Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline grinned and reached up to kiss his cheek. "Of course," she agreed, "We will still have a little while before Draco will be back to take us to the safe house..." She snugged up against him, leaning into his hand as he ran his fingers through his hair. It felt so good to be this close to him, seeing his smile and hearing his heart beat. Sliding her hand up his thigh, she cupped his hard morning erection and grinned. "A shower would be nice... Do you want me to take care of this in there too?" Standing up, she slowly slide out of her clothes, standing naked before him, before moving to the bathroom to turn the shower on.

Hugo let out a sigh of frustration. "Why do you act so insecure all of the time, Feyn? I never said I hated you or thought you were gross. I said I wanted time to clear my head from the information you dropped on me a few nights ago, and I haven't seen my family for months. It was YOU who apparated home in order to get drunk and not talk to me any more about it. I decided to give you space and see my parents while I was at it. If you thought I was going to just leave forever, than you obvious don't know be that well." He stood up and took in her words, letting them sink and in filing them away for when he got back to the manor. "Well, damn, I knew he'd do that..." Turning, he pulled his suitcase out from the bed and began to put his clothes in it, not having taken much. Just enough to get him through a few days. "I'll be back at the manor in half an hour. I want to tell my folks bye."
Scorpius moaned shivering a little as she played with his hair, thrusting up into her hand a little."Hmm that would be very nice."He grinned watching her get up before following after her, stripping out of his pj's as he walked, smiling a little as he stepped into the shower, running his fingers through his hair as he wrapped his arms around her, lowering his head to kiss her lightly."Whatever are you going to do about it?"He purred a little.

Feyn sighed quietly."Because I do.I don't understand how you can't...hate me when I fin myself so disgusting."She said sighing a little, running her fingers through her hair. Hating that she couldn't do better then this. Glancing up at him, she smiled slightly."We've barely been friends for 6 months, I still have my moments of not knowing you well."She sid shrugging a litle as she looked up at him, biting her lip a little. "You don't have to leave... stay for the rest of your visit like you wanted.i just needed to talk to you."She said shrugging a little as she rested a hand on his arms."I'm sorry hugo...I'm still working on how to talk about things."She siad smiling slightly.
Evangeline leaned in to press a kiss to his neck, then the middle of his chest. The water from the shower was making steam pour in around them. "Well, I'm going to do something that I should probably get in before I can no longer get on my knees comfortably," she murmured, smirking. Leaning up, she kissed him full on the lips, letting her tongue explore his mouth before lowering herself down. Her hands started to stroke his thighs and squeeze his buttocks as she leaned in to kiss his stomach and groin. "Are you sure you want me to?" she teased, her tongue lashing out to flick the head of his cock. "I can stop if you'd like."

Hugo sighed and shook his head. "I'm sure they expected I'd be leaving when you walked in the door," he said, waving the thought away. "We should get back anyway. Before your Uncle asks questions." He zipped up his suitcase and looked over at her. "Look, Feyn, I'm a guy. I can see when you are insecure, but I don't always know how to comfort you. I can't assure you twenty-four seven that I think you are the most beautiful, amazing, smartest girl I know - Which you are- so you have to sometimes trust me." He huffed a bit. "I am irritated, yes, but I'm not disgusted. You are the only person who is disgusted with yourself..." He reached out and offered his hand to her. "Come on. Let's go. I'm not good at goodbyes. I'll just write mother when I get back to the manor."
Scorpius raised a eyebrow, moaning quietly as she kissed him, smirking a little."Well, yes this would be difficult while pregnant."He groaned hand tangling in her hair, shivering as she kissed his stomach, his eyes fluttering shut as he felt her tongue on his cock."Any man who'd turn down a blowjob, is insane.And I am definately not insnae."He growled smirking as he looked down at her in amusement.

Feyn sighed a little shrugging biting her lip a little."I know...I'm trying.I trust you more then anyone else....i think I might injure Scorpius for being a ass and saying that..."She said a small smile dimpling her cheek as she leaned up to kiss him gently, slipping her hand into his, squeezing his fingers, irratated with her cousin, but it wasn't his fault she was horrible at handling things."you can't just write to say goodbye.That's rude.I'm good at goodbyes, we'll be okay"She teased a little looking amused as she walked downstairs with him,smiling at his mother.Looking slightly awkward she tilted her head."Goodbye mrs. weasley.Thank you for letting me in."She said wincing at that, feeling slightly odd.
Evangeline laughed a bit and shook her head. "Scorpius, I already am pregnant," she murmured, " Just not miserably so. Not yet." She grinned and leaned in to take him into her mouth, massaging his thighs as her mouth and tongue swirled around his hardened member. She wanted him to feel good; she wanted him to know how attracted she was to him... How much she wanted to be with him. After allowing his cock to penetrate her throat for a few moments, she pulled it out and began to stroke it with her hand; she wanted him to come on her chest, not in her mouth. She had a weird feeling about doing that while pregnant... Not to mention her morning sickness might not like it either.

Hermione nodded, leaning into kiss both of their cheeks. "It was good to see you. Take care of my son, okay?" Hugo blushed at that and rolled his eyes, moving to say good bye to his sister, brother-in-law, and father. Once done, he moved back over to Feyn and grabbed her hand, hugging his mother before apparating back to the Manor. Immediately, he could sense that Draco and Narcissa were gone, along with Lucius. "Where's your uncle?" he asked, "Scorpius and Evangeline?"
Scorpius smiled shivering as he leaned over, resting a handon the wall, letting the water beat aainst his bck to keep it out of her face, whimpering quietly as she pulled back, shivering."This is should go work for voldemort...anyone would talk to just keep feeling this."He muttered gasping a little as he came, the white sticky stuff coating her breasts and stomach as he slumped against the wall with a contented sigh.

"I will."Feyn said snickering at hugo's blush, before looking around the manor before up at hugo."uncle said he had to go out for the day.Something about business to be taken care of."She said frowning a little, because it worried her. Draco had looked worried about leaving, and whatever could worry a usually very self composed and undisturbable man was bound to be bad."And the other two are probably still in bed, since grandfather's not here."She said smirking a little."I don't kknow about grandmother. She was gone when I got up."
Evangeline giggled a bit and stood up, letting the water wash her breasts and stomach off before leaning into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his middle. Her hair was soaking wet down her back, making it nearly a blue-black. "How was that, love?" she whispered, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and then his neck. With her naked front pressed against his, her curved stomach caressed his lower abdominals. She kissed his on the lips, then moved to grab the shampoo, starting to wash her hair with the sweet smelling liquid.

Hugo nodded, walking up the stairs and setting his suitcase inside his room. He heard the water going and smirked. "Oh, I think they are out of bed..." he murmured, laughing a bit before starting to unpack. He got everything in order, cleaning up with his wand, then sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked a little worried at the idea of Draco leaving for business and not saying what he was doing. "I hope it's nothing too dangerous.''
Scorpius smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head as he nuzzled her a little."That was amazing."he muttered shivering as she kissed him, kissing her slowly before smiling as he felt the curve of her stomach pressing against him, stealing the shampoo from her, pouring some into his hand."Now stop. I'm going to be taking care of you."He said looking amused as he started to wash her hair for her.

Feyn nodded a little as they walked inside, laughing."Oh, okay well I still don't want to think about it."She whined wrinkling her nose at the thought of what they were doing before sitting down on the bed, laying back as she rested her head on the pillows. "uncle draco's never reckless. It wont be dangerous. He values his own life to much."She said not realizing just how derailed her uncle had become at the thought of his godfather in jail.That the man was reckless enough to get snape out and away.
Evangeline giggled and moved her hands to his hips, clothing her eyes as she let him massage the shampoo in her hair. "Oh, wow, that feels great..." she whispered, loving every second of it. She loved him, and it said a lot that he was so willing to take care of her and lover her back with there was such a great chance that he was not the real father of her baby... He made her feel safe and less scared, knowing that he'd be around no matter how all of this ended up. "Scor, your father will probably be back soon," she murmured, eyes still closed and not moving to leave the shower despite her words. She blindly reached over for the bar of soap and handed to him. "Body next," she said with a smirk.

Hugo sighed a little bit. "I suppose you're right," he murmured, laying back against the pillows beside her. He reached around and put and arm around her, pulling her close. He pressed a kiss to her hair, deciding that his resentment about Voldemort was pointless to hang on to. This was his life, and she as in it. That's all he really wanted. "I missed you, you know," he said, nuzzling her neck.
Scorpius grinned smiling as he watched her enjoy his washing. He'd showered with other girls before, alot of them, but none of them had managed to make him feel so very protective and special at taking care of them. "So?He makes me wait all the time. He can stand still while I wash you off."He said a smile dimplign his cheek as he knelt at her feet, and starting to clean her off with soft strokes of the washcloth, starting tiwh the feet and working his way up, biting his lip as he reached her hips, glancing up at her. "You sex and all that bad for the baby?"He asked lust and interest darkening his eyes, along with worry. He wanted to please her to, but he didn't want to hurt either mother or child.

"I'm always right. Its just you refuse to admit it."She said smiling as she shifted, relaxing as he pulled her close, resting her head on his chest. Content and relaxed now that hhe was holding her. The last few days of obsessive worry and pointless winding herself up meltling away. Whining quietly in pleasure as he nuzzled her."I missed you you probably know."She muttered blushing hard, embarassed over her reaction to him being gone.
Evangeline moaned as he began to massage the soap into her body, looking down at him with a grin. Her hand moved down to stroke his hair out of his face. "No," she murmured with a smile. "It's perfectly safe, as far as I know... We just have to be careful." She gave him an encouraging nod, grabbing his hands and helping him up off his knees. Immediately, she pressed her slick body against his, her hands moving to his shoulders. "It will be okay," she promised, leaning up to kiss his neck. "If you want..." She was a little nervous that he may be turned off by her, but she really wanted this.

"I did notice," Hugo teased, holding her close. "Believe it or not, I didn't just stew in my hatred for you while I was gone. I love you, Feyn, through thick and thin... You have to remember this, okay? All of the time. Even when the Weasley temper comes out in me, or I need to step away and clear my head." He smiled at her, finally putting his fear behind him. The point was, she didn't love Voldemort. She loved him. "I have something for you," he admitted with a blush, moving out of the bed and grabbing something small out of his suit case. "I'm the first to admit it probably isn't as beautiful as you are used to, but it was my Grandma Weasley's... It's been in the family for several generations...." He blushed a deep red and opened up the box.


"We may never be able to, but I want to know that if everything turns around and we get the chance, I have you to myself," he whispered, "I want you to marry me... eventually." He smirked. "When it's possible. I'm a little selfish, so you can think of it as me claiming you... One day, I want to us to live in some small, cozy house with the smartest damn kids Hogwarts has every seen." He looked up at her with a smile in his eyes. "What do you say?"
Scorpius smirked shivering as he kissed her neck,shifting to wrap his arm around her waist before pressing a kiss to her head head."Now stop being bossy, I'm going to wash you off."He smirked sliding the washcloth down,slipping a hand between her legs, gently touching her fingers playing over her clit, soft and easy, trying to take care of her, and looking slightly worried at the idea of doing this, because he didn't want to hurt her. "I'm always careful."He said smiling as he kissed her.

Feyn flushed, whining a little."Don't tease me. it's bad enough I was being stupid."She whined burying her face against his chest, swallowing hard before nodding."I'll remember."She said raising her head to look at him, tlting her head."You have something for me?"She said looking surprised, because despite the over the top lifestyle she was used to, they didn't randomly give things to each other most of the time. Looking startled as she saw the ring, looking at a loss for words as she stared at the ring. "It's beautiful."She whispered softly blushing as he picked it up, sliding it on before she started a little, realizing she hadn'tgiven him a answer."I will.Definately want to have the smartest kids in hogwarts.And a home."She said smiling so widely her cheeks hurt, jumping on him, yelping as the move knocked them both to the ground. Laughing happily as she snuggled against him.
Evangeline tilted her head back and let out a shaky moan when her clit was caressed. Due to her hormones being in over drive, she was more than a little sensitive. Her hands moved up to brace herself on his shoulders, and she backed up against the wall with her knees spread. "Yes, sir," she murmured, smirking a bit. It was comforting to know how careful he was being. It showed ho much he truly cared about her and the child she was carrying. "Oh, Scorpius, please... more," she whined, trying to keep herself under control. However, her body was not taking lightly to his teasing, her nipples growing hard from arousal. She bit her lip and looked into his eyes.

Hugo laughed and pulled her into his lap, grabbing her hand and holding it in order to look down at his grandmother's ring on her finger. "Perfect fit," he murmured, smirking down at it before looking up at her. He kissed her softly, love and tenderness with each movement of his lips, then pulled back to look at her. "We need to... keep this between us. For now. We can't afford for anyone to find out or anything..." He handed her the blue velvet box that the ring came in. "You might want to keep this, because outside of the house, you won't be able to wear it often." He looked sad at that, but it was true.
Scorpius smirked as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder gently strokingher before nodding"More?You want more of me sweetheart?"He smrrked aaas he palmed her breasts, teasing the hardened nipples before pulling his hnd away from her clit and settling his hands on her hips.Efortlessly picking her up he leaned her against the wall, nudging her legs apart o move betweeen them, gently sliding in,gasping as he paused to let her get used to it.

Feyn grinned as she snuggled against his chest as they at own, kissing him back."I'm not stupid. Of course we cant tell anyone."She said frowning, her eyes sad as she considered why she couldn't tell anyone. Not only because the death eater would freak out to know that a pureblooded wtich was marrying a weasley, but because the dark lord would freak his mistress was marrie. Closing her hand around the boxsh sighed nodding."But I'm not giving it up here.I'm wearing it in the house."She said saddened at the idea they had to hide, even if she understood why.
Evangeline let out a gasp of pleasure, her legs moving to wrap around his waist. "Scorpius!" she moaned, leaning down to kiss him passionately on the mouth. Immediately, she began to roll her hips in to his, wanting more and more of him. As they began to move together, she let out a series of cries and moans that could surely be heard from all ends of the house. She was so hot and wet for him, needing him more than ever, and it definitely did not take long for her to orgasm around him. She pulsed and vibrated around his cock, letting out a scream. It was quite literally the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had; the hormones from the pregnancy was making her act like an absolute bitch in heat.

Hugo smirked and nodded. "Fine," he murmured, "Wear it around the house... But don't go flashing it to your Uncle yet. I'm not sure he really likes me enough to actually claim you as my wife yet." He laughed at that and stood up, pulling her up with him and setting her on her feet. "Speaking of your Uncle, I think I heard him come in," he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Let's go see him and make sure everything is okay..."
Scorpius moaned his hands tight on her hips as he buried his face against her neck."Bloody hell Evan."He muttered panting as he came again, before settling her down onto the floor, making sure she could stand up before he turned off the water and stepped out, offering her a arrogant and self pleased smile as e held out a towel."Come on. Time to get dressed.Father should be here soon."He said leaning over to kiss her again.

Feyn smiled, elbowing him a little."Don't look so put out that I'm actually wearing it. Might make me think you want to marry my family instead of me."She teased, her eyes bright and happy, showing that she was indeed teasing him instead of being serious. "Everythng's always okay with uncle, even when its not."she said snickering a little as they walked downstairs, eyes widening slightly at the sight of her uncle. The man looked rumpled and disordered, his cheek red."Whatever happened to you?"Feyn said as she rushed down the last few steps to look at him. "I ran into your aunt today. Seems that telling her she's a whore wasn't in my best interest."Draco said smirking as he pressed a kiss to her forehead."Have you seen your cousin and evangeline yet?"
Evangeline laughed a bit at the look on his face, reaching up to kiss him back before wrapping the towel around her. She quickly moved across the hall and slipped into a pair of jean (that actually fit), a tank top, and a soft baby blue cardigan. With the cardigan open and the tank hugging her body, the curve of her stomach was prominent. Moving downstairs, she smiled at the sight of Hugo, Feyn, and Draco. "You're back! Is everything okay? Is he at the safe house?"

Hugo looked confused at what she asked Draco, but didn't say anything. He just laughed at the idea of Draco calling Astoria a whore out right. "Well, I was about to say no, but it looks like they are right here," Hugo murmured, smirking a bit. He raised his wand and dried Evangeline's hair for her, and she blushed madly. Apparently, it was very obvious that her and Scorpius were in the shower together. "Are we ready to go?" she asked, practically bouncing in place at the thought of seeing her father after several months. It was just a nice idea to know he wasn't in Azkaban anymore...
Scorpius smirked looking her over before dressing himself and following evangeline downstairs, raising a eyebrow at her father's appearance. Draco nodded a little, glancing at the other two, ot wanting to involve them, since he knew they'd be questioned, but being left in the dark could be as dangerous as being told. "We are."Glancing at hugo and Feyn he smiled slightly."Death eaters should be here any moment, asking about the break in of azkaban.Tell them to wait, and I will be back momentarily."He said running his hand through his hair.

"What?Why-" "Don't. The less you know the better. Now Scorpius, you're staying here with them. This way its a lovers retreat."He smirked at evangeline, holding out a hand."Ready to go?" Feyn frowned looking confused and annoyed that it seemed that Scorpius and Evangeline got to know everything which only made sense if it was snape that draco went after. But the blon was being evasive, and feyn was pissed that he wasn't coming out and saying anything." Draco glanced at his watch then looked at hugo, "When they get here, tell them I'm taking care of business with astoria, and will be home directly."
Evangeline frowned and looked up at him in disappointment. "But you said Scorpius could come..." she murmured, looking saddened at the idea of him not being able to go. Swallowing hard, she sighed, trying to put it aside. He was probably right, but that didn't mean she wasn't disappointed. "We will be back," Evan promised, leaning up to kiss Scorpius' cheek before taking Draco's hand. She let him apparate them to the safe house; a nice, but small house in the middle of no where. He was cozy, but obviously worth money. "Daddy?" she called immediately, letting go of Draco's hand and looking around the house. She suddenly wondered if Draco informed her father that she was pregnant or not...

Hugo sighed after they left, looking puzzled but not disturbed. He knew that Draco would tell them something if they needed to know. "Feyn, get that look off your face," he murmured, pulling her into his side and leading her down the stairs. "He wouldn't leave us out of something if he didn't really think it was safer for us to not know." He kissed her head and looked up at Scorpius. "Are you going to be okay?"
"He will.eventually. If I send my son away right now, voldemort wil know that I had something to do with this, and was hiding him away."Draco muttered."I promise, I will send him to you, soon."He said apparating, looking around the room as he watched father and daughter. "Evan?Evan?"Snape looked relieved and despite draco's assurances that she was fine, more then fine, surprised to see his daughter as he hobbled out of the living room. While he wasn't a well man, he was looked better then the last time she had seen him."Evan."He muttered breathing a sigh of relief as he held out his arms for her.

Feyn frowned looking annoyed but shaking her head."I know. It just annoys me to not know something."She said shrugging a little. "I'll be fine. She's safer out of the house, at least for now, and espicially in her...condition."He muttered as he heard the sound of people apparating in. The fact that they were said it was his grandfather and maybe the dark lord himself returning to the manor. Feyn braced herself, slipping her ring off and putting it in hugo's hand before bracing herself to go downstairs and talk to them. "Grandfather."She said smiling widely, kissing the man's cheek. "FEyn."Lucius said looking annoyed at not seeing his son right away, and with the weasley and his own grandson trailing after her,"Where is your uncle?" "He has taken his mudblood out to the country house for a private weekend."
Evangeline grinned and walked into her father's arms, wrapping her arms around his middle and hugging him close. "Oh, Daddy, you look so much better," she whispered, kissing his cheek. A couple tears rolled down her face, just so happy to have him safe when she needed him the most. Pulling back, she gave him a smile and started to pull him toward the homey little kitchen. "Come on, let's have some tea," she murmured, grabbing a tea kettle and starting to boil some water. She was so not ready to break the news to her father that she was pregnant, so she was trying to put it off by making him feel more comfortable. "The safe house is nice, Draco," she commented, looking out the kitchen window to see a little rose garden with a stone bench in the middle. Once the water was boiled, she made the tea and poured them all a cup. "How do you feel?" she asked her father, sitting in a chair beside him.

Narcissa came through the entry way of the house, mysteriously home after being gone all morning. "Morning, Sweetheart, what are you doing in from France?" she murmured, looking worried. She wasn't though. She knew exactly what was going on... "I was just packing my things to come see you for the weekend, and I was so excited to see Paris like you promised," she murmured with a kiss on his cheek. She looked at the teens and smiled. "Draco and his whore have been gone most of the week. The stress of the divorce led him to leave and clear his head."
Severus smiled a little, gently wiping the tears away."I feel better, though I still have a few broken ribs."He said moving to sit down, looking amused as she fussed around making tea, looking up at draco,"What about you?I assume there's a reason you had your mother come after me, instead of coming yourself." "Of course."Draco smirked a little,"i had to very publicly get in a fight with my ex-wife, seeing as I'd be the one they first thought would get you out."He shrugged before nodding, looking out the window."It is.And the house is untraceable, but close enough to salem, mass. that if you need anything, town is close enough.And here, there are not alot of witches and wizards in the states, you will be safe here."He muttered overexplaining because he felt horrible about refusing to let scorpius come, or able to stay himself. Severus smiled sipping his tea as he rested a hand on his daughter's."I am sore, but draco's healing charms have taken care of that. Anything else, will heal with time."He said looking her over."What about you?How are you?"

Lucius frowned a little at his wife, tilting his head."My dear, it seems that Severus Sanape has been broken out of Azkaban.I came home to speak to draco, since it seems possible that he would be noble and stupid enough to break him out."Lucius' mouth twisted into a dark frown at considering how very unlike him his son was. Smiling a little though at his wife,"And I am pleased to be able to show you paris. As soon as I talk to draco." "He said he was coming home today, he has to be in court tomorrow."Feyn said looking at her cousin and hugo."Come on, we should probably get some studying done."She said starting to walk away, and biting her lip to keep from running away from her overbearing, frightening grandfather.
"It's perfect, Draco. Really," Evangeline promised, giving him a smile and squeezing her father's hand. "I'm glad you're feeling better... You look better." She was just so relieved, considering all she did when laying in bed at night was worry about him. Sighing, she blushed at this question and bit her lip. She looked down nervously at there interlocked hands. "Daddy, I'm pregnant," she admitted, "Four months along. We're both healthy and everything..." She looked up at him with a hopeful expression, not wanting him to be angry at her over this. She really needed his support more than anything. "Narcissa has hired a trustworthy Healer to do check ups and help with the birth. They made a vow in order to not tell anyone on the Dark side," she assured.

Narcissa looked up at him with widened eyes. "Severus? Really? Oh, Lucius, I don't think Draco had anything to do with that," she admitted, "Bellatrix just sent me an owl saying that Draco was in town getting things to stock the country house with, and he got into a pretty public blunder with Astoria... So it couldn't have been him." She took his hand and led him toward the tea room. "Come now, Lucius, I'll get you a drink and then we can head into Paris..." She kissed him gently. "I'm sure Voldemort has already figured everything out. Besides, he needs you in France."

Hugo walked up the stairs with Scorpius and Feyn, shutting the door behind them before snickering. "Your grandmother is quite the actress..." He admitted, laughing a bit. He moved to sit on the edge of Feyn's bed and leaned back on his hands.
Draco smiirked a little looking amused as he watched the two. "What?"Severus sputtered a little, looking surprised at her revelation, before glancing up at his godson."You fool." "Hey, you should be glad I'm a fool, otherwise you would still be in jail."Draco scowled a little. "You still took a chance." "I take chances all the time. She's staying here, so it's less of a chance of anyone but the kids, and mother, knowing whats going on."Draco said rolling his eyes a little. Severus sighed looking at his daughter, looking worried."You feel okay?What can I do to help?"He muttered gently stroking her hair out of her face, looking so worried about her.

Lucius frowned,"That boy is going to give me a heart attack, first he's uncoth enough to get divorced, and then he publicly brawls with her?Narcissa, we have raised a idiot."He muttered letting her lead him through the hall though, kissing her back, wrapping his rms round her."Maybe we should work on another heir, and get rid of the one we have."He muttered, and while it might shock some, it was a common occurrance in the malfoy household to be hearing Lucius threatening his son's life. And it was true, but the thing that saved draco over the years, he was well loved by a dark lord who didn't have many favorites. Except for that favoritism, someone would have found draco in a shallow grave years ago.

Feyn snickered nodding as she headed into her small personal library,"She is. its why moron over there-" "Hey, just because you're angry with me, doesn't mean you get to call me names." Scorpius said as he sat down next to hugo, looking bemused at feyn's sesarch"Shut up scorpius."Feyn said returning to the bedroom with a mapbook of the us, settling on the bed between the two men to look through it. "As I was saying, its why Scorpius was born six months after the wedding, instead of 9, because grandmother had convinced uncle that he couldn't get married because it would kill her to see her little boy get married...of course, that didn't stop him from having sex...and then they had to get married."Feyn said snickering.
Evangeline nodded and leaned into his hand. "I feel fine," she promised, "I've been well taken care of." She gave him a smile, even if there was some worry to it, and sighed. "And I'm going to be staying with you. It will be great. There haven't been many times in my life that we've been able to live together.... Scorpius is coming soon, too, right?" She turned to Draco to reassure her father on everything, then placed her hand on her stomach. "Daddy, you should also be aware of... everything," she murmured, blushing a deep red. "There are... a couple possibilities on who the father is. Lucius forced me into a sexual... favor a few months ago." She was trying to avoid the word "rape" as much as she could, because it made her feel dirty and sad. It wouldn't break her heart to know that her baby was born of something so cruel and disgusting. Looking down with embarrassment, she took a sip of her tea.

"There there, Lucius, we are getting too far into our lives to think of a new baby," Narcissa insisted, handing him a stiff drink before sitting in his lap. She kissed his cheek. "After all, he have a good grandson. He maybe be a tad softer than we like, but he's far more grounded and strong that Draco. He needs some guiding, of course, but he will be well suited for carrying out the Malfoy name." She was lying and she knew it. Scorpius was just as sympathetic and kind as his father, maybe even more so. However, Scorpius had a talent for hiding it, and that was what Narcissa hoped would keep him alive.

Hugo looked up at Scorpius with amusement. "Say it ain't so... The Malfoy heir was conceived out of wedlock. What a shame," he teased, shaking his head. He laughed a bit and looked down at the map, wondering exactly where they should start... Alaska, maybe? Some where remote or not obvious. "Whoa, whoa, whoa.... Wait a second. Didn't Evangeline say one time that her birth mother lived in the States?" His eyebrows creased together, knowing that he was probably being stupid. He was taking a shot in the dark at something that would be completely unorthodox. "You think the two might be related?"
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