Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco bowed his head a little to look at her, trying to shelter her a little from the rain as they rode."It's okay."He muttered groaning a little as she cuddled back against him, shivering a little. His body reacting to having the girl pressed up tight against him."No, she doesn't. Feyn usually stays out here with her, if its storming.sara goes insane during storms."He muttered shivering a little as he kissed her back, letting the horse follow scorpius back to the barn as he kissed her. "Excuse me you two, you're going to walk into the barn door if your not careful."Scorpius said sounding vaguely amused, and slightly disturbed as he pulled the saddles of the two horses and set about making them comfortable."Shut up Scorpius."Draco said scowling annoyed at his son's teasing as he raised his head, eyes dilated with lust as he took in the barn around them.

Feyn laughed a little, shivering as he touched her, waiting for a stronger touch, as if not sure what to expect as she looked around the room. Eyeing the maids she nodded a little as she stripped out of the clothes, shivering in the cold room as she let the maids groom her to whatever he wanted, not complaining. To well trained by both astoria and mckinze to complain about what they were doing. Even when she had hated something happening to her she had never complained, only breaking down later. And well now she was curious. When they were finished she shivered in the cool air, so slender and pale, the flame colored hair curling softly around her face as she looked at him waiting to see what he would say.
Evangeline blushed and pulled away from Draco, letting him help her down. She wasn't sure how these two boys were so... okay with eachother being with her. Of course, she never would have guessed things would have led to this, but not she was starting to feel that there would be no way to choose between the two of them. Her feelings were growing for both father and son. "So what's next today?" she murmured, looking at both boys. She had no idea that her clothes were that wet and stuck to her, showing erect nipples and each of her soft curves. "Too bad the rain put such a damper on our ride..."

Voldemort walked over to her wearing a long black, expensive robe. He motioned for the maids to leave, then cupped her chin. "Absolutely perfect..." He looked her up and down, taking in her freshly waxed and bathed body. She smelled of lavender, his favorite scent. "Beautiful." He led her over to the bed, laying her down, then shedding his own robe. "Like last night... I want you to service me," he murmured, reaching down to pet her hair gently. He liked cumming atleast once before he got to the more interesting things, because he made his controls even better.
Scorpius swallowed hard as he looked at evangeline, turning away from them even as he watched Draco stare at her as he unsaddled the horse."I'm going to stay out here with gwendolyn. I don't want her to go into labor with the storm and all..."The younger malfoy muttered avoiding looking at them, because while he was....okay with her belonging to draco because it protected her, it still made him extremely uncomfortable and sick to his stomach to watch his father fuss and stare at her with that look on his face. Draco blushed a little as he cleared his throat, drying off the horses with a flick of his wand, not wanting them to get sick as he looked at Evangeline."Come. We'll go inside and get warmed up."He said already heading for the door, having no intention of convincing Scorpius to come inside, and he knew that he had to have sex with her, and soon,considering he was sure his lord would be back to check on them soon enough.

feyn sighed a little as he cupped her chin, leaning her face into his hand a little as she shuddered.Looking up at him bemused as he laid her down she watched him undress before sighing quietly as he petted her hair.whining quietly in pleasure as her eyes closed, she loved having her hair played with."I can do that my lord."she muttered shifting to get close to him, pressing a kiss to his stomach before rolling her eyes to look up at him, giving him a playful smirk even as she slid her mouth down over his cock, closing her eyes as she lost herself in pleasuring him. Her eagerness to protect hugo, her lust for the dangerous dark lord, making her even more eager to pleasure him then normal. An overachiever as always. Even if in the back of her head, she was scared of what hugo would think,but....she just had to remind herself it was to protect him, that he wouldn't hate her for loving him enough to think nothing of herself.Because that was the only way this would work, that she could lose herself enough to please voldemort.
Evangeline looked over at Scorpius, biting her lip a little. Part of her really wanted to stay with him, but she knew she should go with Draco. "You will come get me if she does? I want to be there for her..." She smiled at him a little, then turned to followed Draco into the house. She let out a sigh of satisfaction from the warmth of the house. She quickly slipped out of her wet clothes and pulled on a pair of panties and a large, comfy sweater that she found of Feyn's. Walking over to the fire place, she sat down on the bear skin rug in front of it, letting it warm her up.

Voldemort let out a deep, pleasure filled groan. "That's a good girl," he whispered, running his finger through his hair, tugging at it forcefully. Once he started to get close, he pulled her hair and made her take him out of her mouth. "Ah, ah, ah..." he tutted, "You remember what a said." He licked his lips and spilled his cum across her chest, letting it drip from her neck, breasts, and stomach. He roared with pleasure, yanking her hair almost painfully, then let her go. "You are talented," he murmured, then waved his hand, making a table appear. There were straps and buckles on on each side of it, and a padded area to left her ass up when she laid on her stomach. "Go. On your stomach."
Scorpius nodded a little as he stroked Gwendolyn's mane,"I will.Go."He muttered resting his cheek against the horse's neck as he listened to the two leave.Draco smiled a little as he changed into a pair of sweat pants, stretching out on the bear skin rug next to her, laying down on it he shifted, resting his head in her lap as he looked up at her."You look comfy."he muttered smirking a little as he turned his head, nuzzling his cheek against the edge of the sweater, pushing it up a little, smirking as he pressed a kiss against the chilled skin."But cold.I should do the right thing and warm you up."He muttered, a smile dimpling his cheek.

Feyn gasped as he pulled her hair her back arching as he held her hair, panting as cum slid down her rib cage, looking like a perfect slut strung out for his pleasure. Nearly collasping as he letgo of herhair she stumbled a little as she moved towards the table.Giving it a nervous look but did as she was told, climbing up on it she muttered the charm to let the buckles settle around her wrists, having learned it from astoria, she whimpered a little as the buckles held her in place, half in fear half in pleasure caught between the two as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Looking so vulnerable and slutty waiting for him like that.
Evangeline grinned, giggling a bit because his facial hair tickled her stomach. Reaching down, she ran her hand through his hair, biting her lip. "That would be the right thing to do," she murmured, "After all, you are my master... No person could let a pet freeze to death." Lust could be seen in her big brown eyes as she stroked his dimpled cheek. He was so handsome, and it was becoming harder and harder to deny, no matter how much she truly was attracted to his son as well. "How do you plan to warm me up, Draco?" she whispered, raising her eyebrows.

She was putting on a good show, and Voldemort was impressed. She was well trained, and it made him wonder a little. Of course, not enough to comment on it... Walking over to his wardrobe, he grabbed a flogger out of it. "Have you ever been whipped, Kitten?" he murmured, tilting his head to the side. He moved over and began to caress her youthful ass with the tip of the flogger, grinning down at her.
"Oh that would be a crime. No good death eater would allow there pet to freeze."he smirked shifting to lay on his side, sliding his hands up her thighs he parted the mgently as he made her lay down, lowering his head as he kissed his way up her legs,"Hmmm I think I'll warm you up how every erotic novel has a man warming up a woman on a bear skin rug."He smirked a little as he muttered the charm, laughing quietly as her panties vanished, letting her keep the sweater as he nudged her legs further part, laying down on the rug as he lowered his mouth to her, tongue delving into her folds as he lost himself into one of his favorite activities to do during sex.

Feyn swallowed hard watching him, quiet and obiendent. Well trained and abused to make sure she was quiet and obedient when any other time she couldn't shut up, astoria and mckinze both had made sure she was well trained enough to be quiet in the bedroom.Well trained, all except for being a virgin, both had been willing to wait for her wedding. Shuddering a little as she looked at him, she whimpered as he stroked her ass, squirming slightly, looking so much like a trapped kitten there, bound and tied up for his pleasure. "N-no, my lord."She whispered fear darkening her eyes even if she refrained from muttering the counter charm, well trained enough to not free herself until he said it was okay.
Evangeline had never had a man's mouth on her like this, never between legs. She felt a little nervous about it at first, but soon, she had her legs spread wide and her hand between her legs, stroking her fingers though his hair. "Oh... Draco...." she moaned, sitting up enough so she could watch him at work. It was so very erotic to think that the man who had ran into her in the hallway at Hogwarts and walked her to her room was not laying between her legs in front of his fireplace, pleasuring her with his mouth and hands. "Please," she panted, biting her lip seductively. "I... I want you."

Voldemort grinned, licking his lips. "Good... very good," he whispered, then with a swift movement, brought the flogger down on her ass. He did it several times. No, Multiple times. He didn't let up until her ass was nearly bleeding, and he made her count each one. When he was finished, he threw it to the side, grabbed what might look like an egg vibrator in the human world (though softer and more life-like, powered by magic) and thrust it inside her. He chose this toy, thinking she was still a virgin, but it was wide enough to start stretching her, and it was most definitely near her toward orgasm whether quickly. It worked based on the emotions of the user. "You will not orgasm until I tell you to. If you do so without my permission, I'll send you away looking just as you are - like a little whore. And kitten, you don't want that. Uncle Draco would be so very disappointed in you, what with you panting like a bitch in heat."
Draco sighed quietly as he pleasured her, shuddering as she ran her fingers through his hair, raising his head, his mouth glistening a in the firelight with hre juices as he looked up at her."Ohhhh you want me?"He smirked wiping his mouth clean as he moved to lay between her legs, vansihing his own sweats as he looked down at her."Whatever do you want me to do?"He purred teasing her as much as himself as he thrust against her a little, rubbing against her but not sliding in.

Feyn whimpered as he whipped her, tears of both pleasure and pain sliding down her cheeks as she counted. Gasping quietly eyes widening as he thrust the vibrator into her she looked up at him, eyes wide and surprised. Whimpering quietly as the small thing started shoving her towards the edge, panting as she squirmed, thighs rubbing together as she struggled to obey. Fisting her hands as she tried not to pull at her hands she struggled to stay in control, to not come, as her breathing grew ragged and uneven as she flushed, eyes wide with pleasure as she squirmed. whimpering quietly she cried in overwhelming pleasure, wanting to come, needing to."please my lord, please oh please. Let me come...your kitten needs to come, please."She whimpered begging so nicely as the vibrator was starting to send her spiraling out of control."Please!"She really was a bitch in heat, needing something, needing him. Abused and broken to another's will, the womn wnted to be allowed to come, having never been given the pleasure of doing so before with mckinze or astoria, she wanted to with him.
"D-Draco," Evangeline whimpered, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes. Oh, she was in deep... And she wasn't sure what the hell she was going to do, but right now, she wanted him. She wanted this mature, handsome man so very badly. Reaching down, she grabbed the hem of the sweater and raised it above her head, revealing all of herself to him; her curvy, youthful body. "I want you," she whispered, nodding. She reached down and gently grasped the man's cock, moaning a bit at it's size and warmth. "You know what I want you to do..."

Voldemort grinned, watching from an arm chair as she plead and cried and panted. He stroked himself as he watched her, finally standing up when she started to beg. With a wave of his hand, the toy left her, leaving her empty and void of the orgasm she wanted. "I think you and I both know you don't deserve that," he murmured, coming up behind her. His eyes and tone were so charming, even if his actions were so cruel. Moving behind her, her groped her as and rubbed his cock against her lower back until he came, letting yet another load of his seed cover her flesh. As soon as he came, the bindings were gone. "Get up," he murmured, "Go to the bathroom and take a good look at yourself. Then I want you to shower, dress in some clean clothes that the maid has laid out for you, and leave. Be back the day after tomorrow at midnight." With that, he leaned down to give her sore as a squeeze and left the room.
Draco smirked a little as he looked down at her, looking down at her he blushed ever so slightly as he considered the girl under him, moaning as he grasped his cock, thrusting a little into her hand."I do,but I want you to say it."He smirked a little before nudging her hand off of him, hands griping her hips as he thrust into her, panting as he forced himself to hold still to let her get used to him, arms trembling with the effort as he held himself above her."Oh...."He shuddered his head dropping to her shoulder as he forced himself to be easy with her, thrusting into her gently,rocking his hips a ltitle.

Feyn gasped her eyes widening, crying harder as he pulled the toy out, whimpering as he moved behind her. Gasping in pleasure as he grasped her hips, rying in denied pleasure as he came, collasping to the table as she was unbound. Looking up at him she gently eased herself off the table and did as he said. Looking asahmed and broen at her aroused appearance she shuddered as she cleaned up trying t calm down, even though it felt like just a touch would have her coming. But she knew better then to finish herself off, at least in this house. Shuddering as she apparated home, she made her way to her bedroom, eyes widening a little as she saw hugo waiting for her. Swallowing hard as she took step bakc, about ready to run away, because she knew what she looke like flushed with pleasure, eyes red from crying...
"Ooooh!" Evangeline gasped, her moan echoing through the large master bedroom. She held on to his shoulder and turned her head to kiss him passionately, her legs wrapping around his waist. Judging me his trembling muscles and the pleasure on his face, he hadn't done this in a while... "When is the last time you had sex?" she whispered, nibbling his neck a bit. Her hips rolled up into his, making him go a bit deeper. She was so wet and aroused by the older man above her, wanting him just as much as she wanted his son the night before. However, she was finally starting to see a difference between her feelings for Draco and Scorpius... Scorpius made her feel innocent and comforted and beautiful, while Draco made her feel protected and womanly and sexy. It was so hard to choose between the two.

Hugo looked up at her from the middle of her bed, a pair of black-rimmed reading glasses on his nose and a book in his hand. He set it down and looked at her with absolute confusion and anxiousness. She looked different... "Feyn, you... you were gone for hours," he murmured, swallowing hard. It was obvious that all he did while she was gone was worried about her. "What's wrong? You.. You don't look good." He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes were searching her's, scared about what Voldemort was up to.
Draco moaned softly as he kissed her back, eyes sqyeezed shut as he struggled to be gentle with her, not wanting to hurt hurt as he moaned as she nibbled at his skin, thrusting a little harder into her as he gripped her hips tightly, sure to leave bruises in the morning."uh....awhile..."He panted swallowing hard as he tried to remember. it wasn't so muh that he didn't want his wife, it was...just that in the last few years he'd come to recognize, even if he didn't acknowledge it, tht she loved him as much for himself as his bank account, and had started pulling away from her because of it. And in doing so, had left himself celibate for months.It was amazing that he'd managed to go this long without having sex with evangeline, when it was so very obvious that he'd been denying himself for a long time.

Feyn swallowed hard looking at him, flushed with embarassment and arousal as she looked t him, eyes pained as she considered him. Stepping back again as he got up, avoiding his eyes, because it hurt her heart to now what she'd been doing when he was here worrying about her. stumbling towards him a little as he pulled her towards him, she swallowed as she met his eyes, nudging his legs apart so she could stand between them, leaning against him as she crumbled, her self control crumbling as she started to cry."I-I..."she stuttered a little, "i want to come. Please."She begged quietly, pressing against him,"Please."she whispered begging him, to far gone to realize what she had to look like to him, so far gone that she wasn't worried about how slutty or whorish she was going to appear to be, she just needed to be able t thin clearly again.The very fact that she was so far gone in pleasure and need, made it very obvious about what had been going on for hours.
Evangeline panted pushed away just enough so she could look him in the eyes. It seriously shocked her that he couldn't even tell her the last time he had sex... It made her feel special, that was for sure, but it also made her feel so sad for him. He must had fallen out of love with Astoria a lot earlier than he was willing to admit. "I want to make you feel good, Draco," she whispered, wanting so very much to take care of this lonely man. Leaning up, she kissed very gently, pushing at his shoulders until he allowed her to roll him over and straddle him with his cock still inside of her. This way, the light of the fireplace bounced off her young, nude body above him, letting him see each bounce of her breasts and clench of her abdomen as she began to ride him. Her hands moved to rest on his chest as her hips rolled into his... It was when she was looking down at him that she noticed the Dark Mark on his forearm; something he seemed to always cover until now. Taking his hand, she slowly brought his arm up to her lips, kissing the haunted tattoo as if she were trying to make it better.

Hugo looked at her, eyes wide. "Wh-what?" he murmured, looking incredibly shocked. What had she been doing? What had he done to her to make her act like... this? He swallowed hard, holding her against him and kissing her hair. "Okay, okay," he whispered, more worried than aroused. He laid her out on the bed, pulled her skirt up and around her waist and her panties around her knees. Swiftly, he thrust his fingers inside of her and began to work them in and out, wanting to give her the release that she seemed so desperate to have... even if he was scared as to why she wanted it. However, despite the front he tended to put up, he was a good guy. He'd make sure she was taken care of before spouting off questions.
Drao blushed a little as he met her eyes, embarassed about his admittance. smiling a little as he let her push him over, he settled his hands on her hips, just watching her move above him,enjoying watching him. gasping softly in surprise as her lips found the sensitive skin of his forearm, he shuddered as his hand gripped her hips tightly as he came, the surprise of her kissing his arm, and his absentience making him lose control. The skin of his dark mark was extra sensitive, triggered to the spell that had created it, where it was usually pain that laced the skin, the nerves there also responded to pleasure. Shuddering as he sat up, wrapping his arms around her tightly as he shuddered in orgasm.

Feyn whimpered quietly as he laid her down, so lost, so out of control she couldn't see how very worried he was about her. Gasping in pleausre as his fingers slid into her, it only took a few moments before she was shuddering in orgasm, eyes wide as she slumped back into the pillows. closing her eyes as she trembled, shifting away from him, curlign up on her side as she started to cry. So embarassed, feeling so slutty and whorish that she couldn't even look at him.Pressing her hands over her ears she tried not to hear what he was saying, because she didn't want to admit to what had been going on, that the broken part of her had wanted the man to fuck her, had wanted anything he was going to give her.
Evangeline wrapped her arms around him, nuzzle his neck and closing her eyes. She knew it was wrong and maybe even a bit twisted, but she had the oddest feeling that her father always knew that his godson would take care of her; that if anything happened to him, she'd have Draco, even if she didn't know it... Her father knew that Draco was a good man. "I'm sorry," she whispered, thinking she crossed a line. "I just felt this need to... kiss it. I can't even explain it." She bit her lip and looked down at him, watching as pleasure swirled through his silver eyes. It felt nice to have her naked body pressed against his, and she didn't want it to end... "Can we take a bath?" she whispered, pushing his hair out of his face. "Please?"

Hugo watched her, looking so concerned and freaked out. He watched her, unaware of what to do, then finally grabbed her shoulder and pulled her around. He took her hands in his and forced them away from her face. "Tell me what he did!" he barked, frustration in his eyes. "Feyn, you tell me right now." He swallowed hard, his heart thumping in his chest. He'd forgive her if she did something stupid to protect him, but he'd never forgive himself for letting her. Ever. "Feyn..." he whispered, trying to calm down. "Please tell me... I can't watch you do this to yourself. You look awful."
Draco sighed softly in pleasure as she nuzzled him, closing his his eyes, just enjoying the moment.It had been so long since he'd felt in love with his wife, or loved by her, that he looked sad as well as pleased as he nuzzled her back.Smiling quietly before shuddering a little."it's...okay. Just usually no one touches it.The skin's sensitive to touch."He muttered looking up at her, smiling a little as he blushed slightly. Despite enjoying a death eater's life, astoria had seemed embarassed by such a obvious mark of his service, so it had been truly a long time since he'd felt accepted. shifting he stood with her still in his arms even as he pulled out of her, walking towards the bathroom as he let her stay wrapped around him."Of course."He smiled a little as he ran the tub an climb in, leaning against the edge as he let her sit on him, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the wall.

Feyn whimpered quietly as he grabbed her hands, startled at his words. Swallowing hard as she shuddered, avoiding looking at him as she shifted, hesitating before cuddling into him, crying ever so softly as she rested her head on his chest. Swallowing hard as she tried to alm down, before..."I..I made a deal. To protect you, to get your father out...and most of all,to get out of my marriage."She muttered not wanting to blame him, hoping he wouldn't feel guilty, even if she knew he would.Crying harder her heart broke because she knew how he'd feel. "I-I have to... be his mistress, for however long he wants, whenever he repay the debt of letting your father go, and getting me out of my marriage.I.."She shuddered swallowing hard, before stopping, she couldn't tell him what had happened tonight, she couldn't tell him what happened."I have to hugo,I'll do anything to not marry mckinize."She muttered calming slowly, burying her face against his chest, holding onto him tightly, as if afraid he was going to get up and leave her an she was desperate to keep him there.
Evangeline sighed in satisfaction as the warm water came around them and consumed them. The bath tub was large, large enough for them to be in it and not even touch, but she made no move to get out of his lap. She simple grabbed a wash clothe and began to gently rub it over his chest and stomach. "How old were you when you got it?" she murmured, referring to the Dark Mark on his forearm. It still looked fresh and new, but that was the magic, unlike muggle tattoos. As she waited for him to answer, she soaped up his body, exploring each muscle and scar that was in her reach. He was such a very handsome man that was plagued with pain and darkness...

Hugo let go of her, looking down at her with deep confusion and pain in his eyes. "Mistress?" he whispered, "Feyn, h... how could you do this? This isn't safe; this is sick. He's just using you..." He reached up and rubbed a hand over his face. Part of him hated her for this. Why couldn't she just wait and let him figure something out and run away with him to the states? Why did she have to go do something so stupid? There was nothing he could do now. He had to sit there and watch her do this to herself. "I'm angry with you," he admitted, laying down and pulling her into his arms, "But I'm scared for you... Because I know I'm not going to be able to talk you out of it. Now I'll have to do something reckless too."
Draco sighed softly as he relaxed,just enjoying bathing with someone even thiugh it broke his heart with memories then when as a teen him and astoria had been like this. Not responding right away hee considered the months that had led up to that moment before sighinf quietly."16."he answered shortly because it wasn't a time he cared to think about. Glancing up at her through half closed eyes he smiled a little."finish washi.g up.I have a early morning tomorrow."he said pulling away from her, shutting her out of his thoughts ever so gently, shutting down not wanting to consider hogwarts.

Feyn swallowed as she met his eyes, tears filling hers as she saw how upset he was,cringing away when he said he was angry,tense in his arms as he held her before forcing herslef to relax, restinf her head on his chest. "N-no reckless acts hugo."she muttered sniffling before sighing quietly. She kbew he was angry she hadn't wited, but she had needed to save his father and protect him...not to mention."...he'll groe bored with me in a few weeks or months. Then I can have the life I wnt....with you. Not on the run,not hiding in the states,but here with you."she said so scared he'd leave her for this,but equally sure she was right
In afew months they could be together, left in peace....the poor,poor deluded naive girl. It was obvious despite living in a death eater home,she wasn't truly aware of how their world worked, that shed never be allowed tl have the life she wanted without running away...but this gave hugo what he needed to save her. Time to plan
Evangeline swallowed hard, feeling her heart break a little at his answer. Sixteen? That's so young... She bit her lip and watching him start to pull away, seeing it was a sensitive subject. She didn't blame him; it must be an awful memory to deal with. How could his father make him do such a thing at such a young age? "Draco..." she murmured, biting her lip and watching him get out of the bath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pried like that..." Sighing, she moved to wash her hair and rinse off before climbing out of the tub. Her black hair was damp and a little wavy when she stepped into the bedroom, and she put her large comfy sweater and panties back on. She wondered why he had to be up so early in the morning, fearing he might leave her alone, but she chose to not stay quiet. Climbing into the bed with him, she snugged again his side and hooked one of her bare legs around one of his. "Are you okay?" she whispered after a while, the young girl resting her head on his chest.

Hugo shook his head. "First, you no longer have any say in what reckless things I do or don't do," he said with a stern tone. "Second... What in bloody hell makes you think he's just going to let you go and run off into the sunset with a mudblood?" He looked at her with confusion and concern. "Feyn, he's never going to let you go. He may get bored with you and find a new pet, but you will always be his." Swallowing hard, he rubbed her back and kissed her hair. "I'm going to figure something out..." he promised. And he knew the one thing he had to do was the one thing that he hated to do; he was going to have to go to his enemy, Scorpius Malfoy, for help.
Draco sighed a little as she climbed in bed with him,and even with a arm resging over his eyes,hiding most of his face from view he still settled the other arm around her.its fine. Me joining at 16 isn't anything a history book wouldn't have told you."he said because while it hadn't been common knowledge until years later,everyone knew it had been draco malfoy to let death eaters in that night dumbledire died. His voice was muffled and tired when he finally answered her."I'm fine evangeline. Now sleep. K have no desire to speak to a dark lord when I'm so tired I can't stand up."he said his foul mood coming through the words, those months had been the worst for him and he truly hated looking at them to closely._

Feyn whimpered a little,cringing away from him at his tone even as she shuddered."I...I thouht he'd let me miht be a mudblood...but a useful one, and...we're going to breed ourselves out if we don't get new blood sometimea..."feyn whimpered a littlr closing her eyes trying to relax and stop the tears."I'm sorry. I thought I was protecting us both."she muttered drifting off into a exhausted sleep
Evangeline frowned, recoiling a bit from him when he got snappy with her. "I- Okay," she murmured, swallowing hard and trying not to apologize again. She let out a sigh and rolled over, laying on her side and facing away from him. She must have been lacking more sleep than she thought because she was asleep almost instantly, though she had constant nightmares. One after the other. They were always and terrifying dreams about her father dying or Voldemort getting ahold of her. She never screamed while sleeping, but fidgeted and whined a lot.

Hugo rubbed her back, making sure she was sound asleep before going to sleep himself. However, he woke up only a few hours later. It was earlier in the morning that Feyn usually woke up, so he knew this was the best time... Clenching his jaw in frustration, he quietly moved out of them bed and slipped into his jeans and sweater. He hated what he was about to do... But it was necessary. This all needed to be stopped, and not just Feyn's troubles, but the entire wizard world's troubles. Voldemort needed to be stopped.

"Malfoy, open up," Hugo said, knocking on the man's door. "We need to talk."
Draco sighed a little as he got ready for the day, looking for all the world like last night had never happened. Leaning over he gently kissed evangeline stroking her hair."evangeline. Time to get up."he muttered stroking her hair. No matter hoe annoyed with her he was,even though he knew it wasn't her fault, he was annoyed and despite that he was going to make sure she was well protectex before he left for the day."evan."he muttered his voice gentle as he realized she hadn't slept well.

Scorpius groaned as he hauled himself out of bed,looking annoyed about being woken up as he pulled the door open."what is it?"he growled glaring at the man on the other side,though not striking out at him like he normally would havs. His cousin seemed tocate for him,which was the only reason to be civil. And even realizing he'd answered the dokr naked,he had every intention of going back to sleep after he told the weasley to fuck off., no need to dress
Evangeline jerked away, gasping a little before looking up at him. Her hand went to her chest. "Fucking nightmares," she cursed, swallowing hard. She sat up the bed, her hair all wavy and messy from sleeping on it while it was wet, and her sweater draped over one shoulder. She took in his already dressed body, wondering exactly how long he had been awake... At first, she didn't know if she should say anything to him at all. He did seem pretty irritated with her the night before... "Are you staying for breakfast?" she murmured, yawning a little as one of the house elves brought in a couple plates worth of pancakes and sausage, and some spiced pumpkin juice... She must have been a well-trained elf, because she had yet to tell Lucius how well Draco was treating Evangeline.

Hugo narrowed his eyes, refusing to look down at the man's naked body. The last thing he needed right now was an eyeful of Malfoy's dick. "After all those years at Hogwarts, I'm surprised you don't have herpes," he murmured, nodding downward. "Good to know you're safe. Now. As much as I don't want to, this is about Feyn... It's important, so can I come in and do you think you can throw on a robe?" He looked irritated, but desperate. He knew if anything cared as much about Feyn as he did, it was her cousin.
Draco smiled a little,though still irritated it wasn't so much with her as it was for himself as he'd let nihtmares hound him all night. Stretching out on the bed next to her he leaned back againdt the headboard and eith a mjttered thank you to the house elf he nodded looking up at her."only because you asked so nicely."he smiled before looking amused shaking his head a little."I already talked to feyn"-who despute what hugo hsd thought,was awake and getting ready to go out for thr day."and shes going shopping and wants you to go with her. So she can get you some clothes."he said making it sound like it had been feyns idea instead of his.

"I'm surprised no ones killed you yet.but lets not talk about surprises."scorpius scowled a little before sighing,worry darkening his eyes as he pushed away from the door already hradkng back to the strongly decorated slytherin room,even without saying anything, the room had obviously been dracos at one time. Pulling on a pair of sweats scorpius slumped onto the couch in front of the fireplace looking at hugo."what is this about feyn now.?"worry making him sound irratied and angry,dislkking he was hearing about something being wrong from hugo and not feyn
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