Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline smiled happily as he agreed to stay. "Good," she murmured, leaning over to kiss his cheek before jumping off the bed to grab the tray. A few moments later, she put the tray in his lap and crawled in beside him. She was so hungry... hungrier that she thought. But now that she saw the food, she nearly had to hold herself back from eating like an animal. "Shopping? Won't it look bad for your niece to take your pet shopping?" she murmured, a tad confused. However, she wasn't going to refuse it. She needed some clothes that fit her properly, and it would be nice to know she wouldn't be alone while he was gone. She took a sip of her pumpkin juice. "I mean, I'm technically supposed to be naked all of the time, you know..." With that, she smirked a bit. It wasn't really funny, but she had to joke around a bit to stay sane.

Hugo sat down in an armchair across from Draco, his irritation being replaced by genuine worry. "Last night, she told me Voldemort wanted to have dinner with her an I couldn't come. This was after she put me to sleep with a sleep charm so she could sneak out an talk him out of locking up my father. Apparently, he assaulted McKinze... Anyway, she came back last night looking awful." He swallowed hard, not wanting to say that she looked like she had been ridden hard and put away wet... "And then she was sobbing, telling me he was getting her out of her marriage and getting my father out of jail, but he's making her be his mistress... She refuses to stop." Reaching up, he rubbed his temple. "She's gotten herself into a huge mess, and believe it or not, I thought you would be the person to help me get her out of it."
"It will,but feyn has a reputation of being...demanding. and demanding to finally be allowed to go shopping with a woman her own age instead of my wife, is something shed want...besides, everyone knows I have a weak spot for her..,"draco winced a little because in all honesty he was afraif astoria would remember it and try to exploit his weakness for both children.

Scorpius frowned resting his chin on his hand looking irritated that feyn cared enough to go to such lengths to not protct herself, but make sure he was happy.shaking his head he looked bemused."only you could inspire her to set logical self protection aside for love."he mused looking annoyed his cousin wasn't being her usual reasonable self."you're talking to the wrong malfoy if you think I can convince her to walk away,or have enough pull to stop voldemort...ill help you...but I don't know how much help I can be besides getting father to listen"he said looking annoyed because he assumrd his fathers head would be on sex with evangeline and not the niece who needed him to interfer.sighing softly he looked at hugo."did you have a idea how I'm supposed to help?"he said angry for once,not with hugo,but feyn for doing this
"Fine, Fine," Evangeline murmured, nibbling on her pancakes. Damn. Narcissa made the best pancakes. "I need some clothes anyway..." She sighed and looked over at him, her dark eyes looking soft and gentle, but scared. Part of her was worried about him, which was odd, because she was the one that was bought by him. "Draco, last night... It was incredible." She swallowed hard, blushing a bit. The memory of him making love to her on the run last night still left her with butterflies... She knew she shouldn't be thinking like this. He was old enough to be her father, and her own father would probably kill her for it. "It scares me how much I liked last night."

Hugo bit the inside of his cheek, trying really hard to not snap at the man in front of him. "Yes, I actually do have an idea... And it involves getting my mother out here," he admitted, "See, my parents always told us about these horcruxes... My mother told me once in passing that they found a couple of them, and they nearly had the locations of the last few when Harry Potter died." He reached up and scratched his head. "I'm basically asking you to listen to my mother and work with me to find them. Because if we do, all of this can end... And I know you want that just as much as I do." He looked up at the other man, hoping he didn't misjudge him. Voldemort needed to die to not only save Feyn, but Snape and Evangeline and every other person who was put in danger by his horrific actions.
Draco looked away rom her as he finished his pancakes, pushing around some syrup on his plate. "Me to."He said after a moment, a blush creeping up his neck as he sighed softly. No matter how much she reassured him, he couldnt shake the feeling that he was no better then astoria, even if she wasn't as badly treated as feyn and Scorpius had been. Running his fingers through his hair he set the plate aside, smiling a little as he glanced at her standing."I better be going. And so should you, otherwise Feyn's going to whine all day about wasted shopping time."Draco smirked turning his head just as his niece walked through the door. "I would not. Stop making fun of me, papa."Feyn said pouting a little as she looked at the man as he crossed the room, smiling as he kissed her cheek and walked out. Looking at evangeline she tilted her head a little,"I thought you might be tired of spending the day stuck at the manor. And tired of wearing my clothes."She said smiling a little, just needing something normal, something that wouldn't remind her of he mess.

Scorpius frowned looking at the man, tilting his head a little as he thought. Going quiet as he stared at the floor. It wasn't so much that he wasn't smart, it was just that it took him longer to think things through then feyn or hugo, which sometimes could be a good thing. Biting his lip a little before glancing up at him,"Then you really do need to talk to my father."He said after a moment,"He hasn't come out and said it...but I think he knows something...said sometimes his obsession with potter led to interesting things."Scorpius said shrugging a little snickering slightly, proving that hugo hadn't misjudged him.Standing he dropped the sweats without warning, starting to dress in real clothes. "Your mother, would she be home right now?"
Evangeline watched him leave before turning to Feyn. To be honest, she wasn't totally excited about shopping. It's not that she did like clothes or fashion, but she didn't do a lot of shopping growing up. She was the daughter of a single father that worked as a headmaster. They didn't have a large amount of money, so it was almost... annoying to shop with a girl who could afford to do such a thing, especially when she was technically the girl's servant. "Yea, it might be nice," she murmured, standing up to slid on a pair of jeans and some boots. Well, maybe Draco would come at the end of the day with good news about her being able to see her father...

Hugo looked up at him, leaning back in his seat. "Uh, yea," he murmured, confused, "She works form home, so she should be there... And with Feyn going out today, I guess it would be the best time to go talk to her. Of course, that is, if it won't make you die of embarrassment to be in my house." He rolled his eyes and stood up, straightening out his clothes. He really wanted to see his mom, because he knew she was probably a wreck what with his father being on magic parole...
Feyn smile a little noddng."It will be.Aunt astoria's never nice about shopping. This will be good."Feyn grinned as she apparated them both to diagon alley, so eager for the moment to forget about the mess. Smiling as they walked into the clothes shop she looked around."Choose what you want...I know you don't have anything, so I'll get what you want..."She smiled nervous, jittery because it made her feel awkward to know her uncle and cousin both wanted this girl. Sighing quietly as she looked through the clothes racks, tensing a little as she felt someone slip a arm around her waist."You, are such a pretty little whore, cerelina."McKinze growled pulling her back against him, "Don't scream, otherwise i'll hurt the girl."He muttered absently groping her. After being told his wedding was off, the obsession had blossomed into recklessness, and he'd mistaken voldemort's interest, not realizing the man claimed her for himself. "O-okay."feyn muttered shivering, looking up and meeting evangeline's eyes mouthing go home even as mckinze apparated them both out of the shop. "Astoria!Get in here."Mckinze snarled as he walked into the town house already starting to spell feyn's clothes off as she struggled, having every intention of making her pay for making him look like a fool, and letting astoria join in on the abuse because he knew the woman hated her niece for costing her her husband.

Scorpius smiled a little."Good."he sid pulling on his boots. For once looking like the young death eater he was, instead of a carbon copy of his father. The snug dark jeans and shirt tossed his fair hair and pale skin into even more stark contrast."Where's feyn going?"He asked curious and worried, afraid she was going to see voldemort again as he headed for the door."Besides, if I was going to die of embarassment it would be the moment I realized you were in love with my cousin, not for standing in your house. That would be a true embarassment."He muttered rolling his eyes as he let hugo apparate them to the weasley home. The malfoy heir already bracing himself for what he was sure would be a nerve wracking affair of dealing with ron weasley. From all accounts, Hermione weasley could be reasoned with, but ron would hate him for this,even if it was feyn's interference that had kept him out of jail
Evangeline watched with wide eyes, having no idea what was going on. Of course, she was stubborn, and her instinct was never really to follow orders. She was a fighter. And aside from her lack of transfiguration skills, Snape made sure his daughter was solid when it came to offense and defense spells. Biting her lip, she looked over at a woman standing in the checkout line, spotting her wand in her robe pocket as she paid. Quickly, she snatched the wand (which was far off from her own wand, but it would do) and thought about where they could be... McKinze was a professor, so he didn't have a real place to take her. After all, he lived on campus. But she remembered Draco saying in passing that Astoria was at their town house... Taking a deep breath, she focused on the place in mind, and apparated there.

Astoria was just then walking into the room, still wearing lingerie from the night before, as Evangeline popped in. She dropped her glass and shrieked. "What's that little mudblood doing here?" she snapped, "That's my husbands new whore..." Evangeline glared at her. It hurt to be called a whore, but it hurt even worse to be reminded that Draco was married to the other woman. Holding out her wand, she narrowed her eyes. She tried so very hard to avoiding the naked girl in the room. It was hard to think that Feyn was put in such a vulnerable situation. "Don't call me that. Let her go." Astoria grinned at her, licking her lips at the sight of fresh meat. "And what are you going to do about it?"

Snapping, Evangeline thrust the wand out. "Sectumsempra!"

Astoria let out a shriek of pain, gashes appearing across the entirety of her body. She hit the ground and immediately started to bleed everywhere. She was cursing and screaming, and even Evangeline looked a bit shocked. She had never really used the spell; never needed it. But it was taught to her by her father a long time ago just in case (After all, it was his spell). However, she was completely unaware that it was the spell that Harry Potter nearly killed Draco with back when they were teens... Turning, she arched her eyebrow at McKinze. "Step away from her..."

Hugo was immediately greeted by his mother, wrapped into a hug. "Sweetheart! Are you okay? Is Draco taking care of you?" She arched her eyebrow at him, looking dead serious. Hugo rolled his eyes. "Mum, I'm fine... Obviously... Are you making lunch? I brought Scorpius with me and we were hoping to have a talk with you..." Hermione raised her eyebrows, them looked over toward the other boy. She smirked. "Oh, I can tell you are Malfoy's son... Come. I have some stew on the stove, and your father is out for the day." Hugo found it odd that his father would be gone while on parole, but he knew better than to ask with Scorpius around.

Hermione smiled, treating Scorpius as polite as she would treat any other friend of Hugo's. Of course, that was because she knew Draco was taking care of her son in turn. "Hungry?" she asked him, sitting a big bowl of lamb stew in front of each of them, then poured them both a glass of ice water. She was a well-put together housewife, that was for sure, but it was obvious that she was an incredibly intelligent witch. She had just been softened by her children. Sitting down, she handed them each some baked bread, then started to eat on her own food.
Mckinze paused, eyes widening at the sight of astoria falling, staring in shock. He knew the spell, hell, all the death eaters knew the spell that had nearly ended Draco Malfoy's life at the hands of the supposed savior but it was rare to see it in action, since Severus hardly ever saw the need to use it. Swallowing hard he tightened his hand in feyn's hair, pulling her head back as she whimpered."Oh no girl, you see, you can't hit me, without hitting her."He smirked as he drew the naked struggling woman closer to him, groping her as he did.As if even with his life in danger, he couldn't keep his hands off that young body. He really was obsessed. Smiring he raised a eyebrow before pointing his wand towards astoria to stop the bleeding, even if he wasn't good enough at healing charms to heal her, he stopped her from bleeding to death.

Arching a brow he turned on Evangeline again, a wicked smirk turning his lips as he cast a binding charm looking the girl over."Now mudblood, you're going to see what fate awaits you when draco finally stops pretending to be kind."He snarled before pushing feyn to the ground and mounting her with a satisfied grunt to finally be doing what he wanted from her. When he was done he stood, straightening his clothes as he moved over to evangeline, smirking at her as he cast the unbind."Now, go home, tell your master you nearly killed his wife, and that his whore of a niece is well broken. Now she'll know her place."The man smirked before apparating away.

Feyn whimpered quietly as she stumbled to her knees, searching for both wand and clothes as she moved over to astoria,even hurt and battered, she loved her aunt, as twisted as their relationship was, and didn't want her to die."Evan, evan?"Feyn looked panicked as she looked at evangeline, so overwhelmed that she couldn't remember a single spell to help her aunt.

Scorpius smiled a little as he watched the reunion between mother and son, tilting his head a little."Stew sounds amazing mrs. weasley."he said politely as his stomach rumbled looking curious about ron. AFter all, feyn had just got him released, surely he wasn't out causing more trouble. That would only make the debt feyn was working off even worse. Smiling at hermione he looked thoughtful, and pained. He could have a life like this, and enjoy it...well...only richer. But feyn, he could see her having a life like this, with hugo. Looking slightly amused as he ate he swallowed hard glancing up at Hermione. "We cousin...has gotten herself into a mess. And Hugo..seems to think you'll be able to help."He said, sounding so stupid, for once not sure how to talk about things, but this was so weird.

Draco turned his head a little as he sipped the scotch. Though it was early in the morning, he thought it was a well deserved drink. Looking out the window he smiled at the scenery before turning to face the dark lord."Good morning, my lord."He said tilting his head. Feeling awkward, wondering just how to bring up what he wanted. And wondering whyh he was even bothering to bring it up when he was sure it was going to be hopeless. But...he'd promised to try.
Evangeline watched the rape in horror, then looked up at him with hatred. "I don't regret what I did," she snapped, then pointed the wand at him. She had nearly managed to strike him with a spell before he was gone. "Fuck," she cursed, reaching up to rub her face a little in frustration. This was going to cost her big time, and she wasn't even sure why she did it. She probably should have gone home like Feyn wanted her to, but she was not want o back down... Looking at the girl, looking nearly exasperated. What the fuck? Was she really upset about this? The woman was about to... Well , she didn't know, but judging by her words and the way he looked at her niece like a piece of meat, she had an idea. She clenched her jaw, looking into the girl's panicked eyes and sighed. "Vulnera Sanentur," she finally murmured, watching the gashes start to fade. "Obliviate... There, she won't even remember. Now let's get out of here."

"Well, I was hoping that you could get a lot of people out of a mess," Hugo murmured, "We... We want to find the Horcruxes."

Hermione's spoon landed in her bowl with a clatter. "Hugo Gerard Weasley, you can get yourself killed for saying such things..." She swallowed hard and shook her head. It was obvious that fear had even made Hermione skittish over the years. "Hugo, you need to keep yourself out of trouble. That's all I have ever asked of you over the years."

"Mum! This girl is important..." he croaked, forgetting that Scorpius was right there. "He's forcing her to be a mistress..." His lip curled into disgust. "And the new girl that came to school? He found out she was a mudblood and she's living as a servant at the manor. Snape is in prison... And dad; he doesn't even have his wand anymore."

Hermioned reached up to run a hand through her curly hair. "You're father... He's with your grandfather Granger... We weren't going to tell you like this, Hugo, but we want to get out of here and Rose and her fiance is coming too..."

"Your going to the Muggle world? For good?"

"That was the plan... Your father can't get work here, Hugo, and all we do is watch our backs and wait to see which one of us will be dragged out of our own home." There were tears in her eyes, and Hugo immediatly felt awful for asking. He pushed his stew away and put his head in his hands. Bloody hell. Things were really getting bad... And that's exactly why they needed to find those horcruxes.

Voldemort grinned charmingly, sitting down opposite of Draco. "Ah, Mr. Malfoy, it's always a joy..." he murmured, taking a sip of his own drink. He could sense that something was off with the man, but he was willing to hear him out, especially since he knew he'd be fucking his niece later that evening... "What is it that I can do for you this morning?"
Feyn winced a little at Evangeline's look, her shoulders rounding a little."She's still my aunt...and draco's wife. I couldn't let her die."She muttered looking so emabarassed about her reaction, shuddering as the panic faded, her mind starting to clear enough that she knew she was terribly hurt. Swallowing she nodded a little."Yes. we have no reason to stay."She muttered glancing at astoria, knowing this was going to be bad before touching Evangeline's arm and apparting back home. Stepping away from the girl as soon as they reached the manor she trembled a little."WE...we don't have to say anything. Nothing happened."She said pale and shaking as she moved slowly towards her room, having every intention of putting this aside. At least for now.To broken and abused at the moment to see how this could only work in her favor in protecting hugo. To upset and unbalanced to think clearly. Just wanting hugo as she heade for her room.

Scorpius looked startled that they were leaving, swallowing hard. "Please, mrs. weasley. Talk to my father....if you can tell to stop this.He can."Scorpius said going pale at the idea of feyn being voldemort's mistress. And unlike hugo who had only rumor he knew exactly what voldemort did to his girls, and it scared him. And he wanted Evangeline free, free to choose what, who, she wanted.He had faith in his father, to be a good man. Looking at hermione he felt like the world's biggest dick for daring to ask her help when he knew how his father had treated her, how he had treated her son but..."please mrs. weasley. The world's not big enough for you to hide in, and my cousin wont survive if you run. I know it's alot to ask, but please, just give my father a direction to look.That's all I ask."He said because he was pretty sure voldemort would mak her regret ever getting him out of jail if they really did run.

Draco smiled a little as he leaned back in his chair, "I would like to take the girl to see her father. Show her the fate waiting for her if she doesn't become more...cooperating to my demands."he said looking at the dark lord. Voldemort was right, something was off with him, and it was that he'd managed to form a bond with someone after so long of only having just his family, to having evangeline, and he was feeling weird about it. It was a odd bond betwene them, and it disturbed him that he'd left with her thinking him angry with her. it bothered him.
Evangeline groaned, looking frustrated as they stepped into the empty manor. "Just because she's your aunt doesn't make her deserving of your love or anything else," she murmured, "You... You have to stop letting people beat you around for other's safety. And I can't hide this from D- Master! He's... He's already angry with me for asking too many questions, the last thing I need if for him to find out from someone else that I nearly killed his wife - or whatever he considers her these days." She reached up and rubbed her hand over her face, looking disturbed at the idea of Draco being irritated at her. And this act was surely going to cost her...

Hermione swallowed hard, clenching her jaw. She still had a hard time thinking about working with Draco Malfoy. "Ron would never approve," she murmured, "And I'm not going to go behind his back... I've spent too many years doing things like that when I was young, but... but I'll tell you what I know." She looked over at Scorpius, and bloody hell, it was like staring at Draco all those years ago. "Those horcruxes hold a small part of Voldemort's soul in each one. When one is destroyed, he grows weaker... Judging by his strength these days, I'd say he's made more." Standing up, she moved over to the living room, rummaging through a cabinet, the muttering a charm to unlock a safe she had installed. She pulled out some dusty papers and handed them to the boys. "Those were all of my ideas... I was getting pretty close before..." She shook her head, unable to utter her old friend's name or talk about his death.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows. "She's a feisty one, eh? One that needs some instruction?" He pondered this, nodding and sipping at his scotch. Well, it was about time that Draco Malfoy started acting more like his father... He stayed silent for several moment, before letting out a sigh. "I suppose you can take her down to the dungeons this evening... But you must be gone by midnight. I have a guest coming." He smirked at that. "Of course, Severus is worse for wear. He's been down there for a while, and I've ordered that he experience the Cruciatus Curse twice a day. He will definitely serve as a good example to where your little whore could end up if she doesn't start behaving properly."
Feyn looked at her, swallowing hard. She knew she shoul dstop, after all Hugo kept telling her the same thing, but she couldn't help it. She cared deeply, so deeply about the people she allowed close to her, that she knew she wouldn't able to. Paling at her words before nodding a little."I-I'll speak to him when he returns."Feyn said, striving to protect her to. No matter wat he called astoria now, draco had loved her once, he wouldn't like this.

Scorpius swallowed as he looked at the list, shuddering a little."Thank you."He said after a moment, looking worried as he considered just how many horcruxes they could be these days. Glancing at hugo he tilted his head a little."If...if you want to leave with them...I can explain to feyn."e said after a moment, wondering if the man would choose to walk away from feyn who loved him, to go with his family. Even if he didn't always understand things, he could understand just how difficult the choice could be.

"She is, and this will be teh perfect instruction."Draco said sipping his drink as he smiled a little."Thank you my lord."He said the surprise in his voice. Having not really expected the man to agree, tilting his head a little at the idea of the man having a guest, he wondered who was having the honor before nodding."i must be going, if you do not have anything else for me. I have to stop by the townhouse and speak to Astoria."He said standing as he bowed a little to the man, needing to get away before he lost his temper over severus' treatment
Evangeline swallowed hard and nodded, moving toward the master bedroom. She was so very scared of what Draco would think. Would he even be more angry with her, even if she was defending Feyn? Taking deep breaths and trying to calm her self, she moved to the bathroom and began to run hot water into the large tub. She needed a soak... And maybe it would soften the blow if she were naked when he got home... Stripping down, she got into the bubble bath, looking so small in the large tub. Her hands were shaking; she wasn't sure what she would do if he got angry enough with her to sell her or something.

Hugo looked over at him... It was a hard choice, but he knew his family would be safe without him. However, he didn't know if Feyn would be. "No... No, i'm going to help you and your father. This needs to be done." He looked over at Scorpius with loyalty in his eyes. He may not have liked the other man, but he was willing to team up with him. He was the best person to work with on this, and they needed his father too. Hermione looked pale at her son's words, but he was of age and so obviously in love. She knew she couldn't stop him from going.

"Start with the locket," Hermione sighed. "Salazar's locket. If anyone can get close to Slytherin items, it's the Malfoys."

Voldemort nodded with a smirk on his face. "Go on, Draco, and see your wife," he murmured, "Let me know how your visit with Severus goes." His eyes went dark. "I'd like to know all of the.... cruel details." With that, he threw back the rest of his scotch and left the room, leaving Draco to show himself out.
When dracoc returned he paused, looking amused as he saw her in the tub."Want company?"He said happy how his visit had gone,toeing off his boots he smiled at her as he stripped down, climbing into the tub before he realized she was upset about something. Pausing he tilted his head as he looked her over."Evan?Did my father do something?What happened?"He asked concern in his voice as he drew her against him, assuming that lucius had been up to something to ruin his day rather then what had happened.

Scorpius looked surprised at his answewr, tilting his head a little. Smiling a little he smirked,"I could almost like you weasley."He muttered having a feeling that it wasn't just the fact that it needed done that he was staying, he was staying for feyn, who would need the support to survive through her time with voldemort. "we'll find them. Slyhterin doesn't have that many things let in existance."He sighed looking at the clock then at Hugo."if you want to stay and talk...I can come back for you...father should be home by now..."He said more because he wanted to give the two privacy then he actually wanted to talk to his father rigt that moment.
Evangeline bit her lip and nodded, watching him climb in with her. She immediately moved into his arms, looking up at him with sadness in her eyes. Her hair was piled on top of her hair in a messy bun to keep it out of the bubbles, a few strands framing her face. "I'm okay," she whispered, shaking her head. "It's not me... And I'm scared to tell you because I know how irritated you were with me last night and this morning..." She sniffed, her eyes filling with tears of fear. Because she was scared that if he got angry enough, he's send her away... "When we went shopping, McKinze appeared out of no where and took Feyn. I panicked and stole some lady's wan, followed them, and tried to get her away. Your wife appeared... dressed in lingerie and looking like she was about to eat Feyn." She swallowed hard. "And she kept calling me names and goading me, and so I cursed her out of defense... It was bad." A tear streamed down her cheek, and it was obvious that what ever curse she used was serious. "I healed her before she bled to death, but McKinze got away. I also put a memory charm on her..."

Hugo looked over at Scorpius, smirking a bit. Hermione sighed and shook her head. Her son was more like herself than she thought... If he were more like his father, he would have come home with them. It's not that Ron wasn't a fighter, but he also so the dangers that Hermione and Harry tended to ignore through out the years. "I thought I'd wait to see my father for a moment," Hugo murmured, "You can stay..." He tilted his head to the side, wondering if Scorpius was rushing off because his house made him uncomfortable... Leaning down, he began to finish his lunch while glancing over at the papers. Hermione nodded. "Of course, Scorpius, stay," she said with a smile. "Don't worry about Ron... He barks, but he doesn't bite."
Draco staed at her,his expression caught somewhere between laughter snd horror. He knew he shoulsnt, but the thought of evangeline defending someone with a bad curse amused him. And knowing who he father was,he could guess what curse nearly bled his wife to death. Swallowing hard he tilted his head a little,"well."he stopped because he had nothing to say to it. "At least I won't have yo consider how to explain her death."he said but moved to get out of the tub. Even if he didn't love her like he once did,she was still the mother of his sln,she deserved for him to check on leadt before he divorced her for getting near feyn."are you okah?and feyn?"he asked as he dried off.

Scorpius looked unsure but settled down to finish his lunch with a slight smile as he glanced at hugo."its not your dad id worry about biting me. Your mom has a reputation for hitting malfoy men"scorpius said so serious that you'd really thi.k he was worrued until yku saw the wicked glint in his eyes that said he was teasing
Evangeline looked up at him in complete and total confusion, biting her lip nervously. "I... I'm okay," she murmured, even if she was still pretty disturbed by it all. "You'd have to talk to Feyn yourself. She didn't look okay, but she also didn't want to tell you about it..." She shrugged a bit and stood up, bubbles sliding down each over her curves. Her skin was pink from being in the hot water, and her nipples immediately went erect from the cool air. Stepping out, she grabbed a towel to begin drying herself off, then let down her hair from the bun. "Are you angry with me?" she whispered, wrapping the towel around her with a sense of insecurity.

Hugo looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, then up at his mom. "Did you hit Mr. Malfoy?" he asked incredulously, shaking his head in disapproval. Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, standing up to grab her plate and put it in the sink. "He deserved it," she murmured, then turned to Scorpius. "And you can go home and tell him I don't regret it."

"Mom!" Hugo snapped, looking at her like she lost her mind. Hermione simple smirked and walked out of the kitchen, settling on the couch with the book she was reading when they arrived. Hugo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm sorry. She has good intentions."
Raco frowned sighing quietly ad he lowered his head to kiss her lightly as she got close to him."angry,yes, but not at you. You protected yourself and her. You did well...I just find it ironic that both sides of my marriage have now been nearly killed by your fathers spell."he snickered a little before growing serous."will you be alright?I need to go check on feyn and astotia."he sighed a little looking older then 37,and overwhelmed.

Scorpius snickered at hugos reaction to his mothers punching,smirking a little."oh it wasn't just a punch,she broke his nose. Still shines like a baby that of all the fights he got in with potter and other death eaters,that the only time he broke anything,it was a girl punching him."scorpius smiled as he started to relax
Evangeline tilted her head up to kiss the taller man back, looking relieved that he was not angry at her. She winced a bit when he mentioned her father's spell, but didn't quite understand how both sides of his marriage had almost been killed by it. Obviously, she was out of the loop on something. But at the moment, she wasn't going to ask about it. Not now, anyway. Nodding, she stepped forward and kissed his cheek. "Yea, I'll be fine," she murmured, "I'm just going to dry my hair and everything... Just in case, you know, I have to dress up again tonight." She frowned a bit at that, because she was still unaware that she would be dressing up tonight, but it was so that she could see her father.

Hermione giggled form the living room, and Hugo turned beet red. "I think may have got my temper from her," he murmured, lamely, "Well, now that I think about it, both my parents are little hot headed. You know... family of redheads." He shrugged a bit then turned his head when he heard the door open. He grinned a bit, standing up and moving toward the living room. There was his father, looking good despite looking a bit tired. He hugged his son, patting him on the back. "Dad, I'm so sorry for-"

"Don't apologize," Ron snapped, "I'd do anything for you and Rose. You know that. And none of it was fair." He sighed and leaned down to kiss his wife on the cheek before freezing at the sight of Scorpius. Bloody hell. He felt like he was back at Hogwarts, staring at the boy who used to call him the most god awful names; the man that his wife had to save him from a duel with, embarrassingly.

Hugo nodded to Scorpius. "Dad, this is Scorpius Malfoy... Scorpius, this is my father, Ron Weasley." Ron sighed a bit, nodding to him politely. "Nice to meet you, Scorpius. I'm sure you've heard all sorts of stories about me." With that, he smirked a bit and took off his coat and scarf. Hermione went to the kitchen to fetch him a bowl of stew.
Draco smiled a little as he looked at her, leaning down to kiss her gently,"We are going out tonight. ready in a hour or so. I'll be home by then."he said nuzzling her a little before walking out, because he didn't know what his trip out would bring, he didn't want to get her hopes up even more. After a quick stop to visit with his niece he headed for the town house, blowing the door open with a wave o his hand, smirking as the front door banged off the wall so hard it left a dent. Walking inside he tilted his head as he went in search of his wife, studying her as he stepped into the bedroom."However are you feeling darling?"He said looking her over, looking fr all the world like the soliticious husband, worried about his wife. You would never know he was about to hand her up on a silver platter. Having paused long enough to discover feyn was voldemort's mistress....well, it had changed the way he was going to handle things but it was going to be interesting.

Scorpius sighed softly as he sipped his water as he watched the family reunion, raising a eyebrow when he saw the man looking at him. Tilting his head a little he smiled."Hello Mr. Weasley."he said politely before laughing at Ron's words smirking slightly."Well, not to many. It's your wife I hear about the most. It seems father has never forgiven her for continually beating him at school."he snorted before sighing quietly, "Hugo, we should be going. Or I need to be. I have somewhere to be tonight."he said, not so much uncomfortable, but they deserved a private goodbye, and well, he wasn't about to admit that he needed to see evangeline, and check in on his horse.
Evangeline smiled, nodding and kissing him back before watching him go. She wondered where exactly he was planning to take her, and of course she had no idea what to wear. Sighing, she settled on drying her hair out straight, wearing a pair of jeans and a low cut blouse, and putting on a little makeup. As she waited for him, she sat in the master bedroom's sitting area, reading a book that was sitting on his coffee table.

Astoria looked over at her husband, looking worse for wear. She swallowed hard. "How do you think I feel darling?" she snapped, "Your little whore cursed me and nearly took my life! Then she tried to cover it up with a memory charm, but she only managed to to do temporary damage." Her would was stern and furious, but raspy. She waved her wand, making a glass of wine appear before taking a gulp. He may have a game plan, but so did she...

Hugo nodded, about to stay while Scorpius went, but Hermione shook her head. "Go on," she murmured, giving him a smile. "You need to go a get a head start... We won't be leaving for a few days, so just make sure you get back down here by friday okay? I'm sure Rose wants to see you..." Hugo smiled and nodded, leaning down to kiss her cheek before looking over to Scorpius. "Ready to go?" he murmured, raising his eyebrows. He was hoping Feyn would be back. They needed to have a talk.
Draco tilted his head a little,"Well, I bought her for her skills at sex, not her skills with magic."he said,sounding calm and collected. Draco at his angriest, coldest, wasn't given to bouts of anger or screaming like his father, the quieter he got the more dangerous his mood. "What you didn't mention was why she attacked you. You abucted your own niece Astoria, surely you didn't think you could actually get away with kidnapping Voldemort's newest mistress."He sid taking a gamble that she didn't know, and his eyes showing that he had every intention of telling the dark lord. He was just so tired of the games.

"I'll make sure he makes it back, mrs weasley."Scorpius said smiling a little."Maybe even bring Feyn with him, so you can meet your future daughter in law."He snorted laughing, because he knew just how unlikely it was, but he knew it was what they both wanted. Nodding as he apparated them back to the manor he shrugged."Okay. I've had my fill of spending the day with a weasley. I have a few things to do."He said already heading up the stairs without waiting for a answer, the words not as sharp or cruel as they would have even days ago. A light teasing there, even if it had a sharp edge to it. Jogging up the stairs he glanced around before knocking on the master bedroom doors."Father?Evangeline?"He said knocking on the door again.

Feyn meanwhile was trying so hard to be calm and collected as she got ready for her evening. She knew there would be no excuse to not meeting voldemort that night, even as miserable and hurt as she felt. Even more disturbed at Draco's visit, her uncle's fury over her being hurt had upset her enough to make her determined to prove that everything was fine. Leaning against the door she swallowed hard closing her eyes as she panted, knowing she really needed to lay down and sleep, both her emotional and physical well being not being steady enough to consider seeing voldemort tonight, but there was no choice. Glancing up in startlement as the door opened, she smiled a little thinly, "Hey, Hugo."She muttered not meeting his eyes as she crossed the room, glad that the bruises hadn't started to darken yet as she moved over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned against him.
Astoria narrowed her eyes. "I did not kidnap her, Draco!" she snapped, "McKinze did, and he brought her here... And then of course, your little slut went all crazy on me." She rolled her eyes and sat up in the bed, not ready to back down. She hated her husband, especially since he made her leave the manor. She no longer had any love for him, considering she didn't have much love for him in years... "If you even think of telling Voldemort, I'll make sure to tell him exactly how that little whore has been behaving... And you know a deed like that won't go unpunished." She smirked at that, taking another sip of her wine. "Go ahead and send me to jail, Draco, but I'll drag that little mudblood with me."

Evangeline put the book down and headed for the door, opening it and smiling shyly up at Scorpius. "Hey," she murmured, biting her lip. "You're father is out... But I'm pretty lonely and bored in here." She smirked at him a bit and moved to the side, letting him in before shutting the door. "Where have you been all morning?"

Hugo reached down and stroked her hair, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He looked down at her with an arched eyebrow. "What are you getting dressed for?" he murmured worriedly. "I thought you said he didn't ask for you until tomorrow..." He moved over to sit on her bed, leaning back on his hands. He wasn't going to tell her about what her and Scorpius were doing. Not yet. He didn't want to scared her even more. "Come here..." he murmured, patting his lap with a soft smile.
Draco stared at her. before sighing. Realizing he didn't have a choice, not if he was going to protect them. And well...he knew feyn would be telling voldemort soon enough, so it would leave him out of this game. Holding out the folder in his hand he looked at her. "Sign, astoria. I'm not staying in this marriage, when it is obvious we fell out of love years ago."He said looking away, because it broke him to consider that his marriage was truly over. While he'd been falling out of love for months, it he had loved her desperately once, and still cared for her. "I'll give you wht money you want, and you can keep the townhouse. Just...stay away from me. And the children.And my little mudblood slut, she's mine and I will punish her as I see fit."He growled annoyed with her for being like this, and hating himself for not knowing she'd always been like this. He just wanted to be out of this mess, to get away from the anger and grief that was eating him alive.

Scorpius smiled a little at him, "Well then, we'll just have to liven up your morning."He said looking interested, wondering what his father was up to before shrugging."I took Weasley to visit his mother, since only malfoys, and feyn, can come and go freely. The wards are set..."He shrugged looking out of sorts, the talk of horcruxes and knowing she was sleeping with his father was screwing with his head."You want to go see what gwendolyn's up to?"He said smiling at her.

FEyn sighed a little before looking startled."I...oh. Yes. I guess that is tomorrow."She muttered looking confused for a moment as she looked down at her clothes before sitting down in his lap more then anything, wanting held. Sighing softly as she sat sideways in his lap, she reested her head on his shoulder, shuddering every now and then. She was out of sorts and hurt, but determined to not show just how much the touching was freaking her out. Even knowing hugo would never ever hurt her, she was still uneasy.
Astoria clenched her jaw, reading over the papers and quickly signing it, then tossed them to him. "I'll let you know what kind of money I have settled on," she snapped, the nodded to the door. "Just leave, Draco. We are done, and we've been done for a long time... However, I must say, it's interesting that you are actually acting passionate about something for once." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window, trying not to appear as a bitter woman. When they were younger, things were different, but he started to pull away and she started to act out.

Evangeline grinned and moved over to grab her jacket. "I'd love to," she murmured, so happy and relieved to be with Scorpius. She just... couldn't deny the giddy feeling he gave her; it was different than the feeling she got from Draco, but just as strong. Walking with him down to the stable, she grinned when she saw Gwendolyn. Reaching up, she pet the horse's nose and gave her a kiss. "She looks good," she murmured, smiling over at Scorpius. "Reading to pop, I'm pretty sure, but good."

Hugo sighed and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her's. "I've got you, Feyn," he whispered, rubbing her back. "I have you..." He hated that she was so upset, but he almost didn't know how to comfort her. All of this was so different to him. He'd never even been in a serious relationship for, especially not like this. "Feyn, what can I do?" he asked, sounding a bit desperate.
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