some sleep." And with that, he let out a sigh and slowly started to drift to sleep.
Scorpius pouted a little at that, smiling slightl."Hmm okay.definately sleeping in that case."He snickered falling asleep.

Draco sipped his coffeer raising a eyebrow as he watched her settle in the living room, pushing out of his seat in the kitchen, walking into the living room and settling into the recliner.Despite the early hour, the man looked wide awake."You know he's going to be pissed that you let him sleep in."He said snickering a little because he knew scorpius. But he also knew that his son needed the sleep, espcially if they were going to be trying to work around evangeline's mother.

Feyn smiled,"Well, I woke you up."She whined laughing a little as she snuggled him, before starting to fall asleep. In the morning she yawned, nuzzling her face against his chest, absently stroking her fingers over his skin not so much to start anything, but a absent minded habit that said she was thinking to hard about something and needed the reassurance that he was there. "morning."She muttered yawning when she felt him stirring.
"What are you doing up so early?" Evangeline laughed a little bit, reaching under the blanket to pull her shirt up and clean Leo before setting the blanket aside. She put Leo against her chest and up on her shoulder, rubbing gentle circles on his back. "I know he will be," she murmured, "But the man is being ridiculous. Leo barely moves in his crib, and Scorpius is awake and over there." She sighed and tilted her head to kiss Leo's cheek. It saddened her a little to talk about how Scorpius acted with Leo, because she knew it stemmed from his abuse... Her emotions could be seen on her face, considering it was too early in the morning to hide them. And of course, she was the only one who wasn't aware about everyone searching for her mother, and when she found out... Her reaction was going to be unpredictable.

Hugo yawned and sat up in the bed. "Morning, Fey," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Want to grab a cup of coffee and I'll walk you through everything Sirius told me about?" He stood up and slid some jeans over his boxers, then pulled a simply grey t-shirt over his head. Looking in the mirror above the dresser, he frowned. His dark facial hair was visible and his red-brown hair was getting shaggy and in his eyes. There were also bags under his blue eyes... Did he really look like that? It seemed like it had been years since he really looked closely in a mirror. "Why didn't you tell me that I look like I spent a year in Azkaban?" he asked, looking at her in the mirror.
"Well, I needed to talk to you, before me and hugo left for the day."He said squirming a little, because he knew just how unpredictable her reaction could be.Snickering a little at the thought of scorpius' thought he nodded."He'll get better. Astoria doesn't have anything to do with him anymore...he'll let go."he said sighing quietly because he knew just how much it hurt evangeline to see scorpius like this, and it hurt him even worse that he was the cause of some of it,because he knew he was the one scorpius had been trying to protect. "But, thats not what I'm here about today."He fidgetted, for once looking out of sorts,because he knew that this wasn't going to be good."Have hugo and feyn mentioned their theory to you?"He asked tilting his head.

Feyn smiled, nodding."I'll go get some."she said getting up and disappearing upstairs for coffee while he dressed before returning with two glasses, settling back in the bed as he looked at himself, swallowing hard as he looked at her in the mirror."Because I was afraid you'd tell me I looked just as bad?"She teased before sighing, sipping her offee before looking up at him."Because what we really need is rest hugo, and that's not going to happen.So there was no point in pointing out just how ragged we were running ourselves."She said looking just as tired and worn,even if the pregnancy was making her fairly glow, the girl still looked worn around the edges, her red hair starting to curl the longer it got. She was definately not looking like the coldly polished aristocrat he was used to, but a girl who was pushing the limits of her reserves just to keep going, to keep moving.
Evangeline immediately saw the concern in Draco's eyes, and her eyebrows scrunched together. She cradled Leo and close and shook her head. "I... No, they haven't told me." She crossed her legs underneath her, looking small all of the sudden. If she didn't have a baby in her arms, someone might mistake her for a child herself at the moment. The suspense was starting to kill her, and she was feeling anxiety build up in her chest. "Draco, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" she asked quietly, "Is Scorpius okay?" She swallowed hard, and the only thing keeping her from not ringing his neck was the little infant cooing in her arms.

Hugo sighed and nodded. "You're probably right," he murmured, "Of course, I look like hell. You look perfect." He grinned at her, giving her a wink before taking the cup of coffee. It was true; to him, she looked beautiful. He didn't see how rough she looked, because he was blinded by his feelings toward her... Reaching under the bed, he pulled the files out, then put his glasses back on. "Evangeline's mother, Cassandra Wilcox, has several bank accounts under your grandfather's name... We think he convinced Voldemort to let him put the horcruxes in his US accounts after Severus was put in prison. Of course, Voldemort doesn't know that the bank account is also in a muggle's name, but this is a muggle that has obviously been working for Lucius for years.

Draco sighed a little wincing as she curled up, nodding."Everything's fine. Scorpius is sleep deprieved-but fine."He reassured before moving over to sit next to her,gently wrapping a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her hair,holding her close. "Voldemort's horcruxes, were moved to the states, for protection, under the care of my father. And your father, was set up by sleep with your mother. You were lucius' revenge for Severus being not only voldemort's favorite,but mine."He sighed making a mess of explaining but doing the best he could. "My father's paying your mother to have the bank accounters here, to hide the horcruxes in the safes.And before you ask, we're sure, sirius brought the files and information we needed to confirm it."draco said looking worried about her."Evangeline, we're going to be finding her....I thought you should know..."


Feyn laughed sotly, shaking her head."I'm not perfect but I wont disabuse you of the idea, if you want to keep my ego inflated."She said snickering a little as she leaned over to kiss him,before pausing as she started to sip the coffee, before setting it aside and leaning against him as she looked over the files. not wanting to drink the caffine now that she knew she was pregnant, but trying to figure this out on her own, because she didn't want to burden the others, was going to be interesting."I see. Well, at least her being a muggle will make it esier to track down.She can't go missing all the sudden by magical means, and grandfather's still busy in paris, so he wont have a chance to move her."she sighed looking over at him."When are you leaving?"She muttered sadly, though they both agreed she needed to stay, she didn't like the idea of leaving him.

All of the color drained from Evangeline's face, and she looked away from Draco. She swallowed hard and desperately tried to not cry like a child. It was hard. "So, you are trying to tell me that not only did my mother not want me, but she was paid to sleep with my father? I'm just... some token of revenge?" There was obvious pain in her eyes, and she shifted Leo into Draco's arms. She ran a hand through her hair and slipped on a pair of boots by the door, then wrapped the throw blanket from the back of the couch around her shoulders. "I... I need some air... or some time to think," she murmured, then walked out the back door and toward the path through the rose gardens and toward the wooded area.


(Minus tattoos and nose piercing. lol)

Hugo looked through the files, staring at the picture of Cassandra. She was a beautiful woman, but there was something in her eyes... Something that said she was much smarter and mischievous than they pegged her for. "Yea, and all the bank accounts are in New York with regular transactions. So she has to be there.... It's really easy, actually, all of the accounts have her address too." He shrugged and looked over at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Your always beautiful to me, but I do happen to like that look you get in your eyes when your ego is inflated." He grinned and looked back at the files. "I'll probably leave tomorrow... I'll stay a day to get some rest and spend some time with you, but really, I need to get out of here by noon tomorrow... We have to get these horcruxes destroyed before your Uncle has a chance to come home from France." Leaning over, he kissed her temple. "Don't worry... Your Uncle will be with me."

Draco winced looking away from her, hating himself for upsetting her." careful. Dont wander past the wards."he warned looking at her worried waiting until she was outside before heading upstairs snickering at the sight of his sleepy son already dressing for the day.quickly explaining-well scorpius didn't let him get through most of it, but he tried.

Scorpius walked downstairs pulling his jacket tight around him,worried about her, and afraid that she'd forget to not wander to far.Stepping outside into the cold air, he sighed softly as he followed her but at a discreet distance, giving her the illusion of privacy but there if she wanted to talk.

Feyn smiled a little as she looked at the picture, concern showing in her eyes. Because she didn't think evangeline's mother was going to be as calm and quiet as they thought. If anything, being in contact with lucius for so long, said there was something about her that probably appealled to the deadly vindictive and insane death eater. Leaning into him she laughed,"Hmm well, I'll just have to get a picture so you have something to give you, so you don't forget me while you get to go see all those pretty girls in new york."She teased nuzzling his neck before sighing quietly before standing."You'll do it. i know you can."She said though her voice trembled, so very close to tell him they might have even less time, because she was really worried about what voldemort planned for their child,and it scared her.But she couldn't tell hugo, not when there wasn't anything he could do for it.Settign the folder on the nightstand she tugged him back onto the bed,"Well then, lets rest and talk about senseless things....we need nonsense things."She muttered nuzzling him a little.
Evangeline walked along the path, getting as far as she could get before she knew she'd get past all the privacy and protection charms. Right on the edge, she sat against a large tree, leaning her head back and wrapping the blanket around her as tight as possible. She didn't want to be around Draco and Scorpius when she started to cry, because she felt stupid for crying... She had not talked to much about her mother, even to Scorpius, but it was obvious that the reaction hurt her badly. She had never really gotten over the idea that her mother had never wanted her, even if her father had made up for it and more... Sniffing, she reached up and wiped away a tear, trying to make herself stop feeling sorry for herself... But it definitely was hard. The idea of being created for the sole purpose of ruining her father's life was a huge blow to the heart. It confirmed her theory that if she was had never existed, her father would be a lot safer and happier.

"Scor, I know you're there," Evangeline finally sighed, running a hand through her hair. She refused to look at him, because she didn't waount him to see the tears in her eyes. She didn't want him to think that she was being ridiculous or dramatic...

Hugo laughed a bit and laid back on the bed with her, taking his classes off and pulling her on top of him. His hands ran up her back gently as he looked up at her, obvious love in his eyes. "You still like me, huh?" he murmured, smirking. "I mean, you're still wanting to give up all of your Malfoy luxuries one day just to be with me in some small flat?" He stroked her hair back away from her face, leaning up to kiss her gently. "You want to be Feyn Weasley one day?" He raised his eyebrows at her, amusement clear in his expression. "Because you're crazy if you do... Absolutely crazy..." With that, he eyes dropped to the ring on her finger. It still gave him an incredible feeling to see her wearing it.
Scorpius shivered a little as he walked around the tree, aving taken the long way around just to stay out of sight.."You know, you could have let me have the illusion that I'm a master of hiding."He pouted a little looking down at her as he duked his head, sheilding his face from the cold air by keeping the collar in the way before sitting down next to her, nudging her a little."Will you share the blanket?Sit in my lap,keep me warm?"he muttered smiling slightly at her, not saying anything about what was upsetting her unless she wanted o talk about it.

Feyn laughed shivering a little as her legs slid to either side of his waist, pressing close to her as she rested her forearms on his chest leaning against them as she looked down at him, her own eyes reflecting the same love."Hmm I always like you, even if you are leaving me behind."She muttered sulking a little at the idea of staying behind, even if it was her idea, and she needed to stay out of things for her child's sake, she didn't have to like it. Laughing at his words she smirked."Hmm i wouldn't be so sure it'll be small. I have to deal with enough small things-"She smirked, teasing him as she squirmed againsdt him"-without dealing with a small flat. But yes, I'm crazy enough to still want that."She smiled kissing him slowly.
Evangeline looked up at him, hesitating for a moment, then crawled into his lap. She gave him the blanket so he could wrap both of them up in it, then rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes scanned the foggy, cold lake in front of them. Out here, it seemed like they were the only people that existed. It was an odd, but comforting feeling. For several minutes, she said nothing. She just listened to the nature around them and his heart beat. "I feel like wasted space or something," she finally whispered, "Like some sort of living burden. I was born to bring misery on my father." Reaching up, she wiped her eyes. She thought about her meeting with Scorpius, and about how much danger she had put him in since they met. Even now, he was in so much danger... "I've even been a burden to you, Scorpius, since we've met. If I wasn't making you uncomfortable with having to be with your father, I was getting pre-" She stopped, not wanting to go through it all. She leaned her face into her hand and started to cry, because she truly thought that everything that was happening to him,her father, and Draco was her fault. The new piece of news about her mother just confirmed it.

Hugo humorously sputtered at her teasing. "Nothing about me is small, darling, you should know that," he murmured, his hand going to the back of her head and pulling him down into a loving kiss. His other hand stayed on the small of her back, holding her close to him. His eyes went soft at her words. "I wouldn't leave you for the rest of my life if I didn't have to," he admitted, "But this... this could get us the life we want." He shrugged a little, trying to not get emotional. "I just want to show you want a real life is like... With a house that's cozy and not cold. I want to give you things to look forward to until the end of time." His leaned up and gave her a peck on the nose. He didn't want to get too detailed in it, or he might start breaking down in front of her - something he hadn't ever done before. He just didn't want to think about her getting taken away from him. It hurt too much.
Scorpius was quiet as he wrapped the blanket around them, ducking his head as he buried his face against her shoulder,keeping them both warm with a muttered warming charm before sighing quietly, trying to think of how to make her feel better."Your father isn't miserable.Yes. Things hve gone sideways because you existed,but Evangeline, he wouldn't change things for anything.And it was uncomfortable to be sleeping with the same woman my father was, but only because my mo..."he stopped shaking his head a little, refusing to go into just how queasy nd messed up it had left him. "Hey hey no crying. This isn't your fault love.Nothing, its my grandfather who's at fault, not you."He muttered pressing a kiss to her neck,nuzzling her a little.

Feyn smirked shivering a little as she kissed him,"Hmm I wouldn't be so sure. Might need to see again make sure you're not small or anything."She laughed a little resting her forehead on his chest, pressing close,e looking amused that he was trying not to get emotional.But she wanted emotional, she wanted him as upset as she was, because she hated that she was the one always losing her cool, or being overly emotional."Real life?Hmm things seemed okay in malfoy manor, not sure what you could tell me."She teased but her eyes said just how much she liked the idea of a small house with him, a house like his grandparents, that had made something in her chest rela. Going a little cross eyed as he kissed her nose he smiled a little,"You can be upset you know."She muttered gently stroking his hair out of his face upset because she was always breaking down in front of him, it made her feel at a loss, like he didn't trust her enough to loss control in front of her, and that hurt,even if she tried to hide it.
Evangeline swallowed hard, eyes still on the lake before them. "It feels like my fault," she whispered, "And I'm scared all of it is going to spill into Leo's life." Her eyes squeezed shut, releasing to tears on the outer corners of her eyes to slide down her face. The corners of her mouth slid into a soft, sad smile. The effort he put into trying to make her feel better was comforting, but the way his words started to fade when he began to talk about his mother made her heart hurt. She hated that Astoria had managed to leave scars on his heart so deep that he couldn't even talk about it. "Are you leaving too?" she asked suddenly, looking worried at the idea. "I mean, are you going to go search with Hugo and your father?" She turned her eyes away from the lake and snuggled down into his warmth.

Hugo swallowed hard and looked up at the ceiling, one of his hands coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. His eyes were glassy and he shook his head. It was hard to break down in front of her, because he was so used to being strong. He wanted to be her protector and her rock... "It just scares me how this could all end up if we don't beat him," he croaked, avoiding her eyes. "And I hate sending you to him. I feel like the biggest failure on the planet when I do, because I'm not even stopping him... I'm just letting him have you." He sniffed and let out a huge sigh, trying to cover up how upset he was.
"it isn't, and don't take the blame for other's mistakes."He mtutered sighing softly. "and we'll protect leo, we'll not let this hurt him."He muttered sounding a little desperate for iti to be true. Swallowing hard as he buried his fae against hier neck,"Only for the day. I'm not sleeping alone, I'll be back at night.i'm not hugo, i refuse to believe sacerfice of my nights with you and leo are demanded of this."He muttered turning his head to kiss her, rested his head back a gainst the tree, leaning bak against it as he got comfortable.

Feyn sighed a little looking down at him, nuzling her face against his neck before sitting up again, looking down at him,for the moment letting him avoid her eyes."We'll beat him, we will."She said slightly desperate to believe it shuddering a little as she fisted her hands to stop from tugging his hands to her stomach, needing the comfort of not being alone in her knowledge, but not wanting to make him feel even worse about it. Her heart breaking because she felt like she was failing, because she couldn't protect hm from this."He'd kill you if you tried to stop him....even as much as i hate going, I wouldn't lose you to stop him...not when you would die for it."She muttered gently running her fingers through her hair.
"I trust you," Evangeline murmured after a few moments. She hated the idea of him going, but she knew he'd never leave if he didn't think he absolutely had to. "Then I'll always be here waiting for you at night." She gave him a soft smile and turned to rest her head on his chest. He was so warm and soft, but strong. After a few quiet moments, she looked up at him with a bit of a smirk. "Why is it that you seemed so intent on having me when you could have had any girl in that school?" she asked, trying to lighten the conversation. It wasn't often that they were alone together, not cooped up in a house with others around. Well, it wasn't often that they could even act their age... "I'm just curious how a man can go from having a different girl in his bed every night to sitting in the middle of the woods with me..."

"Well, this isn't going to go on much longer," Hugo promised, "I'm going to get all of it stopped." He pulled her down into him and kissed her head, then let out a sigh. "Come on, Sweetheart, let's go upstairs and get some breakfast and see your Uncle..." He stood up and took her hand, walking with her toward the living room. When he saw Draco sitting with a cooing Leo, he smirked. "His parents actually left you alone with him for an extended amount of time? Aren't they going through withdraws?"
Scorpius smirked a little as he pressed a kiss to her head. "I couldn't ask for anything better then to come home to that."he muttered going quiet as he thought about her question before snickerjng."well. Its not that complicated. You didn't want me, which made me want you more....after that,it just kind of snowballed into falling in love."he smirked looking amuaed.

Feyn swallowed hard,because she knew it would never stop,not until voldemort was dead,and by then she didn't know what kind of life they would have. Nodding she followed him upstairs snickering at grandfather and grandson as she sat on the couch pulling hugo down next to her."well, they might be, but I upset evangeline enough that shes distracted both of thsm into letting me hold hom" "your diabolical uncle, you plan everything just to have time with leo. Well itts my turn"feyn said determined to be more comfortable with babies now as she stole him from draco and leaned back into the couch

Evangeline smirked a bit, tilting her head up to kiss him teasingly. "You were a pig," she laughed, "But you must have something about you I like, because I can't seem to stay away from you - not since the day we met." Reaching up, she ran her hand through his blond hair, admiring the handsome man looking down at her... It was nearly incredible how fast he managed to make her feel better. However, she had a feeling she would be back in the dumps once he left her alone. There was not a doubt in her mind that she was the cause of all her father's troubles, and she hated that. "You're going to be careful? No showing out in front of Hugo to prove you are better or anything."

Hugo laughed and shook his head. "Your turn? Number one, I thought you were scared of Leo. Number two, I haven't been allowed to hold him yet." Sighing, he settled on scooting closer to her and draping his arm behind her. He looked over her shoulder at the little baby, now alert and taking in the room with his curious grey eyes. He was even opening and closing his fists in the air, surprisingly calm for an infant. "He must have Evangeline's demeanor," Hugo joked, "Because I bet Scorpius did a lot of whining and crying. Like now."
"Were a pig?Father keeps telling me I'm still one."He said sulking and it was true..... because of his constant eating, not for his dating habits. Nuzzling her hand a little he smirked, shrugging a little."Wy show off?No need to prove something that everyone knows is true."He said arrogantly before nudging her a little."come on, father's probably ready to hand leo back."he said nd if his father wasn't ready to give his son back, he was going to take him anyways.

"He does scare me,and that's why you get him."She said smiling as she shifted, laying the boy in his arms before starting to play with leoletting him hold her fingers in his hands as she gently tickled his toes, smirking as she glanced at hugo, he looked so happy t looking at the baby, and the girl was struggling to be calm. Draco snorted,"You know, he really did. Lots of crying and fussing.Had his grandmother wrapped around his greedy little fingers."Draco said rolling his eyes because it had amused him that from the very first time at seeing both feyn and her own blooded grandson, narcissa had been wrapped around their fingers.
Evangeline laughed and shook her head, his arrogance rolling off her back. That was probably why they were so good together. He never gave into his smug comments, even on the first day. As they walked, she smirked and thought about the first time they met. She remembered how he came up to her room to offer her company (which, she sent him away) and how he calmed her down when she nearly had a melt down over transfigurations... She remembered the first time he took her to Honeydukes... That seemed like so long ago.

Walking into the house, she grinned at Hugo and Feyn. "Are you two trying to practice or something?" she asked, leaning down to scoop Leo up. She giggled when the baby smiled at her, knowing immediately that his Momma had him. Evangeline (like Narcissa was with Scorpius) was completely wrapped around the little boy's finger. His tiny smile had her heart melting... Hugo laughed and shook his head. "I don't think it's really the time to do that," he admitted, "But I have been enjoying all of these stories about how awful Scorpius was as a baby..." He shifted and wrapped his arms around Feyn, raising his eyebrow at the other man with humor in his eyes.

Evangeline sat on the opposite couch, bouncing Leo a little to make him giggle. "Oh, Narcissa told me Scorpius was a good baby," she argued, "She just said he was colicky. Poor thing was always having stomach pains." She pouted a little, but there was obvious humor in her eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that Scorpius was probably a baby that would cry as soon as he was not getting any attention.
Scorpius smiled as they walked inside, sulking a little as he slumped down into the couch, tugging evangeline closer to him."Hey, I don't know what your talking about. I was a perfect and amazing child." "You were a fussy whiner, scorpius, no lying."Draco said rolling his eyes a little before looking at hugo."I thought I'd stop in the bank today. See how things are set up and such."he said more because it was driving him insane to be here with these 4, that despite all odds, were so happy. And well, he needed something to do besides sitting around with his grandson.

Feyn paled a little at that mention, turning her head to rest her cheek against hugo's chest, "No, just trying not to be scared of the baby."Feyn said snickering before looking at her uncle."You'll be careful?" "I'm always careful." "Which explains how you broke your nose?" "That wasn't my fault feyn."Draco said making a face, rolling his eyes as he stood, leaning down to kiss leo's head before kissing evangeline's cheek."I'll be back in a few hours."He said kissing feyn's cheek to before heading out.

"My uncle's weird sometimes."Feyn muttered. "Just sometimes?How about allll the time."Scorpius snickered a little.
Evangeline looked up at Scorpius as Draco left, confusion in her eyes. "Scor, are you sure your father should be leaving to the States by himself?" she asked, concern in her tone. Leo was gurgling and cooing in her lap, and she laughed. Leaning down, gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek, making him giggle. Over and over, she kissed him and tickled him... Hugo laughed and shook his head, turning to Feyn. "Are we going to end up like that one day? Insane over a baby?" he asked, rolling his eyes. It seemed almost crazy that these two people - especially Scorpius - were just insanely obsessed over an infant.

"Hey," Evangeline murmured, pouting at the other couple. "I can't help it. He's adorable." With that, she went back to bouncing the little boy in her lap, snuggled up against Scorpius. Hugo rolled his eyes a little, then turned to Feyn. He was concerned for Draco, but knew he was a grown man. He could take care of himself, and this was his last day with Feyn for awhile. He wanted to spend as much casual time with her as possible. "You okay?" he asked, noticing that she had paled a little at the mention of the baby.
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