Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius frowned before laughing a little."Well, eating grandmother's food will do that to a person. Father got fat for awhile wen he was younger.I ahve pictures."He said smirking because draco malfoy had always been rail thin and lean, no matter how much he ate. "I think I'm going to name know, she does look like a onyx."He grinned though still looking worried about her as he petted haven's head as the stallion nudged against his back."Onyx, gwendolyn and haven. They all go together."He said amused watching the small family together.

Feyn smiled, resting her hands on her hips as she watched him, having gained enough weight to be stacked and curvy, instead of just thin. Crossing the room she sank to her knees, hands resting on his thighs as she raised a eyebbrow."Are you sure you dont' have work to be doing?I'd hate to be intrupting something just to suck you off."She said, flushed and beautiful teasing him as she startled undoing his slacks,gently easing his cock out, fingers stroking over his cock. Lowering her head she pressed a kiss to the tip ,rolling her eyes to look up at him,taking her time as she slid her mouth down over him.
Evangeline laughed a little. "I seriously doubt your father was any where close to fat," she murmured, rolling her eyes. As she looked on at the little horse family, she leaned into her lover and wrapped her arms around his waist. It was pretty cold out, for she could see her breath in the air. Since they had admitted their love to each other, she was starting to grow more and more attached to the youngest Malfoy. Of course, they could only act that way when they were alone. "So you still think I'm attractive, right?" she asked, looking up at him with an arched eyebrow. She wanted the truth, because by the reaction of Draco, she seemed to have been the last person to notice her slightly rounder stomach.

"I don't need any of your back talk," Voldemort warned in a low voice, his head leaning back to rest on the back of the chair. Reaching down, her fist a hand in her hair, making her take his cock deeper in to her throat for a few moments. He let out a moan before pulling her off of him by the hair, not wanting to cum to early. "Get up," he snapped, "I want you to strip down... slowly." He grinned at that, leaning down to kiss her hard before moving back to his relaxed position, ready for the show.

Narcissa came into Draco's room with a tray of tea, setting it down and pouring the both a couple. She gave him a smile. "I thought you'd like a break from work," she murmured, nodding to his case files. With a sigh, she sat down in one of the chairs in the sitting area, looking happy to be off her feet for the morning. She had been doing quite a bit of cleaning lately to keep her mind off of her husbands sour attitude. It was getting hard to even be around him any more... "You looked awfully deep in your thoughts, Sweetheart," she murmured, taking a sip of her hot spiced tea.
"He most definately was."Scorpius said snickering because they both knew it wasn't true. Wrapping a arm round her, he smiled, pressing a kiss to her hair."Of course. no matter what you look like, you are you."He muttered catching her free hand in his, pressing a kiss to her fingers. "Always attractive."he muttered nuzzling her a little, smiling as onyx moved over to them, pressing up against evangeline's legs.

Feyn laughed t his words, but taking the words to hair. Yelping as she was jerked up she stood, tilting her head as she rested her hands on her hips."How slowly my lord?"She muttered raising her foot, resting the boot on the chair between his legs, bending over and giving him a good look down the corset top as she slid the zipper down the knee high boots, taking her time undressing. When she was done with the garters and boots she stepped back, splaying her fingers across her stomach,drawing attention to the heaving breasts as she moved up, sliding the zipper down, moaning quietly as her brests spilled free, letting the last of her clothes fall to the floor as she looked at him."Pleased my lord?"She muttered turning slowly in a circle so he could look her over before stepping closer.

Draco smiled at his mother, "I would."He said setting the files aside as he joined his mother in the sitting area, leaning back in his seat as he studied his mother."..Evangeline's pregnant."He said after a few minutes, staring out the window as he sipped his tea."A few months along as far as I can tell."He said, the thought of her being a few months along was what scared him, not the fact that she was pregnant. If she was that far along, it left three malfoy men in the running, not 2.
Evangeline bit her lip, a smile creeping over he face. There was so much love in her eyes for this boy; a boy that was so arrogant and womanizing when she met him. Apparently, that was just a front for Scorpius Malfoy. The world may never see how truly sweet and kind he was, but she was honored that he let her see that side of him. Tilting her head up, she pressed a kiss to his lips, the giggled and pulled away at the feeling Onyx's head nudging her thigh. "Awe, hey there, cutie," she murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to the horses nose. She pet her gently, admiring her beautiful coloring. Her father had apparently been right. Onyx turned out to be a gorgeous foal. 

Voldemort growled with lust, licking his lips as he watched her breasts bounce down from the restrains of the corset. "Ah, I love a woman who begs," he murmured, standing up and smirking. He moved to turn her around, directing her toward the hallway and standing behind her. Her hands moved over her stomach, up toward her breasts. He squeezed them gently, then pinched her nipples. "It was good of you to put some weight on... I love it when a woman's breasts fill my hands... I can't imagine how plump they would get if I impregnated you." He smirked and licked the skin behind her ear. "Follow me to the bedroom, kitten, and crawl like a good pet should."

Narcissa nearly dropped her tea cup. "Merlin, Draco, how could you be so careless?" she whispered, looking more concerned than angry. "You should have sterilized her like the Dark Lord requested." Her face paled, because she was thinking the same thing he was; Evangeline would most definitely be giving birth to a Malfoy child. The question was which Malfoy... "Voldemort has strict rules, Draco. He will not appreciate a muggle born reproducing." She put her hand over her heart, because she knew there were two possibilities: Voldemort would either kill her now, or he'd kill the child after it was born. "I can help her take a test. You never know... Your suspicions may be wrong," she murmured optimistically, "And if you aren't, the news might be best broken from another woman...?"

Scorpius smiled a little as he watched them, pressing a kiss to her
hair.Leaning down to kiss her slowly he ran his fingers through her
hair, laughing as onyx pressed against her, demanding more attention.
Scorpius swallowed hard resting a hand on the small foal's back,"She's
a rarity,evan...I don't know if I'll be able to protect her from
voldemort..."he said looking worried because voldemort had a
reputation for loving rare things.

Feyn flushed as she watched him walk towards her, shivering as he
touched her, leaning back against him, her back arching as he pinched
her nipples."ohh I could only wish to be so lucky my carry
your child."She muttered panting softly, shivering in pleasure when he
licked her. Swallowing as she watched him move away from her she sank
to her knees, crawling after him, wet and aroused at the command in
his voice. When they reached the bedroom she sat back on her heels
looking up at him."Where do you want me to go my lord?"She asked her
hands resting on the edge of the bed, her skin fairly glowing in the
candlelight. To distract by arousal and need to look for horcruxes at
the moment. Counting on that she'd be able to focus later.

Draco winced looking down at his cup,swallowing hard."I know...I...I
was careless, in a way I'm not usually."He muttered biting his lip,
because he didn't know how he'd managed to be that careless.
WAit...yes he did. He cared for her loved her, and his son was the
same. He couldn't rob a teenager of the chance to have a child of her
own,even if he had risked everything for it."Do it....she might
consider it easier to hear from you then me."He said staring down
because he was so lost and confused. With his divorce days from being
finilized he was even more torn up and ripped apart, no matter how
much he tried to hide it, he missed astoria. He might not love her
anymore,but that didn't stop him from missing her
- Show quoted text -
Evangeline swallowed hard, looking up at him with a sudden surge of pain in her eyes. "We will protect her," she insisted, shaking her head. She gently pet the foal, not realizing how ironic the situation was. Not only were they going to have to fear for Onyx, but she was soon going to have to fear for her unexpected, unborn child... Turning, she put her hands on either side of his face, her thumbs stroking his cheek. "It's too late to start giving up, Scorpius. We are going to get through all of this, even if we have to change the world to do so." She gave him a determined look; there was no question that she was willing to fight.

"Of course you would be honored to have my child, if I do decide to choose you." Voldemort began to take off his own clothes, though his eyes stayed on her. "On the bed," he murmured, "On your back. Legs spread as far as you can." With that, he moved over to his wardrobe where he kept his toys, for he could never have "loving" sex. It was always about lust and testing limits. With a flick of his wand, her wrists were bound to the bed posts, her her legs stayed free. When he came back to the bed, he began to apply what looked like a simply muggle body oil. However, it was used to make her body heat up and become ten times more sensitive to touch. It was supposed to get her more turned on than a wanton whore... "You are very lucky, Kitten. There are not many woman who get to enjoy my bed... Most of them are fucked on beds and other furniture, but it takes a special little slut to get in my bed..." He rubbed the oil into her breasts, letting it make her tingle and become sensitive, then went down to her stomach and thighs, then back between her legs. One of his fingers came in contact with her anus. "Have you been used here before?" he asked, eyebrow arched.

Narcissa looked upset, but not angry. She knew her son was a loving man, and unlike her husband, she valued that in him. Reaching over, she grabbed his hand. "I will take care of her... And we will hide it for as long as we can. That's if you... wouldn't want to take care of the situation immediately." It broke her heart to say such a thing, but this was a hard situation. Voldemort didn't take kindly to mudbloods having more mudbloods. It was against everything he believed in. And to be honest, Narcissa didn't have much faith that she would be allowed to live to give birth... "Does Scorpius know?" she asked, for she knew that there was a bond between the two. However, she had no idea they had been sexually active. She assumed this was between Draco and Lucius.
Scorpius smiled a little as he looked down at her, looking amused at her words, closing his eyes as he leaned into her hands."We'll change the world then."He muttered before stepping back, pressing a kiss to her forehead."Come on, we better head back inside... no need to give grandfather a reason to be upset in case he catches us..."He muttered slipping a arm around her waist as he tugged her back towards the house.

Feyn flushed embarassed at his demand as she climbed on the bed, letting her legs fall open, fear flickering through her eye sas se was bound, hands fisting as she resisted the urge to tug at her hands. She could do this, she wouldn't freak out. This was her first attempt at sex since she'd been raped, so he was trying so hard, because she feared if she failed now, she'd fail later with hugo, who was who she really wanted to be with. Gasping in pleasure as he spread the body oil on, she whimpered as she squirmed. "oohh I am a special little slut my lord, pureblood and young..."She muttered gasping, squirming, growing wetter as he touched her breasts."please oh please my lord..."She whispered pleasure tightening her body as he touched her, helping in surprise at the touch to her anus, squirming back from te touch."N-no my lord."She stuttered, fear of the touch there overwhelming everything else for a moment.

Draco curled his fingers around narcissa's, sighing quietly. Wincing at her words he nearly dropped the cup before regaining his composure." I wont do that. Not... not yet."He said swallowing because he knew they might have to, but he'd put it off as long as he could. Wincing at his mother's words he shook his head, paling even more because it scared him to know what his son would do if he did know."N-no. Not yet.Talk to her first, then if we must, we will tell scorpius."He said pain in the words, because he knew how ugly it was going to get.
Evangeline sighed, not looking happy at the idea of leaving the sweet little foal behind, but deciding she was safe with Gwendolyn and Haven. They both had protective natures, it seemed. She leaned into them as they walked back to the manor, not looking excited to have to separate from him again. At least she had Draco, who she was just as comfortable around. And while she may not be in love with Draco the same way she loved Scorpius, there was still a love there... After giving Scorpius a slowly, passionate kiss, she moved into Draco's room. She was a little surprised to see Narcissa, and their expressions made her frown. "W-what's wrong?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Narcissa gave her a strained smile. "Come now, Sweetheart, I was just coming up here to tell Draco that you need a check up with the doctor... I want to make sure you're all in working order." With that, she stood up and led a confused Evangeline out of the room and toward a guest room. She had called a Healer in to give Evangeline a thorough test, which involved a lot of probing, a few charms, and a wizard pregnancy test. It was a lot like a muggle pregnancy test, but it involved what color the woman's urine turned after a certain spell...

A few hours later, Narcissa came into Draco's bedroom and sighed, looking very tired and distraught. "She's pregnant. Four months a long," she murmured, frowning at her son. "She is inconsolable... I was hoping that you might try your hand at calming her down." She nodded toward the third floor stair case, which led to a bunch of guest rooms that were rarely used. She knew she'd be safe form Lucius' eyes up there, because he never went up there. Before he passed her, she grabbed his arm. "Remember Draco, she is young. Too young to have thought about becoming a mother, so she's shell-shocked at the idea. She's scared... As much as I would like to warn her about the things to come, it just isn't the time." With that, she kissed his cheek and let him go.

Voldemort nodded carefully. "Good," he murmured, then trailed his fingers back up toward her pussy. He plunged a finger in and grinned with satisfaction. "Good. Still tight... Not used for... Three? Four months?" He sawed his fingers in and out of her, getting the sensitivity oil all over her womanhood. He crawled on top of her, nudging his cock against her. His mouth came down to her ear. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, Kitten, that you will barely be able to walk back to the fireplace to floo out of here," he whispered with a throaty chuckle. "And while you lay in bed at night, you won't be able to get your mind off me..." And with that, he plunged inside of her, all the way to the hilt. He was not easy, not the way he rolled his hips said he was talented.
Hours later draco looked upset as narcissa stepped into his room, upset but not surprised as eh bowed his head a little to let her kiss his cheek. Swallowing har he thought for a moment, wanting to tell scorpius,but knowing that evangeline needed the time to recover from the shock of being pregnant. He needed to deal only with one of them at a time, knowing that scorpius was going to freak out badly when he found out. heading upstairs he swallowed hard as he stepped into the room his mother had put her in, looking worried as he walked in, glad that his father would be otherwise occupied for the night."Evangeline?"He said squinting a little as he stepped into the room.

Feyn whimpered a little as he touched her, squirming, wet and wanting needing more as he rubbed the oil into her, her hips bucking as she tried to get more, the oil and his touch driving her insane."Please my lord, please.I want you"Se whimpered gasping, eyes going wide as he thrust into her, pain filing her eyes as she tried to adjust to his size, whimpering as pleasure overwhelmed pain as the oil forced her to enjoy the touch, and damn he was good to. "Please!Please fuck me harder...however you want.."She whimpered begging. driven insane in her quest to get touched.So relieved that he wasn't leaving her hanging like he'd done the last time, nearly sobbing in relief at being fucked. She'd be embarassed later, for now, she was to far gone to care
Evangeline was in the middle of the guest bed, her knees drawn up to her chest, and her head between them. Her shoulders were shaking, and her sobs could be heard from the doorway. She was scared. So, so scared... What would happen to this baby? She was young and not quite ready to be a mom, but she'd do whatever it took for this child. She'd care for it and love it as much as heart would allow, but this baby was being brought into a world where it would eventually be treated like dirt. Bless its little soul if it's a girl... It would be damned to a life like her own. And midst all the worry, she wanted her father more than anything... Because she was scared and alone. Because this child could be any of the three Malfoy men's child, and she was just so positive that they would all be upset about it in their own right... This sealed her fate. "Draco?" she whispered between sobs, lifting her head up to look at him.

Voldemort hammered away at her, grunting with each thrust and holding her hips in a bruising force. He continued to fuck her heart and fast, no love making in the process, and came with a roar of dominance. His hot seed spilled inside of her before he thought twice about pulling out, and his eyes moved to look down at her. "Well, Kitten," he panted, leaning down to lick at one of her nipples. "You may get your chance at carrying by child after all." He grinned and pulled out of her, letting her out of her bonds. "Clean yourself up and leave... I will call on you again within the week." With that, he cleaned her cock of her juices and slid on his robe.
Draco winced a little as he saw just how very upset she was. Wishing he could help her, make this better Crossing the room in a few quick steps he crawled into the bed with her, pulling hte blanket up around them both as he drew the blanket up around them, pressing a kiss to her head."Yes love?You're going to give yourself a headache sweetheart.Calm."He muttered stroking her back, rocking her gently, trying to relax her.

Feyn screamed as his came both in pleasure and pain, colapsing back aginst the bed, shivering as he licked her, shivering harder as her body shattered, trembling as she came. She wasn't as bad off as she had been before though. the oil still holding her on edge, she'd be ready for sex for hours.Trembling a little she watched him get up as she collasped back on the bed she nodded."Y-yes my lord.Goodnight my lord."She said sounding unsteady as she watched him clean up before cleaning herself up and showing herself out, pausing only long enough to get a look around as she cleaned herself. Shivering as she walked back through the manor, flushed with embarassment at both walking only in lingerie, and because of how she knew she had to look.Steppign into her room she braced herself to face hugo, not sure if she could stand to see him when it was so obvious at how on edge she still was, and knowing that it wasn't just for the man she really wanted, but a dark lord who could play her body like a violin.
Evangeline pressed her face into his chest and cried, her tears soaking through his shirt. "How can I be calm, Draco?" she snapped, "There is nothing to be calm about... There is a child inside of me - a child that could have one of three fathers, all in the same family - that is being brought into this nasty, unfair world." One of her hands strayed down to her stomach, as if she was trying to comfort the unborn baby. "And the moment Narissa told me, I was in love with this baby and that scares the hell out of me..." She was cut off by another fit of sobs, unable to continue. What were they going to do? How were they going to save this child? Because Evangeline knew one thing - That the safety of this child was so much more important than her own now.

Hugo jerked awake when she came into the room, reaching up to rub his eyes. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I tried to stay up for you, but I didn't sleep much last night..." He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "How are you?" he whispered, reaching out for her hand. Honestly, all he wanted to know was that he had not hurt her, that she was a safe and not harmed.
Draco sighed softly as he buried his face against her hair, rocking her gently. "I know but you're going to make yourself sick if you keep crying like this."he muttered stroking her hair before shudding a little at the reminder of three different possiblities."I know....I'm sorry evangeline.I...I was reckless. ishouldn't have have given you the option...I'm sorry."He muttered starting to cry to, to upset over recent events to calm down, and shed' snapped at him. And this was all is fault. If only he'd done the intelligent thing and taken care of it, but he'd been ruled by his soft heart, and not taken the option of children away from her.

"Its okay."Feyn said smiling a little."I didn't sleep well either."She said slipping her hand into his and squeezing before stepping away. Changing into a pair of pj's she blushed a little. She knew she'd promised him things,but at the moment she wanted nothing more to be held in a pair of sweats and t-shirt,needing to feel normal, and if that led to sex...well they'd see. limbing in bed with him, she shifted snuggling down with him with a sigh."I'm fine.Just...out of sorts."She muttered shivering a little as the cloth rubbed over oversensitive skin, squirming a ittle. Wondering just how long that body oil would last, and hoping it stopped soon.
Evangeline forced herself to take deep breaths, trying to calm herself down a but. She looked up at him with glassy eyes, frowning at his tears. She's never seen his cry and it hurt to know that she was the reason... "I don't blame you, Draco," she murmured gently, reaching up to wipe under his eyes. "You didn't force me into sex, neither did Scorpius... If this situation was different, I'd be overjoyed... But this is just the most awful time to bring a child in the world; that's if I even live through my third trimester." She paled at that and tilted her chin up to kiss him softly. "What are we going to do?" She whispered, " Does Scorpius know?" Her hands started shake at the thought of how upset he would be...

Hugo grinned a bit and moved to circle his arms around her. Leaning down, he began to kiss her neck gently. "You look good," he murmured "you didn't let him break you down..." He rubbed her back and moved to kiss her lips, sucking on her bottom lip.
Draco sighed a little as he nuzzled her hand a little, looking worried at the idea of her dying before starting to laugh."Have yo useen things flying?Scorpius would have torn apart a room if he knew."He snickered looking amused because he knew his son was totally going to lose his mind at this. IT was going to devastate his son. He just knew it.

Feyn shivered a little whimpering quietly as he kissed her neck, flushing as her body started to respond to him,encouraged even more by the oil."I tried not to."She muttered turning her head, moaning as she kissed him back, biting down on his lip slightly whining as she rested a leg over his hips. Even sore from the rough taking, she still wanted him.
Evangeline frowned and raised her head. "Will he really be that mad?" She whimpered, so worried Scorpius would resent her for this... Sighing, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. The cry had worn her out, it seemed, and she knew being this upset wouldn't be good for the baby she was carrying. Her hand moved down to run her stomach, the small curved bulge making a lot more sense... "I want my father out of Azkaban before the baby is born," she said tiredly, "We have to find a way..."

Hugo laughed a bit and rolled her over, settling between her legs and on top of her. He rested up on his elbows and leaned down to kiss her passionately, his clothed groin rubbing against her's. it wasn't his choice to have sex with her right after she had sex with Voldemort, but he also wanted her to feel wanted. After all, he was in love with the girl...
"He'll be that worried.And pissed that he wont be able to change everything."he muttered turning his head to press a kiss to her head as he laid back, closing his eyes. Relaxing fully before sighing softly."I now the boys have been working on a idea...I'll just have to talk to them.We'll get him out evan."He muttered pressing a kiss to her hair, closing his eyes."Now lovely, rest. you've worn yourself out."He teased a little yawning himself.

Feyn moaned, her legs settled against his hips, moaning as she kissed him back, fingers diving into his hair, holding him close, kissing him slowly, whimpering as he rubbed against her. Pulling back she looked up at the man on her, worry flairing through her eyes s she stroked his hair out of his face."...we don't have to,love."she muttered looking worried that he was doing this just because she needed to forget for a moment, that she'd just been screaming in escasty under a man so cruel that part of the turn on was knowing he'd never care what she brought out a whole new side to the submissive woman.
Evangeline sighed and nodded, deciding not to raise anymore questions tonight. She simply decided to rest with him, closing her eyes... Oddly enough, she had a beautiful dream; a dream of their improbable happy ending with a sweet, healthy baby, her father, and no voldemort or Lucius or mckinze.

Hugo shook his head and leant down to kiss her. "I want to," he whispered, moving to kiss her. Contrasting Voldemort greatly, he simply slid her sweat pants down, unbuttoned his pants, and slipped inside of her gently. Making love to her, he kissed her neck and took it slow... Within a few minutes, he let out a satisfied moan and spilled his seed inside of her... "I love you, feyn," he whispered, nuzzling her as he began to drift to sleep.
in the morning Scorpius grined as he pounded up the stairs in search of the missing two"Hey you two, what the hell are you doing up here?Is he that boring at sex you had to change locations?"Scorpius said pushing open the door, way to awake for first thing in the morning. Draco graoned shifting closer to evangeline, pressing his face against her shoulder."Make him go away." "I make fun of you and that's all I get?Are you sick?" "SCorpius, shut up."Draco muttered raising his head to look at his son with a sleepy glare.

FEyn yawned moaned quietly as she sihfted,feeling hugo responding to her, not believing that they'd managed to stay exactly how theyd fallen asleep all night, feeling him grow hard against her, she squirmed, nuzzling him a little."Sleep well?"She teased shifting, snuggling against the man who was making her feel safe and loved just by laying on her, hiding her from the world, blocking out the world to the point all she knew was him.
Evangeline rolled over at the sound of Draco and Scorpius' voices. She sat up, looking at Scorpius through red-rimmed eyes. She gave him a smile, but it was obvious that she wasn't happy. Not even close. "Hey," she whispered, swallowing a little. She looked over at Draco and sighed. "Can you give us a few minutes to talk?" she asked quietly. She knew he needed to know before it got so late that it looked like she was hiding it from him. He deserved to know.

"I have a crick in my neck, but other than that, yes," Hugo murmured with a smirk, leaning down to kiss her before rolling off and on to his back. He rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn. "While you were gone last night, Evangeline and Draco pretty much disappeared for a while. I hope nothing dramatic happened. But I saw Scorpius in the dining room for dinner, and he didn't act like anything was wrong." He shrugged and sat up, happy to see a tray of breakfast in front of him.
Draco groaned, whining as he rolled on his back."I guess."He muttered sitting up, before leaning over to kiss her forehead."I'll be downstairs."He muttered before heading out.Scorpius frowned tilting his head. "You look worried about something."he said running his fingers through his hair, looking anxious as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, fussing with her hair as he brushed it out of her face."What's up?"he muttered.

"Well good."Feyn smiled laughing as she rolled away sitting up as she started to eat, snuggling down into the bed with a happy sigh as she ate. "Well,if something had happened, we would have heard scorpius howling by now. He wouldn't be quiet for long if he was upset."she said though she looked a little worried. Shaking her head, forcing herself to not think about it, nibbling on a bite of toast."voldemort made another ring. A horcrux I mean."she said looking over at him.Even as distracted as she had been the night before, her mind had filed away the necklace the man had been wearing for later.A slender chain with a single ring, a almost exact copy of the first horcrux ring.It made sense that after losing the first, he kept the second close."I think it was anyways..."
Evangeline looked up at him, looking incredibly guilty, then finally leaned into his arms. She pressed her face to her neck, her mouth right by his ear. Her cheek was wet with worried tears against his collar bone. "I'm pregnant, Scorpius," she whispered to him, hiding her face for a few moments before pulling back to face his reaction. She bit her lip. "I'm sorry... I didn't even dream this would happen. It's why I've been gaining weight, apparently... I'm four months along, and according to your grandmother's doctor, the baby and I are really healthy." She reached up to wipe her eyes, getting ready to face his disappointment. It hurt to think that there was no way of changing all of this. She was now in danger, along with her baby, and whoever the father was was going to be in grave danger as well.

"Yea, you're right," Hugo agreed, "We'd know if he's upset. He doesn't seem good at hiding anger..." He shrugged and took a sip of his orange juice, grinning at what she said. "Feyn, that's great," he said, "That means we possibly no the location of one more horcrux... Of course, we still don't know how many he has. But if you go by mine and Scorpius' research, than he has around ten these days..."
scorpius bowed his head wrapping his arms around her, closing his eyes as he held her. Shuddereing a little at his words he looked worried, gently pressing a kiss to her head." it sad I kinda want grandfaather to be the father, just so he can get his ass kicked?"He muttered going for a joke because he didnt 'know what else to think, looking pale and sick as he tightened his hold on the girl in his arms. Looking moments away from passing out. Poor, poor scorpius was so overwhelmed at the idea of her being pregnant, that he had no way to handle it and his body was reverting to shutting down to maek him crash so he wouldn't have to.

"Oh no, he's very bad at it. Sort of like uncle, and grandfather. They're all very loud and in your face when they're annoyed about something."Feyn said laughing a little, nodding as she looked at him."Well, we know where this one is. I don't know howto figure out where the others are, but he didn't take this one off....even during...."She flushed before smiling a little."I bet if he's keeping one close, he has the others closeby, or locked away."
Evangeline sighed, moving to crawl into his lap and hug him closer. She kissed his cheek, hating that she was putting him in such a position... Never had she felt like such an awful person. "You remember what you told me yesterday?" she whispered, "We are going to change the world." She held him tight, and there was no doubt how much she loved and needed him at the moment. Because part of her knew that if it was Lucius' child, she be so heartbroken over it. And if it was Draco's, she'd be relieved... But if it was Scorpius's baby, she would feel hopeful. Maybe everything would fall into place. "I love you," she murmured, "And I wish that I wasn't bringing this on you..."

Hugo nodded, taking her words into consideration. "You're right. He would keep them close by... And yet, I have this feeling that he also might keep them in places that no one would expect. Hell, he may take them to the States or something. He's a smart man, after all." He shrugged a bit and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "What do you want to do today? It's the weekend," he said with a smirk, "So I suppose anything is fair game."

Narcissa went into Draco's room, an uneasy smile on her lip. "You're in luck," she murmured to her son, "Evangeline will be a little safer... Voldemort has sent your father to France with a few other death eaters to speed up to process in France. Seems the french are still fighting hard... Anyway, he should be gone for a few months. He won't be visiting, because I've offered to go over there on weekends to see him. He seemed content with that." She sighed a bit, and handed him a few shopping bags. "Evangeline needs more clothes, and clothes she can grow in to, so I went to town and picked her up some things. Feyn and Astoria's clothes won't fit for much longer."
Scorpius shuddeed hugging her tighter against him, wrapping a arm around her waist, settling her tighter against him as she nuzzled her a little sighing quietly."Iknow. We will. The worlld will change, I will make it safe you you and the baby."He muttered though he sounding out of sorts, and worried.After all he knew just kuje she did that there was as much chance it was his grandfather's as much as it was his."i love you to."She muttered kissing her gently."And I do to, but its happening, and we willfigure it out."

Feyn sighed a little looking thoughtful."Well damn, he might have. He's smart enough to be really confusing."she said pouting because it just couldn't be easy to figure out this man. Rubbing a hand over her face she smiled at him, looking thoughtful before nudging him a little."We...we should go out.Do someting.I've been stuck in the house, of a week, I'm tired."She said feeling trapped and annoyed that her grandfather had had her on lockdown and refused to let her go anywhere in cae mckinze was stupid. No one but lucius seemed to think feyn needed that much protection, but she'd been stuck and she was antsy to get out for awhile.

Draco smiled slightly running his ingers through his hair as he slumped down to sit on the bed."Good.Father needs to get out of here for awhile anyways.He's getting even more wound up tight every day."He muttered because his father was driving him insane.Looing at the bags he smiled a little as he set them on the floor next to him."I hadn't thought of that.Thanks mother."He said smiling at her as he leaned up to kiss her cheek.
Evangeline looked down with him at hopeful eyes, believing every word he said. If he said they would figure it all out, then they would... Sniffing, she wiped her eyes and kissed his cheek. "Let's go get some food," she whispered, "I'm starving... All of the time." She sighed a bit and climbed out of the bed, leading her toward Draco's room and giving him and Narcissa a faint smile. Narcissa grinned, trying to be strong for the teens, and nodded toward the door. "Lucius is gone, so I don't see any reason not to have a nice lunch down stairs." She waved for them to all go toward the dining table, then turned to Scorpius. "Sweetheart, go see if your cousin and Hugo want to join us... We should probably let them in on the news." Evangeline bit her lip at that, paling a little.

Hugo grinned a bit. "How about we go out to dinner and stuff tonight? Like... a date?" he suggested, blushing at the idea. "I mean, it might be nice to have something to take out minds off of things." Leaning over, he kissed her cheek, hoping she might like the idea of a normal, nice date for a change.
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