Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Narcissa laughed a little. "Well, then, we will leave them sleeping for a few more minutes," she murmured, leading him up the stairs. Her eyes were a little glassy from tears, because the baby was just so beautiful and it was just so nice to have something like this happen in the middle of such awful times. Opening the door, she revealed a very tired Evangeline propped up with a bundle of pillows. She was worn out, but glowing, and a huge smile was on her face as she rocked the little bundle in her arms. "Hey, Daddy," she whispered, grinning up at her father. The Healer was already gone, due to not wanting to be traced, but he had already told Evangeline that the baby was at a very healthy weight, which explained her size at the end of her pregnancy. "Want to meet your grandson?" she asked, gently handing the newborn over to him. The little boy was a cute as he could be, with a shock of black hair from his mother and grandfather, and a pair of striking grey eyes from the Malfoy side of the family.


The baby opened up his eyes once settled in his grandfather's arms, revealing those incredibly intense light grey eyes.... "He's prefect, isn't he?" she whispered, looking up at her father. It was obviously that she was very much in love with her son. "I'll let you break it to Draco that he's a grandfather too." With that, she gave him a smirk.

Hugo was on fire, fisting a hand into her hair as he let out a series of pleasure filled moans. "Oh.... Oh, Feyn," he croaked, trying so hard to hold on and not cum early. Even his thighs were quivering with effort. "Fuck," he snapped in surprise, letting go and cumming inside her mouth. He was panting, letting out a roar of intense pleasure, his hips bucking off the bed. He tried to be gentle, but it had just been so long... He grinned after coming off his high, pulling her up onto his chest and wrapping his arms around her. "I love you," he murmured, kissing her forehead.

After nearly jumping out of skin at the sound of a tap at the hotel window, Hugo looked over and saw and owl. Easing out of the bed and walking across the room naked, he grabbed the letter out of Narcissa's owl's mouth. He grinned a bit and turned to Feyn, handing her the letter. "Looks like we will have to take our vacation starting tomorrow. Evangeline had the baby... Why don't we go see them this evening, then come back to the hotel in the morning? We still have a few days to relax..."
Severus smiled a little as he walked upstairs with narcissa. Waling into the bedroom he smiled wider at the sight of his daughter, glad to see both mother and child looking so good. Leaning over to kiss her forehead he looked relieved as he gently held the babe."I am. He is, perfectly beautiful,Evan.Even if he looks like scorpius."he said looking amused as he cooed at the baby, getting stroking his back before snickering."Draco's going to be so disappointed that he'd old."He said loving the idea of draco being a grandfather. That was the paternity that would be less scarring to all involved.sitting on the edge of the bed he smiled at her. "You should get some smell love."

Feyn moaned shivering as he fisted her hair, sitting up as she wiped cum off her lips looking amused as she snuggled him to."I love you to."She muttered looking flushed and pleased, glad to know he was enjoying it. Starting when the owl arrived she pouted a little before nodding,"Let's go.It'll be fun."She said smiling as she watched him, to distracted by the sight of him naked to read the letter. Blushing as she went to get her clothes she groaned a little, her stomach turning. It wasn't like she hadn't swallowed before. Damn it was a near requirement for s;ee[ing with voldemort. Tugging on her jeans she paused in the middle of fastening her bra, scampering towards the bathroom where he could hear her throwing up within minutes.

Coming out in a few minutes,face damp from where she'd cleaned up she looked tired, but pleased. "Sleeping and resting sounds amazing."She said smiling a little as she finished dressing and wrapped her arms around his waist when he finished dressing leaning against his chest."So. How baby obsessed do you think uncle and scorpius are?"She said trying to distract him, because she knew he was probably feeling bad for making her throw up. The man felt bad for making her do anything she didn't want to.
Evangeline reached up and wiped away a tear. It felt so good to see her father hold her son... She never thought she'd see this day. "I'll be okay," she assured him. "After all, once Scorpius and Draco see him, they won't hand him over for a while. I'll get plenty of time to rest." She grinned at that, reaching up to stroke her son's hair with her index finger. He was just so soft and sweet and fragile. He was also very alert, looking around the room and at the two people with his beautiful grey eyes. Reaching out, Evangeline gently took the baby and nodded toward the door. "Will you go get them?" she asked, kissing her father's cheek. "I'm waiting on Scorpius to name him. It didn't feel right to do it with out him." She began to gently cradle the baby again, looking down at his with amazement. Narcissa was already in the nursery, charming everything blue and getting things ready.

Hugo looked down at her with a frown, reaching down to run his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry, Feyn, I should have given you some sort of warning..." He kissed her forhead, hoping that once they saw Narcissa, she might no what to do to make Feyn feel better. Of course, he knew there would be no way they would get away from the safe house tonight. All of the others made it clear that they were going to curse them with a binding charm if they didn't sit still enough to get some rest... Moving away, he quickly got dressed, then grabbed her hand and apparated to the safe house location.
Feyn sighed a little, enjoying the touch."It's not you.I enjoyed that. I hate being sick."She whined smiling as he apparated them.
Severus smiled a little, gently stroking the baby's hair."Do we have to?They're going to be annoying?"He muttered before looking amused at mother and son before sighing."But fine, I'll go get them."He said tensing little at the sound of apparating, before relaxing as he recognized the voices talking to scorpius and draco."Well good. Now we can bind them into place so they'll rest."He said scowling a little at the refusal that both teens had done, feyn and hugo both having refused to stay put for any length of time. Smiling as he headed downstairs he was nearly ran over by both malfoy men as they bolted up the stairs not even bothering to wait to hear what he said, though he could tell from their footsteps that they slowed to a walk when they got close to the bedroom.Frowning at the two in front of him."Well.You two look like you've gotten stompled by a hippogriff."He said frowning a little before looking up the stairs."Cissy!You're granddaughter's here, looking a little worse for the wear!"He called knowing that fi anyone could brow beat them into holding still, it was her, and giving scorpius and draco some time to visit with the baby before everyone else went into the room.

Scorpius smiled a little as he walked into the bedroom, both men looking unsure but happy. "How do you feel?"Scorpius said nearly pouncing on the bed as he sat on the bed next to her, gently stroking the baby's back. Draco smiled bending down to kiss her forehead."So?Do you know who the father is?"He said bracing himself to hear it was lucius, or himself. He prayed that it was scorpius, that would be the only thing that would save his son's sanity. Even if he thought scorpius could accept it, it would drive him insane. And....well the fact that he'd asked said that the two had been so impatient to see her, that they'd not even waited to hear what severus had said.
"I feel better than I've ever felt," Evangeline murmured, giggling a little at how clumsy and sweet the normally stoic men were acting. Evangeline bit her lip and looked up at Draco with a soft smile. "Looks like your a grandfather," she murmured, cradling the baby gently. She glanced over at Scorpius with a smile, her eyes a bit teary, and handed him the child. "It's a boy... A very healthy baby boy with your eyes." Leaning over, she kissed Scorpius on the cheek, then helped him get his hand behind the baby's head to support him. The child looked up at his father with matching eyes, his expression sort of amazed and dreamy. As father and son bonded, she looked up at Draco and placed her hand on his cheek. She didn't exactly know what to say. All she knew was that she was extremely thankful that the man was willing to step aside for Scorpius, to let them all be a family. She hoped that the birth of their son might help Draco with his loneliness and give him something to make him happy...

Narcissa looked her granddaughter up and down and grabbed her hand, pulling her down on to the couch. "You two are forbidden to leave this house until morning. I've charmed the door, so don't even try. We are all sleeping here tonight. There is plenty of room in the basement. I fixed up for you two, and then living room for Draco and I." Hugo laughed a bit and nodded, not about to argue with the woman. He pulled Feyn into his arms and raised his eyebrows. "So when do we guest to see the kid?" he asked, a little eager to see the baby. Narcissa shook his head. "When Draco and Scorpius decide they will let the child out of their sight. It might be a while..." She smiled at that, then went to go get the couple some tea.
Scorpius smiled at her."Good."He muttered before staring down at his son, lowering his head to press a kiss to dark hair. it was so cute to see the man being as sweet and adorable as only feyn was. Draco smirked leaning into Evangeline's hand, pressing a kiss to her palm, shrugging a little."Good."He muttered relief showing in his eyes before glancing at his son and grandson, snickering. "I think that's the first malfoy in a century, to not be blond."He pointed out. Scorpius pouted looking u pat him,"Hey hey, no making fun, gramps.Grandpapa. Old man.papa. po-" "Stop.Just stop. Now give me him, while you two relax."Draco said standing and stealing the baby despite Scorpius' growl of protest, already heading for the door to go see the others. Scorpius pouted sitting down on the bed with evangeline, giving her a little."My father stole my sounds like a bad opera title."He whined before smiling."What are we going to name him?"He muttered leaning over to kiss her.

Feyn smiled sleepily, letting narcissa pull her down onto the couch. Between overwork and the sex, she was ready to just rest. Resting her head on hugo's shoulder she smiled."Well, we were planning on taking a break anyways. Since everyone's been yelling at us."She pouted looking at her grandmother. "Scorpius hs no say when his son gets to leave his sight. And I wanted to come see you to."Draco said the small babe cradled in his arms as he walked into the room,giving the two teens a severe frown despite the relief in his face to see them. Because they'd mostly avoided staying at the manor, he hadn't gotten a chance to yell at them for being stupid and running themselves down. "Wow draco.Brave man to run off with your grandson."Severus teased from the recliner, looking pleased and relaxed, if a little tired. "I didn't run.i calmly left the room with this little bundle of joy. Didn't I, sweetheart?" was weird, but oddly fitting to see the cold hearted stotic draco malfoy cooing over a newborn.
Narcissa laughed a bit and moved to place a tray of tea in front of them, pouring each person a cup of coffee. "That's the first dark-haired Malfoy in at least two centuries," she commented, saying the same thing Draco had said not moments ago. "That being said, he carries the tradition of boys... And of course, the eyes. He has your eyes Draco, just like Scorpius and Lucius..." She sat down in a chair beside Severus and began to sip her tea. It was obvious that she was more than happy to have a new little bundle of joy around. She was even more happy to have been in the room while Evangeline was giving birth. The baby was an easy birth, even if he was a bigger than average baby.

Hugo leaned in to kiss Feyn on the head. "Where's Scorpius? Upstairs with Evangeline?" he asked, happy for the man. He knew it was a huge relief that Scorpius was the father, even if it was odd to think that Scorpius was an actually father. That of all people, the guy who once was a man whore/prick at school was the guy who helped create the sweet baby in Draco's arms... It was mind-blowing. "While we were heard, Professor Snape, I was wondering... Do you, uh, do you have an files or anything on Evangeline's mother? Anyone who was able to get a little information on her in the past?" he asked, looking over to the other man.

Evangeline grinned and snuggled up against him, trying to move slowly due to being sore. Tilting her head up, she kissed him gently. "I was thinking we could still to an astronomy based name to keep tradition with your family? I don't really have any family traditions... Maybe Perseus? Taurus? Leo? Sagittarius?," she murmured, shrugging a bit. She was just so happy to be in his arms and to have a healthy baby downstairs with his over-the-moon grandfather. "But I'd really like to give them our fathers' names... As his middle names... Kids can have two middle names, right?" She nuzzled his gently, wishing that the baby was with them now, but trying to be patient. Draco deserved to spend some time with his new grandson.
Feyn smled a little as she watched everyone, tired and quiet. Looking just as amused at the idea of her cousin being a father as everyone else. But it was nice to finally see someone get under his armor and to the real man."He is.They're deciding wht to name this one."Drao said settling down onto the couch next to feyn,gently easing the baby into her arms ignoring the freaked out look she was giving him as she held the babe. "what?"Severus looked startled at the change of subject before nodding a little, though he looked disturbed at the idea of someone searching for her. "Sirius Black found and resesarched her at the beginning of the school year, when Evangeline came to hogwarts."He said looking bemused at the weasley, laughter in his eyes as he watched feyn and the baby, with raco staying close to watch her.

Scorpius smiled kissing her back before laying back, gently making her lay still as he thought."I like leo. Leo Severus Draconis Malfoy.....very long and noble. Its a good name for him."He said snickering a little at the thought of the kid spitting that out when introducing himself. Which wasn't much better then his own Scorpius Abraxas Lucius Malfoy. They all had long names. Yawning a little he stroked her hair, pouting slightly."Think father'd let me steal leo back without fighting?"He grumbled, missing his son even if it'd only been a few minutes
Hugo looked relieved. "Really? Good, because... Well, I can explain it later," he murmured, smiling at the older man. He wasn't willing to spoil the light mood in the room. He leaned over and looked at the baby, who was starting to coo a little at all the new people. Reaching down, he let the babe wrap his fingers around one of his own. "And how in world did Scorpius help make a baby as cute as this?" he asked, laughing at Feyn's expression. "Feyn, come on, relax. Babies are like dogs. They sense fear." Kissing her cheek, he wrapped an arm around her and tried to get her to calm down.

Evangeline grinned and nodded happily. "Leo Severus Draconis Malfoy... Perfect," she murmured, leaning up to kissed him gently. As much as she wanted everyone to spend time with the baby, she really wanted to cuddle him and let Scorpius bond with him. "Oh, I think he will if you are really nice," she murmured, her expression amused. "I'll let you tell them the name we decided on." With that, she kissed his cheek, the laid back against the pillows. She was tired, truly, but she was way too excited to spend time with their little Leo that she couldn't imagine going to sleep yet. Not until she had her fill of being a mother for the night.
"WE'll talk later then."Severus said frowning slightly at the younger man, but letting it go for the moment, not wanting to think about it. Feyn whined a little as she leaned into hugo."I'm relaxed."She grumbled though she still looked freaked out."Take him hugo. I'll break him or something." "No you wont. Just relax."draco said smiling as he tried to coax her to relax, his smile widening as Scorpius appeared in the doorway. "can I have Leo back?His mother wants him."He said grinning a little, smiling as feyn gave her cousin his son back, "We've named him leo severus draconis."the younger malfoy said before disappearing back upstairs pleased with having his son back.

Scorpius grinned as he came back into the room with the baby, "They were nice about it. Helped feyn was looking ready to bolt. Handed him bck before she dropped him."Scorpius muttered handing leo back to his mother, getting ready for bed looking amused at his cousin's face. She looked so out of her element with a kid
Narcissa looked over at Severus, the man she was only a few years older than in school. She had always had a soft heart toward Severus, especially when they were both out of Hogwarts and she saw him at alot of Voldemort's meetings... If she were ever honest with herself (which she wasn't about things like this) she might even say that she fancied Severus and his hauntinly dark looks. It didn't matter. She was already married to Lucius; barely out of Howarts. "Bet you never thought you would have a child named after you back in the day," she snickered to Severus, then disappeared to grab so blankets for her and Draco, then waved her wand to make two beds appear in the living room. "Feyn and Hugo can have the basement," she murmured, "Draco and I can settled up here. We better get some sleep, because we have a lot of planning to do in the morning; planning how to keep that baby alive."

Evangeline giggled. "She will get used to it all," she murmured, the reached out and took Leo. She cuddled him gently, kissing his soft hair, his nose, his forehead, his hands... She was so in love with this baby. He brought her something that she never thought she'd have; he filled the hole in her heart that her mother had let so very long ago. It was then that she decided that she'd be a better mother than her own mother could ever dream of being. "How is it possible to love someone this much?" she asked, looking up at him when he climbed back into bed. She knew she needed to go put the infant in his crib, but she wasn't ready to let go yet. "I mean, I never thought you could actually fall in love with someone so quickly - at first sight."
Severus smiled a little looking she looked at him,"Definately not. And definately not sharing a grandchild with draco." "no old jokes, old man."Draco said making a face at severus as he handed blankets to hugo and feyn.Kissing her cheek."Now go get some sleep. And sleep in.Because you're not rushing off anywhere."He said looking them both over before sending them downstairs. "Goodnight you two."Severus said smiling at the two malfoy's before heading upstairs to his own bedroom.

Scorpius smiled watching her, she looked so happy with the baby."I know. I never expected this, but...I love him. More then anything else."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head,gently stealing leo back."come on, we need to get some sleep.He wont sleep all night, we need to sleep while he's calm."He muttered putting the baby in the crib, before climbing in bed with her,"I love you."He muttered yawning s he started falling asleep.

In the morning Feyn sighed softly as she shifted, resting her head on hugo's chest, refusing to get up, not wanting to.She was tired and comfortable, evene after sleeping for hours,and suspected she'd slept in, she felt exhausted, like she hadn't slept at all. "Think we're still on lockdown?Think we could go back to our vacation?"She muttered knowing he was awake, he always woke before her. And whileshe found the idea of Scorpius being a father adorable and equally amusing, the baby himself actually terrifed her.

Scorpius yawned as he stirred, nuzzling evangeline for a moment before getting up to grab the fussing baby, cooing at the small boy,muttering a little before sitting donw on the edge of the bed."Evan?Sweetheart?"He muttered looking down at her.
Hugo rolled over on to his side and pulled her into him, nuzzling his face into her neck. Like her, he had enjoyed the sleep and now that he had some decent sleep, he didn't ever want to wake up. "Probably still on lockdown," he admitted, "It's only 9 am, and they ordered us to sleep in... Your grandmother hasn't even come down with breakfast." He pulled his face back and kissed her gently, his hand caressing her cheek. "Just rest, love, there's no need to rush off... This is our family, and rest is rest no matter where we are. Besides, I want to talk to Snape before we leave."

Evangeline yawned and sat up, propping herself up with so pillows. Leaning over, she kissed the young father and gently took the baby. "He's okay," she assured him, "Probably hungry. He hasn't had anything in a few hours." She cradled the baby and pulled the front of her shirt down, letting the baby latch on to her breast. She grinned as Leo immediately quieted down and began to feed, his sleepy eyes looked up at her. He was just so perfect and adorable... "That's it, Sweetheart, you were just hungry...." She stroked Leo's cheek, then looked up at Scorpius. "You sleep okay?" she asked.
Feyn smiled a little as he nuzzled her neck, shifting to snuggle tighter against him. "hmmm does sleeping in, require actual sleeping?"She teased nibbling on his neck as she shifted. "True, its rest but there's a baby here....and its weird."She muttered sitting up on her elbows to look at him, true fear in her eyes. She really was scared of the baby. Huffing when she realized she couldn't explain her feelings she laid back down, closing her eyes."What if I drop him or something?"She muttered.

Scorpius smiled kissing her back before stretching out next to her again watching fascinated, as she fed him. It was something so odd but so cool at once. "Hmmm why does he get to do my favorite activity?Can't I do that to?"He muttered teasing before nodding."I slept fine, except when this one wanted attention.Was up a few times, but that was to be expected."He said blushing not about to admit he slept horribly because he'd gotten up every few minutes to check that leo was okay.
Hugo sighed and shook his head. "Feyn, you are NOT going to break the baby," he said, rolling his eyes. "And just hold him while sitting down. You won't drop him. He's too little to squirm or anything." He sat up and began to pull his jeans and t-shirt back on, wanting to go upstairs and get some breakfast. He was absolutely starving, and he desperately needed some coffee. "You just come from a family where babies are few and far between. It's normal to be nervous about them." He leaned over and kissed her head before standing up. He could already smell Narcissa's french toast... "I want to talk to Snape this morning too," he admitted, hoping that she might be willing to stay home with the family a little longer. He had to admit, he was a family man. It was nice to be around people he cared about.

Evangeline giggled and leaned in to him, kissing him gently before looking down at their son. "You can always participate in your favorite activity," she purred, then grinned down at her son. "You just have to learn to share with little Leo." Leo's eyes were looking around the room as he continued to feed, making Evan smile. She may be a young mom, but she was completely captivated with her son. "Scorpius, you should have woke me," Evan whined, narrowing her eyes up at him. She knew he was trying to take care of her and the baby, but she hated the idea of him losing so much sleep just to not wake her up... Shifting, she cleaned and handed the baby to Scorpius before slowly standing up and changing into a pair of black leggings and large blue sweater that went just past her butt. There was just no way she could get into jeans for a few days. Even with the medicine from the Healer, she was still pretty sore. "Come on," Evan said, smiling down at father and son. "Let's go see our fathers. You know they are beside their selves waiting for us to come down, and I'm starving.
Feyn pouted a little at his words, but nodded."Fine. I don't mind staying. ITs just...leo makes me nervous."She muttered shrugging a little before standing to get dressed, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning up to kiss him."It'll be fun being with them. I'll admit, I've missed them."She said shrugging because it had been a rare day before these past few months that she hadn't seen scorpius at least once, hadn't talked to her uncle in person...he wasn't the only one who wanted to be with family, she was just more reserved about it. "Come on.That french toast smells amazing."She said grinning as she dashed up the stairs, grinning as she kissed her grandmother's cheek as she reached for a plate of french toast."Good morning."She said settling at the table. Draco smirked looking at the two as they came upstairs,already eating."I thought you were supposed to sleep in."

Scorpius grinned,"Hmm good.Even if I do have to share."He said pouting a little before watching leo looking around the room. Just as captivated as evangeline with their son."It wasn't any big deal. He was fussing, got up, reassured that someone was there, and went back to sleep. It was okay."he said smiling as he got up, cuddling leo as he stood, barechested and in a pair of sweats, not even bothering with a shirt. Pouting a little."but evannn, if we go downstairs and let them see him I'm never going to get to hold him again until they go to bed."He pouted looking amused at her as they headed downstairs.
Hugo shook his head and sat down at the table, already digging into his food. Narcissa laughed a bit and rolled her eyes. "We'll take a nap later," Hugo promised, smirking a bit while shoving a piece of french toast in his mouth. It was really nice to be at the cozy safe house, surrounded by people he trusted and food he loved. It was hard to think that they'd be hitting the road again soon. Looking across the table at Snape, he gave him a polite nod. "Would you mind taking a walk with me after breakfast?" he asked, deciding the conversation would be better one-on-one. And maybe Feyn could get some time with Evangeline and get over her fear of the baby.

Evangeline laughed and shook her head, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Scorpius, you can't hoard your child. We get to have him all of the time," she teased, but smiled. It was so sweet to see him to so worked up over Leo. When they first met, she would have never guessed that he would be this in love with a child. He came from a family -aside from his father and grandmother- that was cold an abusive, so it was a relief to see that he was so at ease with his son... Once downstairs, she bent down to kiss her father and Draco on the cheeks, then moved to settled on the couch in the living room, pulling her legs up underneath her. "Will you bring me a plate in here?" she asked Scorpius, pouting because she was still too sore to not sit on cushioned furniture.
Severus raised a eyebrow but nodded."I wouldn't. The weather's nice, we'll go outside."he said looking interested to see what the man wanted."I can to.He's mine."SCorpius whined as they walked downstairs getting up to get Evangeline a plate. "Don't.Sit and talk, I'll get it."Feyn said smiling a little as she got Evangeline a plate before returning to the kitchen, looking nervous but gently taking leo away from his father, ignoring the look scorpius gave her as she moved into the living room to keep evangeline company."How do you feel?"She said looking interested, before looking down at the baby in her arms as she settled onto the couch. Looking nervous, but figuring that if they hadn't all jumped up to take him away from her, that she'd be okay.

Scorpius snorted looking amused as he started eating, looking over at hugo."You look tired weasley. Should take care of yourself. And feyn. Sleep sometimes."He said scowling a little, having every intention of bullying the two into staying put as long as he could.
Hugo looked satisfied with that, even if a bit nervous. After all, this was his Headmaster - or was - and the man was intimidating when he wasn't cooing over his grandson. "Great," he murmured, smiling a bit before digging back into his food. The man had managed to ate enough french toast for three or four people by the time he was done. "I am tired," he answered Scorpius, "But believe it or not, it's Feyn that wants to always keep going, and I don't like controlling her. So I just stay with her." He smirked a bit and sipped at his coffee. "I always take care of her." He looked up at the other man, something in his eyes saying that he was irritated at the insinuation that he didn't.

Evangeline smiled at the other woman, starting to eat from the plate she had been given. "I feel okay," she murmured, "Better than I would have thought; labor was a little intense." She smirked a bit and looked over at his son. "He was definitely worth it. Looks a lot like Scorpius, doesn't he?" She set her empty plate on the coffee table and leaned back into the couch, sighing a bit. "I'm scared... It's hard to not be worried about the future, especially since we have to think about another person... I try not to let Scorpius know. He doesn't need anything else to be worried about." She frowned a bit, leaning over to stroke Leo's hair. "How are you and Hugo? Getting serious?" she nodded to the ring, then smirked.
Scorpius made a face, even as he put away nearly as much food as hugo did. "Feyn would keep going till she put herself in a early grave, and you know it. She's obsessive."He scowled annoyed because he could see just how worn out the two were, and even if he knew why they were doing it, it killed him to be stuck in this house and not help, not when they both looked so tired."Enough you two."Draco said sipping his coffee, already seeing the fight breaking out between them."no fighting.Not when it'll just upset Feyn and Evangeline."He said.

"Well, thankfully, it'll be awhile before I go there, so i'll take your word for it."FEyn said smiling a little as he shifted the baby, looking startled as he wrapped small fingers in her red hair holding tight as he gurgled and started to nap."he does. Except for the hair."She said smiling before looking over at evangeline, wincing a little as her hair was pulled."But you don't need to be worrying about it all by yourself. i'd tell you to talk to me but I'm not easily reached these to uncle draco though.He'll help."She muttered before flushing, nodding a little."We have been for months...but since we're not at home, I can wear it."she muttered before wincing as her stomach rolled at the smell of the sickingly sweet syrup on evangeline's frnech toast.
Hugo clenched his jaw, only shutting up because Draco made it clear that they needed to. He was right. Feyn and Evangeline would be beyond upset with them if they starting to fight in the middle of the house... It seemed no matter how much Scorpius and Hugo had to gone through together, there would still be a bit of an wedge between them. Scorpius was still a Malfoy, and Hugo was still a Weasley... He took a gulp of his coffee and looked up at Snape. "Ready for that walk?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He could use some fresh air, and he really needed to convince Severus to be open minded about all of this. His help was crucial.

"It's beautiful, Feyn." Evangeline grinned, looking down at the ring. It was definitely beautiful, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy about it all. She would love to get married, honestly, but she wasn't sure Scorpius was ready for something like that. Not when his father's marriage had gone so badly... Leo started to fuss, not full on cry, but he was starting to get there. Evangeline gently took Leo back, not wanting Feyn to get scared and think she was the reason he was crying. Letting the babe rest on her chest, she gently started to rub circles on his back, kissing his head and cooing at him. "Don't say that," she murmured, smirking, "I was definitely not wanting to be pregnant. Not at all. I already knew I loved Scorpius, but I just couldn't imagine being a mom. I mean, damn, we are only nineteen... And then, BAM - Pregnant."
Severus noddd finishing eating as he stood. Wondering whatever this could be about before nodding towards the door."let's go then."he said walking outside, stepping into the garden before glancing over at her. "Hugo, what can I do for you?"He asked wondering what this could be about.

"It is."She said smiling a little as she glanced at evangeline, smirking a little. Seeing what she was thinking."He'll get there, but I wouldn't ount on him doing it soon.Uncle draco and aunt astoria's..."She shrguged helplessly thinking the same thing she did before strting a little as the baby fussed, looking relieved when evangeline took him. Glad she hadn't made him cry. "Well I most definately not...not with the problem of who else I'm sleeping with...its just..."She trailed off sighing helplessly.taking about awkward with evangeline having the same problem."i just want hugo's kids...when I do have them."She shrugged glaning t her,knowing she'd understnd the need.Sighing quietly she leaned back against the back of the couch,closing her eyes.Feeling tred, despite just getting up.she really did just need a break
Hugo pushed his hands into his jean pockets, trying to remember that he was no longer and student and this wasn't his Headmaster. However, he was still very nervous. Snape might be soft toward his daughter - and now grandson- but he was still intimidating. "Well... I have this theory," he admitted, "That... Well, that Evangeline's mother was paid to set you up all of those years ago. That she was bribed into getting pregnant, leaving the baby with you, and getting you caught. I'm thinking Lucius did it, actually. I'm not clear on everything, but Feyn found out that Voldemort's horcruxes have been all transferred to the states; the same place that Evangeline's mother fled to nineteen years ago." Walking along side his former Headmaster, he looked up at the older man with hopeful eyes. "We want to find her, because we think she has a lot more to do with Voldemort and Lucius than we originally thought."

Evangeline sighed and rocked the baby gently. "Oh, I know," she murmured, "It will be a long while before he trusts me enough to not end up like his mother, and I get that. Scars take time to heal." Leaning down, she kissed Leo's head absently. "Trust me," she murmured, "I understand your situation." She placed her hand on top of Feyn's and sighed. "I haven't really talked to Scorpius about all of this, because right now he's got it in his head that Leo is never going to leave his sight," she murmured, smirking a bit, "But I'd really like to make you and Hugo the godparents... Scorpius would agree. He's very close to you, and I have no doubt Hugo would do what he could to protect Leo. I just... I need to make sure, right now, that Leo will have someone just in case something happens to Scorpius and I. It's not that I don't trust Draco, but he's in just as deep as Scorpius and I. He'd also never leave his son... So I need someone that would take Leo and run if they had to." She swallowed hard and looked down at her son, something tightening up in her chest at the thought of losing him. "Can you promise me you would do that?" she whispered, not wanting Scorpius to hear.
Severus listened in silence, tryingto think about all this. Surely they were wrong, these two brillant students.Even s he thought it, he knew he was being foolish. He had known feyn and hugo to never present a theory if they hadn't thought it all the way through, and worked out exactly what was the logical approach to things. 'You know, everyone seems more interested in her whereabouts then me. But this...Well.This is a interesting turn of events."He growled annoyed because he knew just what his former best friend was capable of. He'd been with lucius for all those years, he better then anyone, knew exactly what he was capable of doing."She is living in new york city....I..I didn't read more of the file that Sirius had gotten, but I would look there. Or when Feyn goes home, talk to Sirius black while she's busy. Your parents know him, they'd be able to get you in contact to see if he knows more."

Feyn smiled a little nodding."They do.But you'll do better then his."She said smiling as she tilted her head."Of course leo's never leaving his sight. Damned blond's like a bulldog, gonna latch on and refuse to leave."she teased rolling her eyes a little before eyes widening as she considered.While it scared her to think about being solely responsible for the baby, and that something would happen, she also knew there was no other answer. she'd just trust hugo to help her."I would like that."She sid smiling a little before growing serious."'d kill me to walk away, if that's what you need me and hugo to do, for your peace of mind, I promise we will."
Hugo nodded carefully, already deciding he would owl his mother as soon as they got back to the house. Sirius would be the perfect person to help him, because if his parents had told him about anyone who would be crazy enough to risk everything, it would be Sirius Black. "Headmaster, I don't want you to think that I'm trying to pry into your life or Evangeline's, but... I think this could lead to something that could bring a world a peace to us all. For you and the Malfoys, Feyn, Evangeline, and your grandson," he murmured, true loyalty and courage in his eyes. There would have been no doubt that he would have been sorted into Gryffindor twenty years ago. "So, I was hoping I could as you a couple questions..." He blushed. "Like, was she... attractive? Like oddly attractive? Do you actually remember drinking enough to, well, you know... or did things just get blurry?"

Evangeline giggled and nodded. "Scorpius is in love with this little boy," she laughed, bouncing the newborn a little. Honestly, she was a little surprised that he had not come in yet to steal him back. Sighing, she continued to rub Leo's back. "That's exactly what I need for my peace of mind... I need to know that you'd protect Leo over me and Scorpius. Because let's face it, Scorpius wouldn't let you protect him anyway." She grinned a bit. "Thank you, Feyn."
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