Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius groaned, wincing a little as she landed on him even as he kissed her back."Urgh...don't do that. My head hurts."He whined pulling the pillow back over his head before sighing quietly,"Well. That is some solace, though the disturbance level of being asked to have a threesome....with my father, is way out there."He grumbled a little.

Feyn winced a little,"He was. Something must have happened."She muttered before stopping. Thinking about it. "Damn...I...McKinze took me to the townhouse.Evangeline must have told him what happened..."She muttered before looking up at hugo looking amused as he ate so much foodo before paling at the sight of a man she knew as well as she knew Draco."Yes...they want to make sure everyone knows even the favored, can fall from grace."She said looking upset.
Evangeline's eyes bulged out of her head. Holy fuck... She knew that she had feelings for both of them, but she had no idea what came over her. "Oh my God," she murmured, grabbing the pillow and pulling it off of his head. She looked down at him with obvious embarrassment. "Did I really? I mean, did I actually ask to have a threesome?" she asked, her face red as ever. Rolling off of him, she moved to lay beside him. "I mean, are you sure that I didn't just do something and you took it as a suggestion or something... You're father didn't say I said that." She pouted at that, rolling on her side to look at him, her black hair spilled across his pillow.

It made Hugo a little sick to look at the picture of Snape, because this was a man that was extremely fair to him. Even though he was not a Death Eater's son, he never took top student away from him, and he was the one who got him the tutoring job with Feyn. "Well, Draco must trust Evangeline enough to believe her over his wife," he murmured, shrugging a bit. Sighing, he finished eating and got out of the bed. "I'm taking a shower. We probably need to study a little tonight so not to alarm your grandparents..."
Scorpius groaned wincing as she took the pillow, whimpering as the light hit his eyes. Blinking up at him he smirked a little,"My father enjoys playing games, and embarassing people.And this was definately embarassing."he sighed before looking over at him,"You asked if we could have fun when we tried putting you to bed.I don't think there's alot of room where to mistake that."He said rubbing a hand over his face.

Feyn nodded looking thoughtful, her stomach rolling at the idea of snape."Yes, the last thing we need is to make them worry.I'm going to go see grandmother, then we'll study."She said grinning as she kissed his cheek before heading downstairs, heading for the dining room where she could hear draco and lucius arguing over the divorce and how bad it looked for the younger man.
Evangeline groaned in embarrassment, shaking her head. "I... I was drunk," she murmured, pouting at him. Pulling the blankets over them, she began to snuggle up against him, her smooth leg moving to rub against his thigh. "Do you forgive me?" Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. The sun peeked through is drawn curtains, lighting the room a little. She looked over his shoulder at the nightstand table, eyeing the papers that Hermione gave them. On the top was a sketch of a tiara, and written above it was "Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem". She peered at it for a moment, looking a bit confused. "That's weird... I have one just like that," Evan stated, "Well, it really wasn't mine, I guess, but it stayed at the house that my father kept me and Nanny Cromwell at. It set up on my dresser since I can remember..."

Narcissa caught Feyn right before she managed to get to the dining room, taking her hand and leading her toward the tea room. "Come now, your breakfast is in here. I'll join you," she murmured, looking a little flustered. "You don't need to go anywhere near you grandfather for a few days, you here me?" Her voice was gentle, but stern. She poured them both a cup of tea and set a plate in front of her granddaughter. "He hasn't taken lightly to the divorce, and it seems Astoria is going insane with information of Draco. It seems she's found a Death Eater who is happy to support her financially, and more, so she as nothing to lose."
Scorpius whined a little smiling at her, a hand resting on her thigh, absently stroking her skin."I'll forgive you..when it stops feeling like I've shoved a ice pick in my skull."He grumbled, so hung over that he knew the best thing to do would just be rest. Sitting up quickly at his words he regretted it immediately as the world tilted then steadied. Ohhh he shouldn't have moved that fast. "What?This one?"He said reaching over and picking it up and handing it to her."Do you still have it?"

FEyn winced a little looking flustered herself as she followed narcissa into the other room, sitting down at the table as she started to eat."I never have a desire to stay near grandfather when he's in a mood."she said looking worried at the idea."Uncle draco will be okay wont he?"she said looking worried about her uncle. Biting her lip her eyes widened a little, looking fretful." you think she'll tell the papers...everything?"She said looking at a loss for words for the thought about what it would do to her to know the world knew about her and scorpius' lives.
Evangeline's eyebrows knitted together as she looked over the diadem. "Yea... This is it," she murmured, a little confused as to why he'd have a picture of it. She shook her head and handed the paper back to him. "No," she admitted, "I mean, not in my possession. Father put all of our belongings that couldn't go with me to Hogwarts in safes at Gringotts. Of course, I couldn't get into them... Neither could father. We are both convicts at the moment." She shrugged, then tilted her head to the side. "Why? Is it important or something?" Evangeline didn't know much about the houses at Hogwarts considering she wasn't there but a few months. And her father did well to know tell her much. The less she knew, the safer she would me.

Narcissa shook her head. "Oh, heavens no," she murmured, "She's letting out secrets that make Draco look bad. She wouldn't dare make herself look bad... Even in this day and time, Feyn, people look down to a child abuser." She sighed took a sip of her tea, looking a bit worried for herself. She glanced over toward the window. "Draco will be fine," she murmured, "Lucius has never been an incredible father when it comes to love and care, but he knows better than to hurt his only heir. Besides, Voldemort has liked Draco since he was a child. He wouldn't take lightly to Lucius hurting him."
Scorpius frowned looking thoughtful before smirking slighty."Well at least its in a safe place."He muttered before looking at her, leaning over he stole a kiss glancing at the door,reassuring himself that they were alone before answering."20 years ago, hogwarts had different houses. Slytherin, hufflepuff, gryffindor, and ravenclaw."He bit his lip a little."Voldemort...made horcruxes. To keep himself alive. Mrs. weasley thinks he used hogwarts things as objects. This being one of them."He said looking excited, even if the excited words were making his head pound.

Feyn looked relieved at that before nodding a little."What about Astoria?Would he do anything to stop her from doing this?Uncle draco has done nothing wrong, besides try to protect me and scorpius...surely she shouldn't be allowed to do this."She said lookng anxious because it upset her to know that her and scorpius hadn't been able to stop draco from having his life turned upside down. But unlike the times before, hugo had gotten through to her, she wasn't blaming herself, but it saddened her to see her uncle so upset.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows. "So you think that my father has had that one this whole time?" she murmured, tilting her head to the side. Her father seemed to have a lot of secrets, and she wondered how he had been able to keep up with them all those years. "You know, I bet that with me and my father in custody, his things would go to the next legal heir... I mean, that person could probably get into the volts." Looked up at him, her eyes went wide. She remembered her father telling her in his office that Draco was his godson and that they were very close; like father son close. "Scorpius!" she gasped excitedly, "Scorpius, I think your father is my father's heir after me. With me in custody, Draco can legally get into our volts... There is no telling what else is in there."

Narcissa shook her head. "Astoria is just blowing off steam, according to Voldemort," she murmured calmly, "And to be honest, I'd rather let her do it. Maybe she will annoy Voldemort enough with it to put her in her place." She grinned a bit at that, then looked up as Hugo walked in the door with a book in hand. "You two should get to your studies. No worrying about your Uncle. He's going to be fine," she assured, even if she was worried herself. Leaning down, she kissed Feyn's cheek, then patted Hugo's back before leaving the room, hoping she can calm the men down.
"I do. He was a trusted death eater. More then father,even though father is a favored child."He said rolling his eyes a little because it amused him that of all the children voldemort had watched grow up, only draco malfoy was treated like somewhat a son. Looking at her he stood, "Stay here. I'll go talk to father."He said feeling the tight excitement in his stomach at the idea of having it that close to them.

Feyn nodded looking calmer about it before smiling as she looked up at hugo. The anxiety softening in her eyes. Even if she couldn't say it, or let their relationship be in the open, her eyes were soft and loving as she looked up at him."We'll be in here."She said settling into the set, glad that they were in the room that was hardly ever used. Looking up at hugo she tilted her head."So, what are we studying today?"
Evangeline quickly jumped out of the bed, grabbing his arm and shaking her head. "Scorpius, you can do anything with that diadem until we get my father out of Azkaban," she whispered, "If it's destroyed, Voldemort will kill him for sure. Please... I just need to find away to get him out." She looked up at him desperately, hoping he'd understand. "Besides, you're father and grandfather are having a yelling match down there. I'm not sure it's the time to tell him about that... You know, we could always taking a shower while we wait," she murmured, a smirk appearing on her face.

Hugo smirked. "Dark Arts, of course," he murmured, sitting down beside her and opening his book. He looked at her and frowned, noticing that behind the soft eyes, something was bothering her. He didn't want her to feel like she did before... "Is everything okay?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Not every day that your grandmother has you eating breakfast in the tea room."
Corpius winced at that but he understood. If his fathers life had hung in the balace...he'd do anything to save it. Smirking slightly he sighed, even from here he could the muffled sounds of their fihting. It wasn't often thag lucius and draco lost control,but it seemed recent events had pushed them both over the edge. He really wouldn't really be surprised if they were down there dueling to."we'll work on getting him out then,since he would be killed,and fathers in no shape to talk until he gets this out..."he sighed a little at the idea of what his father was going through."oh,id love to shower with you"he said grinning as he got up and headed for the bathroom.

"You know, I really don't need the help in dark arts,but if you insist."she rteased because it was one of the few subjects she'd actually beat him in."well its not every day draco and lucius are having a screaming match on top of dueling in the dining room."she said unlike scorpius,close enouh to the fighting to hear the spells hitting things."I'm fine...just worried about uncle draco."she said seeing the look he was givinf her and not wanting him to worry
Evangeline followed him in, biting her lip and she began to slowly peel off her clothes. Once naked, it could be seen that she had a couple small bruises on her upper arms and around her waist. Of course, it wasn't from abuse, but when Draco had to pry her away from her father back in Azkaban. It showed exactly how hard she fought. Taking Scorpius' hand, Evangeline lead him into the warm spray of water in the large shower. She grinned, looking ever so happy to be with him, and pressed her back against the back wall. Pulling him into her, she kissed him passionately, her hands moving up his arms and over her shoulders. "Thank you for understanding," she whispered between kisses.

"Your grandfather is that angry about the divorce?" Hugo asked, looking a little surprised. He was so not used to this kind of lifestyle, where family members cared who you married or divorces. It was just so odd. "I will never understand you Malfoys," he said with a smirk. "I mean, you all live in this huge house, yet everyone is up eachother's asses." He had to admit, whenever he got married (if he got married) he wanted to live in a house with just his wife and their children, even if it was a small house like the one his family lived in now. "Well, studying Dark Arts gives us a valid excuse to talk about more important things," he admitted, grinning, "Like how to destroy the very source of it."
Scorpius smiled looking her over, leaning down to kiss her forehead, looking concerned at the sight of the bruises before kissing her bak, hands sliding down her thighs before picking her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he nuzzled her. "You're very welcome."He muttered smirking that malfoy smirk, that both draco and scorpius had inherited from lucius."I think you need to show me how thankful you are."He teased.

"Yes, it's a big deal. Malfoys don't get divorced. They commit spousal murder"She said hlf teasing, half right as she rolled her eyes a little before sighing. "It's not that bad. And usually we're never all here. me and scorpius are at school, and uncle is working, along with grandfather..."She shrugged a little before sighing."True.Though, if you think about it, there's no true dark magic, just dark people using magic to bad ends."She said tilting her head.
Evangeline giggled a little, loving how at any time, he managed to be sexy and charming. It was as if he couldn't shut it off. "Oh, do you?" she murmured, kissing him slowly and tenderly as she lowered herself back to the floor. Slowly, she moved to her knees in front of him, staring up at him with big dark eyes. Her hands slid up his thighs, feeling the muscles of years of Quidditch, and kissed his lower stomach. She smirked at him, but there was definitely some nervousness in her eyes. Her hand took his cock, slowly stroking it with unsure fingers. "Teach me," she whispered, biting her lip. The look in her eyes proved that not only had she never done this before, but she had never done it with Draco either.

Hugo shook his head, looking down into his book a little. "Feyn, not matter what, a curse that can manipulate, torture, or kill another human being is dark," he murmured, "Of course, the person who knows these spells makes a difference too. Pure evil is not born, it's made." With that, he started to read from his book, anything and everything about horcruxes. As he read, his nose twitched a bit like it always did when he was concentrating. He was trying hard to ignore how much he wanted the girl beside him, but he was determined to prove to her that he was not like the rest.
"I do."Scorpius smiled sighing softly as she sank to her knees, eyes widening a little as he watched her, his stomach tensing as she kissed his stomach. Shuddering as he shifted, letting the shower pound against his back as he rested his forearms against the wall, resting his forehead on his arms, his body sheltering the woman looking so beautiul at his feet. "Hmm I can do that."He said smiling a little as he reached down,gently drawing her closer to him,sliding his fingers into her hair, tears misting his eyes as he realized that this was another first, his heart breaking that he was even considering what his father had done with her at that moment. He felt sick. Swallowing as he smiled a little,"hear.Gently taste...lick..."he muttered closing his eyes as he stroked her hair.

Feyn stared at him, before starting to read, a small frown between her eyebrows as she read before smilng a little. "No. Not really. Think about it. A tickling charm is harmless, but inflicted on someone that you know has a heart condition?heart attack. A stun charm when someone's going down the steps?Dark. A killing curse invented for animal sacrifice for pagan ritiuals. Not so dark. It's all perspective, and how its used."She said sounding so much like herself again that it was amusing. Feyn Cerelina had always been a student that would argue that white was black, just because she could.
Evangeline looked up at him, smiling as he shielded her from the spray of the shower. Her eyes connected with his, and she grew confused at the glassiness of them. Did he really think that her and his father did more than she told him? She suddenly felt guilty, and even though she knew that this wasn't the time, she desperately wished she could assure him that he was her first. In this and everything else. Nodding slowly, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to the head of his member, then let her tongue graze it gently. She was a little at a loss of what to do, but she was determined. She wanted him to feel good... Moaning a little as his hand found her hair, she leaned forward to take the tip of his cock into her mouth, sucking like she would a lollipop from Honeydukes.

Hugo shook his head, obviously disagreeing. "They are unforgivable curses for a reason," he argued, settling back into the usual behavior he had with her over the past seven years. "A curse that is specifically designed to kill any sort of being is barbaric. A curse that is designed to torture[/i[ a victim? Face it. You can't even defend that one. I mean, I get the sacrifice thing, but you can't defend torture. It's sick." He shrugged, then looked up from his book with a smirk. At that moment in time, he could see himself arguing with this girl for the rest of his life...
Scorpius smiled a little as she met his eyes, closing his eyes as he focused on what he was feeling. Oh hell, that felt good. Groaning as she kissed him he laughed a little, groaning."Oh man, you keep sucking me like a lollipop, this is going to end to soon."he muttered laughing amused a little as he fisted his hand in her hair, holding her evenas he allowed her to move, trying to not to thrust into her mouth like he normally would have done. Reminding himself she was a virgin, she couldn't handle him doing the normal things.

"Barbaric yes, but they are called barbarians for a reason."She pointed out before smiling a little frowning slightly. "No, no. I can deend this one. Mayan's believed that tears were the gods treasures, or something-"Muggle religion was totally lost on her, unless she was trying to prove something. "-but you can get someone to cry from torture. Religous reasons, not cruel."She said grinning up at him, looking so happy to be back on even footing. Curling up in her chair, looking content as she returned to reading her book.
Evangeline grinned at his comment, doubling her efforts on sucking more of his cock into her mouth. Her hands stroked his thighs gently, moving around to feel his firm ass in the palms of her hands. When his grip tightened on her hair, she moaned around his cock, looking up at him with those big eyes. Her hands tightened on his thighs. "Scorpius..." she murmured, unable to comprehend exactly how turned on she was with out even being touched below her hair. It was amazing. All she wanted was to make him feel release.

Hugo put his book down and rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on... People can cry out of joy, you know? You don't have to feel like your insides are being torn out in order to shed a tear for the gods," he murmured, shaking his head. "Just admit you are wrong and we can move on." With that, he shrugged, and grinned. His head popped up when he heard the door open, and Narcissa came in. "Where is your cousin?" she said, looking rushed. "Is he with Evangeline? You won't get him in trouble by telling me the truth, but I need to know. Your grandfather is more than just a little upset... I'm sure he will be checking in on Scorpius soon, and I need to get Evangeline in uniform before he gets even more angry." She swallowed hard, looking as nervous as ever.
Scorpius groaned, bloodying his lip as he bit down with a effort to make this last as his fingers tightened, white knuckled as he gripped her hairGroaning as she held his thighs he gasped before jerking back, spilling come down her chest, panting as he looked down at her, eyes glossy and dazed."Damn that was good."He cursed smirking a little as he looked down at her, pleased and satisfied, loosening his hand, gently stroking her head again.Looking worried about having hurt her as he saw the lines that her hair had left in his hand.

"I don't have to admit anything. Ever."FEyn frowned sulking as she leaned back in her chair before tilting her head."He was sleeping off a hangover. I assume she's probably with him, since uncle draco's down here."She said biting her lip a little before getting up."I'll go up and get him."She said looking at hugo."Want to go with me?"She said not really interested in walking in on them having sex alone.
Evangeline giggled a bit, looking down at her chest and biting her lip. Oh, wow. She was so turned on by that... Shaking her head, she stood up and grabbed the soap. "It better be, because I have this really sexy teacher that I don't want to disappoint," she murmured sexily, washing his seed from her chest before turning to kiss him, her lips moving over his in slow, gentle patterns. Her hands moved to wrap around his torso, and she leaned down to rest her head on his chest, just wanting to be hugged and held underneath the spray of the water for a little while longer. "It feels so good to be with you," she whispered, almost inaudible over the sound of the water.

Hugo looked over at her and nodded, and Narcissa signaled them to go ahead. "Get him out of his room and dressed," she said, "And get Evangeline out of there. She doesn't need to be on your cousin's side of the wing. You grandfather is on a rampage, and we just can't deal with him being upset over anything else." She shook her head and walked out, hoping her husband wouldn't find reason to question her grandfather's whereabouts.

Lucius looked at his son with absolute and utter disappointment and anger in his eyes. "What happened to you keeping it quiet?" he snapped, "Astoria was staying at the town house and everything looked fine to the public. Now it's all over the fucking papers, Draco! It's every where, and it's taking down our family's reputation. Do you really want this for your son? I life with no mother and a flood of rumors?!" He slapped the paper on the table, showing Draco on the front page, and shook his head. "Astoria is going to drag you into the mud as far as she possibly can... And don't think for a second that she hasn't mentioned that little slut you have upstairs! She claims your marriage hit rock bottom as soon as you started fucking the mudblood, which I don't doubt, because you were always so soft." He curled his lip up in disgust, shaking his head.
Scorpius smiled a little s he wrapped his arms around her, lowering his head as he buried his face against his neck,shuddering a little. Just wanting to hold her as he nzzled her a little."Hmm a sexy teacher am I?"He muttered a rare vulnerability in his voice, the poor man was so out of sorts with her screwing his father that it was knocking him off his usual self confident game. Frowning as he lifted his head at the sound of the door opening."Scor!Come on, we need to get down to the stables."Feyn yelled from the side of the door, having every intention of getting scorpius out of the house for awhile.

Draco glared right back, his eyes stormy and grey."I was going to keep it quiet. Until McKinze raped Feyn in the townhouse. I have no desire to keep up appearances with a woman who didn't care enough about her blood to protect her niece."He smirked starting to laugh at his father's anger. "Scorpius will be glad to be well away from her, and probably be glad that none of the rumors are the real truth."He shrugged before shrugging."MY marriage hit rock bottom when my wife decided she'd rather ride my son's cock then mine, it has nothing to do with the mudblood."Draco said anger icing over his eyes,"You're one to talk about fucking mudbloods father, when I know you have a few of your own. That has nothing to do with softness, and neither does my fucking Evangeline.Now, are you done acting like a child, or shall I sit here or awhile more and start dueling?"He said his face flushed with anger, his lip curling in disgust, so very much like his father, it was truly amazing. While they were so alike in appearance, they couldn't be farther apart in personality. Draco cared more about people, then he did about his family's reputation.
Evangeline pouted and looked up from his shoulder, looking sad to think he was going to go. Sighing, she tilted her head up to kiss him gently. "We better get out..." she murmured, frowning a bit. She was surprised to feel her eyes glassy with tears, wanting to be with him longer. It seemed her time with Scorpius was always getting taken from her, and she knew deep down... She was falling in love with him. Swallowing, she turned the water off on the shower and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body.

Lucius laughed bitterly, his eyes dark and full of anger. "That, my son, you are right about," he murmured, "I have many, many little mudblood sluts that take their turns sucking and fucking my cock. Don't get me wrong. Many of them are twice as beautiful as the one you have upstairs... But the thing is, Draco, is that if one of them dropped dead this very second, I wouldn't bat an eyelash." He glared at his son. "What would you do, right now, if I walked up those stairs and killed her?" He put his hands on the table, leaning in to get in his son's face like he did when he was younger and scolding him. "She's useless to the Dark Lord; like cattle. If I killed her, he'd trust my judgement..." He shrugged a bit, grabbed his wand out of his robes, twirling it a little in his fingers.
Scorpius sighed a liittle looking at her, his hands lingering on her as he let her go. his eyes pained as he looked down. Looking for a moment so very defeated. He knew that even if she liked him, that he could never be draco malfoy. His mother had damaged his sense of self worth, not as badly as she had feyn, but scorpius bore the scars from being told his father was better, always more cruel, smarter, deadlier....scorpius-in his own mind- would never live up to the image of a father he adored."I'll check on Gwendolyn."He muttered dressing as he opened the door. "Weasley, what are you doing in my room?"He said glaring at the man before brightening a little."We need to talk."He said remembering what he'd found out.

Draco stared back at him, pulling his head back as his father got in his face."Tell you you're a child, who's throwing a tantrum for not getting what he wanted.."He said raising a hand and casting a push back spell before standing, straightening out his clothes."Now if you're done treating me like I am six, I do have a wife to divorce, then I'm escorting Feyn to the riddle manor for the night."He said shaking his head, trying very hard to not let the fear that tightened his stomach at the threat show on his face.
Evangeline swallowed hard as she watched him get dressed and leave, sitting at the foot of his bed with her head in her hands. Why couldn't things be normal or simple? She hated herself for not being able to tell Scorpius exactly how she felt. She just couldn't, because she didn't want to hurt him. She'd always be a mudblood girl who was owned by his father. There wasn't going to be any sort of happy ever after, not matter how fair Draco tried to be... Sighing, she moved across the hall and crawled into Draco's bed, naked and damp from the shower. This life was starting to get so depressing. She was rarely let downstairs, let alone out with the others. She just wanted to be treated equally and to have a future...

Lucius glared at his son. "Fine. Get out of my sight," he snapped, "Atleast you are doing something right. You are lucky Voldemort even holds you to high standards anymore." He sat down in his chair, snapping at a maid to bring him a glass of Imperia. "Of course, little Evangeline might not be here when you get back," he said, his eyes dark. "It would be good for you. I've always had to keep you away from things that made you go soft growing up. One after the other. Girlfriend after girlfriend. Astoria was a gem, because I knew from the start that she had as much greed and fight in her as a real Malfoy; she'd make up for your lack of backbone one of these days."
Draco frowned as he glanced at his father, tilting his head a little."If she's missing when I get home, I will do something violent.And bloody."He said annoyed with his father as he walked out, glancing at the three teenagers coming down the stairs."Feyn. We're leving now." "What?I-"Feyn looked at a loss for words, not wanting to go. Before sighing a little."Okay."She glanced at hugo, swallowing hard."i'll see you tonight."She said looking nervous before she walked out with draco.

"My lord."Draco smirked a little as he stepped into the office, stepping aside to allow Feyn to follow him in."I know you said tonight, but I thought you could use the entertainment, with all the girls gathering round my wife."He said rolling his eyes a little because he was well aware that even his aunt had flocked to astoria's side to be comforting. "Good evening, my lord."Feyn said softly, her voice having that breathy tone that said despite everything seh was looking forward to the evening...not only because of the twisted sex, but because it would give her a chance to end it, to help hugo and scorpius find wht everyone needed
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