Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline moaned, laying back and looking up innocently. Until yesterday, when scorpius kissed her, she had never been kissed. Now she had this older, experienced man making out with her... Her legs spread to allow him to comfortably lay on top, her hands exploring his back. She was so not ready for sex. Not yet. The thought still scared her, but this... This was so arousing. "Are you sure you weren't a man whore in your day?" She murmured against his lips, a smirk playing on her mouth. Her fingers moved up to play with his hair. While it was graying, it was thick and soft.

Narcissa sighed and shook her head. "No, stay away from the town house," she said, her tone serious. "But please knock on Draco's door and make sure he's feeling well." She gave him a smile then handed Feyn the list and some money to use. "Don't stay out too late. I want us all to have dinner tonight while we are all together." She gave her granddaughter a smile, then moved to clean the table. Leaning down, she kissed her husbands cheek. "My sister is coming for tea."
Draco laughed looking amused as he looked down at the girl under him, smirking ever so slightly."Maybe just a little. Though my son's putting me to shame."He snickered as he leaned down to nuzzle her neck,biting her ever so softly before sighing softly as she stroked his hair, his head pushing ever so little into her hand, responding like a kitten even if he wasn't fully aware of doing it. "Now.Are you feeling well enough to eat?"He asked moving away, not about to push things yet, he was going to have sex with her, but he didn't want to rush it, she deserved better then that. She deserved to at least be comfortable with him first. Sitting up he moved to the edge of the bed, before heading to the closet to get some clothes. "Also, I think you are close to Feyn's side, I'll have the house elves bring some of her clothes down."He said mostly talking to himself then her, because he was nervous, and had a feeling he wouldn't have much time as he would like to let her get to know him.

"I will."Feyn said looking concerned even as she pocketed the list and money, walking out. Pausing at Scorpius' door she winced when he answered it, the man looking exhausted and mussed."Are you okay?We're going out to town-" "No.Just bring me some suckers."Scorpius interrupted her, tilting his head towards Hugo, but for once to distraught to fight with the man before he disappeared back into the bedroom with a slam of the door. Feyn sighed tiredly before looking up at Hugo, "Let's go then."She said walking with him out to the recieving room, resting her fingertips on his arm with a shudder, even that much touch reminded her of last night, as she apparated them to diagaon alley, looking up at him as she dropped his hand."Want to wander for awhile, or get down to actually shopping?"She said with a smile.

Lucius smiled looking up at his wife, reaching up to wrap a arm around his waist."Good. It is always good to see Bellatrix."He said, even though the woman was violently insane, oddly enough her and lucius got along. Glancing at his wife he leaned back in his seat as he finished eating, standing."I have a few things to do today. Say hello to Bellatrix for me, and check on Draco and the girl later."He muttered.
Evangeline let out a whimper of pleasure when he bit her neck, never having been seduced like that... Especially by an older man. She sat up on her elbows, watching him get dressed. She took in his body from afar, swallowing hard at his toned body. "I guess," she murmured, tilting her head to the side. She wondered for a moment if Lucius and Narcissa were always here... or if Draco had another place he stayed. She feared that if they were always around, she'd never get out of this bedroom. That was just incredibly depressing... When a house elf came in with some clothes for her to change into, she changed into a knee length, navy cotton dress and a grey sweater. She stayed barefoot, because she couldn't imagine needing shoes. It's not like she would ever be allowed to leave. "Can... I can I see Scorpius?" she asked, "I mean, just to make sure he's okay?"

Hugo sighed. "I'd rather just get the shopping out of the way," he admitted, taking the list from her to look at it. A few groceries, ink, parchment... It was all little meaningless things, and he could tell it was just to get them out of the house. He handed it back to her , looking down at her with a smile. He wished they were alone... He wanted to hold her; wrap his arm around her waist and claim her in front of all the men who stared. However, he'd get him and her both killed for such a thing. "So... Are you okay? I mean, after last night?"

Narcissa stood up, reaching up to straighten his tie. "Of course I will," he murmured, "And be careful... I was hoping to have dinner with everyone tonight, so do try to be back by 8, okay?" She smiled at him, genuine love in her eyes for the man in front of her. He may have been a monster, but she remembered a time he wasn't, and it was hard to let go. Leaning up, she kissed him sweetly.
Draco smiled a little as he did up his boots, the slender blond dressed not in his business suit and attire, but the dragon skin pants and t-shirt that said he had every intention of going no where but the qudditch pitch in the back. While he mostly stayed at the manor, just because astoria had demanded they stay in the stately home, he much preferred the small cottage-well its not that small, but small by his standards- out by the ocean where him and astoria had taken the children for summer. Thinking about it then,he wondered if he would be allowed running with all of them, under the guise of getting some time with feyn before the girl got married, and with scorpius to help his mood. Looking at her he smiled as he nodded,"My father should be gone for the day."His eyes grew serious, "I know this isn't...what you wanted...but, you can't..."He stuttered a little, flushing in embarassment, which was the only indiction of what he was trying to tell her not to do.

Feyn nodded a little looking up at him biting her lip a little."Bellatrix must be stopping by...her and voldemort are the only people grandmother tells use to leave for."she said sighing a little. She wanted to hold him, to just be wit him, and this be a normal couple out shopping...but glancing at the death eaters in the crowd she sighed quiestly knowing it would get them killed. Shrugging a little she smiled at him as they shopped. "I'm fine. Just....well you know. Not looking forward to my wedding."She said pausing outside a dress shop, the look sad on her face as she considered the wedding dress in the window. While most women would love to be planning their weddings, she wasn't. She didn't' want to.

"I'm always careful, cissa."He muttered kissing her gently. While he was a monster, and could't remember a time he was different, the man still loved his wife. Would protect her, no matter what. It was to bad he didn't feel the same kind of loyalty to the rest of his family. "I'll see you tonight."He said smiling as he left. Wondering absently just what his sister in law would be doing, and who would be visiting with her if anyone.
Evangeline perked up a bit at the idea of seeing Scorpius. She'd been so worried about him; so worried he was mad at her for all of this... At Draco's last words, she blushed a deep scarlet. "I... I won't," she promised, tucking her hair behind her ears nervously. "Where are you going?" She stood up form the bed and watched him, taking in the sight of him wearing something so out of character. She'd only seen him in fancy suits and cloaks, nothing like this... She could see even more of a resemblance between him and his son.

Hugo frowned, swallowing hard at the thought of her actually getting married. In fact, it hurt to think about it. Way more that he thought it ever would. "I'd stop it if I could, Feyn," he whispered, "I think you know that... But I don't want you to be punished for my dumb behavior." He looked up at the wedding dress and shook his head. "Maybe it won't happen... Maybe McKinze will slip and break his neck or something." He shrugged, as if he didn't say something completely morbid, and headed toward the Three Broomsticks. "Want a drink?"
Draco grinned a little,"I'm going to play qudditch with a few former slytherins."He smirked a little as he moved towards the door."It's the few times we get to be....not our father's sons."He said because among the 30 something aged men, they rebelled against the idea that they had to behave perfectly. They just...couldn't always be perfect. So they met each week, for drinks and some rough housing on the qudditch pitch. Moving over to her he smiled as he picked her up, settling her on her feet before pressing a kiss to her forehead."I'll see you tonight."He said grinning as he walked out pausing momentarily at Scorpius' door, the family rooms all in the same hall, glancing back to the master bedroom as she stepped out."He's in there."He said before walking away.

Scorpius groaned a little at the sound of his father's voice, rolling on his stomach, burying his head under the pillow. He didn't want to get up. Didn't want to talk. He just wanted Evangeline, he liked her, could come to love her.She was the first woman he'd truly bonded to, and it hurt to think about what was going on.

Feyn smiled a little, "I know.And I would to, but..I wont get us both killed for something as stupid as not wanting to screw mckinze."Seh shrugged before smiling a little."Hmmm, we could always 'help' him do that..."she said brightly, as if she hadn't considered murdering her fiancee for a moment as she nodded and walking into the three broomsticks. Ordering a butterbeer she sighed a little as she sat in a corner booth more then willing to not having to be observed, in turn just enjoying watching everyone else."You know, maybe we should get you married off. You need someone to look after you, once I wont be able to."She said smiling at him, love and fear for him showing in her eyes before she hid it.
Evangeline looked amused at the idea of him going out "with the boys", wondering if she'd ever get to witness it. Blushing a little, she leaned into his kiss on her forehead. For some reason, it felt so natural. She had no idea why, but this man already felt safer with him then she ever felt. She nodded to him, watching him lave before approaching Scorpius' door. She swallowed hard, feeling nervous and shaky, and reached up to knock. "Scorpius?" she murmured gently, "It's... It's Evan..." She bit her lip, so nervous that he'd not want to see her.

Hugo looked over at her, taking a sip of his butterbeer. He paled at the idea of him getting married. "No, I'm not getting married... I don't want kids either. Seems like a crime to bring a child into a world like this..." He swallowed. "Feyn, I can take care of myself. You are the one who needs someone looking after you." Leaning back, he reached under the table and put his hand on her knee. "Maybe we could make you less desirable to him," he murmured, his mind working furiously to think of something to help her.
Scorpius sighed softly as he snuggled down into the bed. Closing his eyes he thought about refusing to get up, but after a moment, and a mental berating for giving his heart to someone who didn't trust him, he stood and opened the door. Looking worn and tired as he smiled slightly."Hey."He said tilting his head a little before stepping back letting her into the room before collapsing down onto the couch, "Are...are you okay?"He said after a moment looking at her worried. He knew his father, the man was gentle, kind for a death eater, but he could be cruel when anger drove him.

"It is, it's...there's nothing good to offer anymore."she muttered sighing quietly as she looked up at hugo, sadness showing in her eyes even as she blushed a little at the touch. Shifting a little she swallowed hard, trying so hard to not think about how much she wanted held. It would do neither of them good. "well, I already tried insane, and I can't convince him I'm stupid, he's my teacher, he'd see through that. Maybe I can appeal to a different death eater?Surely there's someone I can stand, who hates him enough to put a end to his marriage."She said her head scrambling to find a answer, but even then, she was giving up. She knew she'd just have to live with being a married woman.
Evangeline closed and locked the door behind her, just in case, and walked over toward the couch. She took a deep breath. "I'm fine... You're father has been good to me," she whispered, "We haven't... Well, not yet. We have to." She blushed hard, her eyes going glassy with tears. Because as charming as Draco was, her heart seemed to be drawn to Scorpius as well. And she hated things had to end this way. Finally, she walked over and slid into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pressing her face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Scorpius... I should have told you. I know that... I was just so scared you'd hate me, and I was scared for my father." She sniffed, trying not to break down. She didn't want to seem weak, even if she felt like she was at the moment.

Hugo squeezed her knee. "If Draco Malfoy can't stop it, then who could?" he murmured, shaking his head. "Maybe Snape, but now that he's in prison, I seriously doubt it." He swallowed hard, trying to think about what they could do. Anything to get her out of this mess. He just wanted her to be safe, even if that meant not being with him. "We could always run away. Maybe to the States? It's all muggles. Magic would be dull there. It would take a lot of effort to find us out there." He took another sip of his beer, trying to decide if running would be worth it... If they found them, they would surely be dead.
Scorpius looked relieved, before he blushed to as he looked at her. While he was worried about her, it was still embarassing to think about his...girl sleeping with his father. It was just to icky to think o. Sighing quietly as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her hair as he held her ever so gently."I know...I...I'm sorry I was angry with you for it."He muttered hating himself for a moment for being so angry with her. Not so much angry with her, but with a world that had made this happen. "They wont kill bad as it is...they wont kill severus.Because he's to much of a weakness for father. Grandfather will keep him alive to torture father with the idea.It's to good for him to pass up."Scorpius muttered smiling a little as he leaned back, kissing her ever so gently."Do you want to rest?"He muttered shifting, laying back on the bed.

Feyn sighed a little, looking so put out at the idea, before nodding."We could."She said biting her lip, because it pained her badly to think about leaving magic, even this twisted system of magic, behind. Not to mention her family. She didn't care about lucius, but she would miss draco, scorpius, and narcissa. Not to mention his family."Your sister would kill you..."She muttered before sipping her beer, tensing a little."Voldemort could.Stop the wedding I mean."She said, wondering if running or trying to appeal to a dark lord for mercy would be better.
Evangeline shook her head. "You had every right to be mad at me. I lied to you," she whispered, hugging him close. When he kissed her, she sighed with pleasure, kissing him back just as gently. Never had she felt so torn. Because oddly enough, his kiss felt just as good as his father's. Different, of course, but just as comfortable and gentle. Laying back beside him in the bed, she snuggled beside him, her arm wrapped around his waist. "I hope so," she whispered, swallowing back the tears that threatened to flow. "I can't... I can't even imagine what I would do if they killed him, Scorpius. He's... He's all I've ever had." Looking up at him, she gently pulled his face down for another long, soft kiss, her fingers running through his hair. Wow. Forty-eight hours ago, she would have never thought the'd be in this position.

Hugo looked at her as if she had just shot his puppy. "What are you even implying, Feyn?" he whispered, looking baffled. "Would you seriously consider Voldemort over McKinze?" He shook his head and moved his hand off his knee, frustration in his expression. "Fuck, Feyn, there is no telling what would happen to you if he chose you for himself. You'd probably be on your back more often than with McKinze. Atleast McKinze has a job that keeps him away most of the time."
"Well, you did, but you had good reason to, considering what my grandfather did because of it."He muttered smiling a little as he laid his head back on the couch arm, closing his eyes. He didn't want to consider his father kissing her, that was just to weird...this whole thing was weird, but oddly, not bothersome as he thought it would. It bothered him more that he thought it should bother him, then it actually did. he was just glad she was safe."I know. And I'm sure."He said swallowing hard, because he was sure about the idea, it would appeal to lucius to torture his son this way, watching both grandson and son destroy themselves. It would appeal to lucius for being a bastard. "now rest. I didn't sleep last night."He muttered yawning a little.

Feyn winced at his look, slipping her hand into his under the table, before shaking her head."No!I was thinking he might...I don't know...I wouldn't want to be with him...but he would be able to stop it...if he wanted to."She shuddered frustrated and angry because they couldn't stop this. Sighing quietly as she stared at the table."No...I know it would be worse with...him...I'm just scared."She muttered shoulders hunching,"We...we might have to run."She whispered, because that scared her even more, but she didn't want this.There had to be a way...
Evangeline pouted a bit. "Why didn't you sleep?" she asked, looking concerned. She rolled over on top of him, looking down at him with a smirk. "You can sleep, but I'm just going to lay here with you. I'm too... anxious in this house to sleep." She frowned a bit and reached down to brush his hair out of his face, running her fingers through his hair. "Do you have any good books for me to read?" She raised her eyebrows at him, looking... comfortable laying on top of him. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his neck. What would she give to always have him... To always be able to lay in bed with him, kissing him and teasing him and letting him hold her. He was no longer the player from school who made her nervous and giddy; he was the man that made her wish life was different so that they could be together...

Hugo squeezed her hand. He knew he reacted to her suggestion badly, but he just couldn't handle the idea of her even thinking that way. "If you run, I run," he whispered, his blue eyes glancing up to look at her with concern. "My grandparents are there. They have a cabin out in the middle of no where and up in the mountains that they stay in during the winter... We could go there if we have to." He shrugged a bit, knowing that wasn't the ideal answer, but it could work... For a while.
"Cause I couldn't decide if I wanted to push my father off his broom today, or hug him for doing what he did."He muttered, sounding pouting and output. Sighing a little, groaning as she kissed his neck, squirming a little as he smiled. "There's a whole bookshelf in the next room, Feyns 'library' of things she always keeps on hand."he said sounding amused even as he shifted, cuddling her. "Now go get a book and lay down with me."He said before standing with her in his arms, setting her on her feet before heading to bed. Stretching out, he waited till she returned, snuggling against her as she read.

Feyn looked thoughtful, swallowing hard."I...I..I don't know."She whispered, scared and frustrated. Swallowing hard she sighed ever so softly."We'll...we'll see."She muttered, wanting to think about it. Because she knew it would only be a temporary fix, it wouldn't last forever.

When they returned feyn frowned ever so slightly, pausing in the front hall way as she tilted her head."Bella's still here."She said her voice trembling a little, because bellatrix lestrange scared her. "Maybe you should go upstairs...I'll bring you up some food."She muttered looking up at hugo, worry shining in her eyes. "Oh no. Feyn, Mr. weasley will be joining us for dinner. As well as your uncle and the other two. Will you go get them?"lucius smirked as he walked out of his office, looking way to amused at the idea of putting them all in a room together.

Scorpius sighed as he stirred,rubbing his cheek against evangeline's shoulder."You hungry?I could go get some food."he said yawning a little as he wrapped a arm around her waist.
Evangeline looked amused when he finally woke up, reaching down to brush his hair out of his face. "Wow, you're finally awake? I read like ten chapters while you were sleeping," she teased, putting her book on the nightstand before sitting up and straightening her dress out. Her stomach growled, and she blushed. "Uh... yea," she admitted, "I'm actually pretty-" She jumped at the sound of a knock at the door, and she froze. Thankfully, it was Narcissa that walked in. She looked frustrated at seeing them laying together, not because it bothered her, but because it was dangerous. "Scorpius Abraxus Malfoy, you know better," she snapped, "Get up and get dressed for dinner. Your Aunt Bellatrix is here." She looked over at Evangeline. "You can't eat with us. Not with them here. You have to serve dinner tonight in uniform..." She frowned, not liking the idea. "Come now, Sweetheart, I'll get you dressed and then after dinner, I'll send food up to you."

Evangeline frowned and nodded, looking back at Scorpius with fear in her eyes. However, she followed Narcissa out of the room, getting dressed in the skimpy maid uniform, then went down to the kitchen to get the fancy, five course dinner ready. When she walked out of the kitchen, she blushed, looking terrified and humiliated at the same time. She couldn't even look Scorpius or Draco in the eyes...


Hugo winced a bit at the idea of having dinner with Bellatrix Lestrange, but nodded politely. He looked down at Feyn. "I'd be honored," he murmured, sarcasm in his tone as he followed them into the dining room. He sat down between Scorpius and Feyn, his eyes widened a tad when he saw Evangeline walk out with a bottle of wine, having to lean over each of them to pour a glass. Even from where he was sitting, he could see her hands shaking from nervousness.
Scorpius sighed tiredly running his fingers through his hair as he sat up, jumping a little."Grandfather never comes in here."he said scowling because it hurt to consider that he couldn't even have this. Shuddering a little he looked worried about evangeline before frowning as he followed his grandmother."Them?"he questioned wondering who else had come before heading downstairs.


Draco smiled a little amused at hugo's sarcasm as the man sat down, looking amused as he tried to not snap t his father for being a bastard and making evangeline do this. Glancing up at her, he gave her a slight, reassuring smile as he leaned back in his chair, his hand absently sliding up her leg. Not because he really wanted to, but because it was expected of him. "You look good Evangeline."He muttered smirking a little.

feyn frowned a little looking surprised at the sight of evangeline, nearly choking on her wine at the sight, and because at that moment bellatrix walked in."Ohhh, the ickle little mudblood,are we sure we want her touching our food?"bellatrix mused as she walked into the dining room, looking amused as she sat in her seat, sipping the wine. "Well, unless you want the house elves serving you, all you have is Evangeline."Feyn said absently as she sipped her wine, tilting her head a little.Her stomach turned, she was so scared about what was going on, she couldn't consider what game they were playing now...maybe she could run away with hugo. Maybe she really could do it.

Lucius smirked as he watched them, looking amused at the look Scorpius was giving the two. Like he couldn't decide on disgust or arousal.Shifting a little in his seat he admired the girl. While she wouldn't do for a proper wife, that was one nice set of legs."It is so nice to see her in her proper place."He mused glancing at his son.

"So it is."Draco said, sliding a hand over her ass, giving her a absent squeeze around the waist, supporting hug, before pulling away. Refusing to rise to lucius' bait. He'd long grown used to the teasing, and oblivious enough to refuse to ply
Evangeline was quite visibly on the verge of tears, embarrassed and humiliated as ever. These were the times when she wished her father was around. He'd never stand for this. Well, actually, he asked for this. This humiliation was saving her life. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," she murmured weakly, feeling his hand going up her leg. She knew he was doing it because he had to, and he was doing it to give her encouragement, but she was still embarrassed with Scorpius sitting right across from them. She managed to stay calm, except for her shaking hands and glassy eyes, not even yelping when he squeezed her ass.

Moving around the stable, she quietly moved to pour Bellatrix a glass of wine, not making eye-contact. Once finished, she hurried to the kitchen to grab their soups and salads, passing it around to everyone at the table.

Narcissa was nervous, but no one would ever know. She even held her husbands hand under the table. "Feyn, be respectful," she murmured gently and quietly, then turned to her sister. "Bella, it's so nice to have you for dinner. It's been far too long." She gave her a smiled, wondering what the hell her sister was there for. Bellatrix's visits hardly brought good news.

Hugo looked over to Feyn, looking completely disturbed by the idea of being served by Evangeline... Ideally, Lucius would probably have him serving them as well. However, he was protected by his education. He knew that wouldn't last long...
Draco sighed a little looking calm, tehn thoug his eyes were worried and annoyed. He hated this, couldn't stop it without putting them both in danger, and that was the last thing she needed, was for him to loss what little protection he could give her. Scorpius swallowed hard as he ate, looking a little sick to his stomach. It was killing him, turnnig his head a little as she poured his wine he shuddered fisting his hands around his fork and glass, refusing to touch her even though everything in him wanted to.

Bellatrix smiled a little,"I came to see how draco was doing with the girl."she said before looking at Feyn and hugo, scowling as she looked at hugo."What is the weasley doing here?Shouldn't he be servin dinner or something?"She said hand itching to get her wand.

"He's here because i am finishing school, and need a tutor."Feyn said tilting her head."And for scorpius of course, since he's not going back to school."She said, even if she hadn't talked to draco, she was giving hugo a reason to be safe, even after she got married. At least once she had to stop lessons, she could protect him, she hoped.

Lucius scowled at that,"What do you mean, you're not going back?" "Hogwarts will be to chaotic right now, with a new headmaster, for him to be able to finish. I pulled him out so he could have the best education possible."Draco said sipping his wine.
Hugo looked up at Bellatrix, and his eyes grew dark. "Why exactly should I be serving dinner? Because of my last name? I've been top student at a school ran by Death Eaters for seven years, and I was born to a woman who was the brightest witch in her class as well. I think I have done plenty to prove myself," he snapped, his temper getting the best of him before he could stop himself. Shit. He looked away, taking a gulp of his wine and avoiding everyone's eyes. He simply glared down at his soup, hoping that he wasn't about to get kicked out. But dammit, she goaded him with the one thing that pissed him off the most.

Narcissa looked over to Lucius. "Draco is right, Sweetheart, Scorpius can't get the best education when all of that is going on at Hogwarts. He needs to be taken into special consideration, and a new headmaster can hardly attention he needs," she murmured, siding with her son in an effort to expel and arguement. Of course, she jumped when Hugo snapped at Bellatrix, knowing that no good would come of it.

Evangeline got everyone's soup in front of them, then went in the kitchen to start getting the main course ready. Of course, she wasn't used to walking around in heels like the pair she was required to wear, and she slipped in the kitchen, dropping two plates in the process. They crashed to the ground, making a huge clatter of sound coming from the kitchen. She immediately froze, looking around at not only the mess, but her bloody forearm that managed to land on a broken shard of china. Immediately, she broke down in tears. This could not be happening...
Bellatrix's eyes grew dark and dangerous, looking annoyed at being talked to like this. "You have done nothing but prove that you are a annoying brat who has not learned their place."The woman glared but shook her head."I will not deal with you. I will leave that to our lord when he comes for dessert."She said enjoying the thought of voldemort dealing with him.

Lucius frowned, looking annoyed at the idea that Hugo Wealsey would be staying even longer in his home, but like he couldn't kick him out now because feyn needed to finish, he couldn't get rid of him because scorpius did. Glaring at the weasley he shook his head a little but sighed."Fine. You are right, Scorpius will not be able to concentrate with things going on."He said.

Feyn jumped out of her skin at the sound, sharing a look with scorpius,"I'll go see what happened.Excuse me."she said standing already leaving the table before anyone could stop her, or before Scorpius could get up. Walking into the kitchen she waved a hand to get rid of the pieces of china before crouching down in front of Evangeline, reaching out and gently touching her arm as she muttered a healing charm.Smiling a little at the flesh knit back together,"There.All better, see?"Seh muttered fear and worry showing in her eyes, scared for her uncle and evangeline. She didn't know her well,but she cared for her because Scorpius did."Voldemort is coming.uncle draco is going to need you."She said fear for her uncle in her face, afraid of what would happen with the dark lord there. Despite her earlier words about appealing to him for her, she knew the truth,even if she hadn't seen voldemort since she was really young. The man had none.
Narcissa shifted nervously in her seat at the idea of Voldemort attending. "Well, good think I have a nice German chocolate cake waiting for us after dinner. I know how much he loves German chocolate," she said passively. The noise from the kitchen made her jump, and she looked over at her son with concern in her eyes. She had a very distinct feeling that Evangeline was not strong enough for this. That poor girl was better off dead than having to be put through this... Hugo tensed, swallowing hard at the thought of facing Voldemort. He knew how much the man hated his parents. They were two of the three people who worked so hard to take him down. When Feyn moved to stand up, he purposely looked down and away, not wanting them to see him looking at her with the longing in his eyes that he knew was there.

Evangeline looked down at her arm, tears of frustration going down her cheek. "I know how to do a healing charm," she snapped, pulling her arm away. She hated this; she hated being treated like dirt when she was just as much of a witch as they were. "I'm sorry... I just..." she swallowed hard, wishing she had her wand so that she could clean up herself. "I don't like the way they look at me. I don't like this outfit... I want to be at home in France with my father..." she whispered, even though she just as much wished she could be with Scorpius... and Draco. But she didn't know she could share such information with Feyn. "I'm okay. Go back out and I'll have the filet mignon in a few minutes," she murmured, determined to not get Draco into any trouble.
Draco swallowed hard, looking a tad nervous himself at the idea. oh this was going to be interesting.

Anger darkened Feyn's eyes as she stood."I was just trying to help."She muttered turning to go, before tilting her head a little."And I am sure he is wishing he was there with you.If...if france was any safer he'd let you go.But its not."Feyn uttered pain in her eyes because she knew what the girl hadn't said. WAling back she smiled a little."Dinner's done. she'll be out in a moment."She said leaning back in her chair.

In awhile Feyn said leaning back in her chair with a contented smile, full but wanting cake. Smiling at Evangeline she tilted her head."Thank you Evangeline."She muttered softly as the girl brought out dessert.

Draco swallowed glancing towards the door at the sound of footsteps, his stomach in knots as he watched the dark lord come in. Bowing his head a little at the man he smiled,"My lord, welcome.You choose the most perfect inght, mother has german chocolate cake for us." Scorpius stared at his plate hard, refusing to look at anyone,determined to not look at evangeline, because he wasn't sure he ould keep in control of himself if he did. He was going to lose his temper it hurt him to see her like this.
Evangeline nodded, her cheeks raw from tears, as she began to serve out the cake. When Voldemort walked in, she bowed a little, then moved to go get some scotch for everyone. Voldemort walked in and sat in the sitting area with everyone, taking an arm chair and grinning. "Ah, well, Cissy makes a lovely german chocolate cake," he murmured, pleased to see everyone in place and the mudblood put in her place. His chair was positioned between Draco and Lucius, while Narcissa sat on a couch with Bellatrix and the teens sat on another couch.

Surprisingly, Voldemort didn't look irritated at a Weasley sitting across from him. He saw Hugo being a tutor the perfect thing; he was being useful, atleast, and when Feyn and Scorpius were done with him, he'd make a fine butler at his home... Ah, yes, he could see that. No need to ruin him to early. Let him keep a little bit of his pride for a while before taking it all away... That would be incredibly satisfying.

Glancing up as Evangeline entered the room with scotch, he watched her move around the room. When she made her way to Draco, she gave him a pleading look... Silently telling him to improvise and do whatever he thought necessary to make Voldemort think she was being used properly. She needed to stay alive, and in turn, keep her father alive. She could care less at the moment how humiliated she was. Her fear over rode that.

"Ah, that uniform is so fitting!" Voldemort said, grinning at Evangeline. "I'm truly surprised you had it in you, Draco, but I like it... I'm assuming you have started to training the little whore for your pleasures? She's got the perfect mouth on her... Perfect for using." His eyes turned dark and cruel as she watched the girl move around the room, not noticing the way Scorpius was avoiding looking at her, not noticing how Hugo was clenching his fists in order to not have another outburst...
"So she does."Lucius said looking amsed as he ate some cake, leaning back in his chair as he watched them all. Looking amused because he knew Draco, knew his son would be relucant, nno matter what he said.

Draco swallowed hard looking evangeline as she served the cake, glancing at his own son he felt sick as he realized that his son was struggling to be calm before smirking a little as he reached out and tugged her into his lap as she finished serving cake, leaning back in his chair he absently stroked her thigh as he looked at the dark lord. "I have. She does make waking up in the morning easier. Espicially with my own wife busy doing other things."

Feyn swallowed hard as she shuddered, actually all three teens seemed to be having trouble staying calm, even if she knew her uncle hadn't done anything yet, seh knew that it was only a matter of time.Tilting her head a little she looked curious, though cruelly amused herself."Why is it all death eaters seem obsessed with blow jobs?They're not that nice."She mused glancing at Hugo, giving him something else to concentrate on, determined to make sure none of them lost their tempers. "Well, its easier to force someone to their knees, then flat on their backs."scorpius mused, looking relieved for something to think of, and anger flairing through his eyes at the thought of mckinze. now there, was someone he could be angry with without getting them all hurt for it.
Evangeline slid into Draco's lap, leaning against him with a blush on her face. She shivered when she felt his hand rubbing her thigh, and deciding that she needed to play the part of a wanton whore (like Voldemort wanted to see) she took a deep breath and forced a smirk on her face. She licked her lip and looked down. "Thank you, Master," she purred, looking as if she lived to be in his lap. Her legs spread a little, going completely submissive and open to whatever he desired. On the inside, she just wished all of this would be over soon. Voldemort chuckled a bit. "Master. I like that, Draco. It's a nice touch..." he murmured, taking a bit of his cake and a swig of his scotch. At Feyn's words, he turned to her and arched an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, being on the receiving end of oral sex is much more... pleasurable," he murmured, not at all effected by her little outburst. In fact, he found the teens amusing. Turning to Lucius, he cocked an eyebrow. "Your granddaughter is a virgin, correct? You know how I feel about pure blood girls opening their legs to anyone. It taints them." He curled his lips in a bit of disgust. "Leave the whore tricks to the little mudblood over there... I'm sure she will spend plenty of her time on her knees, and she should enjoy it too. Not every mudblood gets the honor of servicing such a high-standing pureblood wizard. Of course, she needs to be sterilized. You need to get that take care of Draco."

Narcissa blushed a bit, reaching over to pat her husband's hand. "Oh, Feyn is very pure and innocent, as she will be until her wedding day." At the sound of that, Hugo nearly vomited. Oh, fuck. What if they check before she's married? What if they figured out that he took her virginity.

When Evangeline heard that she was going to have to be sterilized, she froze in Draco's lap. Surely... No. No, he wouldn't do that to her. That's beyond cruel... She swallowed hard, trying to keep her act going until she was alone with him.
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