Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco lamped a hand down on Evangeline's thigh as she froze, fingers digging into her skin to warn her to be still before stroking her thigh, "of course my lord."He said smirking as he nuzzled his face against Evangeline's neck, just so he wouldn't have to see how Scorpius was responding to the sight. It disturbed him as much as he was finding himself enjoying the idea of the girl in his lap. It'd just been awhile since he'd' actually had sex, so he was enjoying it.

Feyn wrinkled her nose a little as she loked at the dark lord, for a moment forgetting who he was as she considered his words, glad she was calm and used to pretending everything was okay, otherwise she would have been getting sick.But...mckinze was mckinze, and made the perfect guy to blame."if you want pureblood girls to stay untainted, you're going to need to talk to mckinze first. Not to mention the women.." "enough Feyn!"Lucius scowled glaring at his granddaughter, wondering just how badly voldemort was going to react to this. Feyn scowled at the censure, before went silent even if her eyes were still angry and hurt, to hurt and scared of mckinze to consider who she was talking to, or what might happen if he found her outburst more amusing then annoying.

draco sighed quietly tlting his head a little, glancing at voldemort as he absently stroked Evangeline's back."You'll have to forgive my niece, my lord, she's not learned her place yet."He said warning flashing in his eyes, wondering if the girl had grown so reckless and desperate tht suicide by way of voldemort was preferrable to getting married.
Hugo glared over at Feyn. He was definitely on her side, but this was not the time for reckless bravely. She was going to ruin it for them all. "Drop. It." he murmured through clenched teeth. The last thing they needed was Voldemort making an example out of her. He glanced at her scotch, telling her that maybe she needed to have the drink in her hand in order to calm herself. Voldemort chuckled a bit. "McKinze likes his women, yes, but he will be busy for while. I just appointed him to Headmaster," he murmured, taking a sip of his scotch. Hugo seemed surprised by Voldemort. He had expected a volatile, crazed man... But this man was almost too calm and put together, and that made him even more dangerous. Turning to Lucius, Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "I would start teaching that girl to be seen and not heard," he murmured quietly, "Or she's going to spend a lot of time with a whip. You know how McKinze favors a good cat-o-nine."

Narcissa paled at his words, shaking her head. "We will take care of it, My Lord," she murmured, hoping that it wouldn't come to... that. She took a sip of her own scotch, then finished eating her cake. Like nearly everyone else in the room, she hoped him and Bella would be leaving soon. The tension was to much.

Evangeline was snuggled up in Draco's lap like a kitten, purring and putting on a decent act. She moved her legs to drape across his lap and the arm of his chair, the skirt coming up just enough to know that she was most definitely not wearing underwear underneath her skirt and garters. Her head nuzzled down into his shoulder, trying not to look over at Scorpius across the room... Especially since, like Draco, Evangeline felt something when she was being held by him. He could manage to calm her down with one squeeze of the thigh... Keeping up the act, she began to playfully nibble along his neck and jaw, her lips moving across his skin.

Voldemort tilted his head to the side. "I'm impressed, Draco, she seems to be putty in your hands," he murmured, nodding to Evan. "Now you just need to get her virginity out of the way. You know our policies. You don't truly own them until that happens, and if you don't claim her, I need to get her to someone who will. Your old friend Goyle had eyes for her..." With that, he smirked, his eyes dark and cruel.
Fehn sighed softly as she sipped her drink, angry because she didn't want to do this. She didn't want to be mckinze's wife, even if it meant the alternative was painful.shuddering at the thought of the nine tails she tried not to glance at hugo, because everything in her was telling her to run, and run now. Lucius smirked a little, "she will be better taught my lord, it seems my daughter in law wasn't as strict as needed."lucius said cruelly looking at the two teens astoria had raised,ande considered doing something violent to just deal with them both.maybe a accident.

Draco moaned softly tilting his head back, resting it against the back of his chair."o-of course my lord.I will take care of that soon."he said shifting a little a hand clamped around evangeline's thigh tight because he wanted to forget that they had company, all the blood going straight to his groin.while he might consider giving her to scorpius,he couldn't let her go to one of the others. Scorpius swallowed hard watching them for a moment before pushing his chair."I must be going. I have some school work to be doing."he said walking out. Feyn frowned as she watched her cousin leave,looking concerned.bowing her head slightly she considered he dark lodd and the other adultz."may we be excused?"

Lucius smirked at the girl,knowing she was running away before she said anything else. Feyn cerelina was totally incapable of shutting up even with the threat of violence."go."he said. Bellatrix shook her head,over the years,ehile still insane, had settled some."my lord, we should be going to."she death eater said smiling,lust in her dark eyes. While she was still married, she couldn't help but want her sexy dangerous power lord
Evangeline had to fight every bone in her body to not turn her head and watching Scorpius leave, knowing it would give her emotions away. Instead, she continued to kiss Draco's neck. When she felt his erection press against her thigh, she blushed. Wow... He really did want her. She thought that this had been more of an act, that he was just really good at putting on a show. It turned her on, despite the situation.

Narcissa watched the three teens leave, heading up the stairs and out of sight. "Evangeline, please clear the dessert plates," she murmured, before standing to embrace her sister and tell her it was nice to have her stop by. It wasn't, but she was going to be polite anyway. Swallowing hard, Evangeline nodded and reluctantly slipped off Draco's lap. "Yes, Mrs. Malfoy," she whispered, standing up a straightening out her uniform. She went around the room quietly, picking up plates and cleaning up.

"Ah, yes, Bella's right," Voldemort murmured, "We should be going." He grinned, a bit of lust in his eyes for both his long time mistress and the young girl walking around the room with the short skirt on. When Evangeline bent down to grab a plate from the coffee table, he reached around and slid his hand up her thigh. She froze in place as he groped her for a few moments, trying not to burst into tears again. "Yes, Draco, I must say... If you don't use her soon, I might have to do so myself." He grinned at that, and Evan shuddered. He pulled away his hand and motioned for Bella to come. "Dessert was lovely, Narcissa, like always... Draco? Lucius? I will see you at the meeting this Sunday." He grinned, then disappeared into the fireplace with his lover. Evangeline quickly walked to the kitchen, her arms shaking so badly that the plates she was holding were crashing against eachother.

Once upstairs, Hugo turned and narrowed his eyes at Feyn. "What the fuck was that about? Are you trying to get us all killed, or just you? Do you know how selfish your little outburst was?" he snapped, shaking his head. He was more scared than angry. It was so hard to think that Feyn could have been taken away just a moment ago if Voldemort had not been so calm. Frustration in his eyes, Hugo ran his hand through his hair and let out a deep breath. Reaching down, her grabbed her hand. "Don't do that again, okay? We can't afford to be reckless."
Draco siged quietly as he watched voldemort disappear before excusing himself. Following evangeline to the kitchen he gently closed his hands around hers to steady the plates."evan, I won't let him have you..even if it means.."he flushed embarassed about wanting her,espcially since he knew scorpius was punizhing himself for not protecting her. But draco could,and he would protect her."come on."he said determination and lust shoeing in his eyes as he took the plates setting them aside before pickj.g her up and heading for the master suite.

"Not selfisb, a calculated rism."feyn scowled as annoyed as she was afraid. While voldemort unnerved her, she knew something to."he might pretend to like all his women broken and in abject terror. But hes like mckinze. Mckinze likds fire, and fight. I bet aunt bellatrix fights with him as much as she kisses his ass."she sighed a little running her fingers through her hair."I wanted to see...if I can get him to like me, he might stop my wedding,and give me time to plan to run"she sighed softly before stepping into hugos arms leaning against him with a sigh."but I won't do it again since you asked."she smiled a little
Evangeline let him take the plates and pick her up, going limp in his arms as her face pressed into his neck. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, needing his comfort at the moment. "That was so humiliating," she whimpered, letting out a shaky sigh. "I want out of this stupid uniform." Once up stairs, she boldly started to rip the maid uniform off of her body, looking angry as she did so. She had no idea what Scorpius may be thinking of her now; he probably thought she was a slut... Once it was off, she threw it across the room in an angry out burst, then sat on the foot of the bed in nothing put a bra and garters. Her lip and chin started to quiver. "You promise you won't let him take me?" she whispered, so scared that he wouldn't be able to go through with it and turn her over to someone who could.

Hugo reaching out and tugged her into his arms. "If he's going to stop that wedding, Feyn, it won't be to give you spare time. It will be take you for himself..." he murmured, swallowing hard at the thought. He couldn't let that happen. "We just... I... Look, I know we don't have a plan, but lets try not to blow it before we figure it out, okay?" He gave her a smirk, leaning down to cup her face in his hand. Despite knowing it was a bad idea, he still moved down to kiss her forehead. He couldn't seem to resist her. Not anymore. "And I'm sorry for my little out burst with your aunt. She just... She hit me where it hurts the most."

Sighing, Hugo tugged her into her room before someone saw them in the hall. "Is your cousin okay? He looked sick..." he murmured, confused at Scorpius' behavior. He still hadn't managed to put it together that Scorpius was falling for Evangeline.
"I promise."draco said rashly,self assured though inside he wasn't so sure. He sounded like he would be able to,and that's all that mattered. Swallowing hard he bit the inside of his cheek to keep his lauhter from escaping as he watched her sit on the end of his bed."will you hit me if I laugh at you?"he asked as he stripped out of his shirt running his fingers through his hair.

Feyn sighed a little,blushing as he kissed her forehead."okay. Ill try to be civil."she muttered starting to shake at the idea of belonging to voldemort before a amused cruel giggle escaped."everyone eants to snap at aunt brlla."she muttersd giggling harder."oh, I'm sure you'd look as sifk as he does if your father was sleeping with the girl you wanted."she said finding painfully amusing because it was just so depressing
Evangeline's head snapped up to look at the older man, confusion in her eyes. "And why exactly would you be laughing at me?" she inquired, arching an eyebrow. Watching as he stripped out of his shirt, she had to keep herself from licking her lips. "There's a good chance I'll hit you, but considering you own me, there is an even bigger chance I won't," she murmured, fighting the smirk that threatened to form on her lips. She kicked her heels off and pulled her legs up underneath her, so very interested about what was going on through the mysterious man's head.

Hugo's lips curled up in disgust. "Wait, what? There's something going on between Scorpius and Evangeline?" he whispered, shaking his head, "Blood hell, no wonder he looked like he wanted vomit and punch someone in the face all at once." Reaching around, Hugo locked her door, then moved to flop on her bed. He had a huge headache, and he just wanted to be put out of his misery at the moment... His head snapped up at the sound of an owl knocking at the window. Looking up, he noticed it was his owl. "Huh, Mum must have owled me," he murmured, standing up and opening the window, letting the owl in front the cold and taking the letter.
Draco smirked a little tilting his head."Well, you look like a toddler despite the garter and stockings, sitting there throwing a tantrum. Makes me wish I was younger.So I could throw a similar one."He said looking amused as he stretched out on the bed next to her, the low slung jeans still on from his day outside, drawing her back against his chest, the slender man despite being narrower and slender, the man was muscled and lean. "I wouldn't hit back you know, if you ever feel the need to hit me. Both feyn and my wife tell me I bring the violence out in women."He said snickering a little.

"There is. Or was anyways."Feyn sighed softly before laughing softly."Scorpius would have wanted her saved, but there's something to be said about the said savior being your own father who gets to sleep with her. I'd be sick to."She said sighing a little before collapsing down onto the bed next to him, she let out a little yip in surprise at the owl before shivering as she snuggled down into the bed as he read his letter.
Evangeline pouted and moved to cuddling against him. Her hand hesitantly moved up to caress his muscled stomach. She was really surprised at how he was acting toward her. At first, when he took her, he seemed like he was angry about it. It was almost as if it was an obligation; that he knew he had to do it before he even knew the truth. "You and my father are close," she murmured, looking up at him with big dark eyes. "Did you... Did you know anything about my mother or... me?" She leaned back on the pillowed and watched her, wondering what was going on in his head. And also, it served as a distraction from thinking about how disgusted Scorpius must be with her.

Hugo opened the letter, and his eyebrows creased in confusion. He sat up, reaching up to rub his hand over his face. "Fuck," he whispered, "I... Fuck! That bastard!" He crumbled the paper and threw it across the room before leaning his face in his hands, his fingers tugging at his hair. "Voldemort took my father into custody," he murmured, "Apparently my father didn't take kindly to me being taken out of Hogwarts, and he went up there to demand McKinze to let me come back. It turned into a duel of some sort and got broken up by one of the other Death Eaters on staff." He swallowed hard, his hands shaking with rage and frustration.
Draco swallowed shuddering a little as she stroke his stomach.Laying his head back he closed his eyes, before tensing a little."I...I did. Your father, I was...probably 20?20 and celebrating my wedding. He ended up drunk and were teething. Seems it was something he needed advice on."He said laughing a little before sitting up, running his hands through his hair. Leaning down he kissed her forehead."I'll be right back."He said standing and walking out. To disturbed about the idea of her teething...returning in a few minutes,, it looked like him, acted like him, but there was something off. "My father is the weirdest, oddest, most self sacerificing person I know."Scorpius scowled as he paused to look in the mirror at himself. Having been glamoured into looking like draco, he knew his father was pretending to be him, just in case Lucius checked up on them. While Scorpius knew Draco would eventually actually have sex with Envangeline, her first time shouldn't be with a older man she didn't know well.

Feyn looked startled at his words,"W-what?"She asked looking startled as she shifted, wrapping her arms around him. Pressing a kiss to his head she shuddered."I-I'm sorry."She sniffled eyes wide and pained, feeling guilty about this. Standing she gently ran her fingers through his hair as she stepped back."Come with me?"She asked holding out a hand.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows, surprised that he had known about her that long... And that even when drunk, her father trusted him. That said a lot. "O-okay," she murmured, watching him leave. While he was gone, shook took off the garters and stockings and bra, then put on his shirt that was laying down on the floor. It was big enough to go down past her ass, and it smelled of his cologne... When he came back, she watched him with confusion. And when he spoke her eyes went wide. "S-scorpius? What the hell?" she asked, standing up and walking over to him. Reaching up, she caressed his cheek. Well, his father's cheek... But when she looked into his eyes, something told her that this had to be him. "What are you doing? I mean..." She was at a loss for words.

"My father is in Voldemort's prison... My mum wrote me to tell me that she was going to stay with Rose and her fiance. She must be upset..." Hugo looked down at her, his eyes holding an obvious amount of pain and frustration. Taking her hand, he sighed. "Where are we going?" he murmured, looking tired - tired of keeping up this act. Everything was starting to wear him down.
Scorpius blushed a little as he turned his head to look at her, before smiling ever so slightly turning his head into her hand."Well, I came in here to..."He blushed. "It seems my father wants you,but can't be the one who's your first. Said something about it being with someone you actually wanted."He muttered looking amused and bemused, because his father was one seriously odd death eater. If he didn't know better, he'd say the man was related to the infamous harry potter, who had won a place in his father's rants for the insane honorable things he did.

Feyn bit her lip squeezing his fingers as she wrapped a arm around him. "No where. Stay here. Rest."She muttered making him lay down, muttering the sleep spell. She couldn't let him follow, not when he looked so tired and upset. She could...swallowing hard as she waited for him to fall asleep she knew he was goign to be pissed when he woke, she walked out the door. Swallowing hard, nervous.But maybe she could convince Voldemort that this was a bad idea. Ron wealsey was one of the few light leaders left, surely his arrest would stir more uneasy then it did make a statement. Shuddering as she apparated to Voldemort's mansion she paused in the recieving hall, for a moment disoriented by the over the top decorations, used to the calm and quiet manor
Evangeline's face went a deep shade of red. It's not that she didn't want Draco, but she also wanted to Scorpius... And she was falling hard for Scorpius, yet she was developing feelings for Draco. She felt incredibly confused with her own emotions, but no part of her was upset about Scorpius coming to see her. "Scorpius.... Are you sure?" she murmured, leaning into him so that her body pressed against his. She felt a little guilty that Draco seemed to think that she didn't want him, and that... Well, that wasn't exactly true. Reaching up, she pulled his face down, letting her lips crush against her lover's face, just trying to pretend they were back in his dorm at Hogwarts.

Voldemort looked up from the arm chair he was sitting in by the fireplace, raising his eyebrows at the surprise guest. His eyes moved over to Bellatrix. "You'll have to excuse me and Miss Ceralina for a moment, Bellatrix," he murmured, nodding to the door. It was clear that he was not in the mood for objections... "Please, sit down," he murmured, motioning for Feyn to sit in a chair. He pulled it to sit across from him with wandless magic. "What can I do for you?" He gave her a smile; a smile that was soft, but dark... There was nothing forgiving about his smile. It was almost as if he knew that she was about to say something that would give him the satisfaction of punishing her.
Scorpius smiled a little, looking amused as she blushed, muttering the counter spell, his father's features fading into his own, though it wasn't so much of a difference. Really, father and son looked alot alike. "I am."he muttered wrapping his arms around her, groaning softly at the feel of her against him."I can't think of anything I want more.Except to make you not be owned."he muttered burying his hands in her hair, before picking her up and laying her back on the bed,hands gently sliding up her legs, enjoying the feel of the girl under him."You my dear, are so beautiful."He muttered nuzzling her a little.

Bellatrix frowned a little, moving away from the leg she was leaning against, having been sitting at voldemort's feet."As you wish."She muttered looking annoyed at the younger girl as she left. Feyn shuddered a little at the smile and the wandless magic, blushing ever so softly. While he scared her badly, he was also handsome, and she had always apperciated handsome men. Even when she hated hugo, she'd been the first to admit he was handsome. Sitting down she leaned back in the seat, staring at the fire, the fire making her strawberry red hair even brighter."Hugo recieved a letter from his mother, about his father."She swallowed hard."I came to plead that you let him go. Please. Surely it will only cause problems to keep a man who is beloved by the rebels prisoner."She said logically.
Evangeline grinned up at him as his features came into view, however there wasn't too much of a difference. His hair was blonder and his face was more youthful, of course, but they just looked so similar. "You're father is good to me... You shouldn't worry about me so much," she whispered, pain in her voice. She leaned back on the bed underneath him, whimpering as she felt his masculine hands slide up her thighs. "I'm so far from beautiful, Scorpius," she whispered, blushing as she moved to unbutton the large shirt she was wearing. Slowly, she opened it up and revealed her naked body to him; perky, C cup breasts, a soft tummy, a small waist, and curvy hips...

Voldemort continued to grin at her, leaning on his hand as if he were almost bored. "I don't take requests from little girls, Miss Ceralina," he murmured, chuckling a bit. "And besides, Mr. Weasley put himself there voluntarily. Managed to convince me that I should let his son stay a free man after attacking one of my best Death Eaters." He cocked and eyebrow up at her. "And judging by your body language at dinner tonight, Mr. Weasley isn't the only one who doesn't want his son in my cells." He grinned at that and let out a sigh, as if he were amused. "You don't seem to care for McKinze, do you, Sweetheart? It does seem a shame to make such a beautiful, brilliant girl miserable..." He was saying exactly what she wanted, but it was obvious there was a catch to his words.
"Father is good to most people he likes.And he likes you, as weird as I find that."Scorpius said looking amused even if a little disturbed. It was...odd to consider his father and him liking the same girl. Espicially since he knew it disturbed his father to like a girl his own son's age. Lowering his head he nuzzled his face against her breast as the shirt fell aside, "I don't think you're seeing the same girl I am. You are definately beautiful."He said amused as he kissed his way up her body, kissing her slowly as he shifted out of his jeans, settling naked on top of her, just enjoying being skin to skin.

Feyn sighed a little, copying his pose, her chin resting in her hand, raising a eyebrow. "I am definately neither little or a girl, dark lord. McKinze can testify to the fact I'm all grown up and everything."She said with a soft chuckle, before frowning a little."His son has taken care of me, when I couldn't take care of myself. He deserves more then the inside of a prison cell."She said refusing to comment on her own feelings, before raising both eyebrows studying him. "McKinze is a pig who doesn't care I can run circles around him in a duel.All he likes to know is that my ass looks amazing in a dress."She said sarcastic and vulgar, taking a cue from Scorpius' book, when she felt defensive she was sarcastic and mean. And she didn't like his smile, she had a feeling whatever he was going to say, despite getting what she wanted, she wasn't going to like.But if it saved hugo, and got his father out...well whatever the price would be worth it
Evangeline gasped, arching her body into his. Oh, wow. He felt so good against her... Swallowing hard, she reached up and ran her hands along his muscular ass and back, spreading her legs for him. He was so sweet to her, and it was so surprising, considering how arrogant he was when she first met him. "Scorpius...," she whispered, leaning up to kiss along his shoulder and up her neck. Her thighs squeezed at his hips and she kissed him back just as gently as he kissed her. "Take me... I want you to do it," she whispered, "I want to always know it was you."

Voldemort chuckled at her wit. "Ah, yes, well how can you blame the man? You ass does look very delicious in a dress." His eyes grew dark, and he licked his lips. "I don't care what Weasley has done for you. He's still unworthy, and the only reason I haven't taken your little friend into custody is because he is a very educationally talented man, and it's nice to know that my best Death Eaters' kids are in good hands." He raised his eyebrow. "However, I could release him without his wand... Leave him on some sort of parole... I could even slide your marriage to McKinze under the rug if I felt like it. It's not that McKinze will do anything to me over it. He's lucky he's in such high standing in the first place, and the man has plenty of little whores to keep himself entertained." He waved his hand around with a look of boredom, then his eyes grew dark again. "What could you do, Miss Ceralina, to make me feel like doing these things..." He licked his lips, reaching down to unbutton his slacks.
Scorpius raised his head, smirking as he looed down at her, pressing against he, sighing quietly as he felt her pressed tight against her. Looking her over his hands rested on her hips, holding her still."It'll hurt for a few moments."he said after a moment, lowering his head to kiss her slowly as he thrust into her, his arm muscles trembling a little as he resisted the urge to keep from thrusting into her harder. He didn't want to hurt her, no matter how good she felt around him." feel amazing."he muttered nuzzling her a little before kissing her again, harder as he kept from fucking her into the bed.

"I blame McKinze if its raining."She scowled a little, raising a eyebrow as she studied him. Glad that despite hugo's unworthness, it seemed he'd proven his usefullness. Besides, she knew Scorpius needed a tutor, which hopefully would keep Hugo safe for now. Looking thoughtful as he talked she studied him, laughing quietly as she went to her knees, hands resting on his thighs."Oh, well you did say earlier that recieving a blow job is pleasureable, and I have spent alot of time on my knees."She said her own eyes dark, amused. Batting his hands away from his pants she eased the zipper down slowly, raising a eyebrow."Of course, there's always the chance that your not as...gifted as McKinze, are you sure you want me doing this?"She teased him a little, because he seemed to apperciate her wit, and dammit, she couldn't help but push the boundaries as she lowered her head to slide her mouth down over him, putting all those months as McKinze's whore to use, and tried not to think about what hugo would do when she got home.
Evangeline gasped, letting out a little pain-filled whimper when he thrust inside her. Her nails bit into his back, and she arched up into him. "Oh... Ah," she mumbled, closing her eyes tight. She swallowed hard and took deep, slow breaths. "I'm glad you think so," she panted, giving him a smirk after a few moments. She nodded a bit, leaning up to kiss him passionately. "I'm okay... Show me those skills I've heard so much about," she teased, biting at his bottom lip and tugging a little. She didn't know what was coming over herself, but she didn't care. She wanted him more than anything in the world at the moment, no matter how complicated it was.

Voldemort let out a dark, satisfied grunt. "I'm quite sure than I'm just as gifted McKinze," he said confidently. Reaching down, he fist her hair and pulled a little, asserting his dominance. He smirked curled up on his hips as he leaned back against the chair, his eyes closed. "I hope you don't think that this is the end, Sweetheart," he purred, "If I do the things that you want, you will be in a great deal of debt with me... A great deal." Leaning over, he made a motion with his hand, and her shirt came open along with her bra. He grinned at exposed breasts, showing that the Dark Lord was much more kinky than McKinze ever thought about being. "My seed with go there," he murmured, flicking one of her nipples lightly, "You don't deserve it. Not in you mouth, nor your womb... Not yet, anyway." And with that, he leaned back and let her begin to finish him off, getting very close.
Scorpius smirked as he looked down t her, raising a eyebrow."Are you doubting I have skills?"He said pouting ever so slightly biting her back, tugging on her lip a little. Shuddering as he thrust into her slowly, shifting to lower his head to her breasts, enjoying playing with her. He wanted her, for himself, no matter what. It was complicated, and twisted, what with Draco in the mix, but he still wanted her. Growling as he thrust into her, he kissed her slowly as he made love to her.

Feyn growled a little, her teeth scraping over his cock as he fisted her hair, tensing a little at his words. She disliked it, but after a moment consideration, wasn't really surprised at his request. Relaxing at the idea of doing more, it scared her as much as it thrilled her. Because being with him, she could protect Hugo, and for her, that's all that matter. Yelping in surprise as her shirt and bra came open, hands darting up to hold her shirt closed, her eyes fluttered a little as he flicked her nipple. Shuddering a little she shifted nudging his legs apart breasts resting against his thighs as she worked to finish him off raising her head as she tasted precome, wincing ever so slightly in surprise as she felt cum splatter across her breasts, trailing down her stomach. Looking so unbelievably slutty kneeling there between his legs. And unlike his other whores or mistresses, she was still young-unlike his purebloods- and she was pureblood unlike his young whores. She was perfect to fullfill whatever twisted fantasy the half muggle dark lord had.
Evangeline moaned, shuddering beneath him as her hips moved up to meet each of his thrusts. "Oh, I have no doubt you are talented," she murmured, getting up on her elbows so that the angle allowed her to kiss him. She was enjoying herself, and she could feel something deep inside about to explode. She'd never experienced such a thing, but when she came around him, she saw stars. Her body convulsed underneath him, and she held him tight. "Scorpius!" she gasped, trying to not scream his name loud enough for Lucius to hear. However, she was practically sobbing in pleasure, her hands desperately roaming the body on top of her's. "Oh, fuck, Oh... Oh, you feel so... so good," she moaned, leaning back and biting her lip.

Voldemort roared as he came, watching his cum cover her chest with deep arousal in his eyes. "That's a good girl," he whispered when he finished, licking his lips and looking down at her. His seed dripped off her beautiful breasts and on to her stomach and the floor. It was a deeply erotic sight, and like her suspicions, he was well aware of what a perfect combination she was. Leaning down, he mended her bra and buttoned her shirt, his seed still sticky on her skin. "You'll go home with that on you," he whispered in her ear, "And you will think about me while you wash it off in the shower." Extending his tongue, he flicked her earlobe with it and chuckled. He leaned back and zipped up his pants. "Go," he ordered, "And you will return tomorrow night. Midnight, and no later. Not if you expect me to come up with my end of the deal." And with that, he smirked. His smirk told her that if she thought this act was kinky, she was in for a lot of surprises.
Scorpius snarled as he nearly collapsed on top of her as he came, wrapping his arms around her tightly, burying his face against her neck."Oh damn."He muttered collpasing on top of her as he shifted to the side, laying down next to her, holing her gently as he curled around her, closing her eyes as he gently stroed her hair."I have to go...I can't stay Evan..."he muttered regret in his voice as he sat up, looking down at her with a small smile, pain and pleasure equal in his grey blue eyes. So much like his father, and yet the wasn't the 20 years worth of pain in his eyes, not yet.

"I am anything but good my lord."She purred a little looking up at him, playing the part, because she was supicious of why he wanted her. Watching him button her shirt she stood yelping in surprise as he flicked her ear, looking at him as she stood tilting her head a little. Nodding a little."Tomorrow night then."She said looking at him, looking thoughtful as she considered what tomorrow woudl be before her smirk widened, leaning down she brushed her lips over his."Of course, you'll think of me when you're playing with your old whore. Bellatrix is starting to wrinkle."She purred before walking out of the room, her laughter floating back to him as she passed Bellatrix in the hallway.

When she got home she sighed a little as she walked into the bedroom, glancing towards the bed trying to see if Hugo was still asleep before darting into the bathroom. Stripping down to start cleaning up, starting to tremble as she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Trying to not think about how aroused and disgusted with herself she was. As arousing as she found voldemort's demands, she was equally disgusted for feeling that way. Turning on the shower she stepped in, starting to clean up, trying to ignore the heat pooling between her legs as her hands ghosted over her skin. she couldn't, she wouldn't masterbate over this. she couldn't. It was like getting off to astoria...the scarred woman was so very shaken by her life at the moment.
Evangeline looked up at him, swallowing hard as she watched him start to leave. "I know," she whispered, pain in her eyes. Sitting up, she pulled him down for one last kiss, her lips moving against his with gentle, sweet strokes. She wished all of this could be different, but it was hopeless to think like that... Pulling back, she sighed. "Thank you," she whispered, so happy that he was her first. Reaching up, she stroked his cheek. "Goodnight, Scorpius..."

She started to put on Draco's shirt again, not wanting him to come in and see her so naked and freshly fucked by his son. Her emotions were running wild, her heart fluttering. Oh on earth could she be falling for two men at the same time... father and son?
"Goodnight."Scorpius smiled a little looking at her, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before he left.

In the morning, having spent the night sleeping on the couch, having come in after he was sure she was asleep, Draco stepped into the bedroom, looking out of place and uneasy for the first time in a long time. He was usually in self control that this was hard for him.Sitting on the edge of the bed as she started waking up, he smiled a little."How are you feeling?"he asked reaching out gently brushing her hair out of her face.

Feyn sighed a little as she leaned back in her chair, looking annoyed and frustrated. Having woken up early in the morning, way before sunrise, the woman was tired and frustrated, and even more disturbed by her reaction to the dark lord. Giving hugo a small nervous smile as she looked up at him, waiting to see how he was going to react to her putting him to sleep to disappear on him. she didn't know how to tell him that his father was going to be free because she hd no idea how to tell him wht she was going to have to do to make it happen. The woman was to disgusted and embarssed about her reaction to it, that she couldn't tell the man she was in love with-even if she hadn't told him that- that she had enjoyed herself the night before.
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