Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco sighed looking at her, "Goodbye astoria."He muttered the words pained and grieved, because he mourned the loss of the teenager he'd been, so desperate to outrun his 16 year old self, that he'd clung to a woman who'd seemed to look past that. Turning away he left, having every intention of drinking himself to sleep, for a moment forgetting that he had somewhere to be that night.

Scorpius grinned as they walked into the stable smiling as he looked her over,"Any day now. Despite what father says."Scorpius said sulking a little, because it had become a common practice for the two men to be betting on who was right about due dates. Nodding towards the small courtyard he caught gwendolyn's bridle in his hand,"Come on. She needs the excerise. A few easy steps will help."he said smiling as he held the lead out towards her so she could enjoy being with her horse. Relaxing with her, for the moment forgetting feyn's mess, and the horcruxes, and draco.

Feyn sighed a little relaxing as he held her, "A bath would be nice."She muttered because she could feel her muscles starting to stiffen. Shifting she stood, avoiding his eyes because she didn't want to tell him, didn't want to watch him look at her differently. It was one thing to know voldemort was using her, she didn't want to consider what he'd think of her if he knew mckinze had raped her to. The poor girl was thinking she was a whore, so used to the abuse astoria hurled at her, that she couldn't think around it. "Come bath with me."She said tugging him towards the bathroom, running the bath she sighed softly as she started to strip feeling stiff and out of sorts.
Evangeline smiled, looking at her horse with wonder as she led her out toward the small courtyard. "Wow... I never would have thought of you having a baby," she murmured, a little entranced with the idea. Her hand moved over to put the horse's side, but oddly enough, she looked like she didn't like it. Gwendolyn had never flinched away from Evangeline... "I thinks he's starting to get a little uncomfortable," she murmured, but blushed. It's not like she knew anything about pregnant horses... "You're father said he was taking me somewhere tonight... I'm really hoping I will get to see my father, but... it's starting to feel useless." She swallowed hard, looking away from him as she slowly walked along side Gwendolyn.

Hugo let her tug him into the bathroom, and he watched her strip down before stripping down himself. He slid into the bath, sighing at the hot water, and leaned his head back against the wall. "My parents are leaving... Heading out to the muggle world. It's just becoming to hard for them to live a decent life here," he murmured, "I told them I was staying."
Scorpius smiled a little, blushing slightly."I'm not going to be a father. Not mmy baby."He said looking amused and thoughtful about the idea of having a bby before nodding."She probably is. Any woman's not going to feel good all rounded up."He muttered smiling as he thought about it, before frowning slightly.'Father is good at pulling rabbits out of his hat, he does the inpossible sometimes."he said even if he wasn't sure, he was trying to make her feel better.

Feyn looked startled as she looked at him. "Really?"she said her voice soft and surprised as she realized he was staying. Shivering as she slipped into the tub with him she jumped startled as her naked body slid against his. Shuddering a little as she sat across the tub from him, she puled her legs up to her chest, resting her cheek on her knees."Are you sure you want to stay?"She whispered."I mean...I want you to...but hugo, they're your family."She said sounding anxious, not wanting him to regret staying with her. not wanting to hold him back.
Evangeline blushed like mad. "I didn't mean that...," she murmured, totally embarrassed. Sighing, she nodded and looked thoughtful. "You're father is a good man... He's taken incredibly good care of me." She swallowed hard and reaching down to lace her fingers through his own, her thumb rubbing over his knuckles. "But that doesn't mean that I'm not always thinking about you... I sometimes wished all of this could have acted out differently. That the night the Death Eaters came Hog-..." She stopped, swallowing hard and unable to continue. It was so hard to think of the night Lucius had taken her away; the night Scorpius had given her her first kiss. The tears that were in his eyes when he got her out of the closet... It still gave Evangeline chills.

Hugo looked over at her, taking in the sight of her sitting across from him. He thought about it for a moment. "I'm staying, and I'm not sure why..." he admitted, smirking a bit. Reaching over, he grabbed her knees, pulling them apart so he could slip between them and kiss her ever so gently. "I can't explain it, but I know that I will never forgive myself if I ever left you..." Taking a bar of soft, he gently began to bathe her, not groping her the slightest. He didn't to scare her or make her uncomfortable.
Scorpius grinned a little."Hey, I could be a father. Me and that stallion have one thing in common, we're both well hung."He teased trying to make her feel better as he glanced around before lowering his head to kiss her softly before sighing softly at the words, shifting to wrap a arm around her, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her forehead."I'm sorry Evangeline. I would say there is some excuse for it, but grandfather had no excuse except cruelty."he muttered knowing lucius had truly thought it was the right thing to do, in getting his grandson away from her. Or at least trying to.

Feyn smiled a little."Oh well.geuss I can live with you staying."She said blushing hard as she kissed him back yelping a little as he spread her legs, scrambling out of the tub, looking panicked, having acted before her mind had allowed her to remember that this was Hugo, hugo who'd never hurt her. panting quietly as she stood outside the tub she shivered in the cool air, able to force herself to stay still ,but not to relax. Knowing she should explin what happened with mckinze, but se was to freaked out to get the words out of her mouth as she stared at him wide eyed. Knowing she had to have upset him,after all he knew she'd willing submitted to Voldemort, she feltterrifed for him to know what happened.
Evangeline kissed him back gently, her hand moving up to tangle within his light blond locks. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Scorpius," she whispered, sounding surprised that he would even imply such a thing. "I'm the one that lied to you and put you in this mess... I should have kept away from you." She bit her lip and leaned into him, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest. It was nice out there in the courtyard, quiet and private. Part of her wished that she could make Scorpius a father; that they could be a family. She never really got to have the real family experience, with only seeing her father a hand full of times a year. It would be nice to have that... but it would never happen. She would be lucky if she lived to be twenty-five with all the mess around them.

Hugo looked up at her, his eyebrows creased with confusion. "Feyn? What's going on? I though you wanted to take a bath together..." He shook his head, looking frustrated. It was hard, because she was simply not the girl that he knew at Hogwarts. She was much more troubled and scared and weak, and he was at a loss of how to act around her. Sighing, got out of the bath, murmuring a charm that dried him off before he put his clothes back on.
Scorpius swallowed hard pressing a kiss to her hair before stepping bck."Come on. We better head inside. Father's prbaobly back from whatever he ws doing, nd you said he was tking you somewhere today."He said his voice worried, because he was sure whatever draco was doing with er, it wasn't going to be good no matter how good of a man draco was, it worried him that he couldn't go with her.

Feyn swallowed hard, hanging her head. The arrogant, self assured student she'd been hidden behind the woman she'd become. A woman shaped by pain and a mental weakness."I...I'm sorry...."She swallowed looking up at him as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking lost and pained. She tried so very hrd to be calm, she wanted him, needed him in her left like she'd never needed anything...and yet, she just couldn't seem to be calm and be what he needed."I ran into mckinze in diagaon alley... he...he..."She stopped looking lost nd not sure what to say having no way to admit to what he'd done.
Evangeline nodded and leaned into the kiss. "As soon as I get back, I was going to see if I could come see you tonight... If that's okay," she whispered, looking around to make sure no one was around. "I haven't seen your grandfather. Makes me think he might not be home for the night, at least." She shrugged a bit, then helped him put Gwendolyn back in the barn. Once back inside the manor, she looked around to see if Draco was home, stepping into the master bedroom. "Draco?" she murmured, tucking her hair behind her ears. "I'm sorry... I went down to the barn to check on Gwendolyn with Scorpius..."

Hugo sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Fuck," he cursed, looking pained at what she had implied. "Feyn, I'm sorry..." He grabbed a towel and walked over to her, looking deep into her eyes. He didn't want to say what he was about to, but he knew it was the only option. "I... I think that while you are going through all this, it would be better if I stayed a friendly distance," he whispered, "The way you flinched from me makes you think that I scare you, and I don't want that... I wan't you to feel safe." He frowned, reaching up to cup her cheek.
"it is."Scorpius smiled a little looking down at him, wondering where his grandfather was. it was odd the man wasn't home,but he wasn't going to question it, not if he got to spend the night with the girl he loved. Smiling as he walked back inside with her he headed for his own room after seeing her to the master bedroom. When she entered to the room draco looked up startled from where he was laying back on the bed, bottle of firewhiskey in his hand. struggling to focus on her before frowning."It's okay."he said sitting up muttering a sobering spell he shuddered a little as the alcohol left his system, having seen her and startled back to himself, remembering what they were going to do that evening."Voldemort said I could take you to visit your father tonight."He said stnding s he set the bottle aside.

Feyn winced a little as she looked up at him swallowing hard before looking up at him slightly panicked."You're leaving?"She said not wanting him to go,even if she was screwed up, to frightened of her own shadow to be what he needed...leaning her cheek into his hand she smiled a little, shy and tired."i...i know you'd never hurt me Hugo. I just...I can't help but react to touch now."She said sadly closing her eyes.Swallowing hrd as she closed her eyes."i can stay away from you if you want me to.....I'm sorry for this...I love you I dont want to stay away but if you want me to..."She whispered quietly looking pained that she was causing him this upset.
Evangeline looked up at him with concern, her eyes followed the firewhiskey. "Draco...? Are you okay?" she murmured, eyeing him as he murmured the sobering spell. The only time someone actually uses a sobering spell is when that are too wasted to walk and talk. "What's up with the fire whiskey?" She raised her eyebrows, then immediately changed her expression at the idea of seeing her father. "Tonight? Really? Draco, thank you so much!" She moved over to him and wrapped her arms around him, bring him into a tight, nearly suffocating hug. Tilting her head back, she grinned, nearly bouncing in place. "What do I need to wear? Is this okay?"

"I didn't say I was leaving," Hugo murmured, shaking his head. "I said I'd keep a friendly distance... Not so much touching... I just can't watching you flinch away from me like that anymore. I makes me feeling like some sort of monster." He frowned, looking down at her as she talked. His eyes went wide when he heard "love" come out of her mouth, and he paled... "I don't want you to stay away. This isn't to make me feel better," he murmured, "And... Feyn, I... You can't go around saying you love me. It's going to get us killed."
"I'm fine evangeline."draci said though he looked tired and hung over. His head ached,but his head hurting was better than having his heart hurting. Rubbing a hand over his face he smiled at evangeline, looking her over."well id say go naked since its supposed to be all your wearing,but its comd at azkaban."he said smiling as he took her hand,pulling her close she pressed a kiss to her head."ready to go?"he said wanting to get away from the memories that filled his room.

Feyn looked relieved that he wasn't leaving."oh..yes.I'm sorry."she swallowed hard, for a moment anger crystalizing into rage iced her eyes, the coldly arrogant woman she usually was before the abuse shown through her eyes as she realized just as much his had changed her. Nodding a little she leaned againdt his chest, resting her forehead above his heart,listening to the steady beat before sighing quietly."I knos hugo...but I..I needed to tell you."she said looking up at him,gently touching his cheek."if your going to wait for me to needed to know."she said smilkng gently, pain and live shoeing in her eyes because she knew that despite whatever she wizhed,no matter what she wished that voldemort would allow her to do when she was done bejng his mistress, she knew life with hugo wouldn't happen if nothing changed
Evangeline leaned into his kiss and nodded. She was still concerned about him, but his smile distracted her from it. "I'm ready," she murmured, bouncing a little and grabbing his hand. She'd ask him about what was wrong later, but she had a feeling he didn't want to talk about it, and she wanted to get to her father before he changed his mind on taking her... Letting him apparate them to azkaban, she shivered when they entered the cold palace with the dementors guarding the outside. She bit her lip, worry spreading across her face at the idea of her father being in such an awful place... Her big dark eyes looked around the entrance way, and she was almost too scared to enter.

Hugo shook his head. "Stop apologizing, Feyn," he murmured, getting stern with her. She needed to stop blaming everything on herself... He smiled gently and her and nodded. "I'll wait for you," he murmured, "But until then... We need to fight this." He walked into her bedroom and sat on the foot of her bed. "That's why Scorpius and I went to talk to my parents earlier about the Horcurxes... We are going to find them and destroy them," he murmured, "And you can help. In fact, being a regular visitor of his might even help to out advantage..." He shrugged a bit and leaned back on his hands.
Draco shuddered a little as they walked into thr prison. It was just as cold and unfriendly as the last time he'd visited,and it injured his heart to think about his godfather being in her,just because he had lived his daughter."come."he muttered taking her arm in his, a stern grip, acting like the master and prisoner,just in case voldemort showed up. Giving her no option but to follow he walkdd down the cold dark hallway."evan?"severus strained his eyes in thr near darkness as he shuffled to the door of his cell,looking so bruised and broken,but yet there was still worry for her,love for her in his eyes.

Feyn winced before nodding."okay."she muttered remembering ehat he'd said about this not being her fault. Before anger and hope filled her eyes. Maybe she could help them,maybe shed be able to pay them all back for what they'd treated her like. Looking up at him she laughed a little shaking her head as she laid down on the bed next to him,content to be in his company even if they weren't touching."I don't think hell be telling me about his horcruxes hugo. More like if he wants me on my knees or back."she said tartly, a shadow of her old humor shoeing through even as her mind scrambled over the ideas of voldemorts horcruxes
Evangeline's face immediately paled at the sight of her father, ripping her arm out of Draco's grip and running over to the cell. Her face crumbled and she her hands over her father's. "Daddy? It's me... I'm here," she whispered, tears in her eyes. She hated seeing her father like this; the man that cared for her all these years... It just didn't seem fair that he was in there, when he was the best person she knew. He looked so pale and bruised and broken... Looking up at Draco, she started to cry. "Let me inside, Draco," she demanded, "Let me in." She would have unlocked the cell door long ago if she had a wand, but she was at his mercy.

Hugo looked over at her an smirked. "That's where you are wrong, Feyn," he murmured, "He might not tell you, but he may inadvertently show you... Think about it. He takes you to his bedroom. That's the most vulnerable place in a man's home... Next time he'd distracted by your body, you make take a look around all the surroundings." He shrugged a bit, trying to show her that even though she was being used as a mistress, she could turn it in to her advantage. "You need to think like a double agent."
Severus winced a little as her hands closed over his broken fingers, reaching throguh the bars to hold her hands in his,glancing at draco as the man leaned back against the wall."please draco."he said softly,knowing that they shoulsnt,but his godson had a soft heart."five mintues...wr can't stay that long."draco muttered as he raised his wand, pushing open the door then shutting it behind her, leaning against the door to give them a few moments privacy.

"Oh...I could do that."she said perking up a little at the idea of being able to use the situation that shed foolishly gotten herself into,to their advantage. Looking up at hugo she smiled a little before nodding."ill look."she sighed quietly looking thoughtful as she started to try to think about what a man like voldemort would use as a horcrux. "We're going to have to be careful hugo...and I think we should tell my uncle...he's a high ranking deah eater with a soft spot for the good fuys. He miht have a idea whag we're looming for."she said having the same idea as him and scorpius. If anyone among the death eaters would help them,it'd be draco malfoy
Within five seconds flat, Evangeline was an uncontrollable wreck. She couldn't stand seeing her normally tall and strong father all battered and broken. Even his voice sounded weak. She led him over to his small, cot-like bed, making him sit down before sitting beside him. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his shoulder. On top of seeing him so hurt, she had missed him all of this time. No matter how well Draco and Scorpius treated her, she would always have piece of her heart missing when her father wasn't around. "I'm going to get you out of here," she murmured, "I promise. I'm not going to let you stay here. It isn't fair... It's inhuman the way they are treating you!" She sniffed and looked up at him with watery dark eyes, wanting to ask what they have been doing to him, but thinking she better not. "I miss you so much," she whimpered.

"Well, yea, that's true... But I may have an even better idea of who might know where some of them are," Hugo murmured, looking deep in thought. "There is one Death Eater that is at an even higher standing than Draco and your grandfather... Well, was." He looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. "I think Snape might know where they are, or atleast a couple of them. Hell, he may have even had one in his possession at one time, not to mention he was the Headmaster of Hogwarts. And most of my mother's ideas for Horcruxes are revolved around Hogwarts and the old houses..."
Severus smiled a little at her words,it was toucbing to see his daughter defending him,even if he knew the obly way he was gettjng out of here would be if voldenirt died and that would never happen as long as his horcruxes existed. For a secret that he had well hidden for years, with harry potters death, a few select people,namely the men who were obsessed with his actions-like draci had been-,and trusted by dumbledore,snape, knew. They just didn't know how to destroy them. He knew there was no chance of him getting out of here alive."how are you evan?"he asked glancing towards the door,eager to not be the focus of her attention. "I miss you to."he muttered wrapping a arm around her and ignoeing how it made his side ache.

Feyns eyes widened a little as she considered that before nodding slowly."I'm sure he would...he had been trusted for decades now..."she said before wincing a little,"but hugo,you forget, he's out of each.there's no way for us to get to azakban"she said running her fingers throuh her hair frustrated that such a good idea coyld end so soon. For a moment looking liks the schoolgirl he remembered,obsessed with a new puzzle
Evangeline swallowed hard and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm... I'm okay," she murmured, not willing to admit how close her and Draco have gotten. She was not sure that even her father would approve of such a relation ship. Maybe Scorpius, but not Draco. It was really hard to make small talk with her father when she really wanted to break down at the sight of him and the thought that this may be the last time she ever saw him. She sniffed, trying hard to pull herself together. "They have Gwendolyn, and I get to see her when I want," she croaked, "She's pregnant too." She swallowed hard, hearing the clock on the wall tick by. Soon, Draco would be coming to take her away. At this moment, she'd rather just stay locked up in this prison. At least she would be with her father.

Hugo shrugged a bit. "Feyn, this is the point in time where we start breaking laws..." he murmured with a smirk. "We have to play dirty, but we can do this. With the help of your father and Scorpius... Even Evangeline. She's Snape's daughter, and even if she's not aware of it, I bet she knows things that could help us." Walking over to her desk, he pulled out a piece of paper and a quill, dabbing it in ink, and starting to make a list. "My mother has in her notes that they would be small things, or at least things that are easily moved from one place to the next. He wouldn't make something that he couldn't protect at a moments notice," he said, "So when you are in his manor, look around for things that are small, but valuable..."
Severus sighed softly kissing her head. Even without saying he couls see the way draco and her had gotten close just by watching the way his godson kept looking in on her. While he didn't approve,he also knew draco was lonely,more lonely then he'd ever admit to,and for longer then he'd admit to anyone. So he couldn't yell,not when his need to take care of someone he cared about would protect evangeline."I knos. Scorpius has been writing all summer about how he can't wait till the foal comes...I ddidnt tell you because I had hoped it'd never come to think."he muttered jumping a little as the cell door opened."evangeline,its time to go."draco said as he stepped into the cell,for once looking like the coldly indifferent death eater people thouht he was.

"...break into azkaban. Well,if I'm going to be breaking laws,at least we're doing it backwards. Most people want to break out."she said amused getting up to read over his shoulder biting her lil a little." you think he'd dare keep them away from him?from all accounts hogwarts had been the only home he had...he might feel secure enouh to hide them there,what with severus being headmaster and all...and its a big caslte. Severus could have still searchsx and nrver found them.."
Evangeline looked up at Draco with pain in her eyes, and she knew that she was being childish, but she couldn't help it. "No," she snapped, shaking her head. "No, Draco, I'm not leaving without my father." She looked up at him, not even bothering to play the part of someone who had been his slave all of this time. She was too upset for that. Tears were streaming down her face, and her cheeks were red with anger. How dare all of these people take the only thing she ever had through out her life; her only real family? She was so mad, that if she had a wand, she blow the whole damn prison up. Turning, she grabbed her father's hand. "What do we have to lose?" she whispered to him, "We could take you with us, and what? You become a wanted person? That's better than an imprisoned one... Please."

Hugo looked up at her with a smirk. "Either that, or he knew exactly where they are..." He shrugged a bit and ran a hand through his hair. "I can get into Hogwarts, easy. I've been practicing for this moment for years... It's why I worked so hard on becoming an animagus, you know, so if I needed to get around unnoticed." He shrugged a bit, like it was no big deal that he managed to do such an illegal thing and do it well enough to call himself one. "Before we break into Azkaban or anything drastic, though, I think we should talk to Scorpius."
Draco growled softly, anger glazing his eyes."evangeline. We are leaving now."he said sternly reaching out and grabbing her arm and pulling her up. His fury with astoria and anger with voldemort making him harsh. Severus swallowed looking sadly up at his daughter knowing this would be the last time he saw her."I won't sacerfice thr only protector you've had,just for me evangeline. If we ran, draco and scorpius are dead. Voldemort knows he brought you here."he said tears filling his eyes.feyn looked startled before smiling a little."whats your form?"she asked curious because animagic had been the one thing she had totally failed at."well talk to scorpius."she said moving to get up."hes probably out in the stables,and they're priblvate. Grandfather never goes down there."she said sounding a little anxious at the idea of someone overhearing
Evangeline began to thrash around in his arms, sobbing and screaming all at the same time. "Let me go!" she shouted, yanking her arm away from him and throwing herself into her father's arms. "But I need you! You can't do this! Please... Please, Daddy, let us take you with us. Please!" She wrapped arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. She simply could not bear the thought of never seeing him again, knowing that she left him in this hell of a prison. "If you don't go with us, I'll stay here. Or I'll get myself sent here," she threatened, lifting her head to look into his eyes. "Draco and Scorpius would be fine... I can stay at the manor, and we can hide you..." Her lips were trembling, and she was an absolute mess. She was talking crazy and she didn't care.

Hugo laughed a bit and shook his head. "Something that will make me blend in very easily, I assure you," he murmured, grinning. He stood up and pulled his boots on. Walking with her toward the stables, he glanced around until he saw Scorpius. He had to admit; it surprised him that Scorpius not only spend so much time alone, but he spent a lot of time with horses... "Scorpius?" he called, raising his eyebrow. It was a freezing out side... "Isn't it a bit cold to be hanging out in the barn?" he whispered to Feyn.
Draco growled in frustration and anger as he looped a arm around evangeline's middle and bodily picking her up."evangeline, stop."he ordered. Severus winced at her words, looking at her as draco put her over his shoulder, gently stroking her hair out of her face."no evan, even you, new here, knows they wouldnt survive. And if we run, we wouldnt either. Not for long."he leaned down kissing her firehead."get her out of here draco"he said his voice sounding rough and pained as he watched them leave. Draco growled as he apparated thrm home, dumping her onto the bed glaring."evangeline! Stop."he ordered resting his hands on his hips looking pissed. Oddly enough more pissed then when she'd admitted to nearly killing astoria. Though the fact he was still hungover, and dealing with the grief of his marriage ending, he was being pissy.

"hugo!thats not fair."she poued at his words looking annoyed that she didnt get to know before following him down to thr stables. Not really surprised to find scorpius alone. When at home he usually stayed down at the stables, only at school did hr spend modt of his time in female company.and it didnt help the only woman he wanted, was with his father."what?" scorpius said looking over gwendolyn's bavk as he brushed her, trying to make her feel comfortable.
Evangeline looked up at Draco from the bed with so much malice, you would think he was the one who put her father in that place. "Go to hell!" she screamed, taking out her anger on him. She was not angry with him though; she knew this was not her fault. The emotions that were attacking her at the moment were making her break down. She put her head in her hands, and her shoulders began to shake. "He l-looked s-so b-bad... D-Draco, he's going t-to d-die in there," she sobbed, "H-he's all I have..." She was crying so hard that it was making it hard for her to breath, because all she could think about was how awful her father looked. All she wanted was to save him. "I-I'm s-sorry... I shouldn't h-have y-yelled..." She refused to looked up at him, curled in a ball and crying in her hands.

Hugo stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked up at him. "What do you think about breaking into Hogwarts?" he said, getting straight to the point. "We think there is a huge chance that at least one of the horcruxes are there..." He looked at the horse, taking in the sight of a man who he once thought to be a completely and total asshole being so gently with a pregnant mare. It was a startling sight... Reaching up, he moved to pet the horse, but she flinched away, making Hugo crease his eyebrows together.
Draco snarled glaring right back but not yelling because he knew why she was upset. Ater all he was doing the same thing. Raising a hand he rubbed at his temple, feeling a pounding headache start. Before swallowing he sat down on the bed, drawing her into his lap as he pressed a kiss to her head, rocking her ever so gently like he'd odne for feyn and scorpius when they were children and they were upset."Shhh its okay. I shouldn't have snarled at you."He muttered. "I'll see what I can do.Shh evangeline. I'll try."He muttered stroking her hair. Not hopeful, but willing to try.

"I think there's a easier way."He smirked tilting his head, nodding towards Feyn. Not realizing that the marriage was off, and what happened."You have the headmaster's fiancee there. We could glamour you into looking like her, because we don't want the real feyn near mckinze-"Even without knowing what happened, he didn't want them near each other-"but me and you could go."He said before laughing a little at hugo's look. "She's sensitive right now. Uncomfortable.IT's not you, its just scorpius' has been here for hours probably, just being down here."Feyn said looking up at hugo, trying to make him not think about how everyone was flinching away from him.
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